2nd Quarter Kindergarten Report - CES

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Enclosure to RM No. _____________________

Template: M & E on the Implementation of Kindergarten Education Program

Best Practice/s or Initiatives Issues and Intervention/s Effect/Impact of the Remarks (or needs)
in Kindergarten concerns Intervention/s
Let the pupils write their names There are still 3 Provide these 3 Pupils can now write All Kindergarten pupils
daily before the start of the pupils out of 26 pupils a tracing their names properly can write their names
lesson to enhance their who cannot write activity on their and legibly by properly and legibly by
penmanship in writing their their names names for them to themselves themselves
names properly and legibly. properly and enhance their
legibly by penmanship
Reciting the letters in the There are five Conduct remedial Three out six improved Pupils need consistent
alphabets and their sounds pupils out of 26 after class and but there are still three guidance of their parents
every day to master the letters who could not provide worksheets pupils who cannot able to really improve their
and sounds easily through the able to recognize and activities that to recognize letters as learning particularly in the
use of charts or music video. the letters in the would help these six well as sounds recognition of letters in
alphabet and their pupils recognize the the alphabet and their
sounds as well alphabets and sounds
Provide different beginning Some of the Talk to the parents Some of them are More than half of the
reading materials for the pupils pupils are not to give time their using the distributed kindergarten pupils can
to read at home to enhance using the reading children to guide beginning reading now read words, phrases
reading skills materials due to them in their reading materials for and simple sentences
lack of guidance kindergarten
from the
Counting numbers from 1-20 There are three 3 Provide these three Pupils can now All Kindergarten pupils
every start of the lesson in pupils who cannot pupils recognize the numbers can recognize numbers
numeracy to familiarize the recognize the activities/worksheet 1-20 and write properly and write properly as well
numbers. numbers and s that would help the numbers as well
write properly as them recognize the
well numbers and
provide tracing
activity on numbers
to enhance their
writing as well
Provide differentiated activities One of my pupils Talk to her parents The pupil is now All Kindergarten pupils
on letters and numbers for the in kindergarten is to train her child to independent in doing are always coming to
pupils to enhance their skills on not participative be independent in her activities in school school and enjoy doing
literacy and numeracy and for in doing the doing her activities the different activities
them to enjoy and have fun in activities given in school given by the teacher
learning because her
mother is not with
Assess the pupil’s capability at Some parents are Inform earlier the All parents are present Parents in Kindergarten
the end of the quarter and give not attending the parents on the in the conduct of are cooperative and
feedback to their parents. homeroom conduct of homeroom meeting helpful in molding and
meeting homeroom meeting teaching their child to
improve their learning

Address: Cabcaburao, San Juan, Abra

Contact No.: 0965-799-7145
Official Fb Account: DepEd Tayo Cabcaburao Elementary School
E-mail: [email protected]
School-based Application of Learning resource Development and Enhancement for Teachers

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