Far Reviewer
Far Reviewer
Far Reviewer
PAS 1 prescribes the basis for the Assets and liabilities should be
presentation of general-purpose financial separately classified on the face of the
statements to improve comparability both balance sheet except in circumstances
with the entity's financial statements of when a liquiditybased (unclassified)
previous periods (intra-comparability) and presentation provides more reliable and
with the financial statements of other relevant information.
entities (inter-comparability).
Minimum line items in the statement of
Complete set of financial statements financial position
1. Statement of financial position a. Property, plant and equipment;
2. Statement of profit or loss and other b. Investment property;
comprehensive income c. Intangible assets;
3. Statement of changes in equity d. Financial assets (excluding amounts
4. Statement of cash flows shown under (e), (h) and (i))
5. Notes(5a) comparative information in e. Investments accounted for using the
respect of the preceding period; and equity method
6. Additional statement of financial f. Biological assets;g. Inventories;
position (required only when certain h. Trade and other receivables;i. Cash
instances occur) and cash equivalents;
j. Assets (or disposal groups) classified
Statement of Financial Position (Balance as
Sheet) – a formal statement showing the held for sale in accordance
resources (assets), obligations (liabilities), k. Trade and other payables;
and equity at a given point in time. l. Provisions;
Elements of the Statement of Financial m. Financial liabilities (excluding
Position (Balance Sheet) amounts shown under (k) and (l));
• Assets – resources by the entity as n. Liabilities and assets for current tax,
controlled a result of past events as defined in PAS 12 Income Taxes;
from which future economic benefits o. Deferred tax liabilities and deferred
are expected to flow to the entity. tax assets, as defined in PAS 12
• Liabilities – present obligations of an p. Liabilities included in disposal groups
entity arising from past events, the classified as held for sale in
settlement of which are expected to accordance with PFRS 5;
result in an outflow from the entity q. Non-controlling interests, presented
of resources embodying economic within equity; and
benefits. r. Issued capital and reserves
• Equity – the owner’s residual interest attributable
in the assets of an entity that to owners of the parent
remains after deducting its liabilities.
Recognition of Assets and Liabilities: An entity shall classify an asset as
Assets – are recognized in the balance current when:
sheet when it is probable that future 1. it expects to realize the asset or
economic benefits will flow to the entity intends to sell or consume it, in its
and the asset has a cost or value that can normal operating cycle;
be measured reliably. 2. it holds the asset primarily for the
purpose of trading;
Liabilities – are recognized in the balance 3. it expects to realize the asset within
sheet when it is probable that an outflow of twelve months after the reporting
resources embodying economic benefits will period; or
result from the settlement of a present 4. the asset is cash or a cash equivalent
obligation and the amount at which the unless the asset is restricted from
settlement will take place can be measured being exchanged or used to settle a
reliably. liability for at least twelve months
after the reporting period.
All other assets should be classified as non- b. Focuses on the preparation and
current asset. presentation of general purpose
reports known as financial
Presentation of Current Assets:
Current assets are usually listed in statements.
order of liquidity. The line items in the c. Has no precise coverage but is
current assets section are: used generally to refer to services
1. Cash and cash equivalents
to clients on matters of
accounting, finance,
2. Financial assets such as trading
business policies, organization
securities, AFS securities and
procedures, product costs,
other short term marketable
distribution and many other
phases of business conduct and
3. Trade and other receivables
4. Inventories
d. Is the preparation of annual
5. Prepaid expenses
income tax returns and
determination of tax
Noncurrent Assets – a residual definition,
consequences of certain proposed
meaning these are the assets that were
not classified as current asset. The business venture.
noncurrent assets include: PPE, long-term
3. Which is incorrect concerning
investments, intangible assets and other
financial statements?
noncurrent assets. investments, intangible
a. The objective of general purpose
assets and other noncurrent assets.
financial statements is to provide
information about the financial
Quizzer 1.1 position, performance and cash
1. Accounting is flows of an enterprise that is
I. A service activity and its function is useful to a wide range of users in
to provide quantitative making economic decisions.
information, primarily financial in b. b. Financial statements also
nature, about economic entities, show the results of
that is intended to be useful in management’s stewardship of
making economic decision. the resources entrusted to it.
II. The art of recording, classifying, c. The management of an
and summarizing in a significant enterprise has the primary
manner and in terms of money, responsibility for the preparation
transactions and events which are and presentation of financial
in part at least of a financial statements.
character and interpreting the
d. Financial statements are prepared and
results thereof.
presented at least annually and are directed
III. The process of identifying,
measuring and communicating toward the specific needs of a wide range of
economic information to users.
permit informed
judgment and decision by users of 4. Financial statements portray
the information. the financial effects of
a. I, II and III b. I only c. transactions and other events by
II grouping them into broad m
only d. III only classes according to
their economic characteristics.
2. Financial accounting These broad classes are termed as
a. Is the examination of financial the
statements by an independent a. Elements of financial statements
CPA for the purpose of b. Features of accounting
expressing an opinion as to the c. Accounting constraints
fairness of the financial d. Concepts of capital and capital
5. It is the process of incorporating in Company should report in its December
the balance sheet or income 31, 2023 financial position?
statement an item that meets the a. P20,500,000
definition of an element of financial b. 23,500,000
statements. a. Recognition c. 25,000,000
b. Allocation d. 25,500,000
c. Realization
d. Summarization
10. Metlog Inc. reported the following
6. It is the process of determining the items in its December 31, 2022
monetary amounts at which the adjusted trial balance:
elements are to be recognized and Accounts payable, net of P121,000 debit
carried in the balance sheet and balance, P1,089,000; customer’s account
income statement. with credit balance, P120,000; advances
a. Measurement to employees, P45,000; unearned
b. Recognition commission income P288,000; provision
c. Reporting for warranties, P258,000; bonds payable,
d. Interpreting P5,000,000; discount on bonds payable,
P250,000; and deferred gain P100,000.
7. Which is not a current asset? What total amount of liabilities should be
a. office supplies inventory reported by Metlog in its statement of
b. petty cash (undeposited) financial position?
c. cash short-term investment a. 6,626,000
17. Snow Company had the following 19. The following information is shown in the
transactions all through our the year accounting records of Brep Company:
2022 which is its first year of
43. This represents the value of 50. These users need accounting
inventories that have been sold during information in evaluating the stability
the accounting period. i. Interest of the business in so far as their job
Expense iii. Rent expense ii. Travel security, future remuneration, and
expense career growth and opportunities are
iv. Cost of sales concerned. c. Auditors
a. Employees
44. Your business sells goods to a credit b. Creditors
customer. Which of the following d. Regulatory authorities
accounts is increased? d. All of these
b. Cost of sales 51. A business incurs total expenses of
a. Accounts receivable ₱630,000 and reports loss of
c. Sales ₱270,000. How much is the total
45. The term ‘present obligation’ d. 360,000
connotes c. 380,000
A. liability a. 900,000
B. income b. 320,000
C. equity D. asset
52. This accounting process is the
46. These users need accounting recognition or nonrecognition
information in order to regulate of activities as accountable events. f.
businesses that are within the scope of Measuring
their legal authority. b. Creditors h. Reporting
c. Auditors g. Communicating
a. Employees e. Identifying
d. Government regulatory bodies or
agencies 53. Accrued revenues
d. Increase assets
47. Entity A had total assets, liabilities, a. Decrease assets
and equity of ₱150M, ₱90M and c. Decrease liabilities
₱60M, respectively, at the beginning of b. Increase liability
the period. During the period, Entity
A’s total liabilities decreased to ₱40M,
while its profit was ₱25M. There were no
other transactions or events that affected
equity during the period. How much is
Entity A’s ending total assets? d. ₱125M 54. The accounting standards that are
a. ₱75M currently used in the Philippines are
b. ₱115M referred to as the d. Juan’s GAAP.
c. ₱95M b. Philippine GAAP.
c. Filipino Accounting Standards
48. You opened up a business and (FAS).
invested ₱5M cash as the business’ a. Philippine Financial Reporting
initial capital. Which of the following Standards (PFRS).
accounts is increased and therefore
debited? 55. Which of the following relates to the
concept of consistency?
b. Owner’s equity
c. Measuring assets at their
a. Cash
acquisition cost.
d. Accounts receivable
d. Using the same accounting
c. Accounts payable
treatment for similar items from period to
49. Assets should be recognized
a. Treating the business as a
initially at original acquisition costs.
separate entity from its owner.
c. Time-period assumption
b. Recording sales revenue when a 62. Sales revenue minus sales
sale occurs rather than when the sale returns and allowances and sales
price is collected. discounts equals:
a. Gross margin
56. These accounts are closed at the c. Cost of goods sold
end of the accounting period. b. Mixed b. Income from operations
accounts d. Net sales
a. Real accounts
c. Nominal accounts 63. Real accounts are presented in
d. Door accounts what formal report? b. Balance sheet
d. Worksheet
57. The “Allowance for bad debts” a. Income statement
account is a contra account of c. c. Unadjusted trial balance
Accounts receivable.
d. Equipment 64. The usefulness of information is
b. Building. assessed in terms of its c.
a. Cash. timeliness.
58. It is an economic resource controlled b. verifiability.
by the entity that has resulted from past d. size.
events and has a potential to produce a. qualitative characteristics.
economic benefits. A. income
B. equity 65. Prepaid insurance is a(n)
C. liability D. asset d. Expense
b. Liability
59. The term liability refers to a. Asset
a. The equity of an owner only c. Revenue
c. The equity of an owner and/or
creditors 66. Which of the following is one of the
d. The equity of a debtor. fundamental qualitative
b. The equity of the creditors only characteristics?
a. Comparability
60. ABC Company reports the following d. Verifiability
cost information for b. Relevance
December:Cost of goods manufactured c. Timeliness
P135,800; Finished goods inventory,
December 1 67. What is the normal balance of
P30,200; Finished goods inventory, the sales returns account? a. debit
December 31 P35,300; Work-inprocess d. none of these
inventory December 1 P22,500; Work-in- b. credit
process inventory December 31, c. zero
PP18,500; Raw materials used P25, 300;
Period Costs P50,500. Direct labor 68. This account is used to record the
incurred in December amount to 150 temporary withdrawals of the owner
percent of manufacturing overhead in during the period.
December. What is the amount of direct a. Owner’s drawing
labor incurred by ABC Company in c. Owner’s equity
December? a. P75,200 d. Interest expense
c. P63,900 b. Owner’s capital
d. P49,250
b. P39,700 69. Which of the following is not an
61. A journal designed for entering d. Salaries
only sales on account is called the e. a. Cash
Cash receipts journal b. Furniture
h. General journal c. Equipment
g. Sales journal
f. Cash payments journal 70. What is the law regulating the
practice of accountancy in the
d. R.A. 9892 77. The business purchases
c. R.A. 9928 inventory on account (on credit). a.
b. R.A. 9118 Cash
a. R.A. 9298 c. Accounts payable
d. Prepaid supplies
71. Which of the following would result to b. Accounts receivable
total expenses of ₱480,000?
a. Total income of ₱360,000 and profit 78. Entity A had total assets of
₱120,000 ₱120M and total liabilities of ₱80M at
b. Total income of ₱580,000 and loss of the beginning of the period. If at the
₱100,000 end of the period, total assets
d. Total income of ₱630,000 and loss of increased by
₱150,000 ₱30M, while total liabilities remained
c. Total income of ₱630,000 and profit of the same, Entity A’s total equity at
₱150,000 the end of the period would be d.
72. Revenues earned from sales of c. ₱60M
goods are recorded in this account. a. a. ₱70M
Sales b. ₱90M
b. Service fees
c. Interest income 79. The business pays its employees
compensation for the services they
73. In conjunction with the transaction in have rendered during the period. c.
#9 above, which of the following Freight-out
accounts is also increased and a. Rent expense
therefore credited? d. Salaries expense
d. Accounts receivable b. Cost of sales or Cost of goods sold
a. Cash
b. Owner’s equity 80. At the beginning of the period, a
c. Accounts payable business has a cash balance of
₱20,000. During the period, total
74. This process refers to the reporting of cash collections and total cash
the information processed in the payments amounted to ₱100,000
accounting system to interested users. c. and ₱70,000, respectively. How
debiting. much is the ending balance of cash?
b. communicating. a. 10,000
a. journalizing. d. 70,000
d. videoing. c. 50,000
b. 30,000
The following trial balance of an entity on December 31, 2017 has been adjusted except for income tax expense.
Cash 6,000,000
Accounts receivable 14,000,000
Inventory 10,000,000
Property, plant and equipment 25,000,000
Accounts payable 9,000,000
Income tax payable 6,000,000
Preference share capital 3,000,000
Ordinary share capital 15,000,000
Share premium 4,000,000
Retained earnings – January 1 9,000,000
Net sales and other revenue 80,000,000
Cost of goods sold 48,000,000
Expenses 12,000,000
Income tax expense 11,000,000 __________
126,000,000 126,000,000
During the year, estimated tax payments of P5,000,000 were charged to income tax expense. The tax rate is 30% on all
types of revenue. Inventory and accounts payable included goods purchased in transit, FOB destination, costing
P500,000, and unsold goods held on consignment at year-end, costing P300,000. The perpetual system is used. The
preference share capital is redeemable mandatorily on December 31, 2018.
a. 29,200,000
b. 29,700,000
c. 29,500,000
d. 30,000,000
a. 14,200,000
b. 17,200,000
c. 12,200,000
d. 9,200,000
a. 20,000,000
b. 14,000,000
c. 23,000,000
d. 9,000,000
4. What amount should be reported as total shareholders’ equity on December 31, 2017?
a. 40,000,000
b. 37,000,000
c. 45,000,000
d. 42,000,000
Page 2
Question 1 Answer A
Cash 6,000,000
Question 2 Answer C
Expenses ( 12,000,000)
Question 3 Answer B
Question 4 Answer D
Cash 500,000
Accounts receivable 2,500,000
Inventory 2,000,000
Prepaid expenses 100,000
Total current assets 5,100,000
Cash on hand including customer postdated check of P20,000 and employee IOU of
P10,000 130,000
Cash in bank per bank statement (outstanding checks on December 31, 2017,
P70,000) 370,000
Total cash 500,000
Sale price of goods invoiced to customers at 150% of cost on December 29, 2017 but delivered on January 5,
2018 and excluded from reported inventory 750,000
Total accounts receivable 2,500,000
a. 500,000
b. 470,000
c. 430,000
d. 400,000
a. 1,970,000
b. 1,820,000
c. 1,800,000
d. 1,950,000
a. 2,000,000
b. 2,375,000
c. 2,500,000
d. 2,750,000
a. 4,900,000
b. 4,830,000
c. 4,780,000
d. 4,630,000
Page 4
Question 1 Answer D
Question 2 Answer B
Question 3 Answer C
Question 4 Answer B
Cash 400,000
Inventory 2,500,000
a. 3,100,000
b. 2,300,000
c. 1,800,000
d. 2,900,000
2. What net amount should recognized in other comprehensive income for the year?
a. 2,600,000
b. 3,100,000
c. 3,400,000
d. 800,000
3. What net amount in OCI should be presented as “may not be recycled to profit or loss?
a. 3,400,000
b. 2,700,000
c. 3,700,000
d. 3,100,000
a. 2,900,000
b. 2,300,000
c. 3,100,000
d. 2,400,000
a. 5,500,000
b. 2,900,000
c. 2,600,000
d. 6,100,000
Page 6
Question 1 Answer B
Question 2 Answer A
Question 3 Answer D
Unrealized gain on equity investment at FVOCI 900,000
Question 4 Answer A
Question 5 Answer A
Page 7
An entity acquired 40% of another entity’s shares on January 1, 2017 for P15,000,000. The investee’s assets and
liabilities at that date were as follows:
The plant and equipment have a 10-year remaining useful life. The inventory was all sold in 2017. The entity
sold the land in 2018 for P8,000,000 and reported a gain of P2,500,000.
The investee reported net income of P3,000,000 for 2017 and P5,000,000 for 2018. The investee paid
P1,000,000 cash dividend on December 31, 2017 and P2,000,000 on December 31, 2018.
a. 200,000
b. 600,000
c. 800,000
d. 400,000
a. 880,000
b. 480,000
c. 400,000
d. 580,000
a. 1,080,000
b. 2,280,000
c. 1,680,000
d. 2,880,000
4. What is the carrying amount of the investment in associate on December 31, 2018?
a. 15,360,000
b. 15,000,000
c. 16,560,000
d. 13,800,000
Page 8
Question 1 Answer B
Cash 1,000,000
Accounts receivable 4,000,000
Inventory 8,000,000
Land 5,500,000
Liabilities ( 7,000,000)
Question 2 Answer B
Question 3 Answer A
Question 4 Answer A
Cash dividend for 2018 (40% 2,000,000) ( 800,000) Carrying amount – December 31, 2018
15,360,000 Page 9
An entity purchased P5,000,000 of 8%, 5-year bonds on January 1, 2017 with interest payable on June 30 and
December 31. The bonds were purchased for P5,100,000 plus transaction cost of P108,000 at an effective
interest rate of 7%.
The business model for this investment is to collect contractual cash flows and sell the bonds in the open
market. On December 31, 2017, the bonds were quoted at 106.
a. 400,000
b. 200,000
c. 364,560
d. 363,940
2. What is the adjusted carrying amount of the investment on December 31, 2017?
a. 5,300,000
b. 5,171,940
c. 5,174,560
d. 5,000,000
3. What amount should be recognized in OCI in the statement of comprehensive income for 2017?
a. 300,000
b. 125,440
c. 128,060
d. 92,000
4. If the entity elected the fair value option, what total amount of income should be recognized for 2017?
a. 400,000
b. 492,000
c. 600,000
d. 200,000
Question 1 Answer D
Question 2 Answer A
Question 3 Answer C
Question 4 Answer C
Page 11
Land 4,000,000
Buildings 20,000,000
* A plant facility consisting of land and building was acquired in exchange for 200,000 shares of the entity.
On the acquisition date, each share had a quoted price of P45 on a stock exchange. The plant facility was
carried on the seller’s books at P1,600,000 for land and P5,400,000 for the building at the exchange date.
Current appraised values for the land and the building, respectively, are P2,000,000 and P8,000,000. The
building has an expected life of forty years with a P200,000 residual value.
* Items of machinery and equipment were purchased at a total cost of P4,000,000. Additional costs incurred
were freight and unloading P100,000 and installation P300,000. The equipment has a useful life of ten years
with no residual value.
* Expenditures totaling P1,200,000 were made for new parking lot, street and sidewalk at the entity’s various
plant locations. These expenditures had an estimated useful life of fifteen years.
* A machine was sold for P500,000 on July 1, 2017. Original cost of the machine sold was P700,000 on
January 1, 2014, and it was depreciated on the straight line basis over an estimated useful life of eight years
and a residual value of P50,000.
Question 1 Answer A
Quoted price of shares issued for land and building (200,000 x P45) 9,000,000
Land 2,000,000
Building 8,000,000
Total 10,000,000
The total cost of the land and building is equal to the quoted price of the shares which is allocated prorata to
the land and building based on the current appraised value.
Question 2 Answer D
Question 3 Answer C
Question 4 Answer B
An entity had the following financial statement elements for which the December 31, 2017 carrying amount is
different from the December 31, 2017 tax basis:
The difference between the carrying amount and tax basis of the equipment is due to accelerated depreciation
for tax purposes.
The accrued liability is the estimated health care cost that was recognized as expense in 2017 but deductible
for tax purposes when actually paid.
In January 2017, the entity incurred P3,000,000 of computer software cost. Considering the technical feasibility
of the project, this cost was capitalized and amortized over 3 years for accounting purposes. However, the
total amount was expensed in 2017 for tax purposes.
The pretax accounting income for 2017 is P15,000,000. The income tax rate is 30% and there are no deferred
taxes on January 1, 2017.
a. 5,400,000
b. 3,600,000
c. 3,300,000
d. 5,700,000
a. 4,500,000
b. 4,950,000
c. 4,050,000
d. 3,900,000
3. What amount should be reported as deferred tax liability on December 31, 2017?
a. 1,050,000
b. 1,200,000
c. 900,000
d. 150,000
4. What amount should be reported as deferred tax asset on December 31, 2017?
a. 750,000
b. 600,000
c. 150,000
d. 0
Question 1 Answer B
Question 2 Answer A
Question 3 Answer A
Question 4 Answer C
a. 2,245,000
b. 1,905,000
c. 2,525,000
d. 1,750,000
a. 200,000
b. 100,000
c. 300,000
d. 400,000
a. 5,550,000
b. 5,075,000
c. 5,775,000
d. 5,975,000
a. 4,480,000
b. 4,230,000
c. 4,300,000
d. 4,050,000
a. 1,745,000
b. 1,750,000
c. 1,045,000
d. 700,000
Page 16
Question 1 Answer A
Question 2 Answer C
Question 3 Answer D
PBO – January 1 3,500,000
Question 4 Answer B
Question 5 Answer A
Page 17
An entity is a dealer in equipment and uses leases to facilitate the sale of its product. The entity expects a
12% return. At the end of the lease term, the equipment will revert to the lessor.
On January 1, 2017, an equipment is leased to a lessee with the following information:
a. 7,800,000
b. 7,200,000
c. 6,600,000
d. 6,900,000
a. 5,004,000
b. 5,244,000
c. 5,500,000
d. 5,740,000
a. 600,480
b. 492,480
c. 536,760
d. 521,280
5. What amount of cost of goods sold should be recognized in recording the lease?
a. 3,260,000
b. 3,500,000
c. 3,740,000
d. 3,460,000
Page 18
Question 1 Answer A
Question 2 Answer B
Question 3 Answer C
Question 4 Answer D
Question 5 Answer D
The preference share capital is 10% cumulative and convertible into 100,000 ordinary shares. Dividends
on preference shares are in arrears for two years.
The 12% bonds are convertible into 80 ordinary shares for each P1,000 bond.
Unexercised share options to purchase 90,000 ordinary shares at P20 per share were outstanding at the
beginning and ending of 2017. The average market price of the ordinary share was P30 per share and
the market price on December 31, 2017 was P40 per share.
a. 6.02
b. 5.26
c. 5.72
d. 5.42
2. What is the total number of potentially dilutive ordinary shares at the beginning of year?
a. 530,000
b. 500,000
c. 590,000
d. 560,000
Page 20
Question 1 Answer C
Question 2 Answer A
Question 3 Answer C
Incremental EPS on Preference shares (250,000 / 100,000)
Page 21
1. An entity provided the following increases (decreases) in the statement of financial position
• Building costing P600,000 and with carrying amount of P350,000 was sold for P350,000.
• A long-term investment was sold for P135,000. There were no other transactions affecting long-
term investment.
a. 1,160,000
b. 1,040,000
c. 920,000
d. 705,000
a. 1,005,000
b. 1,190,000
c. 1,275,000
d. 1,600,000
a. 205,000
b. 150,000
c. 45,000
d. 20,000
Page 22
Question 1 Answer C
Depreciation 250,000
Question 2 Answer A
Question 3 Answer A
Page 23
• Total sales were P12,000,000 for 2018 and P11,000,000 for 2017. Cash sales were 20% of total
sales each year. Cost of goods sold was P8,400,000 for 2018.
• Variable expenses for 2018 amounted to P1,200,000 and varied in proportion to sales. Variable
expenses had been paid 50% in the year incurred and 50% the following year.
• Fixed expenses, including P350,000 depreciation and P50,000 bad debt expense, totaled
P1,000,000 each year. Eighty percent of fixed expenses involving cash were paid in the year
incurred and 20% the following year. Each year there was a P50,000 bad debt estimate and a
P50,000 writeoff.
a. 12,010,000
b. 12,060,000
c. 11,960,000
d. 11,890,000
a. 9,800,000
b. 8,300,000
c. 8,500,000
d. 8,400,000
a. 8,500,000
b. 8,270,000
c. 8,300,000
d. 8,200,000
4. What amount of cash was disbursed for variable expenses during 2018?
a. 1,150,000
b. 1,200,000
c. 1,100,000
d. 600,000
5. What amount of cash was disbursed for fixed expenses during 2018?
a. 500,000
b. 650,000
c. 600,000
d. 500,000
Page 24
Question 1 Answer A
Question 2 Answer B
Question 3 Answer B
Question 4 Answer A
2. In computing the earnings per share of common stock, noncumulative preferred dividends not declared
should be
a. deducted from the net income for the year.
b. added to the net income for the year.
c. ignored.
d. deducted from the net income for the year, net of tax.
3. Which earnings per share computation should be reported on the face of the income statement?
4. When computing earnings per share on common stock, dividends on cumulative, nonconvertible
preferred stock should be
a. deducted from net income only if the dividends were declared or paid in the current period.
b. deducted from net income regardless of whether the dividends were not paid or declared
in the period.
c. deducted from net income only if net income is greater than the dividends. d. ignored.
5. In calculating diluted earnings per share, which of the following should not be considered?
a. The weighted average number of common shares outstanding
b. The amount of dividends declared on cumulative preferred shares
c. The amount of cash dividends declared on common shares
d. The number of common shares resulting from the assumed conversion of debentures
6. What is the correct treatment of a stock dividend issued in mid year when computing the
weightedaverage number of common shares outstanding for earnings per share purposes?
a. The stock dividend should be weighted by the length of time that the additional number of
shares are outstanding during the period.
b. The stock dividend should be included in the weighted-average number of common shares
outstanding only if the additional shares result in a decrease of 3 percent or more in earnings
per share.
c. The stock dividend should be weighted as if the additional shares were issued at the
beginning of the year.
d. The stock dividend should be ignored since no additional capital was received.
7. The EPS computation that is forward-looking and based on assumptions about future transactions is a.
diluted EPS.
b. basic EPS.
c. continuing operations EPS.
d. extraordinary EPS.
9. Of the following, select the incorrect statement concerning earnings per share.
a. During periods when all income is paid out as dividends, earnings per share and dividends per
share under a simple capital structure would be identical.
b. Under a simple capital structure, no adjustment to shares outstanding is necessary for a
stock split on the last day of the fiscal period.
c. During a period, changes in stock issued or reacquired by a company may affect earnings per
d. During a loss period, the amount of loss attributed to each share of common stock should be
10. In applying the treasury stock method of computing diluted earnings per share, when is it appropriate to
use the average market price of common stock during the year as the assumed repurchase price? a.
b. Never
c. When the average market price is higher than the exercise price
d. When the average market price is lower than the exercise price
11. Earnings per share information should be reported for all of the following except a. continuing
b. extraordinary gain.
c. net income.
d. cash flows from operating activities.
12. When using the if-converted method to compute diluted earnings per share, convertible securities
should be
a. included only if antidilutive.
b. included only if dilutive.
c. included whether dilutive or not.
d. not included.
13. The if-converted method of computing EPS data assumes conversion of convertible securities at the
a. beginning of the earliest period reported (or at time of issuance, if later).
b. beginning of the earliest period reported (regardless of time of issuance).
c. middle of the earliest period reported (regardless of time of issuance).
d. ending of the earliest period reported (regardless of time of issuance).
14. According to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of an
Enterprise and Related Information," how do firms identify reportable segments? a. By geographic
b. By product lines
c. By industry classification
d. By designations used inside the firm
15. On February 1, Shoemaker Corporation entered into a firm commitment to purchase specialized
equipment from the Okazaki Trading Company for ¥80,000,000 on April 1. Shoemaker would like to
reduce the exchange rate risk that could increase the cost of the equipment in U.S. dollars by April 1, but
Shoemaker is not sure which direction the exchange rate may move. What type of contract would
protect Shoemaker from an unfavorable movement in the exchange rate while allowing them to benefit
from a favorable movement in the exchange rate? a. Interest rate swap
b. Forward contract
c. Call option
d. Put option
16. Which of the following tests may be used to determine if an industry segment of an enterprise is a
reportable segment under FASB Statement No. 131?
a. Its revenue (both from external customers and internal segments) is equal to or greater
than 10 percent of total revenue (external and internal).
b. The absolute value of its operating profit is equal to or greater than 10 percent of the total of
the operating profit for all segments that reported profits (or the total of the losses for all
segments that reported losses).
c. The segment contains 10 percent or more of the combined assets of all operating segments.
d. All of the above.
17. In considering interim financial reporting, how does APB Opinion No. 28 conclude that such reporting
should be viewed?
a. As reporting for a basic accounting period
b. As useful only if activity is evenly spread throughout the year so that estimates are
c. As a "special" type of reporting that need not follow generally accepted accounting principles
d. As reporting for an integral part of an annual period
18. A company enters into a futures contract with the intent of hedging an account payable of DM400,000
due on December 31. The contract requires that if the U.S. dollar value of DM400,000 is greater than
$200,000 on December 31, the company will be required to pay the difference. Alternatively, if the U.S.
dollar value is less than $200,000, the company will receive the difference. Which of the following
statements is correct regarding this contract?
a. The Deutsche mark futures contract effectively hedges against the effect of exchange rate
changes on the U.S. dollar value of the Deutsche mark payable.
b. The futures contract is a contract to buy Deutsche marks at a fixed price.
c. The futures contract is a contract to sell Deutsche marks at a fixed price.
d. The contract obligates the company to pay if the value of the U.S. dollar increases.
19. A company enters into a futures contract with the intent of hedging an expected purchase of some
equipment from a German company for DM400,000 on December 31. The contract requires that if the
U.S. dollar value of DM800,000 is greater than $400,000 on December 31, the company will receive the
difference. Alternatively, if the U.S. dollar value is less than $400,000, the company will pay the
difference. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this contract?
a. The Deutsche mark futures contract effectively hedges against the effect of exchange rate
changes on the U.S. dollar value of the Deutsche mark commitment.
b. The futures contract exceeds the amount of the commitment and thus hedges movements in
the Deutsche mark exchange rate.
c. The futures contract is a contract to sell Deutsche marks at a fixed price.
d. The extra DM400,000 would be accounted for as a speculative investment.
20. A company enters into an interest rate swap in order to hedge a $5,000,000 variable-rate loan. The loan
is expected to be fully repaid this year on June 10. The contract requires that if the interest rate on April
30 of next year is greater than 11%, the company receives the difference on a principal amount of
$5,000,000. Alternatively, if the interest rate is less than 11%, the company must pay the difference.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding this contract?
Hall, Inc., enters into a call option contract with Bennett Investment Co. on January 2, 2008. This
contract gives Hall the option to purchase 1,000 shares of WSM stock at $100 per share. The option
expires on April 30, 2008. WSM shares are trading at $100 per share on January 2, 2008, at which time
Hall pays $100 for the call option.
22. Assume that the price of the WSM shares has risen to $120 per share on March 31, 2008, and the Hall is
preparing financial statements for the quarter ending March 31. As regards this option, Hall, Inc., would
report which of the following? a. A $20,000 realized gain.
b. A $20,000 unrealized gain.
c. A deferred gain of $19,900.
d. Nothing would be reported in the financial statements or the notes thereto.
25. Hall, Inc., enters into a call option contract with Bennett Investment Co. on January 2, 2008. This contract
gives Hall the option to purchase 1,000 shares of WSM stock at $100 per share. The option expires on
April 30, 2008. WSM shares are trading at $100 per share on January 2, 2008, at which time Hall pays
$100 for the call option. Assume that the price per share of WSM stock is $120 on April 30, 2008, and
that the time value of the option has not changed. In order to settle the option contract, Hall, Inc., would
most likely
a. pay Bennett Investment $20,000.
b. purchase the shares of WSM at $100 per share and sell the shares at $120 per share to
c. receive $20,000 from Bennett Investment.
d. receive $400 from Bennett Investment.
26.Wolverine Corporation purchased a machine for $132,000 on January 1, 2005, and depreciated it by the
straight-line method using an estimated useful life of eight years with no salvage value. On January 1,
2008, Wolverine determined that the machine had a useful life of six years from the date of acquisition
and will have a salvage value of $12,000. A change in estimate was made in 2008 to reflect these
additional data. What amount should Wolverine record as the balance of the accumulated depreciation
account for this machine at December 31, 2008? a. $73,000
b. $77,000
c. $320,000
d. $352,000
27. Barker, Inc. receives subscription payments for annual (one year) subscriptions to its magazine.
Payments are recorded as revenue when received. Amounts received but unearned at the end of each of
the last three years are shown below:
Barker failed to record the unearned revenues in each of the three years. As a result of the omission,
2008 income was
a. overstated by $146,000.
b. understated by $146,000.
c. understated by $26,000.
d. overstated by $26,000.
28. Barker, Inc. receives subscription payments for annual (one year) subscriptions to its magazine.
Payments are recorded as revenue when received. Amounts received but unearned at the end of each of
the last three years are shown below.
2006 2007 2008
Unearned revenues ............. $120,000 $150,000 $176,000
Barker failed to record the unearned revenues in each of the three years. The entry needed to correct
the above errors is
29. Koppell Co. made the following errors in counting its year-end physical inventories:
b. overstated by $198,000.
c. overstated by $18,000.
d. understated by $198,000.
30. Badger Corporation purchased a machine for $150,000 on January 1, 2007. Badger will depreciate the
machine using the straight-line method using a five-year period with no residual value. As a result of an
error in its purchasing records, Badger did not recognize any depreciation for the machine in its 2007
financial statements. Badger discovered the problem during the preparation of its 2008 financial
statements. What amount should Badger record for depreciation expense on this machine for 2008? a.
b. $30,000
c. $37,500
d. $60,000
31. Koppell Co. made the following errors in counting its year-end physical inventories:
32. On December 31, 2008, Prince Company appropriately changed to the FIFO cost method from the
weighted-average cost method for financial statement and income tax purposes. The change will result
in a $700,000 increase in the beginning inventory at January 1, 2008. Assuming a 40 percent income tax
rate and that no comparative financial statements for prior years are reported, the cumulative effect of
this accounting change reported for the year ended December 31, 2008, is a. $700,000.
b. $350,000.
c. $420,000.
d. $280,000.
33. On January 2, 2006, McKell Company acquired machinery at a cost of $640,000. This machinery was
being depreciated by the double-declining-balance method over an estimated useful life of eight years,
with no residual value. At the beginning of 2008, McKell decided to change to the straight-line method
of depreciation. Ignoring income tax considerations, the cumulative effect of this accounting change is a.
b. $120,000.
c. $130,000.
d. $280,000.
34. On January 1, 2005, Grayson Company purchased for $240,000 a machine with a useful life of ten years
and no salvage value. The machine was depreciated by the double-declining-balance method, and the
carrying amount of the machine was $153,600 on December 31, 2006. Grayson changed to the
straightline method on January 1, 2007. Grayson can justify the change. What should be the
depreciation expense on this machine for the year ended December 31, 2008? a. $15,360
b. $19,200
c. $24,000
d. $30,720
35. Tyson Company bought a machine on January 1, 2006, for $24,000, at which time it had an estimated
useful life of eight years, with no residual value. Straight-line depreciation is used for all of Tyson's
depreciable assets. On January 1, 2008, the machine's estimated useful life was determined to be only
six years from the acquisition date. Accordingly, the appropriate accounting change was made in 2008.
Tyson's income tax rate was 40 percent in all the affected years. In Tyson's 2005 financial statements,
how much should be reported as the cumulative effect on prior years because of the change in the
estimated useful life of the machine? a. $0
b. $1,200
c. $2,000
d. $2,800
36. On January 1, 2005, Carnival Shipping bought a machine for $1,500,000. At that time, this machine had
an estimated useful life of six years, with no salvage value. As a result of additional information, Carnival
determined on January 1, 2008, that the machine had an estimated useful life of eight years from the
date it was acquired, with no salvage value. Accordingly, the appropriate accounting change was made
in 2008. How much depreciation expense for this machine should Carnival record for the year ended
December 31, 2008, assuming Carnival uses the straight-line method of depreciation? a. $125,000
b. $150,000
c. $187,500
d. $250,000
37. Coombs, Inc. is a calendar-year corporation whose financial statements for 2007 and 2008 included
errors as follows:
Ending Depreciation
Assume that purchases were recorded correctly and that no correcting entries were made at December
31, 2007, or December 31, 2008. Ignoring income taxes, by how much should Coombs' retained
earnings be retroactively adjusted at January 1, 2009? a. $27,000 increase
b. $27,000 decrease
c. $7,000 decrease
d. $3,000 decrease
38. A change from an accelerated depreciation method to the straight-line depreciation method should be
accounted for as a
a. change in accounting estimate.
b. change in accounting estimate effected by a change in accounting principle. c.
correction of an error.
d. a prior period adjustment.
41. Which of the following would not be accounted for as a change in accounting principle?
a. Change from the first-in, first-out method to the last-in, first-out method of inventory
b. Change from the last-in, first-out method to the first-in, first-out method of inventory
c. Change from completed-contract accounting to percentage-of-completion
d. Change from straight-line method to accelerated method of depreciation
42. In 2008, a company changed from the FIFO method of accounting for inventory to LIFO. The company;s
2007 and 2008 comparative financial statements will reflect which method or methods?
2007 2008
d. LIFO either LIFO or FIFO
43. In 2008, a company changed from the LIFO method of accounting for inventory to FIFO. The company’s
2007 and 2008 comparative financial statements will reflect which method or methods?
2007 2008 a.
d. LIFO either LIFO or FIFO
46. When a firm changed its method of accounting for inventory from LIFO to FIFO in 2008, it decided that
the 2008 financial statements should be shown comparatively with the 2007 results.
Which of the following statements concerning reporting the change in the retained earnings statement
is correct?
a. No direct change to retained earnings is needed since earnings for both years have been
adjusted to reflect the change.
b. Only the January 1, 2007, retained earnings balance is reported at a different amount to
reflect the effects of the change in earnings.
c. Only the January 1, 2008, retained earnings balance is reported at a different amount to
reflect the effects of the change in earnings.
d. Both the January 1, 2007, and January 1, 2008, retained earnings balances are reported
at different amounts to reflect the effects of the change in earnings before those
respective dates.
47. A change in the estimated useful life of a building
a. is not allowed by generally accepted accounting principles.
b. affects the depreciation on the building beginning with the year of the change.
c. must be handled as a retroactive adjustment to all accounts affected, back to the year of the
acquisition of the building.
d. creates a new account to be recognized on the income statement reflecting the difference in
net income up to the beginning of the year of the change.
48. Which of the following types of errors will not self-correct in the next year?
a. Accrued expenses not recognized at year-end
b. Accrued revenues that have not been collected not recognized at year-end
c. Depreciation expense overstated for the year
d. Prepaid expenses not recognized at year-end
49. On December 27, 2008, Johnson Company ordered merchandise for resale from Quantum, Inc., that cost
$7,000 (terms cash within 10 days). Quantum shipped the merchandise f.o.b. shipping point on
December 28, 2008, and the goods arrived on January 2, 2009. The invoice was received on December
30, 2008. Johnson Company did not record the purchase in 2008 and did not include the goods in ending
inventory. The effects on Johnson Company’s 2008 financial statements were
a. income and owners’ equity were correct; liabilities were incorrect, assets were correct.
b. income and owners’ equity were correct; assets and liabilities were incorrect.
c. income, assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity were correct.
d. income, assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity were incorrect.
52. Which of the following, if discovered by James Company in the accounting period subsequent to the
period of occurrence, requires the company to report the correction of an error?
a. The estimate of the useful life of a depreciable asset should have been revised.
b. A change from declining-balance depreciation method to straight-line method
c. Capitalization of an expense
d. Change in percentage of sales used for determining bad debt expense
53. BJ Company uses a periodic inventory system. If the company’s beginning inventory in the current year is
overstated, and that is the only error in the current year, then the company’s income for the current
year will be
a. understated and assets correct.
b. understated and assets overstated.
c. overstated and assets overstated.
d. understated and assets understated.
54. Which of the following is not an example of an accounting error, as distinguished from a change in
accounting principle or change in accounting estimate?
a. Misstatement of assets, liabilities, or owners’ equity
b. Incorrect classification of an expenditure as between expense and an asset
c. Failure to recognize accruals and deferrals
d. Recognition of a gain on disposal of fully depreciated property
55. The September 30, 2008, physical inventory of Baxter Corporation appropriately included $3,800 of
merchandise purchased on account that was not recorded in purchases until October 2008. What effect
will this error have on September 30, 2008, assets, liabilities, retained earnings, and earnings for the
year then ended, respectively?
a. Understate; no effect; overstate; overstate
b. No effect; overstate; understate; understate
c. No effect; understate; overstate; overstate
d. No effect; understate; understate; overstate
56. If, at the end of a period, Matthew Company erroneously excluded some goods from its ending
inventory and also erroneously did not record the purchase of these goods in its accounting records,
these errors would cause
a. no effect on the company’s net income, working capital, and retained earnings.
b. the company’s cost of goods available for sale, cost of goods sold, and net income to be
c. the company’s ending inventory, cost of goods available for sale, and retained earnings to
be understated.
d. the company’s ending inventory, cost of goods sold, and retained earnings to be
57. Justin Corporation uses a periodic inventory system and neglected to record a purchase of merchandise
on account at year-end. This merchandise was omitted from the year-end physical count. How will these
errors affect Justin’s assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity at year-end and net earnings for the
58. Ending inventory for 2006 is overstated by $4,000 due to a faulty count and costing. The tax rate is 30%.
Assume the same accounting methods for both financial reporting and taxes. The error is discovered late
in 2008. The 2008 annual report shows the financial statements for 2006, 2007, 2008 on a comparative
Which of the following is correct regarding the reporting of this error in the 2008 annual
report? a. A journal entry is made to report the prior period adjustment, and the 2006 2007
statements are shown corrected.
b. No journal entry is needed, and the 2006 and 2007 statements are shown as they were in
the 2007 annual report.
c. No journal entry is needed, and the 2006 and 2007 statements are shown corrected.
d. A journal entry is made to report the prior period adjustment, and the 2006 and 2007
statements are shown as they were in the 2007 annual report.
59. The ending inventory for Wattis Company was overstated by $6,000 in 2008. The overstatement will
cause Wattis Company’s
a. retained earnings to be understated on the 2008 balance sheet.
b. cost of goods sold to be understated on the 2009 income statement.
c. cost of goods sold to be overstated on the 2008 income statement.
d. 2009 balance sheet not to be misstated.
60. Which of the following would cause income of the current period to be understated?
a. Capitalizing research and development costs
b. Failure to recognize unearned rent revenue
c. Changing from LIFO to FIFO for merchandise inventory
d. Understating estimates of asset residual values
61. For a company with a periodic inventory system, which of the following would cause income to be
overstated in the period of occurrence? a. Overestimating bad debt expense
b. Understating beginning inventory
c. Overstated purchases
d. Understated ending inventory
62. Young Corporation decided to change its depreciation policy by (1) changing from double-
decliningbalance depreciation, and (2) changing the estimated useful life on all automobiles used in the
business from five years to four years.
A retailing firm changed from LIFO to FIFO in 2008. Inventory valuations for the two methods appear
1. The correct amount in the 2008 entry to record the accounting principle change
2. Whether the entry affects 2008 earnings or is recorded as an adjustment to retained earnings (RE)
3. The 2008 cost of goods sold
a. $4,000 RE $55,000
b. $7,000 RE $58,000
c. $4,000 Earnings $55,000
d. $7,000 Earnings $58,000
64. In the comparative 2007 and 2008 income statements, what amounts would be shown for cost of goods
2007 2008
a. $50,000 $58,000
b. $51,000 $55,000
c. $50,000 $55,000
d. $51,000 $58,000
65. In 2008, a company discovered that $10,000 of equipment purchased on January 1, 2005, was expensed
in full. The equipment has a ten-year life, no residual value, and should have been depreciated on the
straight-line basis. The error is corrected. As a result, the comparative 2007 and 2008 financial
statements will show what amounts as adjustments to the beginning balances of retained earnings
1/1/2007 1/1/2008
a. $7,000 $7,000
b. $8,000 $ -0-
c. $ -0- $7,000
d. $8,000 $7,000
66. A company mistakenly expensed a $100,000 machine purchased January 1, 2005. The machine has no
salvage value and is expected to provide benefits for five years. The error was discovered in 2008. The
company shows two years of comparative statements in its December 31 annual reports. In the
company’s 2007 and 2008 reports shown comparatively, what amounts would be shown as adjustments
to the respective retained earnings balances?
2007 2008
a. $60,000 $40,000
b. $ -0- $40,000
c. $60,000 $ -0-
d. $60,000 $20,000
67. Adams Company decides a the beginning of 2008 to adopt the FIFO method of inventory valuation. The
company had been using the LIFO method for financial and tax reporting since it inception on January 1,
2006. The profit-sharing agreement was in place for all years prior to the year of change, 2008.
Payments under this agreement are not an inventoriable cost.
Which of the following statements regarding the accounting for the profit-sharing agreement in
connection with the change from LIFO to FIFO is correct?
a. The effects of the change in accounting principle on the profit-sharing agreement must be
treated retrospectively.
68. Which of the following is not a justification for a change in depreciation methods?
a. A change in the estimated useful life of an asset as a result of unexpected obsolescence.
b. A change in the pattern of receiving the estimated future benefits from an asset.
c. To conform to the depreciation method prevalent in a particular industry.
d. A change in the estimated future benefits from the asset.
69. Western Company purchased some equipment on January 2, 2005, for $24,000. The company used
straight-line depreciation based on a ten-year estimated life with no residual value. During 2008,
management decided that this equipment could be used only three more years and then would be
replaced with a technologically superior model. What entry should the company make as of January 1,
2008, to reflect this change? a. No entry.
b. Debit a Prior Period Adjustment account for $4,800 and credit accumulated depreciation for $4,800.
c. Debit Retained Earnings for $4,800 and credit accumulated depreciation for $4,800.
d. Debit Depreciation Expense for $4,800 and credit Accumulated Depreciation for $4,800.
70. Draper Corp. leased a new building and land from Baylor Leasing Inc. for 25 years. At the inception of the
lease the building and land have fair market values of $200,000 and $25,000, respectively. The building
has an expected economic life of 30 years. Which of the following statements is correct regarding
Draper's treatment of the lease?
a. Draper should treat the lease as a capital lease even though there is no bargain
purchase option and no automatic transfer of ownership at the termination of the lease.
b. Draper should treat the lease as a capital lease only if there is either a bargain purchase
option or an automatic transfer of ownership at the termination of the lease.
c. Draper should treat the lease as a capital lease provided that the land and building are
recorded in separate asset accounts and accounted for separately.
d. Draper should treat the lease as a capital lease only if Baylor treats the transaction as a
leveraged lease.
72. If the residual value of a leased asset is greater than the amount guaranteed by the lessee
a. the lessee pays the lessor for the difference.
b. the lessee recognizes a gain at the end of the lease term.
c. the lessee has no obligation related to the residual value.
d. the lessee pays the lessor for the difference.
73. Which of the following is true regarding the lease term?
a. The lease term does not include all periods covered by bargain renewal options.
b. The lease term includes all periods for which failure to renew imposes a penalty
sufficiently high that the lessee probably will renew.
c. The lease term may extend beyond the date a bargain purchase option becomes
d. The lease term does not include all periods representing renewals or extensions of the
lease at the lessor's option.
74. From the standpoint of the lessee, the minimum lease payment includes all of the following except a.
the guaranteed residual value.
b. the lessee's obligation to pay executory costs.
c. the bargain purchase option.
d. any payment that the lessee must make upon failure to extend or renew the lease.
75. Which of the following is (are) not correct regarding disclosure requirements lessees?
I. For capital leases, future minimum lease payments in the aggregate and for each of
the succeeding five years must be disclosed.
II. For operating leases with initial or remaining lease terms in excess of one year, future
minimum rental payments in the aggregate and for each of the five succeeding fiscal
years must be disclosed.
III. For capital leases, future minimum lease payments for each of the succeeding five
years must be disclosed.
IV. For operating leases with initial or remaining lease terms in excess of one year, future
minimum lease payments for each of the five succeeding fiscal years must be
a. I only.
b. II only.
c. Both I and II.
d. Both III and IV.
77. In order for a lease to be considered a finance (or capital) lease, international accounting standards
require that a lease agreement
a. transfers substantially all risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset to the lessee.
b. contains a provision requiring transfer of title to the lessee by the end of the lease term.
c. provides that the term of the lease contract be longer than one year.
d. provides for a bargain purchase option.
78. State Repairs acquires equipment under a noncancelable lease at an annual rental of $45,000, payable in
advance for five years. After five years, there is a bargain purchase option of $75,000. The appropriate
interest rate is 12 percent. What is the total present value of the lease and the first year's interest
expense? a. $224,234 and $21,508
b. $224,234 and $26,908
c. $204,771 and $21,508
d. $204,771 and $19,173
79. Stockton, Inc. leased machinery with a fair value of $250,000 from Layton Machine Co. on December 31,
2008. The contract is a six-year noncancelable lease with an implicit interest rate of 10 percent. The
lease requires annual payments of $50,000 beginning December 31, 2008. Stockton appropriately
accounted for the lease as a capital lease. Stockton's incremental borrowing rate is 12 percent. Assuming
the present value of an annuity due of 1 for 6 years at 10 percent is 4.7908 and the present value of an
annuity due of 1 for 6 years at 12 percent is 4.6048, what is the lease liability that Stockton should report
on the balance sheet at December 31, 2008? a. $189,540
b. $200,000
c. $230,240
d. $239,540
80. Baxter Company leased equipment to Fritz Inc. on January 1, 2008. The lease is for an eight-year period
expiring December 31, 2015. The first of eight equal annual payments of $900,000 was made on January
1, 2005. Baxter had purchased the equipment on December 29, 2007, for $4,800,000. The lease is
appropriately accounted for as a sales-type lease by Baxter. Assume that the present value at January 1,
2008, of all rent payments over the lease term discounted at a 10 percent interest rate was $5,280,000.
What amount of interest revenue should Baxter record in 2009 (the second year of the lease period) as a
result of the lease? a. $490,000
b. $480,000
c. $438,000
d. $391,800
81. Jordan Co. leased a machine on December 31, 2008. Annual payments under the lease are $110,000
(which includes $10,000 annual executory costs) and are due on December 31 each year, for a ten-year
period. The first payment was made on December 31, 2008, and the second payment was made on
December 31, 2009. According to the agreement, the lease payments are discounted at 10 percent over
the lease term. Assume the present value of minimum lease payments at the inception of the lease and
before the first annual payment was $615,000 and Jordan appropriately classified the lease as a capital
lease. What is the lease liability Jordan should report in its December 31, 2009, balance sheet? a.
b. $515,000
c. $534,150
d. $576,500
82. Aerotech Inc., a dealer in machinery and equipment, leased equipment to Quality Products on July 1,
2008. The lease is appropriately accounted for as a sale by Aerotech and as a purchase by Quality. The
lease is for a ten-year period (the useful life of the asset) expiring June 30, 2018. The first of ten equal
annual payments of $250,000 was made on July 1, 2008. Aerotech had purchased the equipment for
$1,337,500 on January 1, 2008, and established a list selling price of $1,687,500 on the equipment.
Assume that the present value at July 1, 2008, of the rent payments over the lease term discounted at
12 percent (the appropriate interest rate) was $1,582,500. What is the amount of profit on the sale and
the amount of interest income that Aerotech should record for the year ended December 31, 2008? a.
$245,000 and $94,950
b. $245,000 and $79,950
c. $350,000 and $79,950
d. $350,000 and $94,950
83. On January 1, 2008, Shak, Inc. signed a noncancelable lease for a sneaker shining machine. The machine
has an estimated useful life of nine years. The term of the lease is a six-year term with title passing to
Shak at the end of the lease. The agreement called for annual payments of $40,000 starting at the end of
the first year. Assume aggregate lease payments were determined to have a present value of $200,000,
based on implicit interest of 12 percent. What amount of interest expense should Shak report in its 2008
income statement from this lease transaction? a. $0
b. $16,000
c. $24,000
d. $33,333
84. Epson Distributing leased a machine for a period of eight years, contracting to pay $200,000 at the
beginning of the lease term on December 31, 2008, and $200,000 annually on December 31 for each of
the next seven years. The present value of the eight rent payments over the lease term, appropriately
discounted at 10 percent, is $1,174,000. On its December 31, 2009, balance sheet, Epson should report a
liability under capital lease of a. $871,400.
b. $876,600.
c. $974,000.
d. $1,091,400.
85. Slice Company manufactures equipment that they sell or lease. On December 31, 2008, Slice leased
equipment to Hook Company for a five-year period after which ownership of the leased asset will be
transferred to Hook. The lease calls for equal annual payments of $50,000, due on December 31 of each
year. The first payment was made on December 31, 2008. The normal sales price of the equipment is
$220,000, and cost is $176,000. For the year ended December 31, 2008, what amount of income should
Slice report from the lease transaction? a. $10,000
b. $30,000
c. $44,000
d. $74,000
86. On March 1, 2008, Sturdy Corp. became the lessee of new equipment under a noncancelable six-year
lease. The total estimated economic life of this equipment is ten years. The fair value of this equipment
on March 1, 2008, was $100,000. The lease does not meet the criteria for classification as a capital lease
with respect to transfer of ownership of the leased asset, or bargain purchase option, or lease term.
Nevertheless, Sturdy must classify this lease as a capital lease if, at inception of the lease, the present
value of the minimum lease payments (excluding executory costs) is equal to at least a. $67,500.
b. $75,000.
c. $90,000.
d. $100,000.
87. On December 31, 2008, Gephardt Enterprises leased equipment from B & B Equipment Rental. Pertinent
lease transaction data are as follows:
• The estimated seven-year useful equipment life coincides with the lease term.
• The first of the seven equal annual $200,000 lease payments was paid on December 31, 2008.
• B & B's implicit interest rate of 12 percent is known to Gephardt.
• Gephardt's incremental borrowing rate is 14 percent.
• Present values of an annuity of 1 in advance for seven periods are 5.11 at 12 percent and
4.89 at 14 percent.
b. $1,022,000.
c. $978,000.
d. $0.
88. On January 1, 2008, Collins Company leased a warehouse to Cuthbert under an operating lease for ten
years at $80,000 per year, payable the first day of each lease year. Collins paid $36,000 to a real estate
broker as a finder's fee. The warehouse is depreciated at $20,000 per year. During 2008, Collins incurred
insurance and property tax expense totaling $15,000. Collins' net rental income for 2008 should be a.
b. $41,400.
c. $44,000.
d. $45,000.
89. On January 1, Twix Company as lessee signed a ten-year noncancelable lease for a machine with annual
payments of $60,000. The first payment was also made on January 1. Twix appropriately treated this
transaction as a capital lease. The ten lease payments have a present value of $405,000 at January 1,
based on implicit interest of 10 percent. For the first year, Twix should record interest expense of a. $0.
b. $6,000.
c. $34,500.
d. $40,500.
90. Hazard Inc. manufactures equipment that is sold or leased. On December 31, 2008, Hazard leased
equipment to Robards for a five-year period expiring December 31, 2013, at which date ownership of
the leased asset will be transferred to Robards. Equal $40,000 payments under the lease are due on
December 31 of each year. The first payment was made on December 31, 2008. Collectibility of the
remaining lease payments is reasonably assured, and Hazard has no material cost uncertainties. The
normal sales price of the equipment is $154,000 and cost is $120,000. For the year ended December 31,
2008, how much income should Hazard recognize from the lease transaction? a. $46,000
b. $40,000
c. $34,000
d. $28,000
91. On January 1, Gregory Company signed a ten-year noncancelable lease for a new machine, requiring
$40,000 annual payments at the beginning of each year. The machine has a useful life of 15 years, with
no salvage value. Title passes to Gregory at the lease expiration date. Gregory uses straight-line
depreciation for all of its plant assets. Aggregate lease payments have a present value on January 1 of
$252,000, based on an appropriate rate of interest. For the first year, Gregory should record
depreciation (amortization) expense for the leased machine at a. $40,000.
b. $25,200.
c. $16,800.
d. $14,133.
92. On December 1, 2008, Blake Inc. signed an operating lease for a warehouse for ten years at $24,000 per
year. Upon execution of the lease, Blake paid $48,000 covering rent for the first two years. How much
should be shown in Blake's income statement for the year ended December 31, 2008, as rent expense?
a. $0
b. $2,000
c. $24,000
d. $48,000
93. On December 31, 2008, Cooke Company leased a machine under a capital lease for a period of ten years,
contracting to pay $100,000 on signing the lease and $100,000 annually on December 31 of the next
nine years. The present value at December 31, 2008, of the ten lease payments over the lease term
discounted at 10 percent was $676,000. At December 31, 2009, Cooke's total capital lease liability is a.
b. $518,000.
c. $533,600.
d. $607,960.
94. In a lease that is recorded as an operating lease by the lessee, the equal monthly rental payments should
a. allocated between interest expense and depreciation expense.
b. allocated between a reduction of the liability for leased assets and interest expense.
c. recorded as a reduction in the liability for leased assets.
d. recorded as a rental expense.
95. In a lease that is recorded as a direct financing lease by the lessor, unearned revenue
a. should be amortized over the period of the lease using the interest method.
b. should be amortized over the period of the lease using the straight-line method. c.
does not arise.
d. should be recognized in full at the inception of the lease.
96. Generally accepted accounting principles require that certain lease agreements be accounted for as
purchases. The theoretical basis for this treatment is that a lease of this type
a. effectively conveys substantially all of the rights and risks incident to the ownership of the
b. is an example of form over substance.
c. provides the use of the lease asset to the lessee for a limited period of time.
d. must be recorded in accordance with the concept of cause and effect.
Marshall, Inc., leased equipment to Gadsby Company on January 1, 2008. The lease is for a five-year
period ending January 1, 2013. The first equal annual payment of $1,200,000 was made on January 1,
2008. The cash selling price of the equipment is $5,174,552, which is equal to the present value of the
lease payments at 8%. Marshall purchased the equipment for $4,300,000.
99. On January 1, 2008, Larsen Corporation sold a machine to Parson Corporation and simultaneously leased
it back for ten years. The following information is available regarding the lease:
How much profit should Larsen recognize on January 1, 2008, on the sale of the machine?
a. $0.
b. $37,211
c. $90,000
d. $37,500
100. On January 2, 2008, Boston Corporation entered into a 10-year noncancelable lease requiring year-end
payments of $60,000. The incremental borrowing rate for Boston is 10%. The lessor’s implicit rate (which
is known by Boston) is 12%. The lease contains no transfer of title or bargain purchase option provisions.
The leased property has an estimated economic life of 12 years. At what amount should the lease be
capitalized by Boston? a. $0
b. $339,012
c. $368,676
d. $600,000