Scan Bauhaus
Scan Bauhaus
Scan Bauhaus
( li terally :building's shool of
arts and uaftS
this schoo
, house >) as
founded in 10 by the qerman
SuCRRded Hehry Van Velde in the architect Water Gropi Us. He
4he teaching of fine poSt of director and reormani zed
R 8i aners
arts in Weimar Its obetive is to train
a henhve Ao 4ha requirements d industia Souety
the s e dt neuw material s and in ex pertsin
t h appi ca tion of arge-sala prod-
OcHon mothods- leahing is entrsted 4o eni nent
In 1425, tho Sthool is avtistR and teachers
where 4 cloSed Aha
tranS Ferred to Dessau then to Berlin in
followinq year by Ordes of the Na2i government
The vision of Amer ican Desian: Onike the Europeans, the Ameri (an
desianers does not xpros and
tharseles into their uaions. The Ammeri can
design is puely praamatiC