Constitution of India, Law & Engineering: Assistant Professor Kiet School of Management
Constitution of India, Law & Engineering: Assistant Professor Kiet School of Management
Constitution of India, Law & Engineering: Assistant Professor Kiet School of Management
& Engineering
Evaluation Scheme
Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme End
Sl. No. Code Semester Total Credit
Constitution of India,
1. KNC601 Law & Engineering 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 75 0
1. To acquaint the students with legacies of constitutional
development in India and help them to understand the most
diversified legal document of India and philosophy behind it.
2. To make students aware of the theoretical and functional aspects
of the Indian Parliamentary System.
3. To channelize student’s thinking towards basic understanding of
the legal concepts and its implications for engineers.
4. To acquaint students with latest Intellectual Property Rights and
innovation environment with related regulatory framework.
5. To make students learn about role of engineering in business
organizations and e-governance.
Module 1 - Introduction and Basic Information about Indian
Constitution - Meaning of the Constitution law and
Constitutionalism, Historical Background of the Constituent
Assembly, Government of India Act of 1935 and Indian Independence
Act of 1947, Enforcement of the Constitution, Indian Constitution and
its Salient Features, The Preamble of the Constitution, Fundamental
Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy,
Parliamentary System, Federal System, Centre-State Relations,
Amendment of the Constitutional Powers and Procedure, The
historical perspectives of the constitutional amendments in India,
Emergency Provisions: National Emergency, President Rule, Financial
Emergency, and Local Self Government – Constitutional Scheme in
Module 2 - Union Executive and State Executive - Powers of Indian
Parliament Functions of Rajya Sabha, Functions of Lok Sabha, Powers
and Functions of the President, Comparison of powers of Indian President
with the United States, Powers and Functions of the Prime Minister,
Judiciary – The Independence of the Supreme Court, Appointment of
Judges, Judicial Review, Public Interest Litigation, Judicial Activism,
LokPal, Lok Ayukta, The Lokpal and LokAyuktas Act 2013, State
Executives – Powers and Functions of the Governor, Powers and
Functions of the Chief Minister, Functions of State Cabinet, Functions of
State Legislature, Functions of High Court and Subordinate Courts.
Module 3 - Introduction and Basic Information about Legal System - The
Legal System: Sources of Law and the Court Structure: Enacted law -Acts of
Parliament are of primary legislation, Common Law or Case law, Principles
taken from decisions of judges constitute binding legal rules. The Court System
in India and Foreign Courtiers (District Court, District Consumer Forum,
Tribunals, High Courts, Supreme Court). Arbitration: As an alternative to
resolving disputes in the normal courts, parties who are in dispute can agree that
this will instead be referred to arbitration. Contract law, Tort, Law at workplace.
Suggested Readings:
Brij Kishore Sharma: Introduction to the Indian Constitution, PHI, New Delhi, latest
Granville Austin: The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation. 1966, Oxford
Clarendon Press.
Subhash C. Kashyap: Our Constitution: An Introduction to India’s Constitution and
constitutional Law, NBT, 2018.
P.M. Bakshi: The Constitution of India, Latest Edition, Universal Law Publishing.
V.K. Ahuja: Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights (2007).
Constitutional Law
Constituent Assembly
What Is Constitution ?
leadership .
Committees of the Constituent Assembly
5. It elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the first President of India on January 24, 1950.
The Assembly met in sessions open to the public, for 166 days, spread
over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days before adopting the
Constitution. It was finally passed and accepted on November 26, 1949.
The 308 members of the Assembly signed two copies (Final) of the
document (one each in Hindi and English) on 24 January 1950.
Same day the Assembly unanimously elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the
President of India, which came into effect on January 26, 1950, known
and celebrated as the Republic Day of India.
✔ Government of India Act, 1935
✔ Indian Independence Act, 1947
Government of India Act, 1935
On August 1935, the Government of India passed longest act i.e. Government
of India Act 1935 under the British Act of Parliament. This act also included
the Government of Burma Act 1935. According to this act, India would
become a federation if 50% of Indian states decided to join it. They would
then have a large number of representatives in the two houses of the central
legislature. However, the provisions with regards to the federation were not
Features of the Act -
1. It provided for the establishment of an All-India Federation consisting of
provinces and princely states as units. The Act divided the powers between the
Centre and units in terms of three lists—Federal List (for Centre, with 59
items), Provincial List (for provinces, with 54 items) and the Concurrent List
(for both, with 36 items). Residuary powers were given to the Viceroy.
Government of India Act, 1935 contd……
2. It abolished dyarchy in the provinces and introduced ‘provincial
autonomy’ in its place. The provinces were allowed to act as
autonomous units of administration in their defined spheres.
3. It provided for the adoption of dyarchy at the Centre. Consequently,
the federal subjects were divided into reserved subjects and transferred
subjects. However, this provision of the Act did not come into operation
at all.
4. It introduced bicameralism in six out of eleven provinces. Thus, the
legislatures of Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Bihar, Assam and the United
Provinces were made bicameral consisting of a legislative council (upper
house) and a legislative assembly (lower house). However, many
restrictions were placed on them.
Government of India Act, 1935 contd……
5. It further extended the principle of communal representation by
providing separate electorates for depressed classes (scheduled castes),
women and labour (workers).
6. It abolished the Council of India, established by the Government of
India Act of 1858. The secretary of state for India was provided with a
team of advisors.
7. It extended franchise. About 10 percent of the total population got
the voting right.
8. It provided for the establishment of a Reserve Bank of India to
control the currency and credit of the country.
Government of India Act, 1935 contd……
9. It provided for the establishment of not only a Federal Public Service
Commission but also a Provincial Public Service Commission and Joint
Public Service Commission for two or more provinces.
10. It provided for the establishment of a Federal Court, which was set
up in 1937.
Hence, the act of 1935 served some useful purposes by the experiment
of provincial autonomy, thus we can say that the Government of India
Act 1935 marks a point of no return in the history of constitutional
development in India.
Indian Independence Act, 1947
The Indian Independence Act, 1947 received the royal assent and entered
into force on 18th July 1947. This Act put into action the Mountbatten Plan
for the independence and partition of India.
Indian Independence Act – Background
∙ The Indian Independence Act, 1947 was an act of the British Parliament
that partitioned India into two independent dominions of India and
∙ The legislation was drafted by the Labour government of Clement Attlee.
It was based on the Mountbatten Plan or the 3rd June Plan which was
formulated after the leaders of the Indian National Congress and the
Muslim League agreed to the recommendations of the Viceroy Lord
Indian Independence Act, 1947 contd…..
∙ Lord Mountbatten came to India with the specific task of seeing over the handing
over of the authority to Indians. But the INC and the League could not agree on
the question of partition.
∙ An initial plan proposed by Mountbatten known as the Dickie Bird Plan was
opposed by Nehru. According to this plan, the provinces were to be declared
independent and then allowed to join or not join the Constituent Assembly. Nehru
opposed this as it would, in his opinion, would lead to the country’s balkanisation.
∙ Then, Mountbatten came up with the last plan known as the 3 June Plan which
was accepted by all parties. The INC, which was opposed to any partition of the
country, finally accepted it as an unavoidable process.
∙ As per this plan, India would be partitioned into India and Pakistan. The
constitution framed by the Constituent Assembly would not be applicable to the
areas which would go into Pakistan. These provinces would then decide on a
separate constituent assembly.
Indian Independence Act, 1947 contd…..
∙ The Legislative Assemblies of Punjab and Bengal voted for the partition according
to which these provinces were to be divided between the two dominions along
religious lines.
∙ The assembly of Sind was given the choice to join the Indian Constituent
Assembly or not. It decided to join Pakistan. In the North Western Frontier
Province (NWFP) and Sylhet, a referendum was to be held which would decide
the country they were to join.
∙ The complete legislative authority would be given to the Constituent Assemblies
of the new countries.
∙ The Act decided to grant independence to India and Pakistan with effect from
15th August 1947.
Indian Independence Act, 1947 contd…..
∙ The new boundaries of the dominions would be demarcated by the Boundary
∙ British suzerainty over the princely states was to end. These states could decide to
join either India or Pakistan or remain independent. Over 560 states decided to
merge with India.
∙ The British emperor would cease to use the title ‘Emperor of India’.
∙ Until the new dominions’ constitutions would become effective, the heads of state
would be the respective Governor-Generals who would continue to assent laws
passed by the Constituent Assemblies in the name of the king.
∙ This Act received the royal assent on 18th July 1947 and entered into force.
∙ Pakistan became independent on 14th August and India on 15th August 1947.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was appointed Pakistan’s Governor-General and Lord
Mountbatten became India’s.
Mountbatten Plan
✔ On June 3, 1947, Lord Mountbatten put forward his plan which outlined the steps
for the solution of India’s political problem. The outlines of the plan discussed
✔ India to be divided into India and Pakistan.
✔ Bengal and Punjab will be partitioned and a referendum in NEFP (North-East
Frontier Province) and Sylhet district of Assam would be held.
✔ There would be a separate constituent assembly for Pakistan to frame its
✔ The Princely states would enjoy the liberty to join either India or Pakistan or ever
remain independent.
✔ August 15, 1947, was date fixed for handling over power to India and Pakistan.
✔ The British Government passed the Indian Independence Act of 1947 in July
1947, which contained the major provisions put forward by the Mountbatten plan.
✔ Enforcement of the Constitution
✔ Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Enforcement of the Constitution
✔ The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January, 1950. On that day, the Assembly
ceased to exist, transforming itself into the Provisional Parliament of India until a new
Parliament was constituted in 1952.
✔ The date of 26th January was chosen to commemorate the historical day as on this day in
1930 that Purna Swaraj day was celebrated and the tricolour flag of Indian independence
was unfurled following the resolution of the Lahore Session (December 1929) of the Indian
National Congress.
✔ The remaining provisions (the major part) of the Constitution came into
force on January 26, 1950. This day is referred to in the Constitution as the
‘date of its commencement’ and celebrated as the Republic Day.
✔ Withthe commencement of the Constitution, the Indian Independence Act
of 1947 and the Government of India Act of 1935, with all enactments
amending or supplementing the latter Act, were repealed.
Salient Features of the Constitution of India
The Constitution of India is a unique constitution. It is the largest written
democratic constitution of the world. It provides for a mixture of federalism and
Unitarianism, and flexibility and with rigidity. Since its inauguration on 26th
January 1950, the Constitution India has been successfully guiding the path and
progress of India.
1. Respect for the Constitution, the National Flag and the National Anthem.
5. Promote the common brotherhood of all the people of India and renounce any
practice derogatory to the dignity of women.
Fundamental Duties contd…
7. Project the natural environment and have compassion for living creatures.
11. Duty of the parents to send their children to schools for getting education.
✔ DPSP are ideals which are meant to be kept in mind by the state when it formulates policies and
enacts laws. They are Non-justiciable i.e. DPSPs are ideals which are not legally enforceable by
the courts for their violation.
✔ These principles emphasise that the State shall try to promote welfare of people by providing
them basic facilities like shelter, food and clothing.
✔ The Constitution declares that these principles are fundamental in the governance of the country
and it shall be the duly of the state to apply these principles in making laws. Hence, they impose
a moral obligation on the state authorities for their implementation.
Directive Principles of State Policy contd…..
✔ Parliamentary System.
Parliamentary System
✔ India has a parliamentary system of government.
✔ The Indian Parliament is a bicameral legislature consisting of two houses
– the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.
✔ The members of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) are directly elected
by the people through the voting process.
✔ The members of the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) are elected by the
members of the state’s legislative assemblies.
✔ The Parliament consists of the two Houses and the President of India.
Functions of the Parliament
Legislative Functions -
∙ The Parliament legislates on all matters mentioned in the Union List and the Concurrent List.
∙ In the case of the Concurrent List, where the State Legislatures and the Parliament have joint jurisdiction, the union law will prevail over the
states unless the state law had received the earlier presidential assent. However, the Parliament can any time, enact a law adding to,
amending, varying or repealing a law made by a state legislature.
∙ The Parliament can also pass laws on items in the State List under the following circumstances:
In the parliamentary form of government, the executive is responsible to the legislature. Hence, the
Parliament exercises control over the executive by several measures.
∙ By a vote of no-confidence, the Parliament can remove the Cabinet (executive) out of power.
It can reject a budget proposal or any other bill brought by the Cabinet. A motion of no-
confidence is passed to remove a government from office.
∙ The MPs (Members of Parliament) can ask questions to the ministers on their ommissions and
commissions. Any lapses on the part of the government can be exposed in the Parliament.
∙ Adjournment Motion - Allowed only in the Lok Sabha, the chief objective of the adjournment motion is
to draw the attention of the Parliament to any recent issue of urgent public interest. It is considered an
extraordinary tool in Parliament as the normal business is affected.
∙ The Parliament appoints a Committee on Ministerial Assurances that sees whether the promises made by
the ministers to the Parliament are fulfilled or not.
∙ Censure Motion - A censure motion is moved by the opposition party members in the House to strongly
disapprove any policy of the government. It can be moved only in the Lok Sabha. Immediately after a
censure motion is passed, the government has to seek the confidence of the House. Unlike in the case of the
no-confidence motion, the Council of Ministers need not resign if the censure motion is passed.
∙ Cut Motion - A cut motion is used to oppose any demand in the financial bill brought by the government.
Financial Functions
Parliament is the ultimate authority when it comes to finances. The Executive cannot spend a single pie without
parliamentary approval.
∙ The Union Budget prepared by the Cabinet is submitted for approval by the Parliament. All proposals to
impose taxes should also be approved by the Parliament.
∙ There are two standing committees (Public Accounts Committee and Estimates Committee) of the Parliament
to keep a check on how the executive spends the money granted to it by the legislature.
∙ Amending Powers - The Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution of India. Both Houses of the
Parliament have equal powers as far as amending the Constitution is concerned. Amendments will have to be
passed in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha for them to be effective.
Electoral Functions
The Parliament takes part in the election of the President and the Vice President. The electoral college that elects
the President comprises of the elected members of both Houses. The President can be removed by a resolution
passed by the Rajya Sabha agreed to by the Lok Sabha.
Judicial Functions
In case of breach of privilege by members of the House, the Parliament has punitive powers to punish them. A
breach of privilege is when there is an infringement of any of the privileges enjoyed by the MPs.
∙ A privilege motion is moved by a member when he feels that a minister or any member has committed a
breach of privilege of the House or one or more of its members by withholding facts of a case or by giving
wrong or distorted facts.
∙ Other judicial functions of the Parliament include the power to impeach the President, the Vice President, the
judges of the Supreme Court, High Courts, Auditor-General etc.
Other powers/functions of the Parliament
∙ Issues of national and international importance are discussed in the Parliament. The opposition plays an
important role in this regard and ensures that the country is aware of alternate viewpoints.
∙ In a democracy, the Parliament plays the vital function of deliberating matters of importance before laws or
resolutions are passed.
∙ The Parliament has the power to alter, decrease or increase the boundaries of states/UTs.
∙ The Parliament also functions as an organ of information. The ministers are bound to provide information in
the Houses when demanded by the members.
✔ Federal System
✔ Unitary System
Federal System
Federalism is a system of government in which powers have been divided between the centre and its
constituent parts such as states or provinces. It is an institutional mechanism to accommodate two sets of
politics, one at the centre or national level and second at the regional or provincial level.
1. Holding Together Federation – Powers are shared between various constituent parts to accommodate
the diversity in the whole entity. Here, powers are generally tilted towards the central authority.
Example: India, Spain, Belgium.
2. Coming Together Federation – Independent states come together to form a larger unit. Here, states
enjoy more autonomy as compared to the holding together kind of federation. Example: USA,
Australia, Switzerland.
Federalism in India
✔ India is a federal system but with more tilt towards a unitary system of government. It
is sometimes considered a Quasi-federal system as it has features of both a federal and
a unitary system. Article 1 of the Indian Constitution states, India, that is Bharat, shall
be a Union of States. The word federation is not mentioned in the constitution.
✔ Elements of federalism were introduced into modern India by the Government of India
Act, 1919 which separated powers between the centre and the provincial legislatures.
Federal Features of the Indian Union
∙ Governments at two levels – Centre and States.
∙ Division of powers between the centre and states – there are three lists given in the Seventh
Schedule of the Constitution which gives the subjects each level has jurisdiction in:
o Union List
o State List
o Concurrent List
∙ Supremacy of the Constitution – The basic structure of the Constitution is indestructible as laid
out by the judiciary. The constitution is the supreme law in India.
∙ Independent judiciary – The Constitution provides for an independent and integrated judiciary.
The lower and district courts are at the bottom levels, the high courts are at the state levels and at
the topmost position is the Supreme Court of India. All courts are subordinate to the Supreme
Unitary Features of the Indian Union
∙ The flexibility of the constitution – The Constitution is a blend of flexibility and rigidity. Certain provisions of the
constitution can be easily amended. In case the amendments seek to change aspects of federalism in India, the
provision to bring about such amendments is not easy.
∙ More power vests with the Centre – The Constitution guarantees more powers with the Union List. On the
Concurrent List, the parliament can make laws that can override the laws made by a state legislature on some matters.
The parliament can also make laws regarding certain subjects in the State List.
∙ Unequal representation of states in the Rajya Sabha – The representation of the states in the upper house is based
on the state’s populations. For example, Uttar Pradesh has 31 seats and Goa, 1 in the Rajya Sabha.
∙ The executive is a part of the legislature – The executive in both the centre and the states is a part of the legislature.
∙ Lok Sabha is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha – The Lok Sabha is more powerful than the upper house and
unequal powers to two houses is against the principle of federalism.
∙ Emergency powers – The centre is provided with emergency powers. When an emergency is imposed, the
centre has increased control over states.
∙ Integrated judiciary – The judiciary in India is integrated. There is no separate judiciary at the centre and the
state levels.
∙ Single citizenship – Only single Citizenship is available to citizens. They cannot be citizens of the state as
well. This helps in increasing the feeling of nationality as it forges unity amidst regional and cultural
∙ Governor’s appointment – The Governor of a state acts as the centre’s representative in the state. The state
government does not appoint the governor, the centre does.
∙ New states formation – The parliament has the power to alter the territory of a state by increasing or reducing
the area of the state. It can also change the name of a state.
∙ All India Services – Through the All India Services such as the IAS, IPS, IRS, etc. the centre interferes in the
executive powers of the states. These services also offer uniformity in administration throughout the nation.
∙ Integrated election machinery – The Election Commission of India is responsible for conducting free and
fair elections at both the centre and the state levels in India. The members of the EC are appointed by the
∙ Veto over states bills – The governor of a state can reserves certain kinds of bills for the president’s
consideration. The president enjoys absolute veto on these bills. He can even reject the bill at the second
instance that is, when the bill is sent after reconsideration by the state legislature. This provision is a
departure from the principles of federalism.
∙ Integrated audit machinery – The president of the country appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General
(CAG) who audits accounts of both the centre and the states.
∙ Power to remove key officials – The state government or state legislature does not have the authority to
remove certain key government officials even at the state level like the election commissioner of a state,
judges of the high courts, or the chairman of the state public service commissions.
✔ A state of emergency refers to a period of governance that can be proclaimed by
the President of India during certain crisis situations.
✔ The emergency provisions are contained in Part XVIII of the Constitution of India,
from Article 352 to 360. These provisions enable the Central government to meet any
abnormal situation effectively.
✔ The rationality behind the incorporation is to safeguard the sovereignty, unity, integrity and
security of the country, the democratic political system and the Constitution.
✔ The Constitution stipulates three types of emergencies-
1. National Emergency
2. Constitutional Emergency (President’s Rule)
3. Financial Emergency
▪ National emergency can be declared on the basis of war, external aggression or armed rebellion.
▪ Grounds of declaration:
✔ Under Article 352, the president can declare a national emergency when the security of India or a
part of it is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion.
✔ The President can declare a national emergency even before the actual occurrence of war or
armed rebellion or external aggression
✔ When a national emergency is declared on the grounds of ‘war’ or ‘external aggression’, it is
known as ‘External Emergency’. When it is declared on the grounds of ‘armed rebellion’, it is
known as ‘Internal Emergency’.
∙ This term ‘armed rebellion’ is inserted from the 44th amendment. Before this term it was known
as internal disturbance.
Parliamentary approval and duration
o The proclamation of emergency must be approved by both the houses of parliament within one
month from the date of its issue.
o If the proclamation of emergency is issued at a time when the Lok Sabha has been dissolved
then the proclamation survives until 30 days from the first sitting of Lok Sabha after its
reconstitution, provided the Rajya Sabha has in the meantime approved it.
o If approved by both the houses, the Emergency continues for 6 months and can be extended to
an indefinite period with an approval of the Parliament for every six months.
Revocation of proclamation
o A proclamation of Emergency may be revoked by the President at any time by a subsequent
proclamation. Such a proclamation does not require parliamentary approval.
o The emergency must be revoked if the Lok Sabha passes a resolution by a simple majority
disapproving its continuation.
Effects of National Emergency - 3 categories:
(1) Effects on the Centre-State Relations - While a proclamation of Emergency is in force, the normal
fabric of the Centre-State relations undergoes a basic change.
∙ Executive - Centre becomes entitled to give executive directions to a state on ‘any’ matter.
∙ Legislative - The Parliament becomes empowered to make laws on any subject mentioned in the
state list, the President can issue ordinances on State subjects also, if the parliament is not in
∙ Financial - The President can modify the constitutional distribution of revenues between the centre
and the states.
(2) Effect on the life of the Lok Sabha and State Assembly -
∙ While a proclamation of National Emergency is in operation, the life of the Lok Sabha may be
extended beyond the normal term for one year at a time. Similarly, the Parliament may extend the
normal tenure of a State Legislative Assembly by one year each time during a national emergency.
(3) Effect on Fundamental Rights: Articles 358 and 359 describes the effect of a National Emergency
on the Fundamental Rights. These two provisions are explained below:
∙ Suspension of Fundamental Rights under Article 19: According to Article 358, when a
proclamation of National Emergency is made, the six fundamental rights under article 19 are
automatically suspended. Article 19 is automatically revived after the expiry of the emergency.
∙ The 44th Amendment Act laid out that Article 19 can only be suspended when the National
Emergency is laid on the grounds of war or external aggression and not in the case of armed
∙ Suspension of other Fundamental Rights: Under Article 359, the President is authorised to
suspend the right to move any court for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights during a National
Emergency. Thus, remedial measures are suspended and not the Fundamental Rights.
▪ Declarations made so far: National emergency has been proclaimed three times - in
1962 (Chinese aggression), 1971 (Attack by Pakistan) and 1975 (By Indira Gandhi).
(B) President’s Rule
▪ Article 355 imposes a duty on the centre to ensure that the government of every State is carried on in
accordance with the provisions of the constitution. It is this duty in the performance of which the centre takes
over the government of a state under Article 356 in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a state. This is
Grounds of imposition - The President’s rule can be proclaimed under Article 356.
o Article 356 empowers the President to issue a proclamation if he is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which
the government of a State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.
Parliamentary approval and duration - A proclamation imposing President’s rule must be approved by both the
houses of parliament within two months from the date of its issue. However, if the proclamation of President’s
rule is issued at a time when the Lok Sabha has been dissolved without approving the proclamation, then the
proclamation survives until 30 days from the first sitting of the Lok Sabha after its reconstitution, provided that
Scope of Judicial Review - The 38th Amendment act of 1975 made the
satisfaction of the President in invoking Article 356 final and conclusive which
would not be challenged in any court on any ground. But this provision was
subsequently deleted by the 44th Amendment Act of 1978 implying that the
satisfaction of the President is not beyond judicial review.
(C) Financial Emergency
▪ Grounds of declaration - Article 360 empowers the President to proclaim a Financial Emergency
if he is satisfied that a situation has arisen due to which the financial stability or credit of India or
any part of its territory is threatened.
▪ Parliamentary approval and duration: A proclamation declaring financial emergency must be
approved by both the Houses of Parliament within two months from the date of its issue.
o However, if the proclamation of Financial Emergency is issued at a time when the Lok Sabha has
been dissolved without approving the proclamation, then the proclamation survives until 30 days
from the first sitting of the Lok Sabha after its reconstitution, provided the Rajya Sabha has in the
meantime approved it.
∙ Once approved by both the houses of Parliament, the Financial Emergency continues indefinitely
till it is revoked.
Effects of Financial Emergency
▪ Extension of the executive authority of the Union over the financial matters of the
▪ Reduction of salaries and allowances of all or any class of persons serving in the
▪ Reservation of all money bills or other financial bills for the consideration of the
President after they are passed by the legislature of the State.
▪ Direction from the President for the reduction of salaries and allowances of all or
any class of persons serving the Union; and the judges of the Supreme Court and the
High Courts.
Criticism of the Emergency Provision
▪ Some members of the Constituent Assembly criticised the incorporation of emergency
provisions in the constitution on the following grounds:
o The federal character of the constitution will be destroyed and the union will become
o The powers of the State- both the Union and the Units - will entirely be concentrated in
the hands of the union executive.
o The President will become a dictator.
o The financial autonomy of the state will be nullified.
o Fundamental rights will become meaningless.