Scan Bauhaus

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Bouhous Movement BoRn with the

( li terally :building's shool of
arts and uaftS
this schoo
, house >) as
founded in 10 by the qerman
SuCRRded Hehry Van Velde in the architect Water Gropi Us. He
4he teaching of fine poSt of director and reormani zed
R 8i aners
arts in Weimar Its obetive is to train
a henhve Ao 4ha requirements d industia Souety
the s e dt neuw material s and in ex pertsin
t h appi ca tion of arge-sala prod-
OcHon mothods- leahing is entrsted 4o eni nent
In 1425, tho Sthool is avtistR and teachers
where 4 cloSed Aha
tranS Ferred to Dessau then to Berlin in
followinq year by Ordes of the Na2i government

The pewliarties of +his mmovement: I t breaks wi th the mmovement

and tha rsdiAionnalist souety of the time and it alled two
indosty and Jaft. + s i has an inf wena in (ontem porary ardhi tectue
and desian Forma lly, the
ob jetts dae basics, geometric and
down, but they remmain funcrionnal

Interesting facts about Modernism and the Bahaus movement:

At the BauhauS sunool, theteadhens wene Renowed erofeaionnals, thay
qlsd wor Ked in com u n i t y a n d women w e e emtoo ra aed to study thons
Those twg mmovememts hasn t (onsidensd Ahe f o m a n i n n d o aó effiuents
And wanted to renaw the 0ahhon-

The vision of Amer ican Desian: Onike the Europeans, the Ameri (an
desianers does not xpros and
tharseles into their uaions. The Ammeri can
design is puely praamatiC

The influeno of these mmovements today: Some of the, the

poi nts of
modern architecture s t l applied today, "ike the
are pilinqs
tena, the maaxiMMAJMY expoSue
tO the Sun , 1ha reñOval of the cornia

and a daoti uhon any smämemt-

did I dhoose this obt ? lea Infoser CMT49)Marianne Brand 1924:

This oo ect is a mixture of tormal Contrasts,
the idea of t h teapot s warm and friendly,
and almost Surqical looK , all of
and orey, which cOntrast
nuaneo and ideAS - Commónly
but here we SRe a preuse obect
metal. This materiql also brinqs shades of blach
with the Aaw of Hhe hand.
nilie MARIIN 1C, planche a'Anglans

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