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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Applications of Fiber Reinforced

Polymer Composites (FRP) in Civil
Eanamul Haque Nizam

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Bond behaviour and durabilit y of FRP composit es applied ext ernally t o masonry st ruct ures
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International Journal of
Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014

Applications of Fibber Reinforced Polymer Composites

(FRP) in Civil Engineering
Department of Textile Engineering, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: There is a growing concern with worldwide deterioration of traditional materials such as concrete,
steel, and timber. Recently, attention has shifted to the use of fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPs) as
alternative materials. As FRPs are non-corrosive, high strength and modulus values compared to their density,
light weight, acceptable deformability, tailored design and excellent formability enable the fabrication of new
elements and the structural rehabilitation of the existing parts made of traditional materials. Furthermore, the
resistance of FRP materials to corrosion means that they can be used to replace steel and reinforced concrete in
situations when they would be exposed to corrosion. FRP therefore has wide application prospects in civil
engineering ranging from reinforcing rods and tendons, wraps for seismic retrofit of columns and externally
bonded reinforcement for strengthening of walls, beams, and slabs, to all-composite bridge decks, and even
hybrid and all-composite structural systems. This paper is a review of the application of FRPs in civil
engineering. Firstly, the paper will elucidate the basic information about FRP composites, including the
definition, description of the components such as fibers and matrices. Then it pointed some fabrication
processes, mechanical properties. Finally, it will focus on the application of FRP in civil engineering.
Keywords: FRP, Composite, Reinforcement, Matrix, Rehabilitation.
1. Introduction:
Fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials (FRP) coefficient (in fiber direction), etc. Recently, civil
have hitherto been utilized predominantly in the engineers and the construction industry have begun to
aerospace and military industries, but for the last three realize potential of composites as strengthening
decades there has been a growing awareness amongst material for many problems associated with the
civil engineers of the importance of the unique deterioration of infrastructures. Over the last decade,
mechanical and in-service properties of these an increase in the application of FRPs has been seen
materials together with their customized fabrication in construction industry because of their good
techniques. In fact, this class of materials presents an engineering properties. Further, these are being
immense potential for use in Civil Engineering, both considered as a replacement to the conventional steel
for rehabilitation of existing structures and for the in reinforced concrete structures due to continuing
construction of new facilities (Lopez-Anido et al. drop in the cost of FRP materials. Various aspects of
2000). FRPC materials including guidelines for selection of
Polymer composites are multi-phase materials polymer adhesives for concrete have been highlighted
produced by combining polymer matrix with fillers by ACI Committee-503 (1992) and Uomoto et al.
and reinforcing fibers to produce a bulk material with (2002). Issues related to selection of materials have
properties better than those of the individual base also been discussed by Karbhari (2001). Einde et al.
materials. The matrix can be thermoplastics (2003) and Bank et al. (2003) have presented a
(Polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, PVC summary of applications of FRP material in civil
(polyvinyl chloride) etc.) or thermosetting (Polyester, engineering whereas general design guidelines for
vinyl ester, epoxy resins etc.). Fillers are often used to FRP application can be found in Bakht et al. (2000),
bulk to the material, reduce cost, lower bulk density ACI Committee 440 (2002) and Nanni (2003).
or to produce aesthetic features. Fibers are used to Use of FRP sheets for strengthening and rehabilitation
reinforce the polymer and improve mechanical of concrete structures has attracted considerable
properties such as stiffness and strength. High interest (Nanni et al. 1993, Mufti at al. 2002,
strength fibers of glass, aramid and carbon are used as Hollaway et al. 2003, Mufti et al. 2003). First
the primary means of carrying load, while the applications of composites were in the form of rebars
polymer matrix protects the fibers and binds them into and structural shapes. Later, FRP laminates were used
a cohesive structural unit. These are commonly called for strengthening of concrete bridge girders by
fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials (FRPs). bonding them to the tension face of girder (Meier et
Advanced composite materials have found expanded al. 1992) as well as for retrofitting of concrete
use in aerospace, marine and automobile industries columns (Saadatmanesh 1994).
during the past few decades (1960 onwards) due to FRPs are available in the form of rods, grids, sheets
their good engineering properties such as high and winding strands. Review of literature up to 1996
specific strength and stiffness, lower density, high can be found in ACI Committee 440 (1996). Another
fatigue endurance, high damping and low thermal general review on class of materials including FRPs

IJASGE 030317 Copyright © 2014 BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved

used in civil construction was presented by Bakis et unidirectional composites, when fibers are
al. (2002). They divided the whole review into parallel and give their maximum possible

structural shapes, internal reinforcement, externally performance in this single direction,
bonded reinforcement, bridge, standards and codes. A By arranging the fibers in a weave or mat,
review on shear strengthening of RC beams with strength can be gained in more directions,

FRPCs was done Deniaud and Cheng (2001), although the limit strength is reduced,
Bousselham and Chaallal (2004). Review related to By chopping the fibers into short lengths and
the bond-slip model for FRP sheet/plate bonded to arranging them randomly, equal strength is
concrete have presented recently by Lu et al. (2005) achieved in all directions. This is generally the
and review for upgrading of beam-column joints with cheapest technique, used for the least structurally
FRP can be found in Engindeniz et al. (2005). A large demanding cases.
volume of literature now exists on applications of
FRPs in construction industry. Many different types of fibers are available for use,
and all have their respective advantages and
2. Fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP): disadvantages. In civil engineering applications, the
For An FRP is a specific type of two-component three most commonly used fiber types are glass,
carbon (graphite), and to a lesser extent, aramid
composite material consisting of high strength fibers
(Kevlar). The suitability of the various fibers for
embedded in a polymer matrix. The mechanical and
specific applications depends on a number of factors
physical properties are clearly controlled by their
including the required strength, the stiffness,
constituent properties and by the micro-structural
durability considerations, cost constraints, and the
configuration. While the fibers are mainly responsible
availability of component materials.
for strength and stiffness properties, the polymeric
matrix contributes to load transfer and provides 2.1.1 Glass fibers:
environmental protection. In addition, fillers are used Glass fibers are commonly produced by a process
to reduce the cost and sometimes to improve called direct melt, wherein fibers with a diameter of 3
performance, imparting benefits as shrinkage control, to 25 microns are formed by rapid and continuous
surface smoothness and crack resistance. Additives drawing from a glass melt. Glass fibers are used for
and modifiers ingredients can expand the usefulness the majority of composite application because they
of the polymeric matrix, enhance their processability are cheaper than the others. There are different forms
or extend composite durability. known by names like E-glass (the most frequent
used), S-glass (is a stringer and stiffer fiber with a
The reinforcing of a low modulus polymeric matrix greater corrosion resistance), R-glass (is a higher
with high strength and modulus fibers utilizes the tensile strength and modulus and greater resistance to
viscoelastic displacement of the matrix under stress to fatigue and aging) and AR-glass (an alkali-resistant
transfer the load to the fiber; this result in a high glass used to reinforced concrete). The main
strength, high modulus composite material. The aim characteristics of glass fibers are their high tensile
of the combination is to produce a two phase material strengths and moderate elastic modulus. Glass fibers
in which the primary phase, that determines stiffness, are, also, excellent thermal and electrical insulators.
is in the form of fibers and is well disperse and Glass fibers are particularly sensitive to moisture,
bonded and protected by a weak secondary phase, the especially in the presence of salts and elevated
polymeric matrix (Hollaway and Head 2001). alkalinity, and need to be well protected by the resin
2.1 Reinforcing Fibers: systems used in the FRP. Glass fibers are also
The fibers provide the strength and stiffness of an susceptible to creep rupture and lose strength under
FRP. Because the fibers used in most structural FRP sustained stresses.
applications are continuous and are oriented in
2.1.2 Carbon fibers:
specified directions, FRPs are orthotropic, and they Carbon fibers are produced by a process called
are much stronger and stiffer in the fiber direction(s). controlled pyrolysis, wherein one of three potential
According to Halliwell (2000), the functional precursor fibers is subjected to a complex series of
requirements of fibers in a composite are: heat treatments (stabilization, carbonization,
i. High modulus of elasticity to give stiffness graphitization, and surface treatment) to produce
ii. High ultimate strength carbon filaments with diameters in the range of 5-8
iii. Low variation of strength between individual microns. The resulting fibers can have properties that
fibers vary widely, and so several classes of carbon fibers
iv. Stability during handling are available, differentiated based on their elastic
v. Uniform diameter moduli: Standard: 250-300 GPa, Intermediate: 300-
Generally fiber can be used in different ways, with the 350 GPa, High: 350-550GPa, Ultra-High: 550-1000
GPa. Although considerably more expensive than
 The highest performance in terms of strength
performance changing for each (Cripps 2002):
glass fibers, carbon fibers are beginning to see
and stiffness in one direction comes from widespread use in structural engineering applications

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309
Applications of Fibber Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP) in Civil Engineering

such as pre-stressing tendons for concrete and 2.2 Matrix:

structural FRP wraps for repair and strengthening of The matrix is the binder of the FRP and plays many
reinforced concrete beams, columns, and slabs. Their important roles. Some of the more critical functions

 To bind the fibers together

steadily increasing use can be attributed to their played by the matrix are:

 To protect the fibers from abrasion and

steadily decreasing cost, their high elastic moduli and
available strengths, their low density (low weight),

 To separate and disperse fibers within the

and their outstanding resistance to thermal, chemical, environmental degradation
and environment effects, they do not absorb moisture.
Carbon fibers are an ideal choice for structures which
 To transfer force between the individual fibers and
are weight and/or deflection sensitive.
2.1.3 Aramid fibers:  To be chemically and thermally compatible with
Aramid fibers are manufactured from a synthetic the fibers.
compound called aromatic polyamide in a process According to Hollaway and Head (Elsevier 2001), the
called extrusion and spinning. In this fiber, molecular requirements for a good FRP matrix are the following:
chains are aligned and made rigid by means of i. Wet out the fiber and cure satisfactory in the
aromatic rings linked by hydrogen bridges. Their required conditions
main characteristics are high strength, impact ii. Bind together the fibers and protect their surface
resistance due to their energy absorbing capacity from abrasion and environmental ageing
properties, moderate modulus and low density. In iii. Disperse the fibers as separate them in order to
addition, FRPs manufactured from aramid fibers have avoid any catastrophic propagation of cracks
low compressive and shear strengths as a consequence iv. Transfer stresses to the fibers efficiently
of the unique anisotropic properties of the fibers. The v. Be chemically and thermally compatible with
fibers, themselves, are susceptible to degradation from fibers
ultraviolet light and moisture but exhibit resistance to vi. Have appropriate fire resistance and limit smoke
acids and alkalis. propagation
2.1.4 Basalt fibers vii. Provide good aesthetic finish (color and surface).
Basalt fibers are materials obtained by melting
There are several different polymer matrices which
crushed volcanic lava deposits. Basalt fibers have
can be utilized in FRP composites, but in construction
better physical and mechanical properties than glass
industry only a relatively small number are actually
fibers, but are significantly cheaper than carbon
used. According to their nature, there are two major
fibers. Their main advantages are fire resistance,
types of polymers, which determine the methods of
significant capability of acoustic insulation and
manufacturing and the properties of the composite: (i)
immunity to chemical environments.
thermoplastic and (ii) thermosetting. The first FRP
Table 1 illustrates typical properties of the different were all based on thermosetting polymers and, besides
types of fibers and steel, showing their strength, the fact that thermoplastic have seen rapid growth in
modulus and density. recent years, thermosetting is yet the most used in
Civil Engineering applications (ACI 440R 1996).
Table 1: Range of properties for fibers for FRP
composites 2.2.1 Thermoplastic Matrix
Fiber type Density Tensile Elastic Thermoplastics are polymers composed of long-chain
(Kg/m³) strength Modulus molecules that are held together by relatively weak
(GPa) (GPa) Van der Waals forces, but that have extremely strong
Glass 2.46 – 2.58 2.4 – 3.5 72 – 87 bonds within individual molecules. These polymers
Carbon 1.74 – 2.20 2.1 – 5.5 200 – 500 can be amorphous, which implies a random structure
Aramid 1.39 – 1.47 3.1 – 3.6 58 – 130 with a high concentration of entanglement, or
Basalt 2.65 – 2.80 4.2 – 4.8 89 – 110 crystalline, with a high degree of molecular order
Steel 7.85 480 – 700 200 (Cowie 1991). In these materials, the molecules are
free to slide over one another at elevated
Other fibers that are now in the development phase temperatures, and so thermoplastics can be repeatedly
for use if FRP products for structural engineering softened and hardened by heating and cooling without
include ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene significantly changing their molecular structure. The
fibers and polyvinyl alcohol fibers. Natural fibers, semi-crystalline polypropylene and nylon are
such as sisal, flax and bamboo, have been used only in especially popular as matrices.
experimental applications to produce FRP products.
2.2.2 Thermosetting Matrix
However, it is expected that they will become more
Thermosetting polymers are also long-chain
important in the construction industry due to their
molecules built from monomers, but for these
sustainability and recyclability (Bank 2006).
materials the molecular chains are cross-linked
through primary chemical bonds. Thus, thermosets
cannot be reversibly softened and will deteriorate

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309

irreversibly at elevated temperatures. These are 2.3 Fabrication of FRP Composites:

usually made from liquid or semi-solid precursors There is a wide variety of techniques by which FRP
which harden irreversibly; this chemical reaction is composites can be fabricated, although there are
known as cure and on completion, the liquid resin is differences between the techniques available for
converted to a hard solid by chemical cross-linking thermosetting and thermoplastic, due to their intrinsic
which produces a tightly three-dimensional network different properties. Table 2 presents the commonly
of polymer chains. Almost exclusively, thermosets are used process for fabrication of FRP composites
currently used in structural engineering applications. applied in Civil Engineering, heir principles and
These polymers generally have good thermal stability typical applications (Cripps 2002).
at service temperatures, good chemical resistance, and
Table 2: Fabrication processes of FRP composites
display low creep and relaxation properties in
Pultrusion Tightly packed tows of fibers,
comparison with most thermoplastics. However,
impregnated with polymer, are
because it is difficult to reversibly soften thermosets,
pulled through a shaped heated die
FRP components made from thermosets matrices
to form aligned, continuous sections
must be bent or formed during the manufacturing
process. This may become a problem in some specific
Solid and hollow profile section
applications. For example, FRP reinforcing bars for
may be produced with a high fiber
concrete that incorporate thermosetting polymer
content and high degree of fiber
resins cannot be bent on site, and research is currently
underway to develop satisfactory thermoplastic
Off-axis fibers may also be
matrices for these specialized applications.
introduced, if required.
Three specific types of thermosetting resins are Pultruded shapes and concrete
commonly used in the manufacture of infrastructure reinforcing bars and tendons; I
composites: polyester resin, epoxy resin and beams and other sections.
vinylesters resin. Filament The process involves winding fibers
Winding over a mandrel which rotates while Polyester Resin:
a moving carriage laying down the
Polyesters are the most widely used polymers in the
reinforcement in the desired pattern.
manufacture of FRP components for infrastructure
The orientation of the fibers can
applications due to their relatively low cost and ease
also be carefully controlled so that
of processing (these resins cure at ambient
successive layers are plies or
temperatures). Numerous specific types of polyesters
oriented differently from the
are available for use, with varying degrees of thermal
previous layer.
and chemical stability, moisture absorption, and
Cylindrically symmetric structures
shrinkage during curing.
such as hollow and vessels. The Epoxy Resin: process of wrapping in retrofit
Epoxies are often used in wet lay-up applications of strengthening is an adaptation of the
FRP plates and sheets because of their ability to cure process.
well at room temperature and owing to their Compression Compression moulding of
outstanding adhesion (bonding) characteristics. and Transfer thermosetting moulding compounds
Epoxies have high strength, good dimensional Moulding in dough with chopped glass fibers
stability, relatively good high-temperature properties, (DMC) or sheets with longer fibers
strong resistance to chemicals (except acids), and (SMC).
superior toughness. Epoxies, however, cost significant Simple or complex decorative
more than polyesters or vinylesters panels.
Matched-die Large panels and relatively complex Vinylester Resin:
Vinylesters have similar mechanical and in-service Moulding open structural shapes are
properties to those of the epoxy resins and equivalent and constructed by hot-pressing shets of
processing techniques to those of the unsaturated Autoclave pre-impregnated fibers or cloths
polyesters. Vinylesters are resistant to strong acids between flat or shaped platens, or
and alkalis, which is one reason that they are by pressure autoclaving to
commonly used in the manufacture of FRP consolidate a stack of prepreg
reinforcing bars for concrete (the environment inside sheets against a heated, shaped die.
concrete is highly alkaline). They also offer reduced Composite reinforced with
moisture absorption and shrinkage as compared with chopped-strand mat or continuous-
polyesters. Vinylesters cost slightly more than filament mat reinforcements may
polyesters. also be press-laminated.
Laminates and retrofit strengthening

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309
Applications of Fibber Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP) in Civil Engineering

Continuous Chopped strand mat or chopped Table 3: Typical comparative properties of FRP and
Sheet strands are impregnated with resin steel.
Production and sandwiched between two layers Material Tensile Modulus of
of film on a moving belt. The Strength Elasticity (MPa)
sandwich passes through guides tha (MPa)
form the corrugated or other desired Glass- 1050 55000
profile. Epoxy
Corrugated plates. Carbon- 1500 180000
Resin Pre-catalysed resin is pumped under Epoxy
Transfer low pressure into a fiber perform, Aramid- 1400 76000
Moulding which is contained in a closed and Epoxy
and often heated die. The preform may Steel 400-1000 200000
Vacuum- be made of any kind of
assisted reinforcement, but usually consists Regardless of the type of fibers employed, FRP
resin transfer of woven cloths or continuous- materials have similar stress-strain behavior: linear
moulding fibers mats. elastic up to final brittle rupture when subject to
Structural components with varying tension, which means that they do not possess the
shapes and degrees of ductility that steels have, and their brittleness limit the
anisotropy/orthotropy, e.g. cladding ductile behavior of RC members strengthened with
and roofing panels, shell structures FRP composites. Nevertheless, when used to provide
and bridge decks. confinement for concrete, these materials can greatly
Contact Open mould methods, where fiber enhance the strength and ductility of columns.
moulding by continuous strand mat and/or other Polymeric resins are used both as the matrix for the
hand lay-up fabrics such as woven roving are FRP and as the bonding adhesive between the FRP
or spray-up placed manually in the mould and and the concrete. The latter function is of particular
each ply is impregnated with concern here, as weak adhesives can cause interfacial
brushes and rollers. failures. Epoxy resins are generally used when the
The product must also be built by bonding function of resins is of crucial importance, as
spraying through a gun which in the flexural and shear strengthening of beams.
simultaneously delivers short fiber Present-day epoxy resins are so strong that interfacial
and pre-catalysed resin. failures generally occur in the concrete, particularly as
Fabrication one-off structures, small the concrete in the structure to be strengthened is
number of large components. comparatively weak.
2.4 Mechanical Properties of FRP Composites: Some commonly available FRPs used in concrete
The mechanical properties of an FRP depend on a reinforcing applications, and their respective

 The relative proportions of fiber and matrix

number of factors including: properties, are listed in Tables 4 and 5. Table 6

 The mechanical properties of the constituent

provides a comparison between various types of FRPs
and conventional reinforcing materials for concrete.

 The orientation of the fiber within the matrix,

materials (fiber, matrix, and any additives) From this data it is evident that both glass and aramid
FRPs have moduli that are considerably less than steel

 The method of manufacture.

and in the pre-yield zone, but that carbon FRPs have
moduli that are comparable to, or even higher than,
steel in some cases. Also evident from the data is the
The Young’s modulus and tensile strength of
fact that FRPs have ultimate strengths that can be
composites are lower than that of fibers alone. The
many times greater than steel.
volume fraction of fibers normally ranges between
50-65%. Thus each FRP composite has its own 2.5 Environmental Durability:
typical mechanical characteristics which make it FRP materials are increasingly being used in civil
suitable for a given structural application. Glass fibers engineering applications such as reinforcing rods and
are considerably cheaper than carbon fibers but some tendons, wraps for seismic retrofit of columns,
forms of this fiber tend to be very sensitive to the externally bonded reinforcement, composite bridge
alkaline environments of concrete. Glass fibers also decks, and even hybrid and all composite structural
have a lower elastic modulus than carbon fibers. A systems. Since FRP are still relatively unknown to the
comparison of mechanical properties of FRP with infrastructure system planner, there are heightened
steel is provided in Table 3 (Mufti 1991). concerns related to the overall durability of these
materials, especially as related to their capacity for
sustained performance under harsh and changing
environmental conditions under load (Karbhari 2007).

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309

Table 4: Selected properties of typical currently available FRP reinforcing products

Reinforcement Type Designation Diameter Area Tensile Strength Elastic

(mm) (mm²) (MPa) Modulus (GPa)
Deformed Steel #10 11.3 100 400* 200
V-ROD CFRP Rod 3/8 9.5 71 1431 120
V-ROD GFRP Rod 3/8 9.5 71 765 43
NEFMAC GFRP Grid G 10 N/A 79 600 30
NEFMAC CFRP Grid C 16 N/A 100 1200 100
NEFMAC AFRP Grid A 16 N/A 92 1300 54
LEADLINEᵀᴹ CFRP Rod Round 12 13 2255 147
*specified yield strength
Table 5: Selected properties of typical currently available FRP strengthening systems*
FRP System Fiber Type Weight Thickness Tensile Tensile Elastic Strain at
(g/m²) (mm) Strength Modulus Failure
(MPa) (GPa) (%)
Fyfe Co. LLC (www.fyfeco.com)
Tyfo SHE-51 Glass 930 1.3 575 26.1 2.2
Tyfo SCH-35 Carbon - 0.89 991 78.6 1.3
Mitsubishi (www.mitsubishichemical.com)
Replark Carbon 200 0.11 3400 230 1.5
Replark 30 Carbon 300 0.17 3400 230 1.5
Replark MM Carbon - 0.17 2900 390 0.7
Replark HM Carbon 200 0.14 1900 640 0.3
Sika (www.sika.com)
Hex 100G Glass 913 1.0 600 26.1 2.2
Hex 103C Carbon 618 1.0 960 73.1 1.3
CarboDur S Carbon 2240 1.2-1.4 2800 165 1.7
CarboDur M Carbon 2240 1.2 2400 210 1.2
CarboDur H Carbon 2240 1.2 1300 300 0.5
Degussa Building Systems (www.wabocorp.com)
MBrace EG 900 Glass 900 0.35 1517 72.4 2.1
MBrace CF 530 Carbon 300 0.17 3500 373 0.94
MBrace AK 60 Aramid 600 0.28 2000 120 1.6
*Additional information can be obtained from the specific FRP manufacturers
Table 6: Comparison of typical approximate properties for reinforcing materials for concrete**
Property Steel Rebar Steel Tendon GFRP Rebar CFRP Tendon AFRP Tendon
Tensile Strength (MPa) 483-690 1379-1862 517-1207 1200-2410 1200-2068
Yield Strength (MPa) 276-414 1034-1396 N/A N/A N/A
Tensile Elastic Modulus 200 186-200 30-55 147-165 50-74
Ultimate Elongation (%) >10 >4 2-4.5 1-1.5 2-2.6
Compressive Strength 276-414 N/A 310-482 N/A N/A
CTE* (10¯ ⁶/⁰C) 11.7 11.7 9.9 0 -1 – 0.5
Specific Gravity 7.9 7.9 1.5-2.0 1.5-1.6 1.25
**FRP materials are continually being developed with better properties. The properties given are circa 2000.
*coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)materials.
Although FRP have been successfully used in the equivalent structures fabricated from conventional
industrial, automotive, marine and aerospace sectors, materials (Karbhari 2007).
there are critical differences in loading, environment FRP materials used in civil infrastructure are exposed
and even the types of materials and processes used in to a variety of environmental that may act individually
these applications. Several evidences provides or may be synergistic in nature. According a recent
substantial reason to believe that if appropriately study undertaken to identify critical gaps in durability
designed and fabricated, these materials can grant of composites to be used in civil engineering
longer lifetimes and lower maintenance costs than applications (Karbhari et al. 2003), seven factors were
distinguish, namely:

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309

i. Moisture/solution  In “repairing” a structure, the FRP composite is

ii. Alkali used to fix a structural or functional deficiency
iii. Thermal, including cycling and freeze-thaw such as a crack or a severally degraded structural

 The “strengthening” of structures is specific to

iv. Creep and relaxation component.
v. Fatigue
vi. Ultraviolet radiation those cases wherein the addition or the addition or
vii. Fire. application of the FRP composite would enhance

 The term “retrofit” is used to relate to the seismic

3. Applications: the existing designed performance level.
Over the last decade there has been significant growth
in the use of FRP composites as constriction material upgrades of facilities.
in structural engineering. These materials have proven
themselves to be valuable for use in the construction 3.1.1 Repair and Strengthening:
of new buildings and bridges and for the upgrading of
existing structures (Bank 2006).
3.1 Rehabilitation:
Majority of rehabilitation works consist of repair of
old deteriorating structures, damage due to seismic
activities and other natural hazards. Structural
strengthening is also required because of degradation
problems which may arise from environmental
exposure, inadequate design, poor quality
construction and a need to meet current design
requirement. Therefore, structural repair and
strengthening has received much attention over the
past two decades throughout the world (Karbhari et
al. 2003). Therefore, there is an urgent need for
development of effective, durable and cost-efficient
repair, strengthening and retrofit materials and
methodologies (Hollaway and Head 2001).
Generally, FRP composites can be utilized for Figure 1: Repair and strengthening.
structural rehabilitation in the following situations Repair with FRP composites has been used

 Deficiencies at the design stage, including: design

(Bakis et al. 2002): successfully on concrete, timber, metal and masonry
structures. The predominant role of concrete as a
errors, inadequate factors of safety, use of inferior structural construction material simulated the

 Change of use, in service, namely, increased

class materials and poor construction quality. application of FRP composite in repairing of concrete
structures, namely, bridges and large structural
safety requirements (upgrading of structural elements (Guideline No. 03742, 2006, Documents
design standards), modernization that causes Scientifiques et Techniques, 2001).
redistribution of stresses and increase of the The basic FRP strengthening technique, which is most

 Ageing of materials that compromise the load

applied load. widely applied, involves the manual application of
either wet lay-up or prefabricated systems by means
capacity of the structure: for example concrete of cold cured adhesive bonding. Common in this
degradation in hostile marine or industrial techniques is that the external reinforcement is

 Accidents, as fire or seismic events.

environments. bonded onto the concrete surface with the fibers as
parallel as practically possible to the direction of
principal tensile stresses. Besides the basic
There are two possible alternatives to restore a techniques, several special techniques have been
deficient structure to the required standard; these are developed, namely the automated wet lay-up
complete or partial demolition and rebuild, or wrapping (of columns or chimneys, for example), use
beginning of a programme of strengthening (ACI of pre-stresses FRP (to close open cracks in bridge
364.1R 1994). decks, for example) (FIB Bulletin 14 2001). Near-
surface mounted (NSM) technique may also be
Within the scope of rehabilitation of concrete thought as a special method of reinforcement of
structures, it is essential that differentiation is made concrete structures. In the NSM method, grooves are
between repair, strengthening and retrofit terms which first cut into the concrete cover and the FRP
are often erroneously used interchangeably (Hollaway reinforcement, usually a laminate strip, is bonded
and Head 2001): therein with appropriate groove filler, typically epoxy
paste or cement grout.

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309
Applications of Fibber Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP) in Civil Engineering

3.1.2 Seismic Retrofit: FRP rod similar in appearance to deformed steel

The problem of structural deficiency of existing reinforcing bar, undeformed E-glass and carbon fiber
constructions is especially acute in seismic regions, bar bound with polyester, vinylester or epoxy resin, E-
as, even there, seismic design of structures is glass mesh made from flat FRP bars and prefabricated
relatively recent. The enhancement of confinement in reinforcing cages using flat bars and box sections
structurally deficient concrete columns in seismically (Gowripalan 1999). Stressed FRP reinforcement is
active regions of the world has proven to be one of the also available, usually consisting of bundles of rods or
most significant applications of FRP materials in strands of fiber-reinforced polymer running parallel to
infrastructure applications (FIB Bulletin 35 2006). the axis of the tendon. These are used in a similar
fashion to conventional steel tendons (Gowripolan
Seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete structures, 2000).
namely bridges, using conventional steel techniques,
whilst effective, has been found to be time The durability performance of FRP reinforcements is
consuming, cause significant traffic disruption, rely considered by some (Gowripalan 1999, Ko et al.
on field welding and is susceptible o corrosion. 1997) to offer a possible solution to the problem of
Additionally, many of the methods increase the corrosion of steel reinforcement, a primary factor in
stiffness and strength capacity of the columns putting reduced durability of concrete structures. Other
adjacent structural elements at risk from higher reported advantages of FRP rebar include enhanced
transmitted seismic forces. The use of FRP erection and handling speeds (Cowie 1991) and
composites in this application (figure 2), not only suitability to applications which are sensitive to
provides a means of confinement, without the materials which impede radiowave propagation and
associated increase in stiffness, but also enables the disturb electromagnetic fields.
rapid fabrication of cost effective and durable jackets
3.2.1 FRP bars, rods and grids:
with little traffic interference.
The use of FRP reinforcing bars and grids for
concrete is a growing segment of the application of
FRP composites in structural engineering for new
construction (FIB Bulletin 40, 2007). For an effective
reinforcing action, it is necessary to develop bond
strength between FRP and concrete. This is attained in
FRP rod by having various types of deformation
systems, including exterior wound fibers, sand
coatings and separately formed deformations.
FRP reinforcing bars and grids for concrete with both
glass and carbon fibers are produced by a number of
companies in USA, Asia and Europe (ACI 440R
2007). Their use has become recurrently and is no
longer confined to demonstration project as in the
past. Applications have become routine for certain
specialized environments, namely in bridge decks and
in underground tunnels.
3.2.2 FRP cables for prestressing and poststressing
Composite cable applications in the infrastructure are
Figure 2: Seismic retrofitting of a bridge with FRP used in the construction of suspension and stay cables
composites. for bridges, pre-stressed tendons for various concrete
structures and external reinforcements for structural
3.2 Concrete Structures Reinforced with Fiber beams. All these applications require materials that
Composites: incorporate high tensile strength and, in addition,
Concrete reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer require characteristics such as corrosion resistance
(FRP) materials has been under investigation since the and light weight (Hollaway 2003).
1960’s. The predominant role of concrete as a
construction material and the problems associated Corrosion of steel pre-stressing tendons can lead to
with corrosion of steel reinforcement stimulated the the concrete degradation and the deterioration of
development of fiber composites for internal ( ACI structural integrity. In cable-stay applications, both
440.1R 2003, FIB Bulletin 40, 2007) and external (FIB corrosion and fatigue make the replacement of
Bulletin 14, 2001, ACI 440.2R 2002) reinforcement conventional cables a significant life cost. FRP
of concrete and pre-stressing cables and tendons (ACI composites have good corrosion, durability and
440.4R 2004). Unstressed FRP reinforcement has fatigue characteristics and therefore the utilization of
been developed in a number of forms including ribbed these materials does make good engineering sense.

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309

The initial cost of the cables is higher than their

competitors but this must be weighed against reduced
transportation and handling costs, reduces
maintenance and the anticipated longer useful life for
individual stay cables and for concrete structures pre-
stressed with FRP composite cables.
Figure 3: Taylor Bridge near Winnipeg in Canada
FRP cables are unidirectional reinforced structural
elements made from glass, aramid or carbon fibers 5. Conclusions:
embedded in the polymer matrix. Different shapes The application of FRPs in civil infrastructures is not
exists, such as bars, cables, rectangular strips and uncommon anymore in many European and North
braided reinforcement. American countries, and some Asian countries like
Carbon fiber and aramid cables are used for pre- Japan, China etc. FRP is now widely used in
tension and post-tension concrete, however glass fiber strengthening of existing structures and repair of
cables are not recommended for pre-tension due to the building and bridges that were damaged, shows that
low resistance to alkaline environments (Susana this technique, in many cases, may be a superior
Cabral-Fonseca 2008). alternative to traditional techniques both from
3.3 New FRP Civil Structures: technical and economical perspectives. So, it is very
A small number of new load bearing civil engineering clear that the volume of repair and retrofit works with
structures have been made predominantly from FRP FRPs will increase substantially in the future. For new
materials over the last three decades. These include structures, the application of FRPs is very promising
compound curved roofs (Hollaway 2002) pedestrian and will depend on the ability to compete with the
and vehicle bridges decks (FHWA 2002) energy conventional materials (e.g. steel and concrete).
absorbing roadside guardrails (Bank and Gentry Lightness, structure and easy workability are three
2000), building systems, modular rooftop cooling very positive aspects of FRP materials. However,
towers (Barbero and GangaRao 1991), access design standards is a big factor, also FRPs exhibit
platforms for industrial, chemical and offshore (Hale anisotropic behaviour and their mechanical
1997), electricity transmission towers, power poles, characteristics may be affected by the quantity and
power pole cross-arms and light poles and marine orientation of fiber reinforcement, temperature,
structures such as seawalls and fenders (Weaver environmental conditions and so on. The material
1999). costs of the FRP composites are several times more
than that of the conventional materials. However, the
FRP pultruded structures profiles have been used in a life-cycle cost, including fabrication, application,
significant number of structures to data, including protection and projected maintenance costs, is
pedestrian bridges, vehicular bridges, building comparable and can be less than that of conventional
bridges, building frames, cooling towers, walkways materials. In the longer term, the challenge is to
and platforms, etc. (Susana Cabral-Fonseca 2008). prepare a new generation of architects and civil
4. The future: engineers to utilize the full potential of FRP materials.
The future holds unlimited promise for the use of This requires systematic education and training in the
FRPs in structural engineering applications. One of design and manufacture of FRPs for the construction
the most exciting recent advances is the development industry.
of smart materials and smart structures. Smart are References:
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ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014, pp 299-309

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