DLL-do-SCI-g10-Q3-week4-21-22-final (AutoRecovered)

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Annex 2B.1 to DepEd Order No. 42 , s.



LOG Teaching Week WEEK 4- March 6-9, 2023 Quarter THIRD
Time : 7:30-8:30 MTTh (10-S) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8:30-9:30 MTTh (10-P)
9:45-10:45 MTTh (10-T)
10:45- 11:45 MTTh (10-R)
12:45- 1:45 M (10-R)
1:45- 2:45 Th (10-T)
2:45- 3:45 M(10-S)
W (10-P)
Dates: March 6, 2023 March 7, 2023 March 8, 2023 March 9, 2023
A. Content Standard 1. organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated 1. the information stored in DNA as being used to make proteins
by the nervous and endocrine systems 2. how changes in a DNA molecule may cause changes in its product
2. how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain 3. mutations that occur in sex cells as being heritable
homeostasis to reproduce and survive
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competencies Describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these Explain how protein is made using information from DNA
feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis
LC Code S10LT-IIIc-36 S10LT-IIId-37
Learning Objectives Identify the different major divisions 1. Describe how the nervous 1. Describe the structure of DNA 1. describe DNA replication;
and parts of nervous system. system coordinates and and RNA molecule. 2. relate DNA replication to its
regulates these feedback 2. Describe how proteins are complementary structure; and
mechanisms to maintain made
3. describe transcription and
homeostasis. translation.
2. Distinguish between negative 4. Explain how protein is made
and positive feedback. using information from DNA
II. CONTENT Major Divisions and Parts of REGULATION of FEEDBACK DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis
Nervous system MECHANISM for
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s materials pages Science 10 Learner’s Material Science 10 Learner’s Material Science 10 Learner’s Material Science 10 Learner’s Material
Second Edition, 2020 Second Edition, 2020 Second Edition, 2020 Second Edition, 2020
Pg/s 226-232 Pg/s 233-239 Pg/s 263-268 Pg/s 270-279
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Science – Grade 10 Science – Grade 10 Science – Grade 10
Support Material for Independent Capsulized Self-Learning Alternative Delivery Mode
Learning Engagement (SMILE) Quarter 3 – Module 4: Protein
Empowerment Toolkit (CAPSLET) Synthesis
Quarter 3 – Module 3
REGULATION of FEEDBACK Quarter 3 – WEEK4 First Edition, 2020
MECHANISM for HOMEOSTASIS by DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis
First Edition, 2021
A. Engage In the previous lesson, you learned SCRAMBBLE LETTERS: What Am I? Directions: Explain the concepts
about the feedback mechanism in the Word: Homeostasis Directions: Read each statement pertaining to protein synthesis by
Female Reproductive System carefully. Select the correct answer doing this Frayer
(Menstrual Cycle). Can you still recall Do you know what does the word from the word bank and write your Model. Write key terms and
answer on the blank space provided. examples for each box. For the
that? Let us check by answering the means?
Word Bank diagram box, you can
activity below. draw a flowchart or a concept map
gene genetics DNA
Activity 1: Odd Organ Out that will help you remember the
RNA Gregor Mendel allele
Directions: Study each set of protein synthesis.
diagrams showing different organs of
1. The father of Genetics. ________
the human body. Then, determine
2. A double-stranded molecule that
which organ DOES NOT belong to carries genetic information.
the group by naming it on the space ____________________
provided on the second column of the 3. Responsible for the expression of
table. Lastly, write your short genes. ____________________
explanation in the third column why 4. Functional unit of heredity.
the organ should not be included in the
group. ____________________
5. The study of genes, genetic variation,
and heredity. ___________

B. EXPLORE/EXPLICIT Teacher will discuss the lesson via Teacher will discuss the lesson via Teacher will discuss the lesson via Teacher will discuss the lesson
illustration. illustration. illustration. via illustration.


Break it down! Create a chart like the one below. A. DNA AND RNA STRUCTURE Can you “fill” me
A. Directions: Using the given Write examples of positive and Directions: Fill in the table below Directions:
graphic organizer, fill in the negative feedback.
BASIS OF DNA RNA Step 1. Fill in the correct mRNA
missing parts to complete the Positive Negative bases by transcribing the bottom
Number of DNA strand.
entire concept showing the
structure of the nervous
strand Step 2. Translate the mRNA codons.
system. Location in
B. L YOU DO: student will answer the the cell
a practice activity. Type of
b "Fact or Bluff" Sugar
el Directions: Read and analyze each of Nitrogenous
the statements below. Determine if the base
statement is a fact or bluff. Put a check
(√) mark on the appropriate column for
B. Completing the central
your answer.
Statements Fact Bluff
Parts of Neuron 1. An animal's YOU DO: student will answer the
body shivers
when insufficient
practice activity.
heat is produced. DNA vs. RNA – A Comparison
Chart DNA vs. RNA – A
Comparison Chart
Directions: Complete the table below Step 3. Write in the anti-codon of
by writing the correct words/description the tRNA and the corresponding
about RNA or DNA. Choose the words amino acids.
YOU DO: student will answer the practice 2. Blood clotting from the box below. Step 4. Find the correct amino acid
activity and childbirth are using the Codon Chart.
examples of a
What Am I? body process  Double stranded helix
Directions: Read each statement carefully. controlled by a  Single stranded
Select the correct answer from the word positive feedback  Sugar deoxyribose, phosphate
bank and write your answer in the blank mechanism in the
human body.
and nucleotide basis
space provided. 3. An example of  Sugar ribose, phosphate and
a negative nucleotide basis
1. I am a chemical feedback  A, T, C, G
mechanism in the
messenger in the  A, U, C, G
human body is
body. My job is to the production of  Stores genetic materials
transmit signals oxytocin hormone  Functions in protein synthesis Table 1. mRNA Codon Chart
from nerve cells to during childbirth. transcribing and translating the Source:
target cells. 4. Insulin https://www.flickr.com/photos/97216
2. I have a long secretion by the
pancreas is code 967@N04/9723142289
projection of a
nerve. I carry controlled by a
impulses away positive feedback Comparison DNA RNA Step 5. Answer the questions below
mechanism in the about protein synthesis.
from the cell body. human body. Structure
3. I am a junction 5. Homeostasis is Components 1. What stage of protein synthesis
terminal of a defined as the does step 1 illustrate? _____
nerve. I allow Function
tendency of an 2. What stage of protein synthesis do
sensory impulses organism or cell steps 2 and 3 illustrate?
to travel in a single to regulate its
direction and internal
divide impulses environment and YOU DO: student will answer
between multiple equilibrium.
the practice activity.
neurons into a 6. When you skip
single neuron. a meal, you don't What's the Message?
4. I am an organ supply your body Directions: For each of the
located within the with the fuel it
runs on.
following sequence of DNA, supply
skull that function
as organizer and Consequently, the correct mRNA. Write your
distributor of blood sugar level answer on the blank below the DNA
drops, and the strand.
information in for body experiences
the body. What a shortage of 1. DNA
7. Positive ATG GCA ACG TGA
5. I am narrow, feedback
long, and have mechanisms are
branching characterized by mRNA
structures. I carry having the output __________________________
shut off the
impulses original effect of __________________________
towards the cell the stimulus or Relay the Message
body. What Am I? reduce its Direction: Fill in the blanks the
6. I connect the intensity.
8. A negative correct triplet codon to form the
CNS to organs and sequence of tRNA.
limbs. What Am I? feedback
7. I serve as mechanism
channel signals affects the 1. DNA TAC TCT CCC AAA
between the brain production of AAA TAC CAC CCC ATC
and the rest of the hormones in the mRNA AUG AGA GGG UUU
body. What Am I? menstrual cycle.
8. I am a system 9. Feedback
mechanism is a tRNA
which is associated _____________________________
with involuntary process that uses
the conditions of _____________________________
control of body
movements. What one component Trace the Code
Am I? to control the Direction:
9. I am a nerve that function of the 1. Complete the table.
other component. 2. Refer to the Genetic Code Table
carry motor and
10. In the
sensory signals to identify the amino acid.
between spinal production of
milk, luteinizing 3. To identify the amino acid, look
cord and the body. at the bases in the mRNA codon,
What Am I? hormone
stimulates the e.g., AUG
10.I maintain body
mammary gland 4. Using the Genetic Code Table
functions and
restores the body to produce more below, you can find three encircled
milk. letters to show how it is used. Look
to normal or relax
mode. What am I? for the first encircled letter of the
- mRNA codon on the left side of the
genetic code table (A), the second
encircled letter of the mRNA on the
second letter column (U), and the
third encircled letter on the right side
(G). AUG codes for the amino acid
Met or methionine.
5. Do the same with the other
codons in the table.

C. Explain -Teacher asks student to generalize the Teacher asks student to generalize Teacher asks student to generalize Teacher asks student to
lesson. the lesson. the lesson. generalize the lesson.
Teacher will also give a more detailed Teacher will also give a more Teacher will also give a more Teacher will also give a more
explanation detailed explanation detailed explanation detailed explanation
D. Elaborate Activity 1: Complete Me! VLOG (GROUP) Mr. Tiger
Categorize the following movements if Directions: Given the situation below Directions: Make a short vlog Directions: The questions for this
somatic or automatic and its effect/s on the body, determine describing the DNA and RNA and activity relate to the tiger shown in
how the body reacts to maintain Explain how protein is made using this photograph.
1. Playing instrument homeostasis. information from DNA. 1. Describe the color of the tiger.
2. Food digestion in the stomach Situation Effect/s on Reaction/s
of the
3. Reaching for a book the body body determines the color of the tiger’s
4. The pupils dilating 1. Doing It makes the coat?
5. Walking across the room physical heart beats
2. If the DNA sequence for the
activities such faster and
6. Beating of your heart tiger’s coat color were to change,
as walking, increases
7. Kicking a soccer ball jogging, and body what would this be called?.
8. Perspiring under the hot sun dancing. temperature 3. In rare occasion a white tiger is
9. Breathing in or out 2. Eating salty Increases born in the wild. Explain how a
10. Sweeping the floor foods like potato electrolyte mutation could cause this tiger to
Activity 2 chips, fish concentration
cracker, or dried of the body have a white coat instead of an
Concept MAP summarizing nervous fish orange coat.
system, its function and division and 3. consumption of Frequent
subdivision. alcoholic urination and
beverages such as severe thirst
beer and wine.
4. Skipping a Increased
meal and not energy
eating on time expenditure
and elevate
blood sugar
5. Eating too Increases
many sweets such blood sugar
as cakes, candies, level that can
and chocolates lead to
E. Evaluate Paper and Pencil Test: Multiple choice Paper and Pencil Test: Multiple Paper and Pencil Test: Multiple Paper and Pencil Test: Multiple
questions choice questions choice questions choice questions
J. Assignment/Agreement Execute this through a group activity.
There will be five (5) groups; each will be
given task which they will perform in front
of the class. The following are the tasks:
 Group 1- importance/functions of
the nervous system in the form of
 Group 2- Give the different
divisions of the nervous system
by completing the graphic
 Group 3- Describe the functions
of each part of the nervous
system under the CNS through
song interpretation.
 Group 4- Draw, label and tell the
functions of each part of the
nervous system under the PNS.
Group 5- Draw, label and tell the functions
of each part of the neuron
A. Number of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? Number of
learners who have
caught up the with the
D. Number of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
For improvement, enhancement and /or clarification of any DepEd material used, kindly submit feedback to [email protected]

Prepared by: Reviewed and checked by: Submitted to:


Science Teacher/SST-I Science Coordinator/ MT-I Principal-I

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