Damaged Stability
Damaged Stability
Damaged Stability
Stakeholders involved in all the aspects of offshore business are aware that a latent risk exist,
intrinsically associated with the metocean behavior, and would like to understand the dimension of
the risk and how to control or minimize it.
This work presents a study, based on numerical simulation, in an offshore structure used as
production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico: semi-submersible platform. This will take us to
understand its behaviour on the operation site, besides of get to know the performance of the
platform under extreme conditions.
Designs of oil platforms are in constant evolution as a result of constant changes in market
requirements. This makes previous studies and rules almost obsolete and only applicable partially.
The new platforms have different dimensions and geometries compared to the past, the modes of
operation have also changed, due to the new demands in the market. Also, the loss of stability or
capsize is a complex physical phenomenon, which does not have a complete mathematical
description of all the cases that may occur in real operative conditions.
Due to mentioned above, it is of high priority to perform a recent global analysis of the performance
of the structure. The evaluation of global performance, for the offshore structure studied in this
work, is divided in two principal analyses. The first one is focused upon the stability of the
platform, which cover intact stability and damage stability. For the damage stability, an evaluation
is done of the structural damage to collisions or meteorological phenomena. The second analysis
focused on the hydrodynamic performance of the platforms motions, which was done taking into
account the environmental conditions of the site, such as wind and wave for operating conditions
and extreme sea states.
Chapter 1: Introduction
In recent years, following the fast growing of the construction and installation of semisubmersible
platforms, there has been a considerable growing interest in the evaluation of stability conditions
of this type of structures.
Huse and Nedrelid (1985) relate that the tragic disasters of two semisubmersible platforms, the
“Alexander L. Kielland” and the “Ocean Ranger” cost nearly 200 lives. These two accidents lead
to a strong focusing on stability and capsizing problems of floating offshore structures in many
countries that are involved in offshore activities. Since then, the frequency of worldwide accidents
has been significantly reduced, but capsizing of mobile platforms are still reported.
Despite accidents being reduced, the database of accidents of offshore structures, The Worldwide
Offshore Accidents Databank (WOAD), shows that the accidents of semisubmersible platforms
are the second most common accidents for offshore structures. This dataset shows that about 26%
of the semi-submersible offshore platform accidents occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and that this
sinister is due to damage to the structure provoked by environmental conditions. (C. Hickey, E.
Funnemark y M. Thomas, 2014)
The Gulf of Mexico is exposed to tropical storms (hurricanes) as well to winter storms and northers
winds, which causes big gusts of wind. In the case of tropical storms, the Gulf of Mexico has seen
an increase in the severity of the hurricanes being now common categories 4 and 5 (A. Fernández,
R. Romero and J. Zavala, 2016), which endanger the infrastructure for the oil and gas production
at sea. The semi-submersible platform must be sized to support permanent and variable
environmental actions over time, which may occur several times through their useful life; providing
safety and support to the oil production operations, equipment and facilities on their deck, and most
important giving safety to people in it.
- In first place, the design of oil platforms is in constant evolution as a result of constant
changes in marker requirements. This makes the previous concepts partially obsolete and
only applicable conditionally. The new platforms have different dimensions and geometries
compared to the past, the modes of operation have also changed, due to the new demands
in the market, which have an important influence in the platform design.
- In second place, the loss of stability or capsize is a complex physical phenomenon, which
does not have a complete mathematical description for all the cases that may occur in real
operative conditions. (T. Moan, 2005)
Additionally, the industry’s demand for the establishment of rules based on the risk and appropriate
regulations has been increased in recent years. Wide circles of professionals involved in all the
aspects of marine business are aware that a risk exist which is intrinsically associated with the
metocean behavior and would like to understand the dimension of the risk and how to control or
minimize it.
In the case of this work, research was based on recent metocean data and was analyzed the critical
condition of the operation of a semi-submersible platform (i.e. damage condition). Waves and wind
were considered, for different damage cases determined by the most common accidents that causes
damage to the structure, such as collisions (P. Glogowski et al., 2017).
There are two methods to evaluated the damage stability (PNA, 2008), by means of either lost
buoyancy and trimline added weight, with which the same result is obtained. To understand the
damage stability analysis of the platform, the trimline added method was used, which is the method
available in MAXSURF software. To review and verify the results, different relevant regulations
were used: Stability and Watertight Integrity from DNV (DNV.GL, 2017) and Mobil Offshore
Drilling Units from ABS (ABS, 2016).
1.1 Aim
The aim of the present work was to determine the critical operating conditions of a semisubmersible
platforms under damage conditions through specialized computational tools, like Maxsurf,
considering all the loads that could affect the stability of the structure, whether produced by the
same structure or by meteorological and oceanographic conditions.
1.2 Objectives
The objectives of the project were to:
2.1.1 Characteristics
Offshore drilling in water depth greater than around 520 meters requires that operations be carried
out from a floating vessel, since fixed structures are not practical. Initially in the early 1950s
monohull ships were used, but these were found to have significant heave, pitch and yaw motions
in large waves, and the industry needed more stable drilling platforms.
A semisubmersible obtains most of its buoyancy from ballasted, watertight pontoons located below
the ocean surface and wave action. Structural columns connect the pontoons and operating
deck. The operating deck can be located high above the sea level owing to the good stability of the
design, and therefore is kept well away from the waves.
With its hull structure submerged at a deep draft, the semi-submersible is less affected by wave
loadings than a normal ship. With a small water-plane area, however, the semi-submersible is
sensitive to load changes, and therefore must be carefully trimmed to maintain stability.
Semisubmersible platforms are able to transform from a deep to a shallow draft by deballasting
(removing ballast water from the hull), thereby becoming surface vessels. Usually they are moved
from location to location in this configuration.
2.1.2 Classification
Semisubmersible construction has historically occurred in boom periods and therefore batches of
this type of platforms have been built. Semisubmersible platforms have been classified in
generations, depending upon the year built and water depth capability.
2.2 Stability
The study of the stability of a floating device is a matter of great complexity that should be
considered as the design, operation and regulatory aspects at national and international level. In
addition, there are numerous factors that have an influence on stability as the design itself, the
effects caused by the load, the free surfaces in tanks, the waves, the wind or the density of the
Marine stability can be defined in simple terms as its characteristics or tendency to return to its
original state or upright state, when an external force is applied on or removed from the floating
A floating structure is at equilibrium when the weight of the ship acting down through centre of
gravity (G) is equal to the up thrust force of water (B) acting through centre of buoyancy and when
both of these forces are in same vertical line.
The greatest risk related to the stability of the platforms is the risk of capsizes, due to the disastrous
consequences that can be derived both from the safety level of personnel on board as well as from
economic consequences. Although there is extensive knowledge about stability, the risk of capsizes
and the impact of physical phenomena that can influence different situations confer stability and
enormous complexity to the study of stability.
Checking the damage stability of a semisubmersible has typically been specified as limited damage
to one or two flooded compartments. According to the NPD (Norwegian Petroleum Directorate)
this damage should be estimated by a risk analysis. The criterion was formally introduced for all
modes of failure of offshore structures in Norway in 1984 (NPD, 1984).
Depending inherently on the fault tolerance ensured by the initial design, the measures that have
to be implemented to improve the strength of an existing structure can be much more expensive
than those of a new structure. This fact commonly justifies more advanced analyzes of loads,
responses, resistances, as well as the use of reliability and risk analysis focused on the initial design
(Moan, 2005).
Theoretically the damaged stability is caused when the vertical position of G is higher than the
position of transverse metacenter (M). So, when the floating structure heels to an angle (say theta-
Ɵ), the center of buoyancy (B) now shifts to B1. But the righting lever is now negative, or in other
words, the moment created would result in creating further heel until a condition of stable
equilibrium is reached. If the condition of stable equilibrium is not reached by the time the deck is
not immersed, the structure is said to capsize.
Similar studies on the research focus of this work have been made, Vassalos et al. (1985) analysed
the intact and damage stability of a platform incorporating to the case of damage stability the effects
of waves and winds. They show that considering the effects of wind, waves, damage and
combinations thereof has revealed a number of interesting features which have so far been
overlooked in judging semisubmersible stability and that a considerable amount of research is still
needed about the stability of semi-submersible platforms.
Konovessis et al. (2013) took into consideration different damage cases, loading conditions and
damage extents, and their probability of occurrence and potential consequences. This work only
covers the theoretical part of the subjects mentioned above, there is not an analysis develop it in a
Hsu et al. (2015) investigated the dynamic motion on a semi-submersible platform considering
wind, wave and currents. It is worth mentioning that Hsu’s research was done with a 1:50 model
of the platform, which was tested under different scenarios, which helped them realize that by
doing tests combining wind, waves and current gave very similar responses when testing them
Jin Ma et al. (2017) analysed the wind and waves induced dynamic effects on a semi-submersible
platform, the main topic of Jin Ma et al. work is the structural response of which, one of the
conclusion makes it as of high relevance for the research focus on this work, since it speaks of the
relation that exists between the wind and the waves, conditions that will be used to carry out the
analysis of this work. This conclusion said that the combined relationship of wind and wave field
reveals the energy transferring relationship between them based on the physical mechanism of wind
generating wave. The relationship between wind and wave could be found that the significant wave
height increases with the wind speed regularly.
Chapter 3. Critical Review
Offshore platforms work in the complicated sea conditions, where vessels passing by may collide
to the platform due to navigational operation errors, and the vessels may be disturbed by winds,
waves or current when docking. As the deep water semisubmersible offshore platform work in
even worse sea conditions, the collision accidents are even harder to avoid. Collisions between
ships and marine structures often result in disastrous consequences such as structural damage,
casualties and cargo leakage.
Therefore, it is of great importance to improve the resistibility of structure, no matter what consider
economy, safety and protecting environment. The marine structures collision is a high energy
process with a powerful impact loading dynamic response and has obvious non-linear dynamic
properties. The column structure exposed to the waterline of a semisubmersible offshore platform
is the most vulnerable part during a ship collision process.
The literature review however has not provided a clear and a recent conclusion in this subject even
less with analysis made with environmental conditions of Gulf of Mexico.
This translates into the need to rethink the problem of the stability of the semisubmersible and the
rest of the work addresses this same issue, starting with the most fundamental concepts and
progressively involving the most complicated.
Chapter 4. Model
4.1 Software
For the development of this work was used the MAXSURF software, which includes tools for hull
modelling, stability, motions and resistance prediction, structural modelling, structural analysis,
and export to vessel detailing.
The selected semi-submersible platform is a unit with four columns of square section, supported
by ring shaped pontoons with a rectangular cross section. The principal dimensions are shown in
Table 4.2-1.
Table 4.2-1. Principal dimensions
DWT 58079 ton
Length 81.2 m
Beam 81.2 m
Depth 43.36 m
Draft 28.8 m
12.40 m
64.00 m
51.60 m
12.40 m
Vista en Planta
32.82 m
43.36 m
Nivel medio del agua
27.00 m
10.54 m
Vista Lateral
Figure 4.2-1. Plantform geometry and dimentions
The model used to perform the respective analyzes to determine the critical operating conditions
in damage conditions, is of a semisubmersible platform with a dimension of 81.2 meters of length
and beam, with a depth of 43.36 meters. We must remember that the semisubmersible platforms
remain positioned with anchors or dynamic positioning, they are used to drill in water depths
greater than 100 meters, for which they use submarine connections.
The configuration of the structure is shown in Figure 4.3-1, as well as the wind areas.
From the model already generated, the hydrostatic data can be calculated and thus obtain the shape
coefficients at the design draft of 28.8 m. The hydrostatic data and the shape coefficients are shown
in Tables 4.3-1 and 4.3-2.
4.4 Tanks
The compartments play a great role in the stability of a platform. Great care must be taken with the
dimensions and location of the tanks, accesses and other spaces that may be flooded, because, by
regulation, a vertical damage extension of 3 meters in a range of 8 meters, and in addition, all tanks
are considered flooded one by one if they are partially or totally below the water line.
For the platform of this document, the compartments were made in reference to existing hulls and
following the typical configuration of a semi-submersible platform.
Table 4.4-1 specifies the fluids that contain the tanks, as well as their density. The platform has
ballast tanks, diesel, fresh water, sea water and insurance, which were used in the program to
perform the stability analyzes.
Table 4.4-2 shows the characteristics of the tanks, as well as their content and density of the fluid
that contains.
Table 4.4-2. Tanks Characteristics
Fluid Fluid Fluid Center of Gravity Physical Dimensions
Tank Tank Fluid SG
Volume Capacity Capacity X Y Z Length /X/ Width /Y/ Height /Z/
Category Name m^3 Name kg mT m m m m m m
NPW_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 -15.6 29 5.8 15.6 4.49 10.54
Table 4.4-2. Tanks Characteristics
NPM_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 0 29 5.8 15.6 4.49 10.54
NPE_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 15.6 29 5.8 15.6 4.49 10.54
EPS_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 29 -15.6 5.8 4.49 15.6 10.54
Pontoon Ballast
EPM_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 29 0 5.8 4.49 15.6 10.54
EPN_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 29 15.6 5.8 4.49 15.6 10.54
SPW_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 -15.6 -29 5.8 15.6 4.49 10.54
SPM_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 0 -29 5.8 15.6 4.49 10.54
SPE_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 15.6 -29 5.8 15.6 4.49 10.54
WPS_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 -29 -15.6 5.8 4.49 15.6 10.54
WPM_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 -29 0 5.8 4.49 15.6 10.54
WPN_B 717 SeaWater 1.025 7.35E+05 734.9 -29 15.6 5.8 4.49 15.6 10.54
NE0_BNE 1461.5 SeaWater 1.025 1.50E+06 1498 34.7 34.7 4.8 11.17 11.17 10.54
SW0_BSW 1461.5 SeaWater 1.025 1.50E+06 1498 -34.7 -34.7 4.8 11.17 11.17 10.54
NE1_BNE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 36.8 36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NE1_BNW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 27.3 36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SE1_BNE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 36.8 -27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SE1_BSE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 36.8 -36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SE1_BSW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 27.3 -36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
Column Ballast
SE1_BNW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 27.3 -27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SW1_BNE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -27.3 -27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SW1_BSE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -27.3 -36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SW1_BSW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -36.8 -36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SW1_BNW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -36.8 -27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NW1_BNE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -27.3 36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NW1_BSE 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -27.3 27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NW1_BSW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -36.8 27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NW1_BNW 724 SeaWater 1.025 7.42E+05 742.1 -36.8 36.8 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NE2_BNE 640 SeaWater 1.025 6.56E+05 656 36.8 36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
SE2_BSE 640 SeaWater 1.025 6.56E+05 656 36.8 -36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NPW_FAW 690 FAW_OIL 0.88 6.07E+05 607.2 -15.6 31.7 5.3 15.6 8.06 5.58
NPM_FAD 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 0 31.7 5.3 15.6 8.06 5.58
NPE_FAW 690 FAW_OIL 0.88 6.07E+05 607.2 15.6 31.7 5.3 15.6 8.06 5.58
EPS_FAD 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 31.7 -15.6 5.3 8.06 15.6 5.58
Flow Assurance
EPM_FAD 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 31.7 0 5.3 8.06 15.6 5.58
EPN_FAW 690 FAW_OIL 0.88 6.07E+05 607.2 31.7 15.6 5.3 8.06 15.6 5.58
SPW_FAD 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 -15.6 -31.7 5.3 15.6 8.06 5.58
SPM_FAW 690 FAW_OIL 0.88 6.07E+05 607.2 0 -31.7 5.3 15.6 8.06 5.58
SPE_FAD 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 15.6 -31.7 5.3 15.6 8.06 5.58
WPS_FAD 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 -31.7 -15.6 5.3 8.06 15.6 5.58
WPM_FAS 690 FAD_OIL 0.87 6.00E+05 600.3 -31.7 0 5.3 8.06 15.6 5.58
WPN_FAW 690 FAW_OIL 0.88 6.07E+05 607.2 -31.7 15.6 5.3 8.06 15.6 5.58
Diesel SE2_DSW 640 Diesel 0.85 5.44E+05 544 27.3 -36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NE1_MSE 724 Methanol 0.79 5.72E+05 572 36.8 27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
NE1_MSW 724 Methanol 0.79 5.72E+05 572 27.3 27.3 16.54 7.9 7.9 12
SE2_PNE 213 FreshWater 1 2.13E+05 213 33.9 -26.3 27.84 3.4 5.2 10.6
Tanks listed below are NOT Fluid tanks. Their structural and equipment weights are included in the lightship weight. If they will be damaged, they will be filled with seawater
NE0_ESW 1180 NoContent 1.025 1.21E+06 1209.5 29 29 5.3 11.17 11.17 10.54
NE3_E 2515 NoContent 1.025 2.58E+06 2577.9 32 32 38.25 17.2 17.2 10.22
SE0_ENW 1180 NoContent 1.025 1.21E+06 1209.5 29 -29 5.3 11.17 11.17 10.54
SE0_ESE 1267.6 NoContent 1.025 1.30E+06 1299.3 34.7 -34.7 4.8 11.17 11.17 10.54
SE2_ENW 572 NoContent 1.025 5.86E+05 586.3 27.3 -27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
Tanks listed below are NOT Fluid tanks. Their structural and equipment weights are included in the lightship weight. If they will be damaged, they will be filled with seawater
NE0_ESW 1180 NoContent 1.025 1.21E+06 1209.5 29 29 5.3 11.17 11.17 10.54
NE3_E 2515 NoContent 1.025 2.58E+06 2577.9 32 32 38.25 17.2 17.2 10.22
SE0_ENW 1180 NoContent 1.025 1.21E+06 1209.5 29 -29 5.3 11.17 11.17 10.54
Equipment Spaces
SE0_ESE 1267.6 NoContent 1.025 1.30E+06 1299.3 34.7 -34.7 4.8 11.17 11.17 10.54
SE2_ENW 572 NoContent 1.025 5.86E+05 586.3 27.3 -27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
SE3_E 2515 NoContent 1.025 2.58E+06 2577.9 32 -32 38.25 17.2 17.2 10.22
SW0_ENE 1180 NoContent 1.025 1.21E+06 1209.5 -29 -29 5.3 11.17 11.17 10.54
SW3_E 2515 NoContent 1.025 2.58E+06 2577.9 -32 -32 38.25 17.2 17.2 10.22
NW0_ENW 1267.6 NoContent 1.025 1.30E+06 1299.3 -34.7 34.7 4.8 11.17 11.17 10.54
NW0_ESE 1180 NoContent 1.025 1.21E+06 1209.5 -29 29 5.3 11.17 11.17 10.54
NW2_ESE 572 NoContent 1.025 5.86E+05 586.3 -27.3 27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NW3_E 2515 NoContent 1.025 2.58E+06 2577.9 -32 32 38.25 17.2 17.2 10.22
NP_A 1618 NoContent 1.025 1.66E+06 1658.5 0 36.1 4.6 46.8 3.65 10.54
EP_A 1618 NoContent 1.025 1.66E+06 1658.5 36.1 0 4.6 3.65 46.8 10.54
Access Spaces
SP_A 1618 NoContent 1.025 1.66E+06 1658.5 0 -36.1 4.6 46.8 3.65 10.54
WP_A 1618 NoContent 1.025 1.66E+06 1658.5 -36.1 0 4.6 3.65 46.8 10.54
NEA_AC 1065.7 NoContent 1.025 1.09E+06 1092.3 32 32 24.8 6.8 6.8 37.18
SEA_AC 1065.7 NoContent 1.025 1.09E+06 1092.3 32 -32 24.8 6.8 6.8 37.18
SWA_AC 1065.7 NoContent 1.025 1.09E+06 1092.3 -32 -32 24.8 6.8 6.8 37.18
NWA_AC 1065.7 NoContent 1.025 1.09E+06 1092.3 -32 32 24.8 6.8 6.8 37.18
NE2_VNW 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 27.3 36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NE2_VSE 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 36.8 27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NE2_VSW 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 27.3 27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
SE2_VNE 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 38.1 -27.8 27.84 5.2 8.6 10.6
Void Spaces
SW2_VNE 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -27.3 -27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
SW2_VSE 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -27.3 -36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
SW2_VSW 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -36.8 -36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
SW2_VNW 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -36.8 -27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NW2_VNE 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -27.3 36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NW2_VSW 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -36.8 27.3 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
NW2_VNW 640 NoContent 1.025 6.56E+05 656 -36.8 36.8 27.84 7.9 7.9 10.6
Chapter 5. Applicable regulations
For the stability analysis of a semisubmersible platform, we must mainly follow the guidelines of
IMO Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.
IMO is the main organization that regulates the guidelines for semisubmersible platforms, so we
must satisfy its rules so that the platform can be operable. In addition, units of this type are
commonly classified, so DNV (Det Norske Veritas) is the classification house used in this work,
and must comply with the guidelines that this establishes.
- IMO “Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units”
- DNV-OS-C301 “Stability and Watertight Integrity”
- MSC.267(85) Adoption of the International code on Intact Stability
Chapter 6. Meteorological and Oceanographic
The most important meteorological and oceanic conditions for floating structures are: wind and
wave, which contribute to structural damage, operational disturbances or navigation failures.
• In the presence of wind, the topside of a floating structure behaves like a sail. By means of this
the wind provides a force to the structure that modifies its original trajectory. Excessive balances
are harmful to the internal system of the platform, produce breakages of fittings that are not
properly lashed, cause great fatigue to the crew, increases the risk of cargo shifting, limits
operations processing equipment and operation of the cranes.
The wind spectrum is used to define the variable wind speeds that cause dynamic loads on the
platform. Wind data measured in the field is necessary to develop an appropriate wind spectrum
for a specific site. The spectrum thus defined is used to calculate the fluctuating forces of wind.
• The wave or movement of the waves comes from the incidence of wind on the sea. The wind
blowing on the surface of the water sinks the mass on which it falls. Since the water is
incompressible, this results in other adjacent bodies of water rising above the horizontal. When the
gust of wind ceases, the high water tends to fall and the one that sank rises. Both masses of water
due to inertia exceed the horizontal and an oscillatory movement is initiated that would be damped
if the gusts do not continue.
Waves generated mainly by the wind are an important source of environmental forces acting on
offshore platforms. These waves are irregular in shape, can vary in height and length, and can
approach a platform from one or more directions simultaneously.
Extreme environmental considerations are those that produce the extreme response and which have
a low probability of being exceeded in the life of the structure.
Environmental phenomena are generally defined by physical variables of a statistical nature. The
statistical definition should take into account extreme conditions such as variations in long and
short terms. If a reliable database exists, the phenomena can be described by joint probabilities.
The environmental data for the design should represent the geographic areas where the structure
will be located, or where the operation will take place.
The intact and damaged stability requirements including the wind parameters are given by
classification houses such as DNV, and based on IMO (IMO, 1989). Next, the requirements related
to the design wind parameters are described to preserve their stability and structural integrity for a
semi-submersible platform.
The heeling moment curves produced by the wind will be plotted with respect to the wind forces
calculated according to the following formula:
F = 0.5 Cs Ch ρ V 2 A Equation 1
Wind forces shall be considered from any direction relative to the unit and the value of the wind
velocity. In general, a minimum wind velocity of 36 m/s (70 knots) for offshore service shall be
used for normal operating and transit conditions and a minimum wind velocity of 51.5 m/s (100
knots) shall be used for the severe storm conditions.
In calculating the wind heeling moments, the lever of the wind overturning force shall be taken
vertically from the centre of pressure of all surfaces exposed to the wind to the centre of lateral
resistance of the underwater body of the unit. The unit is assumed floating free of mooring restraint.
Table 6.2-2. Values of the coefficient ChTable 6.2-1. Values of the coefficient Cs
Figure 6.4-1. Gulf regions and areas of application.Table 6.2-2. Values of the coefficient Ch
The first-order wave forces acting on a structure can be calculated by the Morison Equation or by
the Diffraction Theory. To know when it is convenient to use one or the other, the relationship
between the dimension of the structural element and the wave length can be used in a simplified
manner. For the case in which the dimension of the structural element is less than one fifth of the
length of the wave, the Morison equation is used, otherwise the wave diffraction theory should be
For mathematical and application purposes, waves are often analyzed representing with a
sinusoidal function, but in reality, the waves are represented by irregular curves, which obey a
pattern, but do not have any sinusoidal function. That is usually the superposition of several
sinusoidal waves.
To calculate the wave spectrum according to the conditions and parameters such as peak periods,
the highest significant wave crest and frequency of wave encounters. Should follow the following
equation recommended by the International Towing Tank Conference to calculate the wave
spectrum for sea areas where there is no data available on the waves:
Equation 2
𝑩 = 691⁄𝑇14 .
Due to the need to have information on the reference metocean parameters to carry out the
hydrodynamic analysis, the data shown in the document “API 2INT-MET: Interim Guidance on
Hurricane Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico” and “Recommended Practice for Planning,
Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms-Working Stress Design” both of the
“American Petroleum Institute”.
Where meteocean conditions driven by hurricanes are provided for most areas of the Gulf of
Mexico north of 26 ° N, deep water (WO) greater than or equal to 10 m (33 feet) means a low water
level (MLLW). The conditions are presented for four approximate regions of different hurricane
climatologist, as shown in Figure 10. Regions have been selected based on trends in (1) population
size and intensity, (2) regional wind extremes and swell, (3) frequency of loop currents and swirls,
and (4) road storms take in the Gulf.
Regions are:
West, between 97.5 ° W and 95 ° W
Central West, between 94 ° W and 90.5 ° W
Central, between 89.5 ° W and 86.5 ° W
East, between 85.5 ° W and 82.5 °W
The data corresponding to the Central North area of the Gulf of Mexico, "Central" (89.5 ° W and
86.5 ° W), will be used for water depth greater than 100 m.
The metocean data for the Central North Zone of the Gulf of Mexico are shown in Table 6.4-1.
Table 6.4-1. Values of hurricane winds, waves, currents and tides of the Central North of the Gulf of Mexico.
Next, the data corresponding to the runs carried out for which the responses to the waves generated
by wind currents in the translation movements are analyzed: heave, sway and surge; and in the
oscillating movements: roll, pitch and yaw. See Table 6.4-2.
For the analysis, the Panel Method was used for the analysis of zero velocity. Since the platform is
in operation. For the wave spectrum, the Pierson Moskowitz model was used for waves generated
by wind.
The so-called Response Operator Amplitude (RAOs) or also known as transfer functions describe
the response of a component or structure subject to wave amplitude unit, in the frequency domain.
Obtaining it allows estimating the response of an element to waves of any height, based on the
assumptions of linearity of the structural system and the effects of the waves themselves. It also
allows the superposition of effects in the frequency domain, which computationally is a great
benefit. To calculate the RAOs, the starting point is to determine the response of the structural
system to the waves that represent the energy, in the frequency domain, of a sea state.
The MAXSURF MOTIONS program determines the RAOs for the six degrees of freedom, in the
center of gravity of the floating structure. This simulates the movement of the platform over an
initial heeling angle (in this project, the initial heeling angle is product of the wind load).
The resulting spectrum is known as the response spectrum, which will give us similar statistical
properties, when the correct factors are applied, to those obtained in the case of the wave spectrum.
It should be noted that the total energy and significant wave height will not change if the analysis
is made from a static point of the vessel, that is, at zero speed, as is our case, in other words, the
spectrum of encounter of the waves will be the same wave spectrum.
From the above, the response spectrum satisfies the following equation:
Equation 3
To perform the intact stability calculation, the operation condition was taken into account.
1. 100% of the draft whose distribution on deck and filling of tanks are shown in Tables 7.1-
1 and 7.1-2.
Remaining with 58079 tons of displacement, LCG = 0.001 m forward, TCG = 0.006 m to
starboard and VCG = 28.160 m for the condition at 100% of draft.
Once the simulation was performed in the Sorfware Maxsurf Stability Enterprise, the following
results shown in Table 7.1-3 were obtained, which will be used to determine if it meets the
conditions described in Appendix I.
According to the formula of the book Principles of Naval Architecture, VOL I, the heeling arm for
wind, H.A. it is determined with the following expression:
0.0195 V2 A = F
ℓ = the vertical distance from the center of the projected area submerged to the center of the
Once the pertinent operations have been carried out, the data obtained from wind heeling arms
After doing the analysis, the following results were obtained, which are shown in Table 7.3-1 with
heeling ranging from -180 ° to 180 ° in steps of 10 °.
Being the stability curve GZ generated by the data of the model and the heeling moment curve by
wind the shown in the Figure 7.3-1.
Figure 7.3-1. Righting arm and heeling arm curves for condition 1.
Figure 7.4-1. Damage tanks in portFigure 7.3-1. Righting arm and heeling arm curves for condition 1.
7.4 Result of the analysis of Damage Stability
For the analysis of condition 1 of damage stability, two tanks in port were damaged,
P_Port_out_set2 and P_Port_out _set3, which are shown in figure 7.4-1.
Once the simulation has been7.4-23. Stabilityinand
performed theWind curveStability
Maxsurf for damage.Figure 7.4-
Software, the results obtained are
1. Damage tanks in port
shown in the following Table 7.4-1.
Figure 7.5.1-1. Wave spectrum at 10kn windFigure 7.4-25. Stability and Wind curve for
7.5 Results of Hydrodynamic Analysis damage.
The Maxsurf Motion module is a program for diffraction analysis based on linear potential theory
or Airy theory. The code is able to solve the problem of diffraction - radiation in the first and second
order range. The forces associated with the solution of the equations up to first order, are those that
regularly represent the forces of greater magnitudes, while the solution until second order allows
to calculate the drift forces, which are relatively of smaller magnitude.
According to this theory the waves have the shape of a sinusoidal curve described in 2 dimensions
(horizontal axis x and vertical axis z) that propagates in a constant x direction. This theory considers
that the wave height is small compared to the wave length and the water depth.
Figure 7.5.1-2. Wave spectrum at 30kn windFigure 7.5.1-1. Wave spectrum at 10kn wind
In order to avoid resonance effects leading to large amplitude motions, the platforms are designed
to obtain their natural periods of motion far from the characteristic wave frequencies present at the
site of operation. Generally, semi-submersible platforms have natural motion periods in Surge,
Sway and Yaw longer than 100 s, greater than 20 s in the degrees of freedom of Heave, Roll and
Pitch for the semi-submersible platform, according with Faltisen (1990).
In Figure 7.5.2-1, 7.5.2-2 and 7.5.2-3 are shown the RAOs for heave, roll and pitch movements
generated at the center of gravity of the Semi-submersible.
Figure 7.5.2-3. Pitch RAO’s in CG in different wave incidence angles.Figure 7.5.2-2. Roll
RAO’s in CG in different wave incidence angles.
Figure 7.5.2-3. Pitch RAO’s in CG in different wave incidence angles.
In summary, it is important to highlight that the wind and the sea are the main modifying causes of
the equilibrium position of a floating structure.
According to the data obtained in the stability analysis it was obtained that the semi-submersible
platform are GM = 2.475 m and GZ = 50.9 deg, which satisfy the criteria established by the IMO
and the class clasification, in this case DNVGL, as shown in tables 17 and 18.
The hydrodynamic part should be noted that the semi-submersible platform has favorable natural
periods, meets with the established requirements to avoid coming into resonance with the wave
period of said site, according with Faltisen (1990).
This kind of platforms have not been installed yet in the Region of Mexico for deep waters, so this
work shows that the semi-submersible platform of this work has a highest performance in deep
waters of the Region of Mexico which has better behavior in both stability approach as
hydrodynamic for the environmental conditions in that region.
Future works could be focused in carry out a coupled analyzes of the platform in which the mooring
system is included to obtain more accurate results, as well, performing an analysis with irregular
waves, since it is well known that the waves in the ocean are irregular, they can vary in height and
length, and can approach a platform from one or several directions simultaneously, for which it
would be necessary to have access to a database with the meteorological and environmental
conditions of a return period of at least 100 years.
Appendini, CM, Torres-Freyermuth, A, Salles, P, Lopez-Gonzalez, J, and Mondoza, ET (2014)
Wave Climate and Trends for the Gulf of Mexico: A 30-Yr Wave Hindcast, Journal of Climate,
DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00206.1
Bruyère, CL, and Coauthors, (2017): Impact of Climate Change on Gulf of Mexico Hurricanes.
NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-535+STR, 165 pp, doi:10.5065/D6RN36J3
DNV-GL. (2017). Floating production, storage and loading. DNVGL-RU-OU-0102. Rules for
classification, offshore unit.
DNV-GL. (2017). Stability. DNVGL-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.15. Edition 2017. Rules for clasification
Eichelberger, S, McCaa, J, Nijssen, B, and Wood, A, (2008) Climate Change Effects on Wind
Speed, North American Wind Power, July 2008
Erikson, LH, Hefermiller, CE, Barnard, PL, and Storlazzi, CD (2018). Wave Projections for United
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International Maritime Organization (1989). Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile
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Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. (1988). Principles of Naval Architecture, VOL
I. Stability and Strength. New Jersey
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in the Gulf of Mexico. Washington, DC.
Appendix I
The area under the righting moment curve to the second intercept or downflooding angle,
whichever is less, shall be not less than 30% in excess of the area under the wind heeling moment
curve to the same limiting angle. As shown in Figure 20.
The righting moment curve shall be positive over the entire range of angles from upright to the
second intercept.
During severe weather conditions, the metacentric height, GM0 shall not be less than 0.3 m.
The calculation of damage stability, as its concept rightly says, is the ability of a vessel to stay
afloat after damaged to its structural integrity for example collision, damage caused internally or
due to weather phenomena. Such damages cause the leak of the liquid stored inside the damaged
tank or the water flooding the tanks, which ends in the loss of buoyancy and / or stability.
The unit shall have sufficient freeboard and be subdivided by means of watertight decks and
bulkheads to provide sufficient buoyancy and stability to withstand a wind heeling moment induced
by a wind velocity of 25.8 m/s (50 knots) superimposed from any direction in any operating or
transit condition, taking the following considerations in table 19 into account.
Conference Paper