Tonys View 26 January 2023 PDF
Tonys View 26 January 2023 PDF
Tonys View 26 January 2023 PDF
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A recession session
What does it mean if our economy goes into
recession? Three things. First, the level of output If you look at just the Gross Domestic Product
will shrink. Second, most people will notice numbers to try and understand why a recession
nothing at all. Third, many people will be better off. can matter you’re not going to get anywhere.
Having your factory or café output go back to
A recession is not what you think it is. You’ve been where it was a few months earlier is hardly of
brought up to view recession as a terrible disaster consequence because such things happen all the
– like a wildfire. But as those with historical time for virtually all businesses.
knowledge on their side will tell you, in
ecosystems where fires occur, they are a natural So, why does a recession matter? There are a
and necessary part of preserving the system over number of reasons. As Grandmaster Flash sang
the long-term. “Don’t push me ‘cause I’m close to the edge”.
Many businesses and households live on the
In a recession your economy will decline in size. cash flow of one week to pay the debts of the
In simple terms that means instead of 100 widgets previous week. Take one of those weeks away or
being produced only 95 are, or 99.9. The size of half of a week’s earnings and you and your kids
the downturn matters at the time, but it is will go hungry, you might not be able to order
irrelevant to the definition of recession. more stock for your store or factory, and you may
in fact lose your business.
Let’s say our economy shrinks by 1% from its level
of activity in the September quarter last year. There are always businesses in precarious
Given that activity rose 2% that quarter this would positions, and some are always getting weeded
take things back to where they were halfway out as their sales take a step back even when the
through the quarter, or in the month of August. overall economy is growing strongly. In a
recession the number in such a position can
What if the economy shrinks by 3% as it did during become highly increased. They have to take
the GFC? That would take us back to late-2021. drastic action to remain solvent. The answer, as
any student of government actions in the Great
Depression knows, is to cut spending. At the same time as cautious firms are begetting
cautious firms who beget more cautious firms,
So, firms in need of a cash flow boost will lay off worries in the public grow about the number of
staff, delay payments for inputs received, cut people who will be laid off by the business sector.
orders for future inputs, and put investment plans These worries about loss of income will make
on the back burner. Now we are into second round consumers do exactly what the firms have been
effects of a recession. doing. They will cut their spending, delay planned
large purchases, and maybe even try to find some
Some firms not being paid on time will themselves extra work, thus placing downward pressure on
engage in cost-saving measures. Some firms incomes of others if they accept lower than
expecting orders for goods and services will cut standard wages for doing so.
back on their spending.
People cut back in particular on buying what we
Thus, one aspect of a recession is that it can have call “durable” goods. These are couches, cars etc.
a snowballing effect. This effect will be severe if Sales of these things fall and retailers cut orders
banks are scared about what lies ahead and cut to manufacturers who then lay off staff. In
provision of credit when firms most need it. They addition, the retailers will cut inventories to save
take away the umbrella as soon as it starts stock-financing costs. This process can become
raining. This is why these days when economic deflationary as discounts are introduced to get
shocks come along central banks quickly make inventories down. This is one way in which
sure banks do not panic for fear of making losses inflation falls away. But it can also cause extra
or not being able to fund themselves from weakness in spending as people expect lower
depositors concerned about the quality of their prices so cut planned spending and sit waiting for
lending to date. lower then lower prices to come along.
The central banks will make special lines of People also cut orders for new houses, so the
funding temporarily available to banks and make construction sector weakens, and layoffs occur
sure everyone knows the funding is there to stop with some over-stretched businesses failing – as
a new snowballing effect of firms drawing down in the first round effects of a recession getting
their credit lines as quickly as possible just in case underway.
they need the money – thus making banks even
more nervous.
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A recession is all about these second round smaller than in other countries where
effects and not whatever caused it to start. We manufactured goods form far larger proportions of
economists try to gauge the intensity of these export receipts. Inputs to those manufactures are
effects by looking at measures of business and often imported.
consumer sentiment to see how depressed they
really are. We then try to guess the extent to which Initially the falling currency does nothing positive.
they will cut back on staffing, capital expenditure, In fact, it makes people depressed as they look at
and purchasing consumer goods and services how much more an offshore holiday will cost. We
and houses. become more pessimistic and cut our household
spending further. Petrol gets more expensive and
Which all raises this obvious question. How does that hits all of us.
this process ever stop?
But eventually, as the currency crawls lower and
There is the problem. As people see weakness lower exporters will take their rising incomes and
beget weakness they envision gloom continuing expand production, hiring more people. This can
on and on and feel encouraged to cut their take a while – maybe 18 months. This lag is a key
spending even more. The whole thing just input in models of any economy.
naturally spirals down towards everyone growing
their own veges and eating roadkill. Second the bad outlook for one’s economy will
lead to expectations that businesses will cut their
But there are things which get set in motion as selling prices to move stock, as noted above.
soon as a recession comes along or looks like it Expectations will grow that businesses will push
is going to come along. back harder against claims for higher wages. We
also know that it is during times of adversity that
First, the bad outlook will tend to discourage businesses will rationalise their operations and
people from investing in one’s country. This cut out the flab from earlier years of good growth
causes the exchange rate to decline. This decline which easily covered up extra expenses being
starts to improve the bottom line for exporters and built into processes. Productivity can rise though
in our context is very important. this is not guaranteed, especially this time around.
Memories of labour shortages will this cycle make
Unlike most other countries, virtually everything firms very reluctant to layoff staff.
exported from New Zealand is made in New
Zealand. The imported component is much
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Basically, a recession will cause the rate of
inflation to fall away. This does not happen right They will either say nothing publicly about their
away, but it does happen – and that is the space being okay, or will actively talk down the economy
we economists are living in right now. We see because they will benefit from the woe perceived
weakness in our economy through 2023 and we by others.
know this weakness will bring the inflation rate
down – eventually. We just don’t have accurate Low interest rates and a lower exchange are two
models any longer to tell us how long this will take. key reasons why downturns do not continue
Neither does the Reserve Bank. forever. They boost exports and import-competing
businesses, and can cause an eventual lift in
Interest rates eventually fall away and that does capital spending levels.
interesting things. People with funds in the bank
will see low returns and some will decide they may Low interest rates will also cause an eventual
as well spend some of their cash rather than recovery in consumer purchasing of goods and
watch it grow less valuable. services as long as they are not financed with
credit cards. Those rates essentially never come
Remember right at the start where I wrote about down.
some firms living on the edge? Most firms are not
in that position. They are well run, well capitalised, Low interest rates also eventually bring the house
have good cash flow management, and have buyers out of the woodwork. House prices may
learned something important over the years. start to edge higher and deliver a positive
household wealth effect. This is not a biggie
When bad times come along for some, and you however. Housing is interesting much later in the
are in a good position – shut up. Let the chooks cycle when things are cranking along again.
talk themselves into a downturn. You will suffer
weakness in your sales. But you will also be able The simple passage of time will also bring higher
to pick up businesses and the assets of consumer spending on durable goods. The
businesses which are failing at cheap prices. You couches and cars become even more worn out
will get good deals for new premises and and decrepit and people begin asking themselves
machinery and boost your outlook for the coming if things are really so horrible that they have to
1-2 decades. Low interest rates will make the continue living like they are.
decision to fund such purchases through debt
relatively easy to make. There may be other things in play. For instance,
the thing which cased the recession in the first
You will also find an increased availability of good, place may be ending or reversing. Inflation, as
motivated staff. That is a key dynamic at the discussed above, may be falling away. Export
moment. Plenty of firms in our country are doing prices may be improving as offshore economies
very well. For them any recession will be pick up.
meaningless. But they know it will present an
opportunity to address their biggest recent A recession, by its very nature, sets the scene for
problem – staff shortages. recovery. Central banks try to limit the depth of a
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recession by cutting interest rates and ensuring when the inflation outlook is improving and the
banking system liquidity is assured and good. range for the past eight years for this tern has
Governments may try to limit weakness by been 2.99% to about 7%.
increasing their own spending. But history
repeatedly shows us that unless this comes via I would not touch the five year rate with a
direct handouts to households the impact is bargepole and suggest people be careful in this
limited and can eventually be inflationary on the environment. At bank pricing committee
way out of the recession. meetings members will be saying they can lock
people into 3-5 year rates then work on selling
Where we sit now in NZ is this. Recession may them other products if they reflect the shift in
happen. As we increasingly believe it will happen whole rates and price long rates lower than short
forecasts for inflation will fall and interest rates will rates. It’s a trap.
go down. The labour market will ease up in favour
of businesses. The scene will become set for If one can it is probably best to accept the pain of
eventually stronger growth. fixing short then riding the rates down when falls
for the one year rate eventually come along. But
Wise firms will sit back and let this thing play itself don’t get overly optimistic with regard to when
out, looking to pick up people and cheap assets. such cuts come along.
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