Hallticket March Sem1

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B. V. RAJU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(AUTONOMOUS) ‘SEMESTER END EXAMINATIONS: Mar-2023 va ket Hy ‘Hall Ticket Number 22215A1211 Regular/Supplementary [Regular ‘ame ofthe CenddateJINKA VAMSHI KRISHNA Fathers Name DINKA SHIVA PRASAD RAO (Degree & Branch \B.Tech, CSIT \Gender (Male. f vear|semester] S82} | subject name resuavon] nef session a} 1 | Asana [Advance bate Structures rao ss/osyanes | 1009.@m t0 01.00 a} 1 | AsaH2 | Sotnore engineering with UML raon | 15/oaa0aa | 29.0 am to 01.00 a] 1 | Asana [orobaity ana stateics ra0n | 1710372023 | 10-90 8m 16 05.00 a] 1 | asa1a introduction to arial inttigence ra0n | 20/0anza | 20:00am 0 04.00 a) 1 | asm [Setematelronestorswcsmer | maga | ayaranan | 10090M 001.00 | 1 | 836x [non-conventional Energy Sources aon | 25/oaa0aa | 19:0 am to 07.00 Note: Ifthe is any aisripency in student photo or any other detalls,t should be brought to notice ofthe Conttller of Examinations Immediately. Signature of the Candidate Controller of Examinations INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES “AI the Students must bo presen in the Examinaton Halls belore the commencement af the examination and students who come after the ‘ommencemant of examsnton wi nat be alowed 2. Studais should not ear any oter material except Hall Ticket Seity Car and Scien nongrogrammale caluato. 4 Programmable cleats Palm computers, Mobile phones sna pager ate ot parmited io Examination Wl, They shoul show Hal iket and Identity Card otha nl ObserverlChie Supetimsndent wenaver hay are sbked 4. Stidais af alowed o lave he examination hall only ater one and ha hau rom tn commencament ofthe examinaton, 5. Studans must nandover the anzwer books tothe Iniglr before leaving he examination hall

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