Writing Workshop - 3.1

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Name: ___________________________________ ID: ___________________ Group: ________

Watch the Class Preparation Session Video (Effect Essay) and answer the following questions. Complete ALL the points
before class.

1. Read the following essay and identify its parts. Use different colors to highlight each component.


Have you ever felt you can’t continue your daily life without your computer? The computer Hook
revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing quickly and computers
are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Consequently, the
two main areas in which computers have impacted our lives are in the economic field and in
the field of communications.

The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. Firstly, businesses
now have to be computerized or they risk failure. Every big corporation bases its operations on
computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For instance, Coca-Cola, the BBC and
Levi’s sell different products and services, yet they all share one basic property – without
computers, their operations would collapse. Therefore, computing has made economies
increase and those ones who are out of digitalized era are at risk of disappearance. 

It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly; communication has
been totally revolutionized. Initially, whereas before, people wrote letters, which would often
take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive,
now they use several apps or e-mail. For example, instead of waiting weeks for a letter, now
we can read it instantly, seconds after it has been written. As a result, now people who live
thousands of kilometers away from each other can communicate as much as they want and
whenever they want.

All in all, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it is in business
and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if the computer
continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication will
undergo even more radical changes. Connectors

2. Based on the video answer the following questions.

a. How many paragraphs does the essay have? ____________________
b. What elements do the introduction and the concluding paragraph have?
Introduction Concluding paragraph
A. _________________________ A. ______________________________
B. _________________________ B. ______________________________
C. _________________________ C. ______________________________

c. In your opinion, what is the most important element in an essay? Why?


3. Analysis of thesis statements

a. Identify the parts of the thesis statement in the following introductory paragraph and highlight them:
Example: Computers have affected our lives in the economic field and in the field of communications.
Topic: Computers Focus: have affected Effect 1: economic field Effect 2: field of communications.

Example: The excessive intake of fast food has resulted in physical and psychological problems.
Topic: Fast food Focus: has resulted Effect 1: Physical problems Effect 2: psychological problems

Have you ever seen young girls that are nothing but bones for the desire to look as a top model? Often the desire of becoming a model turns into an
obsession and young girls see “thinness” as a necessary characteristic. For most girls, the teenage years are spent trying to acquire this look. Females are
trying diets and are exercising like it is a competition to see who can lose the most weight. The obsession of many young girls over their appearance or
weight has led to a growing number of people who have developed an eating disorder to try to deal with their lack of self-esteem or other related

b. Read the following examples of thesis statement, identify their focus word and effects, and improve them.

Example: Colombian war had effects on many factors.

Improved version: Colombian war affected negatively people’s behavior and beliefs.

1. “Smoke-free zones help the environment positively.”

2. “The high consumption of sugar produces diseases.”

4. Read the topic bellow and write a thesis statement with all its elements. Follow the steps.

Topic: technology in higher education.

Step 1. What are the effects of using technology in higher education?

Effect 1: _______________________________________________

effect 2: _______________________________________________

Step 2. Choose one of the following focus words for the Thesis.

result in, affect, lead to, impact, have effects on

Step 3. Write the thesis with all its elements (Topic, focus word, effect 1, effect 2)

5. Read the introduction and write a thesis statement for


Topic: Possible effects of Skipping Classes at School

Did you know that the times when parents were responsible for their kid’s academic activities—and students themselves—seem Hook
be over? Nowadays, many people believe it is the high school administration, and the government that are responsible for
students getting good grades. Before, when a learner got an F, his parents would blame him; today, they would rather go to the Background
school and demand the teacher to give their kid a better grade. This new approach leads students to behave
Thesis statement

6. Finally, copy-paste this completed workshop onto your Writing Portfolio (Teams), with today’s date.

Excellent job! You are ready for class 😊

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