The Great Revolt of 1857 and Changes in Indian Administration After 1858.
The Great Revolt of 1857 and Changes in Indian Administration After 1858.
The Great Revolt of 1857 and Changes in Indian Administration After 1858.
Table of Contents
The Great Revolt of 1857 and Changes in Indian Administration after 1858
Introduction 4
Administrative Changes after Revolt of 1857 4
Military Changes after Revolt of 1857 5
Impact of 1857 Revolt on Relations with the Princely States 5
Effects of 1857 Revolt on Administrative Policies of the British 6
Government of India Act 1858 8
The Great Revolt of 1857 Changes in Indian
Administration after 1858
Military Changes after Revolt of 1857
● The British rulers realized that an army of united Indians was the biggest
threat to its rule in India and so the Indian army was carefully reorganized
after 1858, to prevent the recurrence of another revolt.
● To guarantee the domination of the Indian army by Europeans, the proportion
of Europeans to Indians in the army was raised and fixed at 1:2 in the Bengal
army and 2:5 in the Madras and Bombay armies.
● The European troops were kept in key geographical and military positions.
The crucial branches of artillery, tanks and armoured corps (in the 20th
century) were put exclusively in the control of European soldiers.
● The British rulers continued with the old policy of excluding Indians from the
officer corps. Till 1914, no Indian could rise higher than the rank of a Subedar.
● The policy of divide and rule was actively followed and discrimination on
basis of caste, religion and region was practised in recruitment to the Army.
● A fictitious division of Indians among ‘martial’ and ‘non-martial’ classes was
created. Soldiers from Awadh, Bihar, central India, and south India, who had
played an active role in the 1857 Revolt were declared to be non-martial. They
were no longer taken in the army on a large scale.
● On the other hand, Punjabis, Gurkhas, and Pathans who had assisted in the
suppression of the Revolt were declared to be martial and were recruited in
large numbers. By 1875, half of the British Indian army was recruited from
policies was the Doctrine of Lapse. However, the events of 1857 made the
British revise their hostile policy towards the Princely states. Most of the
Princely states had remained loyal towards the British during the 1857 Revolt
and had actively helped in suppressing it.
● Their role led Lord Canning, the Viceroy, to remark that the Princes had acted
as the breakwaters to the storm which would have otherwise swept us in one
great wave.
● To reward their loyalty to the British crown, the Doctrine of Lapse was
abolished by the Government of India Act 1858 and it was announced that
the right of the Princes to adopt heirs would be respected and the integrity of
their territories guaranteed against future annexation. In return for this
protection, the Princely states had to accept the paramountcy of the British
● In the first half of the 19th Century, the British had made half-hearted
attempts at social and administrative reforms in India. However, following the
Revolt of 1857, even these token measures were discarded altogether. The
British consciously adopted the policy of Divide and Rule in order to ensure
the continuation of their colonial rule in India.
● The British were unnerved by the strong Hindu-Muslim unity displayed during
the mutiny of 1857 and they were determined to break it at any cost. They
began to turn the educated classes of Hindus against the Muslims in order to
drive a wedge between the two communities. It offered the loaves of
government employment to pitch one community against the other.
Hostility towards Educated Indians
● The British introduced modern western education in India in the first half of
the 19th Century. Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were set up in
1857 following Woods' Despatch on Education of 1854. The British
colonialists also appreciated the fact that the middle class educated Indians,
by and large, did not participate in the 1857 sepoy mutiny.
● However, in the second half of the 19th Century, the middle class educated
Indians who had gained access to modern scientific education began to
analyse the imperialistic character of British rule and put forward demands for
the participation of Indians in the administration. The British now became
hostile towards the slowly rising educated class of Indians and the officials
took active steps to curtail higher education in India.
● The British realized that one of the main causes of the 1857 Revolt was their
active encouragement to social reforms like Abolition of Sati, Widow
Remarriage etc. They now adopted a policy of encouraging the orthodox
elements in the society and discouraged the social reformers. They actively
encouraged social evils like casteism and communalism for their political
● Most of the revenue of the government was spent on the upkeep of the army,
military conquests and administrative services while the social services were
grossly neglected.
● Thus from the above, it can be seen that the effects of the Revolt of 1857
were wholly negative on the policies pursued by the British in India.
○ He was also the channel of communication between the British
government in Britain and the Indian administration. He also had the
power to send secret despatches to India without consulting his
○ Via the Secretary of State, the British parliament could ask questions
regarding Indian affairs.
○ The representative of the British government in India was the
Governor-General and Viceroy (both the same person to avoid conflict).
○ The Viceroy and the governors of the various presidencies were
appointed by the Crown.
○ The Viceroy was to be assisted by an Executive Council.
○ This act made India a direct British colony.
○ This act abolished the dual government of the Pitt’s India Act.
○ This act also ended the doctrine of lapse.
○ The Indian Civil Services was to be instituted for the administration of
the country. There was provision for Indians also to be admitted to the
○ It was decided that the remaining Indian princes and chiefs (more than
560 in number) would have their independent status provided they
accept British suzerainty.
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