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Children With Special Needs

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Children With Special Needs
Types of marginalised/disabled children :-

Physically disabled
A physical disability is a physical condition that affects a person’s
mobility, physical capacity or stamina. It could be anyone of a number of physical
conditions that significantly impact a person’s ability to perform daily activities. It
may be from birth or due to any disease or accident.

1)Hearing impaired

Hearing is the ability to perceive sound. Hearing impairment is the

inability to perceive sounds through the ear. It is caused due to damage to any
part of ear which blocks the transmission of sound. Hearing impairment refers to
any defect in or damage to hearing mechanism. It may range in severity from mild
to moderate to profound. Complete deafness is the condition where the person
cannot hear even with the use of hearing instruments or technologies. It affects
their capacity to understand language or speech.

2) Visually impaired

Visual impairment means weakness or defect in the power of

seeing. Visually impaired children are those who had problems with vission. These
include blind, one eyed and low vission. Depending upon the degree of loss of
vision they may be partially sighted or blind. This may happen due to any disease
or an accident causing harm to eye parts.

3) Speech disorders

Children with speech disorders are those who have problems in

voice rhythm and articulations. It so happens either due to their defective speech
organs or due to lack of proper habit formation. There are different types of
speech disorders i.e. voice disorder, articulation disorder and fluency disorder.

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4) Orthopedically handicapped

They are also known as children with locomotors disability. A

person with locomotors disability has limited movement of body parts. They have
paralysis in upper or lower limbs. They are unable to use their arms or legs like
others. It happens due to problems in functioning of bones, joints and limbs.

5) Children with special health problems

It includes children who have poor physical conditions and require

special health precautions at home or school. Epilepsy, diabetic problems,
asthma, pain in the joints and anemia are some of this type.

6) Children with multiple handicaps

Multiple handicaps refer to more than one handicap in the

child. A child may be blind and deaf, blind and orthopedically disabled, deaf and
orthopedically handicapped etc.

Socially marginalised or disabled means the persons who are
not socially treated as competent as others i.e. those who are not treated as
capable by the society and have been marginalised or discriminated by society.

1) Girls

Girls have remained socially disadvantaged for a long time. Girls

suffer in almost all aspects of their life. Literacy and education are basic human
rights which are still sometimes denied to girls. They face inequality in nutrition,
healthcare, employment etc.

2) SC & ST

Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes are among the most

disadvantaged socio economic groups in India. They are discriminated on the
basis of caste system. Dalits does not refer to a caste, but suggests a group who
are in a state of oppression, social disability and who are helpless and poor.
Scheduled tribes are a product of marginalisation based on ethnicity. The
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marginalisation of SC s and STs influence all spheres of their life, violating basic
human rights such as civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights. Literacy
rates among them are very low.

3) Minorities

Minority means less in number. Minority groups refer to the people

who are discriminated or marginalised because they are small in number. This
group may be formed on the basis of language, religion, culture or geographical
conditions. Being minority, they are deprived of getting facilities equal to all
others of the society. The children of such groups have some special needs which
are to be addressed by education. Greater attention will be paid to the education
of these groups in the interest of equality and social justice.

Emotional :-

An emotional disability is a disability that impacts a person's ability to

recognize, interpret, control and express fundamental emotions. It is an inability
to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors. It is an
inability to maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and
teachers. The child shows inappropriate types of behaviour or feelings under
normal circumstances.

1) Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterised by

feelings of anxiety and fear. We all experience anxiety from time to time but for
many people including children, anxiety can be excessive, persistent and
uncontrollable. It affects their daily life activities.

2) Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious medical condition that causes dramatic

mood swings from overly high irritable to sad and hopeless and then back again,
often with periods of normal mood in between.

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3) Conduct disorder

Conduct disorder is a repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour

in children and adolescents in which the rights of others or the basic social rules
are violated. It usually begins during childhood or adolescence. Children and
adolescents with the disorder have a difficult time following rules and behaving in
socially acceptable way. They may display aggressive, destructive behaviours,
disobedience, irresponsibility, anger etc.

4) Psychotic Disorder

It refers to several mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and

perceptions. Two of the main symptoms are delusions and hallucinations.
Delusions are false beliefs, such as thinking that someone is plotting against you.
Hallucinations are false perceptions, such as hearing, seeing or feeling something
that is not there.

5) Personality disorder

Feeling of inferiority, self consciousness, social withdrawal, seldom

smiles, depression etc. It is a mental disorder in which a person has a rigid and
unhealthy pattern of thinking.

D) Cognitive:-

These are the persons who need special attention due to their
cognitive functioning.

1) Mentally retarded

Mentally retarded is due to the retardation of the normal

growth, development and functioning of their mental capacities. It is a condition
of incomplete development of mind. Children with mental retardation learn more
slowly than other children, have more difficulty in solving problems and show
language and communication deficits. They are unable to behave like others and
to understand abstract concepts.

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2) Learning disabled

Learning disability refers to a group of disorders that affect a broad

range of academic and functional skills including the ability to speak, listen, read,
write, spell, reason and organize information. It is due to the difficulties in their
psychological process. This is due to how they receive and process information.
They see, hear and understand things differently. This can lead to trouble with
learning new information and skills and using them.

3) Gifted children

Gifted children are those who possess potential abilities of high

performance capability. They have several kinds of special needs. They learn
faster than others. They are more curious and ask complicated questions. They
think more abstractly in comparison to others. They may argue about illogical
conclusions. But it does not mean that they are to be separated from their peers
and given special education.

A) Physically disabled

1) Hearing impairment

The hearing aid is very essential for learning of impaired

children for their further training and education. But hearing aid should be
selected according to the degree of hearing loss. Sign language should be taught
to them. They require auditory training to differentiate one voice from another.
The lips of teachers should be visible to the children so that they can be able to
supplement listening by the lip reading.

2) Visually impaired

Partially sighted children need to be encouraged to use their

remaining sight as much as possible. They need large print materials and

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magnifying glasses. The blind children need to be taught through Braille and oral
methods for learning and cane for mobility. They should be taught to use their
other sense organs such as hearing, touch, smell, taste etc.

3) Speech disorders

Those children who have mild speech disorders can be

integrated directly. They need the attention of parents and teachers during early
years for their correction through habit formation. Some children with major
speech disorders need resource room facilities. They should be encouraged to
practice their communication skills in natural situation.

4) Orthopedically handicapped

They need wheel chairs, crutches, braces, hand rails. Their seating
arrangement should be done accordingly. The steps of classroom verandahs
should be constructed in such a way that these children can enter into the class
without the help of other children. The physical environment should be adapted
in such a way that they can participate actively with their normal friends in
different co curricular activities. They need supportive materials like artificial
limbs, lap boards, page turner and thick pencil etc.

B) Social:-

1) Girls

* Close relationship between the school and community.

* Incentives.
* Change in the negative attitude of parents.
* Relevant curriculum design.
* Posting of female teachers.
* Equal participation in all activities.
* Self defense training.
* Girl friendly environment.

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2) SC, ST & Minorities

* Incentives for families to send their children to school

* Social awareness
* Teacher recruitment from their categories
* Mother tongue based multilingual education
* Availability of text book and other learning materials in minority languages
* Remedial classes
* To be perceived as competent

C) Cognitive:-

1) Mentally retarded

Those having problems in learning need repetition of instructions.

Some need to be trained in vocational areas and daily living skills. Supportive aids
to be provided to the students to learn the concept. Co curricular activities should
be organized to facilitate eye hand coordination. Pupil's interest should be taken
into account for choosing learning activities. Group activities should be
encouraged for better social development of such children. They should be
encouraged to do their work independently.

2) Learning disabled

The mild learning disability can be educated with little attention.

They face problems in basic academic skills in one or more learning areas. With
some adjustment and adaptation in curriculum, they can be educated in regular
classes. Severely learning disabled need intensive remedial exercises.

3) Gifted children

Their independent study habits need to be encouraged. They need

extra assignments and programmes for development of their creative ability. They
should be provided proper opportunities for developing their talent. They should
be encouraged to gain new experiences. They need appreciation for their works.
They have a need to get knowledge, to satisfy interest, self expression and
creativity. They need to be given scope for their fullest development.

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D) Emotional

They need the support of parents and teachers to complete their

education. Special remedial technique should be followed to British modifications
in their behaviour. The physical environment of the school should be free from
unnecessary distractions. They should be involved in planning co curricular
activities. Constructive and positive feedback should be provided with a view to
helping them to improve their performance. Ignore inappropriate behaviour if not
dangerous. Praise those with appropriate behaviour. Engage them in group
activities. Solve their problems in such a manner that it shows care and concern
rather than dominate or punish. They need to be provided counseling in such a
manner that they will solve their own problems.

Strategies for addressing their educational needs in inclusive

set up :-
Specific attention to their needs in classroom management:-
1) Seating arrangement

While dealing with an inclusive classroom, seating arrangement

should be given proper emphasis. Care should be taken that children with special
needs will not seat separately from regular normal students. They should be
seated between normal students. They must feel that they belong to the same
community as other students.

Seating arrangement may be in row style or in groups. But all the

CWSNs should not be seated in a group. It is better to form heterogeneous
groups. Chairs and tables or benches and desks should be so designed that
CWSNs should not feel hard to sit, to get up or to remain standing at their
position. Arrangement should be done to sit with wheel chairs for children with
locomotors disabilities. Students with low vision should be placed near the
blackboard. Those students who require loud voice to hear should be seated at a
few distances from the teacher. It is most preferable to allow them to sit in the
first row. Gifted children should be seated with other average or lower label
students so as to benefit them.

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2) Aids and appliances

In an inclusive set up specific attention should be paid towards those aids and
appliances CWSNs require. The resource room of the school should provide them
as they require. Aids and appliances required for :-

 Visually impaired
Braille kit, spectacles, Tyler frame with types, cane for mobility,
different types of magnifying glasses, tape recorder and cassettes etc.
 Hearing impaired
Hearing aids, visual aids
 Orthopedically impaired
Tricycle, wheelchair, calipers, artificial limbs, surgical shoe,
rollator etc.
 Cerebral palsy
Wheelchair, calipers, surgical shoe, rollator, braces etc.

3) Light and Ventilation

Light and ventilation affects the teaching learning process of the

classroom. There should be enough windows in classroom to allow adequate
ventilation and lighting. Allow natural light into the classroom whenever possible,
but be careful to not have a lot of sunlight glare. The quality and quantity of light
influence the moods and feelings of children. The level of light should enable
hearing impaired students to easily see the faces of teachers and to mark their lip
movements. Visually impaired students will rely on strong sources of light to
enhance their ability to see.

Classrooms should have appropriate ventilations to allow for

good airflow and quality. Windows should be open and large enough. Fans can be
used to enhance airflow.

4) Access to TLMs

While teaching in an inclusive classroom, teachers should design

TLMs in such a way that these will be accessible to all students. TLMs show

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benefit regular students as well as CWSNs. Ensure that visual, tactile and pictorial
learning aids are available and accessible. Emphasis should be given to use of
concrete objects as TLMs. For children with visual difficulties, ensure availability
of accessible TLMs such as Braille, large print, audio, e- text etc. Make science labs
accessible by Braille labeling, tactile charts and diagrams.
Ensure availability of embossed and tactile TLMs i.e. Maps, globes, charts, models,
diagrams etc. Access to communication and information in the required language
through interpreters, electronic devices etc. should be ensured. The books
available to regular students should be made available in Braille form and audio
forms. Talking board, sound discrimination toys should be used. More visual aids
to be used for understanding of hearing impaired children. Supportive materials
like lap boards, page turner and thick pencil should be provided to the children
who are in need of those.

5) Mobility inside the class

Physically handicapped children need wheelchairs, crutches,

braces and hand rails for mobility. Necessary arrangements should be made for
their easy entering into the class. The steps of the classroom verandahs should be
constructed in such a way that these children can enter into the class without the
help of other children. Keep blind students informed about any rearrangement
inside the classroom and the school campus. Tell them the location of different

The path from gate to classroom should be clear and leveled. All
entrances and doorways should be between 4 to 5 feet wide. Avoid sharp turns in
the walkways. The walkway must be clear of any hung and protruding
obstructions such as windows, lights, low branches, flower pots and sign posts
etc. A handrail should be provided at any dangerous point in the walkway. Steps
should be of equal and even heights. All the surfaces should be nonslip.

6) Interpersonal relation and support

The children with special needs require interpersonal relation and

support. Their relations with teachers and peers greatly affect their learning
process. They should not be treated as separate from regular students. Peers
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need to behave with them in the same way they behave with other normal
students. Teachers should treat them as equal to others. They should be believed
as capable. While asking questions, giving answers, performing activities they
should be treated as normal. They should not be marginalized, rather they need

Flexible curriculum:-
Flexible curriculum means designing a curriculum that allows for
flexible modes of participation on the part of students. A flexible curriculum is
designed by keeping in view the needs and interests of all students. This type of
curriculum is child centered. Bringing flexibility in curriculum refers to bring
flexibility in syllabus, textbooks, teaching learning materials, teaching strategies
and process of assessment. The curriculum should respond to diversities of
students and make provisions for teaching all types of students in a single
classroom. Curriculum should provide learning activities suitable for all students
both with disability and without disability. The content of the curriculum should
be relevant to the real life needs of students.

Curriculum should provide an opportunity to every child in the

classroom including CWSNs to learn maximum according to their learning
potential. Learning purpose may be same for all but learning experiences vary
from child to child. Curriculum should prescribe for use of all available
educational/assistive technologies to ensure equal participation. It should include
locally available situations to develop vocational competencies. It should provide
flexibility in school and class timetables to address individual needs of children.
Create opportunities to facilitate social interaction. Ensure participation of CWSNs
in co curricular activities such as play, games, social and cultural activities to
improve the physical and mental health. Adaptations need to be made in
procedures for assessment, use of teaching strategies including signs and

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Flexible teaching learning strategies:-
1) Child centered

Teaching learning strategies need to be child centered. While

teaching we must keep in view need and interest of children. They must be given
active role in the classroom process. They should be included in planning,
preparation and conducting various learning activities.

2) Interactive

Classroom process should be made interactive. Communication

should not be only from one end i.e. Teacher should not be sole authority to start
a conservation. There must be enough scope for students to interact with their
teachers as well as with their peers. Discussion should be an integral part of the
teaching learning process. Children learn better when the learning process
involves interaction between their peers.

3) Individual

Teaching learning process should focus on each any every individual.

There are individual differences among children. They differ from each other in
needs, interest, aptitude, ability, attitude, motivation, learning process etc. Our
teaching learning process should be flexible enough to cater individual needs of
students. Each individual must be given opportunities to attain his/her fullest

4) Group

Children should be learned in groups. Group learning enables

children to learn from each other, to correct each other and enhances greater
cooperation among them. In order to achieve successful results teacher must
carefully form groups in keeping view the nature of classroom and the learning

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objectives to be achieved. Groups can be formed homogeneous, heterogeneous,
by choice or by interest but it is better to form heterogeneous groups so that
CWSNs should not feel isolated.

5) Collaborative

There are several benefits of collaborative learning structures for

students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are more engaged in
classroom activities compared to traditional classroom interventions.
Specifically, in inclusive classes that use collaborative learning, students
articulate their thoughts more freely, receive confirming and constructive
feedback, engage in questioning techniques, receive additional practice on skills,
and have increased opportunities to respond. Further, when students are
thinking aloud while discussing, teachers are better able to assess student and
group needs and intervene if needed. That is, by actively monitoring students’
learning, teachers are able to redirect groups toward learning tasks and provide
necessary helps. Students with disabilities are more likely to be at instructional
level and have positive learning outcomes when explanations and models are
provided by their peers. These benefits and quality learning are realized only
when both the general and special education teachers are committed to the
learning structures that benefit all students.

6) Participatory

Participatory learning means each stakeholder participates or gets

involved in the process. Not only teachers and students, it also includes parents
and community members. They are involved in planning of curriculum
transaction. They supplement learning at school with experiences at home and
community. It enables children to learn various aspects of their society and
provides experiences to tackle real life problems. There is a need for greater
cooperation between school, parents and community in order to make teaching
learning process successful.

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