Jaw Lesions

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Last updated: 6/23/2021 Prepared by Kurt Schaberg MD

Jaw Lesions
Diverse array of cysts, tumors, and reactive lesions can arise in the jaw—many of which are associated
with odontogenesis, which can involve both epithelial and mesenchymal elements.
Overall, odontogenic tumors are relatively rare, comprising <1% of all oral tumors.
Although most odontogenic tumors are benign, they can be locally aggressive and have a high rate of
Like with other bone tumors, radiographic and clinical correlations is essential to form a diagnosis.
Particularly for odontogenic tumors, it is essential to know the relationship of the lesion to nearby teeth


Nasopalatine Duct Cyst

Radicular cyst
Residual Cyst

Compound Odontogenic Keratocyst

odontoma Cementoblastoma Ameloblastoma
Lateral Dentigerous cyst Central Giant Cell
Periodontal Granuloma
Developmental Cysts
Dentigerous Cyst aka Follicular Cyst

Most common developmental cyst. Unilocular.

Envelops the crown of an unerupted tooth (most common around
impacted teeth, especially mandibular third molars→ so most
common in teenagers). Often found incidentally on X-ray looking for
missing tooth.
Wall of fibrous tissue with regular squamoid epithelium
(sometimes glandular).
Variable inflammation, cholesterol clefts, epidermal hyperplasia.
Cured with excision.

Odontogenetic Keratocyst (OKC)

Odontogenic cyst with thin, regular lining of
parakeratinized squamous epithelium with basal
palisading hyperchromatic cells.
Second-most common odontogenic cyst.
Occur over a broad age range, majority in the
mandible. Usually incidental painless findings.
Can see satellite cysts & islands in wall.
If multiple or young patient→ think about Gorlin
syndrome (Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome),
which is associated with germline PTCH1
mutations and multiple cutaneous BCC’s (among
other things).
PTCH1 mutations are also seen in sporadic OKC
Higher rate of recurrence (~25%).

Lateral Periodontal Cyst

Odontogenic cyst lined by non-keratinizing squamous
epithelium. Arises from the lateral aspect or between the
roots of erupted teeth.
Epithelium usually only 1-2 cells thick with focal thicker
whorled areas (similar to gingival cyst below).
Uncommon. Usually adults in the mandible.
Multicystic variant = Botryoid odontogenic cyst

Gingival Cyst
Odontogenic cysts in the alveolar mucosa just below oral mucosa surface.
Lined by a thin layer of squamous mucosa 1-2 cells thick with focal thickening. (Similar to lateral periodontal
cyst above)
Very common in infants (but often not biopsied as often spontaneously resolve).
Glandular Odontogenic Cyst
Cyst with epithelial features that simulate
salivary gland differentiation.
Variable epithelium from 2-3 cells to thicker
stratified squamous epithelium. Also can see
cuboidal cells, microcysts, apocrine metaplasia,
clear cells, tufting, mucous cells, and cilia
Rare. Often asymptomatic and mandibular.
Associated with roots of multiple teeth.
High rate of recurrence. Must exclude
mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst

A simple cyst lined by 1) ameloblastoma-
like epithelium (basal layer with palisading
columnar cells with overlying area
resembling stellate reticulum), which often
contains focal accumulations of 2) “ghost”
cells, which can calcify.

Sometimes called “Calcifying ghost cell

odontogenic cyst.”

Rare. Can be associated with an odontoma.

Recurrence is rare. 1

Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cyst

Odontogenic cyst lined by orthokeratinized squamous
epithelium with a prominent granular layer (looks like skin
but without rete ridges).

Nasopalatine Duct Cyst

Non-odontogenic cyst that arises in the midline of the anterior maxilla in the hard palate.
Lined by mostly by stratified squamous epithelium. May see focal cuboidal, columnar, or ciliated areas.
Reactive/Inflammatory Conditions
Colonizing Bacteria
Avascular bone necrosis.
Common causes:
1) Radiation therapy (Osteoradionecrosis)
2) Bisphosphonates
Necrotic, devitalized bone (empty lacunae).
Fibrosis, fibrinous exudate, and inflammation.
Frequent bacterial colonization. Dead bone
Overlapping histologic findings with infection/trauma

Acute Osteomyelitis: Neutrophilic inflammation with
bone destruction, edema, and fibrosis
Chronic Osteomyelitis: Plasma cells and lymphocyte-
rich inflammation with bone destruction, edema,
and fibrosis
Necrotic bone with empty osteocyte lacunae.
May see brisk osteoclast activity.
Bone often appears “moth eaten” (irregular erosions)
with lots of “rat bites.”
Often secondary to poor dentition or dental
extractions (direct inoculation). Can also result from
hematogenous spread.

Radicular (Periapical) Cyst Rushton

Inflammatory odontogenic cyst associated with nonvital Bodies
teeth. Most common cysts of the Jaw!
Usually in maxilla at apex of tooth root
Formed from proliferating tooth root sheath after pulp
necrosis (usually due to dental caries)
Wall of inflamed fibrous/granulation tissue with non-
keratinizing hyperplastic “arcading” squamous
epithelium. Often foamy macrophages and cholesterol
clefts and eosinophilic “Rushton” bodies (nonspecific)
If remains after tooth is extracted→ residual cyst

Inflammatory Collateral Cyst

Inflammatory odontogenic cysts arising on the buccal aspect of toots of partially or recently erupted
teeth as a result of inflammation of the pericoronal tissues (tissue over the crown).
Nonspecific morphology→ indistinguishable for radicular cyst.
Epithelial Odontogenic Tumors
Benign, intraosseous tumor. Most often in mandible.
Most common odontogenic tumor (excluding odontomas).
Variable appearance of solid to cystic.
Most common is follicular type:
Columnar/cuboidal palisading cells with hyperchromatic
nuclei and reverse polarity. (think of piano keys!)
Central loosely arranged stellate cells resembling stellate
reticulum, can undergo cystic change.
Other subtypes: desmoplastic, plexiform, granular,
acanthomatous, and basaloid.
Usually MAPK pathway activation, frequently BRAF V600E
IHC: SOX10 Negative (as opposed to basaloid salivary tumors)

Expansile growth. Tendency to recur if not completely

resected→ so treat with wide local excision.
Unicystic type→ occurs as a single cystic cavity. Often
associated with impacted tooth.
Extraosseous/Peripheral type→ in soft tissues of gingiva
Metastasizing ameloblastoma→ Rare. metastasizes despite
benign appearance

Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor 3

aka “CEOT” or “Pindborg Tumor” 2
Benign. Relatively rare.
1) Polygonal cells with abundant cytoplasm and intercellular
bridges. 2) Abundant pink amyloid (Congo Red +). 3) Calcifications
often (concentric = “Liesegang rings”)
Pleomorphic and giant nuclei, but low mitotic rate and Ki67.
Infiltrate bone, but less aggressive than ameloblastoma.
Treat with excision.

Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor

Benign tumor. Usually teens or young adults.
Intraosseous, often in maxilla with unerupted teeth.
Encapsulated. Multinodular with minimal stroma,
spindled epithelial cells, and rosette or duct-like
spaces with outward oriented nuclei
Limited growth potential (possibly hamartomas).
Enucleate with low recurrence rate.
Ameloblastic Carcinoma
Malignant counterpart to ameloblastoma.
Rare. Ameloblastoma histology (peripheral palisading,
etc…) but with cytologically malignant cells.
Often see: nuclear pleomorphism, mitoses,
hyperchromasia, vascular/perineural invasion, and/or
necrosis (the usual findings of malignancy).
Frequent BRAF mutations.
Multimodal treatment. Reasonable survival.

Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma

Odontogenic carcinoma with sheets and islands of
vacuolated clear cells (glycogen-rich).
Cells have distinct cell membranes and irregular small
dark nuclei. Often basaloid at periphery of tumor.
IHC: CK AE1/AE3 (+)

Molecular: EWSR1-ATF1 translocations in majority

(same as clear cell carcinoma of the salivary gland!!)

Ghost Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma

Think of as a malignant Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
or Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumor (sometimes even
present as a precursor).

Odontogenic carcinoma with “ghost cells,” abherent

keratinization, and dentinoid deposition in variable
quantities with features of malignancy like
pleomorphism, mitoses, necrosis, etc…

Rarer Odontogenic Epithelial Tumors

Sclerosing Odontogenic Carcinoma
Primary intraosseous carcinoma with cytologically bland infiltrating cords of tumor cells, markedly sclerotic
stroma. Often PNI.
Squamous Odontogenic Tumor
Very Rare. Benign intraosseous tumor with bland squamous cell islands of varying size. Usually young
patients with slow-growing lesion. Outer layer is flat (NOT palisading).
Odontogenic Tumors with a Mesenchymal Component
Hamartomas (epithelial & mesenchymal malformations)
Most common odontogenic tumor!
More common in young, often seen with unerupted teeth.
Compound odontoma—multiple rudimentary teeth (with dentin,
cementum, enamel, pulp, etc…).
Complex odontoma—irregular mass of tooth components (with no
anatomic resemblance to a tooth)
Associated with Gardner Syndrome (FAP).

Vs Supernumerary tooth (Hyperdontia)→ complete, well-formed


Odontogenic Myxoma
Stellate to spindled cells in abundant myxoid
matrix. May see rare odontogenic epithelium.
Good prognosis, but can recur if not completely


Calcified cementum-like tissue deposited directly on

a tooth root.

Odontogenic fibroma—Rare. Mature fibrous tissue with variable amounts of inactive-looking

odontogenic epithelium (± calcifications). Can be intra- or extraosseous.
Ameloblastic fibroma—Rare. Mixed tumor consisting of odontogenic mesenchyme resembling dental
papilla and epithelial tissue resembling odontogenic epithelium (but with no dental hard tissue,
otherwise consider an odontoma)
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor—Benign but locally infiltrative neoplasm with predominant
ameloblastomatous component with stellate reticulum, aberrant keratinization, ghost cells and material
resembling dentin.
Ondontogenic carcinosarcoma—Extremely rare. Proliferation of malignant epithelial proliferation
(Ameloblastic carcinoma) and a sarcoma
Odontogenic sarcomas—Rare. Cytologically malignant mesenchymal proliferation with a benign
epithelial component (malignant counterpart of amelobastic fibroma)
Giant Cell-rich Tumors Many of these have identical morphology, so clinical
correlation (e.g., PTH, radiology) is essential!!

Central Giant Cell Granuloma

Old name: Reparative Giant Cell Granuloma
Benign. Usually females <20yrs. Often in mandible.
Localized (but sometimes aggressive) osteolytic lesion.
Mononuclear spindle-shaped/polygonal cells with
osteoclast-type giant cells in a vascular background with
hemorrhage & hemosiderin.
Usually treat with curettage.

Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma

aka Giant cell epulis
Reactive (Benign). Most common oral giant cell lesion.
Occurs in gingiva or alveolar mucosa (outside of bone)
Localized response to chronic irritation
Proliferation of mononuclear spindle cells with
osteoclast-like giant cells in a vascular stroma with
hemorrhage, hemosiderin, and immature bone.

Autosomal Dominant inherited condition
Symmetrical expansion of the maxilla and mandible
→ give a “heavenly gaze” (big cheeks, upward gaze)
→ look like cherubs in Renaissance paintings→
Presents in childhood→ often regresses spontaneous by
adulthood. Mutations in SH3BP2.
Nonspecific histology (similar to above)

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst— Cystic/multicystic osteolytic neoplasm composed of blood-filled spaces lined by
fibrous septae with osteoclast-type giant cells. USP6 Translocations. Relatively rare in jaw. Usually
Simple Bone Cyst— (aka unicameral bone cyst) Intraosseous cavity lined by fibrous tissue filled with
serous or bloody fluid. Usually long bones, rarely in mandible.
Hyperparathyroidism—Hyperparathyroidism (often due to adenoma) stimulates a proliferation of
osteoclasts with fibrous tissue and hemorrhage. Forms a mass lesion, often in Mandible and Maxilla.
Resembles many other giant cell-rich lesions, so knowing PTH is key. Treat with parathyroidectomy.
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone—Usually in long bones of adults (not in Jaw). Local proliferation of numerous
(reactive) large osteoclasts together with a mononuclear neoplastic component without atypia. IHC:
(+)H3.3 G34W, often p63,
Bone/Cartilage Tumors with a special predilection for the Jaw
Note: You can get pretty much any bone tumor in the jaw, so also look at the dedicated bone guide ;-)

Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy

Benign but locally aggressive. Rare.
Usually infants (<1 yr) in the maxilla.
Rapidly enlarges causes deformity.
Biphasic with: 1) small neuroblast-like cells surrounded
by 2) larger melanin producing epithelioid cells
Arranged in alveolar structures with cords and trabeculae
set in fibrous stroma
Because of melanin, often grossly appears blue. 2
IHC: Both cell types (+) synaptophysin. Larger epitheloid
cells (+) CK and HMB45 (but not other melanoma stains).
Usually (-) desmin, chromogranin, S100, NF.
Locally destructive, but usually cured by complete

Ossifying Fibroma A
Usually in Jaw. Sometimes craniofacial.
Well-defined fibro-osseous lesions with
hypercellular fibroblastic stroma containing
variable amounts of osteoid or cementum-
like material. Osteoblastic rimming. B
Hyperchromatic nuclei, but no significant
pleomorphism or mitoses
3 subtypes
A) Juvenile psammomatoid OF
B) Juvenile trabecular OF
C) Cemento-ossifying fibroma

Desmoplastic Fibroma
aka “Desmoid tumor of bone”
Locally aggressive (myo)fibroblastic lesion of bone.
Often young patients, most often in mandible.
Infiltrative/permeative lesion composed of fascicles of
uniform myofibroblasts with slender tapering nuclei.
IHC: (+) SMA, Sometimes nuclear β-catenin.
Molecular: CTNNB1 hotspot mutations or APC mutations.
Recurrence may occur.
Benign. Usually on face or jaw bones (sites of
membranous ossification).
Often on the surface.
Composed of lamellar/cortical-type bone.
Osteoblasts are inconspicuous.
When develops in medullary cavity→ use the
term “Bone Island”
Multiple osteomas→ seen in Gardner’s
syndrome (subset of FAP)
Generally require no treatment unless

Benign. Thought to be reactive/developmental.
First appear when young adult and slowly grow.
Seem to grow in locations of mechanical stress.
Usually composed of dense, mature, lamellar bone
Minimal osteoblastic activity. Fatty marrow.
Frequently become ischemic→ loose osteocytes.
Don’t need to be treated unless troublesome to patient.
May be hard to differentiate from osteoma (above)
pathologically, so may have to rely on clinical
information to differentiate.
3 main locations: (Tori are usually bilateral and
Palatal torus→ midline of hard palate
Mandibular torus→ lingual surface of the mandible
Buccal exostosis→ facial surface of alveolar bone

Fibrous Dysplasia 骨病理很棒

Benign. Often medullary in the craniofacial bones or femur.
Can be monostotic (one bone, more common) or polyostotic
(multiple bones, often presenting younger)

Fibro-osseous lesion with: 1)Irregular, curvilinear woven bone

(“Chinese letters”) without conspicuous osteoblastic rimming,
and 2)fibrous tissue composed of bland fibroblastic cells.

Molecular: GNAS activating missense mutations

Both Mazabraud syndrome (FD + Intramuscular myxomas) and
McCune-Albright syndrome (FD + Café-au-lait macules +
endocrinopathies) have GNAS mutations
Cemento-osseous Dysplasia
Benign. Non-neoplastic.
Most common fibro-osseous lesion of the jaw.
Occurs exclusively in tooth-bearing regions of jaws.
Relatively common, especially among middle-age
African-American women.
Often can be identified clinically/radiographically
(with no need for pathologic Dx!)
Well-circumscribed with a thin radiolucent rim, not
fused to roots

Variably cellular fibrous stroma.

Mineralizing osteoid and cementum-like material.
Become increasingly calcified with age.

Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma
Biphasic tumor with 1)Islands of organized 1
hyaline cartilage in 2)an undifferentiated
component with high N:C ratios.
Frequent staghorn vessels (3).

Varied locations, but often craniofacial

Molecular: HEY1-NCOA2 fusions.

Aggressive behavior. 2

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