Let - S Talk About Food
Let - S Talk About Food
Let - S Talk About Food
What’s your favourite What’s your favourite What do you think about
food? How often do you restaurant? Why? food in school canteens?
eat it?
Can you give some Do you eat fast food? What are the most
examples of fast food What is your favourite popular dishes in your
(also: junk food)? fast food restaurant? country?
What do people usually Have you ever eaten When did you last go to a
eat on a special holiday Japanese food? Did you nice restaurant? What
(like New Year)? like it? did you order?
If you visited a country Have you ever eaten Can you cook? What is the
where people ate snake or insects or snails? Would last dish you cooked?
dog, would you try it? you like to try them?
What’s the strangest Who usually does the Is there a pet in your
food you have ever cooking in your family? family? What does it eat?