Children With Special Needs
Children With Special Needs
Children With Special Needs
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Children With Special Needs
Types of marginalised/disabled children :-
Physically disabled
A physical disability is a physical condition that affects a person’s
mobility, physical capacity or stamina. It could be anyone of a number of physical
conditions that significantly impact a person’s ability to perform daily activities. It
may be from birth or due to any disease or accident.
1)Hearing impaired
2) Visually impaired
3) Speech disorders
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4) Orthopedically handicapped
Socially marginalised or disabled means the persons who are
not socially treated as competent as others i.e. those who are not treated as
capable by the society and have been marginalised or discriminated by society.
1) Girls
2) SC & ST
3) Minorities
Emotional :-
1) Anxiety disorder
2) Bipolar disorder
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3) Conduct disorder
4) Psychotic Disorder
5) Personality disorder
D) Cognitive:-
These are the persons who need special attention due to their
cognitive functioning.
1) Mentally retarded
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2) Learning disabled
3) Gifted children
A) Physically disabled
1) Hearing impairment
2) Visually impaired
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magnifying glasses. The blind children need to be taught through Braille and oral
methods for learning and cane for mobility. They should be taught to use their
other sense organs such as hearing, touch, smell, taste etc.
3) Speech disorders
4) Orthopedically handicapped
They need wheel chairs, crutches, braces, hand rails. Their seating
arrangement should be done accordingly. The steps of classroom verandahs
should be constructed in such a way that these children can enter into the class
without the help of other children. The physical environment should be adapted
in such a way that they can participate actively with their normal friends in
different co curricular activities. They need supportive materials like artificial
limbs, lap boards, page turner and thick pencil etc.
B) Social:-
1) Girls
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2) SC, ST & Minorities
C) Cognitive:-
1) Mentally retarded
2) Learning disabled
3) Gifted children
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D) Emotional
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2) Aids and appliances
In an inclusive set up specific attention should be paid towards those aids and
appliances CWSNs require. The resource room of the school should provide them
as they require. Aids and appliances required for :-
Visually impaired
Braille kit, spectacles, Tyler frame with types, cane for mobility,
different types of magnifying glasses, tape recorder and cassettes etc.
Hearing impaired
Hearing aids, visual aids
Orthopedically impaired
Tricycle, wheelchair, calipers, artificial limbs, surgical shoe,
rollator etc.
Cerebral palsy
Wheelchair, calipers, surgical shoe, rollator, braces etc.
4) Access to TLMs
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benefit regular students as well as CWSNs. Ensure that visual, tactile and pictorial
learning aids are available and accessible. Emphasis should be given to use of
concrete objects as TLMs. For children with visual difficulties, ensure availability
of accessible TLMs such as Braille, large print, audio, e- text etc. Make science labs
accessible by Braille labeling, tactile charts and diagrams.
Ensure availability of embossed and tactile TLMs i.e. Maps, globes, charts, models,
diagrams etc. Access to communication and information in the required language
through interpreters, electronic devices etc. should be ensured. The books
available to regular students should be made available in Braille form and audio
forms. Talking board, sound discrimination toys should be used. More visual aids
to be used for understanding of hearing impaired children. Supportive materials
like lap boards, page turner and thick pencil should be provided to the children
who are in need of those.
The path from gate to classroom should be clear and leveled. All
entrances and doorways should be between 4 to 5 feet wide. Avoid sharp turns in
the walkways. The walkway must be clear of any hung and protruding
obstructions such as windows, lights, low branches, flower pots and sign posts
etc. A handrail should be provided at any dangerous point in the walkway. Steps
should be of equal and even heights. All the surfaces should be nonslip.
Flexible curriculum:-
Flexible curriculum means designing a curriculum that allows for
flexible modes of participation on the part of students. A flexible curriculum is
designed by keeping in view the needs and interests of all students. This type of
curriculum is child centered. Bringing flexibility in curriculum refers to bring
flexibility in syllabus, textbooks, teaching learning materials, teaching strategies
and process of assessment. The curriculum should respond to diversities of
students and make provisions for teaching all types of students in a single
classroom. Curriculum should provide learning activities suitable for all students
both with disability and without disability. The content of the curriculum should
be relevant to the real life needs of students.
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Flexible teaching learning strategies:-
1) Child centered
2) Interactive
3) Individual
4) Group
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objectives to be achieved. Groups can be formed homogeneous, heterogeneous,
by choice or by interest but it is better to form heterogeneous groups so that
CWSNs should not feel isolated.
5) Collaborative
6) Participatory
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