Road BOQs - Draft

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Bill No.

1: Site Preparatory Works

Item Description of Works Unit Qty Rate (UGX) Amount (UGX)

A1 Allow a sum to cover preliminary costs - Mobilisation, demobilisation and setting up of site
ITEM - -
offices and site stores

B1 Construction of access roads to quarry sites including their maintenance throughout the working
km - -

Total carried to collection -

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Bill No.2: Setting out and Site Clearing Works Unit Qty Rate (UGX) Total (UGX)

A2 (Re) Establishment of road alignment and setting out of road works m

Clear site of all trees including stumps, grass, bushes and boulders and Grub all roots of trees,
B2 grass and bushes including excavation of top soil from road formation

C2 Extra over item B2 for boulders over 1.5m maximum girth. No.

D2 Cut and remove from site trees (up to 1m girth), including removal of stumps and roots No.

E2 Extra over item D2 for trees over 1m girth No.

Total carried to collection -

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Bill No.3: Earth Works Unit Qty Rate (UGX) Total (UGX)

Rehabilitation of existing road formation

A3 Shaping of road formation including watering and compaction Sm

Construction of road formation

B3 Excavation to level m3

C3 Excavation in side, mitre, catch water and other specified drains m

D3 Form, water and compact road bed sm

Provision of Fill Materials

E3 Preparation of borrow pit Site consisting of clearing vegetation and removing topsoil m2

Excavation, hauling, placing, watering and compaction of approved fill material in embank-ments
F3 & lowspots to create a level road bench.

F4 Ditto but final wearing course 150mm thick m2

F5 Excavation of Rock m3

Total carried to collection -

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Bill No.4: Drainage Works. Unit Qty Rate (UGX) Total (UGX)

Provide and install scour checks:

A4 Using stones No.

B4 Using sticks No.

Excavation of foundations for structures:

C4 In soil not more than 1m deep m3

D4 In soil more than 1m deep m3

Supply and install concrete pipe culvert rings:

E4 600mm diameter m

F4 900mm diameter m

G4 1200mm diameter m

H4 1500mm diameter m

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Supply and install steel pipe culvert rings:

I4 1200mm diameter m

J4 1500mm diameter m

K4 Demolish existing masonary structures and cart away debris: m3

Provide material and build cement bound masonry work in:

L4 C25 Reinforced concrete m3

M4 Provide, erect & remove formwork for concrete m2

Provide and fix steel reinforcement:

N4 A142 BRC m2

O4 Provide, place and compact hardcore / Rockfill foundation layer for structures m3

Provide, cast and cure concrete in class:

P4 Class 10 (1:4:8) m3

Q4 Class 15 (1:3:6) m3

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R4 Class 20 (1:2:4) m3

S4 Class 25 (1:1.5:2) m3

T4 Provide gabion baskets and stones, place and fill baskets m3

U4 Provide materials and build grouted stone pitching, 200mm thickness m2

V4 Provide select material and backfill structures m3

W4 Excavate water diversions and/or construct barriers(Provisional) m3

X4 Water profing to structures:- Provide two coats of bituminous paint m2

Total carried to collection

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Bill No.5: Gravelling and Completion of Works.

Item Description of Works Unit Qty Rate (UGX) Amount (UGX)

A5 Preparation of quarry site consisting of clearing vegetation and removing topsoil. m2

Excavate gravel, remove boulders, stockpile, load, haul, offload, spread, water and compact in m3
B5 place.

C5 Restoration of site(s), quarries and borrow pits. m2

Total carried to collection

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Total from page 1

Total from page 2

Total from page 3

Total from page 4

Total from page 5

Total from Page 6

Total from page 7

Sub-total I


VAT (18%)

Total I

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Bill no. Bill description Amount (UGX)

1 Site preparatory works

2 Setting out and site clearing works

3 Earth works

4 Drainage works

5 Gravelling and completion of works

Sub-total I

VAT (18%)


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