The document provides characteristics of various power semiconductor devices including power diodes, thyristors, and transistors. It includes three tables that list technical specifications such as maximum reverse voltage, average forward current, surge current, and forward voltage drop for different device references. The tables provide a side-by-side comparison of key ratings for common power switching components.
The document provides characteristics of various power semiconductor devices including power diodes, thyristors, and transistors. It includes three tables that list technical specifications such as maximum reverse voltage, average forward current, surge current, and forward voltage drop for different device references. The tables provide a side-by-side comparison of key ratings for common power switching components.
The document provides characteristics of various power semiconductor devices including power diodes, thyristors, and transistors. It includes three tables that list technical specifications such as maximum reverse voltage, average forward current, surge current, and forward voltage drop for different device references. The tables provide a side-by-side comparison of key ratings for common power switching components.
The document provides characteristics of various power semiconductor devices including power diodes, thyristors, and transistors. It includes three tables that list technical specifications such as maximum reverse voltage, average forward current, surge current, and forward voltage drop for different device references. The tables provide a side-by-side comparison of key ratings for common power switching components.