Antimicrobial Food Packaging Integrating Polysaccharide-Based Substrates With Green Antimicrobial Agents - A Sustainable Path (2022)

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Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

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Antimicrobial food packaging integrating polysaccharide-based substrates

with green antimicrobial agents: A sustainable path
Yuan Zhao a, b, 1, Jiejie An a, 1, Hongxia Su a, Bo Li a, Dongwu Liang a, Chongxing Huang a, b, *
School of Light Industry & Food Engineering, Guangxi University, 100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Clean Pulp & Papermaking and Pollution Control, College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004,


Keywords: Food spoilage and waste, human and animal poisoning, and even death caused by foodborne microorganisms
Food-borne pathogens remain extensive concerns in food safety. The global demand for functional, eco-friendly, and efficient antimi­
Food preservation crobial food packaging is increasing. However, the bacteriostatic or bactericidal effects of most conventional
Antimicrobial active materials
food packaging display limited action, and their major components are petrochemical materials (non-renewable,
non-biodegradable, and not environmentally friendly), and the current target microorganisms easily acquire
Eco-friendly antimicrobial agents
Sustainable food packaging drug-resistant. Therefore, the development of more effective, sustainable and safe antimicrobial materials has
become a research hotspot in food packaging. This paper systematically reviews the latest research on antimi­
crobial active packaging materials combining renewable and biodegradable polysaccharide-based substrates
with green organic guanidine-based polymers, inorganic chlorine dioxide, or natural antimicrobial agents (such
as essential oils, other plant extracts, chitosan, propolis, protein, bacteriocin, probiotics, and bacteriophages).
The compositions, characteristics, antimicrobial mechanisms, and food applications of the various types of
sustainable antimicrobial materials are updated, and future trends are explored. Although they show impressive
properties, further studies are required to confirm the safety and efficacy of these materials as a majority of the
studies have been conducted under laboratory conditions. This review provides theoretical and technical support
for the development of new antimicrobial food packaging and extending the shelf-life of foods.

1. Introduction microorganisms and their toxins during processing, transportation, and

sale, thus resulting in food spoilage. The food safety risk is still high and
Owing to the progress in agricultural science and technology, the poisoning, diseases, or deaths caused by food-borne microorganisms
global grain output is increasing annually; however, the global annual also occur frequently, thus endangering human health (Flynn et al.,
food waste and loss is a serious problem due to unreasonable food 2019). Hence, food preservation technology must be improved, and
packaging and logistics technology. According to the UNEP Food Waste antimicrobial packaging, which is the focus of this review, is one of the
Index Report 2021, 17% of the total food available to consumers was effective solutions (Baptista et al., 2020; Pirsa, 2021, Pirsa et al., 2022;
wasted worldwide in 2019, and food shortage, starvation, and chronic Sani et al., 2021).
malnutrition continue to affect more than 800 million people today Antimicrobial packaging can inhibit the growth and reproduction of
(~10.7% of the world’s population) (UNEP & WRAP, 2021). Many food microorganisms or even kill them, thereby reducing food spoilage
factors affect food quality, shelf life, and wastage, such as harvest and wastage and prolonging the shelf life (Díez-Pascual, 2020). When
damage, inappropriate processing, packaging technology, microbial the concentration of an antimicrobial substance is greater than the
contamination, rodents, and insect pests, of which spoilage and patho­ minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) or minimum bactericidal
genic microorganisms are the most important factors (Hammond et al., concentration, the resulting antimicrobial packaging can inhibit or
2015). Food is nutrient-rich; hence, it facilitates the growth of spoilage/ sterilize the microorganisms on the packaged food through direct con­
pathogenic microorganisms and is susceptible to infection by tact with the food surface (direct antibacterial) or by the release of

* Corresponding author at: School of Light Industry & Food Engineering, Guangxi University, 100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Huang).
Yuan Zhao and Jiejie An contributed equally to this work.
Received 18 January 2022; Received in revised form 28 February 2022; Accepted 2 March 2022
Available online 6 March 2022
0963-9969/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

volatile antimicrobial substances that migrate to the food surface (in­ or their derivatives have antimicrobial/antioxidant activity, which is
direct antibacterial) (Motelica et al., 2020; Khaneghah et al., 2018; beneficial to the food preservation (Zhao et al., 2021).
Ojogbo et al., 2020). Antimicrobial materials are the bases of antibac­ However, such polysaccharides still have some disadvantages. For
terial packaging technology, which is primarily composed of the sub­ instance, (i) The processability, chemical and thermal stability, and
strate/matrix as the forming “skeleton” and the antibacterial agent as mechanical properties of most polysaccharides are worse than those of
the core “bone marrow”. Currently, there are various antimicrobial petrochemical materials. In particular, the films and coatings formed by
materials available commercially, the majority of which are petroleum- single cellulose, starch or chitosan are often brittle, prone to cracking/
or fossil-based organic and inorganic antimicrobial agents (such as wrinkling, and have high shrinkage after molding. (ii) Natural poly­
traditional commercial halides, quaternary ammonium salts, ethanol, saccharides are hydrophilic, vulnerable to moisture, and exhibit poor
metal ions, and metal oxides) and substrates (such as conventional water vapor barrier, due to numerous hydroxyl, amino or carboxyl
polyolefins, polyesters, paraffin, and metals) (Motelica et al., 2020). groups in their molecular chains. Furthermore, the mechanical strength
However, these are mostly non-renewable, non-biodegradable, harmful, of most polysaccharide-based materials will decrease significantly at
or toxic and are detrimental to the environment and human health. high relative humidity. (iii) Among the common polysaccharides, cel­
Additionally, with the increasing global emphasis on environmental lulose, starch, alginate, agar, and others except chitosan and pectin
protection, new sustainable antimicrobial materials have gradually might provide nutrients as carbon sources, and promote microbial
become a hotspot in food packaging (Hosseini et al., 2021; Meydanju growth and reproduction, which is not conducive to food preservation.
et al., 2022; Sani et al., 2021; Sharifi & Pirsa, 2021), but the related Therefore, natural polysaccharides usually need to be chemically (such
research and industrialization are still in their infancy. as functional group modification, graft copolymerization, and cross-
Therefore, this review provides the recent advances in antimicrobial linking) or physically (such as hydrothermal, ultrasonic, microwave,
active materials for sustainable food packaging, with a particular focus and ionizing radiation treatment, and blending) modified based on the
on such materials composed of guanidine-based polymers, chlorine di­ actual requirements to optimize their functions (Zhang et al., 2021; Zhao
oxide (ClO2), or natural antimicrobial agents and various renewable et al. 2021), thus promoting their application in food packaging.
polysaccharides (such as cellulose, starch, chitosan, and polysaccharide
gums). Furthermore, the physicochemical properties, antimicrobial 2.2. Manufacture of polysaccharide-based antimicrobial food packaging
mechanism, and both the efficacy and limitations of different materials materials
are discussed, thus laying a theoretical foundation for upgrading to
antimicrobial food packaging technology in the future. Polysaccharides generally have abundant functional groups, good
absorbability, gelation and film-forming, and can provide applicable
2. Characteristics and processing of polysaccharides as mechanical properties as “skeletons”. In consideration of sustainable
substrates antimicrobial food packaging, most polysaccharides are used as the
substrate alone or combined with other biodegradable polymers as the
2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of polysaccharides composite substrate, and then integrate with green antimicrobial agents
to be processed into different forms of packaging materials, such as
Polysaccharides are the most abundant macromolecules in nature, paper, film, coating, hydrogel, and mat (Jung et al., 2020; Khoshnevisan
with special functions and low cost, and occupy the most important et al., 2019; Ksouda et al., 2019; Nechita & Roman, 2020; Pan et al.,
position in sustainable alternatives. Polysaccharides are also complex 2019a, 2019b; Zabihollahi et al., 2020). Some polysaccharides immo­
carbohydrates, usually consisting of monosaccharides linked by α-1,4-, bilized antimicrobial agents by grafting or embedding to form stable
β-1,4-, or α-1,6-glycosidic bonds (Zhao et al., 2021). To date, there are microcapsules, and then used as additives in the process of antimicrobial
many kinds of polysaccharides, but the ones commonly used in food materials, or packed into small bags (similar to desiccant and antioxi­
packaging materials are cellulose, starch, chitosan, and polysaccharide dant bags) to play an antimicrobial role (Nešić et al. 2020; Ojogbo et al.,
gums. The main sources of cellulose are wood and cotton, followed by 2020). To date, there are various approaches to prepare such
grass plants, algae, corn cobs, bagasse, and some other crops waste peels polysaccharide-based antimicrobial materials for application in foods
and husks, as well as certain invertebrates, tunicates fungi, and bacteria (such as fruits, vegetables, meat, aquatic products, and dairy products),
(Nešić et al. 2020; Zhao et al., 2021). For starch, the major sources are among which the simple operation, low cost, and most commonly used
corn, potatoes, cassava, wheat, and rice, while the minor sources are methods are papermaking, solution casting, coating, electrospinning
banana, mango, breadfruit, jackfruit, lotus seeds, and pineapple stems and extrusion molding (Fig. 1).
(Nakthong et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2021; Zhu 2020). There is more In general, polysaccharides and their derivatives can act as carriers
than one kind of polysaccharide gum used in the food field, mainly of some antimicrobial, antioxidative or nutritional factors to form active
including alginate, carrageenan, and agar from marine biological re­ composite materials, thus improving the sensory quality and prolonging
sources, and pectin from fruit peels and vegetable residues (Ciriminna the shelf-life of foods (Nešić et al. 2020; Zhao et al. 2021). The
et al., 2020; Mohamed et al., 2020). Among them, chitosan with broad- polysaccharide-based antimicrobial materials significantly expand the
spectrum antimicrobial activity is the most special. It can not only play a source of food packaging, efficiently use food processing residues, and
synergistic role as a substrate combined with other antimicrobial agents, reduce the dependence on non-renewable resources. Furthermore, they
but also play an antimicrobial effect as an additive combined with other are beneficial to food preservation and capable to avoid food waste and
common polysaccharides (details are described in section 5.2.1). decrease the carbon footprint of the food-packaging system. In the
The above polysaccharides come from different sources and have following sections, we will describe more details on antimicrobial active
their composition and properties, nevertheless, they have many attrac­ materials composed of polysaccharides and antimicrobial agents,
tive advantages. Compared with most conventional petrochemical ma­ including preparation methods, properties, antimicrobial mechanisms,
terials (such as plastic, metal, and glass), natural polysaccharides have target microorganisms, and food application forms and effects.
characteristics of renewability, biodegradability, compostability, non­
toxicity, edibility, and sustainability. Compared with natural proteins 3. Guanidine-based polymer series antimicrobial materials
and lipids, polysaccharides have a greater range of sources and lower
cost, as well as better stability and processing adaptability (Mohamed Organic antimicrobial agents are classified into two categories: low
et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2021). Furthermore, polysaccharides have good molecular weight organic agents and organic polymeric agents. Ac­
gases, aromas, and lipids barrier properties (Benbettaïeb et al., 2016; cording to the functional groups present, the former can be subdivided
Lavoine et al., 2012; Nechita & Roman, 2020); and even several of them into over 20 types, such as synthetic organic acids, quaternary

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Fig. 1. Manufacture methods of antimicrobial active food packaing materials combined polysaccharide-based substrates with green antimicrobial agents. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

ammonium salts, quaternary phosphonium salts, pyridine, guanidine, 2015; Sun et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2017). In particular, such polymers
and alcohols, and their derivatives (Mo et al., 2014). The latter is pri­ possess strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, high germicidal
marily synthesized by homopolymerization or copolymerization of efficiency, extremely low MIC, and low toxicity to mammals (Lavilla
monomers with antimicrobial function, or by grafting substances con­ Lerma et al., 2015; Wei et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2009).
taining antimicrobial functional groups into the polymer chain (Kenawy
et al., 2007). Among them, guanidine-based polymers have recently
3.1. Antimicrobial mechanisms of guanidine-based polymers
been shown to be relatively attractive, efficient, stable, and sustainable
organic antimicrobial agents in food packaging (Lavilla Lerma et al.,
Previous research has indicated that guanidine-based polymers (non-

Fig. 2. Main antimicrobial mechanisms of guanidine-based polymers.

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

release agents) rapidly adsorb onto the negatively charged microbial cell modified starch adsorbed on wood fibers only killed the contacted
surface through electrostatic action, impair the outer membrane, per­ bacteria and did not contaminate other materials by emigration.
turb the cytoplasmic membrane, increase the permeability of the cyto­ Moreover, electrostatic adsorption was observed between the antimi­
plasmic membrane, and create local pores that allow the leakage of crobial starch and cellulose fiber. When it was used as a papermaking
intracellular components, eventually resulting in the inactivation of wet-end additive, its retention rate on fibers could be enhanced, which is
microbial cells (Fig. 2) (Choi et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2020; Wei et al., conducive to improving the mechanical strength and durable non-
2009). For example, a low concentration (13 μg/mL) of polyhexa­ leaching effect of such papers (Guan et al., 2008a, 2008b).
methylene guanidine (PHMG), upon adhering to a microbial cell, may In general, this kind of organic cationic antimicrobial agent can be
only slightly damage the outer membrane and increase the permeability readily adopted and applied to the blending, coating, and casting of
of the cytoplasmic membrane, with no significant damage to the cell packaging materials to be used as safe and long-lasting antimicrobial
morphology and structure. However, a high concentration (23 μg/mL) papers, carton boards, films, and other containers without extra capital
of PHMG may cause a structural collapse of the outer membrane, form investment or significant change in the existing manufacturing process
local pores across the membrane, and severely damage the internal (Guan et al., 2008a, 2008b; Han et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2021; Ni et al.,
structure of cells, causing the leakage of intracellular components, and 2018; Ojogbo et al., 2020), thus showing immense prospect in the food
leading to cell inactivation (Wei et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2010). It can be industry.
observed that a high concentration of guanidine-based polymers is
usually beneficial for improved bacteriostatic effect. 4. ClO2 series antimicrobial materials

3.2. Food packaging applications of guanidine-based polymers Traditional inorganic antimicrobial agents on the market include
silver ion (Ag+)-type agents and photocatalytic agents, such as zinc
If an appropriate coupling agent and/or other additives are used, the oxide (ZnO) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) (Saidin et al., 2021). However,
molecular chain of guanidine-based polymers can be effectively com­ chlorine dioxide, another inorganic antimicrobial agent that is cost-
bined with polysaccharides and their derivatives to form various com­ effective, highly efficient, and environment-friendly, has recently
posite antibacterial materials (Pan et al., 2019a), such as microparticle, attracted the attention of researchers and possesses promising prospects
hydrogel, coating, and paper (Table 1), thus achieving improved non- (Becerril et al., 2020). ClO2 has been rated by the World Health Orga­
leaching and long-term antibacterial properties. Ojogbo et al. (2020) nization as a class A1 product of safe disinfectants (safe even if eaten)
synthesized polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHGH) from and approved by the FDA in 2001 for packaging uncooked meat (such as
the condensation of guanidine hydrochloride and hexamethylene poultry and seafood) (Ma et al., 2017; Zhang & Fu, 2018). Moreover,
diamine, and then used isophorone diisocyanate as a coupling agent to ClO2 has a broad-spectrum, wide pH range, rapid antimicrobial efficacy
prepare antimicrobial starch microparticles by grafting synthetic PHGH (Cho et al., 2010; Ofori et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2021). It does not cause
onto corn starch in a two-step homogenous reaction (the coupling effi­ pollution, nor show carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, and mutagenicity
ciency was 17.37%). The modified starch microparticles and their filled (Ma et al., 2017). It can also facilitate deodorization and algae removal
polylactic acid (PLA) film showed excellent antimicrobial activity (Ofori et al., 2017, 2018), and be used to retain the freshness of foods
against Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Moreover, (Saade et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2019b). Thus, it can be
PHGH in the composite played a role in bacterial deactivation through widely applied in water treatment, air purification, medical treatment,
the contact rather than diffusion, and exhibited non-leaching behavior. and food preservation.
Pan et al. (2019b) first grafted synthesized PHGH onto epoxidized
bleached bagasse pulp (using epichlorohydrin as a coupling agent) to 4.1. Antimicrobial mechanisms of ClO2
prepare antimicrobial-modified cellulose, and then blended it with un­
modified cellulose to generate a green antimicrobial hydrogel through According to previous studies, ClO2 has a strong oxidative effect
cross-linking. The results showed that this hydrogel had a notable (oxidation–reduction potential up to 1.5 V), and an unpaired electron in
inactivation effect on E. coli, no leaching, and good biocompatibility. the outer layer of its molecule, which can attack the electron-rich or
Sun et al. (2020) chemically grafted PHMG onto cellulose fibers to electron-donating atomic groups in microbial cell components, forcibly
prepare antibacterial paper through an amino group-initiated epoxy plunder electrons and cause cell inactivation and denaturation (Ofori
ring-opening click reaction. PHMG endowed this paper with long-acting et al., 2017, 2018). ClO2 can easily adsorb and penetrate the microbial
effective antibacterial activity against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus cell wall, destabilize the cell membrane, and alter the osmotic pressure
(S. aureus), and it retained approximately 99% antibacterial activity (Bridges et al., 2020; Cho et al., 2010; Ofori et al., 2018; Zhu et al.,
after two months of storage under room conditions, while retaining the 2013). It can also infiltrate the cell and oxidize partial amino acids
morphology of fibers and mechanical performance of paper. (including sulfur-containing enzymes), thereby disrupting protein syn­
In addition, Guan et al. synthesized an antimicrobial PHGH-PPGDE thesis, and even causing microbial RNA and DNA damage, eventually
copolymer through the reaction between PHGH and poly(propylene leading to the death of microorganisms (Singh et al., 2021; Yu et al.,
glycol) diglycidyl ether (PPGDE), which has amphiphilic, antimicrobial, 2021; Zhu et al., 2013) (Fig. 3). Additionally, ClO2 has a good inhibitory
and reactive characteristics (Wei et al., 2017). The group then synthe­ or lethal effect on spores, viruses, algae, iron bacteria, sulfate-reducing
sized an antimicrobial-modified starch using glycerol diglycidyl ether bacteria, and fungi. For example, ClO2 was found to rapidly oxidize
(GDE) as a coupling agent to covalently bond the PHGH molecules onto and destroy tyrosine in the viral protein capsid, inhibit specific viral
the backbone of potato starches (as a carrier) (Guan et al., 2008a). When adsorption, and prevent the virus from infecting host cells (Ofori et al.,
this reaction was performed under the optimal conditions of reaction 2017, 2018). In addition, due to its strong oxidative property, ClO2 can
time 2 h, temperature 70 ◦ C, pH 11, PHGH/starch ratio 120 wt%, and also prevent methionine catabolism and rapidly decompose ethylene
GDE/starch ratio 8 wt%, the coupling efficiency could reach 90.21%. (Guo et al., 2014).
Subsequently, the antimicrobial paper could be conveniently prepared
by dip-coating paper in a PHGH-PPGDE aqueous dispersion, spray- 4.2. Food packaging applications of ClO2
coating the modified starch solution onto the paper surface, or mixing
the dispersion or the modified starch with pulp, which possessed To date, there are three main types of ClO2 antimicrobial agents:
excellent and rapid antimicrobial activities (even if PHGH concentration gaseous ClO2, stable ClO2 solution, and solid composition releasing
in wood fibers was 1.0 wt%) against S. aureus and E. coli and non- ClO2. Among them, the solid composition releasing ClO2 is the most
leaching effect (Guan et al., 2008a; Wei et al., 2017). Notably, the stable and convenient for storage, possessing the characteristics of

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 1
Components, targeted microorganisms, applied objects and forms, and main effects of guanidine-based polymers and ClO2 sustainable antimicrobial materials.
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial Polysaccharide-
agents based substrates

Guanidine- PHGH Corn starch Bacillus subtilis, E. coli NA–microparticles • PHGH maintained antimicrobial property in its (Ojogbo
based grafted starch-based microparticles, and such et al.,
polymer microparticles can be used as an additive 2020)
• Antimicrobial activity of composites increased
with an increase in microparticle concentration,
and the growth inhibition rates for tested bacteria
reached 99.94% when the concentration ≥ 10 wt
• Exhibited better efficacy against gram-positive
bacterial, and non-leaching behavior after soak­
ing in water for 72 h
PHGH Sugarcane bagasse E. coli NA–hydrogel • Demonstrated swelling degree up to 2000%, (Pan et al.,
cellulose exhibited durability with compress strength up to 2019b)
31.39 KPa (when modified cellulose:unmodified
one = 8:2)
• High antimicrobial activity against E. coli without
any leaching effect; the growth inhibition rate
reached over 99.99% when 1.5 wt% grafted
PHGH in hydrogel
• Exhibited biocompatibility with cell viability
responses of NIH3T3 cells above 75.5%
PHMG Wood-derived S. aureus, E. coli NA–paper • Superior antibacterial activity against two tested (Sun et al.,
bleached kraft pulp bacteria 2020)
• Remained ~ 99% antibacterial activity after two
months in the open air
• Retained good mechanical characteristics of
cellulose-based paper
PHGH- Cellulose E. coli NA–paper • PHGH-PPGDE copolymer was amphiphilic, (Wei et al.,
PPGDE antimicrobial, and reactive due to terminal 2017)
reactive groups
• Excellent antimicrobial activity against E. coli
without any leaching effect, the activity remained
after water rinsing, and the antimicrobial rate
reached 100% when PHGH-PPGDE concentration
in papers was 0.5 wt%
PHGH Potato starch S. aureus, E. coli NA–additive • The coupling efficiency of PHGH on starch could (Guan
reach 90.21% et al.,
• Modified antibacterial starch showed high and 2008a,
rapid antimicrobial activities against tested 2008b)
bacteria by destroying their cell membrane
• The modified starch adsorbed on the wood fibers
would only kill the contacted bacteria and not
contaminate other materials by emigration; the
growth inhibition rate to bacteria reached about
100% when PHGH concentration in wood fibers
≥ 1.0 wt%
ClO2 ClO2 gas α-cyclodextrin – NA–encapsulation • The maximum ClO2 loading was 6.44% at the (Chen
complex molar ratio of ClO2/α-cyclodextrin of 6:1 et al.,
• α-cyclodextrin was oxidized by ClO2 and 2020)
agglomerated into larger particles with modified
• ClO2 can be released slowly over a long period
NaClO2 Maltodextrin Paecilomyces variotii, Semi-dry longan • Inactivated artificially inoculated molds in longan (Lin et al.,
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus pulp–film pulp with reductions of over 3 log CFU/g after 28 2021)
niger; total aerobic bacteria days at 25 ◦ C; reduced total aerobic bacterial
populations from 8.5 to 1.5 log CFU/g on day 30
at 25 ◦ C and maintained the final populations at
~ 2.0 log CFU/g on day 180
• Chlorate and perchlorate residues in longan pulp
increased and then decreased during storage but
were not detected after 180 days at 25 ◦ C
• Reduced total polyphenol content but had no
significant effects on the polysaccharide levels
and color of longan pulp during storage; extended
the shelf life
Stable Pullulan S. aureus, E. coli; total aerobic Half-shell • Efficiently inhibit the growth of microorganisms; (Gao et al.,
ClO2 bacteria mussel–coating the aerobic plate counts in 0.0015 g/L and 0.0030 2021)
g/L ClO2/pullulan treated mussels decreased to
107 and 97 CFU/g in the first 15 days at − 18 ◦ C,
respectively, while E. coli and S. aureus counts
decreased to 60–85 CFU/g; moreover, the aerobic
plate counts on day 90 were 130–185 CFU/g,
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 1 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial Polysaccharide-
agents based substrates

while E. coli and S. aureus counts were 55–75

CFU/g (all microbial counts < the controls and
pullulan treated samples)
• Exhibited better texture and Ca2+-ATPase
activity, and higher content of myofibrillar
proteins and total sulfhydryl than those of the
controls and pullulan treated mussels; prolonged
the shelf life

Note: NA––No specific food application.

PHGH––Polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride.
PHMG––Polyhexamethylene guanidine.
PPGDE––Poly(propylene glycol) diglycidyl ether.

sustained-release and the longest effective bacteriostatic period during 5. Natural antimicrobial materials
use (Saade et al., 2017). Hence, this ClO2 form and the corresponding
series of antimicrobial materials have developed rapidly in the field of Natural antimicrobial agents are active products extracted or syn­
food packaging, and are often processed into films, coatings, or micro­ thesized from plants, animals, and microorganisms, and have the ad­
capsules (Table 1), which have recently attracted increasing attention vantages of a wide raw material source, good biocompatibility, and
from researchers. Chen et al. (2020) encapsulated ClO2 in α-cyclodextrin remarkable renewability, edibility, recyclability, or biodegradability
by co-precipitation method to form a complex with long-term sustained (Aziz & Karboune, 2018; Baptista et al., 2020). Environmentally friendly
release performance. ClO2 loading and complex yield increased with the antimicrobial materials prepared by the integration of these antimi­
molar ratio of ClO2/α-cyclodextrin from 1:1 to 6:1. ClO2 can be stably crobial agents and green substrates can overcome the defects of natural
retained in the complex at − 20 ◦ C for at least three months and its substances, such as low bactericidal rate, poor heat resistance, narrow
release followed an anomalous transport process, which shows attrac­ antibacterial spectrum, and short life span. Nonetheless, the commer­
tive promise in antimicrobial food packaging. Lin et al. (2021) mixed cialization of this type of antimicrobial material is still underdeveloped.
NaClO2, citric acid, calcium chloride, and maltodextrin in a ratio of Hence, the latest research progress on antimicrobial materials based on
3:1:5:15 by weight and extruded the mixture into an antimicrobial film plant, animal, and microbial antimicrobial agents will be introduced in
for semi-dry longan pulp packaging. The antimicrobial film was trig­ the following section to provide a reference for the development and
gered to release gaseous ClO2 by moisture from semi-dry longan pulp promotion of antimicrobial packaging (Table 2–4).
kept in a sealed container, which showed significant antifungal and
antibacterial activities while extending the shelf life of longan pulp. Gao 5.1. Botanical antimicrobial materials
et al. (2021) immersed the frozen half-shell mussel (− 25 ◦ C) in the stable
ClO2/pullulan ice-glazing solutions (1 ◦ C) for 10 s, then placed them 5.1.1. Essential oil-based materials
immediately on the polystyrene trays, packaged in the polyethylene Essential oils (EOs) derived from plants, the most widely used
bags, and stored at − 18 ◦ C for 90 days. The results demonstrated that botanical antimicrobial agent available commercially, is a complex
ClO2 could efficiently inhibit microbial growth in the mussel, protect its mixture with biological activity (main components include alkaloids,
protein from oxidation, maintain its sensory qualities, and extend its flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolic acids, and aldehydes, among others)
shelf life during storage. (Jugreet et al., 2020; Pandey et al., 2021; Pateiro et al., 2021; Silvestre
Overall, there are still few studies on the combination of ClO2 with
et al., 2019). EOs can be extracted from leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits,
polysaccharides in the last decade, while most of them are the combi­ roots, bark, and other plant parts containing balsam glands, exhibiting
nation of ClO2 with other biodegradable polymers, such as polylactic
aromaticity and volatility (Baptista et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2021; Sani
acid (PLA) (Zhang et al. 2019; Zhou et al. 2020), polyvinyl alcohol (Li et al., 2021).
and Ren et al., 2020), and polyethylene oxide (Zhou et al. 2018).
Nevertheless, the direct application of gaseous ClO2 in retail food Antimicrobial mechanisms of essential oil. According to previous
packaging is currently unfeasible because of the equipment re­
studies, essential oils can interact with lipids in microbial cell mem­
quirements for on-site production and ClO2 gas generators. Thus, a series
branes and mitochondria because of their universal hydrophobicity,
of antimicrobial materials derived from solid compositions releasing
destroy the structure and permeability of cell membrane, cause the
ClO2 gas show greater development potential. However, in the prepa­
leakage of intracellular constituents, interfere with quorum sensing
ration of such materials, there are still several key technological barriers
factors in microorganisms, and inhibit the microbial biofilm formation
to overcome, such as managing the abrupt or insufficient release of ClO2
(Gao et al., 2020; Guo et al., 2019; Tang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2019).
gas generated by the system, environmental performance, and safety of
They can also penetrate cells and produce reactive oxygen species
material components. Hence, the focus of future research would be to
(ROS), cause respiratory and metabolic disorders and oxidative damage,
select appropriate, non-toxic, degradable or recyclable, and processing-
inhibit proteolytic activity, and generate ribosome dysfunction and DNA
friendly wall materials or substrates (such as edible ethyl cellulose,
damage (including mitochondrial perturbation and inhibition of ergos­
modified starch, other polysaccharides, or environment-friendly
terol biosynthesis in the case of fungi), ultimately leading to microbial
waterborne polyurethane rich in carboxylic acid) to encapsulate the
death (Guo et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2019; Silva et al., 2019; Tang et al.,
ClO2 gas-forming substances, and to explore the ClO2 release kinetics of
2020). Due to the complexity of its constituents, the antibacterial
the material system to control the release rate and concentration of ClO2
mechanism of EOs is not a single pathway but involves two or more
according to the expected demand.
action ways simultaneously (Fig. 4), and the antimicrobial effect de­
pends on the type and concentration of the chemical substances it
contains (Artiga-Artigas et al., 2017; Calo et al., 2015; Guerra et al.,
2016; Silva et al., 2019).

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Fig. 3. Main antimicrobial mechanisms of chlorine dioxide. Thereinto, based on TEM images, microbial cell morphology and ultrastructure of untreated and treated
microorganisms (including gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, and fungi) were A and B, respectively (Source: Bridges et al., 2020; Cho et al., 2010; Ofori
et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2013); C was the inhibition effects of ClO2 on the microbial biofilm formation based on CLSM images (Source: Yu et al., 2021); D and E were
the leakages of intracellular constituents such as nucleic acids (Source: Ofori et al., 2018) and proteins (Source: Cho et al., 2010) caused by ClO2; F and G were the
effects of ClO2 on the microbial genomics (Source: Yu et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2013). Reprinted with permission from Frontiers, Elsevier, and Springer, respectively.

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 2
Components, targeted microorganisms, applied objects and forms, and main effects of botanical antimicrobial materials.
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial agents Polysaccharide-
based substrates

EOs Chrysanthemum Chitosan nanofibers L. monocytogenes Beef–film • The inhibition rate against (Lin et al., 2019)
EOs L. monocytogenes on beef was 99.91%,
99.97% and 99.95% after 7 days at 4,
12 and 25 ◦ C, respectively
• Slightly changed the color,
adhesiveness, resilience, and
springiness of beef
• Delayed the increase of TBARS (0.135
MDA/kg after 12 days) and pH value
(6.43 after 10 days), maintained the
hardness, cohesion, gumminess, and
chewiness of beef at 4 ◦ C, prolonged
the shelf-life
Ziziphora persica Sodium alginate and L. monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, S. Chicken • MIC and MBC of galbanum and this (Hamedi et al.,
EOs galbanum oleo-resin aureus, E. coli, Salmonella fillets–edible EOs against the first six bacteria listed 2017)
gum typhimurium, Pseudomonas coating ranged from 1.25 to 50 μg/mL; the
aeruginosa; fungi, aerobic growth inhibition of gram-positive
mesophilic,psychrotrophic, and bacteria was more effective than that
lactic acid bacteria of gram-negative ones
• Composite coatings (e.g. sodium
alginate/EOs, galbanum/EOs, and
sodium alginate/galbanum/EOs)
significantly decreased the microbial
load of aerobic mesophilic,
psychrotrophic and lactic acid
bacteria, Pseudomonas spp.,
Enterobacteriaceae, L. monocytogenes,
molds, and yeasts on the chicken
surface; in particular, the aerobic
mesophilic and psychrotrophic values
of the treated fillets were below 7 log
CFU/g until day 12
• Exhibited good antioxidant activity
(thereinto, galbanum/EOs coatings
delayed oxidation of fillets better than
others), reduced productions of
TBARS, TVB-N and peroxide in
chicken fillets at 4 ◦ C, and prolonged
the shelf life
Lemongrass EOs Flaxseed gum Natural total aerobic bacteria, Pomegranate • Exhibited excellent antimicrobial (Yousuf &
yeasts, molds arils–edible coating activity against total aerobic bacteria, Srivastava,
yeasts, and molds; the total plate 2017)
count of coated pomegranate arils
(coatings containing 800 ppm EOs)
was 4.3–4.5 CFU/g after 12 days at
5 ◦ C, whereas the count of uncoated
pomegranate arils was 8.3 log CFU/g
• Reduced the weight loss and ripeness
of pomegranate arils, delayed changes
of TSS, pH, and titratable acidity,
maintained sensory characteristics
(color, texture, aroma, taste, juiciness,
and over all acceptability), extended
the shelf life
Myrcia ovata Cassava starch/ B. cereus, B. subtilis, S. aureus, Mangaba–edible • Significantly reduced the B. cereus (Frazão et al.,
Cambessedes EOs chitosan Enterococcus faecalis, P. aeruginosa, coating counts in mangaba (stored at 10 ◦ C) 2017)
Serratia marcescens; fungi, total to<1.0 log from day 2–12, reduced
aerobic mesophilic bacteria the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria,
molds and yeasts counts by ~3 log
from day 4–12
Mentha spp. EOs Chitosan (CS) Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Grape–coating • Coated (8 mg/mL CS + 5, 2.5, or 1.25 (Guerra et al.,
Penicillium expansum, Rhizopus μL/mL EOs or 4 mg/mL CS + 5 μL/mL 2016)
stolonifer EOs) grapes stored at 12 ◦ C displayed
no visible signs of mold infection
during 24 days
• Coated (4 or 8 mg/mL CS + 5 μL/mL
EOs) grapes stored at 25 ◦ C displayed
no visible signs of mold infection
during 12 days; coated (4 or 8 mg/mL
CS + 2.5 or 1.25 μL/mL EOs) grapes
displayed visible signs of 6–53%
infection rate between day 4 and 8
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 2 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial agents Polysaccharide-
based substrates

• Reduced the respiration and

transpiration across the grapes
surface, decreased the weight loss of
grapes, delayed titratable acidity
reduction, browning process and
senescence, maintained TSS contents
and sensory characteristics at 25 ◦ C-
12 days and 12 ◦ C-24 days
Oregano EOs/β-CD Citric acid/sodium L. monocytogenes, E. coli Purple yam–edible • Optimal encapsulation efficiency (Huang et al.,
microcapsules alginate mixture coating reached 55.14% 2020)
• Inhibited the growth of
microorganisms on the purple yam
during storage
• Significantly reduced the weight loss,
maintained the firmness, and the
contents of TSS, ascorbic acid and
anthocyanin of the purple yam during
5 days at 4 ◦ C
Oregano EOs Sodium alginate/ S. aureus, psychrophilic bacteria, Low-fat cheese– • Coatings with 2.0 wt% EOs decreased (Artiga-Artigas
mandarin fiber molds, yeasts edible coating S. aureus population from 6.0 to 4.6 et al., 2017)
log CFU/g after 15 days, whereas
coatings with 2.5 wt% EOs decreased
S. aureus to 4.5 log CFU/g; moreover,
coatings with 2.5 wt% EOs inhibited
the growth of psychrophilic bacteria
and fungi in 6 and 24 days,
respectively (at 4 ◦ C)
• Better water vapor resistance to
reduce the water loss in cheese and
avoid its dehydration, whilst
maintaining the elasticity and softness
of cheese without affecting its
whiteness index values, extend its
shelf life (oregano EOs concentration
≥ 2.0 wt%)
PSEO Sodium alginate L. monocytogenes, Micrococcus Cheese–edible • Exhibited excellent antibacterial (Ksouda et al.,
luteus, B. cereus, E. coli, P. coating activity, PSEO MICs against the first 2019)
aeruginosa, S. typhimurium; three bacteria listed were 0.78–3.12
mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid mg/mL; edible coatings containing
bacteria 3% (w/w) PSEO reduced the
proliferation of mesophilic bacteria
(from 5.44 to 4.03 log CFU/g) and
lactic bacteria (from 4.07 to 3.33 log
CFU/g) on day 7 of chilled storage
• Reduced the weight loss of cheese,
preserved the pH and color, delayed
lipid oxidation without producing
unpleased flavors
Other plant Curcumin Egg whites/egg E. coli Strawberry, banana, • Effectively inhibited the growth of (Jung et al.,
extracts yolk/CNCs papaya, microorganisms on the fruit within 24 2020)
avocado–coating h
• Inhibited the respiration, reduced the
dehydration and weight loss, delayed
the enzymatic browning and decaying
on the fruit exterior, showed better
appearance even on days 7–11,
maintained sensory qualities, and
extended the shelf life
• Coatings were safe and easy to clean
Capsaicin Ethyl cellulose S. aureus, E. coli Bell pepper–film • Good antibacterial activity; the zones (Su et al., 2020)
of inhibition increased significantly
with increasing capsaicin
concentration, and the inhibitory
effect on S. aureus was more obvious
than that on E. coli
• Improved the mechanical properties
and water absorption; when the
capsaicin content was 0.1 g, the
tensile strength of the composite film
reached the highest 5.37 ± 0.203
MPa; when was 0.5 g, the elongation
at break reached the highest 61.34 ±
1.37%, and the antibacterial effect
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 2 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial agents Polysaccharide-
based substrates

was maximum; when was 0.3 g, the

mechanical, waterproof and
antibacterial properties were above
medium levels
• Retarded the ripening process,
maintained vitamin C and total
phenol content of bell peppers (stored
at room temperature-7 days), extend
the shelf life
Eucomis comosa Methyl S. aureus, B. cereus, Bacillus NA–coating • Effectively reduced the number of (Mizielińska
extract hydroxypropyl atrophaeus three tested gram-positive bacteria et al., 2018)
cellulose/cocoa • Decreased water vapor permeability
butter of the composite film and enhanced its
UV-aging resistance (when coated on
the surface of PLA-based film)
• Accelerated UV-A and Q-SUN irradia­
tions (UV-aging) altered the chemical
composition of the coating without
affecting its antimicrobial properties
against S. aureus and B. cereus;
whereas only Q-SUN irradiation
slightly decreased its antimicrobial
activity against Bacillus atrophaeus
Chinese chives Carboxymethyl S. aureus, B. cereus, E. coli, S. NA–film • Inhibited the growth of tested (Riaz et al.,
root extract cellulose typhimurium bacteria; inhibitory zones of 2020)
composite films were increased with
increasing extract concentration
(from 0 to 5% w/w); more sensitive
and effective against gram-positive
bacteria than gram-negative ones
• Good antioxidant activity; with
increasing extract concentration,
DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging
abilities were increased (from 0 to
58% and from 0 to 82%, respectively)
• The water solubility (from 77.51% to
52.91%), swelling degree (from
55.74% to 40.37%), and WVP (from
5.76 to 1.17 × 10-10 g⋅m− 1⋅s− 1⋅Pa− 1)
of the composite film decreased with
increasing extract concentration; but
the thickness increased from 43 to 84
Alizarin Chitosan L. monocytogenes, E. coli Mackerel–film • Inhibited the growth of two tested (Ezati & Rhim,
bacteria 2020)
• Improved antioxidant activity;
alizarin showed higher antioxidant
activity than natural ascorbic acid in
the ABTS assay at 12.5 μg/mL and in
the DPPH assay at 12.5, 25, and 50
• Showed visible color response to pH
changes and ammonia vapor;
indicated the onset of fish spoilage by
showing the color change from khaki
to light brown as the pH of packaged
fish changed, and the spoilage was the
most serious when the color changed
to purple (stored at 25 ◦ C)

Note: NA––No specific food application.

EOs––Essential oils.
TBARS––Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.
TVB-N––Total volatile base nitrogen.
TSS––Total soluble solids.
ABTS––2,2′ -azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid).
WVP––Water vapor permeability.

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096 Food packaging applications of essential oil. Eco-friendly mate­ bacteria and effectively delayed browning, thus extending the shelf life
rials with antimicrobial activity can be prepared by combining natural of purple yam.
EOs with polysaccharides through material processing technology, and For the packaging of dairy products, Artiga-Artigas et al. (2017)
they can potentially be used in sustainable food packaging (Table 2). prepared oil-in-water nanoemulsions by adding 1.5–2.5% (w/w)
Take the fresh-keeping packaging of meat as an example, Lin et al. oregano EOs to a sodium alginate/mandarin fiber mixture using Tween
(2019) blended chrysanthemum EOs with a chitosan/polyethylene 80 as an emulsifier. Then the low-fat cut cheese was immersed into the
oxide mixture, and then prepared an antibacterial nanofibrous film prepared nanoemulsion to form an edible antimicrobial coating. The
using electrospinning technology for beef packaging. The results indi­ results showed that these coatings, with at least 2.0% (w/w) of oregano
cated that chrysanthemum EOs could be released slowly from this film EOs, improved the microbial stability of the cheese, which led to inac­
to achieve long-lasting antibacterial and antioxidant effects. The inhi­ tivation or growth inhibition of external pathogens (such as S. aureus)
bition rate of this antibacterial film against Listeria monocytogenes (L. and native microbiota (such as psychrophilic bacteria, molds, and
monocytogenes) in beef after 7 days of storage was more than 99.9%. yeasts) of cheese (stored at 4 ◦ C). Furthermore, these coatings reduced
Additionally, this film delayed the increase in thiobarbituric acid reac­ the water loss of cheese, maintained its elasticity and softness, and
tive substances (TBARS) and pH of beef during different storage con­ preserved its outward appearance, thus extending its shelf life. Simi­
ditions (4, 12, and 25 ◦ C), maintained its sensory quality, and prolonged larly, Ksouda et al. (2019) added 1–3% (w/w) Pimpinella saxifraga
its shelf life. Hamedi et al. (2017) prepared a series of edible antimi­ essential oil (PSEO) to sodium alginate to prepare an edible functional
crobial coatings by adding Ziziphora persica EOs (0.5 and 1.0% w/v) to coating for cheese preservation. The results indicated that PSEO showed
sodium alginate and/or galbanum oleo-resin gum solutions, and then potential antioxidant (213.96 ± 11.12 µmol/mL α-tocopherol equiva­
utilized them for chicken fillet preservation in cold storage. It was found lent) and antibacterial (MICs against three gram-positive and three
that the coatings could significantly inhibit the growth of common gram- gram-negative bacteria were 0.78–3.12 mg/mL) activities. Meanwhile,
positive and gram-negative bacteria, molds, and yeasts in the chicken the edible coating containing 3% (w/w) PSEO reduced the weight loss of
fillets (at 4 ◦ C for 12 days), delay the lipid oxidation, and maintain the cheese, preserved its pH and color, and enhanced antioxidative and
sensory quality, thus prolonging the shelf life of fillets. antibacterial (against mesophilic bacteria and lactic bacteria) properties
To preserve fruits and vegetables, Yousuf and Srivastava (2017) without any unpleasant flavor, thus improving cheese preservation
added lemongrass EOs to the flaxseed gum matrix to prepare an edible during refrigerated storage. Notably, the researchers evaluated the
coating for ready-to-eat pomegranate arils. Compared with uncoated safety of PSEO by estimating its acute toxicity in a mouse model (LD50 =
pomegranate arils, it was found that such coatings not only effectively 976.2 mg/kg). Generally, the EOs and their derived antimicrobial ma­
reduced the total plate count and fungal populations in pomegranate terials show promising prospects for active food packaging.
arils over 12 days at 5 ◦ C, but also maintained the quality parameters,
thus extending the shelf life. Notably, although an increase in the 5.1.2. Other plant extract-based materials
lemongrass EOs concentration in coatings led to a greater decline in Natural active substances (except EOs), mainly including some al­
microbial populations, higher concentrations of EOs tended to impart an kaloids, glycosides, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, and quinones, are
extra aroma to pomegranate arils, which affected their sensory charac­ antimicrobial compounds that are spontaneously synthesized by plant
teristics. Hence, EOs should be used at appropriate concentrations, and organs (such as flowers, leaves, roots, and fruit, among others) during
the optimal concentrations of lemongrass EOs were 500–800 ppm. their growth (Azmir et al., 2013; Ceruso et al., 2020; Negi, 2012). In
Frazão et al. (2017) prepared a series of antimicrobial edible coatings by addition, chitin/chitosan (which will be discussed in the next section)
introducing Myrcia ovata Cambessedes EOs at a concentration of derived from the cell walls of some edible mushrooms is also involved
0.5–2.5% to cassava starch/chitosan mixture and utilized them for (Hassainia et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2021). These
mangaba preservation. Although these edible coatings showed lower compounds have been proved to exhibit broad-spectrum and efficient
antimicrobial activity (smaller diameters of inhibition zone) against antimicrobial properties, without the problem of drug resistance. Ac­
common bacteria than the pure EOs and the bacteria were less sensitive cording to previous studies, the antimicrobial mechanism of these major
to the coating containing 0.5% EOs, the coatings containing an appro­ extracts is similar to that of EOs; the extract can resist microbial biofilm
priate concentration of EOs had a good inhibitory effect on four gram- formation, disrupt the structure and permeability of cell membranes,
positive and two gram-negative bacteria (in vitro antimicrobial tests). and cause intracellular content leakage (Deng et al., 2021; Ju et al.,
Moreover, the edible coating containing 1.25% EOs inhibited the growth 2020; Qian et al., 2020; Shehabeldine et al., 2020). It can also penetrate
of natural microflora (such as total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, molds, cells to induce cytoplasmic aggregation and oxidative damage, affect
and yeasts) and six artificially contaminated bacteria in mangabas protein synthesis, and even damage DNA (Deng et al., 2021; Ju et al.,
stored at 10 ◦ C for 12 days. Remarkably, a strong aroma from the 2020; Riaz et al., 2020), thus inhibiting or killing microorganisms in
coatings containing more than 2.0% EOs affected the sensorial quality of various ways simultaneously (Fig. 4).
mangabas. Guerra et al. (2016) impregnated table grapes in a mixed Eco-friendly antimicrobial activity materials composed of other
solution of chitosan containing Mentha (piperita L. or × villosa Huds) EOs plant extracts and green polymer substrates possess great potential in
to form an antimicrobial coating for fruit preservation. These results food packaging (Table 2). For example, Jung et al. (2020) introduced
indicated that chitosan and Mentha spp. EOs exerted a synergistic anti­ curcumin into a mixture of egg whites/egg yolk/cellulose nanocrystals
fungal effect, delayed mold growth, and reduced the incidence of in­ (CNCs) with small amounts of glycerol, and then prepared multifunc­
fections caused by four tested fungi in grapes during storage at room and tional bio-nanocomposite coatings for three climacteric fruits (banana,
low temperatures. In particular, the fungal infection rates in coated avocado, and papaya) and one non-climacteric fruit (strawberry) by dip-
grapes stored at 25 ◦ C and 12 ◦ C were less than 55% and 35% at the end coating or spray-coating. The results suggested that these coatings
of the storage period, respectively, while the rates of uncoated grapes possessed excellent antimicrobial activity, effectively eliminating the
were greater 80% and 55%. These coatings showed excellent preserva­ microorganisms on the surface of the above perishable fruits within 24
tion effects and extended the shelf life of the table grapes. In addition, h. Moreover, they could inhibit respiration, slow the ripening process,
Huang et al. (2020) prepared antibacterial microcapsules with slow- reduce enzymatic browning and decay, and maintain the sensory char­
release function by embedding oregano EOs in β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), acteristics of fruits, thus prolonging their shelf lives. Su et al. (2020)
then added them to citric acid/sodium alginate mixtures, and finally added capsaicin to ethyl cellulose solutions (using 95% ethanol as the
dipped the fresh-cut purple yam into the above solutions to form anti­ solvent and castor oil as the plasticizer), and then prepared a trans­
bacterial edible coatings. Compared with the uncoated purple yam, parent, soft, and multifunctional composite film by casting. It was found
these coatings exhibited good antibacterial activities against foodborne that capsaicin and ethyl cellulose formed intermolecular hydrogen

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 3
Components, targeted microorganisms, applied objects and forms, and main effects of animal-derived antimicrobial materials.
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial Polysaccharide-
agents based substrates

Chitosan PEO/CS composite S. aureus, L. innocua, E. coli, NA–film • After 4 h bacterial suspensions contact at (Arkoun et al.,
(CS) S. typhimurium 37 ◦ C in phosphate buffer saline (pH 5.8), 2017)
the composite nanofibrous film (1 cm2)
showed a significant bacterial reduction
rate (>99%) against E. coli, L. innocua,
and S. aureus, versus 96.91% for S.
typhimurium; moreover, a 2.5 cm2 film
could completely inhibit the growth of E.
coli and L. innocua (reduction rates of
both reached 100%)
• Susceptibility and inhibitory effect of
such film on S. typhimurium and S. aureus
were lower than those of E. coli and L.
CS nanoparticles Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium Tomato, chilly, • Better antifungal activity compared to (Divya et al.,
oxysporum, Collectotrichum brinjal–coating Amphotericin B; antifungal rate of 50 2018)
acutatum, Phytophthora mg/mL CS NPs against R. solani, C.
infestans acutatum and P. infestans was 84.72%,
76.72% and 32.16%, whereas 40 mg/mL
CS NPs against F. oxysporum was 63.88%;
moreover, the effective concentration of
CS NPs that inhibited 50% fungal (R.
solani, F. oxysporum, C. acutatum and P.
infestans) growth was 11.26, 7.2, 103.6,
and 66.19 mg/mL, respectively
• Significant antioxidant activity: the
effective concentration of CS NPs for 50%
DPPH radical scavenging, reducing
power, and superoxide radical
scavenging was 8.6, 144.5, and 218 μg/
mL, respectively
• Decreased the weight loss of vegetables,
5% CS NPs resulted in 0.53%, 3.1%, and
0.21 %weight losses of coated brinjal,
chilly and tomato, respectively, which
were far lower than 18.5–27.5% of
uncoated vegetables (on day 5 at room
temperature); extend shelf lives of
Ag-CS nanocomposites Mesophilic, psychrophilic, Fresh-cut • Excellent antimicrobial activity; induced (Ortiz-Duarte
enterobacteria, molds, yeasts melon–coating a microbicidal reduction (0.6 log units) et al., 2019)
from day 10 to 13; the incorporation of
Ag reduced mesophilic bacteria during
the latter storage stages
• Reduced respiration rate; showed better
sensory quality, higher vitamin C
content, lower translucency and texture/
firmness degradation after 13 days at
5 ◦ C, whilst the color, TSS, sucrose,
glucose and fructose, pH, and titratable,
citric and malic acids of melon were not
greatly affected; extend the shelf life of
melon further than 13 days
In-situ synthetic nano- SiOx/lysozyme/ Natural microflora Sea bass • Enhanced the tensile strength and (Wu et al., 2020)
tea polyphenol/CS composite fillets–coating elongation at break of composite coatings
by 40.98% and 49.28%, compared with
CS coatings; decreased the O2 and CO2
transmission rates and transparency by
51.68%, 27.85%, and 22.20%,
• Compared with uncoated fish fillets,
nano-SiOx/CS coatings exhibited better
preservation effect, extending the shelf
life by 3–4 days; nano-SiOx/lysozyme or
tea polyphenol/CS coatings exhibited
further better preservation effect,
extending the shelf life by 4–7 days; and
nano-SiOx/lysozyme/tea polyphenol/CS
coatings exhibited the best preservation
effect, inhibiting the growth of total
colonies, delaying the increase in pH,
TBARS, K value, and TVB-N content,
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 3 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial Polysaccharide-
agents based substrates

slowing the changes in texture properties,

and extending the shelf life by 8–10 days
Nano-TiO2/CS composite S. aureus, E. coli, S. NA–film • Moderate addition of nano-TiO2 (at 1% (Siripatrawan &
typhimurium, P. aeruginosa, w/w concentration) improved the tensile Kaewklin, 2018)
Aspergillus, Penicillium strength, water vapor barrier and
ethylene photocatalytic degradation
• Exhibited antimicrobial activity against
tested microorganisms; more effective
against gram-positive bacteria than gram-
negative ones and fungi; furthermore,
when exposed to UV light, showed higher
antimicrobial activities than those
without UV exposure
Propolis Ethanolic Gum arabic/Type-B S. aureus, K. pneumonia NA–microcapsules • Effectively inhibited the growth and (Turan et al.,
propolis gelatin infections of tested bacteria 2021)
extract • The cotton fabric filled with such
microcapsules showed good durability of
antibacterial effect (withstand 5–10 times
washing); but the more washing times,
the smaller boundaries of the
antibacterial zone without causing a
significant change in the number of
Ethanolic Bacterial cellulose E. coli, B. subtilis, C. albicans NA–film • MIC of ethanolic propolis extract (Mocanu et al.,
propolis loaded with ZnO NPs solutions < 0.438 mg/mL; the 2019)
extract antimicrobial effect of composite films
only containing extract followed the
order: B. subtilis > C. albicans > E. coli
• Composite film containing ZnO NPs
(regardless of ultrasound frequency) only
had an antimicrobial effect on B. subtilis
• Composite film containing these two
components demonstrated a larger
inhibition zone against B. subtilis (at
lower extract concentrations), against C.
albicans (at higher extract
concentrations), and no significant
synergistic inhibition of E. coli
Iran propolis Cellulose acetate/PCL S. aureus, Staphylococcus NA–mat • Propolis showed better antibacterial (Khoshnevisan
extract electrospun epidermidis, E. coli, effect against S. aureus and Staphylococcus et al., 2019)
nanofibrous P. aeruginosa epidermidis with MIC of 250 and 300 μg/
mL, respectively, than E. coli (MIC was
800 μg/mL) and P. aeruginosa (MIC was
1100 μg/mL)
• The composite mat demonstrated a better
inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacte­
ria (MIC was 270–340 μg/mL) than gram-
negative ones (MIC was 900–1200 μg/
• Exhibited high water absorption and
antioxidant activity
Brazilian Sodium alginate S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, Colossoma • Green propolis extract showed moderate (Cruz et al.,
green P. aeruginosa, E. coli; macropomum antimicrobial activity; higher 2021)
propolis psychrotrophic bacteria, fillets–coating antimicrobial susceptibility against gram-
extract thermotolerant coliforms positive bacteria (especially
L. monocytogenes) than gram-negative
• Reduced microbial deterioration of fish
fillets; coated fillets reached threshold
value (7.0 log CFU/g) for psychrotrophic
bacteria acceptability in ~ 15 days at
4 ◦ C, and did not present any detectable
coliform bacteria; uncoated fillets
attained the same threshold on day 4 and
showed coliform bacterial counts
2.01–2.67 log CFU/g
• Slowed down pH changes, TVB-N pro­
duction, water loss, and lipid oxidation,
maintained sensory qualities of fillets,
prolonged the shelf life by up to 11 days
κ-carrageenan/β-CD S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, NA–hydrogel • Propolis extract antimicrobial agent (Sharaf & El-
C. albicans showed self-release property Naggar, 2019)
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 3 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted microorganisms Applications in Main effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial Polysaccharide-
agents based substrates

Honey bee • Antimicrobial activities of this hydrogel

propolis and corresponding composite fabric
extract against common microorganisms
increased with an increase in propolis
extract concentration, in the order: P.
aeruginosa > C. albicans > S. aureus
Proteins LY Pullulan S. aureus NA–film • Homogeneous, glossy and transparent, (Silva et al.,
nanofibers with good mechanical (Young’s modulus 2018)
= 1.91–2.50 GPa) and thermal properties
• Improved antioxidant activity: DPPH
scavenging activity was up to ~ 77%
• Increased antibacterial activity: films
containing 5 wt% LY nanofibers (0.96
mg/cm2) slightly inhibited the growth of
S. aureus with ca. 0.72 log CFU reduction
after 48 h, films containing 15 wt% LY
nanofibers (2.88 mg/cm2) showed the
highest inhibition with ca. ~ 3.2 log CFU
reduction after 48 h, and films with 15 wt
% native LY had no obvious antibacterial
effect on S. aureus
bLF Bacterial S. aureus, E. coli NA–film Effectively inhibit the growth of S. aureus (Padrão et al.,
nanocellulose (zone of inhibition was ~ 10.0 mm) and E. 2020)
coli (zone of inhibition was ~ 9.5 mm)
LY/bLF Sodium Micrococcus lysodeikticus, E. Thin-cut veal • Good antimicrobial effect against M. (Barbiroli et al.,
carboxymethyl coli, L. innocua; natural total meat–paper lysodeikticus: the lysis halo diameter 2012)
cellulose/ pulp fibers aerobic bacteria against microbial cell walls for the LY/
mixture bLF/paper exceeded that of the paper
disk of 12 ± 0.2 mm, which was larger
than those of the LY or bLF-only paper
• “Synergistic effect” against L. innocua:
LY/bLF/paper exhibited a marked
increase in the microbial lag phase
duration from 1.86 to 6.50 h and showed
a final 1.01 log CFU/mL reduction at 24
h, making it better than those of LY or
bLF-only paper; moreover, “additive ef­
fect” against E. coli: paper with LY and
bLF showed the maximum inhibitory ef­
fect with a final 2.04 log CFU/mL
• LY/bLF/paper inhibited the growth of the
total aerobic mesophilic on meat (stored
at 4 ◦ C-48 h) with the final total aerobic
count of 5.43 log CFU/g, < 6.48 log CFU/
g of the control; bacteriostatic effect of
LY-only paper was slightly worse, with
the final count of 5.55 log CFU/g; while
the bLF-only paper was ineffective
against the growth of such specific meat

Note: NA––No specific food application.

TSS––Total soluble solids.
TBARS––Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.
TVB-N––Total volatile base nitrogen.
K value––Freshness index, which represents the degradation degree of adenosine triphosphate in fish.
bLF––Bovine lactoferrin.

bonds and displayed good compatibility. The introduction of capsaicin obtained solution on the surface of the PLA-based film to produce a
provided a composite film with effective antibacterial and antioxidant functional composite film. This coating reduced the water vapor
activities, slightly improved its mechanical properties and water ab­ permeability (WVP) of the composite film, improved its UV-aging
sorption. Furthermore, when this composite film was used to package resistance, and effectively inhibited the growth of three gram-positive
bell peppers, it would maintain the vitamin C and total phenol content bacteria, which facilitated food preservation. Riaz et al. (2020) added
and extend the shelf life of bell peppers. In particular, its preservation Chinese chives root extract into a carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) matrix
effect was better than that of the commercial polyethylene film. (using glycerol as plasticizer) to blend uniformly, and then prepared an
Similarly, Mizielińska et al. (2018) blended the Eucomis comosa active composite film by casting. The results suggested that this plant
extract with methyl hydroxypropyl cellulose/cocoa butter matrix to extract produced a composite film with good antimicrobial activity
develop an antimicrobial film-forming solution, and then coated the against four common bacteria. It also demonstrated antioxidant activity

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 4
Components, targeted microorganisms, applied objects and forms, and main effects of microorganism-derived antimicrobial materials.
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted Applications in foodMain effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial agents Polysaccharide-based substrates

Bacteriocin Nisin Soluble soybean L. monocytogenes,B. subtilis, S. Tomato • The inhibition zone diameters of (Luo et al.,
polysaccharides aureus; fungi juice–additive nanoparticles loaded with nisin 2019)
against S. aureus, B. subtilis, and
L. monocytogenes were 15.57 ±
0.21, 10.40 ± 0.17, and 13.53
± 0.12 mm, respectively; nisin
showed high stability and long-
term antimicrobial activity after
being loaded by polysaccharides
• The nanoparticles inhibited
fungal growth in tomato juice
and extended its shelf life to 18
days or more at 25 ◦ C
Nisin 2,3-dialdehyde S. aureus, E. coli; total aerobic Pork–film • The antibacterial property of (Wu et al.,
cellulose bacteria modified cellulose films 2019)
enhanced with the increase of
grafted nisin content, in
particular, the N-3 film reduced
the tested bacterial counts by
99% and its bacteriostasis was
four orders of magnitude higher
than that of the pristine film; the
antibacterial film was more
effective against S. aureus than
E. coli
• Improved mechanical and
barrier properties: the values of
stress and strain at break point,
WVP and O2 permeability for N-
3 film was 73.0 ± 5.5 MPa, 12.4
± 0.6%, 1.58 × 10− 8
g⋅m− 1⋅h− 1⋅Pa− 1, and 5.22 ×
10− 14 cm3⋅cm/cm2⋅s⋅Pa,
respectively, which were better
than those of the pristine
cellulose film (61.0 ± 1.2 MPa,
8.4 ± 0.5%, 7 × 10− 9
g⋅m− 1⋅h− 1⋅Pa− 1, and beyond the
detection limit)
• Inhibited the proliferation of
bacteria on pork, delayed the
increase of TVB-N value; in
particular, N-3 film reduced the
total bacteria count (the count
on day 10 at 4 ◦ C was close to
that of PE wrap packaged pork
on day 4), and extended the
shelf life of fresh pork at least 6
Probiotics Lactococcus lactis Sodium alginate/ S. aureus NA–edible film • Retained 5.01% of the initial (Ma et al.,
Sodium number of living L. lactis cells 2019)
carboxymethyl after the film processing;
cellulose maintained 5.7 ± 0.41 log CFU/
g living cells after 4 ◦ C-24 days
storage; this polysaccharide
composite substrate was more
beneficial for the survival of L.
• Exhibited good antibacterial
activity; decreased S. aureus
population by 2.08 log CFU/g
after 4 ◦ C-7 days storage
Lactobacillus Carboxymethyl L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, B. Chicken • Good in vitro antibacterial (Zabihollahi
plantarum cellulose /cellulose cereus, E. coli, S. typhimurium, fillets–film activity against the first nine et al., 2020)
nanofiber/inulin Klebsiella pneumoniae, Yersinia foodborne bacteria listed,
mixture enterocolitica, Proteus vulgaris, P. corresponding inhibition zones
aeruginosa; aerobic mesophilic were 9–15 mm
bacteria, psychrotrophic • Reduced the microbial growth
bacteria, coliforms rate and count in chicken stored
at 4 ◦ C; the counts of aerobic
mesophilic bacteria,
psychrotrophic bacteria and
coliforms in packaged chicken
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 4 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted Applications in foodMain effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial agents Polysaccharide-based substrates

fillets on day 8 were decreased

by 1.99, 1.81, and 0.83 CFU,
• Prolonged the shelf life of
chicken fillets from 3 days to 6
Lactobacillus Carboxymethyl Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid Rainbow trout • Inhibited the growth of native (Mozaffarzogh
acidophilus, L. reuteri, cellulose / sodium bacteria, total viable count, fillets–film microorganisms on fillets; after et al., 2020)
L. casei, L. rhamnosu, caseinate mixture psychrotrophic bacteria 14 days at 4 ◦ C storage, the total
Bifidobacterium viable count, psychrotrophic
bifidum bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and
lactic acid bacteria counts of
packaged fillets were 8.21–8.55,
6.71–6.98, 3.37–4.22, and
6.91–6.98 log CFU/g,
respectively, which were less
than the controls
• Delayed lipid oxidation of
fillets; after 14 days, the
peroxide, TBARS, protein
carbonyl, and TVB-N values of
fillets were 0.50–1.09 meq
peroxide/1000 g, 1.11–2.16 mg
malondialdehyde/1000 g,
1.08–1.76 nmol/mg protein,
and 13.53–21.55 mg N/100 g,
respectively (<the controls)
• Inhibition effect of biogenic
amine formation was as follows:
film with L. acidophilus > L.
rhamnosus > L. casei > L. reuteri
> B. bifidum
• Extended the shelf-life of fish at
least 14 days (stored at 4 ◦ C)
Bacteriophage Bacteriophages Cellulose acetate S. typhimurium NA–film • Incorporated lytic (Gouvêa et al.,
cocktail bacteriophages reduced the 2015)
transparency, tensile resistance,
and module of the composite
film, increased the porosity, but
had no significant effects on
thickness, elongation, and
• The diameter of inhibition halos
of composite films against S.
typhimurium was 1.23–1.35 cm,
which was larger than 1 cm of
the pure cellulose acetate film
• Bacteriophages remained viable
for 14 days at constant
temperature and humidity
L. monocytogenes Positively charged L. monocytogenes Fresh-cut • Compared with the untreated (Lone et al.,
phage cocktail modified cellulose cantaloupe–film samples, the composite film 2016)
immobilized phages reduced the
count of L. monocytogenes on
cantaloupes by ~ 1 log cycle at
the end of different storages
(4 ◦ C-5 days, 12 ◦ C-5 days, and
25 ◦ C-24 h)
• Spray-coating free phages
showed better antibacterial
effect than immobilized phages
LISTEXTM P100 Cooked • L. monocytogenes counts were
turkey–film lower in the phage-treated
turkey than the control during
25 days of storage; after 15 days
at 4 ◦ C and 12 ◦ C, the bacterial
count on turkey packaged in the
composite film was lower than 2
and 7 log CFU/cm2, respectively
• Showed no significant
difference in antibacterial effect
between free and immobilized
Alginate beads E. coli O104:H4
(continued on next page)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Table 4 (continued )
Sustainable antimicrobial materials Targeted Applications in foodMain effects Ref.
Green antimicrobial agents Polysaccharide-based substrates

E. coli O104:H4 Alfalfa seed and • E. coli populations in the phage-

phage cocktail sprout–paper treated seeds were below the
detection limit after 1 h
• After 5 days, the reduction in E.
coli count on sprouts treated
with free phage, paper
impregnated with phage, and
paper impregnated with phage
microcapsule was 1.5, 0.6, and
1.3 log CFU/g, respectively; and
displayed no significant
difference in the weight of
sprouts between three phage
treatments and untreated
Bacteriophage ϕIBB- Sodium alginate P. fluorescens Chicken breast • Phages were homogeneously (Alves et al.,
PF7A fillets–film distributed inside the films, 2019)
their viability decreased by ~
2.4 log after 8–10 weeks at 4 ◦ C
storage, while phage was
inactivated already after 15 s
exposure at 77.5 ◦ C and 30 s
exposure at 67.5 ◦ C
• Inhibited microbial growth on
chicken fillets (stored at 4 ◦ C for
7 days), which reduced 2 log P.
fluorescens viable cell counts in
the first two days, maintaining
antimicrobial activity at least 5
days, and then still decreasing P.
fluorescens counts by 1 log
Bacteriophages T4 Hyaluronic acid/ E. coli NA–hydrogel • Hydrogels loaded with T4 and (Francius et al.,
and φX174 poly(allylamine φX174 make both contact- and 2021)
hydrochloride) release-killing bacteria possible
with ca. 20–80% efficiency after
only 4 h of incubation at 25 ◦ C
• Phages (φX174) with a short
replication cycle and were
effective at infecting bacteria in
stationary phase shorten the
contact time between bacteria
and hydrogels, promoted a rapid
“infection snowball effect”
(even at low temperature), and
displayed better antimicrobial
activity over shorter incubation

Note: NA––No specific food application.

WVP––Water vapor permeability.
TBARS––Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.
TVB-N––Total volatile base nitrogen.
N-3 film––2,3-dialdehyde cellulose (generated by regenerated cellulose was immersed into 5 wt% NaIO4 solutions for 3 h)/nisin peptidopolysaccharide film.

and improved physical properties, water resistance, and biodegrad­ negligible against E. coli and slightly higher against L. monocytogenes.
ability (up to 58.14%). However, a high extract concentration (5% w/w) Furthermore, alizarin endowed this film freshness indicator function.
would create more aggregation and decrease the crystalline structure of The color of this indicator film changed vividly from a pale yellow to
the composite film, which reduced the tensile strength from 30.91 to purple in response to a pH change from 4 to 10. This film was very
16.48 MPa and elongation at break from 32.74% to 16.92%. Hence, for sensitive to ammonia vapor, which could reflect the degree of packaged
such antimicrobial materials, the appropriate concentration should be Mackerel spoilage over the 48-h storage period at 25 ◦ C.
selected when adding plant extracts to ensure the best comprehensive
performance of composites on the premise of antimicrobial function.
5.2. Animal-derived antimicrobial materials
In addition, some plant extracts not only display biological activities
but can also act as smart indicators, and this has attracted the interest of
5.2.1. Chitosan-based antimicrobial materials
researchers. Ezati and Rhim (2020) fully blended alizarin with a chito­
Chitosan (CS) is primarily derived from the shells or skeletons of
san matrix, developed a pH-responsive indicator film by casting, and
marine arthropods, insects, and mollusks, and the cell walls of fungi and
utilized it for fish intelligent packaging. It was found that the addition of
algae, while a small part of it comes from the cell walls of higher plants
alizarin effectively increased the antibacterial and antioxidant activities,
(Hosseinnejad & Jafari, 2016; Kim et al., 2021; Ortiz-Duarte et al., 2019;
elongation at break, surface hydrophobicity, and thermal stability of this
Savin et al., 2020). Chitosan, a natural carbohydrate copolymer ob­
indicator film. Specifically, although both alizarin and chitosan exerted
tained after the deacetylation of chitin, is composed of glucosamine and
antibacterial effects, the synergistic bacteriostatic effect of alizarin was
N-acetylglucosamine and is also non-toxic, antigen-free, and a widely

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Fig. 4. Main antimicrobial mechanisms of plant essential oils and other plant extracts. Thereinto, based on SEM and TEM images, microbial cell morphology and
ultrastructure of untreated and treated microorganisms were A and B, respectively (Source: Deng et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2019; Ju et al., 2020; Qian et al., 2020;
Shehabeldine et al., 2020; Tang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2019); C was the inhibition effects of EOs or other plant extracts on the microbial biofilm formation based on
crystal violet staining assay, SEM and CLSM images (Source: Gao et al., 2020; Qian et al., 2020); D, E, and F were the effects of EOs or other plant extracts on the
microbial proteins (Source: Tang et al., 2020), DNA/RNA (Source: Deng et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2019), and ROS generation (Source: Ju et al., 2020), respectively.
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier and Royal Society of Chemistry, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

used alkaline hydrophilic polysaccharide (Yen et al., 2009). According which could reduce the respiratory intensity and ethylene production of
to previous studies, CS has good biocompatibility, biodegradability, and melon without significantly affecting some physicochemical and sensory
adhesion, and displays significant antimicrobial activity against most characteristics, and inhibit the growth of common foodborne pathogenic
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi as well as promot­ microorganisms in melon, thereby extending its shelf life. Wu et al.
ing wound healing and hemostasis (Casariego et al., 2009; Dutta et al., (2020) first modified the chitosan matrix using in situ synthetic nano-
2009; Szymańska & Winnicka, 2015). SiOx, following which the solution was blended with lysozyme and tea
polyphenol, to prepare an active composite coating for fish preservation. Antimicrobial mechanisms of chitosan. Further studies proposed The results suggested that the introduction of nano-SiOx, lysozyme, and
that positively charged chitosan can be adsorbed on the surface of tea polyphenol increased the intermolecular interactions in the CS
negatively charged target microbial cells through electrostatic action, substrate, generated a more compact structure, and improved the
change the permeability and microstructure of the cell membrane, and microstructure and physicochemical properties. Furthermore, compared
cause intracellular content leakage (Meng et al., 2020; Tantala et al., with the uncoated sea bass fillets, such coatings inhibited the increase in
2019; Tao et al., 2011; Yan et al., 2016). It can also penetrate the the total number of colonies, maintained the sensory characteristics, and
cytoplasm (even translocate to the nucleus of the fungal cell) to generate extended the shelf life of fillets by 8–10 days.
ROS, disrupt respiration and metabolism, interfere with RNA and pro­ In addition, some researchers have combined inorganic photo­
tein synthesis, and damage DNA (Divya et al., 2018; Meng et al., 2020; catalytic antimicrobial agents (such as ZnO and TiO2) with chitosan to
Xing et al., 2016). Moreover, chitosan molecules can chelate with the prepare functional composites with improved mechanical properties
metals and trace elements necessary for microbial growth, resulting in (Al-Naamani et al., 2017; Siripatrawan & Kaewklin, 2018; Zhang et al.,
the microorganisms being starved of nutrients (Arkoun et al., 2017; 2017). For instance, using casting, Siripatrawan and Kaewklin (2018)
Díez-Pascual, 2020; Divya et al., 2018; Xing et al., 2016). It follows that added nanosized TiO2 (at different concentrations of 0.25–2% w/w) into
chitosan also acts simultaneously through multiple pathways to inhibit a CS matrix and fabricated a nanocomposite film with ethylene scav­
or kill microorganisms (Fig. 5). enging and antimicrobial activity. Hydrogen bonding and O-Ti-O
bonding were observed between TiO2 and CS, and TiO2 nanoparticles Food packaging application of chitosan. The antimicrobial effi­ were evenly distributed in the CS matrix, thus enhancing the tensile
cacy of chitosan varies depending on the type of microorganisms (Goy strength, water vapor barrier property, antimicrobial effect, and
et al., 2009), and is also related to the positive release or migration of ethylene elimination of the composite film. In particular, the composite
protonated glucosamine components in chitosan-based polymers (Fer­ film with 1% nano-TiO2 exhibited the best mechanical, barrier, and
nandez-Saiz et al., 2009; Ortiz-Duarte et al., 2019). Low molecular ethylene photodegradation performances, and significantly inhibited
weight CS with pH < 6 shows ideal antimicrobial and antioxidant effects the growth of six common microorganisms. Such CS-based materials
in liquid and solid foods (worked as an additive) (Friedman & Juneja, have the potential to be used as active packaging for fresh produce,
2010), and the coating prepared from chitosan can effectively inhibit the especially when the system is exposed to UV light.
microbial growth of fresh-cut products (including fruits, vegetables, and
meat) and prolong their shelf lives (Duran et al., 2016; Shekarforoush 5.2.2. Propolis-based antimicrobial materials
et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2021). Chitosan can also be mixed with plant Propolis (bee glue) is a fragrant, viscous, and resinous mixture that is
essential oils, starch, cellulose, pectin, protein, and other green mate­ collected by bees from the bud, bark, or trunk of plants and modified by
rials to develop various edible antimicrobial films (Lin et al., 2019; bee secretions, beeswaxes, and pollens. It is composed of resins, waxes,
Venkatachalam & Lekjing, 2020; Wu et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2019). Such polyphenols, polysaccharides, volatile substances, and secondary me­
functional packaging materials make full use of resources, whilst being tabolites that possess antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
eco-friendly, safe, non-toxic, and conducive to reducing food waste antiviral bioactivities (Almuhayawi, 2020). Previous studies have indi­
(Table 3). cated that propolis and its derivatives are natural broad-spectrum
Numerous researchers have investigated this material. For example, antimicrobial compounds that display significant inhibitory activity
Arkoun et al. (2017) prepared an antibacterial CS-based nanofibrous against various microorganisms (such as parasites, bacteria, viruses,
film from a CS/polyethylene oxide (PEO) blend solution using an elec­ molds, and yeasts), and can combine with other compounds to exert
trospinning technique. When CS:PEO was in the proportion 80:20 (w/ synergistic bacteriostatic effects (Alotaibi et al., 2019; Przybyek &
w), the viscoelastic property, chain entanglement, and flexibility of the Karpiński, 2019; Saeed et al., 2016). In particular, propolis has no
electrospun solution were improved to form homogeneous and bead-less toxicity or side effects in animal models or humans (Demir et al., 2016).
chitosan-based nanofibers with an average fiber diameter of 78 ± 22
nm. This electrospun nanofibrous film showed significant antibacterial Antimicrobial mechanisms of propolis. Further studies indicated
activities against most gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria; for a 1 that propolis and its derivatives can resist the microbial biofilm, damage
cm2 film, the inhibition rates against E. coli, Listeria innocua (L. innocua) the cell morphological structure, change membrane permeability, and
and S. aureus were greater than 99% versus 96.91% for Salmonella cause the leakage of intracellular components (Bryan et al., 2016;
typhimurium (S. typhimurium), whereas a 2.5 cm2 film completely Campos et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021). It can also penetrate the cyto­
inhibited the growth of E. coli and L. innocua. Divya et al. (2018) pre­ plasm, disrupt crucial metabolic pathways along with a stress on the pH
pared CS nanoparticles (CS NPs) with good antifungal and antioxidant intracellular inhibition homeostasis, inhibit the production of adenosine
activities by ionic gelation of conventional CS with tripolyphosphate triphosphatase and cell division, compromise microbial mobility and
anions, and then dipped the vegetables (tomato, chilly, and brinjal) in energy metabolism, and even affect nucleic acid synthesis (Almuhayawi,
1–5% CS NPs solution to form edible coatings. It was found that the 2020; Ong et al., 2019; Santos et al., 2020). In addition, propolis-
edible coating could effectively inhibit the growth of the four tested functionalized surfaces could generate an extensive exclusion zone
plant pathogens, reduce the weight loss of vegetables during storage at water layer that acts as a barrier to prevent attachments of various
room temperature, and prolong their shelf lives. Ortiz-Duarte et al. pathogens (Kowacz & Pollack, 2020; Wang et al., 2021). Hence, propolis
(2019) found that the preservation and antimicrobial effects of edible exerts good antimicrobial activity owing to its synergistic action in
coatings with red claw crayfish-extracted CS (as well as red claw various pathways (Fig. 6). Remarkably, the activities of propolis are
crayfish-extracted Ag-CS nanocomposites) were better than those of greatly affected by seasonal and regional factors. Middle Eastern prop­
commercial CS (≤75% deacetylation). Edible coatings with Ag-CS olis showed better antimicrobial efficacy against S. aureus, E. coli, and
(extracted) nanocomposites were applied to package fresh-cut melon, spores; in contrast, German, Irish, and Korean propolis exhibited lower

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Fig. 5. Main antimicrobial mechanisms of chitosan. Thereinto, based on TEM and SEM images, microbial cell morphology and ultrastructure of untreated and treated
microorganisms were A and B, respectively (Source: Meng et al., 2020; Tantala et al., 2019; Tao et al., 2011; Yan et al., 2016); C, D, and E were negative effects of CS
on cell permeability and intracellular constituents according to the real-time HATR-FTIR spectroscopy analysis (Source: Tantala et al., 2019), SDS-PAGE patterns of
cellular soluble proteins (Source: Tao et al., 2011) and release rule of intracellular nucleic acids (Source: Yan et al., 2016), respectively; F was the distribution of
differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and the statistics of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs in CS-treated A.
ochraceus (Source: Meng et al., 2020). Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

antimicrobial activities (Afrouzan et al., 2018; Martins et al., 2019; 5.2.3. Antimicrobial protein-based composite materials
Przybyek & Karpiński, 2019). Moreover, propolis is more effective Animal-derived antimicrobial proteins predominantly refer to a class
against the growth of gram-positive bacteria than that of gram-negative of proteins or peptides with natural bacteriostatic activity, such as
ones owing to the structural differences in bacterial outer membrane lysozyme, lactoferrin, and collectin, among others, which are easily
proteins (Almuhayawi, 2020; Mocanu et al., 2019; Torres et al., 2018). digested and absorbed by the human body and have no toxicological
risks even in children (Balcão et al., 2013). However, similar to con­ Food packaging application of propolis. To date, propolis and its ventional proteins, their activity is prone to change; even small
composites have shown immense potential in the field of antimicrobial conformational changes may reduce their activities, and the film-
active materials (Table 3). Turan et al. (2021) fabricated propolis mi­ forming properties and processing stability are usually poor (Jiang
crocapsules by complex coacervation method using Gum arabic and et al., 2017; Padrão et al., 2020). Consequently, they often need to be
Type-B gelatin as wall materials, propolis as the core material, and immobilized when applied to the packaging field. To date, lysozyme and
glutaraldehyde as a crosslinking agent, after which the microcapsules lactoferrin, two types of functional proteins, have been most studied as
were filled into the cotton fabric to produce antibacterial fabric. The antimicrobial materials (Table 3).
results showed that the microcapsules were distributed on the surface of Lysozyme (LY) is an alkaline enzyme that hydrolyzes mucopolysac­
antibacterial cotton fabrics before and after the washing process. The charides in bacteria. It is widely found in the egg whites of birds, the
fabrics were effective against the growth and infections of S. aureus and tears, saliva, plasma, and milk of mammals, and even in some micro­
Klebsiella pneumonia, and continued to exhibit antibacterial activity after organisms; however, egg white is the most abundant source (Li et al.,
5–10 washes. Mocanu et al. (2019) impregnated a bacterial cellulose 2017). Lysozyme mainly destroys the β-1,4 glycosidic bonds between N-
film loaded with ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) into an ethanolic propolis acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine of the microbial cell wall
extract to develop an antimicrobial composite film, thus exerting the peptidoglycan, hydrolyzing the insoluble mucopolysaccharides to solu­
antimicrobial synergistic effect of these two antimicrobial agents. The ble glycopeptides and rupturing cell membranes, and causing the
composite film induced a synergistic effect on gram-positive bacteria (B. leakage of intracellular components, thus leading to the dissolution and
subtilis) and yeast (C. albicans) compared to gram-negative bacteria (E. death of microorganisms (Jiang et al., 2017; Li and Xu et al., 2020; Li
coli), which were not sensitive. The antimicrobial activity of such film et al., 2017). Furthermore, LY can directly bind to negatively charged
was related to the total phenol content of the ethanolic propolis extract, virus proteins and form a complex with its nucleic acid and apoprotein/
the efficient diffusion of extract and ZnO NPs, and the differences in apoenzyme, thus inactivating the virus (Jenssen et al., 2006; Mai &
chemical structure and composition of the microbial outer layers. Wang, 2010). Published studies have proposed that similar to the anti­
Similarly, Khoshnevisan et al. (2019) fabricated a functional mat by microbial effect of propolis, LY exhibited a certain inhibitory effect on
impregnating cellulose acetate/polycaprolactone (CA/PCL) electrospun both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria; however, its effect on
nanofibers in the propolis extract. The results suggested that the con­ gram-negative ones was slightly reduced, which may be due to the
centration of the blended polymers with 10 wt% CA and 14 wt% PCL protective lipopolysaccharide layers on the cell wall of gram-negative
produced excellent bead-free electrospun nanofibers compared to the bacteria that affect the bacteriostatic activity of LY (Sun et al., 2019a;
resultant nanofibers. The composite mat exhibited a high-water ab­ Jiang et al., 2017).
sorption capacity of ~400% and good antioxidant and antibacterial Recently, most researchers immobilized LY on cellulose (Gemili
activities. In particular, such mat displayed better inhibitory effects on et al., 2009), chitin (Jiang et al., 2017), chitosan, and rectorite (Li and
gram-positive bacteria than gram-negative bacteria, its MIC was ~270 Xu et al., 2020; Li et al., 2017), or refined common LY into LY nanofibers
and 340 μg/mL against S. aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, while (Silva et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2018), and then developed the obtained
~900 and 1200 μg/mL against E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. materials into antimicrobial composites for food packaging. It was found
aeruginosa). that this curing system significantly promoted the activities (such as
In addition, Cruz et al. (2021) dipped the fish fillet twice in a mixed enzymatic and antimicrobial activity) of LY, especially when LY was
solution of green propolis extract and sodium alginate to form a bilayer immobilized on chitin nanowhiskers, and the secondary structure of LY
coating for fish preservation. The Brazilian green propolis extract adsorbed onto the surface of the nanowhiskers changed, which
possessed promising antioxidant and antibacterial activities, and 27 improved the LY activity by approximately 1.5-fold than that of free LY
metabolites were identified in the green propolis extract, including as well as the antibacterial activity against E. coli, S. aureus, and B.
phenols, flavonoids, terpenes (52.14%), and acids, of which cyclo­ subtilis (Jiang et al., 2017). Silva et al. (2018) produced LY nanofibers
laudenol was the major constituent. Meanwhile, the bilayer coating using a deep eutectic solvent method, added them to a pullulan matrix as
developed from the propolis extract also displayed good activities, thus functional additives, and then prepared nanocomposite films by casting
effectively inhibiting the psychrotrophic bacteria and thermotolerant for food packaging. The addition of LY nanofibers not only maintained
coliforms on the Colossoma macropomum fillets, maintaining the sensory the filmogenic ability of pullulan, but also endowed the nanocomposite
characteristics of fish fillets, and extending the shelf life by up to 11 days films with good physical properties and bioactivity; meanwhile, the
during storage at 4 ◦ C. antibacterial effectiveness improved with increasing LY nanofiber con­
However, propolis-based materials are not always more effective tent. In particular, composite films with 15.0 wt% LY nanofibers were
against gram-positive bacteria than gram-negative ones. Sharaf and El- thermostable up to 225 ◦ C. The maximum DPPH radical scavenging
Naggar (2019) prepared a biodegradable κ-carrageenan/β-CD hydro­ activity was ~77%, and the inhibitory effect of LY nanofibers films on S.
gel loaded with honey bee propolis extract, and then impregnated the aureus was better than that of films with native LY.
cationized cotton fabric in the hydrogel solution to obtain an antimi­ Lactoferrin (LF), another antimicrobial protein, is an iron-binding
crobial composite fabric. It was observed that the propolis extract in the glycoprotein of the transferrin family, which can retain iron elements
synthesized hydrogel showed a self-release characteristic; upon over a wide pH range and is widely distributed in the milk (major
increasing the concentration, the release became faster, and the higher source) and other tissues secretions of humans and other mammals
swelling ratio of this hydrogel also promoted the release. Meanwhile, (Elbarbary et al., 2019; García-Montoya et al., 2012). LF possesses
the antimicrobial activities of this hydrogel and its composite fabric excellent broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against various bacte­
were enhanced by increasing the concentration of the encapsulated ria, fungi, viruses, and parasites (Niaz et al., 2019), but may promote the
propolis extract and followed the order P. aeruginosa > Candida albicans growth of some probiotic species, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacte­
> S. aureus, while no effect was observed against Aspergillus niger. Hence, rium (Balcão et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2017). The antimicrobial mecha­
propolis can be a good alternative to synthetic food preservatives. nism of lactoferrin predominantly involves three pathways (Farnaud &
Evans, 2003; Wang et al., 2020): (i) iron element deprivation: LF,

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

Fig. 6. Main antimicrobial mechanisms of propolis. Thereinto, based on SEM (Source: Bryan et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2021) and AFM (Source: Campos et al., 2020)
images, microbial cell morphology and ultrastructure of untreated and treated microorganisms were A and B, respectively; C was the inhibition effect of Russian
propolis ethanol extracts on the microbial biofilm formation based on fluorescence confocal microscopy images (Source: Bryan et al., 2016); D was the effect of
Malaysian propolis ethanol extracts on biofilm-related gene expression of S. epidermidis determined by quantitative real-time PCR analysis (Source: Ong et al., 2019).
Reprinted with permission from Wiley, SciELO Brazil, Public Library of Science, and Springer, respectively.

because of its strong affinity for iron ions, chelates iron ions and nonspecific adsorption, close the channel sites on the cell membrane,
competitively combines with them, which can control the available iron block the delivery/transport of nutrients and microbial proteins, and
content and deprive microorganism of necessary nutrients, thus inhib­ enhance the permeability of the cell membrane, thus causing the leakage
iting their growth. Remarkably, this pathway is not infallible. Some of intracellular content, the inhibition of bacterial synthesis and meta­
gram-negative bacteria (such as Mannheimia haemolytica, Neisseria bolism, and even cell lysis. (iii) Enzyme effects: LF exhibits the activity of
meningitidis, and Haemophilus influenzae) can bypass the restriction of a protease inhibitor, which enhances the activity of LY, and its protease
iron deficiency by expressing siderophore proteins or internalized holo- hydrolysate contains antimicrobial peptides, thereby exerting a syner­
lactoferrin, thereby competing with LF to bind iron ions to meet their gistic antimicrobial effect (Brown et al., 2008).
own needs (Ekins et al., 2004; Shouldice et al., 2004). (ii) Cell membrane For instance, bovine lactoferrin (bLF) can effectively inhibit the
destabilization: positively charged amino acids in LF can interact with growth of common bacteria, spore germination, and mycelial growth,
anionic molecules on the surface of the microbial cell through meanwhile, its antimicrobial activity is related to the migration rate of

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

lactoferrin released to the microflora. Using bacterial nanocellulose film present (Luo et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2019). Nisin possesses great po­
as a matrix, Padrão et al. (2020) impregnated untreated and oxidized tential as a bio-friendly antimicrobial material and has attracted more
bacterial nanocellulose matrix in bLF solution to obtain two types of attention from researchers (Table 4). Based on electrostatic interaction
active composite films (the former bound bLF by physical embedding, and hydrogen bonding, Luo et al. (2019) encapsulated nisin with
whereas the latter bound bLF by covalent bonding). The results indi­ negatively charged soluble soybean polysaccharides to form functional
cated that the bLF concentration in the former film was twice as high as nanoparticles, and then used them as additives for fresh tomato juice
that of the latter, although dipped in the same bLF solution. However, preservation. It was indicated under the optimized conditions of pH
only embedded bLF exhibited good bactericidal activity against S. aureus value was 4.0, the weight ratio of nisin:soybean polysaccharide was 1:5,
and E. coli, whereas the activity of covalently bound bLF was dramati­ and the polysaccharide concentration was 2 mg/mL, the encapsulation
cally reduced (zone of inhibition was 6.0–7.0 mm, almost nonexistent). efficiency of nanoparticles could reach 99.8% and the particle size was
In addition, food-grade LY and bLF (ensured that the amount of total 112 nm. Moreover, the nanoparticles effectively inhibited the growth of
protein was 10 wt% of the papermaking fiber) were added to 10% so­ common gram-positive bacteria and fungi, showed good stability and
dium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-Na)/long-short (80/20) fibers long-term antimicrobial activity, and prolonged the shelf life of tomato
mixed pulp by Barbiroli et al. (2012) to make paper, and then the ob­ juice at 25 ◦ C, thus possessing great potential in antimicrobial food
tained antimicrobial papers were utilized for veal meat packaging. It packaging. Wu et al. (2019) grafted nisin to the 2,3-dialdehyde cellulose
was found that the antimicrobial proteins combined with cellulose through Schiff’s base reaction, and then prepared a peptidopoly­
substrates through non-covalent bonds, the papermaking process had no saccharide film by solution casting method. Compared with the pristine
significant effect on the protein structure and activity, and the antimi­ cellulose film, the modified film showed a denser microstructure, lower
crobial papers could effectively inhibit the growth of most microor­ water holding capacity, and better barrier and mechanical properties, as
ganisms. In particular, such a paper exhibited excellent in vitro well as promising antibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. coli.
antimicrobial activity against M. lysodeikticus, L. innocua (LY and bLF When the antibacterial films were used for packaging fresh pork, they
showed synergistic interaction), and E. coli (LY and bLF showed additive killed the adhered bacteria on pork, delayed the increase of total volatile
interaction). Furthermore, when the fresh veal meat was packaged by base nitrogen (TVB-N) value, and extended the shelf life of pork, which
this composite paper and stored at 4 ◦ C for 48 h, the paper effectively displayed a better preservation effect than common commercial poly­
inhibited the increase of the population of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, ethylene wrap. Furthermore, negatively charged 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-
showing almost 1.05 log cycle reduction to control. piperidinyloxyl-oxidized nanofibrillated cellulose (Weishaupt et al.,
2018), bacterial nanocellulose (Santos et al., 2018a), oxidized dextran,
5.3. Microorganism-derived antimicrobial materials alginate functionalized with hydrazine groups, and glycol chitosan
(Flynn et al. 2020) are also appropriate carriers of nisin.
5.3.1. Bacteriocin-based antimicrobial materials
Bacteriocin is also regarded as another bioactive protein or peptide 5.3.2. Probiotics-based antimicrobial materials
and is mainly synthesized by ribosomes during the metabolic process of Probiotics are bioactive microorganisms that are beneficial to the
some bacteria. It is broad-spectrum antimicrobial, hypoallergenic, microecological balance of the host by colonizing the human system and
relatively thermally stable, and easily degraded by proteolytic enzymes provide definite health benefits (Min et al., 2019; Khaneghah et al.,
in the human gastrointestinal tract (Ahmad et al., 2017). To date, a 2020). Various studies have shown that probiotics can directly or indi­
variety of bacteriocins have been reported, such as nisin, pediocin PA-1, rectly affect pathogenic bacteria, and the antimicrobial activity of pro­
lacticin 3147, and bacteriocin 7293; moreover, they are more effective biotics likely occurs via the production of bacteriostatic substances (such
against microorganisms that have a close genetic relationship, and have as bacteriocin) or in situ competition with other microorganisms (Huq
no significant effect on other bacteria and fungi (Santos et al., 2018b; et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2019; Odila Pereira et al., 2016). To date, most
Woraprayote et al., 2018). Although the exact antimicrobial mechanism probiotics incorporated into the food industry belong to the genera
of bacteriocins remains a subject of considerable debate, most re­ Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus, and Kluyver­
searchers believe that their antimicrobial activity mainly depends on omyces (Min et al., 2019), and they have been increasingly applied in
their interaction with the microbial cell membrane. The C-terminal food packaging by researchers (Table 4).
domain of positively charged bacteriocin can adsorb onto microbial cells For instance, Ma et al. (2019) added Lactococcus lactis to different
through electrostatic interactions with the negatively charged cell film-forming solutions (namely, sodium alginate (SA)/CMC-Na, SA/
membrane, and the hydrophobic chain segment of bacteriocin interacts collagen, and CMC-Na/collagen composites) at a concentration of 1.0 g
with the hydrophobic interior of the membrane lipid bilayer, destabi­ bacteria/100 g solution, and then prepared various antimicrobial edible
lizing the cell membrane structure (forming a partial pore or channel), films by casting. Although nisin changed some physical properties (such
changing the membrane permeability, and causing the leakage of as color, WVP, swelling, tensile strength, and elongation at break) of
intracellular components, thus resulting in microorganism death edible films, it did not affect the normal use of these films. Thereinto,
(Ageitos et al., 2017; Brogden, 2005; Santos et al., 2018b). Several SA/CMC-Na was the best substrate in terms of protecting L. lactis,
prominent membrane channel models have been proposed, such as the allowing for the retention of 5.01% of the initial viable cell count after
barrel-stave, carpet, detergent, toroidal pore, and aggregate models film processing and providing the highest viable cell count (5.7 ± 0.41
(Jenssen et al., 2006; Li et al., 2012). log CFU/g) after 24 days at 4 ◦ C, whereas the other substrates showed
Nisin, a polypeptide produced by Streptococcus lactis fermentation, moderate protection. Besides, the SA/CMC-Na/L. lactis edible film
consists of 34 amino acid residues. Nisin has a wide antibacterial range showed the maximum antibacterial activity, which decreased the S.
and significant antibacterial effects on gram-positive bacteria (such as aureus population from 9.31 ± 0.13 to 7.23 ± 0.22 log CFU/g after 7
Streptococcus, Bacillus, Listeria, Clostridium, and Staphylococcus), no days at 4 ◦ C storage. Lactobacillus plantarum, another probiotic antimi­
traditional antibiotic resistance, and could kill bacterial cells even at crobial agent, was added to CMC/2.5% cellulose nanofiber/20% inulin
nmol/L concentration. However, it is insensitive against gram-negative composite solutions by Zabihollahi et al. (2020) to attain a final con­
bacteria, fungi, and human cells; in these instances, a concentration in centration of 109 CFU/mL, and a bioactive film was then fabricated by
the mmol/L range or combination with additives (chelating agent EDTA casting. The results indicated that the components of the composite
or phosphorous salts) is required to kill microbial cells (Santos et al., solutions possessed good compatibility, and the incorporation of cellu­
2018b; Santos et al., 2018a). Notably, nisin can be effectively degraded lose nanofiber and inulin decreased the moisture absorption by 26.94%
by α-trypsin in the human body and is safe and non-toxic to humans; and improved the elongation to break by 15.92% of the obtained film.
thus, it is considered one of the safest biological food preservatives at Meanwhile, the addition of L. plantarum endowed this bioactive film

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

with excellent antimicrobial activity against nine foodborne bacteria as bacteriophages isolated from chicken and swine feces and poultry exu­
well as the natural microorganisms on chicken fillets. Moreover, the dates, Gouvêa et al. (2015) uniformly blended the phages suspension
viability of L. plantarum was significantly increased (36%) by inulin (as buffer with cellulose acetate solution, and then prepared a composite
prebiotics) during cold storage, and the shelf life of chicken fillets film by casting. Such film inhibited the growth of S. Typhimurium and
packaged by the bioactive film was extended by ~3 days. Similarly, protected the phages’ activity for about two weeks without drastically
Mozaffarzogh et al. (2020) added different prefabricated probiotics altering the mechanical properties. Lone et al. (2016) introduced three
suspensions (1 mL) of Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. to a specific lytic bacteriophage cocktails into packaging materials using
CMC/sodium caseinate blend solution (ensuring a final concentration of different techniques, namely, (i) immobilization on positively charged
probiotics to be 9 log CFU/mL), and then various active composite films modified cellulose films via impregnation and adsorption, (ii) impreg­
were prepared by casting and applied to preserve fresh-cut fish. The nating papers with bacteriophage suspension, and (iii) encapsulation in
results showed that these probiotics improved the barrier properties of alginate beads followed by brush coating of beads onto papers. Then the
composite films, in which the water vapor transmission rate, oxygen obtained composite materials were applied on fruit, meat, and seed
permeability, and swelling index values of the films were significantly against L. monocytogenes and E. coli O104:H4. The results indicated that
decreased in the ranges of 28.36–29.49 g⋅mm⋅kPa− 1⋅h− 1⋅m− 2, for cantaloupe, when sprayed with phage suspensions (free phage), the
9.69–9.75 × 10− 12 cm3⋅m− 2⋅s− 1⋅Pa− 1, and 27.45%~29.42%, respec­ L. monocytogenes counts on cantaloupe dropped below the detection
tively. L. acidophilus immobilized by this polysaccharide/protein com­ limit of the plate counting method (<1 log CFU/g) after 5 days at 4 and
posite substrate could be stored for a long period, followed by L. 12 ◦ C; however, the bacteria were countable after 3 h and 6 h at 25 ◦ C,
rhamnosus, L. casei, L. reuteri, and B. bifidum, which could be released as which reduced by 2.5 log CFU/g after 24 h. If packaged with the com­
6.83–6.84 log CFU/g from the substrate to exhibit antimicrobial activity. posite film, the L. monocytogenes count was reduced by ~1 log CFU/g at
Moreover, compared to the control, the native microbial growth on trout the end of different storage periods. For ready-to-eat cooked turkey, the
fillets packaged with the composite films provoked retardation, protein growth of L. monocytogenes was significantly inhibited after 25 days at 4
carbonylation, lipid oxidation, and biogenic amine formation were and 10 ◦ C storage conditions, regardless of the bacteriophage applica­
delayed during refrigerated storage, and the shelf life of fillets was tion format (free or immobilized). For alfalfa seeds and sprouts,
extended for at least two weeks. regardless of bacteriophage application format, the E. coli count < 1 log
However, previous studies have indicated that the addition of pro­ CFU/g after 1 h in seeds and ~1 log cycle E. coli reduction was observed
biotics usually reduces the tensile strength, elongation at break, punc­ on the germinated sprouts by day 5. For alginate- and hyaluronic acid-
ture force, puncture deformation, and transparency of composite films, based substrates, Alves et al. (2019) introduced bacteriophage ϕIBB-
which was probably related to the introduction of discontinuities PF7A into sodium alginate mixture and prepared composite films by
(derived from microbial cells) in the substrates and a decrease in the solution casting to inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens (P.
cohesive forces in the polymer network (Ma et al., 2019; Mozaffarzogh fluorescens). This alginate substrate could maintain phage viability at
et al., 2020). Hence, it is crucial to choose the appropriate concentration refrigerated temperature for up to eight weeks; furthermore, the com­
of probiotics as well as the substrate and additives. For substrates, many posite films could decrease 2 log P. fluorescens viable cell counts in the
green polymers have been reported, such as alginate, cellulose, pectin, first two days and maintain the reduction for 5 days, thus preventing
collagen, and whey protein isolate, among which polysaccharide-based chicken breast spoilage. Francius et al. (2021) loaded bacteriophages
materials (as carbon sources) are more beneficial for probiotics (Karimi (T4 and φX174) specifically targeting E. coli strains into hydrogels
et al., 2020; Ma et al., 2019; Mozaffarzogh et al., 2020; Shahrampour constructed by the layer-by-layer method of hyaluronic acid and poly
et al., 2020; Zabihollahi et al., 2020) and possess better mechanical (allylamine hydrochloride) to form biomaterials with antibacterial ac­
properties than lipids and proteins (Zhao et al., 2021). Furthermore, tivity. The results indicated that such modified hydrogels made both
prebiotics incorporation and low-temperature process conditions also contact killing (targets were bacteria adhered at the hydrogel surface)
have positive effects on these antimicrobial materials (Karimi et al., and release killing (targets were planktonic ones) possible after 4
2020; Ma et al., 2019; Mozaffarzogh et al., 2020; Shahrampour et al., h–25 ◦ C of incubation. In addition to polysaccharides, proteins (Tomat
2020; Zabihollahi et al., 2020). et al., 2019; Vonasek et al., 2018; Weng et al., 2021) and other biode­
gradable polymers (Costa et al., 2021) are also effective carriers of
5.3.3. Other microorganism-derived materials phages, which can provide solutions for further properties improvement
In addition to the above-mentioned bacteriocins and probiotics, of such antimicrobial composites.
there are other microorganism-derived antimicrobial agents, including
glucose oxidase (Kriaa et al., 2015; Li et al., 2019) and bacteriophages. 6. Conclusion and prospect
According to the literature investigation in the past five years, it is found
that the research on bacteriophage in the field of active food packaging In the context of global resource shortages, severe environmental
is more than that of glucose oxidase, nevertheless, its relevant theories pollution, and serious food waste, accelerating the development and
and applications are still less studied and have great development utilization of eco-friendly antimicrobial packaging materials with
potential. characteristics of preservative and non-toxic properties is inevitable to
Bacteriophage, a virus that infects other microorganisms, such as promote sustainable development. Although numerous studies on anti­
bacteria, fungi, algae, actinomycetes, and spirochete, has become an microbial packaging have been conducted in the past 10 years, they
ideal biological antimicrobial agent due to its ability to specifically have focused on partially natural substances (such as essential oils, other
interact with the host bacteria and even lyse them (Alves et al., 2019; plant extracts, chitosan, nisin, and their derivatives) and non-
Gutiérrez et al., 2017). In particular, a cocktail of several bacteriophages biodegradable petroleum-based polymers, and the packaging materials
could present a self-amplification response at 37 ◦ C, which helps to have not been commercialized. Herein, a comprehensive review of
eliminate the pathogen at an abusive temperature (Tomat et al., 2019). sustainable antimicrobial materials was provided, which involves not
The application range of bacteriophages can be extended using the only the aforementioned natural substances but also another green
immobilization technology on various polysaccharides such as cellulose organic, inorganic, animal- and microorganism-derived antimicrobial
(Anany et al., 2011; Gouvêa et al., 2015; Lone et al., 2016), alginate agents, and polysaccharides substrates. Furthermore, the potentials and
(Alves et al., 2019; Lone et al., 2016), and hyaluronic acid (Bean et al., limitations of such food packaging were highlighted, with a focus on the
2014; Francius et al., 2021), especially for substrates in planar or par­ following three aspects:.
ticulate form (O’Connell et al., 2021), which is beneficial for the prep­
aration of various antimicrobial materials (Table 4). In the case of

Y. Zhao et al. Food Research International 155 (2022) 111096

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