Adolfo Figueroa - Capitalist Development and The Peasant Economy in Perú (1984) PDF
Adolfo Figueroa - Capitalist Development and The Peasant Economy in Perú (1984) PDF
Adolfo Figueroa - Capitalist Development and The Peasant Economy in Perú (1984) PDF
Professor of Economics
Catholic University of Peru
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
1 Introduction 1
2 Scope and method 3
3 The economic unit and economic organization 13
4 Production and exchange 24
5 The level and structure of peasant income 41
6 The economic behavior of the peasant family 58
7 Stagnation in the peasant economy and the role of demand 82
8 Economic crisis and the peasant economy, 1975-1980 102
9 Conclusions: reality, theory and policy 114
I The sample 126
II Methodological notes concerning the calculation of
peasant income 129
III Andean food plants 131
IV Methodology used in the calculation of Table 7.1 132
Notes 134
Bib liography 137
Index 139
6.1 Seasonality in peasant communities of the sierra 62
7.1 Engel curve and derived rural income curve 93
capital in this economy and that the rate of return should then be very
high has no empirical base: the stock of traditional capital is very high
and, consequently, the rate of return very low. Moreover, this low
rate of return does not create incentives to save and invest in those
factors. The policy implication of this hypothesis is that the peasant
economy should shift to the use of modern factors of production.
Another hypothesis refers to the land tenure system. According to
this view, peasant families are exploited through non-capitalist social
relations, like share-cropping systems. These systems of production
and distribution would also have negative effects on the propensities
to introduce innovations and technical change in the production
process. A land reform program would be the policy to follow based
on this hypothesis.
Consump- Invest-
Sectors tion ment Exports
A P Z C I N M Total
goods A h M
i X,
y A y
Livestock P : |
Z-goods Z *:; x
*2 01 J^ M X2
in kind N h 0 0 Xn
(monetized) M Im 0 0 Xm
Labor H 0 Mh Xh
Land T in X,\ l\: % 0 0 0 X,
goods A ^11 ^12 ^li
Animals P
Tools Z 3
for blankets and clothes). Part is consumed as meat, milk, eggs and
skins; part is invested, as when the stock of animals is increased; and
part is exported.
Z-goods constitute a varied list, of which the main elements are the
(a) processed food: chuno, chicha, cheese and dried meat;
(b) textiles: clothes, blankets, ponchos, sweaters, cloaks, sacks,
straps, harnesses and lassos;
(c) tools, and repair thereof;
(d) construction: houses, public buildings, yards and enclosures,
roads, canals, and construction materials such as adobe bricks and
(e) fuel: firewood;
(f) trade;
(g) transport;
(h) other crafts: ceramics, leatherwork, carpentry.
Some of these Z-goods contribute to agricultural and cattle pro-
Scope and method 7
duction, others to final demand. They contribute to agriculture as
sacks and other containers and in the repair of tools; they contribute
to cattle production as ropes, harnesses and lassos; they are consumed
as woolen textiles; they are invested in construction; and they are
exported as cheese.
Imported products from the rural economy (Xn) go into pro-
duction as agricultural inputs, as inputs for livestock production
(black salt fed to animals) or as inputs for the production of Z-goods.
They also are consumed, as in the case of maize imported by upper-
highland communities, and invested. The same can be said of urban
imports: fertilizers, pesticides, medicines for livestock, and dyes for
handicrafts are intermediate production goods; salt, sugar and
kerosene are for consumption; and they go to investment (above all
as steel implements).
Annual labor, measured in person-days, is used in all three sectors
of production, although production may often be in two sectors at
once, for example when someone tends cattle and spins wool at the
same time. Ch refers to 'consumption of labor', in rest-days or fiestas.
Nh and Mh denote exported labor (migrating for temporary work
outside the community).
The stock of land (Xt) is measured by area, and is allocated to
agricultural production, to livestock production when sown to
alfalfa, and to production of Z-goods when used for building. Ct
refers to land set aside for homes, plazas or sportsfields.
The last three rows represent stocks of capital goods which are used
in the current year's production — as opposed to the top three lines
which representflows,that is, quantities produced during the year, j*
represents agricultural stocks required for agricultural production
(such as seed, S ). S is the stock of animals used in all three sectors,
e.g. for motive power (i.e. oxen), reproduction (expansion of the
stock), and transportation. Finally, S3 represents the stock of tools
used in the production of goods in all three sectors.
It should be clear that each column of the table represents the
combination of elements of production necessary to produce the
corresponding good: it is a vector representing a technological
process. The four right-hand columns represent vectors of final
demand: the composition of goods consumed, accumulated and
exchanged. It will also be noticed that the community produces four
types of commodities: agricultural goods, livestock, Z-goods, and
labor for export to work temporarily elsewhere in town or country.
8 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
An empirical estimate of Table 2.1 would summarize the tech-
nological relations, the productive structure and exchange relations
in peasant communities. It would also show the specific ways in
which the peasant economy is connected to the market economy.
This estimate is presented in the next section. Before that, the
particular geographical setting of peasant communities must be
specified, for the production structure of any community will be
influenced by the characteristics of ecological levels under control,
micro-climates and so on.
Total Rural
population population
Regions (meters) '000 0/
'000 /o
Coast Under 500 5,929 43.8 1,208 17.0
Yunga 500-2,000 926 6.9 725 10.2
(500-1,000) (228) (1.7) (122) (1.7)
(1,000-1,500) (258) (1.9) (212) (3.0)
(1,500-2,000) (440) (3.3) (391) (5.5)
Quechua 2,000-3,500 4,073 30.1 3,215 45.3
(2,000-2,500) (892) (6.6) (625) (8.8)
(2,500-3,000) (1,171) (8.7) (1,012) (14.3)
(3,000-3,500) (2,010) (14.8) (1,578) (22.2)
Suni 3,500-4,000 1,325 9.8 1,101 15.5
Puna 4,000-4,500 192 1.4 124 1.7
Cordillera 4,500
and above 13 0.1 9 0.1
High jungle 500-1,000 371 2.7 280 3.9
Low jungle under 500 709 5.2 444 6.3
13,538 100.0 7,106 100.0
Note: The estimates were calculated on the basis of district population figures in the
National Population Census of 1972. However, they remain approximations because
the altitude of each district was assumed to be the same as the altitude of the district
capital. The altitudes were obtained from the Anuario Estadistico del Peru, Vol. 3,
Table 2.2.6 (Lima, Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos, n.d.) and from
inquiries at the Instituto Geografico Militar.
According to Pulgar Vidal the quechua begins at 2,300 meters and the Cordillera at
4,800. Since the intervals in our sources were 500 meters, a small and insignificant
part of the area covered by theyunga had to be included in the quechua, while the Cordillera
was defined as starting at 4,500 meters, thus impinging slightly on the puna. However,
these errors are marginal.
The sample
The next chapters will present the results of research carried out in the
southern sierra of Peru, the poorest area of the sierra region in income
terms. The peasant families studied are minifundistas, possessing for
the most part fewer than five hectares of land; and they are organized
Scope and method 11
in peasant comunidades. The family (or household) and the comunidad
are therefore the units of analysis throughout the study.
Eight communities were selected from a sample universe which
contained the most important areas with peasant communities in the
southern sierra. The communities vary in their ecological characteris-
tics: Jacantaya, Culta and Ninamarca are typical of the suni zone;
Acobamba of theyunga, and the remainder are in the quechua. The only
one of the five departments in the area which is not represented is
Ayacucho, but this is not of importance since differences between
departments are minor.
The data were obtained by uniform questionnaires administered to
peasant families in all the communities. Other informants were also
interviewed, in particular persons who occupied or had occupied
positions of responsibility in the communities; these provided
invaluable information on the social and physical context of the study
which shed further light on the information provided by the families
interviewed, and also enabled us to detect when the information
given by the families was clearly beyond the bounds of local
possibilities. The research in these communities was initiated in 1976
with several visits and preliminary data collection (Figueroa, 1978).
The final stage in data collection, which was initiated in September
1978, lasted two weeks in each community and was carried out by an
average of four persons, three of whom worked in all the localities
and one of whom was usually a person from the community itself. In
cases where the family concerned possessed a faulty command of
Spanish the interviews were conducted in Quechua or Aymara. The
data collected on flows refer to the previous year ending before the
interview. The fieldwork ended in April 1979.
Table 2.3 shows the distribution of the sample families among the
eight communities. It was decided to sample about 40 families in each
community, in order to be able to carry out a statistical analysis of the
results by communities. All the families interviewed, including
replacements, were selected by random sampling. Therefore, each
sample is representative of its community. On the basis of population
data, weights were applied to the sample of families to make it
representative of the eight communities and the southern sierra. The
reader will find in each table the average values for these levels of
sample expansion as 'sample total' and 'southern sierra' respectively.
(For further details on the sample the reader is referred to Appendix I.)
12 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
Number of
Date of families
Name study interviewed Department
Labor force
Community S S S
production. Table 3.1 also shows that, under the first definition, 'total
labor force' varies between 3.4 and 3.9 persons per family, while
'adult labor force' varies between 2.1 and 2.6. Once again, there is a
wide dispersion in the measure of total labor force, but this dispersion
is reduced for the measure of adult labor force: the vast majority of
the families have between two and three adult members, and in this
respect one can speak of a typical peasant family.
A further, equally important, observation is that the peasant family
is typically a nuclear family. It is extremely rare to find a household
with more than one married couple, and even in Culta, where 20% of
the households had four or more adult members, only a very small
proportion of these included two married couples. Hence, the
concepts of 'family' and 'household' coincide in the peasant com-
munities and can be used interchangeably.
land cultivated during the years of our research was under this system.
Its qualitative importance is further underlined by the observation
that it was in these lands that basic food products such as potatoes
were cultivated.
Table 3.2 also shows the extreme degree of fragmentation of
cultivable holdings, the number of holdings per family ranging from
nine to 84. In the extreme cases of Culta and Jacantaya parcels are
measured in furrows, which are at most 20 meters long. One
frequently hears a peasant saying that he has 'one plot of four furrows,
another of six furrows' and so on. A family's plots are generally
distributed across the different ecological levels to which the
community has access; however, there are often several plots even
The economic unit and economic organisation 17
within a given ecological level belonging to the same family.
This fragmentation can be explained in part by the desire of
producers to avoid erosion, when the land is sloped. But the existence
of fragmentation on flat land shows that there are also demographic
and economic factors involved. Families acquire land upon their
formation via inter-generational transfer, and these new families must
also gain access to land on diflferent ecological levels if they are to
produce a range of products. The need of a Vertical control of
ecology' by each family implies a process of land fragmentation in the
inter-generational transfer. Although this need would seem to reflect
a strategy aiming at a certain degree of family self-sufficiency, such a
hypothesis does not take into account the wide variations in micro-
climates, even within the same ecological level, which create
variations in yields as a result of frost, hail and floods. Thus the spread
of parcels would seem to reflect also a form of risk-averse economic
behavior, which would certainly be consistent with the low level of
the producers' incomes.
The number of crops sown and parcels cultivated by each family is
shown in Table 3.3. The crops involved are: potatoes, barley, oca,
olluco, mashua, quinoa, canihua, tarhui, broad beans, wheat, peas
and kidney beans. The average number of parcels cultivated per
family varies between communities from four to 39, and in all the
communities there are more parcels than crops, implying that families
grow one crop in more than one parcel. Thus in Jacantaya eight crops
are sown on an average of 20 parcels. Only in Acobamba is there near-
equality between the average number of parcels and the average
number of crops. The diversification of crop-location is even greater
than this indicates, since there is much inter-cropping. This offers
further support to the risk-aversion hypothesis.
Capital goods
The capital stock of the peasant economy consists of three types of
goods which are used in the production process: agricultural goods
(mainly seed), animals and tools. Seed is generally obtained from the
same crops; they are rarely bought by the peasant families. Consistent
with its portfolio of crops, each family must hold a portfolio of seeds.
The stock of seed per family was not estimated but it clearly varies
with the amount of cultivated land.
Animals can be divided into three types, depending on their place
18 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
Table 3.3 Number ofparcels cultivated by number of crops (% of families)
0 7.1 2.6
1 5.0 0 0
2 3.2 0 2.4 7.7
3 9.7 2.5 27.8 2.4 28.2
4 2.4 5.1 9.7 10.0 36.1 7.1 25.6
5 2.8 7.7 19.4 7.5 19.4 11.9 20.5
6 13.9 12.8 29.0 22.5 11.1 26.2 2.6
7 22.2 17.9 19.4 12.5 5.6 16.7 7.7
8 16.7 20.5 9.7 20.0 19.0 2.6
9 11.1 20.5 15.0 2.4 0
10 13.9 10.3 2.5 2.4 2.6
11 13.9 5.1 0 2.4
12 2.8 2.5
Number of
Average 8.2 7.7 5.6 6.6 4.3 6.0 4.2
dev. 2.0 1.8 1.6 2.3 1.2 2.4 1.8
Number of
Average 19.5 38.9 7.1 8.2 6.1 8.5 4.1
dev. 18.3 19.3 2.7 3.5 2.4 5.0 2.0
Sheep 6.39 13.08 12.32 4.85 6.97 5.56 3.74 4.03 6.95
Pigs 0.44 1.74 2.42 1.35 1.92 0.61 0.71 0.67 1.09
Goats 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.00 0.10 0.91 0.15
Alpaca 0.00 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Chickens 1.64 2.92 1.94 1.78 2.67 2.93 2.17 3.85 2.51
pigs 0.89 0.59 5.45 5.95 8.62 4.22 2.95 3.36 3.94
Horses 0.14 1.40 1.13 2.68 0.45 1.71 1.05 0.63 1.17
Llamas 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Oxen 0.14 0.75 0.94 0.53 1.03 0.54 0.57 0.10 0.56
cattle 1.33 2.08 3.03 3.65 3.47 2.39 1.00 1.59 2.29
20 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
is too steep or is cultivated in terraces. It is for these latter reasons that
there are few oxen in Jacantaya and Acobamba. But in general, it can
be seen that animal draught power is limited, and that to a significant
degree the peasant economy depends on human energy. This brings
us to its implements. These are of two types: those used in
agriculture, such as oxploughs, foot-ploughs (chakita/lla), hoes and
spades; and those used in the production of non-agricultural goods
(Z-goods), especially in construction, such as picks and shovels, and
Table 3.5 shows that the typical peasant family uses a very small
range of tools requiring human energy: between 1 and 2 foot-
ploughs, 3 hoes and 2 picks. The variation in the number of foot-
ploughs per family as between different communities is largely
explained by differences in the quality of land: in Jacantaya oxen
cannot be used because of terrace cultivation, and in Ancobamba the
poor quality of the soil requires deeper ploughing than can be
obtained with oxen. The variations in hoes and spades seem to be
related to differences between families of varying wealth, while
sewing-machines are a preliminary indication of the wealth of a
community, and above all of its modernization. Huando thus appears
as the most modern of these communities, followed by the two
communities in the department of Puno: Culta and Jacantaya.
ploughs 2.71 0.87 1.13 1.90 1.14 1.56 1.95 1.53 1.57
Hoes 2.83 4.08 1.71 2.63 1.94 2.44 3.71 3.85 3.12
machines 0.31 0.41 0.14 0.08 0.17 0.12 0.55 0.10 0.28
Picks and
shovels 2.29 2.39 2.19 2.19 3.06 1.86 1.44 3.22 2.40
The economic unit and economic organisation 21
two or three hectares of cultivable land divided into a number of
parcels (between nine and 84) and access to a variable amount of
pasture land under collective use; its animal stock consists of 2 head
of cattle, 7 sheep, 1 pig, 1 horse, 2 or 3 chickens and 4 guinea-pigs; its
stock of tools consists of 1 foot-plough, 3 hoes and 2 picks. The
family's resource endowment is used in agricultural and livestock
production and in the production of non-agricultural goods and
services (Z-goods). In addition to the self-employment of its
resources, the family exchanges part of them particularly family labor.
Apart from the adult labor force, resource endowment per family
varies significantly between communities, especially in the case of
land. The land endowment depends on the community's access to
different ecological levels and on the topography of its land.
Ecological characteristics define production possibilities, and topog-
raphy is an important determinant of the technology in use.
In terms of control of resources it has been shown that individual
families own and control the arable land and the capital goods in the
peasant communities. Pastures are collectively owned and used but
animals belong to individual families. On the other hand, the
allocation of resources is also decided by individual families. The
allocation of the family labor to agriculture, livestock production, Z-
goods and labor exchange is a family decision. What to produce, in
which plots and with what mix of inputs are also family decisions.
Moreover, the risk, gains and losses in production are assumed by the
individual family. In terms of control of resources, capacity to decide
on the allocation of those resources to alternative uses, and
appropriation of the net output produced, the unit of production is,
clearly, the peasant family.
Nevertheless, the peasant family does not operate in isolation from
the rest of the community. In the productive process the family
establishes relations with the rest of the families of the community.
When a family has an excess demand or supply of a good or of labor
(which is frequent), there are up to three possible ways of achieving
equilibrium: reciprocity, barter and monetary exchange. Reciprocity
is a form of exchange in which the lending of a service is paid back
with the same service in a not very distant time period. It is a special
form of loan, without interest. If three days of labor are received,
three days of labor are returned; if two days' use of an ox are received,
the same amount of services must be returned. It is clear that this
exchange has a technological justification, since with this reciprocity
it is possible to obtain optimum factor proportions in production.
22 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
The most common form of exchange by reciprocity is the exchange
of labor. Family labor may not be sufficient to put a roof on a house,
or to carry out the labors of planting or harvesting. This system,
referred to as ayni or minka, adopts in many cases festive forms where
goods (determined culturally) are consumed. In this case production
and consumption are inseparable in the production process, and the
criterion of efficiency, that is, of producing at the minimum economic
cost, is not applicable. The criterion of efficiency establishes, it
appears, the lower limit to the factor proportions required tech-
nologically in an activity.
The existence of barter, that is, the exchange of a good or service
for another good or service, indicates that the excess demands and
supplies of the families are of different magnitudes. The case of
reciprocity is given when these quantities are of the same magnitude;
thus in a community with few differences in the ownership of
resources, reciprocity would dominate. Many families derive income
from the exchange of the services of their work animals, tools, land
and labor. To this we would have to add credit. These productive
services are paid in different ways, sometimes with food or non-food
goods, sometimes with other types of productive services. Finally,
there is exchange of productive services for money. This form of
exchange clearly becomes necessary given the limitations of barter-
ing, that is to say, its dependence on the complementarity between
two parties' supply and demand of goods and services. In all of the
communities studied there exists a market for productive services,
with transparent monetary prices.
Once it has been shown that the family is the unit of production in
the peasant communities, it will be much easier to show that the
family is also the unit of consumption. In fact, the basket of
consumption of goods and services is determined by the family. The
actions taken to acquire that basket, i.e. consumption of own-
production or exchange, are also family decisions. The fact that
capital goods are owned by individual families is sufficient to show
that capital accumulation is a family decision too. Thus the family is
the unit of production and consumption - that is, the economic
unit - in the peasant communities.
However, not everything is under the control and decision of
individual families in the peasant communities. Some resources are
subject to collective control — the case of pasture land has already
been mentioned. This case also includes the use of natural pastures
The economic unit and economic organisation 23
grown in the rotated land (laymi) when it is in the fallow period. In
some communities, even the stubble in the arable land of individual
families is open to all the community as collective pastures. Water is
another resource which is under collective control and is managed
through collective decisions.
As far as land resources are concerned, only in Ninamarca and
Sihuina was found communal arable land. In Ninamarca there exists a
plot of land which is cultivated collectively; the net income it
generates is used to finance the construction of public buildings (like
schools) or other public works. In Sihuina the communal land is
given mainly to families in charge of the communal fiesta in order to
help them with the expenses of such celebrations. There were no
communal lands that were used to distribute to new families.2
The peasant community also imposes some economic obligations
on individual families. One of these is the labor time that every family
must supply for public works. It is through this system that a
community can increase and maintain its social infrastructure (roads,
canals, buildings). In economic terms, this is equivalent to a local tax
system that is collected in labor time levied equally upon everyone. In
the eight communities studied the number of man-days per year that a
family had to supply to the community was between four and 20.
The existence of resources under collective control and decision
sets some limits to the economic decisions of the individual family.
However, those constraints do not imply that the peasant family
could not be the economic unit; they do imply that these units operate
within particular economic and institutional frameworks. To eluc-
idate the particular circumstances in which the peasant economy
operates in Peru today will be the object of the following chapters.
Thus, the next chapter explores the quantitative aspects of the
production and exchange processes in peasant communities.
Production and exchange
Intersectoral flows
Table 4.1 shows the intersectoral flows in six of the eight com-
munities studied; that is, it replaces the symbols of Table 2.1 with
empirical data, with one modification: the production of each
separate sector of intermediate goods — the first three columns of
Table 2.1 -has been consolidated into one column. This has been
done for the sake of simplicity and also because it is often difficult to
separate the production of intermediate goods by sector. The N
column refers to non-monetary barter transactions, and the M
column to monetary transactions. The former principally measures
transactions with other communities, the latter transactions with the
rest of the economy, above all the urban economy. Two of the
communities — Ttiomayo and Sihuina — have been omitted on ac-
count of the incompleteness of the data, but the other six are
sufficiently well distributed among ecological levels for the repre-
sentativeness of the sample not to be affected significantly. Of course,
whenever only these six communities have been used in tabulations,
the weights of the sampled families have been changed accordingly to
get the expanded values for 'sample total' and 'southern sierra'.
The reader will note that Table 4.1 contains certain identities. The
figure at the bottom of column 1 is the same as the A + P + Zin the
last column. The former represents the value of production viewed
from the side of the cost of production whereas the latter is the value
of production by destination (deliveries), and both must be equal.
Because of this identity, self-employment (row 20) was estimated by
difference. The transactions in kind have been transformed into
monetary values by applying average market prices observed in the
monetary transactions. Obviously, the valuation of imports to the
community must be equal to the valuation of exports when exchange
Table 4.1 Intersectoral relations in peasant communities (soles per yeary per family)
A +P+Z
Inter- C I N M
mediate Consump- Invest- Exports Exports
goods tion ment in kind monetized Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
A +P+Z C / N M Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Wages - N (16) 41 0 0
Wages - M (17) 4,644 0 12,772
Rents - N (18) 0
Rents - M (19) 72
Self-employment (20) 44,912
Total 60,195 2,861 37,585
Net transfer (21) 0 6,473
Cult a
A+ P+ Z C I N M Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Z3 (Other) (10) 0 0 0 0 32 32
N (Imports in
kind) (13) 125 601 1,059 1,785
M (Imports in
money) (14) 1,755 17,597 1,461 20,813
A +P+Z C I N M Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Intermediate goods
There are three types of intermediate good (defined according to
source) in the communities: domestic goods, derived from each
family's own production; goods imported from other communities;
and goods imported from the rest of the economy. Table 4.1 shows
that between 45% and 90% of intermediate goods are produced by
the families themselves, and almost all the remainder are imported
from the urban economy. Within the category of domestically
produced intermediate goods, agricultural goods figure most pro-
minently, and among them the principal item is animal feed. The main
intermediate product derived from animals is sheep's wool, while the
Z sector produces very few intermediate goods. The production of
animal feed by the agricultural sector, and of wool for textiles by the
animal sector constitute the main technological relationships between
the three sectors A, P and Z.
Intermediate goods imported from other communities are few.
The table provides estimates for a monetary value for wool, salt,
wood, straw and pasture. Wood and straw are used mostly for the
construction of houses, and there are a few cases of families renting
pasture or stubble for animal feed in neighboring communities. Salt is
also fed to animals.
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 show that intermediate goods imported from
urban economy consist almost entirely of agricultural inputs:
fertilizer and pesticides.1 Table 4.2 also shows that there are wide
variations in the communities' use of modern inputs. Leaving aside
Production and exchange 33
Table 4.2 Average annual expenditure on modern inputs (soles peryear per
Community Fertilizer Pesticides Seed vaccine Total
seeds (which are hardly ever improved varieties) and vaccine for
animals (which are an insignificant item in terms of cost), we see that
communities such as Ancobamba, Ttiomayo and Sihuina hardly use
any fertilizer or pesticides at all. Even in those communities where
expenditure on these is relatively high, such as Jacantaya, Culta and
Huando - which, as we shall see, are the least poor of all the
communities sampled — this is accounted for by a small number of
families within them. Of course, the expenditure data do not take into
account deficiencies in the method of application of these inputs,
which is carried out without any technical assistance. These quanti-
tative and qualitative indications, when combined with the data on
capital stocks presented earlier, illustrate the overwhelmingly
traditional character of the technology employed in all the
34 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
Final demand
The production of the A, P and Z sectors goes to consumption
('own-consumption') and export, since accumulation is almost non-
existent (Table 4.1, column 3). In no case does investment exceed 8%
offinaldemand, and it goes as low as 2%, with an overall total of 4%.
Clearly, these communities constitute stagnant economies. They are
unable to generate any investment from their own resources, and
what little investment they do carry out is done with imported goods
(column 3, lines 13 and 14). The main capital goods imported are
cattle, sheep, chickens and tools. The peasant economy does not
appear to have sufficient productive capacity to generate its own
surplus in livestock, and although the interviews contained no
direct question concerning changes in the family's stock of animals, it
was generally agreed that the community's stock was not increasing.
On the contrary, it appeared to be declining, due to disease, accidents
and thefts. Purchases of livestock, therefore, appear to be merely a
replacement of stock rather than its increase. Tools are imported
largely because there is no domestic industry for the production of
these capital goods. In some cases one finds small workshops in local
towns which both carry out repairs and 'manufacture' tools with
discarded iron from the cities.
Exports are mainly monetary transactions, and only a small
fraction is accounted for by transactions with other communities
(columns 4 and 5). The distribution of production between own-
consumption and export is almost half-and-half, except in
Ancobamba, which is the furthest from a road and where own-
consumption is four times as large as exports. Goods exported are
exchanged for intermediate goods, for consumer goods and for
capital goods (lines 13 and 14).
Own-consumption (column 2, line 12) derives mostly from
agricultural goods, followed by animal and their derivatives, with
only a small proportion provided by Z-goods. The table also shows
that a higher proportion of agricultural production goes to own-
consumption than from animal or Z-good production. Agricultural
production is, indeed, mainly for own-consumption; the same can be
said of animal derivatives (milk and eggs), sheep and pigs, domestic
animals such as guinea-pigs and chickens, and, among Z-goods,
woolens and other clothes.
The two activities which are clearly undertaken for the purpose of
Production and exchange 35
export are cattle-rearing and trade. Cattle are a luxury good at these
income levels, and peasant producers prefer to sell their cattle and use
the money to buy other consumer goods, rather than consume them
directly. The rare occasions when they are consumed arise through
commitments imposed at the time of community fiestas.
Trade (line 9) is mainly carried out between the community and the
outside, which is why trade is mainly connected with imports and
exports. In fact, it is best interpreted as an export of services, selling
produce such as cattle outside and bringing products from the cities
or from nearby communities. This last is carried out mainly by people
attending the weekly markets in a community, including both traders
who take community production to the cities and peasants from
neighboring communities. Of the eight communities studied, only
Sihuina, Huando and Acobamba have weekly markets of their own.
cultural Live-
Community goods stock Z-goods Trade Labor Total
The first point to emerge from Table 4.3 is the diversified character of
the communities' exports: in no community does one item account
for more than 63% of total export income, and in four of them one
item accounts for 50% or more: cattle in Culta (63%), agricultural
products in Ninamarca (61%), trade in Acobamba (59%) and
temporary migration in Ancobamba (48%). In three of the com-
munities, 80% of export income is accounted for by two items, in
four of them by three items, and in one of them by four items. Given
that each item itself constitutes a range of products, the diversified
character of their exports becomes evident.
Exports vary widely both within and between communities. If one
looks at those sources which account for 33% or more of each
community's exports, one finds that agriculture is important in
Ninamarca and Ttiomayo, livestock in Culta and Ancobamba, and
temporary migration in Jacantaya, Ancobamba and Ttiomayo. Only
Z-goods do not reach this proportion in any community, although
they account for 27% in Jacantaya, 21% in Sihuina and 20% in
The specific features of exports vary from community to com-
munity. Jacantaya exports almost all the goods and services which are
included in the study. In agriculture, due to a favorable micro-
climate, it exports mostly green vegetables which are sold at market in
a nearby town (Huancane) and are also exchanged directly with
neighboring^/^ communities. Income from animal exports consists
mainly of cattle. Z-goods exported are mostly fish (mainly the hispi)
from Lake Titicaca sold in Huancane. Trading income is also derived
from dealing in green vegetables.
In Culta, where agriculture is mostly for own-consumption, the
main exports are animals, above all cattle. Apart from raising their
own, many families buy cattle for fattening and sell them after a few
months, financing this activity with their own funds and with loans
from the Banco Agrario, which usually amount to about 20,000 soles.
The most common pattern is for people to buy bulls in September and
October and to sell them in April or May. In this way, they take
advantage of the time when pasture is most abundant and also use the
bulls for ploughing, since at the same time the land is being prepared
for sowing. The bank loans are generally for a year. The use and resale
Production and exchange 37
activity generates a substantial revenue; this enables the peasant to
repay the loan and earn a considerable income. Trading income in this
community is also derived from cattle, and the income from fattening
was divided equally between trade (Z ) and income from animals
(p 4 ).
Ninamarca exports a range of products: potatoes, barley for
consumption, barley for beer, and oats. Sales of barley to the beer
factory in Cuzco, or to intermediaries who then sell to the factory, are
slightly more important than other exported products. Animal sales
include sheep as well as cattle. Ancobamba exports cattle above all.
The community possesses quite a lot of pasture land and cattle are
their main animal product, reared for export. In Ttiomayo, maize
accounts for almost three-quarters of agricultural exports, while pigs
and cattle account for most animal exports.
Sihuina, in contrast, exports the entire range of its agricultural
products, while cattle predominate among its animal exports. It also
exports Z-goods in the form of food, principally bread sold at its
weekly market. The community earns income from trade by taking
valley products — maize, wheat, coca — to the puna where they are
exchanged for sheep's meat and wool, which in their turn are sold in
community markets both in Sihuina and elsewhere.
Huando also exports all its agricultural products in equal pro-
portions, as well as both cattle and sheep. Its mills and trucks provide
Z-exports and cater to the surrounding area and, to a lesser extent, to
Huando itself. Trading income is derived from the community's own
weekly market.
Finally, in Acobamba, 80% of agricultural exports consist of
beans, and cattle and sheep are also sold. The community is located at
the end of a road, and is therefore a commercial center; its market is a
source of trading income for the members of the community.
This list illustrates the diversity of export products both within and
between communities. The one exception to this variation is cattle,
which clearly constitutes a cash-product produced specifically for
export in all the communities, but even then its relative importance
varies, thus further underlining the differences between them which
were emphasized above.
In contrast, the structure of imports does not exhibit much variation
between communities. Table 4.4 shows that food and drink account
for between 37% and 49% of imports. Expenditure on coca, alcohol
Table 4.4 Structure of monetary imports (%
T *• 1
Value of exports
T 1 * 1
Community Monetary In kind Total share (%)
Jacantaya 37,584 2,861 40,445 7.1
Culta 39,771 312 40,083 0.8
Ninamarca 20,813 1,785 22,598 7.9
Ancobamba 17,745 464 18,209 2.5
Ttiomayo 12,530 3,762 16,292 23.1
Sihuina 19,023 2,593 22,616 11.5
Huando 46,484 228 46,712 0.5
Acobamba 26,773 523 27,296 1.9
Own- rary Impor-
Total consump- Exchange migra- ted
Community income tion AtP,Z tion inputs
Community A P Z migration Total
Monetary transfers
The final grouping in Table 4.1 refers to monetary transfers. In the
communities there exist, on one hand, internal and external transfers;
and on the other hand, monetary and in-kind transfers. In all there are
thus four forms which transfers among families may take. Direct
transfers from the State or from organizations such as the Church
have not been estimated. However, neither is important at the level of
the community.
In-kind transfers between families within the community include
A, P and Z-goods, productive services (especially labor), and
The level and structure ofpeasant income 47
monetary transfers which occur on occasions such as marriages and
other celebrations. These internal transfers have not been estimated.
External transfers have been estimated, but only the monetary ones.
Estimation of non-monetary external transfers was not possible, due
to the difficulties of specifying their quantities and qualities.
Nevertheless, it is known that these transfers are very frequent in
both directions. The movement of cargo in and out is impressive,
above all in communities with access to roads.
The estimates of monetary transfers show the communities as net
receivers. The absolute magnitudes vary between communities, as
can be seen in Table 5.4. The transfers received come primarily from
children who live in urban areas. Cases were also found in which the
head of the household lived in another place for occupational reasons
and sent money to his family in the community. The transfers out of
the community are generally to sons and daughters who study in a
Table 5.4 also shows the relative importance of transfers in the
peasant economy. As a proportion of total peasant income monetary
transfers represent up to 8% or 10%, as in the case of Jacantaya and
Huando. For the rest of the communities the figures are quite low. If
they are compared with total income from exports (including
temporary migrations), monetary transfers increase the purchasing
power of exports up to 17% (the case of Jacantaya). For Huando and
% of total % of export
Community Ingress Egress Net income income
total 8.0
sierra 7.6
48 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
Sample Southern
A 11.8 0.6 58.8 1.5 21.2 13.9 12.8 10.9 10.9 11.1
P 11.7 36.7 23.7 29.2 15.1 21.9 10.7 5.5 2Q.7 18.7
Z 17.8 15.2 2.7 7.2 0.1 34.2 21.0 15.9 18.5 18.9
wx 9.0 6.0 5.4 10.3 40.1 10.6 19.3 44.3 15.2 18.3
21.5 19.7 0.3 22.8 15.1 8.6 9.3 11.6 14.5 13.7
R 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.3 5.0 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.6
T 17.7 10.0 1.5 16.8 0.7 5.3 10.9 3.4 9.6 8.9
0 10.4 11.5 7.6 11.9 2.7 5.4 15.4 8.4 10.0 9.8
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
the typical peasant family. This may be seen in the values that appear
in the last two columns of Table 5.5.
If we consider only income obtained from economic activity, that
is, if we exclude transfers and the category 'others' (loans, dissavings)
from Table 5.5, the structure of monetary income of the typical family
of the southern sierra is: 14% from the sale of crops, 23% from the
sale of livestock, 23% from Z-activities (including commerce), 23%
from salaries obtained locally, and 17% from salaries obtained
outside the community. Hence, almost 40% of family money income
is obtained from the sale of labor. In this sense, and to this extent, the
peasant family of today is also a proletarian family.
Total Southern
Items JAC CUL NIN ANC TTI SIH HUA ACO sample sierra
Inputs 7.7 5.9 7.5 2.8 3.7 3.6 5.8 3.6 5.0 4.7
Services 2.4 1.8 0.2 1.5 3.5 2.3 2.6 1.5 2.1 2.1
ment 6.3 10.5 5.8 4.1 2.4 3.5 3.9 2.7 5.3 4.6
Food 41.9 37.1 44.6 43.4 40.7 45.1 47.9 55.9 44.2 45.4
durables 10.0 6.4 13.4 8.2 12.6 19.5 12.2 14.0 12.1 12.8
Clothing 10.9 12.4 13.4 22.8 25.4 13.9 12.0 10.0 14.2 14.4
Education 5.7 4.6 0.6 3.0 1.1 4.0 4.6 2.7 3.9 3.8
Others 15.1 21.3 14.5 14.2 10.6 8.1 11.0 9.6 13.2 12.2
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Lower Upper
quartile quartile
Community Variation Gini Skewness (%) (%)
Agriculture (A) 0.113 108 0.370 22
Livestock (P) 0.081 35 0.243 12
Commerce 0.308 243 0.494 36
Wages - local (WJ -0.015 9 0.369 22
Wages - local (skilled) 0.101 98 0.270 14
Wages — external 0.028 5a 0.108 5
Agriculture {A) 0.865 12 0.400 26
Livestock (P) 1.851 36 0.159 8
Commerce 2.004 57 0.271 15
Wages - local (B^) -1.229 21 0.245 13
Wages - local (skilled) 0.295 1* 0.012 \b
Wages - external 0.859 7 0.109 6
DEC Months
Note: Values with asterisk indicate a higher value than the monthly average.
Destination House-
Extra- with no
Community Regional regional Rural Urban Various" migrants
IT 1'
Community Domestic Exports tion ces crafts Mining Total0
JAC 13 2 2 5 0 0 21
CUL 6 0 9 5 0 0 19
ANC 5 1 11 1 6 1 20
TTI 15 0 1 1 0 0 15
SIH 4 2 1 0 0 0 7
HUA 2 3 4 4 0 3 14
ACO 1 8 0 3 1 0 12
Total 46 16 28 19 7 4 108
sample 217 76 179 105 30 26 542
(%) (40.0) (14.0) (33.0) (19.4) (5.5) (4.8) (100.0)
Residence (A)
(A) + (B) ~100
Community Emigrated •(A) Community (B)
of children (both sexes) who have left their parents' houses and then
the proportion remaining in the community and the proportion
emigrating. Table 6.4 shows the results. The average number of
children migrating varies between 0.5 and 1.7 per family, depending
on the community. In the southern sierra as a whole there is an
average of one child (son or daughter) per family who has emigrated.
The majority of the children who have left their parents' homes
have also left the community. Table 6.4 shows that between 70% and
84% of the children no longer living at home have left the
community. For the southern sierra the average is close to 75%, i.e.
three out of four children emigrated. The figure of 25% (one of every
four children remaining in the community) can be taken as a measure
of the retention capacity of the community as regards the new labor
force. From these results we can infer that the problem of scarcity of
land (and other resources) in the communities is being resolved
through emigration. The low retention coefficient is a clear indication
that emigration is the peasant economy's answer to the problem of
relative overpopulation.5
The children who emigrate have one common characteristic in all
the communities: they leave at an early age, usually between 15 and
20. A principal motive for migrating so early is to continue studies.
This hypothesis is consistent with the fact that in communities with
secondary schools, the average age at emigration is higher. Thus
Huando has two schools which offer complete primary and secondary
78 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
levels and an average migrating age of 20. Ancobamba, on the other
hand, offers only primary education, and has an average migrating
age of 15.
Another fact which supports the hypothesis relating emigration to
supply of education is that the educational level of the migrants
increases after they leave the community. The average additional
schooling was found to be between one and two years. There are of
course individuals whose educational level remains the same after
emigration, even cases of illiterates who do not improve their
situation. However, at the other extreme there are persons who left
their community with barely any primary education, and who are
now studying at the university level.
The current residence of the emigrants is, in the majority of the
cases, in Lima or the capital city of a department (Huancayo,
Arequipa, Puno, Cusco). There are few cases of emigrants who live in
very small cities (such as mining centers), and even fewer migrations to
other rural areas. The general pattern is that the children of the
peasant family emigrate to large cities. That is the goal. This is shown
in Table 6.5.
The occupations of the migrant children are diverse, but with
certain identifiable patterns. An important fraction, around a third of
Large Small
Occupation Lima city* cityc Rural Total
Wage-earner 26 26 12 8 72
Domestic servant 17 19 2 0 38
Self-employed 10 16 4 0 30
Housewife 11 19 8 0 38
Student 2 7 2 0 11
Other 10 9 2 1 22
Total 76 96 30 9 211
Includes the cases of Jacantaya, Culta, Ancobamba, Huando, Acobamba.
Includes Huancayo, Cusco, Arequipa, Puno.
Includes mining towns.
The economic behavior of the peasant family 79
those who emigrate, are not part of the labor force. These correspond
to housewives, students and military personnel. Here we are speaking
of principal activities, since probably there are many cases of students
and housewives who partially participate in income-generating
Of those who are part of the labor force, the majority are wage-
earners, as presented in Table 6.5. Only around 20% of the emigrants
who work are self-employed (merchants, artisans, street vendors).
The majority of the working emigrants, then, enter urban job
markets rather than self-employment, as is often claimed. The
employment obtained is usually in small enterprises such as repair
shops, tailoring, crafts and construction. An important source of
employment, especially in the case of women, is as domestic servants.
Very few cases were found of emigrants who work in the factories of
the modern sector.
The survey included questions concerning returns of any member
of the family that had lived for more than a year outside the
community (this would give a person 'permanent migrant' status
according to our definition). The results appear in Table 6.6. The
families who do not have any member who has returned represent
various proportions of the total number of families in the com-
munity: in Huando only 17% and in Ancobamba half. The sample
average suggests that the majority of the families of the sierra have at
least one member who has returned after migrating 'permanently'.
This result indicates that the linkage of the peasant family with the
Total 36 17 18 30 9 110
The economic behavior of the peasant family 81
work problems or illness (cases 1—4) require that the migrant have a
place to which to return, i.e. that he has his land reserved in some way.
In effect, many declarations of the peasants, as well as personal
observations in the communities, indicate with some certainty that
the migrant does not divorce himself from his plot of land. He does
not 'burn his bridges' upon leaving. As was indicated in the previous
section, there is no land market which emerges from emigration. The
parcel of land thus comprises an income safeguard for the family who
emigrates. One can always return to the farm. Thus, during the
period of the survey, some individuals were returning to the
community because of the current economic crisis in Peru, which is
more severe in the cities.
Reasons 5 and 6 reflect behavior complementary to that of
maintaining one's lands in reserve. Here the issue is not losing title to
the parcel. The death or incapacity of the parents endangers the
possession of the land on the part of the family or heirs. There are
many legal actions in the communities stemming from land, and one
way of avoiding these problems is for a son or a daughter to be
present. In several cases we found persons who had returned as a
result of pressure from other children of the family who could not go
back to the farm so easily. Someone had to return to take care of the
land, animals and buildings; if not, someone else might take it all
away. The reasons for a migrant returning to resolve problems
relating to his own land are even more obvious.
In the reasons for returning we may, in consequence, recognize a
certain strategy in the economic behavior of the peasant. He maintains
links with the community, where he has a 'reserve' consisting of his or
his parents' lands, and to which he can return if he meets failure in the
outside world. The strategy of the family is thus to avoid the risk of
losing the land.6 The phenomenon of emigrations is usually seen as a
flow of people in one direction, from the countryside to the city. The
evidence presented here shows that there is an important feedback in
terms of individuals returning from the city to the country.
Emigrations and returns are movements guided by the economic
strategy of the peasant family.
Stagnation in the peasant economy and
the role of demand
Real GNP per capita 3.7 2.9 1.1 2.9 -1.5
CPI - Lima 6.6 8.0 12.8 10.7 51.3
Growth pattern
Exports/GNP 15.6 21.2 21.0 16.0 14.8
Manufactures/ GNP 14.0 16.5 18.8 20.5 20.6
Profits/Nat, income 15.5 13.3 16.1 20.1 28.4
Growth in average real
income of workers
Modern sector 3.4 3.0 -5.8
Urban traditional 1.7 1.2 -2.2
Rural traditional 0.9 1.0 -2.0
Final demand
Agriculture I
Food processing
x c\
Imports: food
l 0
ci 0
Imports: others xml 0 Dn
Value added
If we represent equation (5) as a ratio of the family's income (JJ, we
will get the 'derived rural income' ratio:
This ratio is a measure of the income generated in the rural sector due
to the urban family's food expenditure. It is the rural income content
of the urban family's expenditure. The higher the value of this ratio,
the stronger the connection between urban—rural incomes.
Figure 7.1 summarizes the relations established in the model. The
vertical axis measures expenditure and the horizontal axis income.
The Engel curve for food expenditure is labeled E. From this curve
we derive the proportion of the expenditure which becomes rural
income. Curve R shows this 'derived rural income', which also varies
with the level of family income. The 'derived rural income' ratio is
just the proportion of income that is spent on rural factors of
production, e.g. AN/OA, when family income is OA, in Figure 7.1.
Let us call a the ratio of 'derived rural income' with respect to
average family income in the city (JJ. Thus:
Expenditure 45°
O A A' Income
interest is the 'total derived rural income' per head in the rural sector.
Let us call Nu and Nr the populations of the urban and rural sectors,
respectively. Then:
Equation (8) says that the per capita income generated in the rural
sector by the urban expenditure on food depends on three factors: the
'derived rural income ratio', the average urban income, and the ratio
of urban population to rural population. These last two factors are
increasing rapidly in Peru and therefore rural per capita income
should be increasing fast. However, a reduces the effect of those
factors because it decreases as average income goes up. We need to
know more about the determinants of a and its tendencies in order to
assess the combined effect of the three variables on the growth of
rural incomes.
As shown by equation (6), the 'derived rural income' ratio depends
on four sets of coefficients: the average propensity to spend on food,
trade margins, production structure, and the mix of types of food
consumed. In the next section, an estimate of these coefficients will be
made for the case of Peru. This will provide us with an application of
the model as we will estimate empirically curves E and R shown in
Figure 7.1.
94 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
An empirical estimate for 1970
The availability of an input-output table for Peru and a family budget
study for its largest city (Lima) for the same period (1969-70) will
enable us to make an empirical estimate of equation (6). The
input-output table has been rearranged according to the sectors
defined in the model. The relevant segment of the rearranged table is
presented in Table 7.3. The direct coefficients computed from this
table are:
aQ =0.7170
a11 = 0.1896 * 2 1 = 0.0522
a12 = 0.1626 a22=0A246
The corresponding B^ coefficients of equation (2) are:
F . 4 1 = 0.8940C*+0.1635C* (9)
Thus, for each sol of sale of agricultural food, 0.89 becomes rural
income; whereas for processed food this becomes only 0.16.
The family budget data for Lima comes from a study carried out
within the ECIEL Program. The structure of family spending by
income quartiles is presented in Table 7.4. Families in the lowest
quartile spend 54% of their budget on food, whereas in the richest
quartile this proportion declines to 31%. The average expenditure
ratio in Lima is 43%.
In spite of the recurrent discussion on the issue of trade margins,
there are no systematic studies in Peru showing the magnitudes
involved. Here we have made some gross estimates based on
Table 7.3 Peru: production structure for food, 1969 (producer's price,
billions of soles)
Food 54 47 41 31 43
Housing 16 17 21 26 20
Durables 8 10 9 12 9
Clothing 7 7 9 8 8
Transportation 3 6 4 6 5
Others 12 13 16 17 15
See text for the methodology used in these estimates.
Source: Figueroa (1974: Table 9).
The main purpose of this and the next section is to present some
hypotheses to explain the slow growth of rural income in Latin
America. One coordinate in the analysis is the intensity in the derived
demand for rural factors of production. For the case of domestic
demand for food we have developed a simple model to relate urban
incomes and expenditures to rural incomes (export demand will be
discussed in the next section). The model was summarized in
equation (8). From that equation, we can advance some hypotheses
on the possible trends of the relevant variables involved so as to
estimate changes in the 'derived rural income'.
It is clear from equation (8) that, other things being equal, a process
of urbanization increases the intensity of demand for rural factors.
Economic stagnation and the role of demand 97
More people of equal average income in the cities will be generating a
higher 'derived rural income' which in per capita terms will increase
even more because of the rural population's relative stagnation. If for
each family in the countryside there is a family in the city, this family
will be generating income in the amount alu for his fellow campesino;
however, if there is now a process of urbanization by which for each
family in the countryside there are two families in the city, income
accruing to those rural families will double.
To this 'urbanization effect' we must add the 'pure income effect'
due to the increase in the average income (lu) in Latin American cities,
which is brought about by the economic growth process in the
economy. That increase will augment income for the rural people but
not proportionally, due to Engel's law; that is, the a ratio will decline.
The question is, however, whether a will decline due only to Engel's
law, or whether other variables affected by the particular process of
economic growth could also change a.
Let the curves E and R in Figure 7.1 represent the aggregation of
all individual curves, so that the axes now measure average income
and expenditures. For the E-curve to represent a given pattern of
consumption income distribution must be held constant along the
curve, only in this case the elasticity of the aggregate Engel curve will
have the same value as the individual Engel curve. The 'pure' Engel's
law will then apply to a given pattern of consumption, that is to an E-
curve where income distribution is held constant. Therefore, changes
in income distribution will cause a shift in the aggregate Engel curve.
The economic growth process in Peru has, as shown above, been
accompanied by a higher concentration of income. The effect of the
more unequal income distribution is a downward shift in the E-
curve, which in turn will shift downwards the R-curve. This result
comes from differences in average and marginal propensities to spend
on food between income groups.
The other effect of higher income concentration upon the 'derived
rural income' comes from differences in the mix of types of food
between income groups. It is expected that marginal propensities to
spend on imported food are higher for the rich. The same can be said
about processed food.8 Given the lower content of rural factors in
these latter types of food, as illustrated above, the effect is to shift the
R-curve downward. One implication of the higher concentration of income in
Latin America is, therefore, a further decrease in the 'derived rural income*.
98 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
The effect of change in patterns of international trade
In open economies, agricultural output depends not only on domestic
consumption patterns but also on patterns of specialization in
international trade. Therefore, if domestic patterns of food con-
sumption have not created enough stimulus for higher rural incomes,
there exists the alternative that foreign demand might have. After all,
the international division of labor has usually been presented as that
of developed countries producing manufactures and less developed
countries producing agricultural products. The fact is, however, that
foreign demand for agricultural commodities produced in Peru has
not been dynamic. The share of agriculture in total exports from Peru
has declined from 55% in 1950 to 20% in 1974 (Banco Central, 1968
and 1976). On the imports side, Table 7.5 shows an increase in the
proportion of food imports to total production for the basic
foodstuffs between 1943 and 1975.
The changes in the structure of exports and imports in Peru are
certainly a reflection of changes that have been taking place in the
international division of labor, particularly after World War II. First,
in this period world exports have grown faster than GNP in both
developed and underdeveloped countries, which means that the
world as a whole has seen its degree of integration increased.
However, export growth is faster in developed countries (Donges,
1979). Secondly, in terms of exports of agricultural commodities, the
developed countries' share has increased from 49% in 1955 to 61% in
1975, whereas the share of the developing countries has decreased
from 40% to 26%. Currently, the United States supplies 60% of
Wheat 49 70 76 84 86
Corn n.a. n.a. 0 1 52
Oilfats 4 35 34 80 80
Milk 3 22 22 35 41
Beef 2 4 12 28 11
Rice 10 10 32 0 12
Barley 2 6 10 10 32
Source:Lajo (1979).
Economic stagnation and the role of demand 99
grains sold in the international market. The less developed countries,
as Donges points out, 'have lost ground in fields where their resource
endowments should have given them a comparative advantage: in
food products, agricultural raw materials...' (p. 11). Thirdly, ex-
ports of manufactures from the underdeveloped countries are
increasing their share in world trade. These changes in patterns of
trade can be seen in Table 7.6.
An explanation for the change in the comparative advantage in
agricultural products lies in the tremendous increase in agricultural
productivity in developed countries. Agricultural economists have
argued that this increased productivity is due to a change from
resource-based agriculture to science-based agriculture. Hayami and
Ruttan (1971), for instance, have reported the fact that for several
products agricultural productivity differences between the developed
and less developed countries have widened. They conclude: 'The
basis for comparative advantage shifted from natural resource
endowments to the endowments of scientific and industrial capacity.
The shift in comparative advantage in agricultural production from
the less developed to the developed countries was accelerated after
World War IF (p. 242). As a result of this technological change, land
has increased in terms of efficiency-units in developed countries
which have become relatively land-abundant.
In addition to this shift in natural comparative advantage,
economic policies have pushed relative prices in the same direction:
developed countries protect agriculture whereas less developed
countries protect manufacturing. Agricultural prices supports, tariffs
and quotas on imports are clear cases of the former. In less developed
countries policies for import substitution industrialization have led to
a decrease in agricultural relative prices.
All these shifts in comparative advantage (natural and induced by
economic policies) have resulted in a change in international trade
patterns. The significant decline in the share of agriculture in total
exports, together with the fact that the share of imported food has
increased with respect to total agricultural output, indicate that Peru
has, in fact, lost comparative advantage in agriculture. Mostly,
agriculture in Peru is still based on natural resource endowments.
A consequence of this shift in the international trade pattern for
agricultural development in Peru is that the production structure of
the national economy shifts away from agriculture. The level of
agricultural output decreases relatively. This is the result of the slow
Table 7.6 Changes in world export structure (%)
SITC 1955 1970 1975 1955 1970 1975 1955 1970 1975
Food and related products 0+1 + 22 + 4 48.7 59.0 63.3 42.6 31.8 28.7 41.0 29.3 27.5
Agricultural raw materials 2 excluding 22,
27, 28 49.4 58.4 61.3 40.4 30.3 26.2 38.5 25.6 24.3
Crude fertilizers and minerals 27 + 28 52.6 58.0 54.3 33.0 31.4 32.8 31.5 28.0 29.7
Mineral fuels 3 31.7 26.5 17.4 57.5 63.1 73.9 9.0 10.1 11.0
Chemical products 5 88.1 88.9 87.3 5.1 3.9 5.4 5.0 3.7 4.6
Machinery and transport
equipment 7 86.6 87.6 87.1 0.7 1.6 2.8 0.6 1.5 2.7
Iron and steel 67 86.6 82.5 86.5 0.9 3.3 2.7 0.9 3.1 2.5
Non-ferrous metals and products 68 59.2 63.6 67.9 33.9 29.0 22.0 33.5 28.6 21.2
Other manufactures 6 + 8 excluding
67, 68 82.6 79.9 78.1 8.8 11.2 13.4 8.7 10.9 13.0
Total export 0-9 64.7 71.9 66.2 25.4 17.6 24.1 22.5 11.8 11.4
The second half of the 1970s has been a period of economic crisis in
Peru. The real GNP per capita of 1980 is almost 10% less than that of
1974. The annual rate of inflation has varied between 24% and 70%.
Neither the decrease in real average income, nor the rates of inflation,
nor the duration of the crisis has any parallel in the recent economic
history of Peru. Since 1950 two short periods of crisis are re-
corded (1957-9 and 1967-9) but they were very mild compared to
the present period. This chapter attempts to investigate the effect of
the crisis on the peasant economy. To what extent has this economy
been affected?
Includes 'exceptional compensations due to cost of living increases' decreed by the
government and applied to a hypothetical worker who entered a private firm in
January 1974 earning minimum wages.
Source: Ministerio de Trabajo for data on wages; Banco Central de Reserva for data
on profits {Memorias) and Analisis Laboral for 'compensated low-paid'.
"Base: 1974=100.
Refers to people with incomes below minimum wages.
Source: Ministerio de Trabajo, Situation Ocupational, Cuarto Trimestre 1980 (Lima:
February 1981).
This study has been concerned with the functioning of the peasant
economy in today's Peru. This particular reality has been neglected in
the economic studies on Peru, in spite of its great significance in the
social system. The peasant economy has remained a reality without a
theory. In this study the basic traits of the peasant economy have been
investigated and then utilized to lay down the principal analytical
coordinates of its prevailing economic rationality. The peasant
economy has also been placed in the context of capitalist development
in order to analyze its changing role in the economic system. In this
final chapter a summary of our empirical findings and theoretical
interpretations are presented. This will be done in terms of the
hypotheses advanced in Chapter 2. Because a theoretical basis has
been reached, economic policies are also discussed.
Relative overpopulation
The hypothesis that there is a permanent excess of labor in the peasant
communities does not seem to be correct either. The empirical results
shown here indicate that the labor of the peasant family is dedicated to
diverse activities. If the marginal productivity of labor is zero, as the
surplus labour hypothesis implies, this means it is zero in all the
activities (A, P, Z and L). It is possible that the marginal productivity
of labor might be zero if the entire labor force were dedicated to a
single activity. This is precisely the conceptual error incurred in all the
studies which attempt to measure excess peasant labor with reference
to the requirements of labor only in agriculture and livestock
production. But if one takes into account #//activities, the marginal
productivity rises. The hypothesis of an order in the use of labor, first
in A — P and then in Z — L, implies that the marginal productivity
could be lower inA—P, as this productivity's variance is less than in
the case of Z — L, but not to the point of being zero. In addition, the
fact that the wages in local and external labor markets constitute
opportunity cost demonstrates that the marginal productivities in A,
P and Z cannot be zero.
Another proof that no excess of labor exists, at least in significant
118 Capitalist development and peasant economy in Peru
amounts, is that the wage rates in the peasant communities tend to rise
during periods of peak agricultural activity. As shown in this study,
during harvest time it is common to pay wages in products, whose
market value is superior to the monetary wage ruling in the other
months. Moreover, the employers (proprietors of medium-sized
farms) resort to a series of mechanisms in their personal relations to
assure themselves of labor in 'times of scarcity'.
Finally, the evidence found that the temporary migration to labor
markets external to the community is seasonal again points to the
refutation of the overpopulation hypothesis. If it had been observed
that temporary migration took place at any time of year, this would
have indicated the existence of a structural surplus of labor.
Nonetheless, the scarcity of labor in periods of peak agricultural
activity and the temporary migration at other times offer clear
indications that there is no such structural surplus. That which seems
to be an excess of labor, at least to people unfamiliar with the rural
economy, is the fact that the peasants are not occupied in agricultural
activities during the entire year. Seasonal agricultural unemployment
is thus confused for structural unemployment.
It is true, on the other hand, that areas of minifundio show a greater
population density than areas of modern economic units. But this
obeys the different rationality of the peasant economy, compared to the
capitalist enterprise. The peasant economy is sustained by the control
of the land, and the size of the labor force tends, therefore, to coincide
with the greatest demand for labor in the annual agricultural cycle,
assigning the seasonally unemployed labor to Z-activities and
temporary migrations. In a capitalist context, the same quality of land
and the same cyclical requirements for labor would involve employ-
ing a permanent labor force at the minimum of the cyclical require-
ments, covering the greater seasonal requirements by contracting
temporary labor. This is the way the enterprise minimizes costs.1
If the productivity of labor does not qualify the peasant com-
munities as an overpopulated economy, the level of their productivity
is in most cases below subsistence income. The most plausible
hypothesis is that absolute overpopulation does not exist, but relative
overpopulation does. The fact that wage income is an important
source in the total peasant income implies that the peasant family in
general cannot derive even a subsistence income by the exploitation
of their own resources. Their plot would not give them enough to
subsist upon, even if they dedicated all their time to self-employment.
Conclusions: reality, theory and policy 119
Therefore, it is entry into the labor market which allows them,
through a division of family labor, to ensure a subsistence income.
This is the role played by labor markets in the functioning of the
peasant economy. The economic viability of the peasant economy is,
thus, assured by this mechanism.
Non-capitalist relations
The idea that most peasant families are integrated into the hacienda
system by means of pre-capitalist relations has been very widespread
in Peru. This concept has given rise to the idea that the poverty of the
peasantry is a consequence of the servile mechanisms of the haciendas.
It is indubitably true that these servile forms still exist but their
significance is minor for a comprehension of the peasant economy in
its totality.
One evidence of the reduced link between the peasant economy
and the sierra hacienda in the productive process is seen in the extent
of the agrarian reform program. This program affected almost all the
medium-sized and large haciendas of the sierra, the beneficiaries
being close to 120,000 families which live in peasant communities.
But this figure greatly exaggerates the number of beneficiaries as it
includes the SAIS system, a type of cooperative, in which various
communities surrounding the hacienda were incorporated as mem-
bers of the new enterprise. A more appropriate figure for measuring
the nexus between peasant families and haciendas in non-capitalist
relations would be approximately 80,000, which is roughly 10% of
the population of peasant families in the sierra. The essential aspect of
today's peasant economy is its relations of exchange through the
market. This is true even for the period before the agrarian reform.
The empirical study of peasant communities was undertaken in the southern sierra
region of Peru. Eight communities were studied. These communities were picked
from a sample universe which constituted the most important community areas in the
southern sierra. Preliminary studies were conducted in seven of these communities
before September 1978, at which time was begun the fieldwork for the present study.
The communities studied are located in four of five departments comprising the
southern sierra; Ayacucho is the department not represented. This does not,
however, present any particular complication to the problems of sample repre-
sentativity in as much as the differences between departments are of minor
The empirical data were obtained via a peasant family survey, administered as a
uniform questionnaire in all of the peasant communities. Interviews were also
conducted with persons involved in the life of the community (mainly authorities and
ex-authorities) from which were obtained a physical and social perspective which was
of great importance in sharpening the contents of the interview to be administered to
the families. This procedure also permitted the control of the quality of the
interviews by the range of possibilities for response which was given by notable
persons. In each community the survey itself (apart from previous visits) lasted
approximately two weeks and was conducted, on average, by four persons, three of
whom (including the principal researcher) constituted a permanent team, the fourth
interviewer usually being a person from the community. The interviews took place in
Quechua or Aymara when the family surveyed did not have sufficient command of
After concluding the fieldwork in each community, reports were written
describing all that was observed during the stay in the community. These reports
constitute valuable material for the analysis of the quantitative data.
The total number of families surveyed was 306, distributed among eight peasant
communities as detailed in Table 2.3, p. 12. Furthermore, two more qualitative
studies treating specific themes were undertaken in two peasant communities: rural
artisanry in San Pedro, in the department of Cuzco; and migrations in Accomayo, in
the department of Ayacucho.
In each peasant community the sample was obtained after estimating the total
population. The predetermined sample size was around 40 families. This size permits
statistical analysis for each community and, at the same time, permits information
collection in a more detailed and profound manner from each family. The sampling,
including the selection of reemplacements, was random. The first three rows of
The sample 127
Table A.I Expansion of the sample (number of families)
Ecological level Ecological level gical
I II level III
(xR = M/n 1,075 1,559 290 1,602 908 2,795 2,577 1,750 1,632
sierra popu-
lation (M) 39 62 9 64 33 115 108 70 500
Table A.I show the sample size in community («), the total population of families
(JV), and the respective coefficient of expansion (a) for the eight communities studied.
The expansion of the sample to the southern sierra region required various steps.
In the first place, the total population of the region was estimated based on the
population and agricultural censuses, both from 1972. There are around one million
mintfundista peasants (with fewer than five hectares of land) in Peru; 82% live in the
sierra (Figueroa, 1976).
On the other hand, from the same population census it can be inferred that a little
less than 50% of the rural sierra population is located in the southern sierra region.
Nevertheless, without more precise information it was assumed that the proportion
of sierra peasant families which is located in the southern sierra is much greater than
50%, due to the predominately minifundista character of the region. An estimate of
60% appears more appropriate. This implies an estimate of 500,000 peasant families
living in the southern sierra of Peru.
Secondly, the expansion requires the taking into account of ecological 'levels'
{pisos). The productive structure (and the income structure) of the peasant economy
depends on the community's access to different kinds of land, on control of different
ecological levels. A community which has no access to the quechua zone, for example,
would not produce corn, as was indicated in Chapter 2. In that the intent of this study
is the estimation of peasant family income structure, the communities' access to
different ecological levels becomes an important variable in the expansion of the
sample. The communities Jacantaya, Culta and Ninamarca are typical of the sum
128 Appendix I
zone; Acobamba is typical of thtjunga zone and the rest of the communities are
typical of the quechua zone.
The communities under study control various ecological levels and, as such, the
families surveyed represent distinct proportions of the population. The Peruvian
rural population distribution by ecological levels is presented in Chapter 2. Based on
this information, 500 families were distributed in three ecological levels: sum, quechua
zndyunga. Rows 4 and 5 of Table A. 1 present the sample and population distribution
and by ecological levels, while row 6 depicts the respective expansion coefficients.
Therefore, the sample expansion to the southern sierra population is obtained by
multiplying a and B. The number of families (Af) that each sample family represents
appears in the final row of Table A.I.
Appendix II: Methodological notes concerning
the calculation of peasant income
1. Agricultural production measures the quantity harvested (in dry and in grain).
Moreover it refers to the 'overall' harvest and not the minor harvest, included in
green. There is certainly an underestimation of production.
2. The monetary income from wages derived from migration involves expendi-
tures. It is thus necessary to distinguish between gross and net wages. Here the data
are net. This produces an underestimation of the degree of monetization of the
peasant economy. In particular some expenditure categories were underestimated,
such as travel, lodging, food and beverages. The 'number of workdays' refers to days
of absence from the community. During migration, the peasant faces days without
work as well as days of intense work, be it in two jobs (night-watchman and day-
ditchdigger) or doing overtime. Therefore, it is not permissible to obtain wage rates
dividing total net income by number of days in migration.
3. The monetary and non-monetary incomes derived via the local labor market
include only wages. Goods such as food, coca, cigarettes and aguardiente which the
wage-earner receives from his/her employer are not included.
4. A, P and Z monetary incomes refer to 'value of sales'. Neither monetary costs
incurred via input expenditures (fertilizers, pesticides and others) nor marketing
costs (such as transport) were deducted. In the case of transport, it was considered as
a consumption expenditure (to make purchases or to go on vacation) because there
always exists the possibility of selling the goods in the local market.
5. Monetary income from commerce is net. If a family markets its own product we
consider as Ay P or Z income, according to the case, the opportunity cost of its
production and only the surplus as income from commerce.
6. The only income which is not net refers to A, P and Z-goods. As such, the
estimate presented in the text is called 'gross' monetary income.
7. Trade via barter is evaluated at the average price in force in the local market or
some relevant zonal market. Barter for urban goods (sugar, noodles, oil) is
considered as a monetary transaction. These cases are rare and, on the other hand, the
prices implicit in the trade do not vary much from the market price.
8. To evaluate own-consumption, we used the average prices of monetary
transactions and barter.
9. The estimation of the matrix which appears in Table 4.1 is based on the survey
data, with the exception of the following: eggs, milk and wool were estimated based
on family animal stocks and typical yields of the community; the assignment of
agricultural production to direct consumption and to feed was estimated under the
130 Appendix II
assumption of a relation of 4:1 for all the communities. The latter is based on
information collected at various stages of the fieldwork.
10. The manner in which monetary expenditures and incomes are estimated
produces an overestimation of expenditures in relation to income. In that the period
of study was one year (over which time were distributed expenditures and income),
income was measured at different times during the year, while expenditures (in their
most important rubrics, such as food), were measured for the week or month
preceding the survey. Based on these reference periods (week or month), we
extrapolated to the entire year. This method has the defect of exaggerating annual
expenditure when there is significant inflation. Expenditures are evaluated at the
prices of the most recent week (or month) but incomes are evaluated at prices of
different periods. The fact that in the majority of cases the average monetary
expenditure in the communities was greater than the respective income appears to be
consistent with the above-mentioned bias.
11. In the face of discrepancies between the total value of exports and imports, it
was assumed that export values were more trustworthy. The level of imports (which
was always greater than that of exports) was then reduced to the level of exports,
without modifying its structure.
Appendix III: Andean food plants
1. Potatoes: Solatium spp., the majority of native potatoes grown in Peru; Solatium
tuberosum subspecies indigena.
2. Oca: Oxalis tuberosa.
3. Olluco: Ullucus tuberosus.
4. Mashua: Tropaeolum tuberosum.
5. Achira: Canna edulis.
6. Quinua: Chenopodium quinoa.
7. Canihua: Chenopodium pallidicaule.
8. Achita: achis = quihuicha. Amaranthus caudatus.
9. Maize: Zea mays.
10. Tarhui: Lupinus mutabilis.
Appendix IV: Methodology used in the calculation
of Table 7.1
1. Growth
The series of real GNP per capita estimates for the period 1950-74 was obtained
from the Cuentas Nacionales published by the Banco Central de Reserva del Peru in
various volumes (1950-65,1960-7,1960-9,1960-74). For the period 1975-80, we
used the series published by the Banco Central in its annual Memorias.
2. Inflation
The index is the Lima CPI. Published data obtained from the Instituto Nacional de
Estadistica were used for the entire period. (The Institute's name changed at various
points during the period.)
3. Growth pattern
The series of manufactures and exports as percentages of GNP were obtained from
the same sources that were used for the GNP series. In the case of exports there was
no significant discrepancy between the Cuentas Nacionales and the Memorias during
the period of superposition in the calculations (1972-4). Thus both series were used
as if there were only one. In the case of manufactures there were discrepancies
between the sources during 1972-4. The figures which appear in the Cuentas
Nacionales are, on average, 83% of the figures in the Memorias. In order to have a
long-term series which did not display important methodological changes in the
calculations, it was considered appropriate to correct the figures in the Memorias by
that coefficient (83%) for 1975-80.
4. Income distribution
Methodology used in the calculation of Table 7.1 133
related to the data on profit taxes ('tax on juridical persons' published by the Banco
Central) we find that nearly 19% of profits went to tax payments. Nevertheless, this
percentage never exceeded 11% during 1974-9. This discrepancy suggests that the
profits data for 1980 were underestimated. No tax reform of significance took place
which could have caused the percentage to change so drastically. Even so, the profits
figure for 1980 was maintained; this gave greater solidity to the conclusion that the
change in profits during the crisis was substantial.
Notes to pages 60-97 135
6 The economic behavior of the peasant family
1 The mix of A, P, L and Z-activities and the variety of products implied in each
activity show a highly diversified portfolio. Yet diversification is more than that.
Even in one single product diversification is present. For example, potatoes are
cultivated using a mix of varieties with different yields and resistance power to
2 This behavior is consistent with the use of credit. Peasants who obtain credit from
the agrarian development bank for the purchase of agricultural inputs usually
allocate part of the credit to other activities, although it is illegal to do so.
3 No estimates were made about the number of days worked in the local labor
market. A best guess would be to assume at least an equal number of temporary
migration for all communities. Hence, above 25% of the labor time of the
household head is probably allocated to work outside the parcel.
4 On the evolution of the labor markets in rural Peru see Cotlear (1979).
5 Another consequence of the empirical result of Table 6.4 is that the rural-urban
link takes on a new form: income from transfers. We showed in the previous
chapter the importance which transfers have for the income of peasant families.
6 On the peasant family strategy regarding emigration and returns see Vega (1979).
138 Bibliography
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Vega, Gabriela (1979). Migracibn de Retorno a las Comunidades Campesinas. Bachelor's
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Statistical sources
Instituto de Planificacion (1973). Relaciones Interindustriales de la Economia Peruana.
Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos (1970). Anuario Estadistico del Peru. Lima.
Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos (1975). Censo de Poblacibn, 1972.
Banco Central de Reserva. Memorias (1974-9); Resena Econbmica (1981) and Cuentas
Nacionales 1950-1974.
Ministerio de Trabajo (1981). Situacion Ocupacional Cuarto Trimestre 1980. Lima:
140 Index
land use in peasant communities {cont.) labor force 13-14
fragmentation 16 resource endowments 17-20
laymi system 15, 23 size 13-14
rotation systems 15-16 Peruvian economy
tenure 15 economic crisis 83, 102
Latin America growth and distribution 82
agricultural growth 98 inflation 83
comparative advantage 99 liberalism 83-5
economic development 1, 2 reforms 85-8
income concentration 97 state intervention 82
international trade 98 portfolio diversification
Lima and ecological levels 60
structure of family spending 94 of activities 58-61
wages and employment 105 of income 59
livestock of resources 17, 60
consumption-exchange-accumulation 34
production 5 risk-aversion behavior see economic
technology 7 rationality of peasantry
sierra region (highlands)
permanent 13, 75, 78 ecology and microclimates 8-10, 21
returns 76, 79 population 9
temporary 13, 42, 44, 56 southern sierra, as the most traditional
see also labor markets region 10-12
peasant communities
dynamics 44, 58, 82 technology
economic organization 5-8 and ecological levels 19
inefficiency 3 intersectoral relations 5, 7, 24
integration to the market 4, 42-4, 119 policies 125
non-capitalist relations 45, 119 traditional-modern 114-17
overpopulation 3, 77, 117
production structure 3, 5, 25-31 Z-goods
peasant family consumption-exchange 34-5
as economic unit 13, 23, 41 definition 5
education 78 production 6
technology 7