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Drive Error List - Teco PDF

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Drive Error List - Teco

*Alarms in table below noted with asterisk (*) have additional important info below the table

Display Name Cause Action

Use a Voltmeter to check

whether the input voltage is
The main circuit voltage is
within the specified limit. If
AL-01* Under-Voltage below its minimum
the input is correct there
specified value. (190Vac)
may be failure inside the

1. The main circuit voltage

1. Use Voltmeter to check
has exceeded its maximum
whether the input voltage is
allowable value  (175 to
within the specified limit.
250 VAC)
AL-02* Over-Voltage
(Do not power cycle drive) (Regeneration error)
2. If this alarm appears
2. Regeneration voltage is during operation. Extend
too high ac/deceleration time inside
Mach software

1. Check Motor terminals

The drive has exceeded its (U, V, W) and encoder
AL-03 Overload rated load during
continuous operation. 2. Extend ac/deceleration
time in Mach software

1. Check the motor terminal

line (U, V, W) and encoder
AL-04* Output Transistor Over temperature, Over connections. Check all
(Do not power cycle drive) Malfunction  current, or Over voltage power connections.
2. Turn off the power and
check for shorts

AL-05* 1. Check the motor’s

Motor’s encoder failure or
Encoder UVW-Phase encoder connections.
encoder connection
Signal Error 2. Check the motor code in
AL-06 the drive (CN30)

Multi-Function Input Input/output function

AL-07 Call MachMotion
Selection setting error
Disconnect the command
cable then re-cycle the
AL-08 Memory Error Parameter write-in error power. If alarm still occurs,
it means the Drive has

Input contact point EMC

AL-09 Emergency Stop Call MachMotion

1. Check if the motor wiring

(U,V,W) and encoder
connections and wiring are
Motor current value is 4
AL-10 Motor Over-Current correct or not.
times its rated current
2. Possible internal
malfunction, call

1. Extend the time of

The difference between
ac/deceleration in Mach
pulse command and
AL-11* Position Error software
encoder feedback pulse is
2. Check if the motor wiring
outside limits
(U, V, W) is correct

1. Reduce the speed

Motor speed is 1.5 times
AL-12 Motor Over-Speed 2. Electronic gear ratio is
more than the rated speed
incorrect check and set

Turn off the power. Turn on

again after 30min. If alarm
AL-13 CPU Error Control system Malfunction
still exists, this may be due
to external interference.

CCWL & CWL input contacts

AL-14 Drive Disable Call MachMotion
activated simultaneously

Repeated overload will

Power transistor
cause drive overheat, check
AL-15 Drive Overheat temperature
and reset operational
exceeds 90 degrees Celsius

Is often a normal condition

until Mach software is
enabled.  Otherwise, is
Base Block (is actually a 'b', Drive enable/run signal not
bb (or 66) likely the enable circuit on
not a '6') present
apollo board not activating
or enable relay not

Update parameters Hn504

Positive Over Travel CW and CCW limit pins
POT NOT* from 0104 to 0004 and
Negative Over Travel active
Hn505 from 0105 to 0005.

- This can be due to drive enable signal (through control cable), coming on prior to the drive having
power (enable signal which powers up the drive through the contactor).  We have had a bad batch
of control cables cause this issue. 

- Mach4: Increase drive enable delay in machmotion plugin\


*(Do not power cycle drive)

If you are getting an AL-02 Over-Voltage on your drive you should check the motor power terminal
continuity (Ohms):

- The main circuit voltage has exceeded its maximum allowable value (170 to 250 VAC)

- Check continuity between GND and each pin for the motor power. 

For smaller motors (3 main pins inside the connection), GND will be the outside threads
for the motor power cable
For larger motors (4 main pins inside the connection), GND will be one of the pins. Shine a
flashlight in to see the marking for which one is ground.
If there is any continuity between GND and any of the U,V,W terminals, it is a bad motor
causing the problem and will likely need to replace the drive as well.


-If you are getting an AL-04 Output Transistor Malfunction error on your drive after following the
instructions in the drive error list, it is most often the drive which has gone bad. However, it could
be the motor as well. Do a continuity test on the power cable and motor coil to test for shorts.
 Contact MachMotion for help in cable swap testing.

- Could be the Motor Code being wrong. Contact MachMotion.


- if the drive has been in service less than 6 months, try removing the o-ring in the encoder cable
connector at the motor side. The issue could be the connection is not quite good enough and there is vibration
which could cause intermittent AL-05 alarms. Removing that o-ring will allow it to sit down further into the
connector to make a better connection between the cable and the encoder connector.


-Could be a mechanical issue or a limit switch shorting.

Pot Not:
This is normal after performing drive reset with Cn029 as limit pins are not normally connected to
any switches.

Check Hn504, Hn505 (CW and CCW limit); they will be 0104 and 0105; set them to 0004 and 0005;
this inverts the logic of the inputs so inputs are normally open. Need to power cycle drive after
setting those parameters.
After a factory reset has been performed, the drive will also have parameter CN035 =  0 which will
then show "run" or "bb" depending on if the drive is enabled or not.  We ship them with Cn035 =
15 which will then show the encoder feedback (the string of numbers that change as the motor

Keywords: "pot not" 14537

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