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CHAPTER 12 A 20 15 25 Rs. 1000

B 30 12 23 Rs. 800
a) Is it a maximization case or a minimization
case. Why? (1)
SAY 2020 b) Write the objective function and constraints.
1. Solve the L.P.P given below graphically: (6)
Minimise Z  200 x  500 y subject to 5. The activities of a factory are given in the table:
the constraints:
x  2 y  10 Items
Departments Profit/
Cutting Mixing Packing unit
3 x  4 y  24 A 1 3 1 Rs. 5
x  0, y  0 B 4 1 1 Rs. 8
MARCH 2020 time 24 21 9
2. Solve the L.P.P given below graphically: (6)
Max: Z  3 x  2 y subject to the constraints: Solve the linear programming problem graphically
x  2 y  10 and find the maximum profit subject to the above
constraints. (4)
3 x  y  15
x  0, y  0
SAY 2018
SAY 2019
6. The manufacturer produces nuts and bolts. The
time required to produce one packet of nuts and
3. A manufacture company makes two models A and
one packet of bolts on machines A and B is given
B of a product. Each piece of Model A and B
in the following table:
requires 9 labour hours for fabricating and 1
labour hour for finishing. Each piece of Model B
Machine A Machine B
requires 12 labour hours for fabricating and 3
labour hours for finishing. For fabricating and Nuts 2 Hours 3 Hours
finishing the maximum labour hours available are (1 packet)
180 and 30 respectively per week. The company Bolts 3 Hours 1 Hour
makes a profit of Rs 8000 on each piece of Model (1 packet)
A and Rs 12000 on each piece of Model B. How
many piece of model A and Model B should be He earns a profit of Rs.25 per packet of nuts and
manufactured per week to realize a maximum Rs 12 per packet of bolts. He operates his
profit? What is the maximum profit? (6) machines for almost 15 hours a day. Formulate a
linear programming problem to maximize his
profit. (3)
MARCH 2019
7. Solve the L.P.P given below graphically: (4)
4. A factory produces three items P,Q and R at two Maximise Z  3 x  5 y subject to the constraints
plants A and B. The number of items produced x  3y  3
and operating costs per hour is as follows:
x y 2

Item produced per hour x, y  0


Plant Operating cost


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MARCH 2018 x  3 y  60, x  y  10, x  y, x  0, y  0

8. A manufacture produces nuts and bolts. It takes 1 a) Draw its feasible region. (3)
hour of work on machine A and 3 hours on b) Find the corner points of the feasible
Machine B to produce a package of nuts. It takes 3 region. (3)
hours on machine A and 1 hour on machine B to
produce a package of bolts. He earns a profit of MARCH 2016
Rs. 17.50 per package on nuts and Rs.7 per
package on bolts. Formulate the above L.P.P, if 13. Consider the following L.P.P. Maximize
the machines operate for at most 12 hours a day. Z  3 x  2 y subject to the constraints:
(3) x  2 y  10
9. Solve the linear programming problem
3x  y  15
graphically. Minimise Z  3 x  4 y .
Subject to the constraints x, y  0
x  2y  8 a) Draw its feasible region. (3)
b) Find the corner points of the feasible
3 x  2 y  12 (4)
region. (2)
x  0, y  0 c) Find the maximum value of Z. (1)
SAY 2015
SAY 2017
14. Consider the linear programming problem:
10. Consider the linear programming problem. Maximize Z  4 x  y subject to the constraints:
Maximize z  x  y subject to the constraints x  y  50
x  y  1;  2 x  y  0 ; x, y  0 3x  y  90
x  0, y  0
a) Find the feasible region (3)
a) Draw its feasible region (3)
b) Find the corner points of the feasible region. b) Find the corner points of the feasible
(2) region. (2)
c) Find the maximum point. (1) c) Find the corner at which Z attains
its maximum. (1)
MARCH 2017
MARCH 2015
11. Consider the line programming problems:
Maximize Z  50 x  40 y subject to the constraints 15. Consider the linear inequalities
2 x  3 y  6,2 x  y  4, x  0, y  0
x  2 y  10, 3x  4 y  24 x  0, y  0
a) Mark the feasible region. (2)
a) Find the feasible region. (3) b) Maximise the function z  4 x  5 y
b) Find the corner points of the feasible region .
subject to the given constraints. (2)
c) Find the maximum value of Z. (1) 16. In a factory there are two machines A and B
producing toys. They respectively produce 60 and
SAY 2016 80 units in one hour. A can run a maximum of 10
hours and B a maximum of 7 hours a day. The cost
12. Consider the following L.P.P., Maximise, of their running per hour respectively amounts to
Z  3x  9 y

2000 and 2500 rupees. The total duration of


Subject to the constraints: working these machines cannot exceed 12 hours a

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day. If the cost cannot exceed Rs 25000 per day Each machine is available for atmost 6 hours per
and the total daily production is at least 800 units, day. Assume that all cakes will be sold out every
then formulate the problem mathematically. day. The bakery owner wants to make maximum
(2) profit per day by making Rs. 7.5 from type A and
JUNE 2014 Rs. 5 from type B.
17. Consider the linear programming problem: a) Write the objective functions using suitable
Minimise Z  3 x  4 y subject to variables. (1)
b) Write the constraints. (2)
x  2y  8
c) Find the maximum profit graphically. (3)
3x  2 y  12
x  0, y  0. MARCH 2013
a) Mark its feasible region. (3)
b) Find the corner points of the feasible 20. Consider the linear programming problem:
region. (2) Maximise Z  5 x  3 y subject to
c) Find the corner at which Z attains its 3x  5 y  15, 5 x  2 y  10, x  0, y  0
minimum. (1) a) Draw its feasible region. (3)
b) Find the corner points of the feasible
MARCH 2014 region. (2)
c) Find the corner at which z attains its
18. Consider the linear programming problem: maximum. (1)
Maximize Z  3 x  9 y subject to the constraints:
x  3 y  60 SAY 2012
x  y  10
21. Consider the following LPP: Minimize
x y
Z  200 x  500 y , subject to:
x  0, y  0
x  2 y  10 , 3 x  4 y  24, x, y  0
a) Draw its feasible region (3)
b) Find the vertices of the feasible region. (2) i) Draw the feasible region. (3)
c) Find the minimum value of Z subject to ii) Find the co-ordinates of the corner points of
the given constraints. (1) the feasible region. (1)
iii) Solve the L.P.P (2)
SAY 2013
MARCH 2012
19. A bakery owner makes two types of cakes A and
B. Three machines are needed for this purpose. 22. Consider the linear programming problem:
The time (in minutes) required for making each maximize Z  x  y subject to
type of cake in each machine is given below: 2x  y  3  0
x  2y 1 0
Machine Types of cakes
x  0, y  0
I 12 6
a) Draw its feasible region. (3)
II 18 0

b) Find the corner points of the feasible

III 6 9

region. (2)

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c) Find the corner at which Z attains its

maximum. (1)

SAY 2011

23. A manufacture produces nuts and bolts. It takes 1

hour of work on machine A and 3 hours on
machine B to produce a package of nuts. It takes 3
hours on machine B to produce a package of bolts.
He earns a profit of Rs 17.50 per package on nuts
and Rs 7.00 per package on bolts. How many
packages of each should be produced each day so SAY 2010
as to maximize his profit, if he operates his
25. A company produces two types of cricket balls A
machines for at the most 12 hours a day?
and B. The production time of one ball of type B
a) By suitably defining the variables write is double the type A (time in units). The company
the objective function of the problem. (1) has the time to produce a maximum of 2000 balls
b) Formulate the problem as a
per day. The supply of raw material is sufficient
Linear Programming problem (L.P.P). (2) for the production of 1500 balls ( both A and B)
c) Solve the problem by graphical method
per day. The company wants to make maximum
and find the number of packages of nuts profit by making profit of Rs. 3 from a ball of type
and bolts to be manufactured. (3)
A and Rs. 5 from a ball of type B. Then

MARCH 2011 a) By defining suitable variables, write

the objective function. (1)
24. The graph of a linear programming problem is b) Write the constraints. (2)
given below. The shaded region is the feasible c) How many balls should be produced
region. The objective function is in each type per day in order to get
Max. Z  px  qy maximum profit? (3)
a) What are the co-ordinates of the corners
of feasible region? (1)
b) Write the constraints. (1)
c) If the Max.Z occurs at A and B, what
is the relation between p and q? (2)
d) If q  1 , write the objective function. (1)
e) Find the Max. Z. (1)

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