Amazon Research
Amazon Research
Amazon Research
Homework about:
The Amazon is a very important biome. The biome has a territory of 6.9 million
km² and cover 9 countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela,
Guyana, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname. And it is the largest Brazilian biome.
It is considered the largest tropical forest in the world and its conservation is
the reason of great discussions and international financing, principally due to its
importance in regulating the global climate.
The relief of Amazon is formed by flood plains, plateaus and crystalline shields.
Generally, it doesn´t present altitudes above 200 meters.
The Amazon basin is the largest hydrographic basin in the world and its main
river, the Amazon, is the largest river in the world in water volume, with over
7,000 tributaries.
Other rivers that are from hydrography of the Amazon are: Araguaia, Negro,
Solimões, Tocantins, Trombetas, Xingu, Madeira, Tapajós, Branco, and others.
The Amazon rainforest is home many species of animals. The highlights(?) are:
Anta, Preguiça, Tucano, Morcego, Tamanduá, Jaguatirica, Jacaré-Açu, Onça-
Pintada, Peixe-Boi, Enguias, Piranha, Pirarucu, Sucuri, Boto Cor-de-Rosa, among
many others.
The vegetation is dense and formed by large trees. Some of the native trees of
the biome are: Andiroba, Pupunha, Açaí, Seringueira, Mogno, Cedro, Sumaúma
e Castanheira.
World Importance
The Amazon is important for the planet, due to the facts:
- Participates in the regulation of rain in almost all of Brazil;
- Influences the rain regime in South America;
- Represents the greatest biodiversity on the planet. And many species
haven´t yet discovered.
- Acts in the regulation of the global climate;
- The Amazon was recognized as a World Heritage by UNESCO.
- The Pico da Neblina, the highest point in Brazil, is located in the north of
Amazonas, with an altitude of 3014 meters.
- The Sucuri, also known as Anaconda, can be found in the Amazon. It is
considered the largest snake in the world, reaching 9 meters in length and
weighing 135 kilos.
- According to the 2010 IBGE Census, around 306.000 indigenous people
live in the Amazon, and the most of the population lives in rural areas.
Some of the tribes of the Amazon Rainforest are: Guarani, Sherente,