This log file contains event messages recorded on March 21 from an Android device. It includes messages about setting the keyguard visibility, connecting Bluetooth devices, displaying brightness changes, starting and killing processes, and reporting errors from media and networking services.
This log file contains event messages recorded on March 21 from an Android device. It includes messages about setting the keyguard visibility, connecting Bluetooth devices, displaying brightness changes, starting and killing processes, and reporting errors from media and networking services.
This log file contains event messages recorded on March 21 from an Android device. It includes messages about setting the keyguard visibility, connecting Bluetooth devices, displaying brightness changes, starting and killing processes, and reporting errors from media and networking services.
This log file contains event messages recorded on March 21 from an Android device. It includes messages about setting the keyguard visibility, connecting Bluetooth devices, displaying brightness changes, starting and killing processes, and reporting errors from media and networking services.
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03-21 15:07:03.
884 1465 1465 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135549675; UID 10029; state: ENABLED 03-21 15:07:16.954 1465 1573 D _V_VivoKeyguardControllerImpl: setKeyguardShown keyguardShowing = false, aodShowing = false, aodChanged = false, mKeyguardGoingAway = false ,caller by$Stub.onTransact:3133 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1154 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1123 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> 03-21 15:07:17.884 1465 1465 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage, msg.what:1 03-21 15:07:17.884 1465 1465 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage MSG_CONNECT_TWS 03-21 15:07:17.884 1465 1465 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: bindVivoFwTwsService force:false 03-21 15:07:24.989 1465 2071 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@f4884f7 03-21 15:07:27.884 1465 3496 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupFuzzMilliseconds(...) returns 600000 03-21 15:07:27.884 1465 3496 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 1 03-21 15:07:32.884 1465 1771 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked : displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.09721544 ; mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1 03-21 15:07:32.884 1465 1771 W _V_VivoLightsService: algo brightness 0.09721544 brightness=0.09721544; setBrightness=199 03-21 15:07:33.934 1465 1771 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked : displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.08842208 ; mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1 03-21 15:07:33.934 1465 1771 W _V_VivoLightsService: algo brightness 0.08842208 brightness=0.08842208; setBrightness=181 03-21 15:07:41.884 1465 2481 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10100; state: ENABLED 03-21 15:07:51.884 1465 1494 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 170ms android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53 03-21 15:08:05.884 1465 2497 D _V_ActivityManager: StartMode packageName = ,pid = -1 ,alwaysRestrict = true ,startMode = 2 ,UidRec:UidRecord{ed50433 1000 PER change:active|uncached procs:19 seq(0,0,0)} 03-21 15:08:17.509 1465 1771 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked : displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.08842208 ; mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1 03-21 15:08:17.509 1465 1771 W _V_VivoLightsService: algo brightness 0.08842208 brightness=0.08842208; setBrightness=181 03-21 15:08:24.451 1465 2534 V ActivityManager: Disconnecting binding IntentBindRecord{5884fc7 d.gms.common.BIND_SHARED_PREFS}: shouldUnbind=true ,updateOomAdj=true 03-21 15:08:25.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.06960227 03-21 15:08:44.723 1465 1572 D _V_ActivityManager: StartMode packageName = com.facebook.appmanager ,pid = -1 ,alwaysRestrict = true ,startMode = 2 ,UidRec:UidRecord{28d6973 u0a129 TRNB bg:+1s884ms procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 03-21 15:08:52.324 1465 1516 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast { temReceiver} 03-21 15:08:52.884 1465 1494 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider: Window{ u0 NavigationBar0} updateControlForTarget$1@107b8e3 03-21 15:08:53.331 1465 1573 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:9884 03-21 15:08:53.689 1465 2296 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10195/9884 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=92, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10195 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10195 RequestorPackageName:] ] 03-21 15:08:53.781 1465 2481 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10195/9884 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=93, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10195 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10195 RequestorPackageName:] ] 03-21 15:08:54.111 9884 9917 D _V_AccessibilityManager: tryConnectToService:android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.<init>:486 android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.getInstance:444 android.view.View.notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded:13888 android.view.View.invalidateOutline:18102 android.view.View.internalSetPadding:24781 03-21 15:08:54.235 1465 1573 D _V_AccessibilityManagerService: addClient userId=0 callingPid=9884 callback=android.view.accessibility.IAccessibilityManagerClient$Stub$Proxy@d47821a 03-21 15:09:13.884 1465 8035 D _V_ActivityManager: StartMode packageName = ,pid = -1 ,alwaysRestrict = true ,startMode = 2 ,UidRec:UidRecord{c8de249 u0a175 RCVR idle change:uncached procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 03-21 15:09:25.529 1465 2536 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #17 03-21 15:09:25.529 1465 2536 D _V_VivoObserver: notifyAppDiedForVirtualDisplay app: ProcessRecord{5402d87} 03-21 15:09:25.586 1465 8035 D _V_VivoObserver: notifyAppDiedForVirtualDisplay app: ProcessRecord{5402d87} 03-21 15:09:25.589 1465 1494 D _V_gamevibrator: onProcessDied pid:9884, uid:10195 03-21 15:09:25.589 1465 1494 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid: 9884,uid: 10195 03-21 15:10:27.884 1465 1496 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider: Window{ u0 StatusBar} updateControlForTarget Window{34ddd19 u0 com.dts.freefiremax/com.dts.freefireth.FFMainActivity} 03-21 15:11:18.884 1465 1494 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid: 17979,uid: 1000 03-21 15:11:51.471 1465 1494 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid: 18844,uid: 10235 03-21 16:01:31.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.3379934 03-21 16:02:41.532 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.38845694 03-21 16:19:43.502 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.35660884 03-21 16:29:56.884 2197 24820 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes 03-21 16:36:18.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.34442285 03-21 16:37:30.305 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.35660884 03-21 17:01:13.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.3633373 03-21 17:04:35.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_FLOAT 104 03-21 17:04:57.138 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.8842703 03-21 17:04:58.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.6638756 03-21 17:05:17.368 1465 4139 D _V_WindowManager: top main window is Window{ae884cc u0 eActivity}, surfaceView is Surface(name=Background for -SurfaceView - eActivity)/@0x3004872 03-21 17:05:17.416 1465 1771 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked : displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.7088422 ; mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1 03-21 17:05:17.417 1465 1771 W _V_VivoLightsService: algo brightness 0.7088422 brightness=0.7088422; setBrightness=1451 03-21 17:05:47.702 884 29052 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:05:47.703 884 29052 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:05:47.708 884 29052 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:05:47.718 884 1939 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:06:25.367 884 29447 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:06:25.368 884 29447 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:06:25.374 884 29447 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:06:25.384 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:07:14.039 884 29640 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:07:14.040 884 29640 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:07:14.050 884 29640 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:07:14.103 884 29118 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:07:14.123 884 29638 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name 03-21 17:08:50.866 32583 32633 E YT.qoe : Pinging cl=517825646&event=streamingstats&ns=yt&cpn=2qkpVjL6LU2HYwUD&welc=CgIIDA%3D %3D&cplatform=mobile& &cmodel=V2111&cos=Android&csdk=30&cbrver=17.46.37&cver=17.46.37&cosver=11&cbrand=vi vo&vis=0.000:2&sur=0.008:3&conn=0.015:6&cplayer=ANDROID_EXOPLAYER_V2&bat=0.013:0.75 0:0,0.877:0.750:0&vps=0.000:N&noi=510:10:VHNlbC1QYWthaU1hc2tlcg&ctmp=du:used.268237 011.268435456;avail.21838884864.49425489920,nms:ncn.true;ntu.false;nms.2;dnt.DETAIL ED_NETWORK_TYPE_LTE&soi=510:10:VEVMS09NU0VM:787:VGVsa29tc2Vs& .connect::0.000:rn.57;;cnconstat.- 1;e.j.bcw;s.j.bcy.b.69:zfr.b.1:ylf.b.14:zfr.b.1:yof.b.14;ce.j.IrIOE;cs.j.bcy.b.69:z fr.b.1,0.063:onesie.innertube.fallback::0.000:e.j.E; .5:afxt.exec.1:acd.i.1;ce.j.CancellationE;cs.j.acd.k.3:acd.get.4;m.Task%20was %20cancelled.&vc=1532882368&seq=2 03-21 17:09:00.982 884 29823 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:09:00.983 884 29823 I chatty : uid=1013(media) Profile Saver identical 1 line 03-21 17:09:00.991 884 29823 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:09:01.015 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:09:01.027 884 29820 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name 03-21 17:10:04.264 647 29884 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:9450, tid:29884 03-21 17:12:23.884 904 30215 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:9599, tid:30215 03-21 17:12:43.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:9610, idx:2 03-21 17:12:43.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:9610 lock_user:[email protected] pid:904 tid:30215 dur:0 03-21 17:14:53.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:9700, idx:-1 03-21 17:15:21.792 32583 32624 E YT.qoe : Pinging cl=516687284&ei=cWYZZPniBs64rtoPjJyG8AQ&event=streamingstats&feature=g-high- rec&ns=yt&plid=AAX3ZJNk85S1f7TF&cpn=qkEOvq9b8EptZUt_&cplatform=mobile&cbr=com.googl cbrver=17.46.37&cver=17.46.37&cosver=11&cbrand=vivo&vis=277.083:0,294.027:1&vfs=25. 038:278:247::i,44.349:242:247:278:a,277.131:242:278:242:r,277.490:242:243:242:r,294 .034:242:278:242:r&df=44.349:0,277.131:0,277.490:0,294.034:0&conn=298.548:6&cplayer =ANDROID_EXOPLAYER_V2&bh=33.875:14.15,44.349:22.35,63.878:38.15,93.881:93.55,123.88 4:109.08,153.887:114.66,183.890:112.87,213.892:112.65,243.896:118.50,273.899:117.42 ,277.131:119.31,277.490:119.31,294.034:111.67,294.048:111.66&cmt=33.875:7.996,63.87 8:37.975,93.881:67.985,123.884:97.965,153.887:127.998,183.890:157.955,213.892:188.0 16,243.896:217.934,273.899:247.954,294.048:268.278&afs=25.038:600::i,34.723:251:600 :a&is_offline=24.799:0&bwe=44.349:49207.75,277.131:49207.75,277.490:49207.75,294.03 4:49207.75&view=25.038:1280:720,44.349:1280:720,277.131:316:178,277.490:595:335,294 .034:252:141&bat=298.555:0.730:0&vps=24.803:B,25.601:PL,294.048:PA:sr.18&bwm=24.803 :208341:2.871,25.601:34521:0.210,33.875:326287:5.175,63.878:1882454:27.468,93.881:2 698729:26.902,123.884:1404155:26.152,153.887:1276550:24.651,183.890:1050043:15.962, 213.892:970056:13.230,243.896:937698:17.144,273.899:996710:16.602,294.048:683631:18 .475&user_intent=24.792&ctmp=vprng:minh.16;maxh.1088;minw.16;maxw.1920,soc:mt6765;m t6765,mem:tot.107;max.512;free.2;heap.144;hpall.136;hpfree.7,mlat:rt.24.806;loadVid eo.12029,llv:12,pmqs:none,cir:rt.24.881;reused.true;mode.CODEC_REUSE_MODE_REUSE_WIT H_RECONFIGURATION,connt:n,cir:rt.44.384;reused.true;mode.CODEC_REUSE_MODE_REUSE&seq =6&aur=25.603:5&docid=(scrubbed)&referrer=(scrubbed) 03-21 17:15:22.884 32163 32163 E Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 03-21 17:15:52.921 32268 32309 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=0 media_job_uuid=05e1ac82-6369-455d-99b4-6a8e1ab7d6a7 transcoded=0 gif_attribution=0 first_scan_length=0 direct_path=/v/t62.7161- 24/23770884_743158643852194_5306469681065250473_n.enc?ccb=11- 4&oh=01_AdRhJUr56NEGyhmfAL4DM0NSaGpHisfz4sxphOzYdM7wWQ&oe=643EFEB7&_nc_hot=16793571 26 thumbnail_height_width_ratio=1.7560976 is_animated_sticker=0 file_hash=gIhjGpBCYgjv+rVxP6xdE9vMY43IabkPWxtz4ZnwZkA= file_path=null file_size=0 partial_media_hash=null face_x=0 face_y=0 height=1024 trim_to=0 media_key_timestamp=1679266428000 message_url= 24/23770884_743158643852194_5306469681065250473_n.enc?ccb=11- 4&oh=01_AdRhJUr56NEGyhmfAL4DM0NSaGpHisfz4sxphOzYdM7wWQ&oe=643EFEB7&mms3=true media_caption=null trim_from=0 mime_type=video/mp4 partial_media_enc_hash=null width=576 original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1 autotransfer_retry_enabled=1 message_row_id=15827 multicast_id=null enc_file_hash=lC+FZc9E15p1K6Jo0PBYAtY8tsBWI9hEE58tvNKbOCU= mute_video=0 page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=null suspicious_content=0 file_length=10442493 media_name=null media_duration=49 chat_row_id=74 media_key=[B@6fc369 03-21 17:16:31.540 884 32582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:16:31.543 884 32582 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:16:31.576 884 32582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:16:31.620 884 29118 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:16:36.915 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:9884 hint:25 pid:628 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:9884 03-21 17:16:36.915 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:9884 hint:25 comm:[email protected] pid:628 03-21 17:16:37.458 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:9884, idx:0 03-21 17:16:37.458 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:9884 hint:25 comm:[email protected] pid:628 03-21 17:21:25.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:10494 hint:25 pid:628 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:10494 03-21 17:21:25.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:10494 hint:25 comm:[email protected] pid:628 03-21 17:21:25.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1 03-21 17:22:55.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:10729, idx:1 03-21 17:22:55.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:10729 hint:25 comm:[email protected] pid:628 03-21 17:22:55.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0 03-21 17:23:19.884 628 735 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:10803 03-21 17:23:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:10803, idx:1 03-21 17:23:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:10803 hint:1157 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:23:44.636 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:10884 hint:1157 pid:647 duration:80 => ret_hdl:10884 03-21 17:23:44.636 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:10884 hint:1157 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:23:44.716 628 735 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:10884 03-21 17:23:44.736 647 5329 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:10884, tid:5329 03-21 17:23:58.884 909 1002 E _V_Situation: window_orientation data: 1.000000 03-21 17:25:24.884 904 5732 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:0, dur:0, num:16, tid:5732 03-21 17:25:54.601 647 5884 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:11120, tid:5884 03-21 17:27:12.272 884 6165 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:27:12.273 884 6165 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:27:12.298 884 6165 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:27:12.322 884 29118 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:28:46.055 884 6336 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:28:46.057 884 6336 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:28:46.066 884 6336 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:28:46.081 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:29:38.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.43570575 03-21 17:29:39.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.42269737 03-21 17:29:40.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.4120066 03-21 17:29:49.431 884 6558 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:29:49.432 884 6558 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:29:49.440 884 6558 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:29:49.452 884 29118 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:29:57.366 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 9.128761 -45.571884 7.967114 03-21 17:30:26.486 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 11.501884 -45.736725 4.587269 03-21 17:31:08.639 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.010767 -0.288424 -0.033769 03-21 17:31:26.735 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 13.275862 -45.252014 -3.188491 03-21 17:31:57.886 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 14.635515 -44.268593 -2.288413 03-21 17:32:07.884 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, -0.000994 -0.002003 -0.003520 03-21 17:32:54.884 649 1024 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:649_1 identical 2 lines 03-21 17:32:55.450 884 7316 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:32:55.451 884 7316 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:32:55.460 884 7316 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:32:55.473 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:33:13.739 884 7371 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:33:13.740 884 7371 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:33:13.750 884 7371 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:33:13.770 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:33:21.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [email protected]: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 1112000 1112000 1000000 1000000 03-21 17:34:38.107 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:11884 hint:1159 pid:647 duration:500 => ret_hdl:11884 03-21 17:34:38.107 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:11884 hint:1159 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:34:38.607 628 735 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:11884 03-21 17:34:38.607 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:11884, idx:2 03-21 17:34:38.607 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:11884 hint:1159 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:34:38.627 647 7617 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:11884, tid:7617 03-21 17:34:38.628 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:11884, idx:-1 03-21 17:37:46.884 1465 1465 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT 0.21418959 03-21 17:37:47.884 647 9439 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:12208, tid:9439 03-21 17:37:48.884 647 647 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:12212, tid:647 03-21 17:37:48.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:12214 hint:1157 pid:647 duration:80 => ret_hdl:12214 03-21 17:37:48.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:12214 hint:1157 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:37:52.917 884 9488 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:37:52.918 884 9488 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:37:52.930 884 9488 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:37:52.944 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:39:14.097 884 10051 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:39:14.098 884 10051 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:39:14.105 884 10051 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:39:14.128 884 1939 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:40:19.884 628 735 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:12439 03-21 17:40:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:12439, idx:1 03-21 17:40:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:12439 hint:1157 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:41:34.688 884 10658 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:41:34.689 884 10658 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:41:34.694 884 10658 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:41:34.712 884 29118 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:41:38.006 884 10671 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:41:38.007 884 10671 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:41:38.014 884 10671 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:41:38.031 884 29118 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:42:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:12565 hint:25 pid:628 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:12565 03-21 17:42:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:12565 hint:25 comm:[email protected] pid:628 03-21 17:42:19.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1 03-21 17:42:32.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: 1157: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1 03-21 17:46:31.012 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:12884 hint:1157 pid:647 duration:80 => ret_hdl:12884 03-21 17:46:31.012 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:12884 hint:1157 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:46:31.092 628 735 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:12884 03-21 17:46:31.092 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:12884, idx:0 03-21 17:46:31.092 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:12884 hint:1157 comm:[email protected] pid:647 03-21 17:46:31.112 647 11130 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:12884, tid:11130 03-21 17:46:31.114 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:12884, idx:-1 03-21 17:47:02.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:12917, idx:0 03-21 17:47:02.884 628 735 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:12917 hint:25 comm:[email protected] pid:628 03-21 17:49:04.624 884 11847 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:04.625 884 11847 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:49:04.641 884 11847 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:04.656 884 1939 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:38.842 884 12709 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:38.844 884 12709 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:49:38.850 884 12709 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:38.862 884 1939 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:45.587 884 12753 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:45.588 884 12753 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:49:45.599 884 12753 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:45.612 884 1939 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:49:49.884 12787 12787 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in vgc_path_config.xml 03-21 17:52:36.673 884 13455 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:52:36.674 884 13455 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:52:36.681 884 13455 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:52:36.692 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:58:46.338 26683 12552 E fb4a.msys: E[S sync]_createResponseError(196)=>Network Response 4324679c-8b5c-4659-9884- c2ae73828ebd contains sync error Error Domain=mqtt Code=2002 - Underlying error (null): Error Domain=mqtt Code=2002 03-21 17:59:31.532 884 13823 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:59:31.533 884 13823 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 17:59:31.539 884 13823 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 17:59:31.549 884 21879 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:00:37.049 884 13969 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:00:37.050 884 13969 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:00:37.056 884 13969 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:00:37.067 884 21879 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:02:50.005 884 14700 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:02:50.007 884 14700 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:02:50.013 884 14700 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:02:50.024 884 1939 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:05:55.884 1465 1494 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid: 11708,uid: 10150 03-21 18:05:58.620 884 9573 E mediaserver: unlinkToDeath: removed reference to death recipient but unlink failed. 03-21 18:05:58.620 884 9573 E IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(1): Not supported 03-21 18:06:07.746 884 9573 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:06:08.078 884 16591 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:08.080 884 16591 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:06:08.091 884 16591 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:08.141 884 16589 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:06:28.802 884 17204 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:28.804 884 17204 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:06:28.811 884 17204 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:28.829 884 1938 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:28.838 884 17202 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name 03-21 18:06:36.889 884 16591 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:37.884 1465 1465 D NotificationService: 0||-1| p#|10199: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-21 18:06:37.915 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: Client(68) constructor 03-21 18:06:37.917 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: Create new client(68) from pid 1910, uid 10072, 03-21 18:06:37.919 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource fd=25 (/data/system_de/0/ringtones/notification_sound_cache), offset=0, length=576460752303423487 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: st_dev = 64522 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: st_mode = 33216 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: st_uid = 1000 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: st_gid = 1000 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: st_size = 21786 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: calculated length = 21786 03-21 18:06:37.920 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: player type = 4 03-21 18:06:37.921 884 5192 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xf14fb3c0) created, clientPid(1910) 03-21 18:06:37.934 884 5192 V AudioSink: AudioOutput(1513) 03-21 18:06:37.935 884 5192 V NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync fd 25/0/21786 source: 0xf1441480 03-21 18:06:37.935 884 17461 V NuPlayer: kWhatSetAudioSink 03-21 18:06:37.935 884 17461 V NuPlayer: kWhatSetDataSource 03-21 18:06:37.938 884 5192 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource 03-21 18:06:37.939 884 9573 V MediaPlayerService: [68] setLooping(0) 03-21 18:06:37.940 884 9573 V MediaPlayerService: [68] setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x0) 03-21 18:06:37.940 884 9573 V MediaPlayerService: [68] setParameter(1400) 03-21 18:06:37.940 884 9573 V MediaPlayerService: setAudioAttributes_l() usage=5 content=4 flags=0x800 tags= 03-21 18:06:37.942 884 9573 V MediaPlayerService: [68] prepareAsync 03-21 18:06:37.942 884 9573 V NuPlayer: prepareAsync 03-21 18:06:37.942 884 17461 V NuPlayer: onMessageReceived kWhatPrepare 03-21 18:06:37.949 884 17464 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 03-21 18:06:37.964 884 17461 V NuPlayer: onSourceNotify() kWhatFlagsChanged FLAG_CAN_PAUSE: 1 FLAG_CAN_SEEK_BACKWARD: 1 03-21 18:06:37.964 884 17461 V NuPlayer: FLAG_CAN_SEEK_FORWARD: 1 FLAG_CAN_SEEK: 1 FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION: 0 03-21 18:06:37.964 884 17461 V NuPlayer: FLAG_SECURE: 0 FLAG_PROTECTED: 0 03-21 18:06:37.965 884 17464 V NuPlayer: Source::notifyPrepared 0 03-21 18:06:37.965 884 17461 V NuPlayer: NuPlayer::onSourceNotify Source::kWhatPrepared source: 0xf1441480 03-21 18:06:37.965 884 17461 V MediaPlayerService: [68] notify (1, 0, 0) 03-21 18:06:38.536 884 17527 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:38.537 884 17527 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:06:38.544 884 17527 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:38.558 884 21879 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:06:38.566 884 17525 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name 03-21 18:06:43.886 884 12626 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xf1752358 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 24/35 (recycle/alloc) - 11/60 (fetch/transfer) 03-21 18:06:43.886 884 12626 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 03-21 18:06:51.237 884 16591 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:08:36.941 18187 18289 E msgr.msys: E[D SqliteError]sqliteErrorLogCallback(296)=>(21) misuse at line 9761 of [884b4b7e50] 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: Job failed with an exception, stack: 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: X.4yy: no_prediction_from_cache 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at X.4XK.A02(:258) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at X.4yY.invoke(:323) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at X.4jm.A00(:32) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at X.4XK.A03(:22) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at kotlin.jvm.internal.KtLambdaShape2S0110000_I1.invoke(:97) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at X.4jm.A00(:32) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at X.4XL.A01(:20) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at com.facebook.dcp.scheduler.fb4a.FbDcpWorker.A05(:61) 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 03-21 18:11:10.884 15756 18759 E fb4a.X.4Wo: at 03-21 18:13:59.678 884 19004 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:13:59.679 884 19004 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:13:59.686 884 19004 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:13:59.698 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:02.343 884 9573 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:17:02.422 884 19846 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:02.423 884 19846 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:17:02.431 884 19846 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:02.464 884 19844 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:17:08.233 884 19954 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:08.234 884 19954 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:17:08.239 884 19954 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:08.254 884 8386 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:08.260 884 19952 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name 03-21 18:17:16.884 649 12154 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: [MTK_APM_Output]startOutput() output 21, stream 3, session 1537 portId 318 03-21 18:17:16.884 649 12154 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=1 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0 03-21 18:17:16.953 884 19846 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:35.000 884 20231 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:35.001 884 20231 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:17:35.006 884 20231 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:35.032 884 17581 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:17:45.632 884 19846 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:21:30.118 884 1104 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:21:30.142 884 1104 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:22:55.601 909 1002 E [email protected]: MEMSIC_Getori: accur 3, 236.942596 0.884245 0.989662 03-21 18:24:29.424 884 22960 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:24:29.426 884 22960 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:24:29.435 884 22960 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:24:29.450 884 1938 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:25:05.884 24001 24141 I sel.telkomselc: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 03-21 18:25:08.832 884 1104 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:25:09.121 884 24489 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:25:09.123 884 24489 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 03-21 18:25:09.130 884 24489 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3 03-21 18:25:09.175 884 24487 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:25:22.371 884 2269 E AudioSystem: invalid attributes { Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Usage: AUDIO_USAGE_UNKNOWN Source: -1 Flags: 0x800 Tags: } when converting to stream 03-21 18:26:33.884 465 471 E [email protected]: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied 03-21 18:26:47.884 597 845 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10250, nid:0 03-21 18:28:18.884 24705 24780 E StatClient: Response from server: unknown, error: mi.w@44c4ad0 returned no addresses for 03-21 18:41:18.490 1465 6460 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when = 12913646, curTime = 12884013 03-21 18:41:22.495 27398 27433 E jato : gc block end, 12873884,2166