Polymer With Cover Page v2
Polymer With Cover Page v2
Polymer With Cover Page v2
Fire Performance of FRP Syst ems for Infrast ruct ure: A St at e-of-t he-Art Report
Venkat esh Kodur
Bond behaviour and durabilit y of FRP composit es applied ext ernally t o masonry st ruct ures
Paulo Lourenço, Bahman Ghiassi
International Journal of
Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 03, July 2014
IJASGE 030317 Copyright © 2014 BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved
used in civil construction was presented by Bakis et unidirectional composites, when fibers are
al. (2002). They divided the whole review into parallel and give their maximum possible
structural shapes, internal reinforcement, externally performance in this single direction,
bonded reinforcement, bridge, standards and codes. A By arranging the fibers in a weave or mat,
review on shear strengthening of RC beams with strength can be gained in more directions,
FRPCs was done Deniaud and Cheng (2001), although the limit strength is reduced,
Bousselham and Chaallal (2004). Review related to By chopping the fibers into short lengths and
the bond-slip model for FRP sheet/plate bonded to arranging them randomly, equal strength is
concrete have presented recently by Lu et al. (2005) achieved in all directions. This is generally the
and review for upgrading of beam-column joints with cheapest technique, used for the least structurally
FRP can be found in Engindeniz et al. (2005). A large demanding cases.
volume of literature now exists on applications of
FRPs in construction industry. Many different types of fibers are available for use,
and all have their respective advantages and
2. Fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP): disadvantages. In civil engineering applications, the
For An FRP is a specific type of two-component three most commonly used fiber types are glass,
carbon (graphite), and to a lesser extent, aramid
composite material consisting of high strength fibers
(Kevlar). The suitability of the various fibers for
embedded in a polymer matrix. The mechanical and
specific applications depends on a number of factors
physical properties are clearly controlled by their
including the required strength, the stiffness,
constituent properties and by the micro-structural
durability considerations, cost constraints, and the
configuration. While the fibers are mainly responsible
availability of component materials.
for strength and stiffness properties, the polymeric
matrix contributes to load transfer and provides 2.1.1 Glass fibers:
environmental protection. In addition, fillers are used Glass fibers are commonly produced by a process
to reduce the cost and sometimes to improve called direct melt, wherein fibers with a diameter of 3
performance, imparting benefits as shrinkage control, to 25 microns are formed by rapid and continuous
surface smoothness and crack resistance. Additives drawing from a glass melt. Glass fibers are used for
and modifiers ingredients can expand the usefulness the majority of composite application because they
of the polymeric matrix, enhance their processability are cheaper than the others. There are different forms
or extend composite durability. known by names like E-glass (the most frequent
used), S-glass (is a stringer and stiffer fiber with a
The reinforcing of a low modulus polymeric matrix greater corrosion resistance), R-glass (is a higher
with high strength and modulus fibers utilizes the tensile strength and modulus and greater resistance to
viscoelastic displacement of the matrix under stress to fatigue and aging) and AR-glass (an alkali-resistant
transfer the load to the fiber; this result in a high glass used to reinforced concrete). The main
strength, high modulus composite material. The aim characteristics of glass fibers are their high tensile
of the combination is to produce a two phase material strengths and moderate elastic modulus. Glass fibers
in which the primary phase, that determines stiffness, are, also, excellent thermal and electrical insulators.
is in the form of fibers and is well disperse and Glass fibers are particularly sensitive to moisture,
bonded and protected by a weak secondary phase, the especially in the presence of salts and elevated
polymeric matrix (Hollaway and Head 2001). alkalinity, and need to be well protected by the resin
2.1 Reinforcing Fibers: systems used in the FRP. Glass fibers are also
The fibers provide the strength and stiffness of an susceptible to creep rupture and lose strength under
FRP. Because the fibers used in most structural FRP sustained stresses.
applications are continuous and are oriented in
2.1.2 Carbon fibers:
specified directions, FRPs are orthotropic, and they Carbon fibers are produced by a process called
are much stronger and stiffer in the fiber direction(s). controlled pyrolysis, wherein one of three potential
According to Halliwell (2000), the functional precursor fibers is subjected to a complex series of
requirements of fibers in a composite are: heat treatments (stabilization, carbonization,
i. High modulus of elasticity to give stiffness graphitization, and surface treatment) to produce
ii. High ultimate strength carbon filaments with diameters in the range of 5-8
iii. Low variation of strength between individual microns. The resulting fibers can have properties that
fibers vary widely, and so several classes of carbon fibers
iv. Stability during handling are available, differentiated based on their elastic
v. Uniform diameter moduli: Standard: 250-300 GPa, Intermediate: 300-
Generally fiber can be used in different ways, with the 350 GPa, High: 350-550GPa, Ultra-High: 550-1000
GPa. Although considerably more expensive than
The highest performance in terms of strength
performance changing for each (Cripps 2002):
glass fibers, carbon fibers are beginning to see
and stiffness in one direction comes from widespread use in structural engineering applications
Continuous Chopped strand mat or chopped Table 3: Typical comparative properties of FRP and
Sheet strands are impregnated with resin steel.
Production and sandwiched between two layers Material Tensile Modulus of
of film on a moving belt. The Strength Elasticity (MPa)
sandwich passes through guides tha (MPa)
form the corrugated or other desired Glass- 1050 55000
profile. Epoxy
Corrugated plates. Carbon- 1500 180000
Resin Pre-catalysed resin is pumped under Epoxy
Transfer low pressure into a fiber perform, Aramid- 1400 76000
Moulding which is contained in a closed and Epoxy
and often heated die. The preform may Steel 400-1000 200000
Vacuum- be made of any kind of
assisted reinforcement, but usually consists Regardless of the type of fibers employed, FRP
resin transfer of woven cloths or continuous- materials have similar stress-strain behavior: linear
moulding fibers mats. elastic up to final brittle rupture when subject to
Structural components with varying tension, which means that they do not possess the
shapes and degrees of ductility that steels have, and their brittleness limit the
anisotropy/orthotropy, e.g. cladding ductile behavior of RC members strengthened with
and roofing panels, shell structures FRP composites. Nevertheless, when used to provide
and bridge decks. confinement for concrete, these materials can greatly
Contact Open mould methods, where fiber enhance the strength and ductility of columns.
moulding by continuous strand mat and/or other Polymeric resins are used both as the matrix for the
hand lay-up fabrics such as woven roving are FRP and as the bonding adhesive between the FRP
or spray-up placed manually in the mould and and the concrete. The latter function is of particular
each ply is impregnated with concern here, as weak adhesives can cause interfacial
brushes and rollers. failures. Epoxy resins are generally used when the
The product must also be built by bonding function of resins is of crucial importance, as
spraying through a gun which in the flexural and shear strengthening of beams.
simultaneously delivers short fiber Present-day epoxy resins are so strong that interfacial
and pre-catalysed resin. failures generally occur in the concrete, particularly as
Fabrication one-off structures, small the concrete in the structure to be strengthened is
number of large components. comparatively weak.
2.4 Mechanical Properties of FRP Composites: Some commonly available FRPs used in concrete
The mechanical properties of an FRP depend on a reinforcing applications, and their respective
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