Professional Education
Professional Education
Professional Education
3. Which of the following is NOT relevant as immediate expectations for BEED and
4. Among the following, which directly qualifies the teacher candidate to be registered at
par with other professions like medicine, law, nursing, and the like?
A. Teaching job placement
B. Licensure examination
C. Continuing professional education
D Membership in professional associations
5. In essence, what is the new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST)?
A. Competency-based C. Practice-based
B. Skill-based D. Knowledge-based
7. In common ways to evaluate teachers, there are activities that relate to assessment
of instructional planning performance, but this is NOT one of them:
A. Complies with regulations of school system
B. Sets mode of evaluation of students progress
C. Sets right objectives for lessons
D. Provides orderly sequence of lesson plans
8. What is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth that is acceptable and useful
for recognizing weakness and strengths for a new or beginning teacher?
A. Self-evaluation C.Master teacher's evaluation
B. Student's evaluation D.Principal's evaluation
10. What is the constitutional exemption for prohibition to establish schools solely for
aliens in the Philippines?
A. School for Asians only
B. School for special alien children
C. Religious or mission schools
D. Schools for children of diplomats and their dependents
11. Of the following, which is the most effective way to advance practical oral proficiency of
A. Give more group work compared with individual work
B. Request the construction of a school speech laboratory
C. Engage students in conversational activities
D. Give stress to correct grammar
12. How is collaboration among teachers for sustained professional practice teachers
best achieved?
A. Independent work for impact
B. Mentoring system by experienced teachers
C. Interdependent work for cohesion
D. Support for beginning teachers
13. From the Constitution, what is the condition for allowing students to be taught religion
in public schools?
A. Catechists paid by government
B. Extra pay for teachers
C. Outside of school hours only
D. Upon written permission by parents
15. Values are subjective. Your value may not necessarily be my value. Who subscribe to
the thought?
II. Pragmatists
III. Essentialist
16. Which of the following is a quality of an engaging learning environment most reflective
of Education For All (EFA)?
A. Innovations to enhance learning for all types of learners
B. Decentralized governance
C. Student-centered learning activities
D. Open communications for all-teachers, parents, students
17. Which theory calls for adaptation to the learner's biological and developmental set of
A. Multiple Intelligence Theory C.Emotional Intelligence Theory
B. Reading Readiness Theory D.Learning Style Theory
18. Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding to the transitional
gap between academic achievement and employment?
A. Deregulation of tuition fees
B. Voluntary accreditation of schools
C. School networking with business and industry
D. Identification of centers of excellence
19. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. What must a
teacher do?
A. Make students work collaboratively
B. Motivate student to reflect on how they learn
C. Make students feel good about themselves
D. Give more independent study
20. The world has become a global village. What sound practice is expected of teachers?
A. Ethnocentrism C.Ethnic cleansing
B. Respect of diverse cultures D.X ethnocentrism
21. To survive in the global community and in the 21st century, one must be a
A. digital expert native
B. digital immigrant D. authority
22. Among components to a morally mature person, which demonstrates that a teacher
applies moral principles (e.g. the Golden Rule) when making moral judgments?
A. Reflects on moral choices C.Encourages others to communicate
B. Develops self-esteem D. Listens carefully to others
23. Of the following, which is the most powerful source of values like beauty and
goodness outside the school system?
25. Educated in a religious school, Dona goes to confession every day to be free of any
mortal sin. How do you characterize Dona's moral attitude?
A. Pharisaical C. Callous
B. Strict D. Scrupulous
26. Among components of a morally mature person, which demonstrates that a teacher
seeks peaceful resolution of conflict?
A. Fulfilling commitments C. Working for peace/reconciliation
B. Doing community work D. Accepting responsibility for choices
27. Among qualities of moral consciousness, how should Valentin de los Santos of the
1950s be judged who stormed Malacañang with his army of Malayas armed with bolos
and amulets?
A. Objective C. Correct
B. Culpable D. Erroneous
28. What is the term for the leap from theory to practice in which the teacher applies
theories to effective teaching methods and theories?
A. Construction process C. Integration process
B. Conceptualization process D. Informational process
29. Teacher Liza acts like a class manager, not a disciplinarian. Which of the following did
she avoid doing?
30. Which of the following refer to teamwork among teachers in classroom teaching?
A. Peer evaluation C. Peer discussion
B. Peer teaching D.Peer assessment
32. What mistake is teacher Benny trying to avoid when he never drops a topic before it
is completed?
A. Dangling topic C. Bounded topic
B. Non-directional topic D. Non-assessed topic
33. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens
when students are not getting the recognition they desire, continually seek help, and
refuse to work unless the teacher hovers over them?
A. Attention getting C.Revenge seeking
B. Withdrawal D.Power seeking
34. From classroom management strategies applied on erring students, which of the
following should NOT be done?
A. Surprise quiz
B. Parent-principal conference
C. Communicating problem to parents
D. Shaming erring student before the class
35. In the school, who is the key to the success or failure in teaching-and-learning, being
the link between the child and the curriculum?
A. The teacher C. The student
B. The parent D. The principal
36. As preventive measure for classroom discipline, the teacher may restructure the
program. How is this NOT done?
37. How do you characterize education that "shifts away" and introduces something hew
from current educational practices?
A. Instructive C. Informative
B. Constructive D. Normative
38. Teacher Jose talks to students about their interests. What they did over the
weekend, their progress in school work, etc. What positive approach to classroom
management did Teacher Jose apply?
A. Trusting students C. Expressing interest for students
B. Being fair and consistent D. Being positive
40. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of
students. What is the hidden goal of students who become violent?
41. Teacher Anna dealt effectively with a minor infraction of whispering by a student to a
neighbor during class. Which of the following did she do?
42. The class has become uncontrollable, and so teacher Yen decided to have some
undisciplined students out of the room to the counselor's office. What did Teacher Yen
apply by way of preventive approach to discipline?
43. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do models, replicas, charts, graphs and
specimens belong?
44. Teacher Mona is a great lecturer and so she is invited to speak and represent the school
on many occasions. What is one quality of her lectures when she follows a planned
sequence, not diverting so as to lose attention of her listeners?
45. What is being shown by teachers who ignore slow-learners and take pride in the work of
fast learners?
A. Bullying C. Cursing
B. Hurling invectives D. Discrimination
46. Of-goals-of education, which relates to the strengthening of our society's sense of
belonging and identity?
47. With closeness to direct experience as standard, which one should a teacher choose?
48. What characteristics does the Sequential Synthesizing Technique (SST) add to one-way class
A. Visualization C. Interactivity
B. Integration D. Summarization
49. Under the affective domain of learning, what includes active attention to stimuli such as
acquiescence, willingness to answer, and feelings of satisfaction?
A. Organization C. Responding
B. Valuing D. Characterization
50. Which of the following is the most appropriate use of television in the classroom?
51. While there is modernity and progress through the use of technology in instruction, what is the
greatest danger along the domain of learning that is posed by technology?
52. What is aroused among viewing learners by dramatic educational films in what is known as
"cliff hangers"?
A. Relevance C. Satisfaction
B. Significance D. Expectancy
53. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of assigning various sections of the
newspaper, and allowing choice depending on the learner's choice?
54. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of model cars, trucks/trains, boats and
airplanes that can be used to introduce a unit on transportation?
55. According to Nagel's Acronym PPPF, what is important to Follow Up in the proper use of
instructional materials?
58. The test questions in Teacher Dante's test were confusing and subject to wrong
understanding, especially to poorer students. What was wrong with the test?
59. Among recording devices during assessment, which can the student use to
describe behavior and context without which observations may be forgotten or
remember? incorrectly?
60. John Dewey said "An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory". To which
does this statement point?
61. What does the traditional curriculum and mass education lack that the progressive
curriculum can deliver?
63. Of the types of validity for tests, what type constructs a test for a particular subject,
the items adequately reflecting the Specific matter of the subject?
A. Bluffing C. Guessing
B. Time consuming D. Cheating
66. Of skills teachers should understand and students need to acquire, which is the ability to
monitor and modify thinking, as well as deal with ambiguous or unclear information without
getting frustrated?
A. Focusing C. Tolerance
B. Sharpening D. Narrowing
A. Professional C. Individual
B. Personal D. Collegial
68. Inculcating moral maturity among students, which of the following relates to beliefs and
69. In outcomes based education, which of the following are not considered as outcomes?
A. Products C. Portfolios
B. Procedures D. Performances
70. Among variables for instruction, which matters most, such as the rest would not mean so
much without it?
71. Which of the following display one's care for the welfare of others?
73. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. What must a teacher
A. Make students feel good about themselves.
B. Motivate students to reflect on how they learn.
C. Give more independent study.
D. Make students work collaboratively.
74. In Grace Godell's Reading Skills Ladder, which is at the very bottom and needed to move up to
the sequential ladder of reading skills?
A. Vocabulary building C. Basic sight words
B. Phonetic analysis D. Structural analysis
75. What kind of literary works are very creative by way of descriptive language and dramatic
76. What is known as learning a new word by studying its roots and affixes?
A. Morphology C. Structural analysis
B. Phonetic analysis D. Contextualization
77. In Grace Goddell’s Skill Ladder, which step should come last, and only when needed?
78. In Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development, what is the pre-school ago in which a child's
intelligence is intuitive, able to make metal representations, and close to the use of
79. In Piaget's Concrete-Operational stage In cognitive development, which refers to the ability
to order or arrange things logically based on dimensions such as weight, volume or size?
A. Conservation C. Decentering
B. Reversibility D. Seriation
80. Among examples listed, which does NOT represent teaching strategies to develop
81. Without misuse of learning time, Teacher Odie requests students with singing
talent to perform in class, adding to make learning a source of fun. What facilitating
environment is Teacher Odie adopting?
A. Permits confrontation
B. Tolerates ambiguity
C. Makes students feel accepted
D. Recognizes right of students to make mistakes
83. In Piaget's Formal Operation Stage in cognitive development, which of the following is
NOT among the characteristics of the child's thinking ability?
A. Logical thinking
B. Abstract problem solving
C. Hypothesis-making
D. Knowing properties (number, mass, volume, etc.)
84.Principal Ted thinks uses free and open dialogue, even confrontation, so that
teachers and learners can learn to discard old habits and attitudes. What is his general
view about learning?
85. The following are non-verbal behavior by teachers. Which one is an encouraging
88. In Erikson's Stage Theory of Development, which affirmation belongs to the stage of identify
versus diffusion?
A. When people look at what I have done, I feel embarrassed
B. I get a good deal of pleasure from working
C. I wonder what sort of person I am
D. I feel competent
89. The following are examples of non-verbal behavior. Which one is a restricting or not acceptable
mannerism by teachers?
90. Teacher Ernie makes sure that he covers the essential subject content, while treating
them sufficiently or in-depth. What guiding principle is he following for lesson preparation?
A. Balance C. Significance
B. Feasibility D. Self-sufficiency
91. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who are indifferent and undemanding of
student involvement?
A. Benevolent C. Authoritarian
B. Permissive D. Uninvolved
92. In Erikson's stage Theory of Development, which of the following needs to be developed for
the child (1 to ½ years old)?
A. Autonomy C. Industry
B. Initiative D. Trust
94. Which of the following is NOT an example of intense negative emotion that can interfere with
learning and performance?
A. Mild nervous feelings C. Panic
B. Anxiety D. Insecurity
A. Decentering C. Reversibility
B. Seriation D. Conservation
97. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who lack confidence in enforcing and
demanding compliance to rules?
A. Permissive C. Uninvolved
B. Authoritative D. Authoritarian
98. In his speech class, teacher Rod uses poetry dramatic reading by students, using
Movements (posture, gestures, facial expressions, creative movements, etc.). What
learning objectives or outcome is he looking for?
A. Non-discursive communication C. Skilled movements
B. Reflex movements D. Characterization
99. Of the following classroom activities, which best relate to child visual learning and
A. Drawing and coloring C.Textbook reading
B. Singing and acting D.Games and sports
100. How can the teacher best begin in developing a lesson plan design?
A. High-level open-ended questions
B. General learning goals
C. Vision mission statement of the school
D. Clearly defined outcomes
101. In his History class, teacher Naomi uses a current events IQ contest to
determine champions in identifying people, places and events. What learning
objective/outcome does she aim to achieve?
A. Application C. Responding
B. Knowledge or recall D. Perceptual abilities
102. In cognitive learning, what are firmly established and thoroughly tested principles or
A. Hypothesis C. Laws
B. Facts D. Concepts
103. What is the expected outcome in applying Positive Behavior Support teaching
A. Discussion skills C. Self-management skills
B. High thinking skills D. Social skills
104. On clusters of meaningful learning activities, which does NOT belong to bodily-
kinesthetic learning activities?
A. Story telling C. Dance
B. Hands-on demonstration D. Role-playing
105. How and when should teachers most effectively deal with misdemeanor for class
management and control?
A. At beginning of the class C. Early and promptly
B. By end of each class D. When heads have cooled
106. In the 5'S Formula to create a conducive learning environment, which S stands for
cleanliness of the work place?
A. Shine C. Systematize
B. Sweep D. Sort
107. Of the following subjects, which does NOT belong to performance-based subjects in
which direct instruction is effectively used?
A. Mathematics C.Values Education
B. Music D. Science
108. Among core/basic life skill, which relate to recognizing and giving worth to ourselves
as persons?
A. Love C. Empathy
B. Self-esteem D. Compassion
109. Classroom routines form the backbone of daily school activities, but which of the
following is NOT covered by such routines?
A. Submission of work C. Distribution of papers
B. Lesson content D. Seating arrangement
111. What field of education manages children with behavioral problems like attention-
deficit disorders?
A. Distance education C. Skills and technology training
B. Special education D. Early Childhood Education
112. How will you make a child memorize the table of multiplication from the point of
view of PAVLOV?
A. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication.
B. Call the child's attention every time you recite the table for them.
C. Model the recitation of the table of multiplication.
D. Reward the child with a candy for every correct recitation.
114. To improve recall, Literature teacher Lanie gave a rich descriptive explanation for
the character of Romeo and Juliet. What method for memory retrieval did teacher Lanie
A. Context C.Meaningful learning
B. Personalization D. Elaboration
116. Which is the research method or technique suited for the study of Garbage
collection in NCR district I?
A. Experiment C. Focus Group
B. marketing research D. Observational technique
119. What is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and their levels of quality on which the
evaluation will be focused?
A. Portfolio C. Stem
B. Journal D. Rubric
120. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what could be the mos noble motive in
students pursuing a lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession?
A. Promise of higher rank and prestige
B. Social service to upcoming generations
C. Economic security and welfare
D. Respected position in society
121. Among cognitive objectives, what refers to the transfer of knowledge from one
concept to another?
A. Synthesis C. Analysis
B. Application D. Comprehension
122. Among written categories of assessment methods, what instruments did Science
teacher Julian use when he prepared a list of behavior that makes up a certain type of
performance in the use of a microscope?
A. Observation and self-report C. Product rating scale
B. written response instruments D. Performance test
125. Using Rubrics to assess power-point presentations of students, which criteria from
the following is most significant as it is the essence the presentations?
A. Presentation design C. Oral delivery
B. Content value D.Orderly sequencing
126. What is the Normal Curve in the grade distribution of students in a class?
A. All have average grades
B. Most get average grades; few high and low
C. Most get high grades
D. Most get low grades
127. What is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks to assess high, moderate, or low
imaginative thinking?
A. Aesthetic C. Appeal
B. Creativity D. Craftsmanship
128. In assessment for Problem-Based Learning, who are responsible in judging student
A. Teacher and peers C. Teacher-and-students
B. Teacher-and-supervisors D. Teacher-students-supervisors
129. What does it mean to state that the difficulty index of a test item is one (1)?
A. The test item is extremely easy
B. The test item is not valid
C. The test item is very good and should be retained
D. The test item is very difficult
130. For assessment in Problem-Based Learning, how do you classify the teacher's
assessment of individual students presenting their output in class?
A. Peer assessment
B. Cased-based assessment
C. Group assessment
D. Individual assessment
131. With manner of answering as a criterion, which of the following does NOT belong to this test group?
A. Completion test C. Matching
B. True-False D. Multiple choice
132. What should be done with the test item whose difficulty index is .98?
A. Reject it
B. Reserve it for another group of students
C. Retain it
D. Revise it
133. What is wrong with test items that give clues to answers to questions?
A. Unclear directions C. Ambiguity
B. Tests brevity D. Poor construction
134. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile rank in class?
135. What does it mean to state that the determination index of a test item is -.35?
136. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship between two variables?
A. Normal curve C. Frequency polygon
B. Histogra D. Scatter diagram (shows relationship between two sets of variables
137. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and
A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given
140. What is the transformation strategy in outcome-based education that caters to bodily
kinesthetic potentials through socialization?
A, Reciprocal Questioning C. Human Chain
B. Recitation D. Bingo
141. What is the active learning strategy useful in sharing ideas about controversial
topics(divorce, abortion, etc.)?
A. Fishbowl C. Role playing
8. Nose exchange D.Student presentation
142. Among thinking or comprehension strategies, which is the ability to relate items (such
asnouns and verbs), also synthesize new with old information?
143. In interpreting assessment results, which is described when the results are consistent?
A. Reliability C. Validity
B. Subjectivity D. Objectivity
144. Among thinking or comprehensive strategies, which is to be relaxed yet alert and attentive
when studying or taking a test?
145. What kind of plan can be developed by keeping track of assessment results from one
periodic rating to the next?
A. Annual Implementation Plan C.School Improvement Plan
B. Division Plan D. Regional Plan
146. Each teacher has a role as a behavior reinforcing agent. Which of the following should no be
encouraged among teachers?
A. Positive relationship C.Reward appropriate behavior
B. Threats D. Constant reinforcement
147. Which of the following best characterize the Business Academic Approach in classroom
A. Persist, enforce, don't give up
B. Calmness, consistency, confidence
C. Work, organization, procedures
D. Control, persistency, sanctions
149. Among development activities, which does not belong to data-gathering activities which can
allow active participation by students?
150. Among categories of time in classrooms and schools, which refers, to the number of days
and hours in the school calendar specified by the school and government agencies?
A. Allocated time C. Engaged time
B. Mandated time D. Instruction time