AC Currents

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AC Currents (MCQ) (Part-1)

Q.1 Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C. ammeter, because

(a) A. C. is virtual
(b) A. C. changes its direction
(c) A. C. cannot pass through D.C. ammeter
(d) average value of A. C for complete cycle is zero

Q.2 A.C. power is transmitted from a power house at a high voltage as

(a) the rate of transmission is faster at high voltages
(b) it is more economical due to less power loss
(c) power cannot be transmitted at low voltages
(d) a precaution against theft of transmission lines

Q.3 If the frequency of an A.C. is made 4 times of its initial value, the
inductive reactance will
(a) be 4 times (b) be 2 times
(c) be half (d) remain the same

Q.4 When an ac voltage of 220 V is applied to the capacitor C, then

(a) the maximum voltage between plates is 220 V.
(b) the current is in phase with the applied voltage.
(c) the charge on the plate is not in phase with the applied votage.
(d) power delivered to the capacitor per cycle is zero

Q.5 An A.C. source is connected to a resistive circuit. Which of the

following is true?
(a) Current leads ahead of voltage in phase
(b) Current lags behind voltage in phase
(c) Current and voltage are in same phase
(d) Any of the above may be true depending upon the value of resistance.

Q.6 With increase in frequency of an A.C. supply, the inductive

(a) decreases (b) increases directly with frequency
(c) increases as square of frequency (d) decreases inversely with frequency

Q.7 The capacitive reactance in an A.C. circuit is

(a) effective resistance due to capacity (b) effective wattage
(c) effective voltage (d) None of these

Q.8 In which of the following circuits the maximum power dissipation is

(a) Pure capacitive circuit (b) Pure inductive circuit
(c) Pure resistive circuit (d) None of these
Q.9 In an L.C.R. series a.c. circuit, the current
(a) is always in phase with the voltage (b) always lags the generator voltage
(c) always leads the generator voltage (d) None of these

Q.10 If an LCR series circuit is connected to an ac source, then at

resonance the voltage across
(a) R is zero (b) R equals the applied voltage
(c) C is zero (d) L equals the applied voltage

Q.11 In general in an alternating current circuit

(a) the average value of current is zero
(b) the average value of square of the current is zero
(c) average power dissipation is zero
(d) the phase difference between voltage and current is zero

Q.12 The frequency of A.C. mains in India is

(a) 30 c/s (b) 50 c/s (c) 60 c/s (d) 120 c/s

Q.13. The electric mains supply in our homes and offices is a voltage
that varies like a sine function with time such a voltage is called … A…
and the current driven by it in a circuit is called the … B… Here, A and B
refer to
(a) DC voltage, AC current (b) AC voltage, DC current
(c) AC voltage, DC voltage (d) AC voltage, AC current

Q.14. In which of the following circuits the maximum power dissipation

is observed?
(a) Pure capacitive circuit (b) Pure inductive circuit
(c) Pure resistive circuit (d) None of these

Q.15. The average power dissipated in a pure inductance is

(a) 1/2LI2 (b) LI2 (c) LI2 / 4 (d) zero

Q.16. Eddy currents in the core of transformer can’t be developed by

(a) increasing the number of turns in secondary coil
(b) taking laminated transformer
(c) making step down transformer
(d) using a weak a.c. at high potential

Q.17. Quantity that remains unchanged in a transformer is

(a) voltage (b) current (c) frequency (d) None of these

Q.18. An inductance L having a resistance R is connected to

an alternating source of angular frequency ω The Quality factor Q of
inductance is
(a) R/ ωL (b) (ωL/R)2 (c) (R /ωL)½ (d) ωL/R

Q.19. A capacitor acts as an infinite resistance for

(a) DC (b) AC (c) DC as well as AC (d) neither AC nor DC

Q.20. Of the following about capacitive reactance which is correct?

(a) The reactance of the capacitor is directly proportional to its ability to store
(b) Capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to the frequency of the
(c) Capacitive reactance is measured in farad
(d) The reactance of a capacitor in an A.C. circuit is similar to the resistance of
a capacitor in a D.C. circuit

Q.21. Phase difference between voltage and current in a capacitor in an

ac circuit is
(a) π (b) π/2 (c) 0 (d)π/3

Q.22. A capacitor has capacitance C and reactance X, if capacitance and

frequency become double, then reactance will be
(a) 4X (b) X/2 (c) X/4 (d) 2X

Q.23. When an ac voltage of 220 V is applied to the capacitor C, then

(a) the maximum voltage between plates is 220 V.
(b) the current is in phase with the applied voltage.
(c) the charge on the plate is not in phase with the applied votage.
(d) power delivered to the capacitor per cycle is zero.

Q.24. In LCR circuit if resistance increases quality factor

(a) increases finitely (b) decreases finitely
(c) remains constant (d) None of these

Q.25. An inductor, a resistor and a capacitor are joined in series with an

AC source. As the frequency of the source is slightly increased from a
very low value, the reactance of the
(a) inductor increases (b) resistor increases
(c) capacitor increases (d) circuit increases

Q.26. With increase in frequency of an A.C. supply, the impedance of an

L-C-R series circuit
(a) remains constant (b) increases (c) decreases
(d) decreases at first, becomes minimum and then increases.

Q.27. If an LCR series circuit is connected to an ac source, then

at resonance the voltage across
(a) R is zero (b) R equals the applied voltage
(c) C is zero (d) L equals the applied voltage
Q.28. The loss of energy in the form of heat in the iron core of a
transformer is
(a) iron loss (b) copper loss (c) mechanical loss (d) None of these

Q.29. In an L.C.R. series a.c. circuit, the current

(a) is always in phase with the voltage (b) always lags the generator voltage
(c) always leads the generator voltage (d) None of these

Q.30. An LCR series circuit, connected to a source E, is at resonance.

Then the voltage across
(a) R is zero (b) R equals applied voltage
(c) C is zero (d) L equals applied voltage

Q.31. A transformer is employed to

(a) convert A.C. into D.C. (b) convert D.C. into A.C.
(c) obtain a suitable A.C. voltage (d) obtain a suitable D.C. voltage

Q.32. Transformers are used

(a) in DC circuit only (b) in AC circuits only
(c) in both DC and AC circuits (d) neither in DC nor in AC circuits

Q.33. Power factor of the A. C. circuit varies between

(a) 0 to 0.5 (b) 0.5 to 1 (c) 0 to 1 (d) 1 to 2

Q.34. The graph between inductive reactance and frequency is

(a) parabola (b) straight line (c) hyperbola (d) an arc of a circle

Q.35. For minimum dissipation of energy in the circuit the power factor
should be
(a) large (b) small (c) moderate (d) can not say

Q.36. The transformer voltage induced in the secondary coil of

a transformer is mainly due to
(a) a varying electric field (b) a varying magnetic field
(c) the vibrations of the primary coil (d) the iron core of the transformer

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