Q3 DLL-Week 6
Q3 DLL-Week 6
Q3 DLL-Week 6
Department of Education
Region ii – Cagayan valley
Schools division office OF Cagayan
Baybayog national high school
Baybayog, alcala, cagayan
C. Abstraction The learners must able The learners must able to The learners must able The learners must able ICL: Individualized
to describe a proportion apply the fundamental to apply the fundamental to illustrate the Cooperative Learning
theorems of theorems of similarity of figures.
proportionality to solve proportionality to solve
problems involving problems involving
proportions. proportions.
D. Application Present the activity In this activity, see to it In this activity, see to it Tell whether the ICL: Individualized
about ratio and that all students are that all students are polygons in each pair Cooperative Learning
proportion and let them applying the applying the are always, sometimes,
be guided by the given fundamental theorems of fundamental theorems or never similar.
directions. proportionality to solve of proportionality to 1. Two rectangles
problems involving solve problems 2. A regular hexagon
proportions. involving proportions. and a regular octagon
3. Two squares
E. Assessment The students will be In this activity, see to it In this activity, see to it The teacher lets the ICL: Individualized
given a short quiz about that all students are that all students are students individually Cooperative Learning
ratio and proportion. identifying what applying the answer the formative
property of proportions fundamental theorems assessment found on
are applied or used in of proportionality to Activity 5 (Solving
each item. solve problems Problems Involving
involving proportions. Proportion) number 4 on
page 363 of LM.
F. Assignment Solve the missing term Rewrite the given Solve the problem ICL: Individualized
of the proportions. proportion on the involving proportions. Cooperative Learning
different properties of