Beyond Corny GroÅ Player's Guide To Karpaki
Beyond Corny GroÅ Player's Guide To Karpaki
Beyond Corny GroÅ Player's Guide To Karpaki
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What you have before you is the Player Starter Before publication of the Adventurer's Guide,
Kit – a game aid for Beyond Corny Groń, which this material is also kind of a trailer for the
is intended to help introduce players to this "main" handbook, its "demo" version. It is
realm and create characters which will be not possible that as the work on the book develops,
completely ignorant about local beliefs and new content will appear here – consider current
legends. Along its lines, the starter kit can refer iteration as a beta version.
to either content or tables that will be found
in the main book – as long as you don't have ENJOY!
access to it, consider these parts as places for - Kuba Skurzyński
your creative invention.
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Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
ue to its topography, development of the splendor of the Commona-
the Karpakian Valley lity and the beginning of its slow decay, which
acts as a natural continues today. This land has always been the
borderland. At the subject of claims made by rulers, separated by
beginning of the history recorded its rocky peaks. The earth is poor here, and the
in the chronicles, it was the mountains have no significant deposits of any
northern border of the valuable, rare, or useful metals nor minerals
legendary Great Mojmor other than flint and quartz – or at least none
Principality. have been discovered so far.
Passes in Karpaki Moun-
tains allow easy travel
between the catchments
of two great seas – the
Sarmatian in the north
and the Scythian in the
south. For these reasons,
the sovereigns of the
realms surrounding the
Karpakian Valley never
had any cause to direct
significant forces to pur-
sue their claims, but at the
same time, they could not
completely abandon them.
Thus, Corny Groń and Karpa-
ki, as well as the secrets hidden
inside them, have remained aloof
from matters of the great world.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Extending to the east, inaccessible mountain The highlanders living in this melting pot of
ranges, known as the Solar Route, connect cultural influences speak in a blend of Polan and
Karpaki with the mighty Antolian Empire, Pannonian dialects. When asked about their na-
Gate of the Orient, located in the southwestern tionality, they almost always answer that they
part of the Solina continent. are “from here”. Whether the Styrian empress,
Antolian padishah, or the king of Commonality
In the northern part of Karpaki, halfway to are ruling, they demand the same tributes and
Character Creation
Krakogrod, wanderers can find the city of prosecute for breaking their laws, strange for
New Fair situated at the foot of the mountains, highlanders – so what's the difference?
famous for its markets and festivals, eagerly
visited by merchants walking through the Both locals and visitors from all over the world
Valley. At the same time, it is the northernmost surrounding the Karpakian Valley have some-
city in the Styrian-Pannonian Empire and home thing to look for here. The pristine woodland
to a sizable border garrison stationed here to growing on the mountains makes a perfect
emphasize Her Solar Grace's dominion over the place to establish your fortress – from the
realm. From west, the Karpakian massif is clo- endowment of one or another ruler or against
sed by Czarciec, a city whose origins date back their will. Gazdowie talk about highwaymen's
to pagan times, when there were no Polan tribes treasures and moss-covered pagan strongholds
Factions in Karpaki
in these lands yet. The castle in Czarciec con- hidden among peaks, and even about sleeping
nects with the legends of the Krzyński family, knights of prince Gniewek I’s retinue, waiting in
infamous robber knights, who reportedly often a forgotten cave for the call to come back to bat-
mixed their blood with the illustrious dyna- tle for the land of mothers and fathers. Also, the
sties of biesy. Currently, Czarciec is the personal cold war for influence in the Valley has become a
property of the Imperial House of Dunburg, who fact, and various intelligence services may need
bought it from the indebted Polan magnate. favors from freelance agents to pursue their
Rumors say that Empress Eleanor herself would plans. Karpaki are also home to biesy, mysterious
like to make this place her winter residence. mountain and forest beings, which for centuries
could hide their secrets from the greedy eyes of
These mountains and valleys have always the mortal inhabitants of the lowlands. The un-
attracted people who yearn for freedom, to crowned ruler of these creatures is undoubtedly
temper their spirits like hard rocks amid biting the Mountain Spirit, about whom legends are
winds, high ridges, and rustling forests. whispered by owls and wind blowing among
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Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
reate your characters using the rules of the
game you are playing. Using the tables below,
you can come up with or randomize other
character traits, such as body type, face look,
hair, clothes, virtues, and flaws. You can also come up with
or roll for a name of your character. Then determine or
randomly choose what brings them to Karpaki, what local
rumors and legends they know, and with what equipment
they start their journey.
D20 Come up with something, choose, or roll a d20 to determine the body type of the character:
D20 Come up with something, choose, or roll a d20 to define the character's face:
D20 What kind of haircut does the character have? Come up with one, select it, or roll a d20:
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
D20 Does the character have a distinctive sign? If so – come up with one, select it, or roll a d20:
Character Creation
asymmetry teeth teeth eyes
What is the character wearing? Come up with an outfit, choose one, or roll a d10 (choose male or
female outfit, regardless of character's gender). Roll another d10 to determine its type or condition:
Factions in Karpaki
Long, side fastened shirt Embroidered shirt and trousers
2 Simple
and an apron made of white cloth
and high boots
and loose sleeves) with a belt
6 Tunic, tight pants, and a wide belt Tight pants and a loose shirt Weathered
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
D6 D6 Background...
1 …escaping Krakogrod from creditors – they lent you money for a busi- 1 Alchemist
ness that did not work out. The partner who screwed you over told you 2 Gambler
about the ruins hidden in the nearby forests. Check the Ruins Table to 3 Thief
see what you know about them – maybe you can hide there or even find
something to pay off the pursuers! 4 Merchant
Character Creation
5 Burglar
6 Charlatan
2 …to your grandfather's homeland, searching for the treasure he told you 1 Herbalist
about when you were little. You can use the Table of Mountain Passes 2 Mercenary
or the Table of Mountain Peaks to see where you should start your 3 Worker
search according to the story.
4 Student
5 Artist
6 Cook
3 …chased by Sir Krzysztof Żegocki, a powerful magnate from the north, 1 Cultist
whom you served and whom you betrayed. His close relative, count 2 Magician
Otokar Krzyński, who is also Żegocki's greatest rival, lives in the area. 3 Mercenary
Maybe you can find his mansion?
4 Hunter
Factions in Karpaki
5 Cook
6 Artist
4 …after your mother chased you from your family home for having 1 Rafter
romanced the daughter of a hated neighbor. They say that biesy can win 2 Cook
over any, even the most hardened, heart – maybe even the mother’s 3 Smuggler
heart. You can get to them from a certain mountain. Which one? Check
the Table of Mountain Peaks. 4 Artist
5 Student
6 Outlaw
5 …after wrongful conviction for a crime by the Krakogród court. Evidence 1 Worker
of your innocence is allegedly held by the chief of a settlement high up 2 Alchemist
on the slopes – The Table of Villages, Settlements, and Hamlets will 3 Priestess
help you identify this place.
4 Burglar
5 Witch
6 Gambler
6 …counting on the fact that you will manage to find a sister who left your 1 Mercenary
homeland earlier and allegedly joined the outlaws here. Check out the 2 Worker
Table of Highwaymen Bands to see who they are. 3 Rafter
4 Burglar
5 Cook
6 Student
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
D6 D6 Background...
1 …and wanting Old Sablicowa to teach you her magic tricks, you need to 1 Charlatan
bring her at least one pot of seawater. One of the clues leads to the caves 2 Cultist
at the Knights’ Summit, where it is said that sometimes salt springs 3 Herbalist
break out.
4 Outlaw
5 Smuggler
6 Hunter
2 …but as the youngest of siblings, you will neither inherit the cottage 1 Cook
nor land from your parents – so you have to deal with life on your own. 2 Herbalist
It can be difficult to do it alone, so maybe, if one of the Karpakian fac- 3 Shepher
tions will put their trust in you, you will find your way – as long as you
bet on the right horse. 4 Student
5 Merchant
6 Thief
3 …your father is a devoted follower of the Fair Mother and you are fed 1 Outlaw
up with his sanctimonious ways – especially since he made up his mind 2 Rafter
that your place is in the Monastery on Starry Path, famous for its 3 Cultist
many miracles and revelations (apparently not always flowing with the
sun's rays). You know you don't need to wear a habit to count on the 4 Herbalist
favor of the abbot of this abbey – your uncle, privately. 5 Smuggler
6 Shepherd
4 …you couldn't stand living in your hometown, since the fiancé your 1 Artist
mother chose for you – Proćpak, the boldest bandit in the area – 2 Shepherd
murdered your beloved brother. His gang picked a cave for hiding, 3 Cook
found somewhere among the Hanged Rocks, and allegedly cursed
with a pagan hex. 4 Thief
5 Herbalist
6 Smuggler
5 …and you've just left the Eren Castle – the toughest prison in Karpaki – 1 Smuggler
with a clear conscience, empty pockets, and good knowledge of various 2 Charlatan
nooks and crannies in the fortress, where many important guests are still 3 Burglar
being kept.
4 Cultist
5 Outlaw
6 Hunter
6 …and you are looking for a way to avoid being drafted into the personal 1 Thief
army of the noble who owns the land on which you were born. Someti- 2 Hunter
mes you think that it might be easier for him to let go of the chase if 3 Herbalist
it weren’t for the Precious Trinket (see the Treasure Table for what
it is) that you picked up from his office on the day of your escape. 4 Artist
5 Rafter
6 Shepherd
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
D6 D6 Background...
Character Creation
5 Mercenary
6 Priest
the Red Court, an ancient estate celebrated in many bloody legends. 6 Alchemist
3 …a dream in which the life-giving body of the Father Below opened up 1 Cultist
a chasm at your feet and told you to heal his wounds that fester among 2 Medicine man
the Karpakian peaks. Check the Places of Power Table to see what the 3 Priestess
place where the underground god bleeds looked like in the vision, and
4 Merchant
Factions in Karpaki
what power is provided by his blood.
5 Charlatan
6 Thief
4 …an efreet from a porcelain lamp bought at the Bronze Market in Anto- 1 Mercenary
pol, who stole your heart and promised to give it back only when you 2 Artist
lead him to the place he called the First Pierce, which leads supposedly 3 Merchant
to the heart of Krak the Dragon.
4 Smuggler
5 Gambler
6 Alchemist
5 …Empress Eleanor's intelligence service with the task of acquiring the 1 Charlatan
help of famous highwayman chieftain, Jurko Janicek, for the Empire 2 Mercenary
– whether you will achieve the goal with arguments, bribery, threats, 3 Burglar
or deception is not very important for your supervisors.
4 Gambler
5 Merchant
6 Priest
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
D6 D6 Background...
1 …at Vermin Ridge, holding in your hand a beautifully decorated and 1 Priestess
strong ciupaga (shepherd’s axe) that you saw for the first time in your 2 Cultist
life, on the handle of which the outline of a mountain summit was 3 Gambler
carved. The drawing fits on one particular peak, visible from almost
anywhere when you look south. How it is called can be found in the 4 Outlaw
Table of Mountain Peaks. 5 Worker
6 Artist
2 …on the edge of a pond, surrounded by the corpses of strange, bulging- 1 Rafter
eyed creatures that stink of fish and salt, with an iron scale in your hand. 2 Outlaw
Among the bodies were drawings that looked like clues leading to an 3 Smuggler
unfamiliar valley among the peaks, signed with characters from
a foreign alphabet. 4 Burglar
5 Alchemist
6 Worker
3 …on a wagon that takes waste from the dungeon under the Eren Castle, 1 Burglar
with traces of handcuffs on wrists and feet and with a Precious Trinket 2 Hunter
(see the Treasure Table) hidden behind a coat. You only wonder why 3 Mercenary
the commander hid it in a secret drawer of his desk?
4 Rafter
5 Illusionist
6 Thief
4 …at the entrance to a cave, over which a lonely sycamore grew. Its trunk 1 Herbalist
resembled the head of an eagle owl, with the horns of deer and chamois. 2 Outlaw
He spoke to you, ordering you to return his heart, gave you a certain 3 Shepher
power for a moment (what power? Check the Places of Power Table),
then promised that after completing the mission it would be given to 4 Hunter
you forever, and disappeared. 5 Cultist
6 Mystic
5 …in a lonely bacówka (shepherd's hut), after dreaming about a warm, 1 Worker
stuffy cave, the walls of which were soft and damp like the flesh of a 2 Smuggler
freshly slaughtered ram. When you woke up, your hands were covered 3 Outlaw
in blood. In the hut, though its walls were only soiled with soot, there
was a ferrous smell of gore. 4 Student
5 Herbalist
6 Alchemist
6 …after a lavish party at the inn among the outlaws, who congratulated 1 Worker
you on your courage after you challenged a man called Ondraszek. If 2 Rafter
you only remembered what you challenged him to… 3 Thief
4 Student
5 Priestess
6 Merchant
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
inally, you can also
find out what your
character's virtues
and weaknesses
are by inventing something
or selecting or rolling from
the lists below:
Character Creation
Factions in Karpaki
D20 Come up with something, choose, or roll a d20 to determine character's virtue:
3 Courage 8 Generosity 13 Idealism 18 Calmness
5 Curiosity 10 Honesty 15 Faithfulness 20 Modesty
D20 Come up with something, choose, or roll a d20 to determine character's flaw:
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
1 Mountain Spirit – the only rightful ruler of this land – supposedly hid his heart somewhere at the
bottom of the deepest cave under Corny Groń, after he fell in forbidden love with a mortal woman from
2 The favorite knight of prince Gniewko I, Wojmir, together with his company, has been waiting among
the mountains for hundreds of years for the return of his beloved lord, guarding his Eagle Blade, the
prince’s diadem, and the treasure from Gniewek's last expedition beyond the Solar Route.
3 Between the white clouds on the Krzywań and the black, dagger-sharp edges of its gullies, you can find
one of the roads to Eldritch Court, the domain of Skarbek and Marzanna, who claim supremacy over
Karpakian biesy, goddesses, and godlings.
4 The Association of Anatomists from Krakogrod claims that the seamstress Skuba didn't manage to kill
the legendary dragon Krak – but using an enchanted thread she tied him up so that he flew away to the
high Karpakian peaks and tired of breaking free from these bonds, he fell asleep there forever and ever.
5 Karpakian peaks are in fact fingers of the Father Below, who extended his hand to the Fair Mother when
her warm glow reached his underground heart – the winds and streams murmuring between the peaks
whisper that the Mountain Spirit is their son.
6 From the bottom of the Ocean's Eye, the lake at the foot of Knights’ Peak, you can swim to the sea – Sar-
matian or Scythian, or maybe even both.
7 In the lobbies of Krakogrod, they say that a few days after her recent coronation, the young Empress
Eleanor Angela I sent a large group of talented historians from the Danubian University from Wieniec to
the Eren Castle, anointed by the Holy Lady herself.
8 Juhasi (shepherds) grazing herds at the foot of Corny Groń say that the heir of these lands, a magnate
exceptional cruel to peasants, that dates his family back to the times of the first Siems or even further, do
not bow to Commonality nor Her Solar Grace – instead, he is dancing with the Devil himself.
9 Of all the Karpakian goddesses, the most sympathetic to mortal wanderers is the shapeshifting Roe –
she unveils hidden paths and treasures to any girl who manages to grab her hand, and to any boy who
catches a spark from under her hoof.
10 During the night watch, wardens from the Eren Castle repeat a frightful prophecy to each other, saying
that when no more owls be nesting on the castle’s Moon Tower, the whole Karpaki will be flooded by the
infernal heat of the Eastern Sun, and the mountains will turn into a desert.
11 A wise woman from Sichla tells that during the equinoxes, in the clouds over the peaks, Pogwizd, a bies
that rushes with winds, blows towards the Karpaki Valley to spite people – his hot, dry breath makes
brother raise a hand against a brother, the worst nightmares to come for the living, and the dead to get
up from the graves.
12 In the inn near Kuznica, they say that in the caves of Raven Crag, Klimka Sieczka, a famous robber and
an even more famous huntress, who is serving her third life sentence in the Eren Castle, hid her treasure,
stolen from under the imperial escort – maybe this time she will not manage to escape!
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
13 A drunken gazda sneered that all the fame and power of the outlaw Jurko Janicek derives from the gifts
he received from witches, and without these enchanted trappings he would be a nobody.
14 Regardless of the doubts of scholarly minds from universities, spawns of the so-called Araisodarus Chi-
mera, a mutant that escaped two hundred years ago to Karpaki, do in fact torment the highlanders and
Character Creation
their herds to this day and pose a serious threat to caravans and other travelers.
15 At Krakogrod feasts, they say that King Jarema is planning to retake Karpaki not by force, but by decep-
tion – apparently his people, having studied the old grimoires, found a clue about power hidden among
the mountain peaks, which lord Snopowic would gladly claim to save his motherland.
16 Local vodniks tell that the first drowners passed into Karpaki through the caves under the Ocean’s Eye
and that in the depths and pits flooded with poisoned water they worship strange demons and tentacle-
-faced gods with unspeakable names.
17 There is a beautiful and sad song that mentions that when you hear a wailing lamentation over the
meadows and among the peaks, it is a sure sign that soon someone of the royal blood of the Melusine
will have to leave this world.
18 Long time ago there was a cruel ruler of biesy, called the Ash King, whom Siemowit, the progenitor of the
royal house of Siem, condemned to be eaten by mice. To this day goddesses and godlings, that are called
Factions in Karpaki
olchy by the locals, which are former subjects of this King, are taking revenge on mortals for this regicide.
19 Certain antiquarian from Czarciec swore that few years ago in his collection he had a rare manuscript by
Lady Twardowska, the famous Polan Lady Sister and a peerless sorceress. The volume was said to descri-
be the route to the moon, but was allegedly lost in a fire that broke out in the store on a full moon night.
20 The war is coming – only that this time, apart from the Commonality and the Empire, other forces
operating in the region, including the biesy and their monarchs, will surely join the game. Karpaki will be
on fire soon.
D6 Come up with something, choose, or roll a d6 to determine why characters are traveling together:
1 You are all from the same village and have 4 You escaped together from the captivity
known each other since childhood. of an ogre. Bestiary
2 You have worked for the same noble person, 5 You served in one unit of the imperial
but something went wrong, and they dis- army, but you were accused of crimes
missed all of you. you did not commit.
3 You spent an exceptionally joyful evening 6 Regardless of where you hail from, you
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
ach wanderer starts with a supply
of food for 3 days, traveling clothes,
a handful of dutki (d6 silver pieces),
and any melee weapon (e.g. a saber
or a ciupaga) or a bow with ten arrows. The GM
can also allow to roll for armor or start with a
flintlock pistol. Also, randomly select two items
from the Mountaineer's Gear Table and one
each from the two Generic Gear Tables.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Character Creation
1 Rope, 15m 6 Crowbar 11 Lantern 16 Pole, 3m
3 Candles, 5 8 Climbing hook 13 Skis 18 Tent
Factions in Karpaki
1 Pipe and tobacco 6 Saw 11 Fishing rod 16 Fishing net
4 Bellows 9 Chisel 14 Mining pick 19 Metal file
1 Incense 6 Bottle 11 Pots 16 Hunting horn Bestiary
Sun-blessed Earth-blessed
5 10 15 Counterfeit gems 20 Little bell
holy water holy water
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Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Styrian-Pannonian Empire
Enlightened Absolutism; rules the Karpakian Valley.
Character Creation
modern, enlightened empire with FACTION WANTS TO:
its capital at Wieniec, ruled by collect taxes from Karpakian people;
the absolute ruler, the Empress of gain sympathy of the simple Karpakian folk;
Styria and the Queen of Pannonia, get to know Jurko Janicek personally;
Her Solar Grace Eleanor Angela I Dunburg, head bring order and stability to Karpaki;
of the empire which consists of numerous king- strengthen the Archexarchate's influence;
doms controlled by the Dunburg dynasty. The exemplarily punish foreign spies;
Factions in Karpaki
Empress is also the head of church authority, gain an advantage against Antolian Empire;
the Archexarchate of Styria. The Karpakian Val- find minerals in the mountains and start
ley is officially part of Empress Eleanor's doma- mining operations;
in, placed in the short section of its northeastern increase the prestige of the Danubian Uni-
border, but it is too close to the Commonality, versity through a great discovery;
Antolian Empire, and north-eastern Varasian subjugate the local biesy;
Tsardom for Dunburgesse to let that raw flint annex more territory controlled by
out of the jewels of her crown. In theory, all the the Commonality.
inhabitants of the Karpaki are subjects of Her
Solar Grace. In fact, a large army of agents not
only guards the Valley against foreign influen- FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
ces and spies, but also keeps an eye on officials, allow anarchy in Karpaki;
secular and clergy, administering the border- allow the increase of outlaws activity;
land on behalf of the Empress, and army officers miss the opportunity for a strategical use of
Krakonian Exarchate;
lose control over Karpaki.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Nobles’ Democracy; recently lost power in Karpaki
haotic and weakened by internal the ultimate demise of the Polan sovereignty.
disputes, a country located north To this end, among other things, he must deal
of the Karpakian Valley (or – as with the threat from the southwest that has
the highlanders say – "down already managed to tear away a sizable portion
below"), combining the worst elements of the of Commonality.
nobles’ democracy of the Lady Sisters and Lord
Brothers, which is a facade for the influence of
several powerful oligarchs, and a monarchy in FACTION WANTS TO:
which the king is elected by these aristocrats, regain supremacy over Karpaki;
powerful, corrupt and focused solely on their find and awake the sleeping knights of
own gain. Karpaki is traditionally regarded Gniewek I;
as part of the so-called Crown of the Polan use the might of dragon Krak or another
Kingdom, which was once ruled by the rulers of power dormant in the Karpaki mountains;
the Siem and Jadwigon dynasties, and despite weaken the Styro-Pannonian Empire;
the current Styro-Pannonian sovereignty, many recruit local allies for the Polan cause;
Polans still consider the Valley to be part of the take care of interests of Polan land-owners;
Krakogrod land, and the inhabitants of Karpaki initiate a local uprising.
traditionally speak Polan dialects. Krakogrod
itself – the former capital of the Commonali-
ty – remains the metropolis closest to Karpaki. FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
Therefore, in these mountains and valleys, you engage in an open war;
can often meet many Krakogrod merchants to lose further territories of the Commonali-
and scholars, including botanists, alchemists, ty to the Styro-Pannonia;
and geomancers, who conduct their research lose influence over Fair Mother followers;
here. Equally, regularly among these people of allow the Antolian Empire to grow in signifi-
business and science, there are spies of King cance in the region;
Jarema Snopowic, who is determined to prevent see dragon Krak's awakening.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Factions in Karpaki
Appendix Bestiary Treasures Tables Exploration Character Creation Welcome to Karpaki
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Party of Wits
Local intelligentsia and revolutionaries; supporters of autonomy
or most inhabitants of Karpaki who- ACTION WANTS TO:
se crowned head is currently called freedom and autonomy for Karpakian Valley;
their ruler remains as important gain the trust and favor of the inhabitants
as yesterday's weather. Yet, some of Karpaki;
highlanders notice a clear deterioration of their to freely worship the Father Below;
fate under the enlightened heel of Empress have more people in their ranks;
Eleanor. They are also in no hurry to return to join forces with some great highwaymen's
the wings of the Polan motherland, noticing its chieftain and their people;
obvious weakness. The secret Party of Wits, as start an uprising;
they call themselves, sees the potential for au- do whatever it takes to achieve their goals –
tonomy in the Karpakian Valley – and perhaps no matter what the cost.
even independently of the Highland Kingdom
– believing that local people know best how to
live off the hard soil that gave birth to them. FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
Coming from local intelligentsia – craftswomen, pay taxes and submit to imperial laws;
teachers, lower-ranking officials, physicians, hand over the land to foreigners;
and parish vicars – despite their sincere inten- allow any other factions to dominate
tions, they don't have many opportunities to the region;
influence the local people. They keep looking for end up in a prison;
contacts among local groups, in particular hi- allow for the increase in influence of any
ghwaymen, who also have conflicting interests of the Holy Lady's exarchates.
with Styro-Pannonian rule. Sebastian Hook, the
leader of the Party, who dreams of the King of
the Highlanders title for himself, will not miss
any opportunity to gain advantage for his cause
– military, political or magical – which would
allow him to make a new opening in the Valley.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
The Antolian Empire
Absolute monarchy; destabilizer
Character Creation
ehind the mountains of the Solar nent, to which Antopol serves as a gate. A wise
Route, southeast of Karpaki, lies the ruler willingly supports the entrepreneurship of
mighty Antolian Empire. It is a vast loyal and pious subjects and will not allow them
domain, covered with hot deserts to be hurt even in such an inaccessible place as
and fertile valleys of great rivers, ruled by the the land of Corny Groń.
lords of the Great Antopol, a true jewel among
the cities of the known world. Current padishah,
Factions in Karpaki
Bayazid the Magnificent, is a sworn enemy of FACTION WANTS TO:
Empress Eleanor – both because of the religious be the richest and most respected ruler
conflict (the Scythian and Parthian people in the world;
traditionally worship a divine male aspect of sow political chaos in Karpaki;
the fiery sun, which is heresy for the faithful of ensure security for Antolian merchants;
the Bright Mother from the west) and border to see both the Styro-Pannonia and the
frictions in the lands south of the Karpakian Val- Commonality weakened;
ley where both empires constantly struggle for subjugate the Karpakian biesy;
influence. For many years, Antol has also been spread faith in Allseeing Sun.
involved in a conflict with Commonality over
its eastern borders, known as the Wild Steppes,
so the borders of three unfriendly domains FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
intersect in Karpaki. Padishah is not interested see any change in the Karpaki region;
in the possession of these cold, hard rocks, but allow any other factions to form an alliance
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Eldritch Court
Feudal monarchy; self-proclaimed rulers of the Hidden Folk
Character Creation
part from human rulers and af- FACTION WANTS TO:
fairs of Karpakian Valley, it is the subjugate all Karpakian biesy;
domain of Marzanna and Skarbek, get rid of biesy that cannot be subordinated;
a pair of powerful yaga and chort, remove mortals from the Karpakian Valley;
who consider themselves rulers of all small- subdue mortals from the Karpaki that can-
folk, goblins, and other biesy north of the great not be removed;
Danuba river. In their own eyes, they are equal destroy mortals who cannot be subjugated
Factions in Karpaki
even to Titania and Oberon, but the audacity of or removed from Karpaki;
human actions in their domain and the elusive expand influence among the fey domains;
but undoubted presence of legendary Mountain hide all the world's treasures underground;
Spirit makes many Karpakian biesy very reserved freeze the entire world;
about their supreme status. Mortals, for whom arouse awe and admiration among mortals,
local dense forests and inaccessible peaks are biesy, and other creatures of the Karpaki
perfect places to forge their fate away from
feudal systems and hierarchies, even of the fey
nature, also don't rush to recognize the supre- FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
macy of biesy monarchs. No one questions, ho- allow mortals to increase their numbers
wever, the authority that Skarbek has over the in the Karpakian Valley;
wonders hidden underground, and Marzanna let mortals discover magical secrets
over ice, snow, and cold wind, bringing blizzard and powers;
and frost, reaching as far as the far shores of the harm children;
northern Sarmatian Sea. Eldritch couple wants let mortals discover biesy's weaknesses;
nothing more than to turn their claims to the become powerless and forgotten.
Valley into real power and will do anything to
make the mischievous Roe, cheeky Pogwizd, the
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
arpaki have harbored and still it is also said – in a hushed voice – that among
are harboring many bold outlaws the Jurko’s people some crave his position and
and rebels who have been living would like to see themselves as the leader of his
heroes of folk tales and legends for band.
centuries. Some were the bravest, some were
the nimblest, and some were the most beauti-
ful, but all the storytellers agree that there has FACTION WANTS TO:
never been a greater highwayman than Jurko live wonderfully and freely;
Janicek, who does neither kneel nor bow to rob the rich and give to the poor;
anyone. Depending on who is asked, Janicek is compensate for all wrongdoings, wicked-
a heroic outlaw and benefactor who distributes ness, deceptions, and meanness;
the gold taken from the rich to the poor people subjugate other outlaws leaders;
of the Karpakian Valley, or an audacious thug find a permanent route to the Eldritch Court.
who has found an easy way to build a fortune
through criminal activity in a politically unsta-
ble region. It may be that all these stories have a FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
seed of truth in them, which would explain the get caught by the Empress's forces and end
enthusiasm with which not only the local boys up in a dungeon or hung on a noose;
and girls with hot heads, but also the veterans submit to anyone;
from the army of Her Solar Grace, still proud Po- reveal the source of Janicek's secret powers;
lish nobles, and even the truest biesy are joining let another band rise in power too much;
Janicek’s band. This sizable army, hardened in let any political force dominate the region.
battle and knowing the mountains as the palm
of their hand, can be a serious problem – or a
key ally – for anyone who would like to call the
inhabitants of the Karpakian Valley their sub-
jects. During the evening meetings in taverns,
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Factions in Karpaki
Appendix Bestiary Treasures Tables Exploration Character Creation Welcome to Karpaki
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Krakogrod Academy
A university losing its significance, carrying the torch of enlightenment
ounded by the Polan queen Jadwiga FACTION WANTS TO:
in Krakogrod, the sanctuary of obtain funds for the renewal and expansion
knowledge and reason. Its splendor of the Academy;
became overshadowed by Danubian become famous in the scientific world for a
University of Wieniec, founded less than a hun- breakthrough discovery that can be attribu-
dred years ago by the grandfather of the present ted to honorable professors from Krakogrod;
Empress Eleanor, Leopold Dunburg. Due to weaken the reputation of the Danubian
vast resources that Her Solar Grace devotes to University and to ridicule its staff.
the development of her grandfather's herita-
ge, the venerable Academy in the declining
Commonality means less and less in the arena
of natural and supernatural studies in this part FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
of the continent. Its deans and chancellors – prevent the Danubian University from ma-
although dignity of the academy doesn't allow king any discoveries in Karpaki;
them to say it openly – are wondering how to see religious superstitions thriving in the
restore their alma mater to its rightful place in Karpaki Valley;
the world of science. Departments of Natural see one of their students claim and seize the
History, Experimental Alchemy, and Applied results of scientific research in the Karpaki;
Theology have always looked with curiosity to- let any political disputes or national prejudi-
wards the dark summit of Corny Groń. They are ces stand against the goals of the Academy.
wondering what secrets may be hidden there.
The breakthrough discovery, commissioned by
the Krakogrod Academy and published in its
papers, could attract the attention of scholars
and nobles not only from the Commonality
and become the beginning of the rebirth of the
Dragon City’s University.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Autocephalous Exarchate
A powerful church organization loosely associated with Commonality
Character Creation
J ust as the Krakogrod Academy strug-
gles with its Wieniec counterpart’s
perform all forms of disobedience to the foreign
Empress who usurps the title of the Lady of
rising importance, the national church the Sun, and will gladly support any force that
of the Commonality, whose traditional opposes her – even the Devil himself.
capital is Krakogród, is trying to maintain its
influence in the Karpaki Valley. For hundreds FACTION WANTS TO:
of years, it has been painstakingly trying to maintain influence among the Karpakian
Factions in Karpaki
convert the locals to the cult of the Holy Lady. clergy and followers of the Holy Lady;
Now, after mountains became the domain of keep the inhabitants of the Karpaki faithful
the Archexarchate of Styria, and Eleanor Angela to the Holy Lady;
Dunburg, who, apart from religious power, subjugate Karpakian biesy as a servant of
has also an efficient state apparatus to use for the Holy Lady.
converting and reinforcing the love for the Sun
in the local population. During her reign, the
spreading of the faith of the Fair Mother has
accelerated, which casts entire generations of FACTION DOESN'T WANT TO:
Krakogród’s exarchs in a bad light. But everyone let Empress Eleanor control the Karpaki;
here knows that the Holy Lady has Polan roots, allow any discovery inconsistent with the
and it is in the Polan speech that the Karpaki Holy Lady church’s doctrine to be discovered
highlanders are praying, as their fathers and in the Valley;
grandfathers did (their great-grandfathers, turmoils in the Valley to interfere with doing
however, could have been using this speech business in lowlands "down below".
during prayers and rituals but rather intended
for other forces). Local clergy still faithful to the
Krakogrod metropolis – generously supported
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Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
here are many representatives of supernatural abilities – such as unicorns and
diverse fauna living among Kar- basilisks. This category also includes legendary
pakian glens and peaks. Among creatures of inhuman nature, unrelated to the
them are ordinary, common world of biesy, yet gifted with consciousness
animals – such as chamois, foxes, and wyverns and alien, often considerable intelligence and
— as well as creatures endowed with certain magical powers.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Unnatural and abberant creatures
Character Creation
ome creatures are not born, but to combine different beasts in a single chimera
created. Whether the source of body, or mutate them to magnify or suppress
their existence is a forbidden certain traits. Others, such as golems or homun-
ritual, a disease, or a curse, they are culi, are not created from living beings at all,
frightening proof of how dangerous the effects but are made from start to finish by powerful
of magical power can be in determined hands. spellcasters. There are also horrors so terrifying
Some of them – such as lycanthropes, vampires, and alien that they don't even have names –
Factions in Karpaki
and spooks – resemble cursed biesy by nature, they are known only from the incoherent tales
except that they are the result of a hex affecting of madmen who saw them out of the corner of
mortals. Transmuters and alchemists someti- their eye just before they miraculously escaped
mes learn forbidden formulas that allow them from an ordeal that the monster from the abyss
had arranged – for example – for a group of mi-
ners looking for valuable deposits way too deep.
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Bigfolk – the first stewards of the land, punished by the gods for their hubris
egends say that when the gods the fruits of their labor, stirring up the sky, dred-
created the world, they needed ging the seas and lakes senselessly, or piercing
hands to work. Someone had to dig the earth all the way to the lava springs and
ditches for rivers, plant forests, or creating volcanoes. In the end, the gods had to
blow away clouds to make room for mountain put an end to the giant tribes, bringing destruc-
peaks. The creators assumed that in order to tion upon them. Those who remained hid from
perform their tasks, the divine strongmen did the divine wrath in deep crypts and hideouts, or
not need souls – they, however, constantly shrunk to avoid the angry gaze of their fathers
craved them. Later, whether out of pity or as and mothers. Over time, the giants took up
payment for work, the gods bestowed souls on residence among humans and biesy, gradually
the giants, who immediately thereafter raised growing into their communities. There is little
their hand against their masters and fomented left in them of their former titanic glory, except
rebellions. Mighty bodies housed great strength their own legends and tales, which still live on,
and great knowledge, but they lacked divine especially among the giant nobility, dreaming of
wisdom, so the giants became consumed by the return of the good old days.
hubris, conceited, and arrogant. They destroyed
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
Good Neighbours, Hidden Folk, Cousins, Them – inhabitants of Karpaki from the Other Side
Character Creation
n the light of the Bright Lady and on and many arrogantly enlightened scholars
the shoulders of the Father Below, tend to ignore or even deny their existence.
people have been born, live and die Meanwhile, any child will tell you that weolca-
for centuries. However, everyone ners, netherlings, goblins or wyrdwifes are as
in Karpaki has heard, most believe, and some real as wind, coming rain, fun, quiet cry, dream,
insist that they personally know at least one sudden love or mischievous joke – they can't
bies – someone who has been here since forever, always be seen at first glance, which doesn't
Factions in Karpaki
a being who is immortal, unusual, uncanny mean they don't exist.
or even otherworldly. Biesy
don't live only among these Biesy are creatures almost always
mountains – in many parts of more or less endowed with
the world they are known as abilities that humans used to call
sídhe, jinn or daimon – but the magical, though they may be as
harsh inaccessibility of the everyday and natural to the
Karpakian Mountains has Hidden Folk as embro-
allowed them to persist idery or blacksmithing
here in numbers and is to men. They live in a
diversity that are rarely variety of places – some
seen in other places, whe- close to mortals, just
re mortals have already set below their homes,
their order of things and ta- some deep under-
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
of humans. They form their own communities – reason to give divine honor to someone whose
some are loners, others live in settlements, and only merit is that she lives in the sun. Much
the most powerful create their own societies closer – literally and figuratively – to them is the
and monarchical courts. Biesy themselves Father Below, with – again – rarely a religious
used to call those living "on the other side" as relationship, but more often a friendly, profes-
"mortals," although the bies themselves are not sional, feudal or familial one.
immortal – but in order to end their life, either
certain circumstances must occur, or the bies There are many legends about how biesy came
themselves must recognize that their time has to the world – and from where they are still
come. Almost all bies are harmed by pure salt coming. Some of them resonate with the cosmo-
and pure iron (with the exception of earth-bo- gonic myths of mortals, indicating, for example,
und elementals – which, by contrast, react badly that Cousins crawled out of the bodies of the
to sunlight). Biesy are also sensitive to what same dead titans that spawned humans, only
mortals used to call superstitions – from cros- that from more "unusual" fragments of them.
sing fingers for good luck or breaking mirrors to Others claim that biesy are the souls of the
the law of hospitality and the obligation to keep dead, who return in this form to help or tease
promises. Not all superstitions work the same humans. The bies respond to such insinuations,
on bies (few have a problem with black cats, brazen in their view, with their legends, accor-
for example), but breaking a given word, which ding to which the first man was an extremely
for a human would result in remorse or anxiety dull goblin, who was the first to claim the land
for the rest of the day, for gnome may result that fed him was his own, thus irretrievably
with serious jinx or even a transformation into losing his bond with the spirit of free nature and
something pitiful or cursed. Moreover, the older with his biesy brothers and sisters.
and more powerful biesy are, the more dange-
rous it is for they to violate a taboo or come into It can't be said that biesy look a certain way –
contact with a ill-substance. A pinch of salt or individual bloodlines, tribes and lineages of
the touch of an iron doorknob, which at most them can differ dramatically from each other,
burns like a nettle to a young goblin, can knock both in outward appearance and in disposition,
aged yaga down for days, and in extreme cases abilities and nature. Various philosophers,
– even kill her. demonologists and folk sages have produced an
outline classification of biesy over the years to
Few biesy give the Bright Mother the kind of put them in order in their heads, just as they put
reverence that mortals do, causing her church all other things in order, but biesy themselves
to look at best distrustful, and most often – re- most often dismiss these divisions with a mi-
luctant or downright hostile to Good Neighbors. schievous giggle and a disbelieved shake
This doesn't mean that Hidden Folk don't of the head.
believe in her existence – they just don't see any
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Welcome to Karpaki
among mortals. It also happens that within
Those biesy that are so close to nature that they a single tribe individual biesy differ from each
seem to be an integral part of it and its forces are other as significantly as the people of a single
called elementals, or geniuses. They can be as village differ from each other – the head of one
powerful as a gale or as gentle as a drizzle. This will be adorned with antlers, while another will
does not mean that they are mindless and indif- have hair woven from storm clouds. In Karpaki
ferent – but their mood or temperament is often they are called goddesses and godlings, and
Character Creation
linked to the weather, the state of the water, sometimes this term also includes extremely
the depth of the earth, or other natural factors powerful, goblins, smallfolk, or elementals.
unnoticeable to mortals and sometimes even
other biesy. Their powers are most often related
to the element of which they are composed and SMALLFOLK (MINOR BIESY)
which they can control. Biesy who usually live close to humans are
collectively called smallfolk or littlekin. Some
say their small size – they are rarely larger than
GODDESSES AND a small human child – is their way of ada-
GODLINGS (TRUE BIESY) pting to life behind a stove, in the shadows of
True biesy include the most powerful of the graveyards, or among the cramped tunnels of
Factions in Karpaki
Good Neighbor tribes. At first glance, from a mines. Many smallfolk make snide claims that
distance, they are sometimes difficult to distin- if they wanted to, they could grow to the size of
guish from mortals, usually being only slightly a bear or better (and get very angry when some-
shorter than humans and often assuming one demands them to prove it). The legends of
roughly human-like shapes. Only the Hidden People often indicate that small-
a closer look allows one to see folk are the ones among biesy that have
snake eyes, goat hooves, or lost the most from their domains
unearthly delicate facial and habitats as a result of mortal
features that inevitably activity, and just as their tribes'
betray a bies. Although power has shrunk, so has their
there are different types size. However, this does not mean
of these creatures, some- that smallfolk remain defense-
times you can find loners less – in addition to many magic
living in their own way tricks, they have learned to use
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Appendix Treasures Tables Factions in Karpaki Exploration Character Creation Welcome to Karpaki
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
n the world of Corny Groń, Religious disputes are raised by the perception
the dominant faith in the Fair of the feminine aspect of the earth or the ma-
Mother – the female solar sculine strength in the caring sun. There is also
deity – does not exclude the the phenomenon of lunar worship (comple-
recognition of the divinity of the Father mentary or competing with the worship of the
Below – chthonic male deity – as, ac- Holy Lady) and possible contradictory aspects
cording to the doctrine and popular of the same deities, such as, for example, the
belief, both these beings cult of the Rich Lord, the despot of the alleged
complement underground land of the dead, which in many
each other. sacraments resembles the worship of the Father
Beyond Corny Groń – Player's Guide
Appendix Treasures Tables Factions in Karpaki Exploration Character Creation Welcome to Karpaki