Assessments of Market Oriented Beef Catt PDF
Assessments of Market Oriented Beef Catt PDF
Assessments of Market Oriented Beef Catt PDF
Yidnekachew Alemayehu1 --- Asmera Adicha2 --- Mesfin Mengistu3 --- Binyam Eshetu4
Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Jinka Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia
A sample survey was conducted in six districts of three woreda in South Omo zone of SNNPR to assess smallholder
beef cattle fattening and marketing systems under farmer management condition. Using a purposive sampling
technique, a total of 120 households from six districts were included in the survey. The sample respondents indicated
that about 97.5% were castrate their animals for fattening purpose while only 2.5% didn't. About 25.6% of the
sample respondents had experience in fattening of uncastrated animals while 74.4% had not experienced in fattening
uncastrated animal. About 90.6% of the fattening system they carry out was outdoors,5.1% was indoor and 4.3%
were both indoor and outdoor. About 78.9% of the sample respondents indicated that the establishment of farmers'
cooperative organization could help to exploit the existing livestock potential in a better way while 21.1% didn't
think. About 77.9% Of the respondents indicated that although individual farmer tells the selling price for their own
product, they were unable to sell at their own selling price. This is because market price setting for the product was
by trader ,15.9% was by negotiation,2.7% was by farmer individually,1.8% respondents determined prices through
involvement of brokers/middlemen-this offers the lowest profit margin for the producer due to the fee paid to the
middle men and 0.9% was by both broker and negotiation. According to sample respondents, the majority of
individual farmer didn’t set the price for their own product, they were price takers. Cattle marketing in the study area
function at two levels, namely village level and primary markets. Market actors were producers, consumers,
middlemen, restaurant owners, traders and butchers. The channels of cattle marketing was farmers-to-farmers,
farmers-to-consumers, farmers-to-traders and farmers-to-butchers. Most of the feed resources were locally available
Therefore, to increase the quality and number of animals fattened, providing farmers with sufficient training and
extension services on improved cattle fattening technologies, adaptation and introduction of improved feeds and
feeding system, market information are needed. Season and market locations were found to affect price of cattle
suggesting the need to plan cattle fattening targeting season and market location to benefit farmers from better price,
so that cattle fattening become sustainable.
© 2016 Pak Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.
Received: 25 May 2016/ Revised: 9 June 2016/ Accepted: 23 August 2016/ Published: 19 September 2016
† Corresponding author
DOI: 10.18488/journal.68/2016.3.3/
ISSN(e): 2312-6418/ISSN(p): 2313-3716
© 2016 Pak Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.
Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that investigating the existing cattle fattening practices and
marketing systems, constraints and opportunities, the main actors in marketing of beef cattle fattening and locally
available feeds used for beef cattle fattening in order to plan and develop improved cattle fattening and marketing
The agricultural sector plays an important role in the overall developments on the economy of Ethiopia. The
sector plays a major role in the national economy and it is the source of income and employement for the rural
population [1].The sector account for 46% of the gross domestic product(GDP) and livestock contributes 30% to the
agricultural GDP and 19% to the export earnings [2]. Meat production and consumption is important in Ethiopian
economy and ruminants contribute over 3.2 million tons, representing over 72% of the total meat production.
Cattle production in Ethiopia is an integral part of the mixed farming, agro-pastoral and pastoral production
systems. In both rural and urban areas, smallholder cattle fattening is emerging as an important source of income. In
rural Ethiopia cattle fattening is based on locally available feed resources.
According to MOA Adugna [3] Cattle fattening practices in Ethiopia is categorized in to three major fattening
systems: traditional system, by product based system and Hararghe fattening system. In traditional system, farmers
usually sell oxen after the plowing season when they are in poor condition and too old for the draught purposes. By-
product fattening system is mainly based on agro-industrial by-product such as molasses, cereal milling by-product
and oilseed meals. Intensive feeding of the available feed supply to young oxen used for draught power could best
describe the Hararghe fattening practice. The Hararghe fattening system is characterized by the use of the available
feed resources to young oxenthrough cut-and-carry feeding system of individual tethered animals.
The most common feed types used for this system are thinning, leaf strip and part of maize and sorghum plants.
The Marketing of livestock and livestock products an important activity all over Ethiopia. The primary reason for
selling livestock in the highlands of Ethiopia is generation of income to meet unforeseen expenses [4]. Pastoralists
also, besides using livestock as sources of food and as a form of saving and wealth, sell animals at the times of cash
needs to purchase food and other necessities [4]. According to UNDP-EUE [5] livestock marketing in Ethiopia
follows a three-tier system: primary, secondary and terminal markets through which animals go into the hands of
small traders and large traders, final buyers, which include butchers, meat-processing factories, fattening farms or live
animal exporters. Prices are usually fixed by individual bargaining and depend mainly on supply and demand, which
is heavily influenced by the season of the year and the occurrence of religious and cultural festivals. Livestock
marketing systems in Ethiopia is not well developed. It is characterized by markets that lack basic infrastructure,
facilities like cattle pen, weighing scale, water troughs, feed and market information [6]. Ruminant (cattle, sheep and
goats) fattening is a well common lucrative business among the smallholders’ farmers of the SNNPR.
Although the Southern Nations and Nationalities Regional State is endowed with huge livestock potential and
familiar with different livestock production systems including fattening, the resources used, the period of fattening
and profitability is not yet studied and well documented.
Traditional backyard cattle fattening is a deep-rooted and widely practiced cattle enterprise in all zones and
special Woreda in the region, although it is by and large a seasonal undertakings. The practice is synchronized with
the existing farming system as it most relied up on locally available resources to minimize finishing costs.Sheep and
goat fattening is also common in Kembata Tambaro and the nearby zones [7-9]. Scarcity of feed, animal in poor
condition before fattening and improper management prolong the finishing period. Longer fattening periods tie up
capital, which in turn significantly reduces profit realized from cattle finishing [10]. The farming societies in area
perform the fattening task by backward system of fattening with the available feeds, in which the availability
fluctuates from season to season.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
The feed categories used for fattening operation are of local type that by its own prevented the small scale
farmers not to exploit the benefits from the sector, prolonged the fattening period and reduced the profits earned.
These by its own calls for introduction of improved feeds and feeding system so as to curtail the fattening period for
finishing and make the operation throughout the year. The fattening operation is run using commonly available feed
resources of local and processed (agro-industrial by-product). Local feed types like Enset (corms, pseudo stem and
leaves), Arekeatella (residue of local beverage), grains of haricot bean and maize and sweet potato roots and tubers
In the study area, there is little information available on smallholder cattle fattening and marketing systems.
Therefore, to plan and develop improved cattle fattening and marketing systems, it is very important to investigate the
existing cattle fattening practices and marketing systems in the study area. The objective of this study was, therefore,
to assess smallholder beef cattle fattening and marketing systems in south omo Zone.
1.1. Objectives
1.1.1. General objective
To assess smallholder beef cattle fattening and marketing systems in south omo Zone.
2.1. General Information
2.1.1. Description of the Study Area
South Omo Zone is one of the 13 administrative zones found in SNNPRS which covers an area of 25530 km2
and is located 4.430-6.46’ N and 35.790-36.06’E, and has a human population estimated 472977. The population
density of the zone is 21 persons per km2 it’s bordering with GamoGofa Zone, Keffa Zone and Konta and Basketo
special Woreda in north, Kenya in south, konso and Derashe special woredas in east and Sudan & bench maji Zone in
The Zone is divided into 8 woredas and 1 city administration. Generally the altitude of the zone ranges between
360 and 3500 m.a.s.l. The traditional agro-ecologies Dega, woinadega, kola and semi-arid cover 0.5, 5.1, 60, and
34.4 percent respectively of the total area. Rainfall pattern in the area is both unimodal and bimodal. The mean annual
rainfall ranges between 400 and 1600 mm. The mean annual temperature ranges between 10.1 and ›27 0c.
The zone has a huge animal resource with an estimate of about 906,442 cattle, 497,092 sheep, 846,611 goats, 311
camels, 453,366 chickens, 322,599 bee colonies and 87510 equines. Whereas Maize, Sorghum, Barley, Wheat, Teff,
Godore, Millet, Cassava, Haricot bean and field pea are the major crops grow in the area.
Regarding the land use the proportion of cultivated land, grazing land, forest land, cultivated land and non-
cultivable land and others are 11.22, 29.25, 12.55, 15.69, 10.85, and 20.42 percent respectively.
There are 16 different ethnic groups found in 8 woredas. Except the Ari ethnic group which covers 2 of the 8
woredas and a farming system of sedentary farming. The rest of the ethnic groups having a farming system of
pastoral and semi-pastoral type.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
The beef fattening assessment study was undertaken in three potential areas of beef cattle fattening in south Omo
zones of SNNPR . These three woredas (Benatsemy, Hammer and Debub Ari) were selected purposively to represent
the zone (the low land and highlands of zone).
It was intended to take two kebeles each from Debub Ari , Benetsemay and Hammer woreda. Secondary
information was gathered from the zone and woreda office of agriculture as well as cooperative office. Participant
Keble were selected based on secondary data of the woreda and consulting experts of the respective woreda offices. A
total of six kebeles, four From Benatsemy and Hammer woreda (two from each) and two kebeles from Debub Ari
were selected purposively. A total of 120 respondents, 20 from each kebele were interviewed.
The respondents were selected based on their pervious experiences of beef cattle fattening and marketing.
Interview was made with respondents using a Semi structured questionnaire as well as focus group discussions and
key informants interview were made.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
minimum and maximum family size of 1 and 9 person respectively which is different from the findings of Kocho
[12] reported that that in Eastern Somali regional state, the average family size per house hold was 6.2 persons.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
Table-4. Types and Average Number of Livestock Owned by the Agro pastoralists
Type of livestock Minimum Maximum Average Holding
Numbers of improved cows currently owned 1 6 2.32
Numbers of local cows currently owned 1 50 5.48
Numbers of improved breeding bulls currently owned 1 1 1.00
Numbers of local breeding bulls currently owned 1 6 2.22
Numbers of improved oxen currently owned 1 2 1.25
Numbers of local oxen currently owned 1 50 3.40
Numbers of improved heifers currently owned 1 5 2.00
Numbers of local heifers currently owned 1 25 3.29
Numbers of improved calves currently owned 1 3 1.64
Numbers of local calves currently owned 1 14 2.95
Numbers of improved sheeps currently owned 2 2 2.00
Numbers of local sheeps currently owned 1 40 5.41
Numbers of improved goats currently owned - - -
Numbers of local goats currently owned 1 80 13.77
Numbers of improved poultry currently owned 1 14 3.69
Numbers of local poultry currently owned 1 20 6.24
Numbers of improved beehives currently owned - - -
Numbers of local beehives currently owned 1 64 6.69
Numbers of local donkeys currently owned 1 9 2.36
Numbers of local horses currently owned 1 2 1.12
Valid N (listwise)
Source: Survey Data Result
Table-5. The number and species of animals currently set for fattening
N Minimum Maximum Mean
The number of ox set for fattening currently 86 1 10 2.50
The number of goats set for fattening currently 13 1 5 2.85
The number of sheeps set for fattening currently 37 1 10 2.73
Valid N (listwise) 10
Source: Survey Result
The number and species of animals that sample respondents currently engaged on fattening were ox ranges 1 to
10 on average 2.50, goats ranges 1 to 5 on average 2.85 and sheeps ranges 1 to 10 on average 2.73
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
education, for saving, to construct house. This result was almost similar with the findings of Workneh and Rowland
Kocho [12].
As shown in the above the majority of sample respondents fatten their cattle in order to get better price for
existing aged animals when it was sold.
The sample respondents indicated that about 97.5% were castrate their animals for fattening purpose while only
2.5% didn't. This was due to 38.9% of sample respondents said that the castrated animal stores fat and bitterly
converts feed recourses to meat and 28.7% of sample respondents said that it simplifies the fattening operation, 2.8%
it makes the animal healthy and appetite-full, 3.7% was traditionally accepted practices that come from forth -
fathers,9.3% of sample respondents said both it simplifies the fattening operation and traditionally accepted practices
that come from forth -fathers.
while 7.4% was for other purpose which is in order to increase its price or income, to reduce the power of cattle
not to damage people during fattening. As we have seen in the above castrating the cattle for the fattening operation
was very important and the majority of sample respondents castrate their animals during the time of fattening.
About 25.6% of the sample respondents had experience in fattening of uncast rated animals while 74.4% had
not experience in fattening uncast rated animals. According to the respondents the difference that they observed in
terms of time and body weight in comparison with castrated animal was that the uncastrated one increases time of
fattening rather than fattening cast rated one and has lower body weight, the uncastrated one stores low fat than cast
rated one, Further more, the uncastrated one had given less managements and takes low market price than castrated
when fattened. The majority of sample respondents had not experience in fattening of uncast rated animals due to the
above mentioned reason.
Of the sample respondents that manage the animals set for fattening 47% was prepare shelter and provide
feeding,25.6% was tether their cattle on their own grazing land,17.9% was both prepare shelter and provide feeding
as well as tether their animals on their own grazing land ,5.1% was both housing and feeding in the shelter and only
4.3% was managed in the house. Similar findings were reported by tesfay [10]. The majority of the sample
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
respondents fed their animals set for fattening under the shelter prepared for them in order to prevent loss of energy
for search of feed and water. Getahun [8] indicated that farmers in east Ethiopia fed oxen for more than one year.
The sample respondents indicated that the average time to fatten ox , sheep and goat were 1.21,0.92 and 0.97
respectively. According to Jepsen and Creek Habtemariam [13] poor performing cattle are kept for a longer period to
reach targeted fattening level.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
of sample respondents were think that the establishment of farmers' cooperative organization that could help to
exploit existing livestock potential in a better way. According to sample respondents the existence of cooperative
organization could help them because:-
It enables to get better price from their livestock, facilitates good marketing system and creates market
It improves ways of production through communication and knowledge as well as experience sharing
among the members.
It provides market information to the members and enables to achieve their common goals through working
Accessibility to get improved forage,grass,amole salt and trainings on fattening.
It maximizes profit by reducing taxes and other transaction costs.
It enables to change their living standards through maximizing income.
It enables to buy other more uncastrated animals inorder to castrate and fatten together to sell at high
There is good initiation and motivation while working together and enables to discuss on problem and get
It enables to fatten appropriately and sell at reasonable price in better market.
Availability of credit services from cooperative at minimum interest rate to be engaged in cattle fattening
business during the time of financial shortage.
It has good monitoring and evaluation.
It has dividend and other benefit from cattle fattening cooperative.
It can assemble and whole sale to big traders at high price and ability to attract other customers.
Table-7. Some major local feeds and others that are provided for their animals during fattening in the study area
Types of feeds
Cut and carry system Hay
Banana leafs Crop residues
Enset leafs Local beverage by product('Atela')
Household food left over after milling Desho grass
Banana pseudo stem Egg
Enset pseudo stem Amole salt
Fattening tablets Roots of 'amicha' local
Cooked maize Maize grain
Leafs of sugar cane Apetizer
residues('shufuro') Cooked coffee
Source: Survey Result
According to sample respondents some major local forage trees species that were used for fattening purpose
were mentioned n the table below i.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
Table-8. Some Major Local Forage Tree Species used for fattening
Types of local forage tree species
Zersi Gandabore Soba Geda
Wanzaleafs Bereza Gandabore
Shola Felki Boytako
Ashelaraki Wuyiyi Dacho
Tobeke Bitbit Turana
Ara Suni Ganaya
Shafi Gichola Garda
Mudakale Worwey Damyke
Banak Gara Mazaz
Zurguma Gan Shafa
Kenea Halako Worworo
Dile Woyba Shekomba
Berbira Lola Lucinia
Danga Gadaka Girawa
Ateme Daweke Fruits of girar
GaroBura Mulkaya Girawa with powdered
Damyek Ganxole maize grain
Wush Corch girawa with salt
Wache Soyabeen Luci
Source: Survey Result
Marketing Channels: The channels of cattle marketing found in the study areas are farmers-to-farmers, farmers-
to-consumers, farmers-to-traders and farmers-to-butchers.
Majority( 26.7%) of sample respondents were sell their animals at the farm gate,25.9% of sample respondents
were sell at village market,15.5% at woreda market,1.7% at zonal market,3.4% both at farm gate and village
market,6.9% at both village and woreda market, 12.9% both at farm gate and woreda market and some only 0.9% of
sample respondents were sell their animals at all marketing center such as farm gate, village ,woreda and zonal
According to sample respondents the major buyers or customers for fattened cattle in the area were 91.2%
traders,3.5% brokers,3.5% was every body who has money and only 1.8% was both traders and brokers.
The sample respondents indicated that the major livestock product marketing actors were about 38.4% was
farmers,4.5% was middlemen/brokers,31.3% was traders , 18.8% was both farmers and traders and only 0.9% was
both farmers and brokers.
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
Table-9. The distance between their house and fattened cattle marketing place
Distance between their house and market N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
The distance between house and village market in
70 0 28 8.21 8.030
The distance between house and woreda market in
82 7 35 16.95 7.228
The distance between house and zonal market in
29 16 100 43.31 22.008
Valid N (listwise) 23
Source: Survey Result
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
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Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 3(3): 31-45
It was concluded that smallholder farmers in the study area practice traditional cattle fattening practices. There
was no practice of using improved forages and supplementary food like concentrates or 'furishka' for their fattening
purpose in the study area. Most of the feeds are locally available. Shortage of feeds, low market price, disease and
parasite, high price of feeds were the main constraint factors to fatten cattle.
They believe establishment of farmers' cooperative organization in the study area that could help to exploit
existing livestock potential in a better way. Cattle marketing in the study area mainly function at two levels, namely
village level and primary markets. Market actors were producers, consumers, middlemen, restaurant owners, traders
and butchers. Market information is crucial to reduce information gaps and uncertainties that exist in the agricultural
sector. However, in the study area there was no access to formal market information before sale. They get market
information informally from neighbor, visiting market and traders. Most of the producers were unable to determined
price for their own products . There was weak bargaining between buyers and sellers and majority of them were price
takers. Cattle marketing outlets were farmers-to-farmers, farmers-to- consumers, farmers-to-traders, farmers-to-
restaurant owners and farmers-to-butchers.In order to increase the quality and number of animals fattened, providing
farmers with sufficient training and extension services on improved cattle fattening technologies ,market information
are very important. Because of lack weighing facilities, cattle are marketed based on visual judgment and this could
affect the actual price of the animal reducing the profitability of agro pastoralists. Season and market locations were
found to affect price of cattle suggesting the need to plan cattle fattening targeting season and market location to
benefit farmers from better price, so that cattle fattening become sustainable.
On the bases of the empirical findings of this study, the following recommendations are
There should formulation of appropriate marketing and pricing policies
which enable agro pastoralists earn higher incomes, and provision of timely up to date market
information to agro pastoralists.
There should be adaptation and introduction of improved feeds and feeding system.
There should be strong market linkage with different market chain actors.
There should be establishment of market oriented beef cattle fattening cooperative association and infrastructural
The research center together with extension office should provide training on the beef cattle fattening system.
The government should facilitate organized market access in their surroundings .
There should be practicing of intensive fattening system and provision of supplementary feeds.
Improving of animal feeds by different treatment technologies should be introduced.
The adaptation of improved forage seeds and forage development should be practiced.
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