I. Objectives: Given the materials and activities, the grade VI pupils will be
able to do the following with at least 75% level of accuracy.
a. identify adverbs in the sentences presented;
b. construct sentences using adverbs;
c. participate in our class activity.
II. Subject Matter:Using Adverbs in Sentences
III. Learning resources
a. Reference: English Language Author: Elodie A. Cada
b. Materials: flashcards, cartolina
IV. Procedure: Inductive method
Checking of attendance
Setting classroom rules
A. Review
Very Good!
B. Establishing the purpose of the
Ok class, this time I will group
you into two. I have here two envelopes
containing scrambled letters, all you have
to do is form words and post it in the
board. The group who will finish first will
be declared as a winner.
Yes ma’am.
Am I clear class?
Alright, what words did you We have formed the words here, and
formed group one and group two? now ma’am.
How about the group two, what We have formed the words quickly
word did you formed? and very ma’am.
Very good! Let us give durian
claps for group two.
Using Adverbs
Like nouns and pronouns, verbs
need to be modified, too. Notice the verb
in this sentence.
Isa reads a book.
Unlike adjectives which modify nouns
pronouns, adverbs modify verbs, It is called adverbs of frequency
adjectives and adverbs. teacher.
1. Adverb modifying a verb.
Okay, another example of adverb
modifying another adverb Jasmyne.
F. Developing mastery
Very Good!
Very Good!
I. Evaluating Learning