Theresa Bulic Yr 1 - Homework Month 7 - Therapeutics V Constitutional
Theresa Bulic Yr 1 - Homework Month 7 - Therapeutics V Constitutional
Theresa Bulic Yr 1 - Homework Month 7 - Therapeutics V Constitutional
Therapeutic or constitutional? That is the question, and one of the ones that homeopaths have to
answer with every case taking.
A therapeutic approach is a prescribing technique which focuses on treating the symptoms, and how
a disease or condition displays itself in an individual. *A prescription is arrived at by differentiating
between a group of remedies that are known to have a proven clinical relationship to a particular
disease process.
It is more of an acute prescribing method, and ideal for cases where there are no other outstanding
problems with the patient in general terms, so allows the homeopath to zoom in on the main
problem itself, and match a remedy to those symptoms. It is especially useful in a first aid situation,
or when the disease can be clearly identified. I would say that this method is more easily understood
by the average patient, who is accustomed to visiting the doctor’s surgery, and expecting relief from
their ailments as they describe them.
When prescribing therapeutically, a homeopath can disregard the constitutional method and the
remedies that go with it, and directly treat with remedies that match the dis-ease symptoms as they
present. The homeopath must look for the symptoms that stand out the most, to enable her to
eliminate the often impossibly large number of adequate remedies. If too many remedies are
available, she can take into account any notable concomitant symptoms related to the mind, which
will also help with narrowing down the choice. The mental picture always takes priority.
Acute prescribing like this, will give the patient relief from troublesome symptoms, but by giving
therapeutic remedies at the right time, the homeopath can greatly relieve and shorten the patient’s
suffering. It can also prevent symptoms from worsening and becoming more serious or life