Progress Test 3B (Units 7-9)
Progress Test 3B (Units 7-9)
Progress Test 3B (Units 7-9)
5 Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true Stopping traffic problems
(T) or false (F). If there is no information about
Many large cities have traffic problems, but it’s
this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).
difficult to stop people using their cars. We know we
1 People drive their cars a lot because public shouldn’t drive everywhere and should take public
transport is too expensive. __________ transport, but we don’t do it. People love their cars and
2 People don’t have to use public transport in small public transport in many places is not very good. A
cities. __________ GPS company studied why there are lots of traffic
3 About 33% of drivers are trying to find somewhere problems in cities. What did they find? They found
to park. __________ that a third of cars on the roads are drivers looking for
4 The way people drive their cars is the main reason a parking place. These drivers are driving around and
for traffic problems. __________ around the city when they don’t need to. Now there is
5 Angry drivers make more problems than slow technology that can tell drivers where there are empty
drivers. __________ parking spaces, but the problems continue. The most
important reason for traffic problems is people. Did
2 points for each correct answer 10 you know that most people drive too fast or too slow?
Angry drivers do things too quickly and nervous
6 Read the text again. Complete the sentences with drivers are too slow. Both these actions make traffic
one or two words from the text. problems.
1 There is technology to tell cars about the In the past we didn’t know what to do about this
__________. problem, but now there are lots of answers. For
2 Technology can help drivers __________ their example, there’s technology for cars to ‘talk’ to each
travel around cities better. other and tell each other about the traffic situation. A
3 Istanbul and Sydney have a good _________ company tested the technology and it stopped many
service now. traffic problems. The cars sent messages to each other
4 Other ideas for the future include buses without about the area and the drivers could plan their journeys
drivers and roads only for people on a __________. better. Some cities want to make public transport
5 Nowadays people prefer their cars because they are better. For example, ten years ago Istanbul and Sydney
__________. didn’t have good public transport. But they increased
the number of boats for public transport and now the
2 points for each correct answer 10 service is much better. Not all cities can do this, but it
is great for cities beside rivers or next to the sea. In the
future there could be more ideas such as bicycle-only
roads or buses with robot drivers. At the moment
people choose their cars because they are comfortable
and they can listen to music or the radio. The public
transport of the future needs to be better.
Student A
Student B