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Mentor:Ms. Mariza S.

Balatero Grade level: VI

Mentee:Alpas, Fe L. Learning Area: English VI

I. Objectives: Given the materials and activities, the grade VI pupils will be
able to do the following with at least 75% level of accuracy.
a. identify adverbs in the sentences presented;
b. construct sentences using adverbs;
c. participate in our class activity.
II. Subject Matter:Using Adverbs in Sentences
III. Learning resources
a. Reference: English Language Author: Elodie A. Cada
b. Materials: flashcards, cartolina
IV. Procedure: Inductive method

Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity

Preliminary Activities:

(The teacher prepares the class for the


 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Setting classroom rules

A. Review

I have here flashcards all you have

to do is to read the word in the flashcard. Yes ma’am.
Do you understand?
Quickly, here, now, very, slowly,
there, first too.
Class, how do we call these These words are adverbs.
words? An adverb is a word or an expression
What is adverb again? that modifies a verb, adjective, another
adjective, another adverb, determiner, clause,
preposition, or sentence.

Very Good!
B. Establishing the purpose of the
Ok class, this time I will group
you into two. I have here two envelopes
containing scrambled letters, all you have
to do is form words and post it in the
board. The group who will finish first will
be declared as a winner.
Yes ma’am.
Am I clear class?

Ok, I need one representative in

each group to come forward to get the

Alright, what words did you We have formed the words here, and
formed group one and group two? now ma’am.

Very good! Let us give barangay

claps to group one.

How about the group two, what We have formed the words quickly
word did you formed? and very ma’am.
Very good! Let us give durian
claps for group two.

Now class, our topic this morning

is all about using adverbs in sentences.
Do want to know more about our Yes ma’am.
topic this morning?

Ok, but before that let us know

first the objectives that we need to Pupils do as told.
achieve at the end of the lesson.
(Everybody read.)
 identify adverb in the sentences
 construct sentences using adverbs;
 participate in our class activity.

C. Presenting Examples/ Sentences of

the New lesson.

Using Adverbs
Like nouns and pronouns, verbs
need to be modified, too. Notice the verb
in this sentence.
Isa reads a book.

You can give more information in a

sentence by adding words that will
answer the question how, when, where,
how often, or to what extent. Pupils do as told.

Isa reads a book quickly. Pupils do as told.

How Isa reads?
Very Good! It modifies the verb reads.

Isa read a book yesterday. Pupils do as told.

When did Isa reads the book?

Isa seldom reads a book.

How often did Isa reads books?
It modified the word reads.
Very good!

Unlike adjectives which modify nouns
pronouns, adverbs modify verbs, It is called adverbs of frequency
adjectives and adverbs. teacher.
1. Adverb modifying a verb.

She left the room hurriedly.

2. Adverb modifying an adjective

It was an unusually hot day.

In the sentence, which word notifies a
verb? What word does it notify? How do
we call this word?
3. Adverb modifying another adverb

Many disagreed very intensely to the

Give another example of adverb
modifying a verb?
Yes Jayson.
(Pupils do as told.)
Yes correct.

Okay, this time Cristine I want you to

give another example of adverb
modifying an adjective.

Okay, another example of adverb
modifying another adverb Jasmyne.

All of their answers are correct,

Let’s give them a barangay claps.

D. Discussing New Concept and

Practicing New Skills #1
Yes ma’am.
Now! Class let’s have another
activity. I will group you into two groups.
Read it carefully and identify the adverb 1. smartly- how
and tell he verb it modifies in each of the 2. seldom-how often
following sentences. Tell whether the 3. fast- how
adverb answer the questions how, when, 4. too- to what extent
where, how often, and to what extent. Do 5. easily-how
this in your cartolina. 6. somewhat-to what extent
Am I Clear class? 7. at the cafeteria- where
8. quietly-how
1. My sister dresses smartly. 9. talked-when
2. Ken seldom makes mistakes in his 10. suddenly-how often
3. Lydia runs fast.
4. The soup is too hot for me.
5. I can memorize the poem easily.
6. She is somewhat afraid of her boss.
7. I will meet her at the cafeteria.
8. My brother quietly tiptoed towards
his room.
9. I talked to him this morning.
10. The cat suddenly appeared.

E. Discussing New Concept And

Practicing New Skills #2 Yes ma’am.
Now let’s have a group activity,
all member of the group should Word
cooperate. I will give you a story you are Adverb modified Kind of
going to read the story and pick out the word
adverbs in the following paragraphs and Really strange adjective
list them in Column1. In Column 2, write extremely resembles verb
the word(s) the adverb modifies. In greatly
Column 3, indicate if the word modified almost
is a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Do completely covered verb
this in your cartolina. quite slowly upright adverb
Am I clear class? sometimes clings adjective
not lays adjective
The story you read. generously nurtures verb
The seahorse is a really strange almost adverb
creature. The head of this extremely odd
animal greatly resembles that of a pony.
Its body is almost completely covered by
a somewhat bony material. The tiny
creature moves quite slowly through the
water in an upright position. It sometimes
clings to a piece of seaweed.
The mother seahorse does not Yes ma’am.
carry the eggs after she lays them. The
father carefully nurtures them in his
pouch. He generously lets the almost
invisible baby seahorse remain there in
his pouch until they can care for

F. Developing mastery

Let’s have another activity I will

group you into two. I will give you a Yes, we use adverbs in our daily
piece of bond paper this time I want you activity by making conversation towards
to construct a sentence using the others.
following adverbs.
Did you understand class?
We can relate also adverbs in
1. sincerely 6. Cheerfully forming question like for example where
2. bodily 7. slowly have you been yesterday?
3. neatly 8. faithfully
4. gently 9.truly
5. very 10. hardly

G. Finding Practical Application of

Concept And Skills in daily activity.

Ok class, did you use adverb in

your daily activity? How?

Very Good!

How can you relate adverbs in It is adverb of frequency teacher.

your daily living?
Very good!
Adverb describes a verb, adjective,
H. Making Generalization and and another adverb.
Abstraction And Abstraction about the

Now, let us check if you really

understand our lesson.
What do you called the words that
will answer the questions how, when,
where how often, or to what extent.
Very Good!
Based on what we discussed can
you define what an adverb is?

Very Good!

I. Evaluating Learning

Since, you already understand, get

one half sheet of paper we have a quiz.
Direction: Encircle the adverb in
sentence. On the space provided, tell its
1. Do you work fast?
2. Yes, I am attending your party on
3. At night, mother massages my back.
4. Most housewives do their Christmas
Shopping early.
5. You have accomplish your task
6. A poisonous snake was found near
the river banks.
7. Sometimes, I worry for my brother
who comes home late.
8. My father was never tardy.
9. Why is she always touching his
10. I see people eating everywhere.

J. Additional Activities for Application

Of Remediation

For your assignment class

construct another 10 sentences using
adverbs write in your one half crosswise
sheet of paper and pass it tomorrow.

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