Adjusted to the upper electrolyte level
mark "MAX" by using distilled or deionized
water, according to IEC 60909, For cells,
with steel cases, the electrolyte level
should be adjusted to the maximum level
‘according to the “Instruction for the control
of electrolyte level’. During the charge,
the electrolyte level and temperature
should be monitored (see point 6.4)
‘The electrolyte level should never fall
below the “MIN” mark.
Battery delivered filled and charged
and stored for more than 12 month:
‘The battery should be charged for 15
hours at a rated charging current 0.2 I A.
Approximately 4 hours after the end of
charging, the electrolyte level should be
adjusted to the upper electrolyte level
mark "MAX" by using distiled or deionized
water in accordance with IEG 60993. For
calls with steel cases, the electrolyte level
should be adjusted fo the maximum level
according to the "Instruction for the control
of electrolyie level”. During the charge,
the olectrolyte level and temperature
should be monitored (see point 6.4).
‘The electrolyte level should never fall
below the “MIN” mark.
Battory delivered filled and charged: A
'5 hour charge at a rated charging current
‘of 0.2 kA must be cartied out before
puting the battery into operation,
Approximately 4 hours after the end of
‘charging, the electrolyte level should be
adjusted’ to the upper electrolyte level
‘mark "MAX by using distilled or deionized
water in accordance with IEC 60993. For
calls with stee! cases, the electrolyte level
should be adjusted to the maximum level
‘aceording to the “Instruction for the control
of electrolyte level’. During the charge,
the electrolyte level and temperature
should be monitored (see point 84).
The electrolyte level should never fall
below the “MIN” mark,
3.5.2 Commissioning with constant
lf the charger’s maximum voltage setting
's too low to supply constant current
charging, divide the battery into two parts
to be charged indlvidualy.
Battery delivered unfilled and
discharged: After a period of § hours
from filing the electrolyte, the battery
should be charged for 30 hours at the
rated charging voltage of 1.65 Vicell. The
current limit should be 0.2 1, A maximum.
Approximately 4 hours afier the end of
charging, the electrolyte level should be
Adjusted to the upper electrolyte level
mark "MAX" by using only genuine
elecitolyte. For calls with steel cases, the
‘*lacirolyte level should be adjusted to the
maximum level according to the
“instruction for the control of electroyte
leva". During the charge, the electrolyte
level. and temperature should be
monitored (see point 5.8). The
electrolyte level should never fall below
the “MIN” mark.
Battery delivered filled and diecharged: 4.4.1 Two level charge
‘The battery should be charged for 30 hours
at the rated charging voltage of 1.05 Vicell. Float charge: 1.40 ~1.42 Vicell
The current limit ‘should bs 0.2 h A Boost charge: 1.55— 1.70 Vicell
‘maximum. Approximately 4 hours after the A high vollage will increase the speed and
fond of charging, the electrolyte level should eficlenoy of recharging the battery.
be adjusted to the upper electroite level
mark “MAX’ by using distilled or deforized 4.4.2 Single level charae
‘water in accordance with IEC 80998. For
cells with steel cases, the electrolyte level 4.45 —1.60 Viooll
should be adjusted to the maximum level
‘according to the “Instruction for the contrat
of electrolyte level. During the charge, the
electrolyte lovol and temperature should
be monitored (see point 54). The
electrolyte level should never fall below
the “MIN” mark.
Battery delivered filled and charged and
‘stored for more than 12 months: The
battery should be charged for 30 hours at
the rated charging voltage of 1.85 Vicell,
The current limit should be 0.2 k A
maximum, Approximately 4 hours after the
tend of charging, the electrolyte level should
bbe adjusted to the upper electrolyte level
mark "MAX by using distiled or deionized
water in accordance with IEC 60998. For
cells with steel cases, the electrolyte level
should be adjusted to the maximum level
according to the “Instruction for the control
of electrolie level. During the charge,
the clectrolyte level and tomporature
should be monitored (see point 5.4). The
electrolyte level should never fall below
the “MIN” mark,
Battery delivered filled and charged: A
10 hour charge at the rated charging
voltage of 1.65 Vicell must be carried out
before putting the battery into operation
The cuirent lim should be 02 h A
maximum. Approximately 4 houre after the
tend of charging, the electrolyte level should
be adjusted to the upper electrolyte level
mark "MAX" by using distiliod or deionized
water in accordance with IEC 60998. For
cells with steel cases, the electrolyte level
should be adjusted to the maximum level
according to the “Instruction for the control
of electiolyte level". During the charge,
the electrolyte level and temperature
should be monitored (seo point 6.4), The
electrolyte level should novor fall below
the “MIN? mark.
4. Charging in operation
4.1 Standl tion
(with occasional battery discharge)
Recommended charging voltage are stated
for ambient temperatures of + 20°C to
+ 35°C. Do not remove the vent caps
during float, boost charge and bufier
‘operation. The current timit should be
0.3 kA maximum in general
For temperatures lower than + 20 °C or
higher than + 36 °C, the correetion factor
for the charge voltage is -$ mV/K
4.2 Buffor operation
‘Where the load exceeds the charger rating,
1.48 —1.55 Vicell
5. Petiodic Maintenance
‘The battery must be kept clean using only
Water. Do not use a wire brush of any
‘solvents. Vent caps can be rinsed in clean
water if necessary, but must be dried before:
Check regulaty (approximately every 24
‘nonths) that all connectors, nuts and screws
a9 tightly fastened. Defect vent caps and
seals should be repiaced, All metal parts of
the battery should be corrosion-protected by
coating with a thin layer of ant-corresion
grease. Do not coat any plastic part ofthe
battery, for example cell cases!
‘Check the charging voltage. If a batlery is
parallel connected it is important that the
Feooinmended charging voltage remains
unchanged. If a single-cell voltage fells
below 1.35V. during float charging, it is
recommended to charge the cells)
separately for 5 hours with @ constant
nominal current of 0.2 WA. In caee of battery
systems with several battery stings, the
single string currents must be equal. These
‘checks have to be cartiod out every 24
High water consumption of the battery is
usually caused by improper voltage selting
of the charger.
6:1 Equalizing charge
Its recommended to carry out an equalizing
‘charge once a year to maintain capadily and
to stablize the voltage levels of the calls
‘The equalizing charge can be carried out for
18 hours at 02 k A or with the boost
charging stage in conformity with the
characteristic curve of the available charging
equipment. The electrolyte level must be
checked after an equalizing charge.
In order to compensate the floating
degradation effect, it is recommended to
charge the battery once a year for 15 hours:
at the rated charging current 0.2 kA. Then
discharge the battery down to 1.0 Vicell and
charge again for 8 hours at the rated
charging current 0.2 ha.
5.2 Electrolyte check and topping up
Check the electrolyte level. Never lot it fall
below the lower level mark "MIN". Use only