Comparative Chart of The Meaning of Langue and Parole
Comparative Chart of The Meaning of Langue and Parole
Comparative Chart of The Meaning of Langue and Parole
Ferdinand Norman Chomsky Roman Jacobson Pavio and Begg Sapir You
de Saussure
Mentioned that a Langue and parole Roman Jacobson Indicate that Language is an Language:
langue is a natural as competence and called to langue and language is a exclusively I consider
language. A performance. parole code and biological human, and not language to be a
natural language Competence is message. Where communication instinctive, set of skills such
has a system; this grammatical the code is the system specialized method of as lexicon,
system has a set competence system of the in the transmission communicating semantics and
of grammatical normally acquired langue and parole is of meaningful ideas, emotions, spelling of the
rules and during childhood by the message. information and and desires language in order
vocabulary. native speakers. If intra individually, through a to communicate
they grew up with through linguistic deliberately what we feel or
the language. signs. produced system think to other
of symbols. people.
Parole is the Parole is speaking He mentioned that J. J. MONTES Jose Roberto Parole:
product of how we using the language for the message we The concrete and Juan Carlos For me, the
use a language system. need two speakers individual act of Saravia expression parole
system and it and with two communication or La parole refers refers to the ability
refers to a spoken speakers we have a expression should to specific to use language
language and dialogue, we need be considered as individual uses orally, but mainly,
speech. Parole at least two speech, an act that (je-language for it refers to how we
also refers to speakers to be can be linguistic asking for favors, individually
meaning. uttered. (conventional) or writing letters, appropriate
Langue comes non-linguistic, in giving language
through parole. the sense of not suggestions). according to the
included in a social context in which
convention” we develop.