HUSA Project

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Prepared by:_KEMALZIYAD

Bale, Robe, Ethiopia

Submission date 5/05/2011

first of all we would like to acknowledge to thank Madda walabu University Finance
management system workers all to give info.

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Table of content
Content Page
Unit one………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….....................5
1.1 Background of the project....................................................................5
1.2 Activity of the organization………………………………………………………………..5
1.3 Statement of the problem......................................................................5
1.4 Significance of the project………..…….…………..…..….…............................6
1.5 Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………….6
1.5.1 General (Goal) objective ..............…………………………………………….6
1.5.2 Specific or Immediate objective..............………………………………….6
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the project...………………….……………………………….7
1.6.1 Scope of the project........................................................................7
1.6.2 Limitation of the project..................................................................7
1.7 Project Management Technique.………....………………………………………………….7
1.7.1 Project Budget (cost break down estimation)…….………………………….8
1.7.2 Risk Analysis, identification, mitigation and ........................................8
1.8 Feasibility Analysis ...............…………………………….……….……………….....….……..9
1.8.1 Economic Feasibility.……………………………….…….…………....……………..9
1.8.2 Technical Feasibility.........................................................................9
1.8.3 Operational Feasibility....................................................................9
Unit two………………………………………………………………………………........................10
System Analysis
2.1 Methodology and Tools............................……………………….…….……………...10
2.2 Data collection methodology.............................…………….….…………….10
2.3 Systm devlopment tools ……………......………………….……………………........ 9
2.4 Hardware requirement................................................................................9
2.5 Software requirement..................................................................................9
2.6 Problem of current system……………………………………………………………………….11

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2.7 Functional Requirement.............................................................................11
2.8 Non-functional requirement........................................................................12

System Design
3.1 User interface Prototype (snap shoot)..........................................................13
4.1 Implementation.............................................................................................18
4.2 Conclusion and recommendation..................................................................18
4.3 Refereces/bibliography....................................................................................19

First and for most, I will be like to express my sincere thanks to the Omnipotent God for the gift
of life, wisdom and understanding he had given to me, a reason for my existence. And to my
families for the love and support they had provided throughout my life.
Special thanks to my senior friends for initiating the ideas for my project topic hence establishing
a framework for the project, they too has been good and understanding.
I want to thanks my instructor Awal. A for the expertise and intelligence he has displayed while
giving this project. We believe good work is a result of his good guidance and cooperation.
I cannot forget my friends in the Faculty of business and economics for the academic interactions
and company they have accorded to me.

FBE faculty of business and economics
Mwu Madda Walabu University
PHP hypertext per processor
MY SQL structured query language
APO academic president officer
VPAR vice president academic researcher
UI user interface
SAD system analysis design

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FMGT Finance management system

1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the project
FMGT is organization which found in mwu main campus and other branch like Goba. The
main branch of this universities found in Bale Robe. It has more than two branches and in
each branch has more than 13 employees. The main branch has 18 Employees. The
university has main services such as learning and distributes modern system to the student
like photocopy machines, printers, household electronic devices and computers, maintain
electronic devices and give technical services. A financial management system is the
methodology and software that an organization uses to oversee and govern its income,
expenses, and assets with the objectives of maximizing profits and ensuring sustainability.
1.2 Activity of the organization
It’s obvious that in some Ethiopian higher institutions work on FMGTS is not introduced as
much as its expected to be some activities are manually which leads wastage of time, labor
and accuracy so decided MWUFMGTS overcome of manually changed to automated used to
budget and expenditures in our system we are developing expected to more efficient,
reliable for the servant.
1.3 Statement of the problem
MWU FMGT the finance work system works unsatisfactory and very difficult to work
because their current work system has many problems such as:
•Lack of security of data.
• Excel and calculator.
•No fast retrieval of data time.
• Consume large volume of paper work and more man power.
The payroll system of their employee works using calculator and MS excel.

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1.4 Significance /Benefits of the project
In minimizing the university’s effort paying for them There are different bodies that will be
benefited from this system.The main benefit valuable data usage for the finance
department. Secondly they can reduce the human resource of the office which resulted
expense .1.5
Beneficiaries of this system is the university itself in which, first, the environment is
changed to a computerized environment, which improves the quality of internal operations
like accuracy, timeliness, reliable, secured, relevant and Some the necessary records of the
above management activities are kept manually on papers and stored in file cabinet.
1.6 Objective
1.6.1 General (Goal) objective
The main objective of this system is to develop a new system which solves the above
mentioned problems with the existing system.
1.6.2 Specific or Immediate objectives
The specific objectives of my project are:-
• To design a user friendly system.
• To make the office works in simple way.
• To increase the time to generate the report of the work.
• To give the service to the employees in short period of time.
• To reduce the human resource of the office.
• To increase to the work efficiency of the department.
• To minimize the loss of records or data

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1.7 Scope and Limitation of the projects
1.7.1 Scope of the project
The new system implements for mwu finance department to oversee and govern its
income, employee payroll system, expenses, credit interest, profit and loss, day book and
assets or capital with the objectives of maximizing profits and ensuring sustainability.
1.7.2 Limitation of the projects
• My system is limited to desktop application because I have not applied any networking
concepts as a result it can only serve as desktop application system.
• It can only be implemented only to Madda walabu University finance management system

1.8 Project Management Technique

1.8.1 Project Budget (cost break down estimation)
.Tangible costs
The tangible costs to be incurred in developing the system are:-
• Hardware development cost
• Miscellaneous cost
• Software development cost
Hardware development cost: -

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Since the system is developed for educational purpose there is no hardware that I spent
money to buy. The university covers all the hardware expenses.

Miscellaneous Cost:-

The following table lists the different miscellanies costs that I spent in the process of the
development of the system

Material amount price

Printing and copy 20 40 Birr

writing material 5 25 Birr

CD and DVD _ _

Paper Desta-34 15 Birr

Flash disk 8 GB 100 Birr

Total ------------ 180 Birr

1.8.3 Risk Analysis identification ,mitigation and monitoring

During the development of my project there may be accidents and problems that may
create a negative side effect in my progress those are:

• There may a problem of light in the lab this cause not to finish the project in the
estimated schedules.

• My files and documents may be affecting by a virus and worms.

• There may be accidents and diseases to one of my project mate this also has a
negative impact to my project

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• In general there may be problems that cause a negative influence during the
development of my project

. mitigation

In my project will may occur some problem, but I have to take immediate action when the
problem will occur like:

• Take precondition for the problem

• To protect my project from malicious thing like viruses, worms by loading antivirus
software on my computer system

1.9 Feasibility Analysis

1.9.1 Economic feasibility
Economic feasibility is the process of identifying the financial benefits and costs associated
with the project being developed. That is why economic feasibility is sometimes called cost-
benefit analysis. For the project I,m working on, I have the following benefits and costs.
• Tangible benefits
Unlike, standalone software, this project (FMGS OF MWU) is an application that it will not
get sold for a specific company or any institution. Here the tangible benefits are saving
resources like paper, pen, human power, space needed to keep records and time wasted
• Intangible benefits
The intangible benefits I have pointed out the system development are the following:-
• Students will be satisfied by the services given by the office.
• The workers will have a moral to do their works
The office will be efficient Intangible costs: a cost associated with an association with an
information system that cannot be easily measured in terms of Birr or Dollar
1.9.2 Technical feasibility
Technically my system is feasible because I have prepared well and I have able to tackle the
technical risks that could arise. Technically the main risk I have identified is system failure
which is going to be solved by using backup
1.9.3 Operational feasibility

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My system is feasible operationally. The owner can use the system to perform its regular
task without any ambiguity. It can solve all the problems the office is facing by overcoming
the drawback of the current system. It will be advantageous for the owner because it
reduces all the obstacles faced in performing the tasks. The users of the system can
understand the new system with little training& instruction.

System Analysis
2.1 Methodology and Tools
2.1.1 Data collection methodologies
I use observation and interview in order to obtain the information about the practices and
problems of the mwu fmgt, which ultimately assists me in developing the automated
• Observation: - Observation is common methods of scientific research to collect the
data. I use observation to know the existing system, the location of mwu fmgt office,
different sub offices and how office members are handling the work in the office.
• Interview: - Interview is particularly useful for getting the history behind the
participant’s experiences. I used interview to get information about the existing system for
developing my project. The interview will be conducted on the staff member.
2.2 Current system
The organization performs many activities like:
 Provide payroll for employees manually.
 Manage all employees in mwu finance.
 Also manage resources in mwu finance.

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2.3 Problems of the current system
In the existing system the transactions are done only manually and there are errors due to
carelessness or oversight that may result in loss to the data and as to the organization. For
an organization, time is very important factor. They works manually, unsatisfactory and
very difficult to work because their current work system has many problems such as lack of
security of data, needs manual calculations using paper, excel and calculator, no fast
retrieval of data time, consume large volume of paper work and more man power, waste of
too many hardware materials and lose of their files. All the necessary records of the above
management activities are kept manually on papers and stored in file cabinet. Such as
Lack of security of data: - all files are kept on cabinets by a box file they are
exposed to theft and other environmental disaster.
More man power is needed: - requires many numbers of peoples to calculate the
transactions like employees overtime work payment during salary time.
Time consuming: - as it was manual using paper and Excel it is difficult to generate daily,
monthly and annually report on timely and it may have errors as they work in quickly.
Players/Actors of existing system
Employers: are people who work in the organization.
Acquisition Officer: the job applicants to be qualified are registered by this officer.
Data clerk: the employee’s information is registered and controlled by the data
Job applicant: applies to the field he wants to be employed.
Manager of the organization: is a person who commands the rule and regulation
of the organization.

2.2 Functional requirements

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what
services it will provide to the user. Statements of services the system should provide how
the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in
particular situations. My new system performs the following tasks.
• Register employees and handle their details.
• Calculate for the expenses, income, credit interest, and assets or capital of the
university monthly, quarterly and annually.
• Generate reports & Compute employee payroll
2.3 Nonfunctional requirements

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Nonfunctional requirements pertain to other information needed to produce the correct
system and are detailed separately. Constraints on the services or functions offered by the
system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc.

3. System Design
3.1 User Interface Prototype (snap shoot)
The user interacts with the interface depending on their account level. Those are the
administrator and the user. The user intended to face log in form first page to enter the
user based on their account based on their account level. If the entered user is
administrator he/she can meet with main form which contains registering new
information, updating existing files, searching reporting etc. But if the logged in user is not
administrative, he/she cannot access all things. For example he/she cannot create a new
user, updating file, deleting existing file. But he/she can view file, search file, enter new
The system will be implemented using the users interface. The users are familiar to the
system easily.

fig3.1 snap shoot for screen log in.

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Fig 3.2 diagram to create user account.

 User interface prototyping

Is an interactive analysis technique in which user is actively involved in the making up of

the user interface for the system? User interface prototyping used as an analysis artifact
that enables you to explore the problem space with use stoke holders

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 User interface is the junction between a user and a computer  program. An interface
is a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program.
The user interface is one of the most important parts of any program because it
determines how easily you can make the program do what you want.


Log in as: Finance manager

User name:


login cancel

Fig 3.3 user interface for login to the system

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Description: First fill the user name& password next click login button when we click on it
there is error message will be displayed. If the password & user name correctly inserted
the system display the next window.
Main window

Employee information:
Employee Payroll


Profit and Loss





Fig 3.4 user interface for the main window

Description: This is main user interface first fill user what to you going to do in
click the box then the next form/window will displayed automatically.

Employee Payroll
Netpay :

Employee Id:

Basic Payment

Basic pay:


Family Deduction:


Net Pay:

Saved Update Exit

Fig 3.5 user interface for the payroll

Description: This is payroll form first fill all the information on the window then going to
click the save button on the form/window then the next will display automatically.

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Page 15
Employee registration

Employee Id:

Middle name Address:

Lname: Phone no:

Gender: Male Female

Date of join:


Age: Save Cancel

Employee registration

You have successfully registered


Fig 3.6 user interface for the employee registration

Description: This is in order to register must login by using her/his user name &password
next open the finance management form from the login page then fill all the information
detail and click on save button then the message will be display ”you have successfully

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4. Implementation
4.1 Implementation
After the end of all the development phase of this project my system is going to be
implemented in the following way.
. First I will deploy the source code in to executable file and the executable file will be
installed on the client machine.
. Then the user will click on start -> all program -> Mwu Finance Management system.
. The proposed software will be opened and my expected audiences will interact with the
4.2 Conclusion and Recommendation
• MWU finance management System is one of the main management system found in
management. After I have completed the project I am sure the problems in the existing
system will overcome. The finance management system process made computerized to
design a user friendly system, reduce the finance of the office, minimize the loss of records
or data, minimize the time consuming to search for records from the file and make it easy
to search what we want, to increase the security of the data by authentication and to
increase to the work efficiency of the department. The problems, which existed in the
earlier system, have been removed to a large extent. And it is expected that this project will
go a long way in satisfying users’ requirements.
• The system I have developed is a desktop application it needs a skilled person to work
with the system. So, I recommend the system should be entitled to the responsible and
skilled person. I will highly recommend the system should be kept in highly safe and
favorable condition.

4.3 References/bibliography.
1. Modern systems analysis and design (2005 G.C), Jeffery A,Hoffer, Joey F.George, Joseph
S.Valacich, Prabin K.Panigraphi, 4th edition
2. System analysis and design Methods (2004 G.C), Jeffery L.Whitten, Lonnie D . B.Benttley ,
Kevin C.Dittman, 6th edition
3. Object oriented systems development (1999 G.C),Ali Bahrami

The end
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Thank You!!!!

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