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Basic Concept of The Project 2.1.1 Current Situation

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Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report




The main road under the jurisdiction of Department of Roads (DOR) in Nepal comprises national
highway, branch road and urban highway, which are in service as part of Strategic Road Network
(SRN). Known as the No.6 National Road, Sindhuli Road is one of the most important national
highways among them.
On April 25, 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in Nepal. Because the earthquake intensity
has exceeded the designed earthquake resistance standards, damaged by this earthquake, road
subsidence, cracks and slope failures have arisen at about 24 locations, though the road had been
properly maintained. After the earthquake, emergency rehabilitation work was conducted
preferentially on 12 damaged locations with the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA). Though the emergency rehabilitation work, such as waterproof measurement and detour
setting up have been taken to prevent hindrance to the traffic temporarily, the road may still be
blocked due to heavy rainfall which may induce erosion and road collapse. Therefore, a full-fledged
rehabilitation work is needed for permanent countermeasure.


The Thirteenth Plan (2013/14~2015/16) of the national development plan of Nepal has set the goal of
developing a safe and reliable transportation network with the social and economic development of
the whole country in mind. In the Fourteenth Plan (2016/17~2018/19), it still aims an expansion of a
sustainable and safe road network.
This project aims to contribute to the development of social economy by ensuring the traffic safety for
road users through carrying out the rehabilitation work of Sindhuli Road damaged by the earthquake
in 2015.


The outline of the project is shown in Table 2.1.1.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Table 2.1.1 General Outline of Countermeasures

Site Countermeasure Quantity
Ground anchors Ground anchor, 158 pieces
Crib works F500 A=1,270 m2, Shotcrete in the frame A= 860 m2
Crib works F300 A=1,060 m2, Shotcrete in the frame A= 710 m2
Rock bolts L=3 m/each, 300 pieces
Sta.17+400 Excavation works V=370 m3
Section II High intensity net, A=2,800 m2
High intensity net
Rock bolts, L=3 m/each, 1,240 pieces
Vegetation works Vegetation bags, 4,140 pieces
Gabion check dams V=350 m3
Asphalt pavements A=420 m2
Ground anchors Ground anchor 32 pieces
Anchor plates 32 nos.
H beam installation Shotcrete A=160 m2, H beams 32 pieces, Concrete V=25 m3
Section II
Restoration of side ditch L=43 m
Asphalt pavements A=200 m2
Ground anchors Ground anchor 18 pieces
Anchor plates 18 nos.
H beam installation Shotcrete A=95 m2, H beams 18 pieces, Concrete V=19 m3
Section II
Restoration of side ditch L=45 m
Asphalt pavements A=150 m2
Ground anchors Ground anchor 20 pieces
Sta.11+620 Anchor plates 20 nos.
Section III H beam installation Shotcrete A=90 m2, H beams 10 pieces, Concrete V=10 m3
Side ditch L=12 m
Ground anchors Ground anchor, 40 pieces
Anchor plates 40 nos.
Sta.15+520 H beam installation Shotcrete A=250 m2, H beams 40 pieces, Concrete V=50 m3
Section III High intensity net, A=2,500 m2
High intensity net
Rock bolts, L=3 m/each, 1,100 pieces
Asphalt pavements A=210 m2
Source: JICA Survey Team



(1) Target Section
Table 2.1.1 shows the target sections of Japanese assistance. Figure 2.2.1 shows the location of target
Table 2.2.1 Target Sections of the Japanese Assistance
Sites Target Sections
Sta.17+400, Section II Sta.17+360 to 440 (Section is 80 m.)
Natural slope below the road (Slope length is about 90 m.)
Depth of unstable rock mass is about 10 m.
Sta.33+440, Section II Sta.33+430 to 465 (Section is 35 m.)
Sta.33+695, Section II Sta.33+680 to 710 (Section is 30 m.)
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Sta.11+620, Section III Sta.11+600 to 630 (Section is 30 m.)

Sta.15+520, Section III Sta.15+520 to 560 (Section is 40 m.)
Source: JICA Survey Team

Target Sites

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.1 Location Map of the Target Sites

The below figures show the result of site reconnaissance for the target sites.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.2 Site Investigation Map of Sta. 17+400

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.3 Geological Cross Section of Sta. 17+400

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.4 Site Investigation Map of Sta. 33+440

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.5 Site Investigation Map of Sta. 33+695

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.6 Site Investigation Map of Sta. 11+620

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report


Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.7 Site Investigation Map of Sta. 15+520

(2) Basic Policy
The risk evaluation indicated that road traffic functions would be seriously affected if these damaged
sections were left unattended. Countermeasure alternatives have been examined to maintain
sustainable road traffic function with the following policies:
- Permanent countermeasures will be introduced to achieve long-term stability on the target
sections and slopes.

- The original function of damaged sections should be restored.

- The measured section should withstand an earthquake of the same scale as in 2015.

- The failure mechanism should be clarified, and the countermeasures adopted for the mechanism
should be planned accordingly.

- The planned countermeasure should keep the stability of sliding, overturning and bearing
capacity of foundation of gabion wall.

- The road should be trafficable even during construction time.

-The temporary countermeasures implemented by DOR shall be utilized for permanent

countermeasure without demolition.

- Mitigation of impacts to natural and social environment should be considered in planning and
selecting the countermeasures.

- Maintenance of the countermeasures after completion should be minimal.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation

(1) Policy on rainfall
Climate data observed at Sindhuli Gadhi in Section II for the past seven years was used for the study.
As shown in Figure 2.1.1, the station at Sta. 17+400 in Section II has an average annual rainfall of
1,850 mm. The maximum average monthly rainfall is 517 mm in July, while the minimum monthly
average is less than 5 mm in November and December. The recorded annual rainfall in 2011 was
2,219.6 mm (Refer to Table 2.2.2). The period between late May and early October falls under the
monsoon season. Pavement works should not be performed during the monsoon season in
consideration of quality control and construction safety, respectively. The normal rate of operations
was adopted for other works as there would be no large influence of rainfall.
Table 2.2.2 Monthly Rainfall (From 2010 to 2016)
Raingauge station Sindhuli Gadhi Unit: mm/month
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Accumulation
Year (mm/year)
2010 0.0 4.3 0.0 48.8 92.0 212.8 421.9 468.6 419.4 115.3 0.0 0.0 1783.1
2011 11.5 17.6 NA 139.7 347.6 392.6 455.6 352.7 400.9 71.6 29.8 0.0 2219.6
2012 12.8 5.5 0.0 66.5 205.4 409.3 462.4 310.8 319.2 30.5 0.0 0.0 1822.4
2013 2.2 42.8 2.6 66.8 185.1 305.5 610.6 266.5 382.7 136.2 1.0 1.2 2003.2
2014 0.0 11.4 11.6 48.5 NA 372.5 555.1 NA 282.0 62.7 0.0 3.0 1346.8
2015 6.0 16.5 67.1 117.8 92.0 229.6 517.6 753.8 NA 39.8 0.0 7.7 1847.9
2016 9.9 2.9 2.8 19.1 378.0 358.3 601.2 NA 448.3 95.9 0.0 0.0 1916.4
max 12.8 42.8 67.1 139.7 378.0 409.3 610.6 753.8 448.3 136.2 29.8 7.7 2219.6
min 0.0 2.9 0.0 19.1 92.0 212.8 421.9 266.5 282.0 30.5 0.0 0.0 1346.8
mean 6.1 14.4 12.0 72.5 185.7 325.8 517.8 307.5 321.8 78.9 4.4 1.7 1848.5
Source: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

Station: Sindhuli  Gadhi

Monthly Precipitation(mm)





Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Source: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

Figure 2.2.8 Average Monthly Rainfall


2000.0 2003.2

1783.1 1822.4



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Annual Rainfall (mm/year) Average Rainfall

Source: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

Figure 2.2.9 Annual Rainfall

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

1) Sta.17+400
Because the target to be protected is the National Highway No.6, the planned safety factor is set to
P·Fs = 1.2, in accordance with the Manual for Slope Protection in Japanese Standard. Conceptually,
this corresponds to strengthening the slope stability to the 100-year disaster probability level. In order
to strictly evaluate, how much probability rain can be dealt with, it is necessary to analyze the
response of groundwater level and rainfall. Then we need to calculate the groundwater level in
probability annual rainfall, and evaluate the safety factor at that time. However, detailed groundwater
and rainfall observation and analysis are required, and only in landslides where large-scale damage is
expected in Japan is considered. It is difficult to quantitatively evaluate the probability of rainfall that
can be tolerated against the collapse of the site this time.

2) Sta.33+440, Sta.33+695 in Sec II and Sta.11+620, Sta.15+520 in Sec III

The project site has already been designed taking into account the rainfall conditions in the area. In
the service period, there is no deformation due to rainfall, and the drainages such as side ditch have
kept their function. However, it is considered that the deformation occurred due to the earthquake and
looseness occurred in the ground. For this reason, asphalt shall be planned on the road surface to
prevent the penetration of rainwater. However, in Sta.11 + 620 in Sec III, it is concerned that
rainwater can penetrate from the mountain side slope, so the drainage system shall be planed.

(2) Policy on tempErature

Climate data observed at Sindhuli Gadhi in Section II for the past seven years was used for the study.
In Sindhuli Gadhi, the highest average temperature is at 36.3ºC in April while the lowest average is at
5.8ºC in January, as shown in Figure 2.2.10. The Project site is in a continental climate, mainly warm
with large temperature differences between day and night. Construction work is carried out during the
day, so no special consideration is required for concrete and asphalt casting.

Data:2010‐2016 Sindhuli  GaDhi


Average Temperature  (℃)






Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
max temp 27.2 29.3 33.7 36.3 36.1 35.7 34.0 33.9 34.1 33.6 30.6 27.7
mi n tmp 5.8 14.1 17.6 20.4 23.7 25.0 25.0 25.5 24.3 24.2 16.7 12.3

Source: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

Figure 2.2.10 Average Temperature in Sindhuli Gadhi

(3) Policy on earthquake

Figure 2.2.11 shows the seismic source distribution in the world. Nepal lies in areas with high seismic
density. The most damaging earthquake in the recent years is the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake. Sindhuli
Road also got damaged by this Earthquake. Nearly 9,000 deaths occurred, and about 8 million people,
equivalent to about 30% of the population of Nepal, suffered damage. According to the US Geological
Survey (USGS), the scale of this earthquake was MW 7.8. This scale was the second largest
earthquake in Nepal, after the 1934 Bihar / Nepal Earthquake (M 8.1). Figure 2.2.12 shows the
seismic intensity distribution map of the Gorkha Earthquake.
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Source: http://static.seismo.ethz.ch/GSHAP/global/

Figure 2.2.11 Distribution of Earthquakes in the World

Source: USGS

Figure 2.2.12 Seismic Intensity Distribution Map in the Gorkha Earthquake

USGS has released the estimated maximum acceleration contour of the Gorkha Earthquake by
shakemap. Figure 2.2.13 shows a plot of this contour and 24 points to consider on Google Earth.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

30% of g≒300gal
Sta.15+520 Sec III

Sta.11+620 Sec III

20% of g≒200gal Sta.33+695 Sec II

Sta.33+440 Sec II

Sta.17+400 Sec II

Source: JICA Survey Team based on https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us20002926#shakemap

Figure 2.2.13 Estimated Maximum Acceleration Contour of the Gorkha Earthquake by USGS
and Point of Consideration

According to 2D seismic analysis which is attached in APPENDIX 5.3, it is estimated that the
estimated maximum acceleration at the target location during the Gorkha Earthquake was around 200

1) Sta.17+400
"Report on the Evaluation Committee on Earthquake Resistant Facilities, etc., for Landslide
Prevention Facilities" was implemented after the 1995 Hyogo ken Nanbu Earthquake (1995). "After
the earthquake inspection, there was no damage that lost the prevention function in the landslide
prevention facility, so it turned out that the design of the earthquake resistance prevention facility at
the landslide prevention facility was sufficient under normal design". It is summarized as: for this
reason, earthquakes are not taken into consideration for the study of landslide stability calculation and
countermeasure work in Japan at present. From above, earthquakes are not considered for the collapse
of Sta.17 + 400.

2) Sta.33+440, Sta.33+695 in Sec II and Sta.11+620, Sta.15+520 in Sec III

In Sindhuli Road, the seismic coefficient is designed according to the standard (IS: 1893-1984) of
India, with horizontal design seismic intensity kh = 0.1 (100 gal). In the Gorkha Earthquake, it is
estimated that the earthquake motion of about 200 gal exceeding the design seismic intensity has
arrived. It seems that the Gabion retaining wall was partially changed due to this earthquake motion.
For this reason, it is a design policy that can withstand same-scale earthquakes. POLICY ON SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS

Consideration should be taken not to cause resident relocation or land acquisition. The traffic volume
of the target section is about 3,000 units/day, and it is necessary to ensure traffic under construction. It
is necessary to implement construction at the lowest, one-way traffic regulation. When moving the
boring machine, the roads will be closed, but should be planned to minimize the time to road closure.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation

As roads and bridges are actively being built in Nepal by GON budget, the local contractors are
believed to have sufficient ability in general civil works. Besides, many local contractors, engineers,
and labors gained necessary experiences through joining Sindhuli Road Construction Project which is
under the Japan grant aid. Therefore, the labors engaging in this project are planned to be employed
around the construction sites. General construction machines like bulldozer and backhoe, general
construction materials like cement, aggregate and reinforcing bar are planned to be procured in Nepal.
However, construction machines like rough-terrain crane (25t), boring machine for anchor work, SD
drilling machine and air blast machine cannot be procured easily in Nepal. Furthermore, to insure the
safety, workability and the maintenance of construction machines in mountainous region, as well as
because of the 14 months long construction period, the construction machines are planned to be

According to a consultation with the local contractors, the construction record of the anchor workers
in Nepal is not so much. However, there are many local contractors with construction experience of
Japan Grand Aid, such as Sindhuli Road Construction projects so far, and it is considered that
construction is possible if implemented under the guidance of Japanese engineers. The local
consultant has abundant experience in design and construction supervision, and it can be inferred that
construction supervision of the landslide countermeasure work is also possible if the Japanese

Road maintenance related to road construction and maintenance in Nepal is handled by the
Department of Road (DOR) which belongs to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Transportation
(MOPIT) which is the competent authority. The DOR had implemented Japan Grant Aid projects such
as Sindhuli Road Construction Project for many years. The DOR has sufficient ability on road
operation and maintenance for this project because it has a satisfactory record of accomplishment on
Sindhuli Road Construction Project. However, repairs and maintenance after completion of the
construction requires a well maintenance plan and sufficient budget allocation because there are many
special slope protections works such as anchor works. Since anchor works are installed at Sta.17+400
on Section II, maintenance of anchor works is surely going to be carried out, so it is considered that
maintenance of anchor works will be carried out reliably. Maintenance budget for Sindhuli Road is as
shown in Table 2.2.3. The budget is also well allocated, and it is considered that maintenance will be
carried out reliably.
Table 2.2.3 Maintenance Budget for Sindhuli Road
Source Allocated Allocated Allocated Allocated Allocated
of Maintenance Activity Budget for Budget for Budget for Budget for Budget for
Budget FY2012/2013 FY2013/2014 FY2014/2015 FY2015/2016 FY2016/2017
Routine Maintenance 8,178,029 8,175,000 10,858,600 12,546,000 14,370,000
Recurrent Maintenance 7,730,000 8,367,000 12,838,000 11,427,000 15,430,000
Periodic Maintenance 22,500,000 0 49,200,000 0 100,000,000
500,000 10,500,000 0 2,500,000 1,000,000
RBN Maintenance
Specific Maintenance 4,500,000 9,810,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 10,000,000
Road Traffic Safety 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
Bridge Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0
Bio Engineering 0 0 0 500,000 0
GON budget is for
ongoing project work
GON having activities such 247,323,557 207,149,000 147,317,000 189,500,000 101,323,000
as resettlement road
widening, major repair
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

works including
Total 290,731,586 244,001,000 230,213,600 223,473,000 243,123,000

The Nepalese standards for slope protection have not been consolidated yet, therefore, Japanese
standards will be adopted in the Project. For consistency purposes, the standards adopted in Section II
and Section III would also be followed. Table 2.2.4 and Table 2.2.5 lists the standards that will be
adopted for the Project.
Table 2.2.4 List of Adopted Standards
Main Countermeasure Adopted Standards
-Manual for Slope Protection, Japan Road Association
a) Ground anchors -Manual for Temporary Structure, Japan Road Association
-Standard for Design and Construction of Anchor Works, Japanese Geotechnical Society
b) Crib works -Manual for Design and Construction of Crib Works, Japan Slope Protection
c) High-intensity net and -Standard for Design and Construction of Reinforced Earth Method, Nippon
Rock bolt Expressway Company, January 2017
Source: JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2.5 Standard of Road Design

Item Standard
Design Speed 20 km/h
Standard Width 4.75 m

1) Sta.17+400, Section II
Countermeasures against assumed slope failure with rock class classification D to CL at the downside
of road are planned. The geological layer of the rock class is laid up to about 10 m in depth. Result of
the countermeasure, a comparative analysis is discussed below show that the crib works with ground
anchors is best suited to this site. In addition, high intensity net is planned for middle slope against
surface failure. Likewise, vegetation and gabion check dams are planned for the lower part of the
slope against surface erosion.

Construction materials for ground anchors and high intensity net and drilling machines are planned to
be procured from Japan.

2) Sta.33+440, Section II
Countermeasures against unstable gabion walls are planned. Results of countermeasure comparative
analysis discussed below show that the ground anchors are best suited to this site. Precast steel plate is
selected for the anchor plate because of its advantages of workability and cost. Installation of H beams
between gabion walls and anchor plates are planned for the purpose of combination of gabion baskets
and planate tension from ground anchors.

3) Sta.33+695, Section II
Construction methods of this site are similar to Sta.33+440.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

4) Sta.11+620, Section III

Buttress concrete walls were installed by DOR as an emergency countermeasure. JICA Survey Team
considered that these buttresses concrete wall shall be utilized as temporary countermeasure. Results
of countermeasure comparative analysis discussed below show that the ground anchors are the best
suited to this site. The concept of precast steel plate and installation of H beams are similar to
Sta.33+440. A side ditch is also planned in order to avoid surface water into road structure.

5) Sta.15+520, Section III

Construction methods of this site are similar to Sta.33+440. In addition, high intensity net is planned
for rockfall at the upper road and for surface failure at the lower road.


The period between June and October falls under the monsoon season. Generally, July and August
have the highest precipitation generally. As this project is for slope countermeasure construction,
consideration of operating rate during the rainy season is required for construction process planning. POLICY FOR NATURAL AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT

The following measures are reflected in the design and construction plan because impacts to natural
and social environment should be minimal.
- Securement of private and public vehicle transportation during construction
- Mitigation measures against air and water pollution
- Mitigation measures against noise and vibration


(1) Area of construction works
Area of construction works is shown below.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Table 2.2.6 Area of Construction Works

Site Target Section Countermeasure Quantity
Ground anchors Ground anchor 158 pieces
Crib works F500 A=1,270 m2, Shotcrete in the frame A= 860 m2
Crib works F300 A=1,060 m2, Shotcrete in the frame A= 710 m2
Rock bolts L=3 m/each, 300 pieces
Sta.17+400 80m Excavation works V=370 m3
Section II (Sta.17+360 to 440) High intensity net, A=2,800 m2
High intensity net
Rock bolts, L=3 m/each, 1,240 pieces
Vegetation works Vegetation bags, 4,140 pieces
Gabion check dams V=350 m3
Asphalt pavements A=420 m2
Ground anchors Ground anchor 32 pieces
Anchor plates 32 nos.
Sta.33+440 35m Shotcrete A=160 m2, H beams 32 pieces,
H beam installation
Section II (Sta.33+430 to 465) Concrete V=25 m3
Restoration of side ditch L=43 m
Asphalt pavements A=200 m2
Ground anchors Ground anchor 18 pieces
Anchor plates 18 nos.
Sta.33+695 30m Shotcrete A=95 m2, H beams 18 pieces,
H beam installation
Section II (Sta.33+680 to 710) Concrete V=19 m3
Restoration of side ditch L=45 m
Asphalt pavements A=150 m2
Ground anchors Ground anchor 20 pieces
Anchor plates 20 nos.
Sta.11+620 30m
Shotcrete A=90 m2, H beams 10 pieces,
Section III (Sta.11+600 to 630) H beam installation
Concrete V=10 m3
Side ditch L=12 m
Ground anchors Ground anchor 40 pieces
Anchor plates 40 nos.
Shotcrete A=250 m2, H beams 40 pieces,
Sta.15+520 40m H beam installation
Concrete V=50 m3
Section III (Sta.15+520 to 560)
High intensity net, A=2,500 m2
High intensity net
Rock bolts, L=3 m/each, 1,100 pieces
Asphalt pavements A=210 m2
Source: JICA Survey Team

(2) condition of each site

1) Assumed Damage and Failure Mechanism
Assumed damage and failure mechanism for each site are shown below.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Table 2.2.7 Assumed Damage and Failure Mechanism

Site Assumed Damage Failure Mechanism
Sta.17+400 Head of slope failure is coming closer to the The foundation rocks are weathered, especially green
Section II road shoulder. It has the possibility of schist distributed at centerline of the valley. Surface
long-term road closure with an area 60 m failures and surface erosions have repeatedly
wide due to failure by heavy rains or occurred in the rainy season. In addition, it has the
earthquake. In that case, rehabilitation works possibility of acceleration of surface failure due to
would be in an extremely difficult situation destabilization of the slope by earthquake.
due to topography of this site.
Sta.33+440 It has the possibility of long-term road Gabion wall moved at the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.
Section II closure with the area 35 m wide due to road At that time, the upper part of gabion wall could not
collapse by heavy rains or earthquake. In turn back to original position due to vibration
that case, rehabilitation works would be in an amplitude. Gabion wall is almost vertical and
extremely difficult situation because this site unstable at the present.
is in winding section.
Sta.33+695 It has the possibility of long-term road ditto
Section II closure with the area 30 m wide due to road
collapse by heavy rains or earthquake. In
that case, rehabilitation works would be in an
extremely difficult situation because this site
is in winding section.
Sta.11+620 It has the possibility of long-term road ditto
Section III closure with the area 30 m wide due to road
collapse by heavy rains or earthquake.
Sta.15+520 It has the possibility of long-term road ditto
Section III closure with the area 40 m wide due to road
collapse by heavy rains or earthquake. In
that case, rehabilitation works would be in an
extremely difficult situation because this site
is in winding section.
Source: JICA Survey Team

2) Consideration Points for Countermeasure Planning

Points to consider for countermeasure planning are presented below. As a whole site, securement of
private and public vehicle transportation even during construction is required absolutely.

Table 2.2.8 Consideration Points for Countermeasure Planning

Consideration Points for Countermeasure Planning
Sta.17+400 - Permanent countermeasure for natural slope of downside of the road is required.
Section II - If erosion develops in the lower slope, structural countermeasures of the upper area might
be damaged.
- Countermeasure is needed not only at the upper part of the slope but also at the middle and
lower part because of the continuous slope.
- Private and public vehicle transportation could be secured even during construction.
- Impacts of noise and vibration of construction to close community should be minimal.
- Alternative safety foot path should be prepared for local people during construction.
Sta.33+440 - Permanent countermeasure for road structure is required.
Section II - Private and public vehicle transportation could be secured even during construction.

Sta.33+695 ditto
Section II
Sta.11+620 ditto
Section III
Sta.15+520 ditto
Section III
Source: JICA Survey Team
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

3) Selection of Applicable Countermeasures (Sta.17+400)

Selection of applicable countermeasures was conducted with considerations of the previous described
failure mechanisms and points for countermeasure planning.

i. Classification of Countermeasures against Slope Failure

Classification of countermeasures against slope failure is shown as below, according to the “Design
and Practical Example for Construction of Countermeasures against Slope Failure, Japan SABO
Association”. The countermeasures include control works and restraining works. Control works
involve modifications of natural conditions related to landslides, such as topography and groundwater.
Meanwhile, restraining works are the implementation of structures that mitigate slope movement.

Table 2.2.9 Classification of Countermeasures against Slope Failure

Type Type of Countermeasure Countermeasure Works
Control Drainage works Surface drainage works, Groundwater drainage works
works Vegetation works Vegetation works
Shotcrete Mortar shotcrete, Concrete shotcrete
Plastering works Stone pitching works, Block pitching works, Concrete pitching
Crib works Precast crib works, Cast-in-place grating crib works
Counterweight fill works Counterweight fill works
Slope cutting works Slope cutting works
Restraining Retaining wall works Stone pitching retaining wall works, leaning wall works, Concrete
works retaining wall works, Gravity-type retaining wall works
Anchor works Ground anchor works, Rock bolt works
Pile works Pile works
Rock fall prevention works Rock fall prevention works, Rock fall protection works
Source: JICA Survey Team based on the “Design and Practical Example for Construction of Countermeasures
against Slope Failure, Japan SABO Association”

ii. Selection of Applicable Countermeasures

The slope of downside of the road is classified into three parts, upper, middle, and lower parts
according to characteristic features such as slope gradient. The upper part with a gradient of 45 to 60
degree is the area of slope failure and directly affects road function. The middle part with a gradient of
about 40 degrees is the area of small-scale surface failure and erosion. The lower part with a gradient
of less than 40 degree is the area of sedimentation and erosion.

Flow chart for selection of countermeasures and applicability of each countermeasure to this site are
presented below.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report


Stable gradient?

Yes Is cutting slope  No

Are restraining works No


No Do soil‐restraining fence  Are catchment  No
works have high validity? methods possible?

Yes Yes
works Soil‐restraining fence works
‐ Retaining wall works
‐ Crib works Is structure  No
‐ Ground anchor stable?

Yes Anchor works

Do groundwater  No Do groundwater  No Do groundwater 

Do groundwater  No No Do groundwater  No
drainage works  drainage works  drainage works 
drainage works  drainage works 
effective? effective? effective?
effective? effective?
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater
drainage works
drainage works drainage works drainage works drainage works

Are partial restraining  No
works necessary?
Are partial restraining  No
works necessary? Yes
Yes Catchment  Catchment 
Retaining  Retaining  retainingwall (A) retainingwall (B)
wall works wall works Fence Fence

Are surface drainage  No
works necessary?
drainage works

Are slope protection  No
works necessary?
Yes Structural  and vegetation 
works are included in slope 
Slope protection works protection  works.  Vegetation 
works are prioritizec.

Is fence necessary  No
at foot of slope?

Source: JICA Survey Team based on “Design and Practical Example for Construction of Countermeasures against Slope
Failure, Japan SABO Association”

Figure 2.2.14 Flow Chart for Selection of Countermeasures

Table 2.2.10 Applicability of Each Countermeasure to Sta.17+400

Type Type of Countermeasure Applicability
Control Drainage works Groundwater drainage works are not effective because the
works groundwater is at a deep level in the target area. Roadside ditches had
already constructed.
Vegetation works These works are effective for middle and lower area.
Shotcrete Shotcrete is not effective against slope failure with 10 m depth.
Plastering works These works are not effective against slope failure with 10 m depth.
Crib works These works are effective for surface slope failures. These works
should add ground anchors for slope failure with 10 m depth.
Counterweight fill works These works cannot be constructed due to the landform.

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Slope cutting works These works cannot be constructed due to the landform.
Restraining Retaining wall works These works are not effective against slope failure with 10 m depth.
works Anchor works These works are effective for surface slope failures with 10 m depth.
Rock bolts are effective for surface slope failures.
Pile works These works are effective for surface slope failures with 10 m depth.
These works should add ground anchors.
Rock fall prevention works There is not possibility of rock falls to the road.
Source: JICA Survey Team

Restraining works are best suited for the upper part of the slope which affects directly to road function.
Crib works with ground anchors and pile works with ground anchors are selected for comparative
methods because of highly weathered rock, which is distributed up to 10 m depth. In addition, bridge
works are adapted to avoid the hazardous area. These applicable countermeasure areas were compared
for the upper slope of Sta.17+400.

First Scheme: Ground Anchors and Crib Works

Second Scheme: Steel Piles with Ground Anchors

Third Scheme: Bridge

In this comparative analysis, countermeasures for middle and lower parts are included as common
items. Selection of countermeasures for middle and lower part is hereinafter described.

4) Selection of Applicable Countermeasures (Sta.33+440, Sta.33+695, Sta.11+620, Sta.15+520)

Selection of applicable countermeasures was conducted with considerations of the previous described
failure mechanism and points for countermeasure planning.

i. Classification of Reinforcement Countermeasures for Retaining Wall

Classification of reinforcement countermeasures for retaining wall is shown as below, according to
the “Manual for Retaining Walls, Japan Road Association”.

Table 2.2.11 Classification of Reinforcement Countermeasures for Retaining Wall

Classification Countermeasure Works
Reinforcement of Resin infusion into cracks of concrete retaining walls
retaining wall Restoration of deflection part of block-type retaining walls
Levee widening by concrete retaining walls
Ground anchor works
Reinforcement of Sheet piling
bearing capacity Steel pile works, Concrete piles
Underground continuous walls
Chemical grouting into foundation ground
Source: JICA Survey Team based on “Manual for Retaining Walls, Japan Road Association”

ii. Selection of Applicable Countermeasures

Applicability of each countermeasure to these sites is below.

Table 2.2.12 Applicability of Each Countermeasures to Target Sites

Classification Countermeasure Works Applicability
Reinforcement of Resin infusion into cracks of concrete These works are not effective against gabion
retaining wall retaining walls walls.
Restoration of deflection part of These works require full road closure during
block-type retaining walls construction works.
Levee widening by concrete retaining These works are effective in case of the site
walls which has enough space for additional

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concrete retaining walls.

Ground anchor works These works are effective.
Reinforcement of Sheet piling These works are not effective against
bearing capacity assumed earth pressure.
Steel pile works, Concrete piles Steel piles with ground anchors into road
structure are effective.
Underground continuous walls These works are not effective.
Chemical grouting into foundation These works are not effective.
Source: JICA Survey Team

Ground anchor works and steel piles with ground anchors works are applicable countermeasures. For
Sta. 33+695, there is a space for levee widening by concrete retaining walls below the target road

These applicable countermeasures were compared for Sta.15+520, as a representative for four target

First Scheme: Ground Anchors

Second Scheme: Steel Piles with Ground Anchors

Third Scheme: Concrete Retaining Walls (only Sta.33+695)

Ground anchor of first scheme needs bearing plates. Precast anchor plate is best suited for the target
sites because of the advantages of light-weight and workability. Installation of H beams between
gabion walls and anchor plates is planned for the purpose of combination of gabion baskets and
planate tension from ground anchors.

5) Selection of Countermeasures
Comparative analysis for selected applicable countermeasures was conducted. Evaluation items of the
analysis are stability, workability, maintenance, and influence on road for construction, environment,
and cost.

i. Sta.17+400 (Natural Slope)

Ground anchors and crib works of first scheme are best suited to Sta.17+400 as shown in the
comparative analysis chart. Steel piles with ground anchors of second scheme are inferior in influence
on road and cost. Bridge of the third scheme is inferior in all items.

ii. Sta.33+440, Sta.33+695, Sta.11+620 and Sta.15+520 (Gabion Walls)

Ground anchors of first scheme are best suited to these sites as shown in the comparative analysis
chart. Steel piles with ground anchors of second scheme are inferior in workability, influence on the
road, and cost. In terms of Sta.33+695, counterfeited retaining wall of third scheme is inferior in all

Table 2.2.13 Countermeasure Comparative Analysis Chart for Sta.17+400

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1st Scheme : Ground Anchors and Crib Works 2nd Scheme : Steel Piles with Ground Anchors 3rd Scheme : Bridge

Cross Section

Loose rock mass of the upper slope is pressed by tension force of ground anchors. Crib work is The road is preserved by using the bending and shearing effect of steel piles. Ground anchor should
Outline of
used for surface erosion and anchor pressure receiving. High intensity net is installed for the be attached with a head of a pile to prevent the road from deformation. High intensity net is set for This method is to avoid the hazardous area by bridge.
middle slope. Vegetation bags is installed for the lower slope. the middle slope. Vegetation bags is set for the lower slope.

Clamping and straining effect by anchor will increase in safety factor of the loose Clamping and straining effect by anchor will increase in safety factor of the loose If soil erosion and slope failure develop, countermeasure for base
rock mass.
3 rock mass.
3 of bridge become nesessary.

Pile works have advantage for workability, but high intensity net work for wide
Workability Crib works for wide area and scaffolding works require long construction term. 2 area require long construction term.
2 This method require wide construction yard. 1
Maintenance & Ground anchor with anticorrosion coating is used. Only monitoring of load by

Operation using load measure is required for maintenance.

3 Ground anchor with anticorrosion coating is used. 3 Expansion device of bridge is required periodically. 2
Only occasional one way closure of road is required for hauling construction
Influence to road
3 Continuous one way closure of road is required during pile works. 1 Continuous one way road closure is required during all works. 1
This method have a low impact to environment. Vegetation works is conducted This method have a low impact to environment. Vegetation works is conducted at
at the lower slope.
3 the lower slope.
3 Removal of some houses is required. 1
Subtotal 1st scheme is ahead of other schemes in above veiwpoints. 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme in above veiwpoints, especially influence 3rd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme in above most veiwpoints.
Subtotal 14 to road. Subtotal 12 Subtotal 7
Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount
Ground anchor SFL-2, Td=231.4kN/each m 2,103 31 65,193 Excavation m3 562 1 562 Upper structure work m3 525 350 183,750
Crib work F500, concrete in side frame m2 1,271 16 20,336 Filling m3 167 1 167 Lower structure work set 3 30,000 90,000
Crib work with bolts F300, D22, L=3.0m/each m2 1,062 25 26,550 Steel pile φ500,t=13,L=17.0m/each m 646 150 96,900 Foundation work set 1 10,000 10,000
Scaffolding sp m3 3,915 6 23,490 Ground anchor SFL-2, Td=281.8kN/each m 304 31 9,424 Pavement m2 280 15 4,200
Installation of load meter set 4 200 800 Retaining work set 19 500 9,500 Ancillary works L.S. 1 2,000
Rough Construction High intensity net m2 2,791 20 55,820 Scaffolding sp m3 1,312 6 7,872
(Unit: JPY1,000) Vegetation bag piece 4,271 1 4,271 High intensity net m2 5,124 20 102,480
Check dam m3 345 13 4,485 Vegetation bag m2 4,271 1 4,271
Asphalt pavement m2 419 0.3 126 Check dam m3 345 13 4,485
Earth works m3 300 0.6 180 Asphalt pavement m2 419 0.3 126
Direct Construction Cost 201,251 Direct Construction Cost 235,787 Direct Construction Cost 289,950
Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 161,001 Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 188,629 Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 231,960
Total Construction Cost 362,251 Total Construction Cost 424,416 Total Construction Cost 521,910
Cost The lowest Rate to 1st 1.00 The second lowest Rate to 1st 1.17 The highest Rate to 1st 1.44

Final Report
1st scheme is the best suited to this site. 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme totally. 3rd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme totally.
Total Evaluation
Priolity First Priolity Second Priolity Third

Source: JICA study team

Table 2.2.14 Countermeasure Comparative Analysis Chart for Sta.15+200 (only for gabion wall)

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1st Scheme : Ground Anchors 2nd Scheme : Steel Piles with Ground Anchors

Cross Section

Outline of Gabion wall is pressed by tension force of ground anchors. Relatively-light steel anchor plates are used. H steel beams are The road is preserved by using the bending and shearing effect of steel piles. Ground anchor should be attached with a head of a pile
Countrmeasure installed between gabion wall and precast steel plate. to prevent the road from deformation.

Stability Safety factor of earth pressure of gabion wall will increase. 3 Safety factor of earth pressure of gabion wall will increase. 3
Workability Using precast steel plates can reduct construction period. The anchor can be fabricated at each sites. 3 Workability of installation of piles at steep slope is inferior. 2

Maintenance & Ground anchor with anticorrosion coating is used. Only monitoring of load by using load measure is required

Operation for maintenance.

3 Ground anchor with anticorrosion coating is used. 3

Influence to road Only occasional one way closure of road is required for hauling construction materials. 3 Continuous one way closure of road is required during pile works. 2
Environment This method have a low impact to environment. 3 This method have a low impact to environment. 3
Subtotal 1st scheme is ahead of 2nd scheme in above veiwpoints. 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme in above veiwpoints, especially workability.

Subtotal 15 Subtotal 13
Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount
Ground anchor SFL-1, Td=137.6kN/each m 418 20 8,360 Steel pile φ250,t=6,L=13.0m/each m 260 120 31,200
Steel plate KIT16S-230 plate 40 170 6,800 Ground anchor SFL-1 m 190 20 3,800
H steel beam H300 number 20 1,200 24,000 Retaining work 組 10 1,500 15,000
Rough Scaffolding sp m3 1,160 5 5,800 Filling m3 168 1 168
Construction Cost Installation of load meter set 2 200 400 Scaffolding sp m3 2,060 5 10,300
(Unit: JPY1,000) Asphalt Pavement t=5cm m2 260 0.3 78 Asphalt Pavement t=5cm m2 260 0.3 78

Direct Construction Cost 45,438 Direct Construction Cost 60,546

Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 36,350 Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 48,437
Total Construction Cost 81,788 Total Construction Cost 108,983

Cost The lowest Rate to 1st 1.00 The highest Rate to 1st 1.33

Total 1st scheme is the best suited to this site. 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme totally.

Final Report
Evaluation Priolity First Priolity Second
Source: JICA study team

Comparative analysis of Sta.15+520 was conducted on behalf of 33+440 and Sta. 11+620.
Table 2.2.15 Countermeasure Comparative Analysis Chart for Sta.33+695

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1st Scheme : Ground Anchors 2nd Scheme : Steel Piles with Ground Anchors 3rd Scheme : Counterforted Retaining Wall
Restoration of Restoration of
Restoration of Existing Drainage
Existing Drainage Alternate layer o Existing Drainage and Asphalt Pavement (t=5cm)
Asphalt Pavement (t=5cm) and highly weat Asphalt Pavement (t=5cm) W

Shotcrete (t=10cm) W1 Steel Piles ( =250, t=6 W1

H-Beam 300 X 300 @2.0m,L=13.0m,SKK490

Concrete C ?
Back Filling Buttress wall
Scaffold Works
Scaffold Works
Cross Section Excavation

Ground Anchor, SFL-2 Back Filling

Concrete protection

? Concrete Foundation

Ground Anchor,@2.0m,2steps
Td=180.9 KN/each, SFL-2

Outline of Gabion wall is pressed by tension force of ground anchors. Relatively-light steel anchor The road is preserved by using the bending and shearing effect of steel piles. Ground
The road is preserved by counterforted retaining wall as counterweight.
Countrmeasure plates are used. H steel beams are installed between gabion wall and precast steel plate. anchor should be attached with a head of a pile to prevent the road from deformation.

Tilting, sliding and bearing capacity of gabion wall is satisfied.

However, the downside road consited by geotextile might be lead to
Stability Safety factor of earth pressure of gabion wall will increase. 3 Safety factor of earth pressure of gabion wall will increase. 3 become unstable because the section is affected by excavation for
foundation of the retaining wall.
Using precast steel plates can reduct construction period. The anchor
can be fabricated at each sites.
3 Workability of installation of piles at steep slope is inferior. 1 Workability is inferior because the construction space is limited. 1
Maintenance & Ground anchor with anticorrosion coating is used. Only monitoring of
Operation load by using load measure is required for maintenance.
3 Ground anchor with anticorrosion coating is used. 3 Periodical inspection is required. 2

Only occasional one way closure of road is required for hauling Continuous one way closure of the downside road is required as well as
Influence to road
construction materials.
3 Continuous one way closure of road is required during pile works. 3 upper road section.
Environment This method have a low impact to environment. 3 This method have a low impact to environment. 3 This method have a low impact to environment. 3
Subtotal 1st scheme is ahead of other schemes in above veiwpoints. 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme in above veiwpoints, 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme in above veiwpoints.
especially workability.
Subtotal 15 Subtotal 13 Subtotal 9
Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount Method Specifications Unit Qty Unit Price Ammount
Ground anchor SFL-2 m 170 31 5,270 Steel pile φ250,t=6,L=13.0m/本
m 130 120 15,600 Excavation m3 340 1 340
Steel plate KIT19S-230 plate 18 210 3,780 Ground anchor SFL-2 m 95 31 2,945 Filling m3 50 1 50
H steel beam H300 number 9 1,200 10,800 Retaining work 組 5 1,500 7,500 Formworks m2 800 2 1,600
Scaffolding sp m3 420 5 2,100 Filling m3 130 1 130 Foundation RC m3 280 100 28,000
Rough Installation of load meter set 2 200 400 Scaffolding sp m3 1,100 5 5,500 Retaining wall m3 120 17 2040
Construction Cost Asphalt Pavement t=5cm m2 130 0.3 39 Asphalt Pavement t=5cm m2 130 0.3 39 Asphalt Pavemt=5cm m2 130 0.3 39
(Unit: JPY1,000) Restration of side ditch m 45 1 45 Restration of side ditch m 45 1 45 Restration of side ditch m 90 1 90

Direct Construction Cost 22,434 Direct Construction Cost 31,759 Direct Construction Cost 32,159
Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 17,947 Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 25,407 Overhead Cost(80% of Direct Construction Cost) 25,727
Total Construction Cost 40,381 Total Construction Cost 57,166 Total Construction Cost 57,886
Cost The lowest Rate to 1st 1.00 The second lowest Rate to 1st 1.42 The highest Rate to 1st 1.43
1st scheme is the best suited to this site. 2nd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme totally. 3rd scheme is inferior to the 1st scheme totally.

Final Report
Evaluation Priolity First Priolity Second Priolity Third
Source: JICA study team
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iii. Middle and Lower Part of Sta.17+400 Slope

As previously described, countermeasures against surface failure and erosion are required for the
middle part of Sta.17+400 slope. Also, countermeasures against erosion is also required for the lower
part. These countermeasures were selected based on the following flow chart.

: Middle Slope Start
: Lower Slope
No Can a stable cutting 
slope be secured?
Rockfall prevention net, 
Yes Shotcrete crib works, 
Concrete crib works, 
Retaining wall, Piles, Ground  Yes
Are there rock falls or  Reinforcing methods, etc.
anchors, Reinforcing earth 
surface failures?
wall, Shotcrete crib works, 
Concrete crib works No

Classification of 

Gabion works,  Soil Soft rock Hard rock

Precast crib works

No In rain Pron to be  No
Gabion works, Hanging rack  Yes Yes weathered?
Does spring water make  Is there spring 
retaining wall, Shotcrete crib 
significant influence to  water? Yes
works, Concrete crib works
slope unstability?
In no rain
Is there spring 
Shotcrete crib works,  water? Is the gradient possible 
Yes Yes
Concrete crib works for vegetation? Vegetation?
Yes No
Yes Pron to erosion?
Shotcrete crib works,  No
Concrete crib works,  No
Vegetation? No Yes
shotcrete, No Can a stable slope be  Is re‐cutting
Concrete plastering works
secured if weatherd? possible?
Yes No

Precast crib works,  Greening by bine plants,  Without  treatment

Rubble works, Concrete  No Yes Vegetation  Vegetation 
Vegetation? Fence works,  Vegetation by crib 
plastering works Vegetation works,  works works works or fence works
Vegetation base spray 

Source: JICA Survey Team based on “Manual for Slope Protection, Japan Road Association”

Figure 2.2.15 Flow Chart for Selection of Middle and Lower Parts of the Sta. 17+400 Slope
The conditions for selection of countermeasures of the middle slope are shown below.

- The assumed depth of surface failure is about 2 m.

- Flexible barrier structure is suitable because the surface of the part is irregular.
- Open structure is suitable because spring water occurs during the rainy season.
Considering these conditions, “high intensity net with rock bolts” and “wire rope with rock bolts” are
selected for applicable countermeasures for the middle slope. Results of the comparative analysis
suggest that high intensity net with rock bolts are selected. Wire rope with rock bolts are inferior in
workability and cost.

Vegetation bag is selected for lower and middle slopes against erosion. Sheet type of vegetation is
unfit for the surface of this area because the surface covered by rubble debris is uneven rock. In
addition, existing gabion check dams have an effect on surface erosion. However, because the range is
not sufficient, the extension of gabion check dams is planned next to the existing dams. OUTLINE DESIGN OF THE COUNTERMEASURES

(1) Sta. 17+400
1) Stability Analysis for Upper Slope

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For the stability analysis, the slice method is used as follows:

c・ l W - u・ b cos α・ tan φ
FS= (Equation 2.2.1)
W・ sin α
Where, Fs :Factor of safety
c :Cohesion of sliding surface (kN/m2)
φ :Internal frictional angle of sliding surface (°)
l :Length of sliding surface acting on the slice (m)
u :Pore pressure acting on the base of the slice (kN/m2)
b :Width of sliding surface acting on the slice (m)
W :Weight sliding surface acting on the slice (kN/m)
α :Angle of the base of the slice to the horizontal (°)
Source: Manual for Slope Protection, Japan Road Association

The results of stability analysis are as follows:

Table 2.2.16 Results of Stability Analysis for Upper Slope of Sta17+400

Items Adapted Value
Initial factor of safety Fs = 1.00
Proposed factor of safety PFs = 1.20
Unit weight of sliding mass γt= 18 kN/m3
Cohesion of sliding surface C = 10 kN/m2
Internal frictional angle of sliding surface φ = 33.38 degree
Required preventive force to be provided Pr = 417.2 kN/m2
Source: JICA Survey Team

2) Ground Anchors
The condition of ground anchors design is presented below.

Table 2.2.17 Conditions for Ground Anchors Design

Items Value Adopted Standard
Calculus equation Refer to below Manual for Slope Protection,
Japan Road Association
Anchor function Clamping effect and straining ditto
Skin frictional resistance of anchor 0.6 N/mm2 ditto
Design strength of grout 24 N/mm2 ditto
Allowable adhesive stresses Pre-stressing steel wire 0.8 N/mm2 ditto
Deformed pre-stressing steel bar 1.6 N/mm2
Soil bearing capacity 200 kN/m2 Manual for Retaining Wall,
Japan Road Association
Source: JICA Survey Team

i. Calculus Equation
The calculus equation of stability analysis adopted in accordance with the manual is as follows:

(Equation 2.2.2)

Where, Fs :Factor of safety

c :Cohesion of sliding surface (kN/m2)
φ :Internal frictional angle of sliding surface (°)
l :Length of sliding surface acting on the slice (m)
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u :Pore pressure acting on the base of the slice (kN/m2)

b :Width of the slice (m)
W :Weight of the slice (kN/m)
α :Angle of the base of the slice with respect to the horizontal (°)
θ :Angle of slope of sliding surface (°)
T :Tangential force attributable to gravity of the slice (kN/m)

Source: Manual for Slope Protection, Japan Road Association

Figure 2.2.16 Calculus Method of Ground Anchors

ii. Anchor Functions
Anchors are installed to achieve the following two objectives:

- Increase the resistance against shear force by applying stress normal to the sliding surface.
Clamping effect = P sin(α+θ)

- Decrease the sliding force of landslide using steel members as anchors.

Straining effect = P cos(α+θ)

Sliding surface



Source: Manual for Slope Protection, Japan Road Association

Figure 2.2.17 Functional Description of an Anchor

iii. Skin Frictional Resistance of Anchors
Skin frictional resistance of anchors was determined in accordance with Table 2.2.18. The geology of
the friction zone is weathered rock, so the minimum value of 0.6 is adopted.

Table 2.2.18 Recommended Skin Frictional Resistance of Anchors

Type of Ground Frictional Resistance
Bed rock Hard rock 1.5 – 2.5
Soft rock 1.0 – 1.5
Weathered rock 0.6 – 1.0
Mudstone 0.6 – 1.2
Sand and gravel N Value 10 0.10 – 0.20
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20 0.17 – 0.25
30 0.25 – 0.35
40 0.35 – 0.45
50 0.45 – 0.70
Sand N Value 10 0.10 – 0.14
20 0.18 – 0.22
30 0.23 – 0.27
40 0.29 – 0.35
50 0.30 – 0.40
Cohesive soil Representative Cohesion C 1.0 C
Source: Manual for Slope Protection, Japan Road Association

iv. Allowable Adhesive Stresses

Allowable adhesive stresses were determined in accordance with Table 2.2.19. The design strength of
the grout is 24 N/mm2, therefore, a value of 0.8 is adopted for prestressed steel wires and 1.6 is
adopted for deformed prestressed steel bars.

Table 2.2.19 Recommended Allowable Adhesive Stresses

Standard Ground Design Strength (unit: N/mm2) 24 30 40
Type of tendon 1. Prestressed steel wire 0.8 0.9 1.0
2. Prestressed steel bar
3. Standard prestressed steel wire
4. Multi-standard prestressed steel wire
5. Deformed prestressed steel bar 1.6 1.8 2.0
Notes: (1) 1 kgf/cm2 = 0.1 N/mm2, (2) unit: N/mm2.
Source: Modification from Standard for Design and Construction of Anchor Works, Japanese Geotechnical Society

v. Soil Bearing Capacity

Soil bearing capacity was determined in accordance with the values shown in Table 2.2.20.

Table 2.2.20 Allowable Bearing Capacity

Allowable Bearing
Type of Ground Capacity
N value
qa (kN/m2(tf/m2))
Rock Hard rock 1000 (100) -
Hard rock with many cracks 600 (60) -
Soft rock 300 (30) -
Gravel layer Constant 600 (60) -
Noncnstant 300 (30) -
Sandy ground Constant 300 (30) 30- 50
Medium constant 200 (20) 20 – 30
Caly ground Very stiff 200 (20) 15 – 30
Stiff 100 (10) 10 -15
Source: Manual for Retaining Wall, Japan Road Association

vi. Bearing Plate

Bearing plate was selected in accordance with Table 2.2.21. The construction conditions of ground
anchors in the Project are listed below. It is clear that the crib works are suitable for this slope.

- Slope condition is rock.

- Length of slope is long.
- Gradient of slope is steep.
- Irregularity of slope is high.
- Design strength of anchor is small.
- Instruction of construction materials is difficult.
- Height of slope for which ground anchors are designed is high.

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Table 2.2.21 Selection of Bearing Plate

Source: JICA Survey Team based on Manual for Ground Anchors, NEXCO

vii. Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors

Specifications of designed ground anchors are presented below.

Table 2.2.22 Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors

Items Adapted Value Remarks
Ground Type of ground anchor - Super Flotech -
Anchor Type of tendon - SFL-2 -
Steps m(step) 6 -
Horizontal interval a(m) 3.0 -
Angle of ground anchor α(°) 30.0 -
Required preventive power Td(kN/each) 231.4 -
Fixation length La(m) 3.5 -
Design Anchor functions - Clamping and
condition for straining effect -
ground anchor Allowable adhesive stress τ(N/mm2) 0.8
between the tendon and the
grout -
Skin frictional resistance of τ(N/mm2) 0.6 Minimum value of
anchors weathered rock
Safety factor of design Fs 2.5 -
Bearing plate Method - Shotcrete crib
Girder h×b(mm) 500×500
Length of span l(m) 3.00
Required soil bearing q (kN/m2) 100
Design Soil bearing capacity qa(kN/m2) 200 -
Condition for Design strength of mortar σck(N/mm2) 18 Manual for Design and
bearing plate Construction of Crib
Works, Japan Slope
Protection Association
Source: JICA Survey Team

3) Crib Works with Rock Bolts

Crib works with rock bolts were planned at the area of outside crib works with ground anchors in the
upper part of Sta.17+400 slope for surface failures. The girder of crib works is 300 mm × 300 mm and
the length of span is 2.0 m. The length of the rock bolt is 3.0 m. Calculation check of whether this
structure could withstand adequately against all repeated rotational slips was conducted.

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4) High Intensity Net

High intensity net with rock bolts was planned at the middle area of Sta.17+400 slope. The
specification of rock bolt was determined according to the empirical method in the standard for design
and construction of reinforced earth method by Nippon Expressway Company.

5) Others
Vegetation bags and gabion check dams were planned at the lower area of Sta.17+400 slope. Asphalt
pavement with 5 cm on the road was also planned.

(2) Sta. 33+440, Sta. 33+695, Sta. 11+620 and Sta. 15+520
1) Calculation of Earth Pressure during Earthquake
Calculation of earth pressure during earthquake was conducted with Mononobe-Okabe Method on the
assumption that designed horizontal seismic coefficient is 0.2.

Table 2.2.23 Results of Calculation of Earth Pressure during Earthquake

Site Earth Pressure during Earthquake (kN/m)
Vertical Horizontal
Sta.33+440 49.4 156.7
Sta.33+695 54.8 178.2
Sta.11+620 41.4 134.9
Sta.15+520 42.3 135.5
Source: JICA Survey Team

2) Ground Anchors
Ground anchors for gabion walls were designed as earth retaining of road structure.

i. Arrangement of Ground Anchors

Policies of arrangement of ground anchors are presented below.

- Two steps of ground anchors are appropriate to each site according to the Handbook for
Disaster Rehabilitation, Japan Construction Engineers’ Association.

- The Manual for Temporary Structure, Japan Road Association says that interval of each anchor
is 1.5 m to 4.0 m generally. In the target sites, the interval should be narrowed to prevent gabion
baskets bulging. According to the size of precast steel anchor plate, the interval was designed at
2.0 m. The interval for Sta.11+620 only was designed at 3.0 m due to interval of existing
buttress concretes.

- The Manual for Temporary Structure, Japan Road Association says that angle of anchor is 10 to
45 degrees in principle. The angle was designed at 10 degrees because a low angle is effective
to earth pressure.

- The Manual for Temporary Structure, Japan Road Association says that the horizontal angle of
the anchor is 0 degree in principle. The horizontal angle was designed at 0 degree according
this manual.

Table 2.2.24 Arranged Ground Anchors

Items Sta.33+440 Sta.33+695 Sta.11+620 Sta.15+520
N: Step of anchors 2 2 2 2
S: Interval of anchors (m) 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
α: Angle of anchors (degree) 10 10 10 10
θ: Horizontal angle of anchors (degree) 0 0 0 0
Source: JICA Survey Team

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ii. Calculation of Required Preventive Power

The required preventive power of anchor was calculated according to the following equation.

Where, P0 : Required preventive power of anchor (kN/each)

R : Reaction of trench timbering (kN/m), In this case, horizontal earth pressure (kN/m)
S : Interval of anchors (m)
α : Angle of anchors (degree)
θ : Horizontal angle of anchors (degree)
Source: Manual for Temporary Structure, Japan Road Association

Table 2.2.25 Arranged Ground Anchors

Sites Required Preventive Power of Anchor (kN/each)
Sta.33+440 159.1
Sta.33+695 180.9
Sta.11+620 205.5
Sta.15+520 135.5
Source: JICA Survey Team

iii. Selection of Tendon

Prestressed steel wires (Super Flotech, SFL) were selected for the reasons of high anti-corrosive
performance and workability at the site. Grade of tendon was determined according to the tension and
yield strength.

The required preventive power of anchor was calculated according to the following equation.

Table 2.2.26 Grade of Tendon

Sites Grade of Tendon
Sta.33+440 SFL-2
Sta.33+695 SFL-2
Sta.11+620 SFL-2
Sta.15+520 SFL-1
Source: JICA Survey Team

iv. Skin Frictional Resistance of Anchors

Skin frictional resistance of anchors was determined in accordance with Table 2.2.27.

Table 2.2.27 Determined Skin Frictional Resistance of Anchors

Sites Skin Frictional Resistance of Reasons
Anchors (N/mm2)
Equivalent to N Value 30 of sand and gravel
Sta.33+440 0.25
(based on site reconnaissance)
Minimum value of weathered rock
Sta.33+695 0.60
(based on site reconnaissance)
Minimum value of weathered rock
Sta.11+620 0.60
(based on geological survey)
Minimum value of weathered rock
Sta.15+520 0.60
(based on site reconnaissance)
Source: JICA Survey Team

v. Soil Bearing Capacity

Soil bearing capacity was determined as 100 kN/m2 for each site in accordance with the values shown
in Table 2.2.20.

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vi. Bearing Plate

Bearing plates should be lightweight because these plates are installed on an almost vertical gabion
wall. Concrete or shotcrete crib works are high weight and might accelerate destabilization of the
gabion walls. Precast steel bearing plates have an advantage for workability and safety for these sites.

According to the following comparison of precast bearing plates, the KIT anchor plate was selected
because of weight and cost. Ground anchor materials including KIT anchor plates will be procured
from Japan.
Table 2.2.28 Comparison of Precast Bearing Plate
Type Weight of Each Construction Cost of Each (JPY)
KIT Anchor Plate 162kg 171,000
ARC Frame 179kg 187,000
FFU Anchor Plate 151kg 198,000
KTB Super Frame 199kg 186,000
Source: JICA Survey Team

Installations of H beams between gabion walls and anchor plates are designed for the purpose of
combination of gabion baskets and plate tension from ground anchors. Shotcrete is installed to the
surface of the gabion walls and a space of pairs of H beam is filled in by concrete.

vii. Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors

Specifications of designed ground anchors are presented below.

Table 2.2.29 Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors for Sta.33+440

Items Adapted Value
External force Wheel load (kN/m2) 10.0
Horizontal earth pressure (kN/m) 156.7
Ground Type of ground anchor - Super fletch
anchor Type of tendon - SFL-2
Steps m (step) 2
Horizontal interval a (m) 2.0
Angle of ground anchor α (°) 10.0
Required preventive power Td (kN/each) 159.1
Fixation length La (m) 6.0
Design Allowable adhesive stress between τ (N/mm2) 0.8
condition for the tendon and the grout
ground Skin frictional resistance of anchors τ (N/mm2) 0.25
anchor Safety factor of design Fs 2.5
Bearing plate Type - Semi-square
Size - KIT16S-230-L
Required soil bearing capacity q (kN/m2) 100
Source: JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2.30 Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors for Sta.33+695

Items Adapted Value
External force Wheel load (kN/m2) 10.0
Horizontal earth pressure (kN/m) 178.2
Ground Type of ground anchor - Super fletch
anchor Type of tendon - SFL-2
Steps m (step) 2
Horizontal interval a (m) 2.0
Angle of ground anchor α (°) 10.0
Required preventive power Td (kN/each) 180.9
Fixation length La (m) 3.0
Design Allowable adhesive stress between τ (N/mm2) 0.8
condition for the tendon and the grout
ground Skin frictional resistance of anchors τ (N/mm2) 0.6
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anchor Safety factor of design Fs 2.5

Bearing plate Type - Semi-square
Size - KIT19S-230-L
Required soil bearing capacity q (kN/m2) 100
Source: JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2.31 Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors for Sta.11+620

Items Adapted Value
External force Wheel load (kN/m2) 10.0
Horizontal earth pressure (kN/m) 134.9
Ground Type of ground anchor - Super fletch
anchor Type of tendon - SFL-2
Steps m (step) 2
Horizontal interval a (m) 3.0
Angle of ground anchor α (°) 10.0
Required preventive power Td (kN/each) 205.5
Fixation length La (m) 3.5
Design Allowable adhesive stress between τ (N/mm2) 0.8
condition for the tendon and the grout
ground Skin frictional resistance of anchors τ (N/mm2) 0.6
anchor Safety factor of design Fs 2.5
Bearing plate Type - Semi-square
Size - KIT19S-230-L
Required soil bearing capacity q (kN/m2) 100
Source: JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2.32 Specifications of Designed Ground Anchors for Sta.15+520

Items Adapted Value
External force Wheel load (kN/m2) 10.0
Horizontal earth pressure (kN/m) 135.5
Ground Type of ground anchor - Super fletch
anchor Type of tendon - SFL-1
Steps m (step) 2
Horizontal interval a (m) 2.0
Angle of ground anchor α (°) 10.0
Required preventive power Td (kN/each) 137.6
Fixation length La (m) 4.0
Design Allowable adhesive stress between τ (N/mm2) 0.8
condition for the tendon and the grout
ground Skin frictional resistance of anchors τ (N/mm2) 0.6
anchor Safety factor of design Fs 2.5
Bearing plate Type - Semi-square
Size - KIT16S-230-L
Required soil bearing capacity q (kN/m2) 100
Source: JICA Survey Team

These designed anchors can withstand a sliding force of each rotational slip with over 1.20 of safety

3) Asphalt Pavement
Asphalt pavement of 5 cm thickness was designed in order to prevent surface water coming into the
road earth from cracks on road, except Sta.11+620.

4) Restoration of Side Ditch

Restoration works of side ditch at Sta.33+440 and Sta.33+695 were designed.

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5) Side Ditch
Installation of side ditch at Sta.11+620 was designed in order to prevent surface water coming into
road earth from the mountain side.

6) High Intensity Net

High intensity net with rock bolts was designed for the upper slope from road against rock falls
prevention and surface failures. This net was planned for lower slope from the road against surface


Outline design drawings for each site are shown in the next pages.

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Figure 2.2.18 Plan of Slope Protection Works of Sta.17+400 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.19 General Cross Section of Sta.17+400 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.20 Plan of Slope Protection Works of Sta.33+440 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.21 General Cross Section of Sta.33+440 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.22 Elevation View for Anchor Plates of Sta.33+440
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.23 Plan of Slope Protection Works of Sta.33+695 (Non-Scale )
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.24 General Cross Section of Sta.33+695 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.25 Elevation View for Anchor Plates of Sta.33+695 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.26 Plan of Slope Protection Works of Sta.11+620 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.27 General Cross Section of Sta.11+620 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.28 Elevation View for Anchor Plates of Sta.11+620 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.29 Plan of Slope Protection Works of Sta.15+540 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.30 General Cross Section of Sta.15+540 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Figure 2.2.31 Elevation View for Anchor Plates of Sta.15+540 (Non-Scale)
Source: JICA Study Team
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Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report


(1) Basic Policy
The implementation plan of the Project was prepared based on the guidelines of the Japanese grant aid
with consideration of the site conditions. The policies for implementation are summarized as follows:

- Creation of new employment opportunities and technology transfer promotion, local labor and
materials necessary for this project will be utilized form local area as much as possible.
- Since public buses and local transport vehicles currently pass on the road in service, sufficient
attention should be given to avoid traffic accidents caused by construction vehicles and minimize
negative impacts of the Project against public transportation services.
(2) Construction period
The project program has been drawn up with the following thoughts in mind that the project will be
implemented as a single-year bond. As a result, it is scheduled that the construction will be started in
April 2019 and should be completed in July 2020 with a 16 months construction period.
(3) construction processes and methods
The flow of construction is shown in Figure 2.2.32.

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Final Report

Sta.17+400 Sta.33+440 Sta.33+695 Sta. 11+620 Sta.15+520

(Section II) (Section II) (Section II) (Section III) (Section III)
Preparatory work Preparatory work Preparatory work Preparatory work Preparatory work

Human power Earthmoving Mortar air blast Mortar air blast Mortar air blast
earthmoving, side
cutting Mortar air blast H beam installation H beam installation H beam installation
/concrete work /concrete work /concrete work
Slope sweeping H beam installation
/concrete works Scaffolding works Scaffolding works Tube and coupler
Slope sweeping scaffolding work
Scaffolding works Anchor works (upper Anchor works (upper
Lath tightening stages) stages) Anchor method
method Anchor works (upper (boring, steel (boring, steel (upper stages)
stages) processing/assembly/ processing/assembly/ (boring, steel
Crib works F500 (boring, steel insertion, grouting insertion, grouting processing/assembly/
processing/assembly/ and pouring, tension and pouring, tension insertion, grouting
Crib works F300 insertion, grouting anchorage, head anchorage, head and pouring, tension
and pouring, tension treatment) treatment) anchorage, head
Scaffolding works anchorage, head treatment)
for anchor method treatment) Anchor works Anchor works (lower
(lower stages) stages) Anchor works (lower
Anchor works (top Anchor works (boring, steel (boring, steel stages)
six stages) (lower stages) processing/assembly/ processing/assembly/ (boring, steel
(boring, steel (boring, steel insertion, grouting insertion, grouting processing/assembly/
Construction Process

processing/assembly/ processing/assembly/ and pouring, tension and pouring, tension insertion, grouting
insertion, grouting insertion, grouting anchorage, head anchorage, head and pouring, tension
and pouring) and pouring, tension treatment) treatment) anchorage, head
anchorage, head treatment)
Anchor works (5th treatment) Appurtenant work Side ditch works
stage 4th stage (Water channel High intensity net
3rd stage 2nd stage Appurtenant work mending) Asphalt pavements
1 stage) (Side ditch works) Asphalt pavements
(boring, steel Asphalt pavements Demobilization
processing/assembly/ Asphalt pavements Demobilization
insertion, grouting Demobilization
and pouring) Demobilization

Scaffolding works
for rock bolts

Rock bolts

High intensity net +

rock bolts

Gabion check dams

Vegetation works

Asphalt pavements


Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2.32 Construction Process IMPLEMENTATION CONDITIONS

(1) Traffic Regulation and Safety Management during Construction
1) Traffic safety management
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Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

The Project involves road construction with maximum utilization of the existing Sindhuli Road. The
traffic volume on the road includes a combination of common and construction vehicles. Therefore,
flagmen must be designated to control the movement of vehicles and secure smooth and safe traffic.

2) Slope monitoring during construction period

Slope monitoring work is planned to observe the safety management during construction period due
to active landslide.

(2) Environmental Protection during Construction Period

The contractor should conduct the environmental monitoring items shown in Table 1.4.61, and the
related expense has been included in the rate portion of cost estimation.
The following matters will be considered for environmental protection during the construction period.
- Reduce the occurrence of dust induced by construction vehicles during construction period by
watering and speed regulation.
- Sound-proof sheet will be used to reduce noise influence generated during construction.
- Working in the morning and evening will be avoided to minimize the influence of construction
(3) Labor Law
The contractor should abide by the "Labor Standards Act" (Rule and Regulation for Workers and
Employees to the Private Institution and Factory in Nepal) as well as respect appropriate working
conditions and local custom at the time of employment of workers.
(4) Attention Points about Responsibilities of Nepal
Responsibilities of Nepal which may largely impact the construction schedule the most, need to
secure the necessary sites (road site, working space, campground, machines and materials storage site)
for construction. To complete those responsibilities as early as possible, adjustment with counterpart
DOR will be considered. SCOPE OF WORKS

The scope of works to be undertaken by the GOJ and GON is as shown in Table 2.2.33.

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Table 2.2.33 Responsibilities of Each Countries

Responsibilities of GOJ Responsibilities of GON

• Consulting services for detailed design, • Free provision of site (land), temporary facilities and other construction
preparation of tender documents, activities for the execution of works.
assistance in tender process, and
construction supervision. • Execution of environmental monitoring.

• Construction of countermeasures in the • Remove the communal facilities which may be the hindrance to the
drawings. project.

• Installation and removal of temporary • Gratis supply of the temporary area used as campground, construction
facilities (construction yard). yard and others.

• Protective measures against • Tax exemption of equipment and materials procured overseas and
environmental pollution during the prompt tax exemption procedure.
execution of construction works.
• Exemption from customs duties and taxes imposed on arrival of
• Procurement, import and transport of Japanese or people from third countries who are assigned to this
construction equipment and materials project.
shown in the Procurement Plan of
Equipment and Materials. • Free provision of traffic control and management for existing roads.

• Proper O&M for all completed facilities.

• Continue landslide monitoring after the construction is completed.


Once the construction contract is finished, the consultant will issue the start of the construction order
to the contractor, and start the construction supervision work. For the contractor, the consultant will
supervise the safety, environmental and social considerations, construction progress supervision,
technical improvement measures/proposals concerning the construction and payment. Additionally,
one year after construction completion a defect inspection will be performed.
One resident construction supervision engineer will be arranged to take charge of the daily
construction supervision as well as the coordination and supervision work involved with related
organizations. In order to secure reliable quality and process of the anchor work, it has planned to
arrange expert technicians familiar with anchor works during the key work period.
The construction supervision work charged by consultants has been planned as follow:

Chief In charge of coordination and liaison for all project activities

Engineer concerning consultant’s agreement, tender assistance and supervision
in order to ensure the smooth progress and management of all technical

Resident All throughout the construction period, the engineer will reside in the
Engineer construction site and respond to coordination work and technical
support. Besides construction supervision, the engineer will also
respond to the daily management of materials, quality, safety,
completed work amount and quality, construction schedule control and
payment affairs. In addition, the resident engineer will be in charge of
coordination work and negotiation with the partner country.

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Anchor work It has been planned that technical experts who are familiar with anchor
Engineer works will be dispatched to each important construction process.
During the dispatch period, technical experts will respond to review
the design condition of anchor method fundamental test, discussion of
construction method, grout management necessary for fixing work,
instruction of tension management, and discussion of slope stability at
the time of such as pressure plate construction, assembly of anchor
materials, installation of anchor and anchor tension. QUALITY CONTROL PLAN

The quality control plan of the Project follows the quality control plan in the Sindhuli Road
Construction Project due to matching standards on the same road. In addition, quality control is
conducted in accordance with project specifications and the quality control plan. The quality control
plan needed in the Project is as shown in Table 2.2.34.
Table 2.2.34 List of Items for the Quality Control Plan
Item Test Method Frequency
Ground Anchors Drilling Degree of drilling Measurement of Degree Each anchor
Length of drilling Measurement of Length Each anchor
Hole Cleaning Density of Cleaning Water Each anchor
Assembling of Material Certificate of Quality, Each delivery
anchors Inspection Certificate
Assembling Measurement of Length Each anchor
Insert Measurement of Length
Injection Material Certificate of Quality, Result of Each delivery
Physicochemical Test
Water Result of Component testing Each delivery
Grout Density test(P Float Test) Each composition
Injection volume Measurement of Injection Each hole
Grout Density Test(P Float Test) Each hole
Pressure Measurement of Pressure Each hole
Length of head Measurement of Length Each hole
Grout strength Compressive Strength Test Each hole
Tension and Degree of set Measurement of Degree
Tensioning force Measurement of Load
Load-extension Load-extension Diagram
Confirmation of
Aptitude test All anchors × 5%
Pulling test 5 anchors (5 sites)
Cycle test All anchors × 5%
Treatment of the head Treatment of the Measurement of Anti-corrosion Each hole
head Coating
Crib Works Material Certificate of Quality All materials
Re-bar Material Mill Sheet, Tensile Strength Annually or
Tension and Confirmation of 4 sites (each geological
settlement Fundamental test
Settlement condition)
Confirmation test Each bolt
Concrete Placing Slump Every batch
Compressive Strength (7 days,
28 days)
Asphalt Material Asphalt Certificate of Quality Each installation
Each mix work or every
Aggregate Grain size distribution
water-absorbing ratio Each installation
Loss test
Stability test Each mix work

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Item Test Method Frequency

Flow rate
Void ratio
Aggregate void ratio
Tension strength
Residual stability
Designed amount
High Intensity Certificate of Quality, Feature
Material Each lot
Net Size
Tension and
Confirmation of Settlement Confirmation test All rock bolts ×3%

(1) labor
As to the laborers engaging in this project, workers who do not need special skills such as ordinary
workers, security guards will be employed around the site, while engineers and skilled workers will be
employed from Kathmandu and other areas. However, as the countermeasure against landslide,
anchor works which requires advanced technique and safety considerations as well as construction
experience in Nepal are lacking. Therefore, it has been planned that skilled craftsmen related to those
work will be sent to the construction site from Japan.
(2) construction materials
Natural materials (sand, stone, banking material, wood, etc.) and general materials such as cement and
reinforcing bar (part of standards) including the imported products are generally distributed in the
market, and thus can be procured locally. However, the construction materials used in anchor work
and other special work are not distributed in Nepal, and thus has been planned to be procured in Japan.
Table 2.2.35 shows the procurement plan for major construction materials.
Table 2.2.35 Procurement Plan of Major Construction Materials
The third country
Construction Materials Nepal
(e.g. India)
Japan Note
Imported and domestic products
Cement 〇
are both distributed
Aggregate 〇 Local buying
Imported products (generally
Concrete admixtures 〇
Reinforcing bar (D10, D13, Imported and domestic products

D16 equate) are both distributed
Imported products (generally
Bitumen materials 〇
Imported products (generally
Fuel (diesel, gasoline) 〇
Local procurement is
Anchor work materials 〇
Pipe scaffolding materials
Procurement in Japan for
(expect the single tube pipe, 〇
quality assurance
square pipe and joint)
Local procurement is
Rock bolt works materials 〇
Local procurement is
High-strength network 〇
Procurement in Japan for
H-section steel 〇
quality assurance
Nameplate 〇
Source: JICA Survey Team

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Final Report

(3) construction equipment

Rental business of construction machines exists in Nepal. Thus, the procurement of general
construction machines is available by renting. However, machines like the rough-terrain crane (25 t),
boring machine for anchor works, SD drilling machine and air blast machine could not be procured
easily in Nepal. To insure the safety, workability and maintenance of the machines in the mountainous
region, as well as because of the 14 months long construction period, the construction machines have
been planned to be procured in Japan. The expenses have been estimated as losses.
Table 2.2.36 Procurement Plan of Major Construction Equipment
Procurement Country
No. Machine Specification
Nepal Japan
1 Backhoe 0.8m3 (heaped) 〇

2 Rough-terrain crane Lifting capacity 25 ton 〇

Truck with crane Load capacity 4.0 ton, lifting capacity 2.9
3 〇
equipment ton
Hand guided vibratory
4 0.8 ~ 1.1 ton 〇
Mortar concrete
5 Capacity 6m3/h 〇
spraying machine
6 Grout pump 37~100 L/min 〇

7 Grout Mixer 400×2L 〇

8 Water sand pump 3.7 kW 〇

9 Boring machine Rotary percussion, skid type, 55kW 〇

10 Concrete breaker 20 kg grade 〇

11 Concrete cutter Vacuum type, 20 cm cut down depth 〇

12 Tamper machine 60~80 kg 〇

13 Air compressor 3.5~3.7 m3/min 〇

14 Air compressor 10.5~11.0 m /min 〇
15 Power Generator 10.5/13kVA 〇
SD drilling machine
16 Air drifter mode, air feed motor type 〇
Type 2
Hydraulic mode, 1,300 kg grade (base
17 Large breaker 〇
machine included)
18 Concrete pump 95~150 m3/hour 〇
Source: JICA Survey Team

(4) Transportation path

Based on previous Sindhuli Road Construction Plan and experiences of completed construction work,
the route of oversea transportation has been planned as below: Yokohama Port (Japan) ~ Kolkata Port IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE

After signing the Exchange of Notes (E/N) and Grant Agreement (G/A) between the governments of
Japan and Nepal, based on recommendation letter issued by JICA, the consultant will sign a contract
of construction supervision including bid tendering support with DOR, the executing agency of the

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Nepalese government. After the construction contract is completed, the construction contractor will
receive the notice to proceed issued by the consultant and will start the construction work. It has been
estimated that 16 months is needed for completing the project (April 2019 to July 2020), and the
project implementation schedule is shown in Table 2.2.37.
Table 2.2.37 Tentative Implementation Schedule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Detailed Site survey
Execution drawing

Design Detialed design in Japan

Preparation of tender
documents in Japan
Tender Approval of tender
Assistance documents
Report and hand over
Tender and contract
Preparation & Mobilization

Clean up
Source: JICA Survey Team



For the smooth implementation of the Project, the government of the recipient country should fulfill
the following undertakings:
To provide necessary data and information for the implementation of the Project;
To secure land necessary for the Project site (for the camp yard, spoil bank, borrow pit,
construction yard, storage of materials and equipment, and the land for construction waste
To bear the expense of rental land for camp yards;
To get the permission for land use for spoil bank, borrow pit and construction waste disposal
including the charge for permission.
To open a bank account under the government’s name, in a bank in Japan (B/A), and issue the
authorization to pay (A/P);
To ensure all expenses for, and prompt execution of, unloading and customs clearance;
To exempt Japanese nationals from customs duties, local taxes, and other fiscal levies imposed in
the recipient country, with respect to the supply of products and services under verified contracts;
To accord Japanese and third nationals, whose services may be required in connection with the
supply of products and services under verified contracts, such as facilities necessary for their entry
into the recipient country and stay therein for the performance of their works;
To accord Japanese and third nationals engaged in this Project the permission and other
competence, if required, for the implementation of the Project;
To ensure proper maintenance, management and preservation of facilities provided under Japan’s
grant aid;

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

To bear all expenses, other than those borne under Japan’s grant aid, necessary for the construction
of facilities as well as for the transportation and installation of equipment;
To prohibit illegal dumping in a construction area; and
To conduct access restriction to the site and to maintain security.


The following should be undertaken by the implementing government before the construction of the
To complete all procedures related to tree-cutting works at the site including transportation and
To relocate affected public utilities on-site, overhead and underground proposed sites; and
To submit the Project Monitoring Report (with the result of Detailed Design) DURING CONSTRUCTION

The following should be undertaken by the implementing government during construction:
To lend construction equipment granted by GOJ to the Project contractor for free, as long as it does
not affect the daily maintenance works of DOR;
To broadcast to the public, through mass media, the traffic regulations during the construction
To secure traffic on Sindhuli Road;
To conduct environmental monitoring through DOR;
To submit Project Monitoring Report every month;
To submit Final Project Monitoring Report;
To conduct the afforestation program; and
To arbitrate between residents, existing road users and contractor. AFTER HANDOVER

The following should be undertaken by the implementing government after handover of the Project:
To conduct landslide monitoring and environmental monitoring through DOR;
To offer advice for regional development; and
To submit results of environmental and social monitoring to JICA.


The estimated initial costs of obligations of the recipient country are as shown in Table 2.3.1.
Table 2.3.1 Estimated Initial Costs of Obligations of the Recipient Country
(Unit Price: NPR 1,000)
Item Content Quantity
Land for camps in Section II and Section
(1) Land Use/Compensation 20,000 m2 960
Land for stockpiling machines, Not required
equipment and materials (public land)
(2) Relocation of Public Facilities Not Happen 0
(3) Environmental Monitoring During detailed design (Update of EMP 1 set 129
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

and EMoP, update and submit of PMR)

PVC pipe with strain gauge, load meter
(4) Landslide Monitoring 24 months 240
(once a month) (NPR10,000/month)
(5) Initial Environment Examination Application fee included 1 set 1,000
After construction completed (once in
(6) Environmental Monitoring 8 times 160
three months) (NPR20,000/time)
(7) Bank account opening Service charge included 1 set 1,500
(8) Afforestation 50 pcs 1 set 25
Total 4,014
Note: This cost is approximate, there is a possibility of change.
Source: JICA Survey Team

The estimated initial cost of obligations of the recipient country is about NPR 3,885,000 including
land use and compensation, landslide monitoring, IEE, environmental monitoring and others.



It is important to maintain the functions of the countermeasure facilities planned in this project. The
maintenance and management system of the DOR was built in Strengthened Maintenance Divisions
Program (SMDP) implemented by Swiss in 1993-2006. Currently, this maintenance and management
system is the basic system of the DOR maintenance plan. All maintenance offices classify the road
maintenance tasks into six items and create an annual road maintenance plan (ARMP) based on this
plan. In Sindhuli Road also, maintenance is carried out based on this plan. At present, there are no
problems in this maintenance system and this system will continue in the future.


The maintenance method of anchor work that can be considered at present is as shown in Table 2.4.1.
The inspection frequency shall be once a year (periodic inspection) and after heavy rains etc.
(emergency inspection). The emergency inspection is to be carried out when rain falls at a
continuously at 150 mm, but it is desirable to change the continuous rainfall according to the actual
Table 2.4.1 Assumed Maintenance Method
Item Contents of inspection
Anchor works a. Load measurement with a load meter
b. Visual inspection
Pop-out of anchor material
Deformation of head cap
Oil leakage of antirust oil
Deformation, settlement of anchor plate
Subsidence and displacement
Source: JICA Survey Team



Initial project cost undertaken by the Japanese government is confidential before tender.

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

Table 2.5.1 Initial Project Cost Undertaken by the Japanese Government.

(JPY in Million)
Slope framework F500, F300
Tube and coupler scaffolding works
Anchor works
(Section II)
Reinforcing bar insertion works
Check dam work, Planting treatment
High-strength net
H-section steel foundation works
Sta.15+520 Tube and coupler scaffolding works
(Section III) Anchor works
High-strength net
H-section steel foundation works
Sta.11+620 Tube and coupler scaffolding works
(Section III) Anchor works
Water channel works
H-section steel foundation works
Tube and coupler scaffolding works
(Section II)
Anchor works
H-section steel foundation works
Tube and coupler scaffolding works
(Section II)
Anchor works

Final design and construction supervision

Source: JICA Survey Team


After the construction is completed, the cost of operation and maintenance expected for ten years has
been estimated as shown in Table. The cost estimated is less than 1% of NPR 243 million, the DOR
maintenance budget for 2016/2017. Therefore, it is assumed that the maintenance budget can be easily
Table 2.5.2 O&M Costs for the Entire Sindhuli Road
Estimated Cost
Category Item
(NPR 1000 / 10 years)
(1) Daily maintenance Cleaning, reduction of deposit, grass cutting, etc. 5,400

(2) Annual repair Repair of road surface, side ditch, etc. 400
(3) Repair conducted once in Overlay, reshaping, repair of structures,
five years (converted to repainting of traffic signs and steel structures, 200
annual cost) etc.
(4) Urgent rehabilitation Removal of collapsed soil, urgent rehabilitation,
works construction of detour route, etc.
Preventative works against rock-fall, collapse,
(5) Preventive works 5,000
scouring and mudflow, etc.
(6) Monitoring after
Monitoring after completion of construction 720
(NPR 1,672,000/year)
Source: JICA Survey Team

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report



Prerequisites for the implementation of the project are described in Chapter 3 OBLIGATION OF THE


To derive the benefits from the entire Project and to make it sustainable, the necessary input by
recipient country is shown as follows:

- In order to smoothly carry out this project, the budget of GON side mentioned in Chapter 3 is
secured in advance.
- In order to secure the permanent function of the countermeasures targeted for this project, GON
shall secure the annual budget mentioned in Chapter 4. In addition, GON shall arrange personnel
to carry out sustainable maintenance.
- In order to secure acquisition of environmental approval permission, GON shall secure personnel
and budget


The Sindhuli Road is an important logistics route linking the capital city of Kathmandu and the Terai
Plain in the south, and the traffic volume is expected to increase further in the future. The external
conditions are as follows:

- Continue daily and periodic maintenance to ensure the safety of facilities expected in the design
- Environmental change that exceeds the assumed value such as rainfall exceeding the planned
scale does not occur around the site.
- There is no significant change in the relevant policies of GON.
- Continue the improvement of the road and the maintenance management carried out in Nepal to
ensure smooth traffic on the Sindhuli Road.



As shown below, the validity of this project is high and it can be judged effective. CONSISTENT WITH LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN

The 13th plan (2013/14 - 2015/16) of the national development plan in Nepal has set the goal of
developing a safe and reliable transportation network for the social and economic development of the
whole country. The 14th plan (2016/17 - 2018/19) is also extension of sustainable and secure road
network expansion. In the priority investment plan (2007 - 2016), which is the basic policy of the road
development of GON, the following policies are mentioned. The road maintenance management work
shall be continuously carried out based on the classification of road maintenance management tasks.
This project aims to reinforce the vulnerable part on Sindhuli Road against earthquakes in order to
ensure safe and smooth traffic of Sindhuli Road, which is one of the important arterial roads. This
content is consistent with the policy of the road sector of GON. CONSISTENCY WITH THE JAPANESE AID POLICY

In the National Development Cooperation Policy and Business Development Plan of GOJ for Nepal,
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

the following are listed as priority areas:

I. Reconstruction by hard and soft countermeasures against earthquakes and disaster risk
reduction; and

II. Improve social and economic infrastructure directly linked to economic growth and
improvement of people's lives.

By making Sindhuli Road a strong road to the earthquake, it is possible to secure a stable logistics
even in the event of a disaster, contributing to creating a country that is resistant to disasters. It is also
expected to make a great contribution to securing stable logistics of the Kathmandu Valley and the
Terai region in the south, promoting industry and revitalizing the regional economy, and improving
the lives of local people living along the roadside. The purpose of this project is consistent with

In Japan, torrential rains occur frequently and the geology is weak, therefore, road disaster prevention
inspection and conservation technology have been developed to conserve the highly developed road
network. Anchor work, which is the main construction method applied to this project, is not Japanese
original technology. In applying to road slope countermeasures, it has been improved by Japanese
technology as the capacity to realizes reliable disaster prevention, reduction of negative impact on the
environment, reduction of life cycle cost including construction cost and maintenance cost.
In this project, Japanese standards are adopted for the design and construction of slope
countermeasures. Furthermore, for the purpose of ensuring construction quality and improving
workability, anchor material and anchor plate are procured from Japan.


The effectiveness of implementation of this plan is considered as follows. QUANTITATIVE EFFECT

This project aims to implement measures to ensure road safety and prevent hindrance to road traffic
with respect to vulnerable places along Sindhuli Road due to earthquake. By implementing
countermeasures, restoring the driving speed and Vehicle Operation Cost (VOC) to a healthy state and
eliminate traffic hindrance losses may occur in the future. In addition, the future elimination of traffic
hindrance, caused by road damage and road closure due to road disaster will bring stable traffic
volume and growth of passenger number, cargo volume. Base lines and target value are as shown in
Table 3.4.1
Table 3.4.1 Base lines and Target
Indicators Original (Yr2017) Target (Yr2023)
Annual Passenger Khurkot 6,006,205 8,048,000
(Persons/year) Singhuli Madi 5,847,170 7,835,000
Annual Cargo volume Khurkot 359,896 482,000
(ton/Year) Singhuli Madi 492,042 659,000
*1 Raised the 2017 value at an annual rate of 4%

In the disaster prevention project like this project, there are few parts that directly contribute to
improving transportation services that road users can feel, such as an increase in traffic capacity and
speed improvement. On the other hand, the effect of this project is to reduce the risk of loss expansion
due to sediment-related disasters such as traffic blockade and road disaster. Qualitative effect
indicators are as follows:
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Preparatory Survey for the Project for the Sindhuli Road Earthquake Rehabilitation
Final Report

- Reduction of road traffic disturbance loss

- Contribution to other development projects
- Role in wide area road network


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