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Presented to:

Ms. Trisha Oliverio

Inquiries,Investigation, and Immersion Teacher

Submitted by:
Kenji C. Calda
Name of Grade-12 student
Kenji C. Calda
12 - Socrates

One of the course requirements for graduation is work immersion. A senior high school student
must participate in a work immersion program in a field that directly connects to their post-
secondary ambitions. Students are exposed to and familiarized with the working world in their
area of expertise through work immersion, which improves their competency. In particular, the
students are able to: acquire pertinent and useful industrial skills under the supervision of
industry experts and workers; recognize the significance and application of the principles and
theories taught in school; improve their technical knowledge and skills; enrich their
communication and interpersonal skills; and develop positive work habits, attitudes, and an
appreciation for and respect for work. They equip them for the demands and difficulties of the

Academic institutions confront difficulties, especially when it comes to the skills they produced
that do not meet the needs of industry. Today, a sizable portion of graduates are unable to fill
employment openings due to a mismatch in their job-related skills. Several of these talents,
including technical, human resource, and conceptual ones, are taught in academic institutions. In
addition, programs for on-the-job training might help to reinforce these similar abilities.
Programs for on-the-job training (OJT) give students the chance to put the theories, principles,
and concepts they've studied in school into practice while receiving supervision. These training
programs expose the students to the realities of the workplace, which should improve their skills
and prepare them for life beyond college.

The K–12 Basic Education Program aims to help students acquire the skills, work ethic, and
values necessary for continuing their education or entering the workforce. Work Immersion has
been included as an obligatory subject to the curriculum in order to better align basic education
with the nation's development goals. This course will give students the chance to practice their
workplace familiarity, employment simulation, and application of their specialized knowledge
and applied knowledge in real-world work settings.


An assessor is a local government officer who determines the value of a property for the purpose of
levying local real estate taxes. The statistics generated by assessors are used to determine future property
taxes. The assessor determines the value of real property within the borders of a city or municipality. This
amount is translated into an assessment, which is one component of real property tax bills.

My message to the company is thank you for what we learned from you and thank you also because the
people we work with are kind and I hope we can apply to the company for a summer job. Thank you so
much for everything you do. Your devotion to meeting deadlines and making every hour at work count is
greatly appreciated. We like what you do and wish you continued success.
ACTIVITY 1 | The Worker

Work is on your way. Are you prepared to work? Do you have the potential, character, talents, and
skills to take up the vigour of being a worker? What should you possess to become a good worker?
How will you prepare for work immersion?

You have to be well looked and approachable. I prepare myself to have confidence in
front of our coworkers and bosses. I thought I was ready for work immersion and I didn’t think it would
be this hard to work and in our first day I was nervous because I’m not good in socializing people and in
our workplace the people I work with are not just ordinary people but they are professionals like they are
in engineering fields and degree holders. The people I worked with in the office I thought were strict but
they are not strict and they are easy to get along with and they are kind and they are easy to get along with
and fun to work with them. You have to be prepared for what they ask you to do and you have to finish
what you are doing immediately so that you can do other tasks that you are asked to do.
ACTIVITY 2 | The Workplace

After the pre-immersion orientation, list the Do’s and Don’ts employed in the workplace you are

DO’s DON’T’s
1. Do be willing to learn Don’t overwork yourself
2. Do stay organised Don’t procrastinate
3. Do be honest with everyone Don’t consistently miss deadlines
4. Do look for challenges Don’t waste materials in office
5. Do arrive early Don’t be afraid to ask questions
6. Do be willing to help out a coworker Don’t bring your emotions into the office
7. Do be flexible
8. Do be open-minded

1. Do you agree to the
company’s policy guidelines,
rules and agreement?
Support your answer.
1. Do you agree to the
company’s policy guidelines,
rules and agreement?
Support your answer.
1. Do you agree to the
company’s policy guidelines,
rules and agreement?
Support your answer

1. Do you agree to the company’s policy guidelines, rules and agreement? Support your answer.

I agree with the rules of the office, it will help to be orderly and cleanliness to the office
and have a good relationship with your co-workers

2. Was there a rule that you think is not acceptable to you? Why?

I agree with all their rules and I don’t see anything wrong with their rules

ACTIVITY 3 | Situational Analysis


Suppose you work in a police station or a law firm and signed a confidentiality
agreement regarding all their cases at hand, suddenly your friend who was a suspect to a crime
asked you for some documents that are in your office’s possession that may help him in his case.
How would you deal with the situation?
I will not help my friend because the documents are not allowed to come out inside the
office and it is stated in the law of the Philippines and it is not legal. Even if your portrayal is absolutely
true, publishing information about someone without their consent may subject you to legal liability. The
majority of states have laws that restrict the release of personal information about others and that
acknowledge a person’s right to object to the use of his/her name, likeness, and other identifying
characteristics for exploitational reasons like product or servie promotion. These rules were first inspired
by the policy goal of protecting individual privacy; the intention was to protect people from humiliating
revelations about their private lives and from identity theft that is harmfull or disruptive to their lives.
Over time, the law evolved and came to understand the significance of preserving a person’s capacity to
profit by allowing others to use their name, image, or other personal characteristics in a commercial

ACTIVITY 4 | Conflict Resolution

Did you ever experience disagreement and conflict with co-workers? How did you handle the
situation? How would you rate your skills in handling differences of opinion? Please give an
example that illustrates that skill.

We can handle that situation by forgiving each other and by defining the cause of the
conflict will enable you to understand how the issue came to grow in the first place. Additionally, you
will be able to get both parties to consent to what the disagreement is. And to do so, you need to discuss
the needs which are not being met on both sides of the issues. Also, you need to warranty mutual
understanding. Ensure you obtain as much information as possible on each side’s outlook. Continue
asking questions until you are confident that all the conflicting parties understand the issue.

ACTIVITY 5 | Job Interview

A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a

representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.
How you answer questions during job interview can have a big impact on you being hired
or accepted as a work immerse. Jot down questions that you have come across during your
first dialogue with the partner-industry work supervisor or head of office you will be
My role entails a lot of project management, which I like. I want to manage larger projects
that include more than one vendor, and I believe this job will allow me to accomplish that.

ACTIVITY 6 | Other Related Task

Other Attach or write an account

of other related tasks.
Other related tasks means taking on tasks outside your role but is based on the company given
competencies to the students.

Attach or write an account of other related tasks.

There is no other work/task was given to us other than writing in assessment role.

ACTIVITY 7 | Work Immersion Highlights

ACTIVITY 8 | My Reflections

How did the experience change me as a person, and how will it help me in the future.

My reflection here is that I learned how hard it is to work and this work immersion taught me
how how to persevere in working.

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