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Sed383 Lesson3 Oheisler

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UDL Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Olivia Heisler

Date Created: 4 March 2023

Content Area: Mathematics, Functional Skills

School: Tecumseh Middle School – MoCI Classroom

Grade Level: 5th – 8th

Lesson Title: Build a Burger

Time: 5 minutes
Michigan Academic Standards: (include code and standard)
(Example: ELA.S.5.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.)

MAT. EE.1.G.1: Identify the relative position of objects that are on, off, in, and out

Performance Based Learning Objectives:

 Learners will be able to …
 Performance based – conditions, target behavior, and criteria
 Aligned with Michigan Academic Standard(s)
 Objectives are assumed to be for the whole group unless otherwise specified.
 Objectives for small groups or individual students should be noted and labeled.
(Example: Given two hours of instruction daily for five school days, learners will be able to accurately play
a new song on their individual musical instrument with five or fewer errors.)

- Given a 5-minute lesson, students will be able to identify what goes on the hamburger,
4 out of 6 times, with 67% accuracy.
- Given a 5-minute lesson, students will be able to match the completed burger to the
expected burger 2 out of 3 times, with 67% accuracy.

Materials: (Low tech, including number needed)

- Burger Cue Cards
- Magnetic Sheets
- Burger Ingredient Cut-Outs
- Observation Sheet
- Writing Utensil

- AAC device (will vary on student).

Technology: (High tech, mark all that apply; indicate if no technology is being used)

Students with AAC devices may utilize them throughout the lesson.

o Teacher laptop o Digital camera

o SMART Board o Document camera
o LCD projector o Digital microscope
o SMART Senteos (class set) o Video camera
o Computers o Scanner
o iPad or tablet o Color printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s) o Calculators
o Early childhood learning technologies o FM system
o Webcam o Other______________

Bibliography/References: (in APA format)

 Teacher research/planning
 Source of learning materials

Essential Elements for Grade 1: Mathematics - Michigan. (n.d.).


Prior Learning Connections: (Background knowledge support)

- Is this an introductory, reinforcement, or mastery lesson?
- What have you done to prepare students for this lesson?
- Background knowledge support is provided by:
o identifying background knowledge
o connecting background knowledge with concepts and skills

- This is a reinforcement lesson.

- Students have worked on matching items to photos/
- Students have already become familiar with the rotating groups, as well as what peers
are in their groups with them.
- Students have already begun to build a relationship with the candidate.

Working with the mentor teacher and observing the classroom, Ms. Russell was able to supply
the candidate with information on the students and what skills that she wanted her students to
work on. The primary concerns that Ms. Russell wanted the students to work on were
repetition and skills that they could do at home.

 How do you know students are ready for this lesson? What are their developmental skills levels,
interests, learning strengths and special needs?
 Learning strategies that help students understand content or build skills to apply knowledge
 Instructional materials are selected, designed, implemented and individualized as necessary to support
all students in meeting the lesson learning objectives.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities

o Use of visuals and modeling
The teacher candidate is providing an example of what she is expecting. She will model the
process when she starts the lesson, and the picture cues will be used throughout the lesson.

o The lesson will focus on a small group.
o The lesson will focus on all three learning styles to benefit all of the students: visual
(seeing the candidate do the activity and the pictures representing what the burger
should include and look like), auditory (listening to the candidate explain the activity
and listening to the questions asked), and tactile (by picking up the items to put onto
their burger).

Candidate will observe the students as they complete the tasks.

Special Concerns (including medical, behavioral, and/or environmental):

- Brady is very intelligent, but does not always attend centers, and may have an aide
work one on one with him.
- Ian sometimes has a hard time focusing, causing him to take longer to complete the
- Rachel gets goofy sometimes during centers or may choose to just not participate in
the activity. She also may try hitting or pinching if you are in her arm’s length
- Angel may not attend centers and will refuse to attend if he feels forced.
- Kaiden typically does not attend centers. If he is upset or frustrated, he may distract
- Daniel and Rachel need two choices and they will choose between the two.

 Targets all knowledge and skills that are indicated in learning objectives which are driven by the
 Includes a variety of formats
 Identified in lesson where the assessment is being administered (FA) or (SA)

Formative: The formative methods I am using in this lesson are:

o Observational data collection (with tally marks)
o Quick notes on the students

Summative: The summative methods I am using in this lesson are:

- There will be no summative assessment.

During Lesson: (General guidelines for the lesson; your plan/“script” begins under Part 1)
 Provides multiple instructional strategies including technology:
o to help students develop an understanding of content areas and their connections
o to build skills to apply knowledge

 Provides clear understanding of the concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline
 Demonstrates clear understanding of content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas
 Displays clear understanding of the aspects of UDL by providing information in multiple formats,
multiple ways to respond, and multiple ways to engage.

Part 1: Engagement/Warm-up: (1 minute)

 Create interest and stimulate curiosity; provide meaningful context for learning; raise questions for
inquiry; reveal students’ current ideas and beliefs
 Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
 What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?

“Hi! How are you this morning?”

Wait for students’ responses.

“I am so happy to hear, and I am very excited to work with you today! Today at my center, we are going to work
on our burger making skills! How many of you would want to make burgers for your job?”

Wait for students’ responses.

Transition: (This is a bridging statement or question to help students connect what occurred during
Engagement to what will occur during Instruction/Exploration. It is NOT a direction or instruction.)

“I want you to think about what you like on your burgers.”

Lay trays, orders, and hamburger ingredients.

Part 2: Instruction/Exploration: (3 minutes)

 Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
 List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration.
 What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
 List higher order thinking questions the teacher will use to solicit student explanations and help them to
justify their explanations.
 Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
 How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?
 Include specific plan for new instruction or review and guided and/or independent practice;
repeat the sequence as needed.
 Specify if plans are different for small groups or individuals.
 Indicate formative assessment with (FA).

“How many of you eat burgers at home?”

Wait for students’ responses.

“When you have burgers at home, do you help make them?”

Wait for students’ responses.

“Today we are going to be making orders with a lot of different ingredients that people may like on their burgers.
We are going to work off an order slip, and build the burger like the picture on the order slip…”

Show a photo of the burger’s order slip for reference.

“… what do you notice that all of the order slips have in common?”

Wait for student’s responses.

“They all have buns and a burger patty! I am going to pass out an order slip to everyone and a tray to put the
burger on. You will look for the ingredients in the baggies and will put the ingredients in the same order as the
picture shows.”

Pass out an order slip and a tray to each student at the center.

“Let’s practice one together! The order slip says, bun, burger, cheese, lettuce, bun!”

Point to each ingredient as it is said.

“First we need to find the bun!”

Open the bun baggie and pull out a bun.

“I am going to put the bun towards the top of the tray. Next, we need a burger!”

Open the burger baggie and pull out a burger.

“I am going to put the burger under the bun since it comes after the bun on the order slip. Next, we need a piece
of cheese!”

Open the cheese baggie and pull out a piece of cheese.

“I am going to put the cheese under the burger since it comes after the burger on the order slip. Next, we need a
piece of lettuce!”

Open the lettuce baggie and pull out a piece of lettuce.

“I am going to put the lettuce under the cheese since it comes after the cheese on the order slip. Next, we need a

Open the bun baggie and pull out a bun.


“I am going to put the bun at the bottom of the tray since it is the end of our burger! We just completed an order!”

“What questions do you have?”

Answer questions accordingly.

“As you finish the order, let me know and we will check the order together, and then you can get another order
slip! Let’s see how many orders we can complete!” (FA)

Observe students as they work on their sequences. (FA)

Assist students as they need.

As students complete an order, check it over with the student and mark on the data sheet.

*** if working with Rachel or Daniel, give them two ingredients to choose from and tell them what ingredient
that they are looking for. Once they choose the ingredient, have them place it onto the tray. They may need hand
over hand assistance. ***

*** if working with Angel or Kaiden, oversee them and keep them on task. They may need to be given choices,
similar to Rachel and Daniel. ***

Have the students work on their orders until the timer sounds (track data as they complete them).

***Timer Sounds***

Transition: (This is a bridging statement or question to help students connect what occurred during
Instruction/Exploration to what will occur during After Lesson. It is NOT a direction or instruction.)

I need you to think about the different ingredients that were on your order slips. Think about what ingredient that
you would not want on your burger!”

Move ingredients, order slips, and trays back to the middle of the table.

Part 3: After Lesson: (1 minute)

 Refer and tie back to course objectives
 One last quick assessment

“What ingredient would you NOT want on your burger?”

Wait for students’ responses.

“Awesome work today! Go work hard in your next center!”

Notes/Reflections: (to be completed by the teacher candidate as reflection AFTER implementation of
the lesson)
 There is ample evidence on reflection of instructional effectiveness
 At least two pieces of evidence relative to reflection on instructional effectiveness are present and accurately

Strengths of the Lesson:

In this lesson, I think that it went very well, and I think that this has been one of my best
lessons yet! I feel as if the students were extremely engaged and believed that this was a skill
that they could do outside of school. In addition, I think that this lesson was like a game to the
students, where they competed with each other to complete their orders, especially Matthew
and Ian. Lastly, I am learning to be more confident presenting lessons and connecting with the
students. I think that this has really helped my lessons. Lastly, I think that I did better
explaining the tasks expected and, in a student, friendly way that helped the students better
understand what I was asking.

Areas for Growth:

With strengths, comes areas for growth. After implementing this lesson, I believe that I have a
few areas for growth. The first area of growth I think I need to focus on is sharing my attention
with all of the students equally. This has been an area of growth for me in various lessons
prior. I have a hard time working with the students who need more guidance and ensuring that
I am checking in on the students who are more independent. I feel as if I am neglecting a
student either way, and I need to find ways to ensure that I am spending enough time with all
of my students. In addition, I think that I need to become better at time management. This is
hard because in this classroom, the center times are short due to attention spans, so I have to
work with what I am given, but I find myself being too wordy and taking up time.

Focus for next lesson: (should align with Areas for Growth)

In my next lessons, I do have some focuses. The first focus for my next lesson would be to
think about how I can get my point across in less words, but still effectively. I feel as if I think
about better ways to get my point across, it may also benefit my students in the long run.
Another focus that I will have in future lessons is to work on ensuring that I am able to spend
equal amounts of time with all of the students in my group. I believe that when I have my own
classroom, it may be easier, but right now, I need to learn how to balance everything. Lastly, I
will work on ensuring that my connections stay strong with my students, and make sure that
they enjoy working with me and want to come to my centers.

Brady Brady did not attend my center; however, he does not attend any centers, as
he is working on an independent online program.

Matthew Correct:

Matthew worked extremely hard throughout the center and took great pride
finishing his orders. He communicated well that he had finished the task
and was ready for the next order slip.
Abby N/A, was not in class.

Daniel Correct:

Daniel really worked hard in my center and wanted to continue work. One
thing that Daniel struggled with was confidently picking the right
ingredient, which due to that, he did not get to finish his third order.
Kaiden N/A, did not attend my center.

Angel N/A, did not attend my center.

Ian Correct:

Ian worked really hard throughout my center and was very focused. I
believe that he would focus on certain things, which I think slowed him
down. In addition, he did become goofy when he had to put ingredients that
he did not like onto the burger.
Brooke N/A, was not in class.

Rachel Correct:

Rachel worked for half of my center with me, but at the halfway point, she

began to get silly and did not finish the center working. She was distracted
by her peers who chose not to attend centers.
Notes I was unable to get Kaiden to attend my center during their functional skills
and he became a distraction to his peers. Angel chose to sit in the rest area
and listen to the lesson but told me he was too tired to work.

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