Epcom04 PDF
Epcom04 PDF
Epcom04 PDF
A, Define Performance media
B, State the importance of performance media
C, Give the key performance indicators in marketing
We flipped the paradigm from a content-first approach — beginning with mastering your
audience, then the channel, and then the right content.
It all starts with your customer data. What you know about the people that buy from you
is the insight you need to reach the prospects you want. By building response models
and generating identity-based segments, we help you connect with your ideal customers.
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Objectives of Advertising:
• Trial
• Continuity
• Brand switch
• Switching back
Trial: the companies which are in their introduction stage generally work for this objective.
The trial objective is the one which involves convincing the customers to buy the new
product introduced in the market. Here, the advertisers use flashy and attractive ads to
make customers take a look on the products and purchase for trials.
Continuity: this objective is concerned about keeping the existing customers to stick on
to the product. The advertisers here generally keep on bringing something new in the
product and the advertisement so that the existing customers keep buying their products.
Brand switch: this objective is basically for those companies who want to attract the
customers of the competitors. Here, the advertisers try to convince the customers to
switch from the existing brand they are using to their product.
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Switching back: this objective is for the companies who want their previous customers
back, who have switched to their competitors. The advertisers use different ways to attract
the customers back like discount sale, new advertise, some reworking done on
packaging, etc.
Importance of Advertising
Advertising is important for the seller and companies producing the products
Yes, advertising plays very important role for the producers and the sellers of the
products, because
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Advertising helps educating people. There are some social issues also which
advertising deals with like child labour, liquor consumption, girl child killing, smoking,
family planning education, etc. thus, advertising plays a very important role in society.
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7. Follower Growth
As a marketer, one of your duties might be to manage social media accounts for
your company. If you work on the social team, a helpful KPI to track is follower growth.
Most likely one of the goals of your social media team is to increase brand awareness
and interact with your audience. Increasing your followers is a great way to measure
success for those goals. To grow your follower base, you might consider running
sponsored campaigns. One brand added 36X its typical number of followers each day
during the 4 days it ran a set of sponsored posts on Instagram, increasing its follower
count by 18.15%.
8. Conversion Rate
Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action. The
desired action could be anything from completing an online form to signing up for a service
or purchasing a product. This is a helpful KPI to track because it can let you know how
successful you are at attracting leads. For example, if the desired action was filling out a
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web form, measuring your conversion rate could let you know that your web page isn't
converting many leads. If that's the case, then you could start to rethink your strategy.
9. Website Visitors
As a marketer, attracting people to your company is the main goal. A great way to
do that is to attract website visitors. Website visitors is an important KPI because it could
track the success of several campaigns. For instance, if you're tracking organic web
traffic, then you'll be measuring the effectiveness of your SEO team. On the other hand,
if you're tracking web visitors from social media, then you could use web visitors to see
how many referrals your social team sends to your site.
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Additionally, this metric helps you better understand your customers, so you can market
to them better. Ultimately, KPIs are important because they're how you measure success
as a marketer. You'll use KPIs in almost every situation because you're going to need to
track success for short and long term campaigns.
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a.) Define Advertisement in performance media
b.) Give the four types of Advertisement
c.) Differentiate the following classification of Advertising
Advertising simply put is telling and selling the product. Advertising Management
though is a complex process of employing various media to sell a product or service.
This process begins quite early from the marketing research and encompasses the
media campaigns that help sell the product.
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helps in defining the outline of the media campaign and in deciding which type of
advertising would be used before the launch of the product.
If you wish to make the advertising effective, always remember to include it from the
market research time. Market research will help to identify the niche segment of the
population to which the product or service has to be targeted from a large population.
It will also identify why the niche segment would opt for the product or service. This
information will serve as a guideline for the preparation of advertising campaigns.
Once the niche segments are identified and the determination of what types of
advertising will be used is done, then the advertising management focuses on
creating the specifics for the overall advertising campaign. If it is a radio campaign,
which type of ads would be used, if it is a print campaign, what write ups and ads will
be used, and if it is a television campaign, what type of commercials will be used.
There might also be a mix and match advertising in which radio might supplement
television advertising and so on. It is important that through advertising management
the image is conveyed that all the strategies complement each other. It should not
look to public that the radio advertising is focusing on something else while television
on something else. The whole process in the end should benefit the product or
The role of people designing the advertising campaign is crucial to its success. They
have been trained by seasoned professionals who provide the training in the specific
field. Designing an advertising campaign is no small a task and to understand the
consumer behavior from the data collected from market research is a very important
aspect of the campaign.
Types of Advertising
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Advertising media selection is the process of choosing the most efficient media
for an advertising campaign. To evaluate media efficiency, planners consider a range
of factors including: the required coverage and number of exposures in a target
audience; the relative cost of the media advertising and the media environment.
Media planning may also involve buying media space. Media planners require an
intricate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the main media
options. The media industry is dynamic - new advertising media options are
constantly emerging. Digital and social media are changing the way that consumers
use media and are also influencing how consumers acquire product information.
Television advertising
Television advertising offers the benefit of reaching large numbers in a single
exposure. The reason for having large numbers is that this advertising method can
reach the household-level customers. Yet because it is a mass medium capable of
being seen by nearly anyone, television lacks the ability to deliver an advertisement
to highly targeted customers compared to other media outlets. Television networks
are attempting to improve their targeting efforts. In particular, networks operating in
the pay-to-access arena, such as those with channels on cable and satellite
television, are introducing more narrowly themed programming (i.e., TV shows geared
to specific interest groups) designed to appeal to selective audiences. However,
television remains an option that is best for products that targeted to a broad market.
The geographic scope of television advertising may vary, from local or regional
advertising through to national coverage, depending on whether public broadcasting
or subscriber-based cable services are used. Television advertising, once seen as
the mainstay of media advertising, is facing numerous challenges from alternative
media, especially interactive and social media. Technological innovations, especially
the advent of ad blocking and zapping, has eroded TV's immediacy and relevance for
some audiences.
Radio advertising
Promotion through radio has been a viable advertising option for over 80 years.
Radio advertising is mostly local to the broadcast range of a radio station, however,
at least three options exist that offer national and potentially international coverage.
First, in many countries there are radio networks that use many geographically distinct
stations to broadcast simultaneously. In the United States such networks as Disney
(children's programming) and ESPN (sports programming) broadcast nationally either
through a group of company-owned stations or through a syndication arrangement
(i.e., business agreement) with partner stations. Second, within the last few years the
emergence of radio programming delivered via satellite has become an option for
national advertising. Finally, the potential for national and international advertising
may become more attractive as radio stations allow their signals to be broadcast over
the Internet.
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In many ways radio suffers the same problems as television, namely, a mass medium
that is not highly targeted and offers little opportunity to track responses. But unlike
television, radio presents the additional disadvantage of limiting advertisers to audio -
only advertising. For some products advertising without visual support is not effective.
Special Issue publications can offer very selective targeting since these often focus
on an extremely narrow topics (e.g., auto buying guide, tour guides, college and
university ratings, etc.).
Internet advertising
The Internet is the fastest growing advertising media. The fastest growing
media outlet for advertising is the Internet. Compared to spending in other media, the
rate of spending for Internet advertising is experiencing tremendous growth and in
the U.S. trails only newspaper and television advertising in terms of tota l spending.
Internet advertising's influence continues to expand and each year more major
marketers shift a larger portion of their promotional budget to this medium.
Two key reasons for this shift rest with the Internet's ability to: narrowly target an
advertising message and, track user response to the advertiser's message.
Classification of Advertising
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Classification of Advertising
Print Advertising - The print media has been used for advertising since long. The
newspapers and magazines are quite popular modes of advertising for different
companies all over the world. Using the print media, the companies can also promote
their products through brochures and fliers. The newspaper and magazines sell the
advertising space and the cost depends on several factors. The quantity of space, the
page of the publication, and the type of paper decide the cost of the advertisement. So
an ad on the front page would be costlier than on inside pages. Similarly an ad in the
glossy supplement of the paper would be more expensive than in a mediocre quality
Broadcast Advertising - This type of advertising is very popular all around the world. It
consists of television, radio, or Internet advertising. The ads on the television have a large
audience and are very popular. The cost of the advertisement depends on the length of
the ad and the time at which the ad would be appearing. For example, the prime time ads
would be more costly than the regular ones. Radio advertising is not what it used to be
after the advent of television and Internet, but still there is specific audience for the radio
ads too. The radio jingles are quite popular in sections of society and help to sell the
Outdoor Advertising - Outdoor advertising makes use of different tools to gain customer’s
attention. The billboards, kiosks, and events and tradeshows are an effective way to
convey the message of the company. The billboards are present all around the city but
the content should be such that it attracts the attention of the customer. The kiosks are
an easy outlet of the products and serve as information outlets for the people too.
Organizing events such as trade fairs and exhibitions for promotion of the product or
service also in a way advertises the product. Therefore, outdoor advertising is an effective
advertising tool.
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Covert Advertising - This is a unique way of advertising in which the product or the
message is subtly included in a movie or TV serial. There is no actual ad, just the mention
of the product in the movie. For example, Tom Cruise used the Nokia phone in the movie
Minority Report.
Public Service Advertising - As evident from the title itself, such advertising is for the
public causes. There are a host of important matters such as AIDS, political integrity,
energy conservation, illiteracy, poverty and so on all of which need more awareness as
far as general public is concerned. This type of advertising has gained much importance
in recent times and is an effective tool to convey the message.
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a.) State the importance of public relation in marketing
b.) Define covert and public serving advertising
c.) Describe the role of public relation in marketing
Public relation is about sharing the right information to right places and people, to
build the brand reputation. Public relation agencies work with organizations and help them
to build their image in a certain industry. Through effective marketing strategies it
promotes its clients agenda.
Many people only know of what PR is from Mad Men. Most have a vague
understanding of what public relations mean, and many even have a slight idea of what
goes into it and the benefits it offers businesses. Very few, however, understand the true
impact it has.
Public Relations is one of the most effective ways to build on marketing strategies
and create a solid online reputation. Companies that have caught onto that are investing
a tremendous amount of time and effort into staying on top of their PR strategies, and
they’re seeing even larger returns with better ROI.
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Public relations is about sending the right messages to the right place and the right
people, creating a stronger brand reputation. PR agencies work alongside their clients to
help them achieve this and promote them within their clients industries. PR is an area that
can transform the future and profitability of a business. Used properly, PR can give a
company the ability to overcome almost any obstacle it may face. This is some of what
makes PR so essential.
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It is a fact that these tactics seem to be high profile and also seem to require a lot
of bucks. Only established brand names have used such form of advertising. Not
everyone has the financial prowess to use this form of advertising. However, there are
ways through which you can also promote your product or service. Maybe contributing an
article in local daily will work well for you. You can mention your brand quite subtly there.
On the Internet too, covert advertising is a hot trend. You can blog about the product or
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ask a well-known blogger to write about your product or service. However, this should be
done inconspicuously.
Most of the PSA ads use celebrities in order to gain attention. Others focus their ads on
the risks that can come to men, women, and children. In recent years, it has become quite
common in US to broadcast the public service ads just after or in between the programs
that relate to public service in any way. They provide information such as the toll free help
lines, websites and addresses. In general, the public service ads are about rape, HIV,
cancer, child abuse, domestic violence, and civil rights.
While public service advertising is not as popular as paid advertising, it should be given
due importance. All across the world, such type of advertising is now widely used. In fact,
in US, public service advertising was once a requirement if the radio and television
stations were to get their licenses from Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Public Service Advertising should carry a short and to the point message. The
advertisement should be made keeping the target audience in mind. As it is not about
buying a product but a change in the attitude altogether, the advertisements have to be
amply clear and the message should prompt the people to take a step forward. If the shift
in the mindsets of people does not happen, then the ad is not conveying the message
properly. For this reason, the PSA’s are often dramatic and expressive.
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If you are having a hard time deciding how to integrate public relations strategies
into your marketing plan, you are not alone. The lines have become so blurred in this age
of integrated marketing that PR and marketing tactics are consistently crossing paths—
but are typically not coordinated in advance.
For these two important functions to work in unison, we need to extract the best practices
used in successful PR campaigns typically used to:
Following are three key areas where PR best practices should be infused so you can gain
maximum exposure and boost the return on your marketing investments.
Messaging development
Try using this PR approach when developing messaging for your next marketing program.
Start by identifying all of your primary and secondary audiences to ensure your message
will stick. Grab a whiteboard and make a list. Include all of the distinct groups that make
up your audience so your messaging addresses each of their unique needs. Following
are some key groups to consider:
• Customers
• Prospects
• Employees
• Investors
• Partners
• Suppliers
• Press
• News outlets
• Social media networks
• Content marketing
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awareness? Providing these key contacts with your story (i.e., content) offers an
opportunity to gain additional impressions and a better chance for your content to go viral.
Brand awareness
Take this PR tactic of gaining exposure and validation through media hits, and apply it to
your advertising strategy. What news outlets, trade events, industry publications and
online sources do your prospects and customers visit or attend? To gain valuable
impressions, you need to focus your advertising efforts on news sources and events your
audience relies on regularly.
As you’ve just read, PR and marketing serve similar purposes. Consciously promoting
PR from a line item in your corporate communications budget to a supporting role infused
across your marketing mix will enable you to deliver on a clear, coordinated plan that
combines the best of both worlds.
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a.) State how performance media helps a business
b.) Give the role of social media in Advertising
c.) List down the importance of social media in business
For making your business more powerful, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction
both play a major role, but it all comes down to communication. When customers see
your company posting on social media, especially replying to their queries and posting
original content, it helps them build a positive image in their minds.
While it may seem overwhelming, its importance cannot be overstated. It’s so important
that 97% of marketers are using social media and 78% of salespeople outsell their peers
by using social media for their business.
However, not all businesses are aware of the benefits of social media marketing. In fact,
50% of small businesses aren’t using social media to promote their business. That’s an
alarming number. Even more concerning is that an additional 25% don’t plan to use social
media in the future either.
Clearly, there is a disconnect between those who are seeing the benefits of social media
and those struggling to get started.
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If the latter sounds like you, keep reading. You’re about to learn how social media
marketing can help build your business. Some of the benefits you’ll learn about include:
Growing your brand awareness: Social media marketing will make it easy to spread the
word about your products and mission.
Increasing your traffic: Using social media and linking it to your website will increase your
traffic tremendously.
Promoting your products and services: This is ultimately why you invest in marketing,
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What could possibly be better than building brand loyalty for free? Customers follow
and interact with the brands they enjoy. But what’s interesting is that 53% of customers
who follow your business are likely to be loyal to your business specifically. It’s an obvious
direct correlation: If customers follow you, they are more likely to choose you versus your
competition. Furthermore, if they’re loyal customers, they’ll increase your traffic.
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The entire process from call to action to the final sale must be engaging enough so that
the customer doesn’t back out.
Contests: Contests, giveaways, free stuff. They’re all things that no business really wants
to do, but they’re extremely helpful. Anyone would be more compelled to purchase a
product from a company from which they’ve already received some free stuff. Many
businesses will post images encouraging people to spread their content to get the word
out. This post is a great example. To be eligible for the bonus, you have to follow four
steps that include reposting the image, tagging friends, and following the original poster.
All these steps will get the people who are following your business to visit your site.
Ads: Let’s face it, no one is on social media to buy things. They’re on there to talk to
friends or follow their interests, and organic content that leads to ads are distasteful. So
the challenge is to grab people’s attention and make them want to purchase your product
or service without leaving a bad impression on them. The beauty of social media is that it
lets you directly place ads, so the audience doesn’t feel tricked. Facebook and Twitter
allow your business to post ads directly on your target market’s timeline. Those ads will
lead them directly to your page and drive those conversions right up!
16. Communicate With Customers About Niche Topics You Both Love
Facebook alone has over 620 million groups. Chances are that your target market
is in a few of those. Finding those groups and getting involved can help you help your
audience (and endear them to your product in the process). You can also follow people
who are posting about subjects in your industry. If they like what they see in your
company, they’ll follow you back. That’s important because 72% of customers are more
likely to purchase a product from your business after they follow you. 72% of customers
are more likely to purchase a product from your business after they follow you.
17. Use Social Proof To Connect With Potential Customers Like Your Existing Audience
Let’s compare your website to a restaurant. You’re walking down the street looking
for a place to eat and you see one restaurant that’s empty and one that’s packed. You’d
most likely choose the packed restaurant, right? That’s the place with all the great food
that people are going for. The same goes for your website. No one wants to get the
content that no one else cares about. They want the one that is doing well and being
shared often. Obviously, the content of it must be worth getting a lot of shares or it must
be authoritative. The content that is shared the most must have some authority or must
be creative and original. Take a look at how well CoSchedule’s color psychology blog
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post performed. That content received a large number of shares because the idea was
original and the content was done thoroughly.
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Absolut Vodka - Online Video on YouTube and using Facebook to house their Top
Bartender fan page.
BMW - Utilizing Facebook to promote their 1-Series Road Trip and they have created a
Rampenfest Page for fans.
Dunkin Donuts - That's right, they've found value in social media and have set up a
microblogging Twitter account.
Donald Trump - In our examples, we can't leave out President Trump. He has taken the
use of Twitter to a whole new level. He has dictated policy, influenced the stock market,
and generally used Twitter as a way to communicate directly to the people, going around
the traditional news media.
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• Social media makes us "real" to consumers. If you want people to follow you, don't
just talk about the latest product news, but share your personality with them.
• We can use social media to associate ourselves with our peers that may be serving
the same target market.
• We can use social media to communicate and provide the interaction that
consumers look for.
As you can see social media carries with it a lot of value, but how do you do it right?
• You cannot just depend on social media; you must integrate it with other vehicles
of marketing. While social media will create awareness, we're not convinced that
in the beginning it will sell a million dollars worth of product. That's not to say that
one day once you've built up your social media "stardom" that it won't, but it
probably won't happen tomorrow.
• Be yourself, reflect personality. There are no written "right" or "wrong" rules when
it comes to social media; only you can determine what will work for you.
• Be consistent, if you do not plan on being consistent don't do it at all - it's a waste
of everyone's time.
Success stories are abundant when it comes using social media from headhunters
that find job applicants to new businesses that want to introduce a new product as well
as already established Fortune 500 companies that want to strengthen their brand. The
role of social media in your marketing is to use it as a communication tool that makes you
accessible to those interested in your product and makes you visible to those that don't
know your product. Use it as a tool that creates a personality behind your brand and
creates relationships that you otherwise may never have gained. It creates not only
repeat-buyers but customer loyalty. The fact is, social media is so diversified that it can
be used in whatever way best suits the interest and the needs of your business.
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Social media allows for immediate interaction and customer feedback. Businesses
can also respond to their customers right away. With nearly half of U.S. customers using
social media to ask questions about products or services, having a social media customer
service strategy is extremely important.
Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important aspects of digital
marketing, which provides incredible benefits that help reach millions of customers
worldwide. And if you are not applying this profitable source, you are missing out an
incredible marketing opportunity, as it makes it easy to spread the word about your
product and mission.
Social media is one of the most stress-free and profitable digital marketing
platforms that can be used to increase your business visibility. To get started, create
social media profiles for your business and start networking with others. By applying a
social media strategy, it will help you significantly increase your brand recognition. By
spending only a few hours per week, over 91% marketers claimed that their social
marketing efforts greatly increased their brand visibility and heightened user experience.
Undoubtedly, having a social media page for your brand will benefit your business and
with a regular use, it can also produce a wide audience for your business in no time.
For an advertising strategy, social media marketing is possibly the most cost-
effective way. Creating an account and signing up is free for almost all social networking
platforms. But if you decide to use paid advertising on social media, always start small to
see what you should expect. Being cost-effective is important as it helps you attain a
greater return on investment and hold a bigger budget for other marketing and business
payments. Just by investing a little money and time, you can significantly increase your
conversion rates and ultimately get a return on investment on the money that you primarily
Social media is a good way for engaging and interacting customers. The more you
communicate with the audience, the more chances you have of conversion. Set up a two-
way communication with your target audience so that their wishes are known and their
interest is catered with ease. Moreover, communication and engagement with customers
is one the ways to win their attention and convey them your brand message. Thus, your
brand will reach more audience in real terms and gets itself established without any
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When you have a social media presence, you make it easier for your customers to
find you and connect with you. By connecting with your customers through social media,
you are more probable to upsurge customer retention and customer loyalty. Since
developing a loyal customer base is one of the main goals of almost any business.
Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty typically go hand in hand. It is essential to often
engage with your customers and start developing a bond with them. Social media is not
just limited to introducing your product, it is also a leading platform for promotional
campaigns. A customer sees these platforms as service channels where they can directly
communicate with the business.
Social media plays a vital role in networking and communication platform. With the
help of these platforms, creating a voice for your company is important in improving the
overall brand image. Customers appreciate the fact that when they post comments on
your page, they receive a modified reply rather than a computerized message. A brand
that values its customers, takes the time to compose a personal message, which is
perceived naturally in a positive light.
Marketplace awareness
One of the best ways to find the needs and wants of your customers instead of
directly communicating with them is Marketplace awareness. It is also considered as the
most valuable advantage of social media. By observing the activities on your profile, you
can see customers’ interest and opinions that you might not know otherwise if you didn’t
have a social media presence. As a complementary research tool, social media can help
you get information and a better understanding of your industry. Once you get a large
following, you can then use additional tools to examine other demographics of your
For making your business more powerful, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction
both play a major role, but it all comes down to communication. When customers see
your company posting on social media, especially replying to their queries and posting
original content, it helps them build a positive image in their minds. Regularly interacting
with your customers proves that you and your business care about them. Once you get a
few satisfied customers, who are vocal about their positive purchase experience, you can
let the advertising be done for you by genuine customers who appreciated your product
or service.
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Increased traffic
One of the other benefits of Social Media is that it also helps increase your website
traffic. By sharing your content on social media, you are giving users a reason to click-
through to your website. On your social account, the more quality content you share, the
more inbound traffic you will generate while making conversion opportunities.
Final words
There is no denying that Social media marketing has many advantages for startups
and established brands. By regular updating the right social media marketing strategy, it
will lead to increased traffic, better SEO, improved brand loyalty, healthier customer
satisfaction and much more. Your competition is already increasing on social media day
by day, so don’t let your competitors take your probable customers. The earlier you start,
the faster you see the growth in your business.
Page 32
a.) Define Advertising and Public relation
b.) Describe advertising forms a part of public relation
c.) Differentiate between advertising with pubic relation
Both advertising and PR help build brands and communicate with target
audiences. The most basic difference between them is that advertising space is paid
while public relations results are earned through providing the media with information in
the form of press releases and pitches.
Many businesses believe that advertising and public relations play the same role
for their business and if they do advertising they don’t need PR, and vice versa.
However, PR and advertising have completely different roles for your business,
which are important to understand to help you reach your target market and achieve your
business objectives.
PR, on the other hand, is a strategic communication process that builds mutually
beneficial relationships between organisations and the public.
PR is great for building a connection with your audience and promoting your key
messages, consumers are more likely to believe and take note of something written in an
article, rather than an advertisement that has been paid for.
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Here are the top seven differences between advertising and PR.
PR: your PR agency develops strategies for you to gain publicity in the media. PR
professionals develop a range of tactics to gain positive media attention for your brand,
which is very effective at increasing your target audience’s brand awareness.
Message control
Advertising: you have control over the content of your advertisement including where and
when it will be seen in the media.
PR: you have less control of your coverage in the media. Once you send a story idea to
a journalist they have control over it. They can choose to change your story idea or not
even publish it at all. However, your PR agency should offer you media training so you
know how to control an interview and make the most of any media opportunities they
create for you.
Duration of coverage
Advertising: You can pay for an advertisement to be shown in the media as many times
as your budget allows.
PR: An advantage of PR is that you can send a story idea to a number of journalists who
will then publish the story in different ways. This allows your target audience to see the
information differently in many mediums, which may be more effective at reinforcing the
Advertising: Advertisements have less credibility than the coverage gained by PR. When
your target audience see’s an advertisement they know it has been bought by a company
trying to sell them something.
PR: PR provides information and newsworthy stories to a journalist so they can write an
article about your product or business, if they chose to. An article written by a journalist
will be presented in an unbiased manner and contains the journalist’s third-party
endorsement. This means your target audience may view the article with more credibility
than an advertisement because it is not blatantly selling them something. PR can be a
very powerful tool because it can help shape public opinion.
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Target audiences
Advertising and PR are similar in that they both want to convey a message to their client’s
target audience. However they convey that message differently and in different mediums.
Advertising: your company can pay for an advertisement to be placed directly in the media
your target audience is interested in, whether this is women’s magazines, TV or drive-
time radio.
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When it comes to advertising methods, there are two distinct methods marketers
tend to employ, inbound and outbound.
Inbound marketing is a strategy that has risen and become commonplace in this
digital age. A technique used to draw potential customers in to products and services via
numerous marketing efforts, whether through content, social media, SEO, opt-in emails
or even through blogs. Inbound efforts often occur where the customers find your
company when they are in need of your service or are searching for a service/product in
your sector.
Difference in Cost
The cost difference of the two disciplines is dependent on numerous factors, but
typically, advertising costs dwarf those of PR campaigns. Advertisements are essentially
paid media that span a specific time period in order to achieve the business’ pre-planned
objectives. For instance a Facebook Ad campaign with an allocated budget designed to
send traffic to a web page would cease once the budget has been spent, while purchasing
a full page spread in a magazine would cost a lot, with the cost needing to cover the
space, duration of coverage as well as creative designs. Typically, most advertisements
need to be shown to their intended audience several times before the consumer takes
notice and is influenced by the content.
PR is often seen as too complex and too expensive for a small business, preferring
to spend their budget on marketing campaigns. In truth, it is the reverse. PR is easier and
cheaper than advertising, and much more effective. Which is why the best businesses
make full use of it as part of their overall marketing plan.
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Advertising and Public Relations have the capacity to go hand-in-hand when used
by companies in their attempts to achieve their business goals. They both share many
similarities in that they’re often implemented into marketing campaigns, with the ultimate
aim of raising a business’ profile and driving sales, and often PR professionals and
advertising specialists will work in tandem to achieve these goals.
However, PR and advertising are in fact two different practices. Advertising can be
summed up as paid media, whereas you earn media with public relations. In this article,
the two disciplines will be dissected, with a look at their differences, advantages and
drawbacks, and examine when organizations would look to implement them as part of
their business strategy.
Public relations and advertising are similar in concept: both are designed to raise
awareness of a company or product in a positive manner. Another similarity is that in both
cases the company will often target its message toward a particular audience. Marketing
promotes the transfer of goods and services from the producer and provider to the
consumer. Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each
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a.) Define Product publicity
b.) Enumerate different kinds of publicity
c.) State ways to generate free publicity
Publicist is someone that carries out publicity, while public relations (PR) is the
strategic management function that helps an organization establish and maintain
communication with the public. This can be done internally, without the use of popular
media. From a marketing perspective, publicity is one component of promotion and
marketing. The other elements of the promotional mix are advertising, sales promotion,
direct marketing and personal selling. Organizations will sometimes organize events
designed to attract media coverage, and subsequently, provide positive publicity; these
events are known as publicity
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order to help aid advertising and personal salesmanship as well. Kent also stated that the
doing of publicity can help attract attention whilst also supplying information regarding a
specific organization or individual client and any event, activity or attribute associated with
Despite publicity being an influential benefit within the marketing sector, one
disadvantage which highly affects publicity is the lack of ability in which publicity cannot
be repeated, in comparison to paid advertising.
Examples of publicity
Publicity is media attention for your product, service, or business. It can include
traditional news sources, like news shows and newspapers, and new media, like
podcasts, blogs, and websites. Learn more about how publicity works.
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There are multiple ways to generate news stories about your business.
Press release: Use press releases to alert the media to newsworthy events or changes
regarding your business. Press releases use a specific format, tend to be short, and lead
with the most important information. You can find templates online to follow or hire a writer
or publicist to craft one for you. Once your release is written, you can distribute it to local
media outlets, put it on your website, and distribute it using a service like PR Newswire.
Network: Develop contacts within the media to increase coverage of your business. You
can do this through networking, introducing yourself and your business, and getting in
touch when you hear about newsworthy items, whether they involve your business or not.
Volunteer: Get involved in charity drives, local events, or industry milestones so your
business will be mentioned in press coverage of those events.
Self-promotion: Pitch yourself as an expert source for news stories using resources
like HARO. Journalists are often looking for people to contribute their knowledge for news
articles. Keep in mind that you can't directly promote your product or service when acting
as a source. Instead, you're promoting your expertise, which helps potential customers
see you as an authority in your field.
Focus your coverage. Choose carefully exactly what you want to cover and your target
media. Whether it's the launch of a new product, a significant anniversary or a competition
win, make sure it is relevant to the readership of your targeted media - be it traditional or
Use social media for free PR. You can set up a Facebook page or a Twitter account at
no cost. Social media is an excellent way to build relationships with your customers and
encourage word-of-mouth publicity.
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Viral marketing. Whether it's a YouTube video with thousands of views, or a photo that
is tweeted and retweeted, if your promotional material goes 'viral' it can give your public
profile a huge boost. There is no magic formula to viral marketing - but something quirky,
interesting and funny is more likely to capture people's imaginations.
Write a great press release. Press releases serve two purposes - you can add them to
the news section of your site, link to them from your social media accounts, and send
them to journalists. Ensure you have an eye-catching headline and a strong, summarising
opening paragraph before getting into the details.
Get back to basics. Traditionally small firms aimed to get editorial coverage by sending
press releases to newspapers or magazines in the hope that journalists would write about
their new product or service. Journalists want to write about something that is
newsworthy, particularly if it will appeal to their readership. If it's linked with famous people
or places, controversial or amusing, you are more likely to get the coverage you want.
Go for gold. Winning an award is a fantastic way to get publicity - not only does it
recognise your talent and increase your prestige; award ceremonies are a good place to
network and are usually covered by trade or local press. Many awards are free to enter.
Look for one that is well respected in your industry and is likely to generate press
Get philanthropic. You could get involved with a local charity to increase your standing
in the community. Offer to speak at industry events or to write a column for a trade
magazine or website.
Dealing with bad publicity. Not all free publicity is beneficial. One negative comment
can undo months of hard work. If a customer complains, contact them directly with a full
apology and suggested solution. If you see negative and anonymous comments online,
respond honestly in the same forum, explaining the situation from your perspective. Do
not ignore negative feedback or bad publicity - it may be the first thing a prospective
customer sees if they decide to search for you online.
Keep it in perspective. Publicity is a great way to increase footfall but don't neglect other
aspects of your business in a bid to boost your profile. If you are spending a lot of time
and energy on PR without much success, sit back and work out another strategy.
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Not to be dramatic, but digital marketers today live and die by the tools of the
trade. Modern marketers are expected to be a million places at once. Whether we’re
digging through data or fine-tuning our social presence, relying on the right digital
marketing tools means saving time and maintaining our sanity.
We’ve set out to put together a list of tools that are valuable to marketers of all
shapes and sizes. After all, no two marketing teams are created equal. It doesn’t matter
if you’re on a pint-sized team or you’re looking for enterprise-level digital marketing
tools–this all-inclusive list has you covered.
• Sprout Social
You can’t really blame us for talking up Sprout first, can you? While Sprout Social
may be behind this massive list of digital marketing tools, we’re also some of the biggest
users and brand advocates of the companies noted below.
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Sprout is a social media management and engagement platform for business that makes
it easy for brands to effectively engage with current customers and prospective
customers. We believe Sprout’s features and functionalities can speak for themselves.
But really, why Sprout? Glad you asked. As social media has evolved, so too have
consumer expectations regarding transparency, authenticity and brand connection. To
not just meet but exceed those expectations, you need a social media management
solution that empowers you to do so. And that’s just one of the reasons to try Sprout. But
don’t just take our word for it. Sign up for a free trial and see for yourself!
• Wyng
• Woobox
• Nanigans
The Power Editor is Facebook’s own tool for creating and running hyper-specific
advertising campaigns. Facebook is constantly improving its ad platform, and the
tool frequently releases new targeting and budgeting features for users. For marketers
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just starting on the paid social front, this is easily one of the best digital marketing tools
with no third-party fee to create and manage your advertisements. The platform’s detailed
parameters ensure that you target exactly who you want; meanwhile, you can also set
limits to avoid blowing out your budget.
Twitter is another major network brands should consider paying to advertise on.
Twitter has some fantastic features for targeting, with segmentation
functionality that includes the ability to target certain keywords so that whenever someone
Tweets out, or engages with a Tweet, using that key phrase they’ll be targeted. The
platform is especially useful when targeting mobile users, as 86% of Twitter’s ad
revenue came from mobile in 2015.
HubSpot, a company well known for its CRM and inbound marketing software,
recently launched an email marketing product. HubSpot Email Marketing is easy to use,
boasts impressive deliverability, and of course, comes natively integrated with all other
HubSpot products, such as the free-forever CRM, as well as hundreds of other popular
marketing tools. The tool comes with a Free Plan which includes up to 2,000 email
sends/month, contact lists, a drag-and-drop email builder, and ready-made templates so
you can get started right away.
• MailChimp
• Marketo
If you’ve dabbled with some email platforms and feel ready to take it to a more
advanced level, Marketo could be the solution for you. Although email is a huge facet of
its business, it is by no means the only part of the tool. This makes Marketo ideal for those
in search of all “all-in-one” weapon for their marketing arsenal. Marketo emphasizes
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automation as part of its suite of digital marketing tools, with email marketing as a major
piece of that puzzle.
• Get Response
Get Response’s unique email marketing platform stresses the growing trend of
automation. This solution analyzes specific trends and behaviors from your list to trigger
specific messages and autoresponders instantly. The end result is a smarter email
marketing presence and a more engaged list.
1. MailChimp
Get this: email marketing technology is used by more than 80% of B2B and B2C
companies. This isn’t something you should wait on. Instead, you should implement an
email marketing strategy on day one. With more than 12 million customers, MailChimp
has claimed its spot as one of the top email marketing providers in the world. While there
are alternatives, this tool remains one of the best, for many reasons:
• History dating back to 2001, well before most companies began using email
• Self-service support options, ensuring that you can quickly find answers to all of
your questions.
• Free plan for those with less than 2,000 subscribers and those who don’t send
more than 12,000 emails per month.
When starting a business, it’s not likely that you will have more than 2,000 subscribers.
For this reason, you can get started with MailChimp early on, using the tool for free as
you get your feet wet with email marketing.
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2. HubSpot
When it comes to marketing, sales and CRM software, HubSpot has become one
of the top players. For the sake of this post, let’s focus on its marketing software solutions.
The company has this to say about its all-in-one marketing software:
You know just how important it is for your marketing funnel to be in good working order.
With this software, you have access to tools that help with:
• Blogging
• Social Media
• Website
• Lead Management
• Landing Pages
• Calls-to-Action
• Marketing Automation
• Email
• Analytics
There is no stone left unturned, when you rely on HubSpot’s all-in-one marketing
software. That’s why it’s a top choice for those who are starting a business. With
everything you need in one place, you don’t have to pull yourself in many different
directions. This will help you to achieve greater success in the early days, as you’re sure
to have many other tasks on your plate.
3. Trello
For those new to content marketing, Trello might sound like another social network
that’s popped up overnight. It’s not. In fact, it’s a great organization tool that can help you
and your online marketing team considerably. Trello is a tool that helps you to manage
projects and stay on the same page as your team -a sound digital marketing practice if
you want to save time and frustration. For example, you can share blog posts on Trello
before you publish them. This gives others on your team the opportunity to review the
post, weigh in with their thoughts and make changes that could strengthen the piece
before it goes live. In the past, before the days of Trello and similar programs, email was
the best way to collaborate with your team. While this is still helpful, to a certain degree,
it can lead to confusion, missed messages and frustration. With Trello, everything related
to your online marketing strategy can be shared in the same place. It only takes a few
minutes to set up a board. Even better, you can quickly invite your entire staff, all of whom
can jump in on the action without delay. Trello isn’t the only tool of its type, but it’s, by far,
one of the best. When it comes to collaborating with others regarding marketing tasks,
this tool is hard to beat.
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4. Hootsuite
Nobody can argue with the fact that social media plays a big part in the success of
any company, regardless of size, age or industry; that social media marketing is a must to
thrive in this digital era. A tool such as Hootsuite allows you to schedule social media
posts in advance, thus saving you loads of time.
There are many features of Hootsuite that work in your favor as you launch your business,
such as those that assist with engagement. For example, you can:
• Identify influencers for your marketing team and leads for your sales team.
• Reply to comments and mentions through the dashboard. There’s no reason to
visit each individual platform.
• Take advantage of pre-written responses.
Social media marketing is not as difficult as it sounds, especially when you rely on tools
like Hootsuite. With this particular tool, you can schedule and manage social media
profiles for more than 30 platforms. Imagine doing this by hand, without a central
dashboard to guide you. It would be enough to frustrate even the most experienced
entrepreneur, let alone a new business owner. Let Hootsuite operate like the social media
marketing manager it is.
5. Google Analytics
As one of the top free tools from Google, Analytics should be part of your digital
marketing strategy from the very start. It only takes a couple of minutes to add the
Analytics code to your website, giving you the ability to track every action by every visitor.
This is considered by many to be nothing more than a traffic tool, but it can actually have
a big impact on your marketing strategy, if you know what you’re doing. Take, for example,
the ability to see where your traffic comes from: Maybe you realize that a particular social
media campaign is driving tons of traffic to your website. With this data, you can adjust
your future strategy, in an attempt to capture the same results. Or, maybe you find that a
particular set of keywords is doing wonders for your organic traffic. Again, you can turn
your attention to these keywords, ensuring that you keep these in mind as you create
content down the road.
Google Analytics isn’t one of those tools that you should ignore. Installing this early
on is a key decision, in regards to your online marketing strategy. The data you can collect
and review is extremely valuable.
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6. KISSmetrics
Track, analyze and optimize your digital marketing performance. See what’s working and
what’s not, across all campaigns, mobile and web.
It’s good that you want to spend so much time on online marketing in the early days
of your business. But, do you really want to make decisions that aren’t having an impact?
You need to track and analyze every move that you make, as this is the only way to focus
on the tactics that are providing the best return on investment (ROI). With KISSmetrics,
you can easily see what’s working and what’s not, across all of your campaigns. Take,
for example, its Analytics products. With a funnel report, you can see if there are any
“leaks” in your business. Here’s a screenshot of what to expect: Starting at $120/month,
KISSmetrics isn’t the cheapest tool on this list. Even so, it’s one that you’ll want to think
about, as your business gets up and running. With a variety of products at your fingertips,
the insights you receive will be invaluable to your company’s growth.
7. Followerwonk
While this is a great way to engage your audience and send traffic to your website,
it’ll only work in your favor if you have a solid plan in place. Tools, such as Followerwonk,
are designed to help you improve your social media marketing strategy, such as by
digging into your Twitter analytics data. I included this tool on the list for two reasons: it’s
easy to use and it’s extremely effective.
• Find – use the tool to search Twitter bios and compare accounts.
• Analyze – breakdown your follower list by bio, location, who they follow and many
other criteria.
• Optimize – match your strategy to follower gains and losses, to understand what
type of content performs best.
The only downside of Followerwonk is that it can’t be used with other social media
platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. However, if you have big plans for
Twitter, this is a tool that you should use often. Even though you may not use it on a daily
basis, it can come in handy from time to time. After all, it’s imperative that you understand
your audience.
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Even though all of these features are exciting, it’s something else that has made it one of
the most popular WordPress plugins of all time: its ease of use.
9. BuzzSumo
A tool that I have discussed many times in the past, BuzzSumo is a big deal for
people who need to learn more about their market. When you start a business, it’s safe
to say that you know a thing or two about your industry and primary competitors. But,
once you dig around even more, you’ll find that there is additional data that you can use
to your advantage. If you want to better understand your competition or if you want to
learn what type of content performs best with search engines and your audience, you
don’t need any other tool by your side.
Do you ever find yourself asking this question: what’s working and what’s not about my
website? This is where Crazy Egg can step in and provide assistance.
• You can use Crazy Egg to make website changes that generate better results.
• You don’t need much, if any, IT help to get started.
When you’re new to your business, you don’t want to spend countless hours dealing with
IT issues. Unfortunately, this often happens when it comes to split testing. Unless you
use Crazy Egg, of course.
Page 51
A tool that helps you understand what your website visitors like and don’t like, so you can
maximize your sales and leads, means that you have to give Crazy Egg a try. It’s one of
those tools that you don’t know you need, until you use it one time.
Consider these numbers. Forbes says a record 184 technology companies got a
spot in its 2019 Global 2000, a list of the world’s largest public companies. That’s an
increase of 40%, despite slowing smartphone sales. And that figure only represents the
largest companies.
If you count the smaller and medium-sized brands out there, you end up with too many
tech companies to even fathom.
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If you further count the devices and services each company churns out into the market,
you have millions of technological tools available to you. So back to our original question.
How exactly do you choose?
To help you, we’ve compiled a list of tools that you should invest in and ensure your
business succeeds. The list is based on years of personal experience of entrepreneurs
who have vouched for their usefulness.
• SMS,
• Push notifications
• Or in-app messages.
The benefit of SMS is that all phones already have text messaging on board. That
means users don’t have to download your app. However, texts are often considered more
intrusive and more obnoxious than other mobile channels. It’s also harder for your
audience to opt-out of SMS marketing. They may then feel stuck receiving your
messages. On the other hand, push notifications are less intrusive since potential
customers are given a chance to opt-out in they’re phone settings. With push notifications,
your potential customers can get your marketing messages without even accessing the
app. In-app messages guide your users within the app. They can, however, also be seen
as obnoxious advertisements if they are overused not used properly. The key is to use
them in such a way that you don’t disturb your users’ experience.
2. Email Software
We’ve been hearing that email is dead for years, but in reality, that’s simply not
true. Oberlo says that in 2019, global email users amounted to 3.9 billion people. In 2023,
the figure will reach 4.3 billion. That is half of the world’s population, which includes your
potential customers. Given these statistics then, it makes sense to market your products
via email to potential customers. For this, you can use email software like Moosend. The
best email tools offer functions to take the leg-work out of making sales. These include
automation tools to ensure you have the best possible subject lines. You can also A/B
test variations of your marketing emails to fully optimize them for maximum conversions.
Page 53
With email marketing tools, you can send content to your audience to lure them back to
your store, guide them towards a purchase or build client relationships. In ecommerce,
this is typically done with special offers or recommended items, like so:
With the rise of online shopping and the decline of brick-and-mortar retail, your
business can’t survive without a web presence. According to Blue Corona, 30% of
consumers will not consider a company without a website. 97% of consumers go online
and research local businesses before going to a physical location. H&M, a clothing
retailer, recognizes these facts. Its physical stores all over the world are supplemented
by its websites. This comes in different versions, depending on where the person
accessing the site is from. Of course, you can hire your own designer to create your site,
but that doesn’t come cheap. You might also end up with a backend system, which makes
it hard to update your content without using direct uploads. If you’re just starting out, it’s
best to take advantage of budget-friendly CMS tools that allow you to create your site and
regularly update it. These can help you create a presentable business website, with its
pre-designed themes and plug-ins. These typically employ a drag and drop interface,
making it simple to customize your site or add new pages without any coding skills. More
advanced CMS platforms also help with SEO optimization and translation into other
But having an online presence doesn’t only mean having a website. You also need
a strong social media presence. Consider these facts. According to one study by
Hootsuite and We Are Social, there are 3.725 billion active social media users in the world
as of October 2019. This is a 9.6% increase from the 328 million recorded in October of
2018, and the numbers will keep going up. This means that if you want to run a successful
business, social networks are a powerful platform to connect with customers. But it’s not
enough to simply make a Facebook page and hope for the best. Really, you want to be
active on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, any other platform you can think of. After all, your
potential customers are literally everywhere, and your job is to try to reach out to them as
much as you can. The problem with having too many social media accounts is that it can
become very overwhelming to manage them. It can take hours to access one platform,
maintain it, and then access another to do the same. If you do these separately, you might
also lose your brand consistency in the process, or let some platforms slide. Thankfully,
there are tools that allow you to manage your social media accounts. These will enable
you to aggregate and schedule posts for every platform from a single tool. Since you can
see all your accounts in just one platform, you can be sure there will be brand consistency
across all your accounts. The best Social Media tools also help you to optimize your posts
for different platforms, both in terms of post length and tone. You’ll also platforms to
manage your Google Ads, Facebook ads, and other retargeting to boost the effectiveness
of your social media efforts.
Page 54
5. Hiring Software
When you’re starting a business, you have to hire people to take on specific tasks.
Before you hire them, though, you would have to conduct the necessary background
checks to ensure that they will not be a liability to the company. Sure, you can hire a
recruitment consultancy firm to do the legwork for you, but that can be very expensive.
Luckily, there are now cloud-based technologies that can help you streamline your
recruitment process. Your best options have user-centric, mobile-optimized workflows
that help you hire better and faster with no paperwork. You can also automate
background checks to improve speed and assure accuracy. This includes things like
resume verifications, credit checks, drug screening, international checks, among others.
6. Timesheet App
Time is literally gold in any business. If you’re a day late delivering your products
to your customers, you lose money. If you don’t give that contract to a potential partner
on the agreed-on date, you can lose that partnership, and also money. This is why it’s so
important to monitor those responsible for your business operations, your employees.
The key is to see to it that they are working at the time they’re supposed to be working,
and in the place they’re supposed to be working. But how can you do this if you can’t be
at the office 24/7? Simple. Use a timesheet app. Timesheet apps allow you to monitor
whether or not your employee has clocked in at the right time. You won’t have to worry
about them clocking in from home either. Timesheet apps typically use GPS to track
where your employees are at a given time. This improves accountability and saves
management hours of time that can be put to better use.
7. Accounting Software
Businesses are all about profit. To track this effectively, you need to monitor your
outgoing costs, in addition to your gross profits. These can include employees’ pay, store
rent, and electricity bills, among other things. Sure, this can be done by one person. The
downside, however, is they will be prone to mistakes. After all, we’re all human. Also, it
will take a lot of time, since the accountant will have to make calculations on their own.
Remember, accountants are highly trained professionals, so their time is expensive. This
is where accounting software comes in handy. Instead of doing manual computations,
you can just let the software do the sums for you. You don’t even have to worry about the
space it will occupy on your computer or laptop. Most accounting software nowadays is
cloud-based, which means all you need to do is register online and pay if it’s not free.
Since all you need is the Internet and a device, you can access your financials anywhere
and anytime.
If your business is just starting, and you’re doing all the tasks yourself, it might be
fairly easy to remember who’s doing what. But when your business expands and you
have people working for you, you need a tool that allows you to determine which task was
Page 55
assigned to whom. Sure, in this situation, you can follow up on whether the tasks have
been completed from time to time, but that can take a lot of time, and it’s easy for things
to slip through the cracks. This is where task management software can help you. With
these tools, you can also see the progress of the tasks assigned to your employees in
real-time. No more spending precious time making calls just to ask whether or not a task
has been completed.
When you run a business, you naturally need to communicate with your employees.
This is because there are times you obviously need to follow up if certain tasks have been
completed or ask questions to know specific information. Has an article been finished?
Has the contract been drawn up? How many sales did the company make in the first
quarter? Sure, you can ask these when your employee is at the office, but what happens
if you need to know the answer right then and there? Keep in mind, many people these
days work remotely. This is where a team chat app becomes essential. With team chat
apps, you don’t need to go through the hassle of looking for your employee’s phone
number in your phone book. If they’re part of your group chat, you can easily reach them
and throw over those crucial questions.
Running a successful business means ensuring your staff have the resources they
need. There will be times you will need to share relevant files with your employees. If you
are in the office, it’s fairly easy to do this: Just go to your employee’s cubicle and give
them the document. It is, however, a different ball game if you are already both at home,
or one of you is telecommuting from a cafe. You can try to go to your employee’s house,
sure, but that will surely take too much time, and it isn’t really appropriate anyway. Add to
that the hassle of going to the house at a time you’re supposed to be resting. So what’s
the solution? Use file-sharing tools. You can use emails, but emails sometimes take a
long time to get to the recipient’s inbox. Your files might also be too big or too sensitive
to email. Then there’s the danger of the email being lost in the cloud, or it not reaching
the recipient, especially if their inbox is already full. With file-sharing tools, you can have
easier collaboration with your employees.
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Page 57
a.) Define communication
b.) Give the importance of communication in a business
c.) State the impacts of communication on performance
The necessary pieces are a sender, a receiver, and a message. For human
communication, each person has an added step of either coding or decoding a message.
The two basic ways of coding messages are putting it in some kind of language (speech
or writing) and/or nonverbally communicating it (body language, tone, etc).
Page 58
Business Communication
Effective business
communication is how employees
and management interact among
each other to reach organizational
goals and be more aligned with
the core company values. Its main
purpose is to improve
organizational practices, eliminate
silos, keep employees informed
and reduce errors.
Your content enables you to take your social media conversations deeper. While
there is only so much you can say in a Tweet or Facebook post, great content encourages
your audience to follow through to learn more. This helps you establish a better
connection with your target audience.
In the words of George R. Terry, “It serves as the lubricant, fostering for the smooth
operations of management process.” Communication makes possible the smooth and
efficient working of an enterprise. It is only through communication that the management
changes and regulates the actions of the subordinates in the desired direction.
Page 59
3. Facilitates Co-Ordination:
Management is the art of getting things done through others and this objective of
management cannot be achieved unless there is unity of purpose and harmony of effort.
Communication through exchange of ideas and information helps to bring about unity of
action in the pursuit of common purpose. It binds the people together and facilitates co-
Page 60
9. Effective Control:
In the present business world, every business enterprise has to create and maintain
a good corporate image in the society. It is only through communication that management
can present a good corporate image to the outside world. Effective communication helps
management in maintaining good relations with workers, customers, suppliers,
shareholders, government and community at large.
Page 61
For today’s managers, good communication plays an essential role in their success
in the workplace and in their personal life. Leaders who know how to communicate
effectively with those around them will see better productivity and improved relationships
in every aspect of their lives.
Effective communication involves knowing how to listen attentively. It’s the ability
to offer empathy, open-mindedness, and helpful feedback based on what you hear. Also,
a friendly demeanor, confidence, and quality nonverbal communication will also help you,
as a manager, develop good relationships with the members of your team.
Let’s explore some benefits of effective communication you will see in- and outside your
office when you take the time to nurture these skills.
1. Building trust
Effective communication fosters trust with others. Your ability to listen attentively
and embrace different points of view helps others trust that you are making optimal
decisions for everyone in the group. As you serve as a role model, this trust will extend
to your team and they will feel as though they can trust their teammates to fulfill their
duties and responsibilities.
The ability to communicate effectively plays a large role in resolving conflicts and
preventing potential ones from arising. The key is to remain calm, make sure all parties
are heard and find a solution that is ideal for everyone involved.
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With effective communication skills, you’re able to deliver clear expectations and
objectives for your team. This involves finding constructive ways to point out when
something isn’t working as well as providing helpful feedback to get people back on track.
They will understand their specific tasks and responsibilities, as well as those of their
teammates, which will help eliminate conflicts and confusion.
Good communication also improves relationships, both with employees and in your
personal life with friends and family members. Listening carefully and offering quality
feedback helps people to feel heard and understood. This, in turn, nurtures mutual
5. Increases engagement
With people feeling more confident in their work and in their understanding of what
they need to do, they become more engaged with their work as a whole. According to a
recent study exploring the psychology of employee engagement, only 15% of adult
employees are engaged with their employers. By prioritizing effective communication, you
can increase engagement, and thus boost satisfaction, among your team members.
6. Improves productivity
When team members understand their roles, the roles of others and your
expectations, they can focus more on their work and less on workplace issues. With
effective communication, conflicts are resolved quickly, employees can better manage
their workload and distractions are minimized. These benefits contribute to greater
productivity for you and your team.
With improved communication, team members will be better able to rely on each
other. You will not have one team member feel as though they have to carry the entire
group. This improved division of labor will encourage positive feelings and relationships
between the team members, which leads to improved morale and work experiences.
Good communication skills can play an important role in nurturing positive work
experiences for your entire team. As people feel listened to and understood by you, you
naturally improve your work environment. If you want to learn more about how to improve
your leadership skills, including your communication strategies, take a look at our
Effective Communication workshop at PCC. This condensed workshop will demonstrate
the impact communication skills have on other people, at work and in life.
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a.) Define target audience
b.) State types of target audience
c.) List down some ways to identify the right target audience
for your brand
Today’s organizations realize that all messages don’t necessarily resonate the
same way with different groups of people. By finding and appealing to your target
audience, you improve the impact of your marketing efforts.
Finding a target audience means discovering what kind of people are most likely to be
interested in your service or product. Most companies look at demographic information
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For customers to feel connected to a product, service or brand, they need to relate
to the content and tone of the company’s message. Knowing which audience you’re
targeting with each campaign will ensure that you speak their language. Understanding
your audience will also make it easier to zero in on them with paid campaigns on social
Target audiences center around a specific group of people. These can be men,
women, teenagers, or children. They generally share an interest such as reading, running,
or soccer. Personas can help advertisers investigate relevant magazine titles or industry
Target audiences can be segmented further into categories that reference, intent,
location, interests, and more. Let’s take a look at examples of ways that you can break
up your target audience:
Separate groups out based on their various interests, including hobbies and
entertainment preferences. This can help you make data-driven, highly personalized
messaging that allows you to connect with your audience in meaningful ways that can
help drive brand loyalty.
Purchase Intention
Define groups of people who are looking for a specific product, such as a new
entertainment system or car. This will help you understand your audience’s pain points
so you can create tailored messaging that addresses their needs.
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Launching a new business, product or service into the market comes with a big
risk. Understanding the market landscape will help you minimize that risk and allow you
to focus your marketing efforts the most cost-effective way possible. Identifying the right
target audience for your brand is one of the most vital pieces of a marketing strategy.
Strategies that are broad to begin with, are typically less successful than highly niche or
targeted market segments.
Therefore, before you begin marketing efforts, you need to define your target
audience—the specific group that you can expect to purchase your products or services.
It will comprise your existing customers and potential customers.
This is slightly different from defining your target market, which consists of anyone
who could be interested in your products or services. Target audience are the groups of
people in which you want to focus your specific marketing efforts—whether it’s through a
digital marketing campaign, advertisement or on social media through a social network.
When you know your target audience and its pain points, you can craft content
more effectively and focus advertisements with the right marketing message for each of
those segments. It’s important to recognize that not all messages resonate the same way
with various groups of people. In fact, marketers overwhelmingly agree
that personalization helps advance customer relationships. Conversely, not knowing this
valuable information could cost you a lot of wasted time and money.
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Here are 5 ways to identify the right target audience for your brand:
Begin with conducting market research, to analyze all aspects of the market. You
can achieve this through performing a SWOT analysis, which identifies a business’s
strengths and weaknesses, along with opportunities and threats.
Knowing all of the factors that contribute to your market and purchase path, is a
critical first step to helping you identify the right target audience.
As part of your market research, it’s important to pay particular attention not only
to defining your target customers, but also knowing their different considerations to a
purchase path, as well as pain points.
One way to approach this is to think like the customer and ask pertinent questions such
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This will allow you to craft personas, along with frame content that addresses those
problems—centered around stages of the buying cycle (awareness, consideration and
decision). Personas are fictional characters based on research, which help you to
represent the different user types who might use your products or services in a
comparable way.
Creating personas will help you to understand your users’ needs and pain points.
Tailored key messages and content that are specifically designed to speak to those
personas will result in a higher likelihood of moving them down the sales funnel.
As you head into 2020, arming yourself with this information is vital. CMA experts
recently shared in its Marketing Best Practices for 2020 blog, that a common trend
throughout every best practice is the importance of personalized marketing, which will
become even more developed in 2020 through linking data and content, while respecting
a customer’s privacy.
One of the best ways to identify the right target audience for your brand is to learn
about your existing customers—from demographics to preferences.
• Examining your social media and website analytics. This can help you understand
who is visiting your site, how they navigate it and which website pages users are
visiting the most. Also, know who’s interacting with your social media networks.
• Using tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar, Hubspot and Facebook Insights, to get
extensive information about user responses.
This strategy is still considered in finding the right target audience (even if it’s within
one product or segment target). Multi-segment marketing aims to gain customers from
different market segments, to buy the same product for the same uses. It could be
different decision makers along the sales funnel, who would receive different messaging,
but contribute overall to the purchase or sale.
Some businesses sell the same product to more than one segment, due to its mass
appeal, while others make several product lines that attract unique groups.
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Instead, identify those people who have a high potential to purchase your products
or services. Niche marketing, which may start with one and grow quite large, will ensure
that you begin with building brand loyalty.
You end up with people being excited about your product because it’s filling their
needs. An added advantage is that they become brand evangelists and do some of the
work for you. You’ll also learn a lot in the process. With those learnings, you’ll grow your
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a.) Define investors in business
b.) List down different types of investors
c.) Give some ways to make your business
attractive to investors
What is Investing?
The act of putting money into a business or organization to earn a profit is called
investing. With a small business, an investor takes on the additional risk of making little
to no profit as the business may or may not succeed. However, with a publicly traded
company, there is a wealth of information available on the company’s financial position
that will allow the investor to make a more calculated decision and enter and exit the
market as they please. In the U.S, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates
the investment risk in publicly traded companies.
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Types of Investors
After years of educating my coaching clients on how to properly design their own
investment plans, I've noticed there are three distinct types of investors.
1. Pre-Investor
2. Passive Investor
3. Active Investor
So what type of investor are you and why should you care?
Identifying your investor type will help you know the consequences of your
investment style. You'll learn the limitations and advantages that naturally result from the
way you invest.
Additionally, you'll be able to decide if the opportunity available at the next level of
investing is worth the effort by understanding what the next level of investing looks like.
There's no right answer to the question, “What is the best investment type?”
However, there's a right answer uniquely suited to your situation.
Only one investment type is appropriate for your plan to achieve wealth, and your
job is to determine what that type is. The nice thing about investor types is we all start in
the same place (pre-investor), and we can all graduate to the next successive level of
investment skill through education and experience.
Each investment type builds on the skills of the type below it. So no matter what
type of investor you are now, the next level is just a little practice and education away.
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Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and a trust fund to match,
then you likely began life as most of us do: a pre-investor. A pre-investor is simply
someone who isn't investing.
Passive investing is where the retail world of investing lives. While there are no
hard statistics to support my claim, I believe well over 90% of all investors fall into the
passive investor category.
The passive investor type usually employs all the basics of sound personal financial
planning: own your own home, fund tax deferred retirement plans, asset allocation, and
save at least 10% of earnings. If you follow these foundational principles and begin early
enough in life, then passive investing is likely all you'll ever need to attain financial
Passive investment strategy is good for people with busy lives, families, jobs,
outside interests, or entrepreneurs building businesses. The defining characteristic of
passive investment strategies are their simplicity. They require less knowledge and skill
making them accessible to the general populace. “Buy and hold” with mutual funds or
stocks, fixed asset allocation, averaging down, and buying real estate at retail prices are
all examples of passive investment strategies. There's nothing wrong with any of these
strategies, but they can have negative consequences. Sure, it's possible to become
acceptably wealthy, but the downside is it usually requires a working lifetime combined
with discipline and regular savings contributions to achieve financial independence using
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the passive investment style. The one exception is extreme frugality because of the high
savings rates and low spending rates that accelerate the timeline. The other downside to
the passive investment strategy is you'll take a lot more risk and can expect lower returns
than investors who have reached the next level of investing. That's because passive
investors have no “value added” or skill component to their expected return stream so
they're dependent on the opportunity in the market for investment return. Rising markets
provide great returns, and declining markets provide miserable returns.
The passive investor submissively rides the market roller coaster up and down into
the future and willfully bets his financial security on the hope that the roller coaster will
end higher than when he started. You can learn more about the buy and hold investment
approach here. While passive investing isn't without its flaws, the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages for many people, making it the right course of action for them.
Passive investing is far superior to not investing at all as it starts the process of
compounding returns on invested capital and has the lowest barrier to entry in terms of
time and knowledge required. If the simplicity of passive investing is necessary to get you
started, then it's well worth the trade-offs because not getting started (pre-investor) is far
The disadvantage of passive investing is the lack of control over your financial
security. Because it's passive, it lacks many risk control strategies and overlooks the
value-added opportunities available only to those with greater skills. The result is the
passive investor type endures higher volatility and possibly lower returns when compared
to the successful execution of an active investment strategy.
Active Investor
Active investors build on the foundation of the passive investor. They take the
process to the next level by running their wealth like a business.
The primary difference between active and passive investors is the active investor
not only receives market based passive returns, but he also gains a value-added return
stream based on skill; two sources of return in one investment. This allows the active
investor to make money regardless of market conditions or direction and to reduce losses
during periods of adversity. This holds the potential to increase returns and lower risk. A
primary distinction between passive and active investment strategies is passive investors
work hard to acquire and save money, but spend far less energy making their money
work for them.
Active investors work just as hard at making their money work for them as they
ever did earning it in the first place. In other words, active investing is more work, and
that's why it is not for everyone. The reason active investors are willing to spend that extra
effort is because they understand the wealth building game is about return on capital.
Small differences in growth rates over long periods of time make huge differences in
wealth – far bigger differences than could ever be realized by working toward the next
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pay raise. The most important factor in building your wealth is not how much you earn,
but how much your money earns and how long it compounds.
Active investors have embraced full responsibility for their financial future by not
only building investment capital as passive investors, but also taking responsibility for the
return on their invested capital through active strategies that add value.
Starting up successfully is no easy feat. It takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to
develop a desirable product and take it to market. The product's eventual launch is an
important milestone, and worth some congratulatory moments, but now the hard work
really begins. However, many start-ups reach this point and simply plateau.
A common issue among small businesses is that they fail to scale. Instead of
focusing on growth, they fixate on their product - and lose touch with their end users. I
know this first-hand; some years ago, I co-founded my own start-up. While the idea was
solid and we had investors on board, we didn't keep our customers front and centre, and
our business stopped growing.
Here are my top tips on how to nurture your growth potential and become investment-
Prospective investors want to know what your start-up is going to bring to the world.
This may sound lofty, but you need a big, blue-sky mission statement that can be summed
up in a couple of sentences.
Ask yourself: why does my business exist? It's crucial that your start-up has a purpose
and that you can communicate it clearly to potential investors.
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Your start-up's success depends on so much more than your big idea. Time and
money are critical resources - both of which will be in short supply. You need to be
extremely disciplined about how every second and every penny is spent.
Build a ruthless priority list. Push any task, project or idea that doesn't help you
solve your biggest problem - staying relevant to customers - down to the bottom. Investors
are impressed by hungry entrepreneurs who are on the ball.
Don't drag your feet and delay launching until your product is perfect. It never will
be. The truth is, your start-up is worth much more in practice than it is in theory. Also,
don't try and be everything for everyone from the outset. Define a small market, get it onto
the market sooner rather than later, test it, collect feedback in real time, tweak and grow
slowly. With a niche audience, it's much easier to build your business model, adjust your
offer and deliver a personalised service. This will enable you to build a data-driven picture
of progress and growth - one that will attract interested investors to your door. A small,
loyal customer base is also harder to lose to the competition - and can act as a valuable
marketing tool, winning new business through word-of-mouth.
Your start-up's success depends on your customers - not just your brilliant business
idea. Always put your end users, not your product, first.
To attract the right investment, you need to show that you know your market and
your customers thoroughly. What are their preferences, pain points, and buying patterns?
How much would they pay for a product like yours? Armed with this information, you can
tailor a specific solution for them. Lose sight of your customers and you're faced with one
very likely outcome: no users and no business.
You can't stop working on your business once it's launched. It needs your help now
more than ever. Keep testing and refining your offer. Look for other ways to grow, and
investigate other markets or customer segments you can target.
Don't sit on your laurels for one second. How can you keep challenging the status
quo and expand your offer to serve under-developed markets? This will keep you
competitive - and worth investing in.
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As much as an investor is assessing you, you need to assess them in return. It's
very easy to get excited by a potential deal, but before you sign, make sure you know
who you're partnering with. A successful partnership really does take two - so if they're
not a good fit, your business will suffer.
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