Design and Fabrication of Electric Bike With Sliding Frame
Design and Fabrication of Electric Bike With Sliding Frame
Design and Fabrication of Electric Bike With Sliding Frame
Wirawan Sumbodo*, Wahyudi, Rizki Setiadi, Kriswanto, Febrian Arif Budiman
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Semarang,
Transportation is important for humans. Generally, the means of transportation use machines that can pollute the
environment. The use of fuel oil which is used as a driving force for vehicles can be the main cause of the release
of various pollutants. Emissions generated by internal combustion engines can cause many losses. Losses due to
emissions include losses on health, the environment, and economic impacts. Besides, the amount of fuel oil resourc-
es is decreasing every year. For that to anticipate this need development electric bike. The campus environment, es-
pecially that of the more established universities, has entered the public consciousness as being a haven for electric
bike use. The main advantages of electric bikes are economical and environmentally friendly. The objectives of this
study were (1) to design an electric bike, (2) to analyze the strength of the sliding frame of an electric bike, (3) to test
the distance traveled by an electric bike. The research method used research and development. The results of the
research are (1) an electric bike design with a sliding frame has been created, (2) the results of the frame analysis
using iron material, the von mises stress 49.98 MPa, a maximum displacement of 0.125 mm, and a safety factor is
3. (3) Based on the test track, an electric bike using a sliding frame can travel a distance of 75 km with a maximum
speed of 25 km/hour.
Key words: transportation, design, fabrication, electric bike, frame, sliding frame
An energy crisis is one of the major concerns in today’s ical and environmentally friendly. Among the economic
world due to the fast depleting resources of petrol, die- benefits, we can find the total cost per kilometer traveled
sel, and natural gas. In combination with this, environ- by an electric bicycle (including energy, purchase, and
mental decay is an additional factor is contributing to maintenance) [7]. Electric bike as an alternative means
the depletion of resources and to become attention[1]. of transportation can save an average of 8.5 liters of
Much research worldwide has been conducted on elec- gasoline per 100 km [8]. Electric bikes are widely used
tro-mobility solutions, especially during recent years of in developed countries such as China and the Nether-
increased awareness of CO2 emissions and the environ- lands. Electric bikes, which are driven by a combination
mental consequences of profligate consumption of fossil of pedaling and a battery-powered electric motor, are a
fuels. However, the common term electric vehicles has promising alternative to car transportation. Their main
become almost synonymous with electric cars, apart advantages include the lower purchase and operating
from some prominent niche examples which will be ex- costs than cars, the ability to travel long distances and
plored. Cars are only one example of practical electric with less physical effort compared to traditional bicycles,
transportation. Sustainable and practical personal mobil- and zero emissions during operation [9].
ity solutions for campus environments have traditionally The objectives of this study were (1) to design an electric
revolved around the use of bicycles, or the provision of bike, (2) to analyze the strength of the sliding frame of
pedestrian facilities. However, many campus environ- an electric bike, (3) to test the distance traveled by an
carry an e-bike up to the distance of 48 to 60 km, at the nological University in Singapore. According to him, this
average speed of around 20 km/h [12]. campus is a well-known and useful administration, with
Standard e-bike frames need to be able to accommodate several models of electric bikes very widely used. Electric
the extra mass of electric bicycle components (motor, bicycle riders can be both fun and engaging at the same
controller, and battery). Common locations for batteries time making the most of it and are perfect for campus
are on some kind of rack above the rear wheel, between trips. Understanding and the general public alike viewed
the rear wheel and seat post, below a crossbar, or above the plan without hesitation, and the creators have seen a
the front wheel. At least one electric bicycle conversion decline in the number of motorists on the ground [21].
kit locates batteries as panniers carried either side of the The platform is designed with a solid base so that it can
rear wheel [2]. The electric bicycle that owns the acceler- withstand loads together with the weight of the person
ation system is equipped with an electric motor driven by driving uniformly. It is made of mild steel at a certain an-
an accelerator lever [13]. gle in cross-section and is welded with sheet metal of a
To analyze the strength of the frame can use the FEA certain thickness. The alignment of the platform is made
model [14]. FEA models have been created and frame horizontal regardless of whether it is loaded or unload-
analysis is carried out for various speeds and types of ed and it is directly bolted and welded to the frame [22].
collisions indicating that the design is safe even at maxi- Batteries vary according to voltage, total charge capaci-
mum speed (80 Kmph). The materials AISI 4130 can use ty (amp hours), weight, number of charge cycles before
frame e-bike. [15]. Analyzed stress and optimized a cus- performance deteriorates, and ability to handle over-volt-
tom bicycle frame design using Pro/Engineer software. age charging conditions [23]. Electric bicycle batteries
This research tries to verify the stress response and can be recharged by plugging in a power supply or ped-
displacement of several types of bicycle frames using aling. Besides, certain electric bicycles take 6-8 hours to
a wireframe model and then analyzes its solid structure charge the battery. Generally, the travel distance ranges
[16]. Design and analysis frame can simulation using the
F from 35-50 km with a speed of about 20 km/hour (de-
help of ANSY software. This research used AISI 4130 pending on the rider's weight) [24]. Designed the E-bike
material. With a yield strength of 460 MPa. The highest with some special modifications which include phone
safety factor value is 2.54 in the torsion test. with a de- charging port, led light, system electric horn, tachometer
sign that is made of a lightweight and safe frame [17]. with Foldable E-Bike. The components used include led
lights-2, tachometer, friction generator, hub drive, elec-
Electric bikes use a DC motor as their main driving force.
tric motor with gear & pedal system, shock absorbers,
Electric bikes are electrically operated and can also be
battery, USB port, locking system, brakes & clutch, and
pedaled. Based on the calculation of the no-load speed
wheels [25].
of 20.66 km/h with a power requirement of 391.69 watts
[18]. The motor power generally ranges from 200 W Some specifications of electric bicycles from various
to 1000 W. The weight ranges from 20kg to 45kg, and countries are shown in Table 1.
the range can be as high as 150km on a single charge. The state of the art of this study is an electric bicycle with
Speeds are generally less than 45km/h [19] a sliding frame platform, namely an electric bicycle with
Designing an electric bicycle powered by a lithium-ion a frame that can be adjusted according to your needs
battery, the electric bicycle can cover a distance of 60 and comfort. Besides, electric bicycles can be operated
km, and charging takes approximately 3.5 hours [20]. using two modes. If the battery is still fully charged, an
The Waterloo WeBike project: a field trial in which more electric motor drive can be used. If the battery runs out,
than 30 sensors equipped with e-bikes were provided to the bicycle can still be operated like a scooter with a foot-
members of the University of Waterloo for personal use. Table 1: Specifications of electric bikes from various
Our dataset includes nearly three years of e-bike rides countries [22]
and battery charging sessions. Our main finding was that
the main purpose of e-bikes in our trials was for travel, Max.
with most trips lasting less than 20 minutes and most trips Country Type speed Load Age
taking place in the summer months. Our charging analy- km/h
sis revealed no evidence of range anxiety, and our anal- Australia Pedal (P) 25 250 - -
ysis of survey results showed little correlation between
Canada Hand (H) 32 500 - -
anticipated and actual use. Furthermore, when asked
China P/H 30 200 20 -
Wirawan Sumbodo, et al. - Design and fabrication of electric bike with sliding frame
rest instead of pedaling like a normal bicycle. With the and V is the speed of the electric bike. To change the
right design, an electric bicycle that is environmentally speed of an electric bike, a force that can overcome drag
friendly, portable, and low in price will be produced if it is and give linear acceleration to an electric bike is needed,
mass-produced for campus transportation. this force is called the acceleration force. The accelera-
This study uses a Research and Development (R & D) tion force is calculated using equation (4). Where FAc is
approach. The research method used three-step, obser- the acceleration force, and a is the acceleration of the
vation, development, and application. The observation electric bike.
stage was carried out on the existing electric bicycle de- Fr=m. g. fr (1)
signs. The development stage is carried out by design- Fg=m. g. sin α (2)
ing a portable electric bicycle with stylish stages, power
FAd=0.5 ρ CA V
simulation, frame analysis, and engineering drawing.
Before application, the bicycle was tested to be ridden FAc=m. a (4)
and driven on roads that were uphill and downhill with To calculate the power required by adding the equations
inclines not reaching 30 degrees. The application stage (1), (2), (3), and (4) multiplied by the speed of the electric
is the application of designs and calculations that have bike. Based on the results of calculations and various
been carried out on the real road and used as a means considerations with a maximum passenger load of 100
of campus transportation. kg, and road conditions on the Universitas Negeri Sema-
rang campus area, 500 watts of electric motor power
RESULT AND DISCUSSION is used. The type of electric motor used is BLDC. The
choice of this electric motor is because it has high mo-
Design Procedure For E-Bike With Sliding Frame
tor efficiency, and is easy to maintain. The electric motor
The design includes analysis of bicycle needs, calcula- used is shown in Figure 2. The working voltage on the
tion of electric motor power, making frames with a slid-
F electric motor is 48 V.
ing frame platform, and brake systems. To calculate the
power requirements of an electric motor. first, calculate
the force acting on an electric bicycle. The force calcu-
lated includes the rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag,
hill-climbing force, and acceleration force.
tate and friction against the road. The force acting on the voltage, and Cbattery is battery capacity (Ah). The battery
bicycle when it is running is called rolling resistance. To used is a VRLA type. Using equation (5) the energy in
calculate the working force, you can use equation (1). the battery is 576 Wh. This energy will be sufficient to
Where Fr is the rolling resistance force, m is the mass of meet the power usage requirements of the e-bike.
the electric bike with the passenger (kg), g is the force of Ebike design used Autodesk Inventor software. Using
gravity (m/s2) and fr is the friction coefficient. The coeffi- Autodesk Inventor software, the researchers analyzed
cient value of asphalt/concrete roads is 0.013, gravel is the strength of the frame. The design of an electric bi-
0.02, the soil is 0.05, and fields is 0.1 [18]. cycle that is created is shown in Figure 3. The results of
the analysis include von mises stress, displacement, and
Wirawan Sumbodo, et al. - Design and fabrication of electric bike with sliding frame
The main components of an e-bike include frame, bat- Electric bike batteries can be recharged by plugging in a
tery, controller, electric motor, brake system. The electric power supply. The electric bike takes 7 hours to charge
bicycle diagram is shown in Figure 4. the full battery. An electric bike the test track chart with a
battery indicator is shown in Figure 8.
Battery Controller Electric Motor
Sliding Frame
Based on the calculation and design results of the elec-
tric bike design are shown in Table 2. (a) (b) (c)
Table 2: Specification e-bike with sliding frame Figure 7: (a)The process of fabricating an e-bike with
sliding frame, (b) & (c) The test track
Max. Max.
Power Brake
Type Speed Load Age Distance
(W) system
km/jam (kg)
Drum distance (km) 60
walking 25 500 100 -
(H/W) 40
The distribution of loads on the bicycle frame is shown in F
Figure 5. The simulation results on an electric bike frame 0
are shown in Figure 6. The results of the finite element 100% 60% 30% 10%
method simulation using the Autodesk Inventor applica- Battery Discharge (%)
tion with iron material and get the von mises stress of
49.98 MPa, a maximum displacement of 0.125 mm, and Figure 8: Battery discharge vs distance
a safety factor is 3. Based on the simulation results, the
The test track used an odometer. The odometer used
prone areas on the sliding frame are at the connection
can calculate vehicle speed, operating time, average
between the front and rear frames, but the safety factor
speed, and distance traveled. Based on the results of
can still > 3 and can be categorized as safe.
testing electric bikes on the road, electric bikes can op-
The BLDC motor is used as the main driver of an elec- erate for 3.5 hours with an average speed of 20 km/hour
tric bike. The electric motor used has a power of 500 and can travel a distance of 75 km.
watts. The BLDC motor is an electric motor that has high
The advantages of the designed sliding frame are: (1)
efficiency and is maintenance-free and does not cause
a lightweight frame that increases the mileage (2) the
noise. The battery used has a voltage of 48 volts 12 Ah.
length of the bicycle can be adjusted according to the
comfort of the rider, (3) the production process is cheap-
er. (4) the battery uses VRLA and can be replaced with a
lithium battery ion so that the vehicle load is reduced so
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