HSE Risk Assesment Lifting & Assembling of Equipments

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TASK TITLE: Lifting & Assembling Date:

Activity: Lifting & Assembling through Crane TRA. No.
Description: Lifting & Assembling of Equipments


EFFECT Evaluation form)
SPA: Lifting &
1. Personal 1. Skilled workforce 1. Ensure the workers involved in the
1. Unskilled Workers injury, F 6 8 deployed. lifting activity are trained, qualified and F 3 5 Yes
2. accident competent to carry out the work safely.

Never stand between the 1. Position of the crane will be controlled

load and a barrier. by sup. Do a 360 deg swing, disengage
swing brake at 0, 90, 270, 360, to check
Personnel Certified
Place Crane on leveled & crane leveling.
injury. / Riggers.
Improper Crane compacted ground with 2. Follow controls for exclusion zone as
2 damage to F 6 8 Competent F 3 5 Y
setup fully extended out riggers marked on lifting plan.
other tank Rigging & Lifting
on wooden sleepers. 3.Inspect/ checklist the equipment
(crane/ gears) before the lift, Tool box to
share movement arrangement with crane
driver/ operator/lookout/ supervisor
1. Look out to be deployed for safe
1. Look outs deployment reverse movement.
2. Slow reverse 2. Look out should use reflective vest. SPA: Lifting &
movement. 2. Reverse alarm should be used during Rigging
Personal injury,
3. Reverse alarm reverse movement. Supervisor,
3. Struck with crane Damage to the G 6 7 G 2 3 Yes
functional. 3. Boom should be closed during any Safety
during movement Equipment
4. Defensive driving movement of the crane. Watchman
certified operator 4. Follow the speed limits (5 Km/Hr) as Lookouts.
per UEPL standard for cranes.

4. Crane collapse due Property F 5 7 1. Assess the ground 1. Place crane on leveled/compacted SPA: Lifting & F 3 5 Yes
to poor ground damage, condition prior to lift. ground with fully extended outriggers. Rigging
condition personal injury 2. Provide wooden pads underneath the Supervisor,
float pads of outriggers with area at least Safety
2 times larger than that of float pad area. Watchman
4. If the poor ground conditions
encountered change the location.
5. In case of soggy conditions do not
perform the lift.
6. Don’t setup crane outrigger directly
above underground facility.
7. Always provide concrete slabs /ramps
for crossing over surface tubing/pipeline.
The should be designed so that
tubing/pipeline never takes the load
upon crane/trailer crossover
1. Ensure all lifting gears should be third
party certified.
2. Inspect all Lifting equipment and
accessories before any lifting activity
1. Pre Use inspection of
3. For choking of pipe spools with wire SPA: Lifting &
Lifting Collapse, lifting accessories &
Damaged lifting rope sling, ensure proper anchorage with Rigging
Serious equipments.
5. gears E 4 7 the help of bulldog clamps Supervisor, E 2 5 Yes
personal 2. Check the valid 3rd
Check sling angles (with horizontal) are Safety
injury/Fatality party certification.
equal to or greater then 45 deg. Watchman
De-rate WLL of shackles, slings for
different angles/configurations/modes
For single/double choker reduce the sling
SWL by 20%.
Slowly raise / lower the load, Lifting plan Safety
should be available at site Lifting gear Supervisor,
Falling / Slipping of Physical Injury, Lifting plan, Weight of
6. G 6 7 certification, trial lift. Rigger, G 2 3
load Load Hit with load should be known, Yes
2.Rigging study should be available at job Banks man,
Existing Piping. Trail Lift
site Supervisor
1. Balanced loading to be ensured
specially when tailing carried out.
2. Ensure tail lift operator has a clear line
Tail Lifting of of sight with all people working in vicinity certified lifting
7. Fatality, Injury F 4 6 1. Balanced loading. G 2 3 Yes
equipments of lift. supervisor
3.  Ensure a clear verbal command &
response system is in place between
operator & staff using tail lift.
8. Weather Equipment F 5 7 1.Site/area/location 1. Rigger/signal/outlook man visit site Rigging Sup, F 3 5 Yes
conditions stuck in muddy survey before moving before moving equipment at site. (SPA)
area due to equipment at site i.e. 2. HSE supervisor will ensure wind speed Crane Opt, HSE
rain, High Wind Soil condition limit before starting lifting operation if Sup
speed 2.Wait till clear visibility wind speed exceeds from 25 knots TRA
achieved (in case of wind should be revised.
storm) 3. No lifting if wind speed cross 30 knots
3. Observe plant wind 4. Wind speed Reading should be from
speed limit before any radio room or look out for wind sock.
lifting operations. Wind sock generally gets horizontal if
wind speeds are equal to or above 15
Cross reference this task
Conduct a permit planning meeting with
with all relevant PTW's, Rigging Sup,
stakeholders one day before job
Injuries, plans certificates one Crane
9 SIMPOS E 7 10 execution E 2 5 Yes
Fatalities day before job execution Operator,
Stop all SIMOP activities that fall within
subject to SIMPOS Safety Watch
the barricaded area of crane
Crane Toppling,
Check work radius prior to lift see if they
Structural Tool box talk sharing the
tally with the lifting plan, in case of any Competent
Failure, sequence of lift as
variation reposition the crane. Lifting
Damage to mentioned in lifting plan,
10 Crane Overload other tank, F 6 8 load chart, F 4 6 Y
Perform trial lift (inch the load to check Certified riggers
Personnel Check the calibration of
stability and verify the weight of the load Safety watch
injury/fatality SLI prior to lift.
with SLI) in accordance with the lift plan. (spotters)
Define exclusion zone
Keep everyone out of the exclusion zone.
Check whether ATB is working (audible
alarm and cut-off)
Equipment Verify SLI boom angle readout with angle
Perform functional test Crane operator,
Inadequate or damage due to finder, Radius readout with measuring
of mobile crane, verify Rigging and
11. inoperative safety overload, G 6 8 tape, boom length with load chart (main G 4 5 Y
SLI readouts with proper Lifting
devices Plant/facility boom), actual load with crane hook load
tools Supervisor
damage or if possible test load prior to lift.
Check whether correct falls are selected
on SLI display.
1. Riding basket should be 3rd party
certified including (MPI and Load test).
2. Lifting gears should be 3rd party
certified (Shackles, Slings, web slings).
1. Check listed
2. Two workers will be in riding basket
Use of man riding Fall from height with PFAS which have dual lanyard and Lifting
12. G 6 7 2. Personal fall arrestor G 4 5 Yes
basket shock absorber. supervisor
system (PFAS) should be
3. Barrier must be closed while lifting.
4. Ensure the use of Tagline with riding
5. Speed of crane should be at acceptable
range while hoisting and lowering.
1. TBT will be conducted prior to job start. SPA: Single Person Accountable
2. Unauthorized entry of the person not allowed in work premises. ATB: Anti-Block
3. Proper PPE’s are must for all the crew. SWL: Safe Working Load
4. Stand by vehicle must be present at the site in case of emergency. SLI: Safe Load Indicator
5. Adequate cold drinking water readily is available at the site to prevent dehydration. SIMOPS: Simultaneous Operation
6. Housekeeping of the area should be done on prior basis before and after completion of job.
I’m satisfied that the safeguard put in place will reduce the level of Risk to an acceptable level
(Project Manager) and the Task/Action is permitted to proceed.
(Rigging & Lifting Supervisor)
Reviewed by: ____________
HITRA Team Leader
Date: ________________________ Time: ____________________
S = Severity; P = Probability, R = Risk
Signatory: _______________ DATE: ________________

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