Welding Dictionary

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A ANSI: Abbreviation for “American National Standards Institute”.

Arc Length: The distance from the tip of the welding
Acetylene: A gas composed of two parts of carbon and two electrode to the adjacent surface of the weld pool.
parts of hydrogen. When burned in the atmosphere of oxygen, it Arc Voltage: The electrical potential between
produces one of the highest flame temperatures obtainable. the electrode and work piece.
Acetylene Cylinder: Acetylene is a versatile industrial fuel gas used Arc Welding: A group of welding processes that produces fusion of
in cutting, heating, welding, brazing, soldering, flame hardening, work pieces by heating them with an arc. The processes are used with
metallizing, and stress relieving applications. It is produced when or without the application of pressure and with or without filler metal.
calcium carbide is submerged in water or from petrochemical processes.
The acetylene gas produced is then compressed into cylinders or fed Arc Welding (MIG) Gun: A device used to transfer
into piping systems. Acetylene becomes unstable when compressed current to a continuously fed consumable electrode,
in its gaseous state above 15 PSIG (103 kPa). Therefore, it cannot guide the electrode, and direct the shielding gas.
be stored in a “hollow” cylinder under high pressure the way oxygen, Arc Welding (TIG) Torch: A device used to transfer current to a fixed
for example, is stored. Acetylene cylinders are filled with a porous welding electrode, position the electrode and direct the shielding gas.
material (calcium silicate) creating, in effect, a “solid” as opposed
to a “hollow” cylinder. The porous filling is then saturated with liquid Autogenous Weld: A fusion weld made without filler metal.
acetone. When acetylene is pumped into the cylinder, it is absorbed Automatic Welding: Welding with equipment that requires
by the liquid acetone throughout the porous filling. It is held in only occasional or no observation of the welding, and no
a stable condition (see Figure Below). Filling acetylene cylinders manual adjustment of the equipment controls.
is a delicate process requiring special equipment and training.
Acetylene cylinders must, therefore, be refilled only by authorized AWS: Abbreviation for “American Welding Society”.
gas distributors. Acetylene cylinders MUST NEVER be transfilled. Axis Of Weld: (See Weld Axis)

Porous filler: (calcium-sicilate) 8% - 10%

The filler, which completely occupies the steel shell, is
90% - 92% composed of millions of interconnected pores.

Acetone is equal to 42% of the internal volume, and is
dispersed throughout the filler.

ACETYLENE GAS: 36% Back Gouging: The removal of weld metal and base metal from the
The acetylene gas is uniformly absorbed by the acetone.
The resulting mixture occupies 78% of the internal volume. weld root side of a welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and
RESERVE VOLUME AT 70˚F: 10% - 12% complete joint penetration upon subsequent welding from that side.
Since acetone and acetylene gas will expand as termpera-
ture rises, a safety reserve must be present even at 150˚F. Backhand Welding: A welding technique in which the welding
torch or gun is directed opposite to the progress of welding.

Acetylene Regulator: A device used to reduce cylinder pressure

to torch pressure and to keep the pressure constant. They are
never to be used as oxygen regulators. (See Figure Below)
Low pressure High pressure
gauge (delivery) gauge (supply)


adjusting knob
Inlet filter

Outlet Backing Gas: Backing in the form of a shielding gas

connection Inlet connection employed primarily to provide a protective atmosphere.
ACETYLENE REGULATOR FEATURES Backstep Sequence: A longitudinal sequence in which weld passes
are made in the direction opposite to the progress of welding.
Air Carbon Arc Cutting (CAC-A): A carbon arc cutting
process that removes molten metal with a jet of air. Base Metal: The metal or alloy that is welded, brazed, soldered, or cut.
Also referred to as air carbon arc gouging. Bead: A type of weld composed of one or more string or
Alloy: A substance with metallic properties and composed of two weave beads deposited on an unbroken surface.
or more chemical elements of which at least one is a metal. Bevel: An angular edge preparation. For successful welding, the edges
Annealing: Softening metals by heat treating. This most of the parts to be joined with a butt joint often require a beveled
commonly consists of heating the metals up to a critical edge to allow adequate deposition and penetration of the weld.
temperature and then cooling them slowly. While the strength requirements of the joint dictate the actual joint

Welding Welding
Dictionary Dictionary

Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y

design required, butt welding of material 3/8" (9.5mm) or thicker body of the materials being joined. (See Fusion) D Filler Wire: A non-standard term for welding wire.
often requires some sort of edge preparation before welding.
Cold Crack: A crack which develops after solidification. Fillet: Weld metal in the internal vertex, or corner, of the
Blowpipe: Another term used for cutting torch. (See Cutting Torch) Defect: A discontinuity or discontinuities that by nature or angle formed by two pieces of metal, giving the joint
Cold Lap: A non-standard term. A joint with incomplete coalescence
accumulated effect render a part or product unable to meet additional strength to withstand unusual stress.
Bond: To join (metals) by applying heat, sometimes (fusion) caused by insufficient application of heat to the base metal.
with pressure and sometimes with an intermediate minimum applicable acceptance standards or specifications. The Fillet Weld: A weld of approximately triangular cross
Collet: A mechanical clamping device used to hold the electrode term designates rejectability. See also discontinuity and flaw.
or filler metal having a high melting point. section joining two surfaces approximately at right angles
in position within the welding, cutting or spraying torch.
Deposition Rate: The weight of material deposited in a unit of time. to each other in a lap joint, T-joint or corner joint.
Braze Welding: a welding process variation in which a filler metal,
Combustion: The process of burning a fuel with oxygen in
having a liquidus above 840°f (450°c) and below the solidus Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN): The arrangement of Filter Lens: A colored glass used in goggles, helmets,
which the products are energy, in the form of light and heat,
of the base metal, is used. Unlike brazing, in braze welding the direct current arc welding leads in which the electrode is the negative and shields to exclude harmful light rays.
and by products such as water and carbon dioxide.
filler metal is not distributed in the joint by capillary action. pole and work piece is the positive pole of the welding arc. Flashback Arrestor: A device commonly used in oxy-fueled
Concave Fillet Weld: A weld that has a concave
Brazing: a group of welding processes that produces coalescence Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP): The arrangement of welding and cutting to stop the flame from burning back up into
face (may result in cracking).
of materials by heating them to the brazing temperature in the direct current arc welding leads in which the electrode is the positive the equipment and causing damages or explosion. Firepower
presence of a filler metal having a liquidus above 840°f (450°c) and Cone: The conical part of an oxy-fuel flame next to the orifice of the tip. pole and the work piece is the negative pole of the welding arc. recommends the use of these devices whenever possible.
below the solidus of the base metal. The filler metal is distributed The Flashback Arrestor
Nut and
Constant Current (CC) Power Source: An arc welding power Discontinuity: An interruption of the typical structure of a material,
swivel Gas-tight Brass Check-valve
between the closely fitted surfaces of the joint by capillary action. Prevents flashback
assembly O-ring seal housing assembly
source with a volt-ampere relationship yielding a small such as a lack of homogeneity in its mechanical, metallurgical or Outlet Gas
Buildup: A surfacing variation in which surfacing metal welding current change from a large arc voltage change. physical characteristics. A discontinuity is not necessarily a defect. Side Flow
is deposited to achieve the required dimensions.
Constant Voltage (CV) Power Source: An arc welding power DOT: Abbreviation for “Department of Transportation”.
Burned Metal: Term occasionally applied to the metal which has source with a volt-ampere relationship yielding a large
been combined with oxygen so that some of the carbon changed welding current change from a small arc voltage change. Downslope Time: The time during which the current is changed
into carbon dioxide and some of the iron into iron oxide. continuously from final taper current or welding current to final current. Threads for Seating cup Stainless-steel
Contact Tip: A component of a MIG gun that delivers welding connection to
torch or regulator
sintered filter
acts as a
Burning: A non-standard term for oxygen cutting. current to, and guides, a continuous electrode. Drag Angle: The travel angle when the electrode is pointing in a direction flame block
opposite to the progression of welding. This angle can also be used
Butane: A fuel gas which is a member of the paraffin Continuous Weld: A weld that extends continuously from one to partially define the position of guns, torches, rods, and beams. Flat Position: The welding position used to weld from the upper
family. A hydrocarbon molecule comprised of four end of the joint to the other. Where the joint is essentially side of the joint; the face of the weld is approximately horizontal.
carbon atoms and ten hydrogen atoms, C4H10. circular, it extends completely around the joint. Dross: The remaining solidified oxidized metallic material
adhering to the work piece adjacent to the cut surface. Flux: A material used to hinder or prevent the formation
Butt Joint: A joint between two members aligned Convex Fillet Weld: A fillet welds having a convex of oxides and other undesirable substances in molten
approximately in the same plane. face (a good weld with no undercutting). Duty Cycle: The percentage of time during a specified metal and on solid metal surfaces, and to dissolve or
test period that a power source or its accessories can otherwise facilitate the removal of such substances.
Corner Joint: A joint between two members located be operated at rated output without overheating.
approximately at right angles to each other to form an “l”. Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW): An arc welding process that uses
an arc between a continuous filler metal electrode and the weld pool.
C Covered Electrode: A composite filler metal electrode consisting of a The process is used with shielding gas from a flux contained within
core of a bare electrode or metal cored electrode to which a covering the tubular electrode, with or without additional shielding from an
sufficient to provide a slag layer on the weld metal has been applied. E externally supplied gas and without the application of pressure.
Cap: A non-standard term for the final layer of a groove weld. The covering may contain materials providing such functions as
shielding from the atmosphere, deoxidation, and arc stabilization, Flux Cored Electrode: A composite tubular filler metal electrode
Capillary Action: A phenomenon in which a liquid’s surface rises, Edge Joint: A joint between the edges of two or consisting of a metal sheath and a core of various powdered materials,
falls, or becomes distorted in shape where it is in contact with a solid. and can serve as a source of metallic additions to the weld.
more parallel or nearly parallel members. producing an extensive slag cover on the face of a weld bead.
It is caused by the difference between the relative attraction of the Crack: A fracture type discontinuity characterized by a sharp tip
molecules of the liquid for each other and for those of the solid. and high ratio of length and width to opening displacement. Electrode: A component of the electrical circuit that terminates Forehand Welding (Non-Standard Term: Push Technique):
at the arc, molten conductive slag or base metal. A welding technique in which the welding torch or gun
Carbon: An element which, when combined with iron, forms various Cracking: Action of opening a valve slightly and is directed toward the progress of welding.
kinds of steel. In steel, it is the changing carbon content which changes then closing the valve immediately. Electrode Extension (See Also Stickout): The length of
the physical properties of the steel. Carbon is also used in a solid electrode extending beyond the end of the contact tip.
form as an electrode for arc welding and as a mold to hold metal. Crater: A depression in the weld face at the
termination of the weld bead. Elongation: Percentage increase in the length of a
Carbon Electrode: A non-filler metal electrode used in arc specimen when stressed to its yield strength.
welding and cutting, consisting of a carbon or graphite rod, Crater Fill Time: The time interval following weld time
but prior to melt back time during which arc voltage or Erosion: A condition caused by dissolution of the base metal by molten DIRECTION
which may be coated with copper or other materials. filler metal resulting in a reduction in the thickness of the base metal. OF WELD
current reach a preset value greater or less than welding
Carbonizing Flame: An oxy-acetylene flame in which there is an values. Weld travel may or may not stop at this point.
excess of acetylene. Also a non-standard term for Reducing Flame.
Crown: Curve or convex surface of finished weld face. FOREHAND WELDING
Case Hardening: Adding of carbon to the surface of a mild
steel object and heat treating to produce a hard surface. Cutting Torch: A device used in gas cutting for controlling the gases F Forging: Metallic shapes being derived by either
used for preheating and the oxygen used for cutting the material. hammering or squeezing the original piece of metal
Castings: Metallic forms that are produced by pouring into the desired shapes or thicknesses.
molten metal into a shaped container (mold). Cylinder: (see Gas Cylinder) Face Of Weld: (See Weld Face)
Fill Pass: A non-standard term when used for intermediate weld pass. Full Penetration: A non-standard term for complete joint penetration.
CGA: Abbreviation for “compressed gas association”.
Filler Material: The material to be added in making Fusion: The melting together of filler metal and base
Coalescence: The growing together or growth into one metal, or of base metal only, to produce a weld.
a brazed, soldered or welded joint.

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Welding Welding
Dictionary Dictionary

Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y

G H Interpass Temperature: In a multi-pass weld, the Liquidus: The liquidus temperature is the higher temperature
temperature of the weld area between weld passes. at which the filler metal is completely melted. This is
minimum temperature at which brazing will take place.
Gas: The state of matter in which molecules move freely, so allowing Hardfacing (Non-Standard Term: Hard Surfacing): A surfacing
it to expand completely to fill any space that it occupies. variation in which surfacing material is deposited to reduce wear.
Gas Cylinder: A portable container used for Heat Conductivity: Speed and efficiency of heat J
transportation and storage of compressed gas. energy movement through a substance. M
Gas Lens: One or more fine mesh screens located in the gas Heat Input: The energy supplied by the welding arc to the Joining: Connecting two pieces of base metal (e.g. copper
nozzle to produce a stable stream of shielding gas. This work piece. That portion of the base metal that has not been tubing) with a capillary fitting, sealing those pieces with a filler Manual Welding: Welding with the torch, gun, or
device is primarily used for gas tungsten arc welding. melted, but whose mechanical properties of microstructure have that is melted by heating the base metal with a torch. electrode holder held and manipulated by hand (SMAW
been altered by the heat of welding, cutting, or heating. and GTAW are common manual processes).
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW): An arc welding process that Joint: The junction of members, or the edges of members,
uses an arc between a continuous filler metal electrode and the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ): The portion of base metal whose which are to be joined or have been joined. Mechanized Welding: Welding with equipment that requires
weld pool. The process is used with shielding from an externally mechanical properties or microstructure have been altered by manual adjustment of the equipment controls in response
supplied gas and without the application of pressure. the heat of welding, brazing, soldering or thermal cutting. Joint Clearance: The distance between the faying surfaces of a joint.
to visual observation of the welding, with the torch, gun,
Gas Nozzle: A device at the exit end of the torch Heating: A process of heating various metals with direct application Joint Efficiency: The ratio of strength of a joint to the or electrode holder held by a mechanical device.
or gun that directs shielding gas. of single or multi-flames to a desired elevated temperature in order strength of the base metal, expressed in percent.
Melting Range: The difference between solidus and liquidus
to perform the following metal fabrication processes: straightening Joint Penetration: The depth a weld extends from its temperatures is how the melting range is determined. This
Gas Pockets: Cavities in weld metal caused by entrapping gas (porosity).
or bending, stress relieving, flame hardening or flame shrinking. face into a joint, exclusive of reinforcement. is the working range for the filler metal and the speed with
Gas Regulator: A device for controlling the delivery of which the filler metal will become solid after brazing. Filler
Horizontal Position: The position in which welding is Joint Type: A weld joint classification based on the relative
gas at some substantially constant pressure. metals with narrow ranges, with or without silver, solidify more
performed on the upper side and approximately horizontal orientation of the members being joined. The five basic
Gas Shielded Arc Welding: A group of processes including, surface and against an approximately vertical surface. quickly and therefore require careful heat application.
joint types are: butt, corner, edge, lap and T-joint.
flux cored arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas Metal Cored Electrode: A composite tubular filler metal electrode
Hose: Flexible medium used to carry gases from the regulator
tungsten arc welding and plasma arc welding. consisting of a metal sheath and a core of various powdered materials,
to the torch. Constructed of continuous layers of rubber
Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-G): A flux cored arc or neoprene material over a braided inner section. producing no more than slag islands on the face of a weld bead.
welding process variation in which shielding gas is supplied through the
Hot Pass: A non-standard term when used in pipe welding K Metal Electrode: A filler or non-filler metal electrode used in arc
gas nozzle, in addition to that obtained from the flux within the electrode. welding and cutting that consists of a metal wire or rod that has been
for the weld pass subsequent to the root pass.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW): An arc welding process Kerf: The gap produced by a cutting process. manufactured by any method and that is either bare or covered.
Hot Start Current: A very brief current pulse at
that uses an arc between a tungsten electrode (non- Mig Welding: A non-standard term for flux cored arc welding
arc initiation to stabilize the arc quickly. Keyhole Welding: A technique in which a concentrated heat source
consumable) and the weld pool. The process is used with or gas metal arc welding. It stands for metal inert gas.
shielding gas and without the application of pressure. Hydrogen: A gas formed of the single element hydrogen. penetrates partially or completely through a work piece, forming a
It is considered one of the most active gases. When hole (keyhole) at the leading edge of the weld pool. As the heat source Mixing Chamber: That part of the welding torch or cutting
Globular Transfer, Gas Metal Arc Welding: The transfer of molten progresses, the molten fills in behind the hole to form the weld bead. torch in which the fuel gas and oxygen are mixed.
combined with oxygen, it forms a very clean flame.
metal in large drops from a consumable electrode across the
arc. See also short circuiting transfer and spray transfer. Kindling Temperature: The temperature at which a substance will catch
on fire and continue to burn, also referred to as the “ignition point”.
Gouging: A thermal cutting process variation that removes
Knee: The supporting structure of the lower arm
metal by melting or burning the entire removed portion, to I in a resistance welding machine.
form a bevel or groove. For more information on gouging
techniques, see Gouging Techniques for Specific Materials. Knurling: A method of surface roughening in which
Ignition: The action of firing an explosive mixture of gases or vapors by Neutral Flame: An Oxy-fuel gas flame in which the
Groove Angle: The included angle between the surface is upset with a knurling tool.
means of a flame, electric spark, heating of sudden pressure change. portion used is neither oxidizing nor reducing.
the groove faces of a weld groove.
Included Angle: The angle of the groove between the two work pieces NFPA: Abbreviation for “national fire protection association”. Fuel gas
Groove Weld: A weld in a weld groove on a work piece that are welded together. A non-standard term when used flame in which the portion used is neither oxidizing nor reducing.
surface, between work piece edges, between work piece
surfaces, or between work piece edges and surfaces.
for groove angle. L Nondestructive Examination (NDE): The act of determining
Inclusion: Entrapped foreign solid material in a weld, such as slag. the suitability of some material or component for its intended
Ground Clamp: A non-standard and incorrect purpose using techniques that do not affect its serviceability.
term for work piece connection. Incomplete Fusion: A weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur Land: A non-standard term for root face.
between weld metal and fusion faces or adjoining weld beads. Lap Joint: A joint between two overlapping members in parallel planes. Nozzle: A device at the exit end of the gun that
Ground Connection: An electrical connection of the directs the atomizing air or other gas.
welding machine frame to the earth for safety. Inert Gas: A gas that normally does not combine chemically Layer: A certain weld metal thickness made of one or more passes.
with materials (Argon and Helium are inert gases).
Ground Lead: A non-standard and incorrect term for work piece lead. Lens: (See Filter Lens)
Inside Corner Weld: Two metals fused together; one metal is held 90°
to the other. The fusion is performed inside the vertex of the angle. Liquefied Gas: A substance which is gaseous at ambient temperature
and atmospheric pressure but has been transformed into liquid
Intermediate Weld Pass: A single progression of welding along a joint by changing its temperature and/or pressure. If the critical
subsequent to the root pass(es) and prior to the cover pass(es). temperature for the substance is above the ambient temperature
Intermittent Weld: A weld which the continuity it can be liquefied by either lowering the temperature or increasing
is broken by recurring unwed spaces. the pressure. If it’s critical temperature is below ambient it cannot
be liquefied by applying pressure alone, it must also be cooled.

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Welding Welding
Dictionary Dictionary

Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y

O P partially define the position of guns, torches, rods and beams. two pieces of metal. However, the metal added during the process
has a melting point lower than that of the work piece, so only the
PWG Weld: A weld in a circular hole in one member of
added metal is melted, not the work piece. Soldering uses metals with
Open Circuit Voltage (OCV): The voltage between the output terminals Pass: (See weld pass) a joint fusing that member to another member.
a melting point below 800°f (427°c). The filler metal is distributed
of the power source when no current is flowing to the torch or gun. between the closely fitted surfaces of the joint capillary action.
Penetration: A non-standard term for joint penetration.
Open Root Joint: An unwelded joint without Solidus: The highest temperature at which a
Pilot Arc: A low current arc between the electrode and the
backing or consumable insert. metal or an alloy is completely solid.
constricting nozzle of the plasma arc torch to ionize the gas and R
Orifice: Opening through which gas flows. It is usually facilitate the start of the welding or plasma cutting arc. Spatter: The metal particles expelled during fusion
the final opening controlled by a valve. welding that do not form a part of the weld.
Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC): An arc cutting process that uses Reducing Flame: A flame having a reducing
OSHA: Abbreviation for “Occupational Safety and Health Administration”. a constricted arc and removes the molten metal with a high- effect due to excess fuel gas. Spot Weld: A weld made between or upon overlapping members
velocity jet of ionized gas issuing from the constricting orifice. in which coalescence may start and occur on the faying surfaces
Outside Corner Weld: Fusing two pieces of metal together with Reinforcement Weld: (See Weld Reinforcement)
the fusion taking place on the under part of the seam. Plug Weld: A weld made in a circular hole in one member or may proceed from the outer surface of one member.
of a joint fusing that member to another member. Reverse Flow Check Valves: Helps to prevent the reverse
Overhead Position: The position in which welding is flow of gases from traveling past the check valve. Firepower Spray Transfer, Gas Metal Arc Welding: Metal transfer
performed from the underside of the joint. Polarity: See direct current electrode negative recommends the use of these devices whenever possible. in which molten metal from a consumable electrode is
and direct current electrode positive. propelled axially across the arc in small droplets.
Overlap: The protrusion of weld metal beyond the weld toe or weld root. The Check Valve Retainer Seat Guide
Porosity: Cavity type discontinuities formed by Prevents the reverse flow of gases
Standard Cubic Feet Per Hour (SCFH): USC unit for volumetric
Oxidizing: Combining oxygen with any other substance. For flow rate of air or gas (same as free air or free gas) at a
gas entrapment during solidification. Gas Outlet
example, a metal is oxidized when the metal is burned, i.e., Flow Side temperature of 15,6°c (60°f) and an absolute pressure of
oxygen is combined with all the metal or parts of it. Porosity: Cavity Type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment 101,3 KPA (14,7 psi), expressed in cubic feet per hour.
during solidification or in a thermal spray deposit.
Oxidizing Flame: An Oxy-fuel gas flame having Stickout, Gas Metal Arc Welding And Gas: Shielded
an oxidizing effect due to excess oxygen. Postflow Time: The time interval from current shut off flux cored arc welding: the length of unmelted electrode
to either shielding gas or cooling water shut off. extending beyond the end of the gas nozzle.
Oxy-Acetylene Cutting: An Oxy-fuel gas flame having Disk assembly
seals tight against
Spring compresses under
normal flow, moving disk
an oxidizing effect due to excess oxygen. Postheating: The application of heat to an assembly seat in event of
reverse flow
assembly forward and
allowing gas flow Stickout, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding: The length of tungsten
after welding, cutting, or heating. electrode extending beyond the end of the gas nozzle.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding: An Oxy-fuel gas cutting process used to Root Bead: A weld bead that extends into or
burn metals by means of the reaction oxygen with the base metal as Pounds Per Square Inch (PSI): A measurement equal to a includes part or the entire joint root. Stinger: Term used for stick electrode holder.
elevated temperatures. The necessary temperature is maintained by mass or weight applied to one square inch of surface area.
gas flames resulting from the combustion of acetylene with oxygen. Root Of Weld: (See Weld Root) Strain: Reaction of an object to a stress.
Power Source: An apparatus for supplying current and voltage
Oxy-Fuel Cutting: The process used to sever metals by means of the suitable for welding, thermal cutting or thermal spraying. Rosebud: Term used for multi-flame heating nozzle. Stress: Load imposed on an object.
reaction of oxygen with the base metal at elevated temperatures. Stress Relieving: Even heating of a structure to a temperature
Precoating: Coating the base metal in the
The necessary temperature is maintained by gas flames resulting below the critical temperature followed by a slow, even cooling.
joint prior to soldering or brazing.
from the combustion of fuel with oxygen. An Oxy-fuel gas welding
process that produces fused metals by heating them with a gas Preflow Time: The time interval between start S
flame or flames obtained from the combustion of acetylene with of shielding gas flow and arc starting.
oxygen. The process may be used with or without the application
of pressure and with or without the use of a filler metal.
Preheat Temperature: The temperature of the base metal in Self-Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-S): A flux T
the volume surrounding the point of welding immediately before cored arc welding process variation in which shielding gas is
Oxy-Fuel Cutting Torch: A device used for directing the welding is started. In a multi-pass weld, it is also the temperature obtained exclusively from the flux within the electrode.
preheating flame produced by the controlled combustion of immediately before the second and subsequent passes are started. Tack Weld: A weld made to hold the parts of a weldment
fuel gases and to direct and control the cutting oxygen. Semi-Automatic Welding: Manual welding with equipment that in proper alignment until the final welds are made.
Preheating: The application of heat to the base automatically controls one or more of the welding conditions.
Oxygen: A gas formed of the element oxygen. When oxygen very metal immediately before welding or cutting. Tensile Strength: Maximum pull strength which
actively supports combustion it is called burning; when oxygen Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW): An arc welding process with an a specimen is capable of withstanding.
Propane: A fuel gas. A member of the paraffin family. arc between a covered electrode and the weld pool. The process is used
is slowly combined with a substance it is called oxidation. Throat Of A Fillet Weld: Distance from the weld root to the weld face.
A hydrocarbon molecule comprising three carbon with shielding from the decomposition of the electrode covering, without
Oxygen Cutting: A process of cutting ferrous metals by atoms and eight hydrogen atoms, C3H8. the application of pressure and with filler metal from the electrode. TIG Welding: A non-standard term for gas tungsten
means of the chemical action of oxygen on elements arc welding. It stands for tungsten inert gas.
Propylene: A fuel gas. A member of the olefin family. A Shielding Gas: Protective gas used to prevent or
in the base metal at elevated temperatures.
hydrocarbon molecule comprising three carbon atoms and six reduce atmospheric contamination. Tinning: A non-standard term for precoating.
Oxygen Cylinder: (See Gas Cylinder) hydrogen atoms, C3H6. Two of the carbon atoms form a double
covalent bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared. Short Circuiting Transfer, Gas Metal Arc Welding: Metal Tip: The end of the torch where the gas burns and creates a
Oxygen Hose: (See Hose) transfer in which molten metal from a consumable high temperature flame, it regulates and directs the flame.
Oxygen Hydrogen Flame: The chemical combining Puddle: A non-standard term for weld pool. electrode is deposited during repeated short circuits.
Toe Of Weld: (See Weld Toe) Joint formed by placing one
of oxygen with the fuel gas hydrogen. Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW-P): A gas metal arc Slag: A non-metallic product resulting from the mutual dissolution of metal against another at an angle of 90°. The edge of
Oxygen L.P. Gas Flame: Chemical combining of oxygen welding process variation in which the current is pulsed. flux and non-metallic impurities in some welding and brazing processes. one metal contacts the surface of the other metal.
with the fuel gas L.P. (liquefied petroleum). Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW-P): A gas tungsten Slag Inclusion: Non-metallic solid material entrapped in Torch: (See Cutting Torch or Welding Torch)
Oxygen Regulator: A device used to reduce cylinder pressure arc welding process variation in which the current is pulsed. the weld metal or between weld metal and base metal.
Tungsten Electrode: A non-filler metal electrode used in arc welding,
to torch pressure and to keep the pressure constant. Push Angle: The travel angle when the electrode is pointing in Soldering: A group of welding processes, soldering uses metal to join arc cutting, and plasma spraying, made principally of tungsten.
They are never to be used as fuel gas regulators. the direction of weld progression. This angle can also be used to

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Tungsten Inclusion: A discontinuity consisting lead of an arc welding circuit.

of tungsten entrapped in weld metal.
Welding Power Source: An apparatus for supplying
current and voltage suitable for welding.
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS): A document providing
U the required welding variables for a specific application to assure
repeatability by properly trained welders and welding operators.

Undercut: A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to Welding Rod: Filler metal in wire or rod form, used in gas welding
the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal. and brazing processes and in those arc welding processes
in which the electrode does not provide the filler metal.
Welding Sequence: The order of making welds in a weldment.
Welding Torch: A device used in gas cutting for controlling the gases
V used for preheating and the oxygen used for cutting the metal.
Welding Wire: Metal wire that is melted and added to the welding
Vertical Position: The position of welding in which puddle to produce the necessary increase in bead thickness.
the weld axis is approximately vertical.
Weldment: Assembly of component parts joined together by welding.
Whipping: A manual welding technique in which the arc or
flame is oscillated backwards and forwards in the direction
W of travel as it progresses along the weld path.
Wire Feed Speed: The rate at which wire is consumed in arc welding.
Weld Axis: A line through the length of the weld, perpendicular Wire Stick Out: The distance from the contact tip of a MIG
to and at the geometric center of its cross section. gun to end of the welding electrode protruding from it.
Weld Bead: A weld deposit resulting from a pass. Work Lead: A non-standard term for work piece lead.
Weld Face: The exposed surface of the weld on Workpiece: The part that is welded, brazed,
the side from which welding was done. soldered, thermal cut or thermal sprayed.
Weld Metal: Metal in a fusion weld consisting of that portion Workpiece Connection: The connection of the
of the base metal and filler metal melted during welding. work piece lead to the work piece.
Weld Pass: A single progression of welding or surfacing along a Workpiece Lead: The electrical conductor between the arc
joint or substrate. The result of a pass is a weld bead or layer. welding current source and work piece connection.
Weld Pool: The localized volume of molten metal as a
weld prior to its solidification as weld metal.
Weld Reinforcement: Weld metal in excess of
the quantity required to fill a joint. Y
Weld Root: The points, as shown in cross section, at which
the back of the weld intersects the base metal. Yield Strength: Stress at which a specimen assumes a permanent set.

Weld Toe: The junction of the weld face and the base metal.
Welding: A joining process that produces coalescence of
materials by heating them to the welding temperature, with
or without the application of pressure or by the application of
pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler metal.
Welding Arc: Controlled electrical discharge between the
electrode and the work piece that is formed and sustained by the
establishment of gaseous conductive medium, called arc plasma.
Welding Electrode: A component of the welding circuit
through which current is conducted and that terminates
at the arc, molten conductive slag, or base metal.
Welding Helmet: A device equipped with a filter plate designed
to be worn on the head to protect eyes, face, and neck from
arc radiation, radiated heat, spatter or other harmful matter
expelled during some welding and cutting processes.
Welding Leads: The work piece lead and electrode

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