PRO100 Ass2 VojtechStary

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OneTrim Report

Torrens University

Bachelor of Business Information Systems

Trimester 1

Learning Facilitator: Lee Buckley

Information Systems Project Management

PRO100 - Assessment 2

Written Report

Vojtech Stary

Student ID: 00293564T

Date: 22.4.2020
Table of Contents

1.0 Project Schedule and Cost Management Plans

2.0 Project Resource Management Plan
3.0 Project Risk Management Plan
4.0 Project Stakeholder Management Plan
5.0 Project Communication Plan
6.0 Appendix
1.0 Project Schedule and Cost Management Plan

Project Planning

The ONE TRIM project has a firm completion date of 3 months and a very tight
budget. These cost and schedule constraints require detailed planning of project
tasks and milestones along with the resources to complete on time. Resource
categories must be identified and cost planning packages distributed to the actual
staff that will fill the defined resource positions.

Project Schedule

The project schedule was developed using a scheduling tool: . . The

project schedule is developed by using the previously defined WBS to clearly
outline the scope of work to be completed. The WBS will identify the tasks that
require effort as well as the project milestones. The WBS and the project
milestones were identified in the Business Case Assumption Document.
The project scope is further refined by adding necessary tasks to identify work
required in key areas. The addition of these necessary tasks provides insight into
the details of the work to be performed and important to refine tasks into greater
detail in some areas where there are possible risk concerns. Given schedule
constraints, a good mitigation step is to add detail and identify any important steps
that may have been omitted in the initial WBS. This process is important to make
sure all the required scope is identified.
Any ONE TRIM task area that is likely to be critical for on-time completion would
be broken down into greater detail to provide the project manager with more
insight into any potential problem areas. WBS categories that were added and now
reflected in the current project schedule include: User Acceptance Testing 5 days User Training 3 days Test Fix/Extra training 5 days Go-Live/Cutover 1 day

Schedule Setup
In addition to the tasks to be completed, the project schedule setup requires a
project calendar and a resource table. The project calendar should be adjusted for
working hours per day, the working days of each week, and some adjustments for
holidays. The tool defaults were used for this project. The default settings are
standard workdays starting at 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. Weekends are not designated
as working days. Although there are some holidays in the planning period, they
were not considered to pose a significant risk to completion. Holidays were not
excluded from this schedule. This does not mean the project team is required to
work holidays.
It is very important to clearly identify the project milestones in the schedule and
the relationship to the effort tasks. The project milestones were identified in the
Business Case Assumption Document and are used to monitor progress and also are
not assigned resources.
Cost Control
Cost control planning would start with the defined tasks and the category hours
assigned to the task. The list of WBS elements, the category required, and the
hours assigned to complete on time form a WBS budget that will be used to later
assign specific team members and monitor time expended.
The following page lists a snapshot of the project schedule used to plan task
durations, milestone timing, critical path, and resource category assignments.
ONE TRIM Project Schedule

(for better resolution, please find it in apppendencies)

Critical Path
A key aspect of managing the risk of project delay is to closely monitor the
projects critical path. The critical path is shown as red tasks in the figure 1 chart.
Any delay in the tasks identified as critical will delay the project’s completion
date. Therefore, any risk control measures in regards to schedule should start with
the critical path. It is important to carefully monitor the durations, resources and
progress of critical tasks.

Sprint activity is on the project’s critical path. Given the schedule constraints and
short development cycle, it is important to plan for collaborative sprint activity to
ensure the software meets all functional requirements as well as the ease-of-use
performance that will be important for end-user acceptance.
The schedule identifies a task group for a series of 5 sprints to occur over a 5-day
period. Sprint development and testing are performed concurrently and the team
meets daily to collaborate on code/test issues. Daily scrum boards and component
priorities are set daily by the team.

Summary of Sprint Review

In the sprint review the team will look at the system components completed and
conduct an evaluation. The review should include key stakeholders to assess how well
the progress to date aligns with the acceptance criteria. This review is to make sure the
system products produced meet the defined criteria for completion.

Sprint Retrospective
At the end of a sprint the development team and key stake holders will hold a
meeting where the scrum Team can review results, lessons learned and create a plan
for future improvements to systems, training and any gaps that need to be addressed
to reach customer acceptance. Also discussed are things that went well, changes
for next iteration, and lesson learned.

At the conclusion of the sprint retrospective meeting the scrum lead will document
results and update the Scrum Board to make sure the current backlog of tasks is
accurate. The progressive Scrum Board for the project is provided in the appendix as
Figure 1:
2.0 Project Resource Management Plan
Resources were defined by category as listed below, given the assumption that a
staff of 10 programmer-level resources would be available. This high-level
resource count was refined to specify additional resources needed to complete the
work. These would include the PM and System Engineering categories. The
specific category is important when estimating the duration in days to complete the

Resource List used in Schedule:

The resource list used in the project schedule identifies 10 categories that will be
assigned to complete the work tasks identified within the planned duration for each
task. Note summary/parent tasks are not assigned resources. These summary tasks
are useful to provide structure and help roll up and review details as necessary.

Resource Management

Resources will be assigned from existing department staff and where skill gaps are
identified, resources will be procured from pre-approved subcontractors and/or

Resources are managed by creating specific task budgets or work packages that
identify the scope of work including completion dates, the skill category required,
and the hours budgeted to complete the work. As work progresses the project
manager would monitor the hours charged to each package and assess the cost
incurred against work progress. The project manager would place a high priority
on the critical tasks identified in the schedule.

The following page lists the skill categories, scheduled start and completion dates
for each task in the schedule:
3.0 Produce a Project Risk Management Plan

Risk Approach
The approach to project risk management is to work with stakeholders and team
leads to identify issues within the project’s scope where some level of uncertainty
could result in a significant variation in a planned outcome. An example would be
a significant delay in the project’s completion date. The delay could be caused by
one or more of the defined tasks that is late. Any event that is within the project’s
scope that would impact acceptance would be an area of risk concern.
Identify and Assess Project Risks
Risk identification should be done in a collaborative setting and involve key
stakeholders and team leads with experience with similar projects. The
identification of a risk within scope requires that the project’s scope is well
defined. Once the scope is clear, discussions of potential variations in outcomes
can be conducted and issues, concerns, others can be considered for risk inclusion.
A risk assessment would then estimate the probability of the risk event or outcome
and then estimate the impact if the risk occurs.
A second planning round would look at ways to avoid or reduce the impact of the
risk. Risk mitigation is a key aspect of an approach to prepare for potential
problems. The risk identification, impact, and mitigation steps are documented in
a risk register. This is a key document for the project team to monitor and update
as needed through the project’s duration.
High-level risks were identified in the Business Case Assumption.

The following page lists the Risk Matrix for the ONE TRIM Project:

ONE TRIM Risk Matrix

A risk matrix is a standard approach to the identification of project risks. This
model color codes the combination of probability and impact to prioritize risks.
The mitigation step is included along with the responsible person for the step.
Risk Matrix is found in Appendix as Figure 2.

The following page lists the Risk Register for the ONE TRIM Project:
ONE TRIM Risk Register
A risk register is a standard approach for management of project risks. This model
is a modified risk matrix used to track the status of project risks and close and track
any new risks that may occur during project execution. The register holds the key
information from the matrix, but includes a status indicator and notes to add in
review and management of the risks.
Risk Register is found in Appendix as Figure 3.
4.0 Stakeholder Management Plan

The stakeholders for the project are all those entities that are linked with the
project and are affected, either directly or indirectly, due to any decision made for
the project. In order to better manage the stakeholders, senior project manager is
made responsible for everything. The administration/CEO also communicates with
the senior project manager to get an idea about the project status. All the other
stakeholders are also adopting the same approach.
For any issue/inconvenience the senior project manager is held liable to evaluate
and understand the situation and then take the corrective actions for the case of
OneTRIM. He has taken the sole obligation to the fact that all the project related
requirements are properly met as well as no inconvenience exist at client’s end.

Identifying, analysing and managing stakeholders for the first iteration of the

Based on the project description both the direct and indirect parties to the project
are identified. Some of them are internal and other are external as is shown below.
Not only the internal but also the internal entities have the obligation to assist
senior project manager to achieve the project related objectives for data migration
& the automation.

All the stakeholders have the direct link with the senior project manager. It can be
said that all the decisions that are required to be made about the project costs,
deadlines, milestones as well as the deliverables are the sole responsibility of
senior project manager.
All the team members are accountable to him and he is liable to questions of
Senior management. This way the stakeholders are managed for the current project
which is more about the automation of the records.

Stakeholder Analysis
The stakeholder analysis is attached as Appendix Figure 4. It can be seen from the
table that internal, and the external stakeholders are listed separately with both
level of influence and the impact on the project. They all together are responsible
to give the innovative ideas and the solutions that are more linked with the
implication of the information system. The said system has more capability to
resolve the inter-departmental issues of managing critical information within the
Family and Community Services (FACS) cluster which also comprises the
Department of Family and Community Services. This way the inefficient record
management, leading to various security related issues, has better been made
efficient with the help of the project under consideration i.e., OneTRIM.

5.0 Project Communication Plan

In order to better achieve the objectives linked with the Simplification,

Streamlining, and Consolidation for OneFACS to OneTRIM, there is an immense
need to have the effective communication plan in place. The more effective the
communication is the better the multiple records of 1000s of users can be managed
with the added benefit of cost reduction. The effective communication helps the
project members to have the clear determination of the project related goals and the
objectives. Also, the time delays are avoided by effectively communicating what is
required. This way the issues can not only be identified timely but also, they can be
resolved through the formulation of effective strategies.

Out of both the internal as well as the external stakeholders, there is a need to
prioritize the stakeholders based on the nature of the task, information available as
well as the urgency to deliver the specified information to certain stakeholders.
This is how by prioritizing the stakeholders the objectives of the current project are
better achieved. It helps to get the clear picture of the fact that who is liable to
whom and who needs to be communicated the critical matter at the time of
urgency. This is how the things can get smooth leading to efficient workflow.

Process taken to manage communication with the stakeholders for the first
iteration of the project.
Based on the stakeholders identified in Task 4, it can be said that the project is
managed overall by the senior project manager. He is the one who is acting like a
bridge i.e., between the senior authorities & the client as well as for the program
team (even including the change agents).
For any confusion, the higher authorities can ask the senior project manager about
the matter /critical issues. Also, any delays can be avoided through the pre-planned
effective communication means.
All the major and necessary decisions are made by the senior project manager from
project start to the end i.e., regarding management of the multiple records through
the system of OneTRIM. This is essence of the current project with the help of
communication plan.

Summary of Communication plan for the project & the communication plan:
The communication plan is giving an insight to the fact how effectively the project
stakeholders are communicating in order to achieve the objectives of the project.
From the start to the end, it is ensured that all the stakeholders are linked with each
other in an effective manner and are cooperating to avoid any issue that can affect
the project. The detailed communication plan is attached in Appendix as Figure 5.

Appendix Figure 1:

Scrum Board - One Trim Project - Day 3

Story To Do In Progress To Verify Done
Implement a security model Design and test login Role access
Improve the user experience Review key acceptance
of the system requirements

Scenarios 1-5

test Test lead

scenario 6-12
The system should contain a
portal for training component
and explainer videos Portal Development
Training Videos Training Lead

Consolidate the six department Database Schema

datasets into one system, One Defined
Database update at Legacy Database
cutover Converted/tested
Use standardized metadata and Metadata standards
perform regular software defined
upgrades Maintenance Release
schedule Defined
Appendix Figure 2:

Risk Matrix
Ris Probabilit Risk Responsible
Description Impact Mitigation
k ID y Score Person
Add a buffer task to
·         A delayed Schedule
schedule; added: WBS:
1 may cause the entire system to go off S/W DEV
track and increase estimated costs
7 6 4.2 Test Fix/Extra training lead
·         The project may
Buffer task includes
2 require more financial resources during
extra resources
development 5 5 2.5 PM
·         The system may experience
3 technical performance issues thereby Monitor Daily Sys Eng
delaying the use 4 4 1.6 Sprints/testing Lead
Get Stakeholders
4 End Users Concerns disrupt involved change
acceptance 4 4 1.6 communication PM

Risk Risk Responsibl

Description Mitigation Status Notes
ID Score e Person

·         A delayed Add a buffer task to

Schedule may cause the entire schedule; added:
system to go off track and increase WBS: S/W DEV Monitor until cutover
estimated costs 4.2 Test Fix/Extra training lead Open is certain
·         The project may
Buffer task includes
2 require more financial resources Monitor until cutover
extra resources
during development 2.5 PM Open is certain
·         The system may experience
3 technical performance issues Monitor Daily Sys Eng Monitor until cutover
thereby delaying the use 1.6
Sprints/testing Lead Open is certain
Get Stakeholders
4 End Users Concerns disrupt involved change Monitor until cutover
acceptance 1.6 communication PM Open is certain
Appendix Figure 3: Risk Register
Appendix Figure 4:
Stakeholder Internal/ Level of Commitment level to project

external influence over

Project/ Opposed Neutral Supporter





Administration/CEO Internal H/H

Financial Manager Internal H/H

Senior project Manager Internal H/H

Business units Internal L/M

Program team Internal L/M

Client /User External H/H

Change Agents Internal/External L/M

Contractor External H/M

Appendix Figure 5: Communication Plan

Communication Frequency Objective Owner Audience

Email sending for Daily/ Review the overall Senior Project Financial Manager+
the project status weekly status of the project & Manager Business Units+
report talk about the program team+
potential issues/ Change agents
delays, if any are
raised by the client or
some technical

Team stand up Daily Discussing with team Senior Project Business Units+
members what they Manager program team+
have done yesterday, Change agents
their current roles and
if there exist any
Reviewing the At milestone Presenting project Senior Project Business Units+
project performance deliverables, Manager program team+
gathering feedback, Change agents
and discussion of the
next steps to move
Conducting meeting At the end Assessing what has Senior Project Administration/CEO+
at the completion of of project been worked and Manager Client/User+
project what is left. program team
Discussion of the
actionable takeaways.
Getting insight to Daily Sharing of the daily Senior Project Program team
the updates for progress related to Manager
knowing tasks the project activities &
progress the tasks.

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