Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 1
I. Topic: Chapter 9: The School Head in School - Based Management (SBM)
a. Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education (PASBE)
b. Factors that Contribute to School Effectiveness
II. Discussant: Zemmy C. Camba Jr.
III. Discussion:
The agreed upon standards of quality or effective schools are grounded on the Four
Principles of A Child-and-Community- Centered Education Systems (ACCESS).
❖ ACCESs provides a framework to advance the philosophy of shared governance of
education and to ensure a strong culture of effective leadership & management in the
provision of basic education.
1. Principle of collective leadership - A network of leadership and governance that
guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals
making it responsive to the context of a diverse environment.
2. Principle of community-based learning - Anchored on the community and learners
context and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
3. Principle of accountability for performance and results – A clear, transparent,
Inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively
developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts
appropriately on gaps and gains.
4. Principle of convergence to harness resources for education - are collectively
organized, judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness,
and efficiency to support targeted education outcomes.
SBM-PASBE Operational Framework (DepEd Order #54, 2012)
1. A school in Level 1, Developing, means that the school is developing structures and
mechanisms with acceptable level and extent of community participation and impact
on learning.
2. A school in Level II, Maturing, means that the school is introducing and sustaining
continuous improvement process that integrates wider community participation and
significantly improve performance and learning outcomes.
3. A school in Level III, Advanced (Accredited) , means that the school is ensuring the
production of intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully
integrated in the local community and is self-renewing and self- sustaining.
The heart of all these elements, both human and non-human is the school head, the
school leader. This means that all these factors that to school effectiveness come forth only
with a dynamic and a transformational school leader.
Example of SBM Assessment Tool
➢ SBM means school-based management. It is the empowerment of schools to direct
their own affairs for high performance.
➢ It involves the school he head leading his/her teachers, students, parents and other
members of the community to address problems and concerns with the ultimate goal
of improving school performance It is based on the principle of subsidiarity which
states that it is those who are most involved at the lowest level of the organization
who can best solve their problems.
➢ The advantages of SBM include:
✓ Allows competent individuals in the schools to make decisions that will improve
✓ Gives the entire school community a voice in key decisions;
✓ Practices focuses accountability for decisions;
✓ Demands greater creativity in the design of programs,
✓ Redirects resources to support the goals developed in each school;
✓ Leads to realistic budgeting as parents and teachers become more aware of
the school’s financial status, spending limitations, and the cost of its programs;
✓ Improves morale of teachers and nurtures new leadership at all levels.
➢ Disadvantage of SBM
✓ Participatory decision-making needs time and may slow down process
➢ Demands of SBM
✓ Active and intelligent participation of stakeholders
✓ Democratic and transformative leadership of school head
✓ Support and openness of higher authorities to schools
➢ Roles of school head
✓ Visionary leader, planner, implementer, evaluator
✓ Fiscal resource manager
✓ Curriculum developer
IV. Insights:
The Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education (PASBE), A Child-and-
Community - Centered Education Systems (ACCESS) and the Human and Non - Human Factors
for School Effectiveness shares a common vision - mission - goal to make the teaching and
learning in school effective and productive. They strive to encompass the diversity of learners,
to enhance the responsibility and accountability commitment of the stakeholders, to improve
the school system effectiveness in implementing their goal and sustaining good performance.
And this organization and factors are just guides to make this things happen it’s all depends
on the school and their leaders to work together in achieving this goal specially the school
head because decision making is his/her work no matter how hardworking the members are
if the head don’t appreciate it and disregard them only hearing in his/her own thought it’s all
worthless. As what the famous saying goes by, “No man is an island,” every individual needs
each other to survive and make a progress, just like in school every one should work together,
to blend together and the need of everyone’s participation to make the school peaceful and
where the students and teachers learn and teach at ease, and where the parents are
comfortably send their son/daughter to school .