ch05 2023 Training and Career Development
ch05 2023 Training and Career Development
ch05 2023 Training and Career Development
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Scenario 3:
Training and Developing Employees
Tacit Knowledge:
• Personalized Experience
• Cognitive Thinking
• Individualized Ownership of 95%
• To do something without
• Automatic action or thinking
Spiral of Knowledge
From tacit to tacit - learn by observing, From explicit-to-explicit - combines separate
imitating and practicing pieces of explicit knowledge into a new whole
From tacit to
explicit - record of From explicit to tacit
discussions or - reframe or interpret
innovations in a in a personal way.
manual and then
use the content to
create a new
process or steps.
Toyota Technical Training Institute
Bidadi, Bangalore, India
Bidadi, Bangalore, India
• Analyze
• Design
• Develop
• Implement
• Evaluate
1. ANALYZE: Deciding What to Teach
Batch Training
Behavioral Characteristics Influencing Transfer of Learning
1. Do I want this?
Manager should guide
2. Can I do this on my own?
employees to change their
behaviors towards learning or 3. Do I have the skill to do this?
training. 4. Will this solve my problem at work?
5. Can I avoid it?
Individual Cognition
3. DEVELOP: Choosing Appropriate Instructional Methods
Mobile Learning Blended Learning Instructor-Led Classroom Instruction Learning
Computer-Based Learning
5. EVALUATE: Measure Whether Training Programs are Effective
Employee Responsibility
Self Assessment: Realty Check: Setting Goal: Plan of Action:
1. Areas for Why, Why, 1. What 1. Job Tasks
Improvement Why, Why, 2. How 2. Responsibility
2. Opportunities Why 3. When 3. Accountability
Management Responsibility
Employee Two-Way Meeting Planning Actions:
Assessment: Feedback: Mutual Goals: • Job
Identify Where employee Clear enlargement
Strengths, fits in long-term understanding • Job rotation
Weaknesses, plans of the between the • Mentoring
Interest, Values company two • Coaching
Approaches to Employee Development
•Based on Employee
Assessment Result
Special Issues in Employee Development
The Glass Ceiling Lack of Succession Planning
Metaphor for the invisible barrier that – A strategy for passing on leadership
prevents people from rising. roles, “passing the baton.”