The basic infantry rifle squad is composed of two fire teams of four soldiers each, including a team leader. The squad provides firepower and maneuverability in combat through fire teams and individual soldier roles and weapons. Key roles include two automatic rifle men, two grenadiers, and two riflemen who also serve as medical aids. The squad leader is responsible for the squad's actions and logistical needs. Fire teams maneuver in wedge, column, or line formations depending on the terrain and mission.
The basic infantry rifle squad is composed of two fire teams of four soldiers each, including a team leader. The squad provides firepower and maneuverability in combat through fire teams and individual soldier roles and weapons. Key roles include two automatic rifle men, two grenadiers, and two riflemen who also serve as medical aids. The squad leader is responsible for the squad's actions and logistical needs. Fire teams maneuver in wedge, column, or line formations depending on the terrain and mission.
The basic infantry rifle squad is composed of two fire teams of four soldiers each, including a team leader. The squad provides firepower and maneuverability in combat through fire teams and individual soldier roles and weapons. Key roles include two automatic rifle men, two grenadiers, and two riflemen who also serve as medical aids. The squad leader is responsible for the squad's actions and logistical needs. Fire teams maneuver in wedge, column, or line formations depending on the terrain and mission.
The basic infantry rifle squad is composed of two fire teams of four soldiers each, including a team leader. The squad provides firepower and maneuverability in combat through fire teams and individual soldier roles and weapons. Key roles include two automatic rifle men, two grenadiers, and two riflemen who also serve as medical aids. The squad leader is responsible for the squad's actions and logistical needs. Fire teams maneuver in wedge, column, or line formations depending on the terrain and mission.
Organization Maintains and accountability of his soldier and
The rifle squad is broken in two (2) fire teams. equipment. Each fire teams has four (4) men composed of a Complete casualty feeder reports and reviews team leader, grenadier, automatic rifle men. the casualty reports completed by The two fire team leaders double as anti – squad member. armor gunners. The two riflemen also serve as a Submits request for awards and decorations. medical aid man. Direct the maintenance of squad weapon and equipment. Mission Inspect the condition of soldier weapons, The close the enemy by means of fire and clothing and equipment. maneuver to destroy or capture him or repel his Ensures that materials and supplies are assault by fire, close combat and counter attack. distributed to the soldier in the squad. Keeps the platoon sergeant/leader informed Capabilities on squad supplies status and squad The infantry rifle squad can: requirements. Provide a base of fire and maneuver. Ensure supplies and equipment are internally Close with the enemy to destroy or capture cross leveled within the squad. him. Repel and assault by fire, close combat and Armaments: M 16 Assault rifle counter attack. Equipment: Map and Compass, Hand held FM Seize and hold terrain. Radio, Binocular, Utility rope Maneuver in all types of local weather ad terrain. Team Leader Conduct combat operation under limited There are two (2) team leaders in the squad. One (1) visibility. for each fire team.
Duties and Responsibilities Rifle
This soldier fighting leader who lead by personal Squad Leader example and help the squad leaders This is responsible for all that the rifle squad as required. He controls the movements of his fire does or fails to do. He is a tactical leader and, as teams and the rate and placement of fire by leading such, leads by example. from the accountability of his soldiers and Controls the maneuver of his squad and equipment. He ensures his soldiers maintain the each rate and distribution of fire. unit standards in all areas. Secures the front area Trains his squad on the individual and of the squad during movements and halts. He is the collective tasks required to sustain combat scour or eyes and ears of team. Provides short effectiveness. range anti armor capacity for the squad or platoon. Manage the logistical and administrative needs of his squad. He requested and issues Armaments: M16 Assault Rifle, LAW ammunition, water, ration, and special Equipment : Map and Compass, NVG, Utility Rope equipment. Automatic Rifle Man Squad Column There are two (2) automatic rifle man in the The squad column is the squads most common squad. One (1) for each fire team. This soldier is formation. It provides good dispersion laterally responsible in providing sustained automatic and depth without sacrificing, control and fire for the squad. Secure the left flank area facilitates maneuver. The lead fire team is the during movements and halts. base fire team. When the squad moves independently or as the rare elements of the Armaments : Squad Automatic (SAW) ULTIMAX platoon, the rifleman in the tail fire team Equipment : SAW Ammo Pouches, Utility Rope provides rear security. (see image no.2)
Grenadier Squad Column with Fire
There are two (2) grenadier in the squad. One (1) for each fire team. This soldier provides grenade Team in Column capability to the squad and the platoon for Squad Line maximum firepower. Secure the right plank area The squad line provides maximum fire power to of the squad during movements and halt. the front. When a squad is acting as the base squad, the fire team on the right is base fire Armaments: M16 Assault rifle attach with 40mm team. (see image 3). grenade launcher. When not travelling in a column or line, squad Equipment : 40mm Ammo Pouch, Utility Rope travel in file. The squad file has the same characteristics as the fire team file, if the Rifle Man squad leader desire increase his control over the There are two (2) rifle man in the squad. One for formation, exert greater moral presence by each fire team. This soldier is responsible for the leading from the front, and be immediately food supply and medical requirements of the available to make key decisions. He will move team. He monitors the health and hygiene of the forward to the first or second position. squad and provide technical expertise and Additional control over the rear of the formation supervisions of the combat life savers. He erased can be provided by moving a team leader to the the tracks left by team during operations. last position. (see image 4)
Armaments : M16 Assault Rifle
Equipment : Medical Kit, Cooking Utensils, Utility Rope
Wedge Formation (fire team)
The wedge is the basic formation for the fire team. The interval between soldier and wedge formation normally ten (10) meters. The wedge expands and contracts depending on the terrain. when rough terrain, poor visibility, or other factors make control of the wedge difficult, fire team modifies the wedge. (see image no.1) IMAGE 1 Image 4