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Orellana en Hamburguesa de Pescado

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International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 30 (2022) 100598

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International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science

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Impact of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on chemical, physical,

microbiological and sensory characteristics of fish burger prepared from
salmon and striped catfish filleting by-product
Ulisa Pachekrepapol *, Maturose Thangrattana, Apichaya Kitikangsadan
Division of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural Product Innovation and Technology, Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon Nayok, 26120, Thailand


Keywords: The aim of this study is to develop fish burger prepared from salmon and striped catfish filleting by-product with
Fish burger supplementation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) or soy protein isolate (SPI). Oyster mushroom was used
Oyster mushroom in the formulation at 10% and 15% (w/w), while SPI was added at 2% (w/w). It was found that fish burgers
prepared with oyster mushroom and SPI showed reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values
and improved thawing loss and cooking yield during storage at − 18◦ C. The incorporation of mushroom increased
total viable counts, but there was no significant change during storage. All samples were adequate for human
consumption as the microbiological analyses were within the acceptable range. Incorporation of mushroom did
not affect the sensory characteristics of the products.

1. Introduction in Thailand, despite its high market price as it is imported from other
countries, especially Norway and Chile. After filleting process, me­
Due to rapidly changing lifestyle, urbanization, and a shift in food chanical separation process has been applied to separate the muscle
consumption from traditional diet to a westernized diet, fast food be­ material that is attached to the bones, thus minced fish is obtained and
comes popular among young and adult population (Li et al., 2020b). can be used for the formulation of value-added products (Secci et al.,
However, many fast foods such as sausages and burgers, produced from 2017).
ground meat, generally contain as high as 30% fat (Utrera et al., 2014a). Fish and fish products are highly perishable foods. Therefore, proper
Consumption of red meat and processed meat was reported to increase handling, processing and storage are required to ensure microbial safety
risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease because they are (Aspevik et al., 2021). Frozen storage has been used extensively to
high in fat, cholesterol, sodium and heterocyclic amines occurred from extend shelf-life and minimize quality loss of fish and fish products, but
processing of meat at high temperature (Kontogianni et al., 2008; temperature abuse may occur during transport, storage, and market
McAfee et al., 2010). Therefore, consumers have tried to reduce con­ display, thus the quality of products may be affected. Freezing slows
sumption of processed red meat products and turn to fish products down undesirable metabolic processes of animal derived products, but it
because of lower cholesterol and saturated fat content (Tacon and may affect physical properties (i.e., decreased water holding capacity
Metian, 2013). The fact that fish is healthy and nutritious positively leading to excessive drip loss), chemical processes (i.e., protein dena­
affected consumers’ choice to choose fish products over other meat turation and lipid oxidation), and sensory properties (Pérez-Palacios
products (Morales and Higuchi, 2018). Striped catfish (Pangasius hypo­ et al., 2010). Due to high content of unsaturated fat, fish are susceptible
phthalmus), also known as sutchi catfish, tra fish or dory fish, is one of to lipid oxidation, which may lead to loss of nutrients and rancidity
the major fish species cultivated in the South-East Asia region including (Giménez et al., 2011). Addition of natural ingredients, such as mush­
Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam and widely exported as room, to reduce drip loss and prevent lipid oxidation of meat products
frozen fillets because of its low price and white meat (Guimarães et al., has been studied. Addition of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and
2016). Salmon (Salmo salar) is a popular fish species among consumers oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) at low concentration to ground

* Corresponding author. Division of Food Science and Nutrition Faculty of Agricultural Product Innovation and Technology Srinakharinwirot University, 63
Rangsit-Nakhonnayok Road, Khong 16, Ongkharak, Nakhon Nayok, 26120, Thailand.
E-mail address: [email protected] (U. Pachekrepapol).

Received 8 June 2022; Received in revised form 1 September 2022; Accepted 12 September 2022
Available online 16 September 2022
1878-450X/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
U. Pachekrepapol et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 30 (2022) 100598

beef and beef salami resulted in lower thiobarbituric acid reactive sub­ Table 1
stance (TBARS) values (Alnoumani et al., 2017; Özünlü and Ergezer, Ingredients (%) of fish burgers made from striped catfish (Pangasius hypo­
2021). Patinho et al. (2019) incorporated between 15 and 30% button phthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat.
mushroom to beef patties and found that 15% mushroom gave the Ingredients (%) Treatment
lowest lipid oxidation. However, incorporation of mushroom at high Control Soy-2 Mushroom-10 Mushroom-15
level affected the sensory properties of the products.
Striped catfish meat 42.47 41.47 37.47 34.97
Mushroom is rich in fiber, proteins, mineral, vitamins, phenolic
Salmon meat 42.47 41.47 37.47 34.97
compounds and beta-glucan, which is a type of polysaccharide found in Oyster mushroom – – 10.00 15.00
cell wall, thus beta-glucan may increase water holding capacity of the Water 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38
frozen products (Khan et al., 2018). Oyster mushroom is cultivated Soy protein isolate – 2.00 – –
worldwide and possesses medicinal properties. The extract of oyster Bread crumb 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38
Salt 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08
mushroom has been proven to have antiproliferative effect against Sugar 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer cells (Mingyi et al., 2019). Ground pepper 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08
SPI is commonly added to the processed meat products to improve Garlic powder 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
technological characteristics, delay lipid oxidation due to isoflavones, Ginger powder 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Ascorbic acid 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
and act as a meat and fat replacer (do Prado et al., 2019). Soy protein
Sodium tripolyphosphate 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22
binds water and fat to obtain the products with higher moisture content
and decrease cooking loss. However, soy is one of the major allergens,
which could limit consumer choices of foods. In addition, sensory 2.4. Thawing loss and cooking yield
quality may be affected by the beany flavor when SPI is added at high
concentrations. Substitution of SPI with mushroom is a safe option and The thawed samples were gently rubbed with kitchen towel to
needs to be studied. remove visible exudates. Thawing loss was calculated as the weight
The aims of this study are to determine the use of oyster mushroom difference between initial weight and weight after thawing, expressed
as a functional ingredient in the formulation of frozen fish burger made on the initial weight (López-López et al., 2010). Cooking yield was
from minced striped catfish meat combined with minced salmon meat, determined by baking the samples in an oven at 150◦ C until the core
and to evaluate changes of the chemical, physical, microbiological, and temperature reached 76◦ C (Bainy et al., 2015) to ensure the safety of
sensory properties of the products during frozen storage at − 18◦ C. burgers, and weighing. Cooking yield was expressed as percentage of the
weight before baking.
2. Materials and methods
2.5. Texture of cooked burgers
2.1. Materials
The frozen samples were thawed in a refrigerator and baked in an
Minced salmon and striped catfish were provided by May Ao Foods oven at 150◦ C until the core temperature reached 76◦ C. Texture was
Co.,LTD (Samut Prakan, Thailand). Oyster mushroom, breadcrumbs, determined using a TA.XT Plus Texture analyzer (Stable Micro Systems
salt, sugar, ground pepper and garlic powder were purchased from a Ltd., Godalming, UK) with a 5-kg load cell. Texture profile analysis
local supermarket in Bangkok, Thailand. SPI (containing 90.5% protein) (TPA) was performed on 25-mm diameter sample following the method
was acquired from Shandong Sinoglory Health Food Co., Ltd. (Qingdao, described by (Selani et al., 2016) with some modifications. The samples
China). Ascorbic acid was supplied by Northeast Pharmaceutical Group were subjected to a two-cycle compression test. The samples were
Co. Ltd. (Shenyang, China), and sodium tripolyphosphate was from SD compressed to 75% of their original height with a cylindrical probe of
Bni (Cn) Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu, China). 35-mm diameter (P/35), and a cross-head speed of 1.7 mm/s was
applied. Force-deformation curves were applied to determine the
2.2. Fish burger preparation textural properties including hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness.

Frozen striped catfish and salmon minced meat packed in vacuum

polyethylene bags were transferred to the laboratory and stored at 2.6. Total volatile base nitrogen
− 18◦ C until use. Each type of fish meat was thawed in a refrigerator
overnight at 4◦ C. Striped catfish and salmon meat were mixed at the Protein degradation of fish burgers during storage was evaluated
ratios of 1:1. Oyster mushroom was washed and chopped to obtain the through the Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVBN) determination. The
particle size of approximately 4 mm. Chopped mushroom, cold water, analysis was performed on thawed samples according to the method
SPI, bread crumb, salt, sugar, ground pepper, garlic powder, ascorbic described by (Cullere et al., 2019). Ten grams of fish burgers were mixed
acid, and sodium tripolyphosphate were added as shown in Table 1. The with 90 ml perchloric acid (6% w/v) in a high speed blender. The
mixture was blended in a food processor (Kenwood Mixer FDP623WH, mixture was filtered, and the aliquot was distilled in a distillation
Hampshire, UK) for 1 min. Fish burger was prepared by placing the apparatus. The distillate was collected on boric acid (0.3% w/v) and was
mixture into 50 mm diameter stainless steel mold. Each sample weighed titrated with 0.05 mol/l HCl. The results were expressed as mg
approximately 40 g with the thickness of 10 mm. Each sample was TVBN/100 g.
individually packed in a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bag and
frozen and stored at − 18◦ C for 2 months in a chest freezer (Model HCF- 2.7. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
228C2, Haier, Bangkok, Thailand). The analyses were done every 30
days. To evaluate the lipid oxidation of fish burgers during frozen storage,
thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) method was deter­
2.3. pH mined according to the method described by López-López et al. (2010).
Briefly, proteins were precipitated using 7.5% trichloroacetic acid. Five
The samples were thawed in a refrigerator at 4◦ C overnight before milliliters of supernatant were mixed with 5 ml of 20 mM thiobarbituric
analyses. The pH level was determined by adding 100 ml distilled water acid. The solution was left in the dark for 20 h, and the pinkness was
to 10 g of thawed sample using a pH meter (Eutech pH 700, Eutech measured at 532 nm. The TBARS values were expressed as mg malo­
Instrument, IL, USA). naldehyde (MDA)/kg.

U. Pachekrepapol et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 30 (2022) 100598

2.8. Microbiological analyses 3.2. Thawing loss and cooking yield

Total viable counts were determined from frozen burgers using plate Thawing loss and cooking yield of fish burgers are shown in Tables 3
count agar (PCA) after 48 h of incubation at 30◦ C. The results were and 4, respectively. The thawing loss values ranged between 1.26 and
expressed in CFU/g. Escherichia coli was enumerated by the Most 2.70% during storage. The control burger appeared to have significantly
Probable Number (MPN) technique using Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose broth, higher degree of thawing loss throughout 2-month storage. The thawing
incubated at 35(±)2 ◦ C for 48 h following the methods as per the loss values of samples made with 2% SPI, 10 and 15% oyster mushroom
standard American public health association protocol. were not significantly different. All samples showed significant increase
in thawing loss values during storage. The cooking yield ranged from
83.51 to 88.59%. The values did not change with storage time, except
2.9. Sensory evaluation
for Soy-2 sample. Supplementation of 10 and 15% mushroom signifi­
cantly increased the cooking yield compared to the control sample.
Sensory evaluation was performed on 50 untrained panelists using 9-
Frozen muscle products are commonly known to has inferior water
point hedonic scale (Ethical approval certificate no. SWUEC/F-105/
holding capacity because of structural damage and muscle protein
2563). The participants were asked to score the cooked products from
denaturation by ice crystal formation (Kim et al., 2016), while cooking
1 (dislike extremely) to 9 (like extremely) on 4 attributes, appearance,
loss is due to muscle fiber shrinkage and the movement of water mole­
aroma, flavor, and overall liking.
cules. Previous studies have demonstrated that incorporation of both
dried mushroom powder, cooked and fresh mushroom could improve
2.10. Statistical analysis water holding capacity of the burgers due to water and fat retention
abilities in the mushroom fiber matrix (Cerón-Guevara et al., 2020; Cha
One-way analysis of variance was carried out using SPSS 16.0 et al., 2014). Mushrooms consist of mostly polysaccharides and
(Version 16.0 IBM®SPSS® Statistics, USA). The level of significant dif­ high-quality proteins, which could form a three-dimensional matrix to
ference was determined at p < 0.05. The differences between means bind water and fat in the burger system, thus decreasing thawing loss
were analyzed using Tukey’s Honesty Significant Different (HSD). All and increasing cooking yield of the samples (Fu et al., 2022). In addition,
experiments were performed at least in triplicate. other plant derived ingredients, such as oat β-glucan, were also reported
to create a tridimensional matrix capable of retaining water and fat of
3. Results and discussion the products (Warner and Inglett, 1997). Other ingredients, such as,
wakame (López-López et al., 2010) and walnut (Jiménez Colmenero
3.1. pH et al., 2003) have shown to improve water holding capacity and
freeze/thaw stability of frozen products due to their dietary fiber con­
The pH levels of fish burgers are shown in Table 2. The pH values are tents. In this study, SPI at 2% slightly enhanced water holding capacity
the measurement of free hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Addition of of burgers because it has good emulsion and gel properties.
10 and 15% mushroom resulted in a slight decrease in pH values
compared to the control and Soy-2 samples. After 2-month storage, 3.3. Texture of cooked burgers
Mushroom-10 and Mushroom-15 showed significant lower pH values. A
relatively good correlation was observed between pH values and total Hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness of fish burgers were shown in
viable counts (Table 5), in which samples incorporated with mushroom Fig. 1a, b, and 1c, respectively. The incorporation of oyster mushroom
exhibited higher number of total viable counts and lower pH values, influenced all textural parameters in relation to the control sample.
which may be associated with microbial consumption of sugar and Substitution of fish meat with mushroom softened the texture with
production of organic acids (Gahruie et al., 2017). reduced hardness. These results are well correlated with the higher
Nonetheless, the obtained values are close to the values reported by cooking yield of Mushroom-10 and Mushroom-15 burgers as hardness
Hleap-Zapata and Rodríguez-de-la-Pava (2021) and Nayak et al. (2015), varies inversely with moisture retention of the product. The use of SPI
who detected pH values of fish products supplemented with oyster did not significantly influence hardness of burgers as compared to the
mushroom powder and button mushroom, between 6 and 7, respec­ control sample. Hardness was the only textural property that changed
tively. During frozen storage, a decrease in pH of all samples were found. during frozen storage. The increase in hardness during storage was
This decrease in pH is in agreement with the study of frozen pork patties observed for all samples. This increase may be attributed to the loss of
performed by (Li et al., 2020a). Freezing and thawing may cause moisture upon thawing process as observed in other studies (Utrera
denaturation of proteins and resulted in a release of H+, which may et al., 2014b). Cohesiveness increased as oyster mushroom was used in
contribute to the decrease of pH levels during storage (Ali et al., 2015). the formulation of burgers. The increase in cohesiveness indicated that

Table 2 Table 3
pH of fish burgers made from striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and Thawing loss (%) of fish burgers made from striped catfish (Pangasius hypo­
salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat during storage at − 18◦ C. phthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat during storage at − 18◦ C.
Storage time pH Storage time Thawing loss (%)
(month) (month)
Control Soy-2 Mushroom- Mushroom- Control Soy-2 Mushroom- Mushroom-
10 15 10 15

0 7.13 ± 7.25 ± 6.92 ± 7.01 ± 0 2.11 ± 1.65 ± 1.49 ± 1.26 ±

0.01aB 0.04aA 0.05bD 0.03aC 0.28bA 0.16bAB 0.21bB 0.20bB
1 6.95 ± 7.15 ± 7.10 ± 7.00 ± 1 2.57 ± 1.89 ± 1.68 ± 1.54 ±
0.03bD 0.02bA 0.01aB 0.01aC 0.28bA 0.16bAB 0.29abB 0.41aB
2 6.89 ± 7.04 ± 6.65 ± 6.76 ± 2 2.70 ± 2.02 ± 1.85 ± 0.31aB 1.77 ±
0.01cB 0.01cA 0.02cD 0.01bC 0.27aA 0.19aAB 0.50aB
a-d a-b
Different superscripts in the same column were significantly different (p ≤ Different superscripts in the same column were significantly different (p ≤
0.05). 0.05).
A− D A− B
Different superscripts in the same row were significantly different (p ≤ Different superscripts in the same row were significantly different (p ≤
0.05). 0.05).

U. Pachekrepapol et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 30 (2022) 100598

Table 4 At initial storage time, TBARS values of all samples were not
Cooking yield (%) of fish burgers made from striped catfish (Pangasius hypo­ significantly different, but by the end of storage, TBARS values of the
phthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat during storage at − 18◦ C. control and Soy-2 were higher than Mushroom-10 and Mushroom-15.
Storage time Cooking yield (%) The reduction in TBARS when mushrooms were incorporated in the
Control Soy-2 Mushroom- Mushroom-
formulation of burgers was also found in other studies. Nayak et al.
10 15 (2015) observed a lower TBARS when button mushroom (Agaricus bis­
porus) was added to fish burgers. Patinho et al. (2019) used button
0 85.24 ± 86.03 ± 86.92 ± 88.59 ±
0.68aB 0.61abAB 2.32aA 0.64aA mushroom in beef burger and found a significant reduction in TBARS.
1 83.51 ± 86.91 ± 85.70 ± 87.16 ± The authors concluded that phenolic compounds from mushroom act as
0.82aB 0.45aA 0.79aA 1.03aA hydrogen atom donors in burgers, hence lipid oxidation was retarded.
2 84.30 ± 84.40 ± 84.81 ± 86.30 ± According to the study by Yim et al. (2010), oyster mushroom extract
0.93aB 0.86bB 0.98aB 1.01aA
exhibited scavenging effects on DPPH and ABTS radical relatively higher
a-b Different superscripts in the same column were significantly different (p ≤ than a synthetic antioxidant, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The
0.05). antioxidant activity of oyster mushroom is largely due to phenolic
A-B Different superscripts in the same row were significantly different (p ≤ compounds, as well as other components such as polysaccharides and
vitamins C and E. However, oyster mushroom was reported to contain
lipoxygenase, which may partly promote oxidation of unsaturated fatty
burgers’ structure was better preserved after the first compression. acids (Qing et al., 2021). Incorporation of SPI could also decrease TBARS
Lower chewiness was observed in burgers with supplementation of values compared to the control sample. Danowska-Oziewicz (2014)
mushroom. The lower chewiness is associated with softer texture, which found that SPI inhibited lipid oxidation in pork patties during storage.
required less work to chew until the sample is swallowed (Patinho et al., Biswas et al. (2016) used SPI in fish nugget and observed lower TBARS
2019). In this study, oyster mushroom possibly competed with the during refrigeration storage. However, adding SPI at high concentration
myofibrillar proteins from fish meat for water adsorption, hence lower may result in beany flavor, which could affect consumers’ acceptability.
hardness was observed (Soltanizadeh and Ghiasi-Esfahani, 2015). Pre­
vious studies also reported decreased hardness in products with incor­ 3.6. Microbiological analyses
poration of mushrooms (Wan Ishak et al., 2011; Patinho et al., 2019).
The manufacturing of frozen fish burgers involved intensive
3.4. Total volatile base nitrogen handling, so personal hygiene is a public health concern because it is
associated with gastrointestinal infection. The total viable counts for all
TVBN values of fish burgers during storage are shown in Fig. 2. samples were in the range of 5 log CFU/g as shown in Table 5. Microbial
Substitution of fish meat with mushroom at both 10% and 15% signif­ populations increased with addition of mushroom. Addition of other
icantly increased the TVBN values compared to control and Soy-2 fresh produces, such as wakame also resulted in increased total viable
samples. However, the values of all samples did not exceed the limit counts (López-López et al., 2010). However, Nayak et al. (2015)
of acceptability at 35 mg/100 g as indicated by Ozogul and Uçar (2013). observed a reduction in total plate counts when chilled fish burgers were
The TVBN value is related to the degradation of proteins and amines and added with button mushroom, and the authors suggested that the
is commonly used as a biomarker of meat and fish product spoilage due presence of essential bioactive compounds including catechin, caffeic
to proteolytic microorganisms and endogenous proteolytic enzymes acid and rutin in the mushroom exhibited antimicrobial activity. As
(Valizadeh et al., 2020). Although, there was a different in the TVBN previously observed in other studies that TVBN is associated with the
index for each sample, but the changes in TVBN index during storage microbial population in frozen fish products (Ozogul and Uçar, 2013;
were not observed for all samples. TVBN is considered to be associated Mahmoudzadeh et al., 2010), our results are well correlated with these
with the microbial population as observed in the studies of frozen chub studies, since the samples with supplementation of oyster mushroom
mackerel burgers (Ozogul and Uçar, 2013), and frozen deep flounder were significantly higher in TVBN index and total viable counts
burgers (Mahmoudzadeh et al., 2010), where samples higher in total compared to control and the sample made with 2% SPI. However, the
viable counts were also high in TVBN index. microbial counts reported in this study was from the thawed samples,
which are subjected to heat treatment before eating. Domestic cooking
3.5. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances methods, such as, pan fried and microwave cooking, were reported to
reduce microbial counts in meat products by 2–3 log cycles (Rai et al.,
TBARS values are presented in Fig. 3. The results revealed that 2016). There was no significant difference in the total viable counts
TBARS of all samples significantly increase with the progress of storage between storage times for all samples. The E.coli count was less than 3
period, especially the control sample. The increase in TBARS may be MPN/g and did not change over the storage period. These results indi­
linked to the partial dehydration of product and the increased oxidation cated that adequate hygienic conditions were implemented during
of unsaturated fatty acids present in the fish burgers. However, the processing of the products. Therefore, the fish burger samples in this
TBARS values for all samples were within the acceptable range with the study are considered safe for consumption.
value of 8 mg MDA/kg, which is commonly used as a rancidity threshold
of fish products (Secci and Parisi, 2016).

Table 5
Total viable count and E. coli of fish burgers made from striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat during storage at − 18◦ C.
Storage time (month) Total viable count (log CFU/g)a E.coli (MPN/g)

Control Soy-2 Mushroom-10 Mushroom-15 Control Soy-2 Mushroom-10 Mushroom-15

0 5.6 ± 0.1 5.5 ± 0.0 5.9 ± 0.1 5.8 ± 0.1 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0
1 5.7 ± 0.1B 5.6 ± 0.1B 5.8 ± 0.2A 5.9 ± 0.1A <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0
2 5.6 ± 0.1B 5.6 ± 0.1B 5.9 ± 0.2A 5.9 ± 0.0A <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0
A− D
Different superscripts in the same row were significantly different (p ≤ 0.05).
No significant changes of total viable count between storage times for all samples.

U. Pachekrepapol et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 30 (2022) 100598

Fig. 2. Total volatile base nitrogen of fish burgers made from striped catfish
(Pangasius hypophthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat during stor­
age at − 18◦ C.

Fig. 3. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances of fish burgers made from

striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat
during storage at − 18◦ C.

Table 6
Sensory parameters of cooked fish burgers made from striped catfish (Pangasius
hypophthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced meat using 9-point hedonic
scale a.
Sample Appearance Odor Taste Overall
Fig. 1. Hardness (a), cohesiveness (b) and chewiness (c) of fish burgers made Control 6.77 ± 1.04 6.10 ± 6.83 ± 6.33 ± 1.33
from striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and salmon (Salmo salar) minced 1.73 1.86
meat during storage at − 18◦ C. Soy-2 6.83 ± 1.09 6.00 ± 6.10 ± 6.30 ± 1.56
1.44 1.52
Mushroom- 6.63 ± 1.35 6.07 ± 6.20 ± 6.13 ± 1.63
3.7. Sensory evaluation 10 1.66 1.56
Mushroom- 6.33 ± 0.99 6.07 ± 6.07 ± 6.27 ± 1.41
Sensory evaluation results of formulated fish burgers are presented 15 1.53 1.76
in Table 6. Appearance, odor, taste, and overall acceptability were not a-c
Different small letters indicate significantly different between storage times of
affected by the incorporation of oyster mushroom and SPI. The hedonic the same samples (p ≤ 0.05).
scores for all samples were in the ranged between 6 and 7. The scores A− C
Different capital letters indicate significantly different between samples
from 6 to 9 from hedonic test are good predictors of sensory acceptance within the same storage period (p ≤ 0.05).
in the market (Munoz et al., 1992). Our results are in agreement with a
No significant differences were found between samples.
Biswas et al. (2016), who found that incorporation of SPI up to 2.5% did

U. Pachekrepapol et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 30 (2022) 100598

not affect the sensory quality of fish products, while other studies Declaration of competing interest
indicated that incorporation of SPI at high concentration may contribute
to beany flavor (Akesowan, 2010). The study by Patinho et al. (2021) The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article.
also found similar results, in which the incorporation of button mush­
room up to 15% did not affect the overall liking of beef burgers. Acknowledgements
Therefore, this result gives scientific support for the formulation of fish
burger added with oyster mushroom. This work was supported by Strategic Wisdom and Research Institute
This study determined the quality changes of fish burgers during 2- of Srinakharinwirot University [grant number 008/2563].
month frozen storage. Although, microbiological and sensory proper­
ties were not affected by the experimental period, frozen foods have References
generally longer shelf-life. According to the study by Ozogul and Uçar
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attributes were more noticeable after 2 or 3 months and became unac­ Alnoumani, H., Ataman, Z.A., Were, L., 2017. Lipid and protein antioxidant capacity of
ceptable after 6 months. Therefore, further study with focus on the ef­ dried Agaricus bisporus in salted cooked ground beef. Meat Sci. 129, 9–19.
Aspevik, T., Thoresen, L., Steinsholm, S., Carlehög, M., Kousoulaki, K., 2021. Sensory and
fects of lipid oxidation on sensory attributes during extended storage chemical properties of protein hydrolysates based on mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
duration may be required. and salmon (Salmo salar) side stream materials. J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. 30,
Bainy, E.M., Bertan, L.C., Corazza, M.L., Lenzi, M.K., 2015. Effect of grilling and baking
4. Conclusions on physicochemical and textural properties of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fish
burger. J. Food Sci. Technol. 52, 5111–5119.
The use of oyster mushroom in the formulation of fish burgers made Biswas, O., Das, S.K., Biswas, S., 2016. Restructured fish nuggets from ‘Wallago attu’
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