WestBengal 1-Bankura-31.12.2011 - 0

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Agriculture Contingency Plan for District: BANKURA

1.0 District Agriculture profile
1.1 Agro-Climatic/Ecological Zone
Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Western Himalayas, Warm Sub humid (To Humid With Inclusion Of Perhumid) Eco-Region. (12.3)
Assam And Bengal Plain, Hot Sub humid To Humid (Inclusion Of Perhumid) Eco-Region. (15.1)
Eastern plateau (chhotanagpur) And Easter (12.3)
Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Lower Gangetic Plain Region (III)
District agriculture profile
Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) Red and Laterite Zone (WB-5)
Old Alluvial Zone (WB-3)
List all the districts or part thereof falling under Bankura, Birbhum, Burdwan, Midnapur(west), Murshidabad and Purulia, Dakshin Dinajpur, Haora,
the NARP Zone Hooghly, Malda, Nadia, Uttar dinajpur
Geographic coordinates of district headquarters Latitude Longitude Altitude
23º 14’ 04.92” N 87 04’20.84” E 84 m
Name and address of the concerned ZRS/ Regional Research Station (R&L), Zone BCKV, Jhargram, Medinipur (W) - 721 507
ZARS/ RARS/ RRS/ RRTTS 23º 88" 00' N
Mention the KVK located in the district Sonamukhi KVK, Bankura, Pin–722 207

1.2 Rainfall (Ten year’ average 1998-2007) Normal Normal Onset Normal Cessation
RF(mm) ( specify week and month) (specify week and month)
SW monsoon (June-Sep): 992.4 1st week of June 4th week of September
NE Monsoon (Oct-Dec): 132.9 - -
Winter (Jan- February) 69.00 - -
Summer (march-May) 150.4 - -
Annual 1344.7 - -

1.3 Land use Geographical Cultivable Forest Land under Permanent Cultivable Land under Misc. Barren and Current Other
pattern of the area area area non- pastures wasteland tree uncultivable fallows fallows
district (latest agricultural use crops and groves land
Area (‘000 ha) 688.0 383.93 148.9 148 0.7 2.0 2.7 1.7 37.5 1.03
1. 4 Major Soils (common names like red Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%) of total geographical area
sandy loam deep soils (etc.,)*
1. Loamy 307.6 44.7
2. Gravelly clay loamy 46.7 6.8
3. Loamy sandy 27.3 4.0
4. Clayey-loamy 7.8 1.1

1.5 Agricultural land use Area (‘000 ha) Cropping intensity %

Net sown area 345.4
Area sown more than once 220.3 164
Gross cropped area 565.7

1.6 Irrigation Area (‘000 ha)

Net irrigated area 276.9
Gross irrigated area 453.3
Rainfed area 112.4
Sources of Irrigation Number Area (‘000 ha) Percentage of total irrigated area
Canals - 180.3 65.1
Tanks 20977 33.5 12.1
Open wells 7106 2.5 0.9
Bore wells - - -
Lift irrigation schemes 28468 54.5 19.6
Micro-irrigation - - -
Other sources (please specify) 1190 6.28 2.3
Total Irrigated Area - 276.9 100
Pump sets - - -
No. of Tractors - - -
Groundwater availability and use* (Data No. of blocks/ (%) area Quality of water (specify the problem such
source: State/Central Ground water Tehsils as high levels of arsenic, fluoride, saline etc)
Department /Board)
Over exploited - - Fluoride level 1.04-7.26 mg/lit
Critical - - Depth range for Fluoride 11-39 & above
Semi- critical - - -
Safe 9 - -
Wastewater availability and use - - -
Ground water quality Ground Water contaminated with Fluoride 6 blocks
*over-exploited: groundwater utilization > 100%; critical: 90-100%; semi-critical: 70-90%; safe: <70%

1.7 Area under major field crops & horticulture (as per latest figures) (year 2008-09)

1.7 Major field crops Area (‘000 ha)

cultivated Kharif Rabi
Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Summer irrigated Grand total
Rice - 20.4 20.4 328.8 - 328.8 67.6 416.8
Wheat - - - 3.5 - - - 3.5
Pulses - - - - 0.3 - - 0.3
Oilseeds - - - 40.1 - 40.1 - 40.1
Potato - - - 41.9 - 41.9 - 41.9

Horticulture crops - Fruits Area (‘000 ha)

Mango 1.6
Banana 0.6
Papaya 0.6
Guava 0.7
Jackfruit 0.5
Horticulture crops - Vegetables Total
Cucurbits 11.8
Brinjal 10.0
Ladies finger 5.7
Cauliflower 5.3
Cabbage 4.8
Tomato 3.2
1.8 Livestock (2007-08) Male (‘000) Female (‘000) Total (‘000)
Non descriptive Cattle (local low yielding) 631.6 814.1 1,445.7
Crossbred cattle 26.2 79.6 105.8
Non descriptive Buffaloes (local low yielding) 74.1 24.6 98.7
Graded Buffaloes - - -
Goat - - 893.9
Sheep - - 100.8
Others (Camel, Pig, Yak etc.) - - -
Commercial dairy farms (Number) - - -
1.9 Poultry No. of farms Total No. of birds (‘000)
Commercial Broiler-339, Improved In Farm: Broiler-1557014, Layer-206200 [District Total of
Layer-9 Improved strains Fowl-1695913, Duck-42241, Quail-9, Other-
Backyard 0 In Farm: Deshi Total Fowl-0, Duck-70000 [District Total of
Deshi Fowl-1441338, Duck-687906]
1.10 Fisheries (Data source: Chief Planning Officer)
A. Capture
i) Marine (Data Source: No. of fishermen Boats Nets Storage facilities
Fisheries Department) (Ice plants etc.)
Mechanized Non- Mechanized Non-mechanized
mechanized (Trawl nets, (Shore Seines, Stake
Gill nets) & trap nets)

- - - - - -
No. Farmer owned ponds No. of Reservoirs No. of village tanks
ii) Inland (Data Source:
Fisheries Department) No. of Farmer: 10155 6 Nos. (Total 408.00 Ha.) Record not available
Area of Pond (ha.) : 6459.84
B. Culture
Water Spread Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Production (‘000 tons)
i) Brackish water (Data Source: MPEDA/ Nil 4 ton prawn (Freshwater) (2008-
Fisheries Department) 09)
ii) Fresh water (Data Source: Fisheries Culturable area: 20669.55 ha. From Ponds under FFDA 64061 ton Fish (2008-09)
Department) Semi-Derelict area: 3810.75ha. Scheme=
Derelict area: 1332.70 ha. 4.39 t/ ha. Fish Seed Production (08-09)=
Total area: 25813.00 ha. 2949 million
Others (River) 15930.15 ha.
(Canal) 11711.04 ha.
(Beel/Baor) 1073.00 ha.

1.11 Production and Productivity of major crops (Average of last 5 years: 2004 - 08)

1.11 Name of crop Kharif Rabi Summer Total

Production Productivity Production Productivity Production Productivity Production Productivity (kg/ha)
('000 t) (kg/ha) ('000 t) (kg/ha) ('000 t) (kg/ha) ('000 t)
Major Field crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage)
Rice 49.17 2602 906.33 2770 152.83 2636 1108.33 2744
Wheat - - 11.03 2073 - - 11.03 2073
Pulses - - 0.32 671 - - 0.32 671
Oilseeds - - 25.35 705 - - 25.35 705
Potato - - 682.78 19489 - -- 682.78 19489
Maize 1.44 2352 - - - - 1.44 2352
Major Horticultural crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage)
Cucurbits - - - - - - 161.43 13703
Brinjal - - - - - - 194.85 19504
Okra - - - - - - 64.29 11180
Cauliflower - - - - - - 145.65 27429
Cabbage - - - - - - 155.33 32495

1.12 Sowing window for 5 major field Rice Potato Oilseeds Wheat Vegetables
crops(start and end of normal sowing period)
Kharif- Rainfed July 1st to 3rd week - - - -
Kharif-Irrigated July 1st to 3rd week - - - -
Rabi- Rainfed - - - - -
Rabi-Irrigated January 3rd to 4th week Nov 2nd to 4th week Nov 1st to 4th week Nov 1st to 2nd week Round the year
1.13 What is the major contingency the district is prone to? (Tick mark) Regular Occasional None
Drought √ - -
Flood - - √
Cyclone - - √
Hail storm - - √
Heat wave - - √
Cold wave - - √
Frost - - √
Sea water intrusion - - √
Pests and disease outbreak (specify) - √ -
Others (specify) - - √

1.14 Include Digital maps of the Location map of district within State, Annexure I Enclosed: Yes
district for Agroclimatic Zones of West Bengal, Annexure 2 Enclosed: Yes
Mean annual rainfall, Annexure 3 Enclosed: Yes
Soil map West Bengal, Annexure 4 Enclosed: Yes
Annexure –I

Location map of Bankura district



Agroclimatic Zones of West Bengal

Hill Zone (2.428 lakh ha)

Terai Zone (2.149 lakh ha)

Old Alluvial Zone (17.537 lakh ha

New Alluvial Zone (15.304 lakh ha)

Red and Laterite Zone (24.842 lakh ha

Coastal and Saline Zone (14.569 lakh ha


Annexure – III

Mean monthly rainfall of Bankura district (1998-2007)


Soil map of Bankura district

Source: NBSS & LUP Regional Centre, Kolkata

2.0 Strategies for weather related contingencies
2.1 Drought
2.1.1 Rainfed situation

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early Major Normal Crop Change in crop / Agronomic measures Remarks on
season Farming / Cropping cropping system Implementation
drought situation system including variety
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding Linkage with seed
Delay by 2 soils, Fallow  Timely weeding farms, Department
weeks undulated Aman rice- -do- -do- of Agriculture,
land. Shallow Wheat/ NSC, WBSC,
3rd week of to moderately Mustard/ BCKVV for supply
June deep coarse Vegetables of seed
loamy fine Cauliflower No change. Prefer  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
loamy soils varieties like Early  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter solution of
(hillocks, Kunwari, Pusa Early ammonium sulphate (50g/10 litres of water)
gravelly Synthetic, Synthetic 78-1  Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
Okra No change. Prefer  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to protect the
varieties like Arka seedlings from wilt disease
Anamika, Arka Abhay,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Pusa A-4, VRO-6, Azad Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
Krishna (OP), Mahyco-
12, No-152 (Hybrid)
Cucurbits No change. Prefer local  Prepare mounds in the furrow for sowing of seeds
(Cucumber, cultivars  Application of 150-250 ppm Ethrel (1.5-2.0 ml/10 l of
Ridge gourd, water), 400 ppm (4 ml/10 l of water) maleic hydrazide twice,
Bottle gourd, first at two true leaves of the plants i.e. 15 days after sowing
Bitter gourd and subsequently repeated 7 days after helps in increasing
etc.) the yield
 The crop needs to be trained over low trellis of 1.5 m high
above the ground
 After 85 to 90 days of sowing, older leaves near the bottom
of the vine are pruned
 Timely control of downy mildew disease
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding
soils, Fallow
undulated  Timely weed control
land. Aman rice- -do- -do-
Moderately Wheat/
deep to deep Mustard/
coarse loamy Vegetables
to fine loamy Cauliflower No change. Prefer  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
red soils varieties like Early  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter solution of
Kunwari, Pusa Early ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of water)
Synthetic, Synthetic 78-1  Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
Okra No change. Prefer  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to protect the
varieties like Arka seedlings from wilt disease;
Anamika, Arka Abhay,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Pusa A-4, VRO-6, Azad Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
Krishna (OP), Mahyco-
12, No-152 (Hybrid)
Cucurbits No change. Prefer local  Prepare mounds in the furrow for sowing of seeds
(Cucumber, cultivars  Application of 150-250 ppm Ethrel (1.5-2.0 ml/10 l of
Ridge gourd, water), 400 ppm (4 ml/10 l of water) maleic hydrazide twice,
Bottle gourd, first at two true leaves of the plants i.e. 15 days after sowing
Bitter gourd and subsequently repeated 7 days after helps in increasing
etc.) the yield
 The crop needs to be trained over low trellis of 1.5 m high
above the ground
 Timely control of downy mildew disease.
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding
soils, Fallow  Timely weed control
land. Shallow Aman rice- -do- -do-
to moderately Wheat/
deep loamy Mustard/
soils Vegetables
Cauliflower -do- -do-
Okra No change. Prefer  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to protect the
varieties like Early seedlings from wilt disease
Kunwari, Pusa Early  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l) or
Synthetic, Synthetic 78-1 Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
Cucurbits No change. Prefer  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to protect the
(Cucumber, varieties like Arka seedlings from wilt disease;
ridge gourd, Anamika, Arka Abhay,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidaclorpid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
bottle gourd, Pusa A-4, VRO-6, Azad Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
bitter gourd Krishna (OP), Mahyco-
etc.) 12, No-152 (Hybrid)

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early Major Normal Crop / Change in crop / cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
season Farming Cropping system including variety Implementation
drought situation system
Delay by 4 Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding Linkage with seed
weeks soils, Fallow  Timely weed control farms, Department
undulated Aman rice- -do- -do- of Agriculture,
1st week of land. Shallow Wheat/ Mustard/ NSC, WBSC,
July to moderately Vegetables BCKVV for supply
deep coarse Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties like  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover of seed
loamy fine Pusa Deepali, Pusa Katki  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
loamy soils solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
(hillocks, water)
gravelly  Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Okra No change. Prefer varieties like  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to
Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay, protect the seedlings from wilt disease;
Pusa A-4, VRO-6, Azad  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Krishna (OP), Mahyco-12, No- Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
152 (Hybrid)
Cucurbits No change. Prefer local  Prepare mounds in the furrow for sowing of seeds
(Cucumber, cultivars  Application of 150-250 ppm Ethrel (1.5-2.0 ml/10 l
Ridge gourd, of water), 400 ppm (4 ml/10 l of water) maleic
Bottle gourd, hydrazide twice, first at two true leaves of the plants
Bitter gourd i.e. 15 days after sowing and subsequently repeated 7
etc.) days after helps in increasing the yield
 The crop needs to be trained over low trellis of 1.5 m
high above the ground
 After 85 to 90 days of sowing, older leaves near the
bottom of the vine are pruned
 Timely control of downy mildew disease.
Cabbage High temperature tolerant  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover;
hybrids Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding.
soils, Fallow  Timely weed control
undulated Aman rice- -do- -do-
land. Wheat/ Mustard/
Moderately Vegetables
deep to deep Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties like  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
coarse loamy Early Kunwari, Pusa Early  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
to fine loamy Synthetic, Synthetic 78-1 solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
red soils water)
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Okra No change. Prefer varieties like  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to
Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay, protect the seedlings from wilt disease;
Pusa A-4, VRO-6, Azad  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Krishna (OP), Mahyco-12, No- Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
152 (Hybrid)
Cucurbits No change. Prefer local  Prepare mounds in the furrow for sowing of seeds
(Cucumber, cultivars  Application of 150-250 ppm Ethrel (1.5-2.0 ml/10 l
Ridge gourd, of water), 400 ppm (4 ml/10 l of water) maleic
Bottle gourd, hydrazide twice, first at two true leaves of the plants
Bitter gourd i.e. 15 days after sowing and subsequently repeated
etc.) 7 days after helps in increasing the yield
 The crop needs to be trained over low trellis of 1.5
m high above the ground
 After 85 to 90 days of sowing, older leaves near the
bottom of the vine are pruned
 Timely control of downy mildew disease.
Cabbage High temperature tolerant  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
hybrids  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding
soils, Fallow  Timely weed control
undulated Aman rice- -do- -do-
land. Shallow Wheat/ Mustard/
to moderately Vegetables
deep loamy Cauliflower -do- -do-
soils Okra No change. Prefer varieties like  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
Early Kunwari, Pusa Early solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
Synthetic, Synthetic 78-1 water)
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Cucurbits No change. Prefer varieties like  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to
(Cucumber, Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay, protect the seedlings from wilt disease
Ridge gourd, Pusa A-4, VRO-6, Azad  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Bottle gourd, Krishna (OP), Mahyco-12, No- Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
Bitter gourd 152 (Hybrid)
Cabbage High temperature tolerant  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
hybrids  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Early Major Normal Crop Change in crop / cropping system Agronomic measures Remarks on
season Farming / Cropping including variety Implementation
drought situation system
Delay by 6 Red & laterite Aman rice- No change or  Transplant 3-4 aged seedlings per hill Linkage with seed
weeks soils, Fallow alternatively go for Maize,  Follow Dapog & SRI method farms, Department
undulated Groundnut, Black gram in high land of Agriculture,
3rd week of land. situation NSC, WBSC,
July Shallow to Aman rice- -do- -do- BCKVV for supply
moderately Wheat/ of seed
deep coarse Mustard/
loamy fine Vegetables
loamy soils Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties like  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
(hillocks, Hisar-1, Improved Japanese, Pusa cover
gravelly Sharad, Pant Gobi-4, Pant Shubra  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
situation) solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and
50 days after transplanting
Cabbage No change. Prefer varieties like -do-
Green Express, Green 621
Okra No change. Prefer varieties like Arka  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to
Anamika, Arka Abhay, Pusa A-4, protect the seedlings from wilt disease
VRO-6, Azad Krishna (OP),  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Mahyco-12, No-152 (Hybrid) Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
Brinjal No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
Muktakeshi, BCB-11, BCB-30 cover
Bhangar, Patakata  After transplanting two foliar sprays of 0.5%
ZnSO4 and single spray of 0.15% CuSO4 increase
yield and quality of fruits
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change.  Transplant 3-4 aged seedlings per hill
soils, Fallow Alternatively go for maize,  Follow Dapog & SRI method
undulated Groundnut, black gram in high land  Use of herbicides/ harrowing
land. situation
Moderately Aman rice- -do- -do-
deep to deep Wheat/
coarse loamy Mustard/
to fine loamy Vegetables
red soils Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties like  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
Hisar-1, Improved Japanese, Pusa cover
Sharad, Pant Gobi-4, Pant Shubra  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and
50 days after transplanting
Cabbage No change. Prefer varieties like -do-
Green Express, Green 621
Okra No change. Prefer varieties like Arka  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to
Anamika, Arka Abhay, Pusa A-4, protect the seedlings from wilt disease;
VRO-6, Azad Krishna (OP),  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Mahyco-12, No-152 (Hybrid) Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
Brinjal No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
Muktakeshi, BCB-11, BCB-30, cover;
Bhangar, Patakata  After transplanting two foliar sprays of 0.5%
ZnSO4 and single spray of 0.15% CuSO4 increase
yield and quality of fruits
Red & laterite Aman rice- No change  Dry seeding of rice/ drum seeding
soils, Fallow  Timely weed control
undulated Aman rice- -do- -do-
land. Wheat/
Shallow to Mustard/
moderately Vegetables
deep loamy Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties like  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
soils Hisar-1, Improved Japanese, Pusa cover
Sharad, Pant Gobi-4, Pant Shubra  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and
50 days after transplanting
Cabbage No change. Prefer varieties like -do-
Green Express, Green 621
Okra No change. Prefer varieties like Early  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
Kunwari, Pusa Early Synthetic, cover
Synthetic 78-1  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and
50 days after transplanting
Brinjal No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic
Muktakeshi, BCB-11, BCB-30, cover;
Bhangar, Patakata  After transplanting two foliar sprays of 0.5%
ZnSO4 and single spray of 0.15% CuSO4 increase
yield and quality of fruits
Condition Suggested Contingency measures
Early Major Normal Crop / Change in crop / cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
season Farming Cropping system system including variety Implementation
drought situation
Delay by 8 Red & laterite Aman rice- Fallow Vegetables / short duration  Transplant 3-4 aged seedlings per hill Linkage with seed
weeks soils, rice in upland & medium  Follow Dapog & SRI method farms, Department
undulated land situation of Agriculture,
1st week of land. Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do- NSC, WBSC,
Aug Shallow to Mustard/ BCKVV for
moderately Vegetables supply of seed
deep coarse Aman (winter rice) -do- -do-
loamy fine rice-Fallow
loamy soils Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
(hillocks, like Pusa Synthetic, Pusa  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
gravelly Himjyoti, Pusa Shubhra, solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
situation) water)
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Cabbage No change. Prefer varieties -do-
like Green Express, KK
cross, Green-621, Royal
Brinjal No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
like Muktakeshi, BCB-11,  After transplanting two foliar sprays of 0.5% ZnSO4
BCB-30; Bhangar, Patakata and single spray of 0.15% CuSO4 increase yield and
quality of fruits
Tomato No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under 50 mesh nylon net
like TLBRH-6, JKTH-3098,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l of
BCTH-4 (All leaf curl water or Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l of water) to
tolerant hybrids) control whitefly
Chilli No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under 50 mesh nylon net
like BCC-1, BCCH Sl-4,  Spraying of Diafenthiuron @ 0.5 g/l of water and
Beldanga local Dicofol @ 2.5 ml/l of water to control thrips and
yellow mite, respectively.
Red & laterite Aman rice- Fallow Vegetables / short duration  Transplant 3-4 aged seedlings per hill
soils, rice in upland& medium land  Follow Dapog & SRI method
undulated situation
land. Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
Moderately Mustard/
deep to deep Vegetables
coarse loamy Aman (winter rice) -do- -do-
to fine loamy rice-Fallow
red soils Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
like Pusa Synthetic, Pusa  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
Himjyoti, Pusa Shubhra, solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Cabbage No change. Prefer varieties -do-
like Green Express, KK
cross, Green-621, Royal
Brinjal No change. Prefer varieties  Soaking the seeds in 0.2% Bavistin over night to
like Arka Anamika, Arka protect the seedlings from wilt disease;
Abhay, Pusa A-4, VRO-6,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l or
Azad Krishna (OP), Mahyco- Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l) to control whitefly
12, No-152 (Hybrid)
Tomato No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under 50 mesh nylon net
like TLBRH-6, JKTH-3098,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l of
BCTH-4 (All leaf curl water or Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l of water) to
tolerant hybrids) control whitefly
Chilli No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under 50 mesh nylon net ;
like BCC-1, BCCH Sl-4,  Spraying of Diafenthiuron @ 0.5 g/l of water and
Beldanga local Dicofol @ 2.5 ml/l of water to control thrips and
yellow mite, respectively
Red & laterite Aman rice- Fallow Vegetables / short duration
soils, rice in upland& medium land  Transplant 3-4 aged seedlings per hill
undulated situation  Follow Dapog & SRI method
Shallow to Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
moderately Mustard/
deep loamy vegetables
soils Aman (winter rice) -do- -do-
Cauliflower No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
like Pusa Synthetic, Pusa  Spray the 15 days old seedlings with the starter
Himjyoti, Pusa Shubhra, solution of ammonium sulphate (50g/10litres of
 Transplant healthy seedlings of 35-40 days old
 Three foliar sprays of 0.3% borax after 20, 35 and 50
days after transplanting
Cabbage No change. Prefer varieties -do-
like Green Express, KK
cross, Green-621, Royal
Brinjal No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under transparent plastic cover
like Muktakeshi, BCB-11,  After transplanting two foliar sprays of 0.5% ZnSO4
BCB-30, Bhangar, Patakata and single spray of 0.15% CuSO4 increase yield and
quality of fruits
Tomato No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under 50 mesh nylon net
like TLBRH-6, JKTH-3098,  4-5 foliar sprays of Imidacloprid (3.5 ml/ 10 l of
BCTH-4 (All leaf curl water or Thiamethoxam (3.5 ml/ 10 l of water) to
tolerant hybrids) control whitefly
Chilli No change. Prefer varieties  Raising of seed bed under 50 mesh nylon net
like BCC-1, BCCH Sl-4,  Spraying of Diafenthiuron @ 0.5 g/l of water and
Beldanga local Dicofol @ 2.5 ml/l of water to control thrips and
yellow mite, respectively

Condition Suggested contingency measures

Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/ Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture conservation
drought (Normal situation cropping system measures
Normal onset Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow  Take up gap filling either with Apply 30-50 kg N /ha after relief of drought.
followed by 15-20 undulated land. available nursery or by splitting the
days dry spell after Shallow to tillers from the surviving hills
sowing leading to moderately deep  Inter culture / weeding
poor coarse loamy fine  Supplemental irrigation.
germination/crop loamy soils (hillocks, Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
stand etc. gravelly situation) Mustard/ Vegetables
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do- -do-
undulated land. Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
Moderately deep to Mustard/ Vegetables
deep coarse loamy to
fine loamy red soils
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do- -do-
undulated land. Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
Shallow to Mustard/ Vegetables
moderately deep
loamy soils

Condition Suggested contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Crop/ Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture conservation
situation cropping system measures

Mid season dry spell Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow  Take up gap filling either with Apply 30-50 kg N /ha after relief of drought.
at Vegetative stage undulated land. available nursery or by splitting
Shallow to the tillers from the surviving
moderately deep hills
coarse loamy fine  Inter culture / weeding
loamy soils (hillocks,  Supplemental irrigation
gravelly situation) Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
Mustard/ Vegetables
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do- -do-
undulated land.
Moderately deep to Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
deep coarse loamy to Mustard/ Vegetables
fine loamy red soils
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do- -do-
undulated land.
Shallow to Aman rice- Wheat/ -do- -do-
moderately deep Mustard/ Vegetables
loamy soils
Condition Suggested contingency measures
Major Farming Normal Crop/ Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture conservation
situation cropping system measures

Mid season dry spell Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow  Supplemental irrigation  Spray 2% urea or DAP
at Flowering stage undulated land.  Plan for land preparation to sow the  Top dressing of 50 kg N/ha after the
Shallow to fodder crops like maize and sorghum relief of dry spell
moderately deep  Need based pesticide application
coarse loamy fine Aman rice- Wheat/ If the damage is severe, prepare land for rabi -do-
loamy soils (hillocks, Mustard/ Vegetables vegetables
gravelly situation)

Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow  Supplemental irrigation -do-
undulated land.  Plan for land preparation to sow the
Moderately deep to fodder crops like maize and sorghum
deep coarse loamy to Aman rice- Wheat/ If the damage is severe, prepare land for rabi -do-
fine loamy red soils Mustard/ Vegetables vegetables

Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow  Supplemental irrigation -do-
undulated land.  Plan for land preparation to sow the
Shallow to fodder crops like maize and sorghum
moderately deep Aman rice- Wheat/ If the damage is severe, prepare land for rabi -do-
loamy soils Mustard/ Vegetables vegetables

Major Farming Normal Crop/ Crop management Rabi Crop planning
situation cropping system
Terminal drought Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow Supplemental irrigation with farm Sowing of linseed/ Khesari as paira crop
(Early withdrawal undulated land. pond water / other sources
of monsoon) Shallow to moderately Aman rice- Wheat/ -do-  Sowing of short duration rape seed varieties
deep coarse loamy fine Mustard/ Vegetables like Sanjucta, Asech, B-54, Jhanti
loamy soils (hillocks,  Sowing of lentil / wheat / mustard/ vegetables
gravelly situation)
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do- Sowing of linseed/ Khesari as paira crop
undulated land. .
Moderately deep to Aman rice- Wheat/ -do-  Sowing of short duration rape seed varieties
deep coarse loamy to Mustard/ Vegetables like Sanjucta, Asech, B-54, Jhanti
fine loamy red soils  Sowing of lentil / wheat / mustard/ vegetables
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do- Sowing of linseed/ Khesari as paira crop
undulated land.
Shallow to Aman rice- Wheat/ -do-  Sowing of short duration rape seed varieties
moderately deep Mustard/ Vegetables like Sanjucta, Asech, B-54, Jhanti
loamy soils  Sowing of lentil / wheat / mustard/ vegetables

2.1.2 Drought - Irrigated situation

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Crop/ cropping Change in Agronomic measures Remarks on
situation system crop/cropping system Implementation
Delayed release of Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method Linkage with
water in canals due undulated land. sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying NFSM, ISOPOM,
to low rainfall Shallow to rice like Raasi, Khitesh, upto primordial initiation stage to for seed and farm
moderately deep Kiron, Bhupan save water equipment.
coarse loamy fine  Better weed Management. Link watershed
loamy soils (hillocks, Aman rice- Wheat/ -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying programme
gravelly situation) Mustard/ Vegetables upto primordial initiation stage to NREGS for the
save water support of farm
 Better weed management pond technology,
 If rice crop cannot be taken, select
fodder crops like maize and
sorghum or prepare land for rabi
wheat / mustard
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying
undulated land. upto primordial initiation stage to
Moderately deep to save water
deep coarse loamy to  Better weed Management.
fine loamy red soils Aman rice- Wheat/ -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying
Mustard/ Vegetables upto primordial initiation stage to
save water
 Better weed management
 If rice crop cannot be taken, select
fodder crops like maize and
sorghum or prepare land for rabi
wheat / mustard
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- Fallow -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying
undulated land. upto primordial initiation stage to
Shallow to save water
moderately deep  Better weed Management.
loamy soils Aman rice- Wheat/ -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying
Mustard/ Vegetables upto primordial initiation stage to
save water
 Better weed management
 If rice crop cannot be taken, select
fodder crops like maize and
sorghum or prepare land for rabi
wheat / mustard

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Change in Agronomic measures Remarks on
situation Crop/ crop/cropping system Implementation
Limited release of Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method Linkage with
water in canals due undulated land. Fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto NFSM, ISOPOM,
to low rainfall Shallow to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water for seed and farm
moderately deep Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management. equipment.
coarse loamy fine Aman rice- -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto Link watershed
loamy soils (hillocks, Wheat/ primordial initiation stage to save water programme
gravelly situation) Mustard/  Better weed management NREGS for the
Vegetables  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder support of farm
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land pond technology
for rabi wheat / mustard
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
undulated land. Fallow primordial initiation stage to save water
Moderately deep to  Better weed Management.
deep coarse loamy to Aman rice- -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
fine loamy red soils Wheat/ primordial initiation stage to save water
Mustard/  Better weed management
Vegetables  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
undulated land. Fallow primordial initiation stage to save water
Shallow to  Better weed Management.
moderately deep Aman rice- -do-  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
loamy soils Wheat/ primordial initiation stage to save water
Mustard/  Better weed management
Vegetables  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Change in Agronomic measures Remarks on
situation Crop/ crop/cropping system Implementation
Non release of Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method Linkage with
water in canals undulated land. Fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto NFSM, ISOPOM,
under delayed onset Shallow to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water for seed and farm
of monsoon in moderately deep Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management. equipment.
catchment coarse loamy fine  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder Link watershed
loamy soils (hillocks, crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land programme
gravelly situation) for rabi wheat / mustard NREGS for the
support of farm
Aman rice- Rice (Raasi, Khitesh,  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto pond technology
Wheat/ Kiron, Bhupan) – Khesari primordial initiation stage to save water
Mustard/ / linseed / pulses / oilseed  Better weed management
Vegetables (mustard / rape seed)
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method
undulated land. Fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
Moderately deep to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water
deep coarse loamy to Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management.
fine loamy red soils  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard
Aman rice- Rice (Raasi, Khitesh,  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
Wheat/ Kiron, Bhupan) – primordial initiation stage to save water
Mustard/ Khesari / linseed / pulses /  Better weed management
Vegetables oilseed (mustard / rape
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method
undulated land. Fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
Shallow to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water
moderately deep Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management.
loamy soils  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard
Aman rice- Prefer direct sowing of  Adopt alternate wetting and drying upto
Wheat/ short duration rice variety primordial initiation stage to save water
Mustard/ to follow the crop  Better weed management
Vegetables sequences of Rice –
khesari / linseed / pulses /
oilseed (mustard / rape

Condition Suggested Contingency measures

Major Farming Normal Change in Agronomic measures Remarks on
situation Crop/cropping crop/cropping system Implementation
Insufficient Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method Linkage with
groundwater undulated land. Fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying up to NFSM, ISOPOM,
recharge due to Shallow to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water for seed and farm
low rainfall moderately deep Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management. equipment.
Any other coarse loamy fine  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder Link watershed
condition loamy soils (hillocks, crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land programme
gravelly situation) for rabi wheat / mustard NREGS for the
Aman rice- Rice (Raasi, Khitesh,  Adopt SRI method support of farm
Wheat/ Kiron, Bhupan) –  Adopt alternate wetting and drying up to pond technology.
Mustard/ Khesari / linseed / primordial initiation stage to save water
pulses / oilseed  Better weed Management.
(mustard / rape seed)  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method
undulated land. fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying up to
Moderately deep to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water
deep coarse loamy to Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management.
fine loamy red soils  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard
Aman rice- Rice (Raasi, Khitesh,  Adopt alternate wetting and drying up to
wheat/ Kiron, Bhupan) – primordial initiation stage to save water
mustard/ Khesari / linseed /  Better weed management
pulses / oilseed
vegetables (mustard / rape seed)
Red & laterite soils, Aman rice- No change. Prefer direct  Adopt SRI method
undulated land. fallow sowing of short duration  Adopt alternate wetting and drying up to
Shallow to rice varieties like Raasi, primordial initiation stage to save water
moderately deep Khitesh, Kiron, Bhupan  Better weed Management.
loamy soils  If rice crop cannot be taken, select fodder
crops like maize and sorghum or prepare land
for rabi wheat / mustard
Aman rice- Rice (Raasi, Khitesh,  Adopt alternate wetting and drying up to
wheat/ Kiron, Bhupan) – primordial initiation stage to save water
mustard/ Khesari / linseed /  Better weed management
pulses / oilseed
vegetables (mustard / rape seed)
2.2 Unusual rains (untimely, unseasonal etc) (for both rainfed and irrigated situations)

Condition - Continuous high rainfall in a short span leading to water logging

Crop Suggested contingency measure
Vegetative stage Flowering stage Crop maturity stage Post harvest
Rice  Drain excess water Drain excess water  Drain excess water Dry the grain to proper
 Post pone topdressing of N  Immediate harvesting + kept moisture content before
fertilizer till water recedes under shed with airy places. bagging and storage
 Take up gap filling either with  Spray 2% brine solution to
available nursery or splitting prevent premature germination
the tillers from surviving hills in the field
 Allow the crop to dry
completely before harvesting
Wheat  Drain excess water  Drain excess water  Drain excess water Dry the grain to proper
 Take up gap filling if  Take inter cultivation at optimum  Allow the crop to dry moisture content before
population is < 75% soil moisture condition to loosen completely before harvesting bagging and storage
 Take inter cultivation at and aerate the soil and to control
optimum soil moisture weeds
condition to loosen and aerate
the soil and to control weeds
Mustard &  Drain excess water  Drain excess water  Drain excess water Dry the grain to proper
other oil  Take inter cultivation at  Take inter cultivation at optimum  Allow the crop to dry moisture content before
seed. optimum soil moisture soil moisture condition to loosen completely before harvest bagging and storage
condition to loosen and aerate and aerate the soil and to control
the soil and to control weeds weeds
 Spray Mancozeb (0.25 %) to
control fungal diseases
Cauliflower  Drain excess water  Drain excess water Early harvesting Large leaves are trimmed away
 Three sprays of 0.1%  Blanching i.e. covering the curd leaving only sufficient jacket
Ammonium molybdate 15, 30 through tying the outer leaves up leaves to protect the curd from
and 45 days after transplanting. over the curd improve curd bruising and other mechanical
colour and quality injury in transport.
Condition-Heavy rainfall with high speed winds in a short span
Rice  Drain excess water Drain excess water  Immediate harvesting Dry the grain to proper
 Takeup gap filling either with  Arrange for drying of the moisture content before
available nursery or splitting produce in airy sheds bagging and storage
the tillers from surviving hills  Spray 2% brine solution to
prevent premature germination
in the field
Cauliflower Drain excess water  Drain excess water Immediate harvesting Maintain optimum moisture
 Spraying the crop with Copper- before marketing
oxychloride (0.3%) or Mancozeb
(0.25 %)/ Chlorothalonil (0.2%)
or Difenconazole (0.5g/lt) with
sticker at 10 days interval to
prevent curd blight.
Cabbage Drain excess water Spray the crop with Cypermethrin -do- -do-
@0.1% with sticker to control cabbage
Okra Drain excess water Spraying the crop with Cypermethrin -do- -do-
@ 0.1% to control fruit borer.
Brinjal Drain excess water Clipping off the infested shoot by Immediate harvesting -
brinjal fruit and shoot borer at regular
interval and spraying the crop with
Cartap hydrochloride @ 1 g/l of water
/ Spinosad @ (0.15ml/l), 0.25%
Carbaryl or 0.05% Endosulfan at the
early flowering stage and after
harvesting of fruits during bearing
stage is very effective
Condition-Outbreak of pests and diseases due to unseasonal rains
Okra Four spraying of systemic Spraying the crop with Cypermethrin Spraying the crop -
insecticides @ 0.1% to control fruit borer with Cypermethrin @
starting from 20 days after sowing 0.1% to control fruit borer
at 10 days interval
Cucurbits Two sprays of 0.25% Fosetyl Al or - Apply poison bait. -
Cyamoxanil- Mancozeb Bait is prepared by mixing 20 g
or Metalaxyl- Mancozeb Malathion 50% WP with 500 g
at 10 days interval effectively molasses + 20 g yeast hydrolysate.
control downy mildew disease. This mixture is mixed with 2 litres
of water for poison baiting and 20
liters of water for bait spray for the
control of fruit fly
Chilli Spraying of Profenophos @ - Spray the crop with Hexaconazole -
1ml/litre/ Diafenthiuron @ 1 0.1% followed by 0.3% Blitox
g/litre/ Propergite @1 g/litre for the after
control of thrips and mites at 15-20 removal of the infected twigs at 10
days interval days interval for the control of
dieback or anthracnose

2.3 Floods: Not applicable

2.4 Extreme events: Heat wave / Cold wave/Frost/ Hailstorm /Cyclone-Not applicable
2.5 Contingent strategies for Livestock, Poultry & Fisheries
2.5.1 Livestock
Suggested contingency measures
Before the events During the event After the event
Feed and fodder Cultivation of perennial fodder in barren lands and Establishing Control Room, Claim insurance
availability on the bank of the rivers; feeding of Babla, Feed fodder from nearby Govt. fodder farms, Feed supplements
Soobabul, Akashmoni, Stylo, Antropogon fodder perennial fodder. Cull the unproductive stock
in natural disadvantageous situation,
Collect fodder from nearby less affected Repayment of Credit for livestock
Insurance of livestock
Alert nearby Govt. fodder farms to stock straw areas rearing may be waived or extended
and fodder Feed region specific concentrated feed for long time
Irrigation by installing deep tube wells supplements
Strengthening of Govt. fodder farms to cultivate Distribute fodder through cattle shed in
unconventional fodders organized manner through BLDOs ( 1 shed
per 4-5 villages)
Drinking water Dig deep tube wells in the pockets of water sheds Use water from deep tube well, river or other Sterilize drinking water, if possible
and use on community basis water reservoirs.
Pond preparation / reclamation Treatment of water.
Conservation of Rain water Receive water supply from nearby less
affected places
Health and disease Make alert for the Govt. & Non-Govt departments Organize health camp, treatment of animals Treat sick animals
management for adequate storage of medicines, vaccines, in community cattle sheds. Cull permanently unproductive
saline/dextrose Use stress relieving medicines & protect animals
Make provisions of cattle shed on community animal houses from extreme hot air Introduce new stock from the
basis Use Departmental committee and form unaffected areas
Constitute Departmental Disaster Management Control room
Committee at the Block, Sub-division & District
level for planning, management & stocking of
medicine/vaccines etc.
Feed and fodder Stock dry straw in the nearby Govt. fodder farms, Supply fodder from nearby Govt. fodder Claim insurance
availability ask the private parties to stock straw, farms, private parties, community fodder Feed supplements
Insurance of livestock bank etc. Cull the unproductive stock
Alert nearby Govt. fodder farms to stock straw Feed region specific concentrated feed Introduce new stock from the
and also insist upon ample production of green supplements unaffected areas
fodder Establish Control Room at the Block, Sub-
Constitute Departmental Disaster Management division & District level for prompt
Committee at the Block, Sub-division & District management action
level for planning of management action
Drinking water Establish water reservoir from the ground water or Use water from deep tube well, river or other Ground water disinfection
river or rain water harvesting in water sheds on water reservoirs, Use disinfection of nearby water
community basis In devastating areas use ground water after sources
local people
Health and disease Make alert for the Govt. & Non-Govt departments Organize health camp, treatment of animals, Treat sick animals
management for adequate storage of medicines, vaccines, Mass use of protective and curing medicines Cull permanently unproductive
saline/dextrose for gut sterilization animals
Organize awareness camp Use Departmental Disaster Management
Utilize Departmental Disaster Management Committee at different levels for prompt
Committee at different levels for prevention & therapy
therapy of animals

Feed and fodder Stocking of green and dry fodder in Govt. & Supply fodder from nearby Govt. fodder Claim insurance
availability Private farms. farms, private parties, prepared hay or silage, Feed supplements
Insurance of livestock community fodder bank etc. Cull the unproductive stock
Better forecasting for fodder farms Feed region specific concentrated feed Introduce new stock from the
Constitute Departmental Disaster Management supplements unaffected areas
Committee Establish Control Room at the Block, Sub-
division & District level for prompt
management action
Drinking water Establish water reservoir on community basis Use water from safe source Ground water disinfection
Use disinfection of nearby water
Health and disease Make alert for the Govt. & Non-Govt. Organize health camp, treatment of animals, Treat sick animals
management departments for adequate storage of medicines, Mass use of protective and curing medicines Cull permanently unproductive
vaccines, saline/dextrose for gut sterilization animals
Organize awareness camp Use Departmental Disaster Management
Utilize Departmental Disaster Management Committee at different levels for prompt
Committee at different levels for prevention & therapy
therapy of animals
Heat wave and cold wave
Shelter/environment Make arrangements of safe drinking water. Give ample green fodder during heat wave,
management Preparation of animal houses on scientific manner. Make arrangements of ample drinking water,
Establish shelters at safe position in the areas for Feed ample water mixed with molasses and
avoidance of heat/cold wave. common salt,
Plant the trees giving shed to the houses Give shed of straw over roof of animal
Use protection of curtains over the windows house,
In cold wave give drinking water with
concentrate mixture to feed.
Health and disease Store medicine, saline etc. Administer stress removing medicaments
management House animals in safe & comfortable area

2.5.2 Poultry
Convergence/linkages with
Suggested contingency measures ongoing programs, if any
Before the eventa During the event After the event
Shortage of feed Assessment of cage management in Establishing Control Room, Avail insurance
ingredients shed areas Feed from stocked feed Introduce new stock from
Insurance Keep the birds in the unaffected areas
Bank linkage specifically constructed shed
Instruct Govt. feed supplies to stock with provision of saline
feed for urgency water & feed ingredients.
Drinking water Install bore well Use drinking water from Use disinfection and
In city area seek drinking water different kind of water sterilization of drinking
supply reservoirs water
Health and disease Emergency preparedness of Govt. Undisrupted supply of Treatment of affected birds.
management department medicines Culling of affected birds &
Organize awareness camp Organize mass health camp subsequent disposal
Formulate Departmental Disaster & treat birds
Management Committee at Block, Utilize Departmental
Sub-division & District levels for Disaster Management
proper planning & give requisition Committee for prompt
of medicine, vaccines, biological therapy & control of
beforehand for the Govt. supplies diseases
Bio-security measurers must be in
action for prevention of emerging
diseases to obstacle in the
transmission of disease
Shortage of feed Establishing shed for keeping of Supply from nearby Private Cull dead and affected
ingredients birds on community basis. or Govt. feed plants birds and subsequently to
Emergency preparedness for Govt. be buried in isolated place
feed plants and also for non-Govt. Introduce new stock from
companies the unaffected areas
Drinking water Sterilization of drinking water. Use water from dig well
Dig deep tube wells. after disinfection
Health and disease Store medicines & vaccines. Control room. Culling of affected birds &
management Arrangement of vehicle, police, Organize mass health camp subsequent disposal
local administrations. & treat birds
Organize awareness cap
Obtain allotment of fund from Head
Quarter upto Block level for feed,
medicine, vaccines etc.
Shortage of feed -
ingredients - - -
Drinking water - - - -
Health and disease Group Insurance or Community - - -
management Insurancing for affected animals
against diseases of birds
Heat wave and cold
Shelter/environment Construct houses at safe place for Avoid further spread of Re-introduce birds from
management emergency housing of poultry birds disease by housing the birds unaffected areas
one per 4-5 villages. in the safe location outside
Establish shelters at safe position in the infected zone
the upland at Block/Sub-
division/District level
Bio-security system should be
practiced in all the occasions of
emerging poultry diseases
Health and disease Preparedness for timely supply of
management medicines/vaccines/biological is
2.5.3 Fisheries/ Aquaculture
Suggested contingency measures
Before the eventa During the event After the event
1) Drought
A. Capture
Marine Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
(i) Shallow water depth due to Proposed for excavation of earth from Supply of water into the water Proper post-event management,
insufficient rains/inflow periphery areas so that water can body from tube well, nearby river retention of water, disinfecting water
retain in the deep pockets and etc. and observe mortality of fish (if possible) to prevent disease out-
building of high embankment and proper management of the said breaks.
water body.
(ii) Changes in water quality Water and soil quality tests suggested Proper management in ponds for Proper disinfection of water and
from time to time. soil and water as per the test report. maintenance of water temperature and
plankton quantity.
(iii) Any other Nil Nil Nil
B. Aquaculture
(i) Shallow water in ponds due to Proposed for excavation of earth from Control of pond water quality Suggested for disinfection of pond
insufficient rains/inflow the pond so that water can retain parameters and maintenance of water through liming and periodic
during drought and supply of water in optimum level of planktons (fish netting to assess the biomass.
to the pond from tube well / river etc. food) in the pond through proper
fertilization (if required)
(ii) Impact of salt load build up in Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
ponds / change in water quality (No saline water nearby) (No saline water nearby) (No saline water nearby)
(iii) Any other Nil Nil Nil
2) Floods
A. Capture
Marine Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
(No marine fishery resource) (No marine fishery resource) (No marine fishery resource)
(i) Average compensation paid due to Creating awareness among the Advise to shift to high land / flood Monetary compensation to the
loss of human life fishermen on emergency strategies to shelter camps to save life. affected family for loss of life.
be adopted in the case of flood.
(ii) No. of boats / nets/damaged Training fishermen on protection of Keeping the boat / net in dry / high Damage reports are to be sent to
boats, nets etc. in case of occurrence places during flood situation. higher authority for compensation.
of flood.
(iii) No. of houses damaged Nil Nil Damage reports are to be sent to
higher authority for compensation.
(iv) Loss of stock Advise to strengthen protection dyke Advise to protect fish stock from Assessing the residual fish stock after
so that during flood dyke remains safe escaping by putting nets in the the flood and taking proper
and fish stock are not affected. areas where dyke is damaged. management strategies as per the
Placing fish aggregation devices in advice of Fishery Department.
the deeper zones so that fish are
accumulated there.
(v) Changes in water quality Nil Nil Application of lime / other
disinfectants in the water body
(vi) Health and diseases Nil Nil Monitoring and taking preventive
measures against out-break of disease
B. Aquaculture
(i) Inundation with flood water Raising the height of the pond dyke in Placing nets to prevent escape of Repair of pond dyke.
the flood prone areas, Harvesting the fish from the culture ponds.
stock before onset of monsoon.
(ii) Water contamination and changes Nil Nil Suggested for water testing and
in water quality advice for corrective measures.
(iii) Health and diseases Nil Nil Suggested for water treatment through
liming and other disinfectants and
monitoring of health of fish stock..
(iv) Loss of stock and inputs (feed, Arrangement for keeping feeds / Immediately shift the inputs to high Recommending to higher authority
chemicals etc) chemicals in dry & safe place. / safe place. Sundry (if possible) for supplying mini kit (fingerlings,
the wet inputs. lime & other critical inputs)
(v) Infrastructure damage (pumps, Keeping them in safe place after use. Immediately shift the pump / Recommending to higher authority
aerators, huts etc) aerator from the pond to safe place. for compensation against the loss.
Remove the other valuable items
from the hut in case possibilities of
flood water entering to the hut
(vi) Any other Insurance for aquaculture activities. Establish Control Room at the Claim insurance
Constitute Departmental Disaster Block, Sub-division & District
Management Committee at the Block, level for prompt management
Sub-division & District level for action.
planning management action. Cancel leaves for the employees
3. Cyclone / Tsunami
A. Capture
Marine Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
(i) Average compensation paid due to Creating awareness among the Advise to shift to high land / flood Monetary compensation to the
loss of fishermen lives fishermen on emergency strategies to shelter camps to save life. affected family for loss of life.
be adopted in the case of cyclone.
(ii) Avg. no. of boats / nets/damaged Training fishermen on protection of Keeping the boat / net in dry / high Damage reports are to be sent to
boats, nets etc. in case of occurrence places during flood situation. higher authority for compensation.
of cyclone.
(iii) Avg. no. of houses damaged Nil Nil Damage reports are to be sent to
higher authority for compensation.
B. Aquaculture
(i) Overflow / flooding of ponds Raising the height of the pond dyke in Placing nets to prevent escape of Repair of pond dyke.
the flood prone areas, Harvesting the fish from the culture ponds.
stock before onset of monsoon.
(ii) Changes in water quality (fresh Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
water / brackish water ratio) (No brackish water source nearby) (No brackish water source nearby) (No brackish water source nearby)
(iii) Health and diseases Nil Nil Monitoring and taking preventive
measures against out-break of disease
(iv) Loss of stock and inputs (feed, Arrangement for keeping feeds / Immediately shift the inputs to high Recommending to higher authority
chemicals etc) chemicals in dry & safe place. / safe place. Sundry (if possible) for supplying mini kit (fingerlings,
the wet inputs. lime & other critical inputs)
(v) Infrastructure damage (pumps, Keeping them in safe place after use. Immediately shift the pump / Recommending to higher authority
aerators, shelters/huts etc) aerator from the pond to safe place. for compensation against the loss.
Remove the other valuable items
from the hut in case possibilities of
flood water entering to the hut
(vi) Any other Insurance for aquaculture activities. Establish Control Room at the Claim insurance
Constitute Departmental Disaster Block, Sub-division & District
Management Committee at the Block, level for prompt management
Sub-division & District level for action.
planning management action. Cancel leaves for the employees
4. Heat wave and cold wave
A. Capture
Marine Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Inland Harvesting of fish stock to minimize Placing the tree branches, old pipes Nil
the loss due to heat / cold wave. etc. in the deeper zone so that fish
can take shelter in the cool places.
B. Aquaculture
(i) Changes in pond environment Increase pond water depth by During heat wave, place the tree Try to increase the pond water depth,
(water quality) pumping water in to the pond during branches, old pipes etc. in the take necessary measure for improving
summer months. deeper zone so that fish can take pond water quality parameters.
shelter in the cool places. If pond
water depth reduces, partially
harvest stock, reduce / stop
supplementary feeding, reduce /
stop fertilization, watch out for
Dissolve oxygen (DO) depletion.
(ii) Health and Disease management Be vigilant for fish disease Do not go for additional stocking. Watch out for health status of fish
Take appropriate treatment for the stock through netting.
diseased fish after consulting
fishery expert / Fishery Extension
(iii) Any other Nil Nil Nil
based on forewarning wherever available

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