No. 4-37 Page 146
No. 4-37 Page 146
No. 4-37 Page 146
The solution assumes all materials used are direct materials. A summary of the T-accounts for
Southwick Company before adjusting for under- or overallocation of overhead follows:
7. a. Write-off to Cost of Goods Sold will increase (debit) Cost of Goods Sold by $50,000. Hence, co
Goods sold = $880,000 + $50,000 = $930,000.
Proration of 50000
Account Balance Underallocated
Account (Before Proraton) Manufacturing Overhead
(1). (2). (3).
0.15 X 50,000
Work in Process $ 165,000 (15%) =
0.05 X 50,000 7500
Finished Goods 55,000 ( 5%) =
0.80 X 50,000 2,500
Cost of Goods Sold 880.000 (80%) = 40,000
$1,100,000 (100%) $50,000
8. Needham's operating income using write-off to Cost of Goods Sold and Proration based on
ending balances (before proration) follows:
Write-off to Pro
Cost of Goods Sold on E
Revenues $1,050,000 $1,0
Cost of goods sold 930,000 9
Gross margin 120,000 1
Marketing and distributon costs 125000
Operating income/(loss) -$5,000
If the purpose is to report the most accurate inventory and cost of goods sold figures, thepreferred metho
manufacturing overhead allocated component in the inventory and cost of goods sold accounts. Proration
Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold will equal the proration based on the manufac
component if the proportions of direct costs to manufacturing overhead costs are constant in the Work in
and Cost of Goods Sold accounts. Even if this is not the case, the prorations based on Work in Process, F
Goods Sold will better approximate the results if actual cost rates had been used rather than the write-off
Another consideration in Needham's decision about how to dispose of underallocated manufacturing over
operating income. The write-off to Cost of Goods Sold will lead to an operating loss. Proration based on th
Process, Finished goods, and Cost of Goods Sold will help Needham avoid the loss and show an operatin
The main merit of the write-off to Cost of Goods Sold method is its simplicity.
However accuracy and the effect on operating income favor the preferred and recommended proration ap
accounts for
Work-in-Process Control
1/1/2014 44,000 Transferred to
Direct materials 234000 finished goods 925,000
Direct manuf.
labor 348,000
Manuf. overhead
allocated 464,000
12/31/2014 165,000
work in
process 464000
fore proration)
Credit = $880,000
to Manufacturing
Overhead Allocated
ss, Finished
Account Balance
(After Proration)
(4)=(2) + (3)
based on
Proration Based
on Ending Balances