SGD7S 200V COAT DeviceNet PM EN SIEPS800001 70H 7 2 PDF
SGD7S 200V COAT DeviceNet PM EN SIEPS800001 70H 7 2 PDF
SGD7S 200V COAT DeviceNet PM EN SIEPS800001 70H 7 2 PDF
Command Option Attachable Type
with DeviceNet Module
Product Manual
Option Module Model: SGDV-OCA04A, -OCA05A
Basic Information 1
Selecting a SERVOPACK 2
Installation 3
Wiring and Connections 4
Basic Functions That Require
Setting before Operation 5
Application Functions 6
Trial Operation and
Actual Operation 7
Tuning 8
Monitoring 9
Fully-Closed Loop Control 10
Safety Functions 11
DeviceNet Functions 12
DeviceNet Communications 13
Maintenance 14
Parameter Lists 15
Appendices 16
Outline of Manual
The contents of the chapters of this manual are described in the following table.
Refer to these chapters as required.
Chapter Chapter Title Contents
Provides basic information, including an introduction to the DeviceNet
1 Basic Information
Modules, the names of parts, and combinations with Servomotors.
Provides information required to select SERVOPACKs, such as specifi-
2 Selecting a SERVOPACK cations, block diagrams, dimensional drawings, and connection exam-
Provides information on installing SERVOPACKs and DeviceNet Mod-
3 Installation
ules in the required locations.
Provides information on wiring and connecting SERVOPACKs and
4 Wiring and Connections
DeviceNet Modules to power supplies and peripheral devices.
Basic Functions That Require Set- Describes the basic functions that must be set before you start servo
ting before Operation system operation. It also describes the setting methods.
Describes the application functions that you can set before you start
6 Application Functions
servo system operation. It also describes the setting methods.
Trial Operation and Actual Opera- Provides information on the flow and procedures for trial operation and
tion convenient functions to use during trial operation.
Provides information on the flow of tuning, details on tuning functions,
8 Tuning
and related operating procedures.
Provides information on monitoring SERVOPACK product information
9 Monitoring
and SERVOPACK status.
Provides detailed information on performing fully-closed loop control
10 Fully-Closed Loop Control
with the SERVOPACK.
Provides detailed information on the safety functions of the SERVO-
11 Safety Functions
12 DeviceNet Functions Provides details on settings required to use the DeviceNet functions.
13 DeviceNet Communications Provides details on DeviceNet communications.
Provides information on the meaning of, causes of, and corrections for
14 Maintenance
alarms and warnings.
15 Parameter Lists Provides information on the parameters.
16 Appendices Provides corresponding SERVOPACK and SigmaWin+ function names.
Related Documents
The relationships between the documents that are related to the Servo Drives are shown in the following
figure. The numbers in the figure correspond to the numbers in the table on the following pages. Refer
to these documents as required.
System Components
Machine Controllers Servo Drives
Controller MP3300 Σ-7-Series
Servo Drive Catalog Catalog
Machine Controllers
SERVOPACKs with Built-in Controllers: Σ-7C
Built-in Option
Function Module
Manuals Manuals
Enclosed Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series Option
Documents Σ-7S/Σ-7W Σ-7S/Σ-7W Σ-7S/Σ-7W Module
Product Hardware Option FT/EX User’s
Manuals Manual
Enclosed Σ-7-Series
Documents Servomotor
Other Documents
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Describes the features and
Machine Controller and application examples for combi-
Machine Controller and
AC Servo Drive KAEP S800001 22 nations of MP3000-Series
Servo Drive
Solutions Catalog Machine Controllers and Σ-7-
General Catalog
Series AC Servo Drives.
Provides detailed information on
Machine Controller MP3300 Machine Controllers,
KAEP C880725 03
MP3300 Catalog MP3300 including features and specifica-
Provides detailed information on
AC Servo Drives Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drives,
KAEP S800001 23
Σ-7-Series Catalog Σ-7 Series including features and specifica-
Provides detailed information on
the specifications, system con-
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
figuration, and application meth-
SIEP S800002 03 ods of the Motion Control
Motion Control
Function Modules (SVD, SVC4,
User’s Manual
and SVR4) for Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
Built-in Function Manuals Provides detailed information on
the specifications, system con-
Machine Controller figuration, and communications
MP3000 Series connection methods for the
SIEP C880725 12
Communications Ethernet communications that
User’s Manual are used with MP3000-Series
Machine Controllers and Σ-7-
Machine Controller
MP2000 Series
SIEP C880700 04
Communication Module
User’s Manual
Provide detailed information on
Machine Controller
the specifications and commu-
MP2000 Series
nications methods for the Com-
262IF-01 FL-net SIEP C880700 36
munications Modules that can
Communication Module
be mounted to MP3000-Series
User’s Manual
Machine Controllers and Σ-7-
Machine Controller Series Σ-7C SERVOPACKs.
MP2000 Series
263IF-01 EtherNet/IP SIEP C880700 39
Communication Module
Option Module User’s Manual
User’s Manuals Machine Controller
MP2000 Series
SIEP C880700 34
I/O Module
User’s Manual Provide detailed information on
Machine Controller the specifications and commu-
MP2000 Series nications methods for the I/O
Analog Input/Analog Output Mod- SIEP C880700 26 Modules that can be mounted
ule AI-01/AO-01 to MP3000-Series Machine
User’s Manual Controllers and Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
Machine Controller SERVOPACKs.
MP2000 Series
SIEP C880700 27
Counter Module CNTR-01
User’s Manual
Continued on next page.
Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Provides detailed information for
Σ-7S, Σ-7W, and Σ-7C
TOMP C710828 00 the safe usage of Σ-7-Series
Safety Precautions
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed information for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 00 the safe usage of Option Mod-
Safety Precautions ules.
Option Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 01 installing the Command Option
Installation Guide Module in a SERVOPACK.
Command Option Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 03 installing the Fully-closed Mod-
Enclosed Documents Installation Guide ule in a SERVOPACK.
Fully-closed Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 06 installing the Safety Module in a
Installation Guide SERVOPACK.
Safety Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 02 installing the INDEXER Module
Installation Guide in a SERVOPACK.
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 07 installing the DeviceNet Module
Installation Guide in a SERVOPACK.
DeviceNet Module
Provides detailed information on
selecting Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
SERVOPACKs; installing, con-
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Σ-7-Series necting, setting, testing in trial
Σ-7C SERVOPACK operation, and tuning Servo
Product Manual
Product Manual Drives; writing, monitoring, and
maintaining programs; and other
Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed troubleshoot-
Σ-7C SERVOPACK Σ-7C SERVOPACK SIEP S800002 07 ing information for Σ-7-Series Σ-
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Manual 7C SERVOPACKs.
Continued on next page.
Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual Provide detailed information on
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive selecting Σ-7-Series Σ-7S and
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S SERVOPACK with Σ-7W SERVOPACKs; installing,
Σ-7S/Σ-7W Analog Voltage/Pulse Train SIEP S800001 26 connecting, setting, testing in
SERVOPACK References trial operation, tuning, monitor-
Product Manuals Product Manual ing, and maintaining Servo
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Drives; and other information.
Command Option Attachable SIEP S800001 64
Type with INDEXER Module
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
This manual
Command Option Attachable
(SIEP S800001 70)
Type with DeviceNet Module
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Hardware Option Specifications SIEP S800001 73
Σ-7-Series Dynamic Brake
Σ-7S/Σ-7W Product Manual Provide detailed information on
SERVOPACK with Hardware Options for Σ-7-
Hardware Option Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Series SERVOPACKs.
Specifications Σ-7W/Σ-7C SERVOPACK with
Product Manuals Hardware Option Specifications SIEP S800001 72
HWBB Function
Product Manual
Continued on next page.
Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification for Indexing SIEP S800001 84
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification for Tracking SIEP S800001 89
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800001 91
for Application with Special Motor,
SGM7D Motor
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800001 94
for Press and injection
Molding Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800001 95
for Transfer and
Alignment Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series Provide detailed information on
Σ-7S/Σ-7W SERVOPACK Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive the FT/EX Option for Σ-7-Series
Product Manuals FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800002 09
for Torque/Force Assistance
for Conveyance Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800002 10
for Cutting Application
Feed Shaft Motor
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800002 17
for Three-Point Latching
for Conveyance Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
for Semi-/Fully-Closed Loop SIEP S800002 27
Control Online Switching
for Conveyance Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification SIEP S800002 29
for Gantry Applications
Product Manual
Continued on next page.
Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
AC Servo Drives
Σ-V Series/Σ-V Series Provides detailed information
for Large-Capacity Models/ required for the design and
Option Module SIEP C720829 06
Σ-7 Series maintenance of a Safety Mod-
User’s Manual User’s Manual ule.
Safety Module
Provides detailed information for
AC Servo Drive
the safe usage of Rotary Servo-
Rotary Servomotor TOBP C230260 00
motors and Direct Drive Servo-
Safety Precautions
Enclosed Documents
AC Servomotor Provides detailed information for
Linear Σ Series TOBP C230800 00 the safe usage of Linear Servo-
Safety Precautions motors.
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Rotary Servomotor SIEP S800001 36
Product Manual
Provide detailed information on
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Σ-7-Series Linear Servomotor SIEP S800001 37
selecting, installing, and con-
Servomotor necting the Σ-7-Series Servo-
Product Manual
Product Manuals motors.
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Direct Drive Servomotor SIEP S800001 38
Product Manual
Provides the following informa-
tion in detail for Σ-7-Series
Servo Systems.
• Cables: Models, dimensions,
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive wiring materials, connector
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device SIEP S800001 32 models, and connection spec-
Peripheral Device Selection Manual ifications
Selection Manual • Peripheral devices: Models,
specifications, diagrams, and
selection (calculation) meth-
Provides detailed information on
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
SIEP S800001 30 nications commands that are
used for a Σ-7-Series Servo
Command Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed information on
MECHATROLINK Communications SIEP S800001 31 munications standard servo pro-
Communications Standard Servo Profile file commands that are used for
Command Manuals Command Manual a Σ-7-Series Servo System.
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed information on
Communications SIEP S800002 32 nications standard servo profile
Standard Servo Profile commands that are used for a
Command Manual Σ-7- Series Servo System.
Provides detailed information on
Machine Controller the ladder programming specifi-
MP3000 Series cations and instructions for
SIEP C880725 13
Ladder Programming MP3000-Series Machine Con-
Manual trollers and Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
Programming Provides detailed information on
Manuals the motion programming and
Machine Controller
sequence programming specifi-
MP3000 Series
SIEP C880725 14 cations and instructions for
Motion Programming
MP3000-Series Machine Con-
trollers and Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
Continued on next page.
Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Machine Controller
MP2000/MP3000 Series
Describes in detail how to oper-
Engineering Tool SIEP C880761 03
ate MPE720 version 7.
MPE720 Version 7
User’s Manual
Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Describes the operating proce-
Operation Interface Digital Operator SIEP S800001 33 dures for a Digital Operator for a
Operating Manuals Operating Manual Σ-7-Series Servo System.
AC Servo Drive Provides detailed operating pro-
Engineering Tool cedures for the SigmaWin+
SIET S800001 34
SigmaWin+ Engineering Tool for a Σ-7-
Operation Manual Series Servo System.
Describes the functions, specifi-
cations, operating methods, and
Compatible I/O Module SIEP C880781 04
cations for the Remote I/O Mod-
User’s Manual
ules for MP2000/MP3000-
Distributed Series Machine Controllers.
I/O Module Describes the functions, specifi-
User’s Manual cations, operating methods, and
Compatible I/O Module SIEP C880782 01
cations for the Remote I/O Mod-
User’s Manual
ules for MP3000-Series
Machine Controllers.
Using This Manual
Technical Terms Used in This Manual
The following terms are used in this manual.
Term Meaning
Servomotor A Σ-7-Series Rotary Servomotor, Direct Drive Servomotor, or Linear Servomotor.
A generic term used for a Σ-7-Series Rotary Servomotor (SGM7M, SGM7J, SGM7A, SGM7P,
Rotary Servomotor SGM7G, or SGMMV) or a Direct Drive Servomotor (SGM7E, SGM7F, SGMCV, or SGMCS).
The descriptions will specify when Direct Drive Servomotors are excluded.
Linear Servomotor A Σ-7-Series Linear Servomotor (SGLG, SGLF, or SGLT).
SERVOPACK A Σ-7-Series Σ-7S Command Option Module Attachable-Type Servo Amplifier.
Servo Drive The combination of a Servomotor and SERVOPACK.
A servo control system that includes the combination of a Servo Drive with a host controller
Servo System
and peripheral devices.
servo ON Supplying power to the motor.
servo OFF Not supplying power to the motor.
Shutting OFF the power supply to the motor by shutting OFF the base current to the power
base block (BB)
transistor in the SERVOPACK.
servo lock A state in which the motor is stopped and is in a position loop with a position reference of 0.
One of the cables that connect to the main circuit terminals, including the Main Circuit Power
Main Circuit Cable
Supply Cable, Control Power Supply Cable, and Servomotor Main Circuit Cable.
The Engineering Tool for setting up and tuning Servo Drives or a computer in which the Engi-
neering Tool is installed.
Notation Used in this Manual
Notation for Reverse Signals
The names of reverse signals (i.e., ones that are valid when low) are written with a forward slash (/)
before the signal abbreviation.
Notation Example
BK is written as /BK.
number This is the minimum This is the This is when any
unit (setting increment) parameter setting change made to the This is the parameter
that you can set for parameter will classification.
This is the setting range before shipment.
for the parameter. the parameter. become effective.
Parameter The notation “n.” indicates a parameter for selecting functions. This column explains the
number Each indicates the setting for one digit. selections for the function.
The notation shown here means that the third digit from the right is set to 2.
The following format is used to show the individual bits of a parameter
setting: b. .
The individual bits of a parameter setting have specific meanings, but you
cannot set the bits individually. The individual bits must be converted to a
hexadecimal value to set a parameter.
Refer to the following section for details on settings.
15.1.2 List of Parameters (page 15-3)
Notation Example
Notation Examples for Pn002
• QR code is a trademark of Denso Wave Inc.
• DeviceNet is a trademark of the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.).
• Other product names and company names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the
respective company. “TM” and the ® mark do not appear with product or company names in this
Visual Aids
The following aids are used to indicate certain types of information for easier reference.
Indicates definitions of difficult terms or terms that have not been previously explained in this manual.
Safety Precautions
Safety Information
To prevent personal injury and equipment damage in advance, the following signal words are used
to indicate safety precautions in this document. The signal words are used to classify the hazards
and the degree of damage or injury that may occur if a product is used incorrectly. Information
marked as shown below is important for safety. Always read this information and heed the precau-
tions that are provided.
Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, are likely to result in loss of life, serious injury, or fire.
Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in loss of life, serious injury, or fire.
Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in relatively serious or minor injury, or in
Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in property damage.
Safety Precautions That Must Always Be Observed
General Precautions
Read and understand this manual to ensure the safe usage of the product.
Keep this manual in a safe, convenient place so that it can be referred to whenever necessary.
Make sure that it is delivered to the final user of the product.
Do not remove covers, cables, connectors, or optional devices while power is being supplied to
There is a risk of electric shock, operational failure of the product, or burning.
Use a power supply with specifications (number of phases, voltage, frequency, and AC/DC
type) that are appropriate for the product.
There is a risk of burning, electric shock, or fire.
Connect the ground terminals on the SERVOPACK and Servomotor to ground poles according
to local electrical codes (100 Ω or less for a SERVOPACK with a 100-VAC or 200-VAC power
supply, and 10 Ω or less for a SERVOPACK with a 400-VAC power supply).
There is a risk of electric shock or fire.
Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the product.
There is a risk of fire or failure.
The warranty is void for the product if you disassemble, repair, or modify it.
The SERVOPACK heat sinks, regenerative resistors, External Dynamic Brake Resistors, Servo-
motors, and other components can be very hot while power is ON or soon after the power is
turned OFF. Implement safety measures, such as installing covers, so that hands and parts
such as cables do not come into contact with hot components.
There is a risk of burn injury.
For a 24-VDC power supply, use a power supply device with double insulation or reinforced
There is a risk of electric shock.
Do not damage, pull on, apply excessive force to, place heavy objects on, or pinch cables.
There is a risk of failure, damage, or electric shock.
The person who designs the system that uses the hard wire base block safety function must
have a complete knowledge of the related safety standards and a complete understanding of
the instructions in this document.
There is a risk of injury, product damage, or machine damage.
Do not use the product in an environment that is subject to water, corrosive gases, or flamma-
ble gases, or near flammable materials.
There is a risk of electric shock or fire.
Do not attempt to use a SERVOPACK or Servomotor that is damaged or that has missing parts.
Install external emergency stop circuits that shut OFF the power supply and stops operation
immediately when an error occurs.
In locations with poor power supply conditions, install the necessary protective devices (such as
AC reactors) to ensure that the input power is supplied within the specified voltage range.
There is a risk of damage to the SERVOPACK.
Use a Noise Filter to minimize the effects of electromagnetic interference.
Electronic devices used near the SERVOPACK may be affected by electromagnetic interference.
Always use a Servomotor and SERVOPACK in one of the specified combinations.
Do not touch a SERVOPACK or Servomotor with wet hands.
There is a risk of product failure.
Storage Precautions
Do not place an excessive load on the product during storage. (Follow all instructions on the
There is a risk of injury or damage.
Do not install or store the product in any of the following locations.
• Locations that are subject to direct sunlight
• Locations that are subject to ambient temperatures that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to relative humidities that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to condensation as the result of extreme changes in temperature
• Locations that are subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations that are near flammable materials
• Locations that are subject to dust, salts, or iron powder
• Locations that are subject to water, oil, or chemicals
• Locations that are subject to vibration or shock that exceeds product specifications
• Locations that are subject to radiation
If you store or install the product in any of the above locations, the product may fail or be damaged.
Transportation Precautions
Transport the product in a way that is suitable to the mass of the product.
Do not use the eyebolts on a SERVOPACK or Servomotor to move the machine.
There is a risk of damage or injury.
When you handle a SERVOPACK or Servomotor, be careful of sharp parts, such as the corners.
There is a risk of injury.
Do not place an excessive load on the product during transportation. (Follow all instructions on
the packages.)
There is a risk of injury or damage.
Do not hold onto the front cover or connectors when you move a SERVOPACK.
There is a risk of the SERVOPACK falling.
A SERVOPACK or Servomotor is a precision device. Do not drop it or subject it to strong shock.
There is a risk of failure or damage.
Do not subject connectors to shock.
There is a risk of faulty connections or damage.
If disinfectants or insecticides must be used to treat packing materials such as wooden frames,
plywood, or pallets, the packing materials must be treated before the product is packaged, and
methods other than fumigation must be used.
Example: Heat treatment, where materials are kiln-dried to a core temperature of 56°C for 30
minutes or more.
If the electronic products, which include stand-alone products and products installed in machines,
are packed with fumigated wooden materials, the electrical components may be greatly damaged
by the gases or fumes resulting from the fumigation process. In particular, disinfectants containing
halogen, which includes chlorine, fluorine, bromine, or iodine can contribute to the erosion of the
Do not overtighten the eyebolts on a SERVOPACK or Servomotor.
If you use a tool to overtighten the eyebolts, the tapped holes may be damaged.
Installation Precautions
Install the Servomotor or SERVOPACK in a way that will support the mass given in technical
Install SERVOPACKs, Servomotors, regenerative resistors, and External Dynamic Brake Resis-
tors on nonflammable materials.
Installation directly onto or near flammable materials may result in fire.
Provide the specified clearances between the SERVOPACK and the control panel as well as
with other devices.
There is a risk of fire or failure.
Install the SERVOPACK in the specified orientation.
There is a risk of fire or failure.
Do not step on or place a heavy object on the product.
There is a risk of failure, damage, or injury.
Do not allow any foreign matter to enter the SERVOPACK or Servomotor.
There is a risk of failure or fire.
Do not install or store the product in any of the following locations.
• Locations that are subject to direct sunlight
• Locations that are subject to ambient temperatures that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to relative humidities that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to condensation as the result of extreme changes in temperature
• Locations that are subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations that are near flammable materials
• Locations that are subject to dust, salts, or iron powder
• Locations that are subject to water, oil, or chemicals
• Locations that are subject to vibration or shock that exceeds product specifications
• Locations that are subject to radiation
If you store or install the product in any of the above locations, the product may fail or be damaged.
Use the product in an environment that is appropriate for the product specifications.
If you use the product in an environment that exceeds product specifications, the product may fail
or be damaged.
A SERVOPACK or Servomotor is a precision device. Do not drop it or subject it to strong shock.
There is a risk of failure or damage.
Always install a SERVOPACK in a control panel.
Do not allow any foreign matter to enter a SERVOPACK or a Servomotor with a Cooling Fan and
do not cover the outlet from the Servomotor’s cooling fan.
There is a risk of failure.
Wiring Precautions
Do not change any wiring while power is being supplied.
There is a risk of electric shock or injury.
Wiring and inspections must be performed only by qualified engineers.
There is a risk of electric shock or product failure.
Check all wiring and power supplies carefully.
Incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application to the output circuits may cause short-circuit fail-
ures. If a short-circuit failure occurs as a result of any of these causes, the holding brake will not
work. This could damage the machine or cause an accident that may result in death or injury.
Connect the AC and DC power supplies to the specified SERVOPACK terminals.
• Connect an AC power supply to the L1, L2, and L3 terminals and the L1C and L2C terminals on the
• Connect a DC power supply to the B1/ and 2 terminals and the L1C and L2C terminals on the
There is a risk of failure or fire.
If you use a SERVOPACK with the Dynamic Brake Hardware Option, connect an External
Dynamic Brake Resistor that is suitable for the machine and equipment specifications to the
specified terminals.
There is a risk of unexpected operation, machine damage, burning, or injury when an emergency
stop is performed.
Wait for at least six minutes after turning OFF the power supply (with a SERVOPACK for a 100-
VAC input, wait for at least nine minutes) and then make sure that the CHARGE indicator is not
lit before starting wiring or inspection work. Do not touch the power supply terminals while the
CHARGE lamp is lit after turning OFF the power supply because high voltage may still remain in
There is a risk of electric shock.
Observe the precautions and instructions for wiring and trial operation precisely as described in
this document.
Failures caused by incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application in the brake circuit may cause
the SERVOPACK to fail, damage the equipment, or cause an accident resulting in death or injury.
Check the wiring to be sure it has been performed correctly.
Connectors and pin layouts are sometimes different for different models. Always confirm the pin
layouts in technical documents for your model before operation.
There is a risk of failure or malfunction.
Connect wires to power supply terminals and motor connection terminals securely with the
specified methods and tightening torque.
Insufficient tightening may cause wires and terminal blocks to generate heat due to faulty contact,
possibly resulting in fire.
Use shielded twisted-pair cables or screened unshielded multi-twisted-pair cables for I/O Sig-
nal Cables and Encoder Cables.
The maximum wiring length is 3 m for I/O Signal Cables, and 50 m for Encoder Cables or Servo-
motor Main Circuit Cables.
Observe the following precautions when wiring the SERVOPACK’s main circuit terminals.
• Turn ON the power supply to the SERVOPACK only after all wiring, including the main circuit termi-
nals, has been completed.
• If a connector is used for the main circuit terminals, remove the main circuit connector from the SER-
VOPACK before you wire it.
• Insert only one wire per insertion hole in the main circuit terminals.
• When you insert a wire, make sure that the conductor wire (e.g., whiskers) does not come into con-
tact with adjacent wires.
Install molded-case circuit breakers and other safety measures to provide protection against
short circuits in external wiring.
There is a risk of fire or failure.
Whenever possible, use the Cables specified by Yaskawa.
If you use any other cables, confirm the rated current and application environment of your model
and use the wiring materials specified by Yaskawa or equivalent materials.
Securely tighten connector screws and lock mechanisms.
Insufficient tightening may result in connectors falling off during operation.
Do not bundle power lines (e.g., the Main Circuit Cable) and low-current lines (e.g., the I/O Sig-
nal Cables or Encoder Cables) together or run them through the same duct. If you do not place
power lines and low-current lines in separate ducts, separate them by at least 30 cm.
If the cables are too close to each other, malfunctions may occur due to noise affecting the low-cur-
rent lines.
Install a battery at either the host controller or on the Encoder Cable.
If you install batteries both at the host controller and on the Encoder Cable at the same time, you
will create a loop circuit between the batteries, resulting in a risk of damage or burning.
When connecting a battery, connect the polarity correctly.
There is a risk of battery rupture or encoder failure.
Operation Precautions
Before starting operation with a machine connected, change the settings of the switches and
parameters to match the machine.
Unexpected machine operation, failure, or personal injury may occur if operation is started before
appropriate settings are made.
Do not radically change the settings of the parameters.
There is a risk of unstable operation, machine damage, or injury.
Install limit switches or stoppers at the ends of the moving parts of the machine to prevent
unexpected accidents.
There is a risk of machine damage or injury.
For trial operation, securely mount the Servomotor and disconnect it from the machine.
There is a risk of injury.
Forcing the motor to stop for overtravel is disabled when the Jog, Origin Search, or Easy FFT
utility function is executed. Take necessary precautions.
There is a risk of machine damage or injury.
When an alarm occurs, the Servomotor will coast to a stop or stop with the dynamic brake
according to the SERVOPACK Option and settings. The coasting distance will change with the
moment of inertia of the load and the resistance of the External Dynamic Brake Resistor. Check
the coasting distance during trial operation and implement suitable safety measures on the
Do not enter the machine’s range of motion during operation.
There is a risk of injury.
Do not touch the moving parts of the Servomotor or machine during operation.
There is a risk of injury.
Design the system to ensure safety even when problems, such as broken signal lines, occur.
For example, the CCW-OT and CW-OT signals are set in the default settings to operate on the
safe side if a signal line breaks. Do not change the polarity of this type of signal.
When overtravel occurs, the power supply to the motor is turned OFF and the brake is released.
If you use the Servomotor to drive a vertical load, set the Servomotor to enter a zero-clamped
state after the Servomotor stops. Also, install safety devices (such as an external brake or
counterweight) to prevent the moving parts of the machine from falling.
Always turn OFF the servo before you turn OFF the power supply. If you turn OFF the main cir-
cuit power supply or control power supply during operation before you turn OFF the servo, the
Servomotor will stop as follows:
• If you turn OFF the main circuit power supply during operation without turning OFF the servo, the
Servomotor will stop abruptly with the dynamic brake.
• If you turn OFF the control power supply without turning OFF the servo, the stopping method that is
used by the Servomotor depends on the model of the SERVOPACK. For details, refer to the manual
for the SERVOPACK.
• If you use a SERVOPACK with the Dynamic Brake Hardware Option, the Servomotor stopping meth-
ods will be different from the stopping methods used without the Option or with other Hardware
Options. For details, refer to the following manual.
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S/Σ-7W SERVOPACK with Dynamic Brake Hardware Option Specifications Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 73)
Do not use the dynamic brake for any application other than an emergency stop.
There is a risk of failure due to rapid deterioration of elements in the SERVOPACK and the risk of
unexpected operation, machine damage, burning, or injury.
When you adjust the gain during system commissioning, use a measuring instrument to monitor
the torque waveform and speed waveform and confirm that there is no vibration.
If a high gain causes vibration, the Servomotor will be damaged quickly.
Do not frequently turn the power supply ON and OFF. After you have started actual operation,
allow at least one hour between turning the power supply ON and OFF (as a guideline).
Do not use the product in applications that require the power supply to be turned ON and OFF
The elements in the SERVOPACK will deteriorate quickly.
An alarm or warning may occur if communications are performed with the host controller while
the SigmaWin+ or Digital Operator is operating.
If an alarm or warning occurs, it may interrupt the current process and stop the system.
After you complete trial operation of the machine and facilities, use the SigmaWin+ to back up
the settings of the SERVOPACK parameters. You can use them to reset the parameters after
SERVOPACK replacement.
If you do not copy backed up parameter settings, normal operation may not be possible after a
faulty SERVOPACK is replaced, possibly resulting in machine or equipment damage.
Do not change any wiring while power is being supplied.
There is a risk of electric shock or injury.
Wiring and inspections must be performed only by qualified engineers.
There is a risk of electric shock or product failure.
Wait for at least six minutes after turning OFF the power supply (with a SERVOPACK for a 100-
VAC input, wait for at least nine minutes) and then make sure that the CHARGE indicator is not
lit before starting wiring or inspection work. Do not touch the power supply terminals while the
CHARGE lamp is lit after turning OFF the power supply because high voltage may still remain in
There is a risk of electric shock.
Before you replace a SERVOPACK, back up the settings of the SERVOPACK parameters. Copy
the backed up parameter settings to the new SERVOPACK and confirm that they were copied
If you do not copy backed up parameter settings or if the copy operation is not completed normally,
normal operation may not be possible, possibly resulting in machine or equipment damage.
Discharge all static electricity from your body before you operate any of the buttons or switches
inside the front cover of the SERVOPACK.
There is a risk of equipment damage.
Troubleshooting Precautions
If the safety device (molded-case circuit breaker or fuse) installed in the power supply line oper-
ates, remove the cause before you supply power to the SERVOPACK again. If necessary, repair
or replace the SERVOPACK, check the wiring, and remove the factor that caused the safety
device to operate.
There is a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury.
The product may suddenly start to operate when the power supply is recovered after a momen-
tary power interruption. Design the machine to ensure human safety when operation restarts.
There is a risk of injury.
When an alarm occurs, remove the cause of the alarm and ensure safety. Then reset the alarm
or turn the power supply OFF and ON again to restart operation.
There is a risk of injury or machine damage.
If the Servo ON signal is input to the SERVOPACK and an alarm is reset, the Servomotor may
suddenly restart operation. Confirm that the servo is OFF and ensure safety before you reset an
There is a risk of injury or machine damage.
Always insert a magnetic contactor in the line between the main circuit power supply and the
main circuit power supply terminals on the SERVOPACK so that the power supply can be shut
OFF at the main circuit power supply.
If a magnetic contactor is not connected when the SERVOPACK fails, a large current may flow,
possibly resulting in fire.
If an alarm occurs, shut OFF the main circuit power supply.
There is a risk of fire due to a regenerative resistor overheating as the result of regenerative transis-
tor failure.
Install a ground fault detector against overloads and short-circuiting or install a molded-case
circuit breaker combined with a ground fault detector.
There is a risk of SERVOPACK failure or fire if a ground fault occurs.
The holding brake on a Servomotor will not ensure safety if there is the possibility that an exter-
nal force (including gravity) may move the current position and create a hazardous situation
when power is interrupted or an error occurs. If an external force may cause movement, install
an external braking mechanism that ensures safety.
Disposal Precautions
Correctly discard the product as stipulated by regional, local, and municipal laws and
regulations. Be sure to include these contents in all labelling and warning notifications
on the final product as necessary.
General Precautions
Figures provided in this document are typical examples or conceptual representations. There
may be differences between them and actual wiring, circuits, and products.
The products shown in illustrations in this document are sometimes shown without covers or
protective guards. Always replace all covers and protective guards before you use the product.
If you need a new copy of this document because it has been lost or damaged, contact your
nearest Yaskawa representative or one of the offices listed on the back of this document.
This document is subject to change without notice for product improvements, specifications
changes, and improvements to the manual itself.
We will update the document number of the document and issue revisions when changes are
Any and all quality guarantees provided by Yaskawa are null and void if the customer modifies
the product in any way. Yaskawa disavows any responsibility for damages or losses that are
caused by modified products.
Details of Warranty
Warranty Period
The warranty period for a product that was purchased (hereinafter called the “delivered product”) is
one year from the time of delivery to the location specified by the customer or 18 months from the
time of shipment from the Yaskawa factory, whichever is sooner.
Warranty Scope
Yaskawa shall replace or repair a defective product free of charge if a defect attributable to
Yaskawa occurs during the above warranty period.
This warranty does not cover defects caused by the delivered product reaching the end of its ser-
vice life and replacement of parts that require replacement or that have a limited service life.
This warranty does not cover failures that result from any of the following causes.
• Improper handling, abuse, or use in unsuitable conditions or in environments not described in
product catalogs or manuals, or in any separately agreed-upon specifications
• Causes not attributable to the delivered product itself
• Modifications or repairs not performed by Yaskawa
• Use of the delivered product in a manner in which it was not originally intended
• Causes that were not foreseeable with the scientific and technological understanding at the time
of shipment from Yaskawa
• Events for which Yaskawa is not responsible, such as natural or human-made disasters
Limitations of Liability
• Yaskawa shall in no event be responsible for any damage or loss of opportunity to the customer
that arises due to failure of the delivered product.
• Yaskawa shall not be responsible for any programs (including parameter settings) or the results of
program execution of the programs provided by the user or by a third party for use with program-
mable Yaskawa products.
• The information described in product catalogs or manuals is provided for the purpose of the cus-
tomer purchasing the appropriate product for the intended application. The use thereof does not
guarantee that there are no infringements of intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights
of Yaskawa or third parties, nor does it construe a license.
• Yaskawa shall not be responsible for any damage arising from infringements of intellectual prop-
erty rights or other proprietary rights of third parties as a result of using the information described
in catalogs or manuals.
Suitability for Use
• It is the customer’s responsibility to confirm conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations
that apply if the Yaskawa product is used in combination with any other products.
• The customer must confirm that the Yaskawa product is suitable for the systems, machines, and
equipment used by the customer.
• Consult with Yaskawa to determine whether use in the following applications is acceptable. If use
in the application is acceptable, use the product with extra allowance in ratings and specifica-
tions, and provide safety measures to minimize hazards in the event of failure.
• Outdoor use, use involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or use
in conditions or environments not described in product catalogs or manuals
• Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems,
vehicle systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, and installations subject to sep-
arate industry or government regulations
• Systems, machines, and equipment that may present a risk to life or property
• Systems that require a high degree of reliability, such as systems that supply gas, water, or
electricity, or systems that operate continuously 24 hours a day
• Other systems that require a similar high degree of safety
• Never use the product for an application involving serious risk to life or property without first
ensuring that the system is designed to secure the required level of safety with risk warnings and
redundancy, and that the Yaskawa product is properly rated and installed.
• The circuit examples and other application examples described in product catalogs and manuals
are for reference. Check the functionality and safety of the actual devices and equipment to be
used before using the product.
• Read and understand all use prohibitions and precautions, and operate the Yaskawa product
correctly to prevent accidental harm to third parties.
Specifications Change
The names, specifications, appearance, and accessories of products in product catalogs and
manuals may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. The next edi-
tions of the revised catalogs or manuals will be published with updated code numbers. Consult
with your Yaskawa representative to confirm the actual specifications before purchasing a product.
Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Standards
Certification marks for the standards for which the product has been certified by certification bodies
are shown on nameplate. Products that do not have the marks are not certified for the standards.
EU Directives
Safety Standards
Safety Parameters
Item Standards Performance Level
IEC 61508 SIL3
Safety Integrity Level
IEC 62061 SILCL3
Mission Time IEC 61508 10 years 20 years
About this Manual. . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . iii
Outline of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . iii
Related Documents . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . iv
Using This Manual . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . xi
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . xiv
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . xxiv
Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Standards . . xxvi
Basic Information
1.1 The Σ-7 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Selecting a SERVOPACK
2.1 Ratings and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.1.1 Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 2-2
2.1.2 DeviceNet Module Power Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 2-5
2.1.3 SERVOPACK Overload Protection Characteristics. . ... .... ... .... ... . 2-6
2.1.4 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 2-7
2.2 Block Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2.2.1 SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, and -1R6A . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11
2.2.2 SGD7S-2R8A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11
2.2.3 SGD7S-3R8A, -5R5A, and -7R6A . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12
2.2.4 SGD7S-120A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13
2.2.5 SGD7S-180A and -200A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15
2.2.6 SGD7S-330A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16
2.2.7 SGD7S-470A and -550A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17
2.2.8 SGD7S-590A and -780A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-18
2.2.9 SGD7S-R70F, -R90F, and -2R1F . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19
2.2.10 SGD7S-2R8F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19
2.4 Examples of Standard Connections between SERVOPACKs and Peripheral Devices. . 2-27
3.1 Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4.3.1 Terminal Symbols and Terminal Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4.3.2 Wiring Procedure for Main Circuit Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4.3.3 Power ON Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
4.3.5 Wiring Regenerative Resistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
4.3.6 Wiring Reactors for Harmonic Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
5.2 Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit and Control Circuit. . 5-13
5.2.1 AC Power Supply Input/DC Power Supply Input Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5.2.2 Single-phase AC Power Supply Input/
Three-phase AC Power Supply Input Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
5.5 Setting the Linear Encoder Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
5.12 Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms . . . . . . . . 5-34
5.12.1 Stopping Method for Servo OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35
5.12.2 Servomotor Stopping Method for Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35
Application Functions
6.1 I/O Signal Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.1.1 Input Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.1.2 Output Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Trial Operation and Actual Operation
7.1 Flow of Trial Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.1.1 Flow of Trial Operation for Rotary Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2
7.1.2 Flow of Trial Operation for Linear Servomotors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-3
7.5 Trial Operation with the Servomotor Connected to the Machine . . 7-10
7.5.1 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10
7.5.2 Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10
7.5.3 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
8.1 Overview and Flow of Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8.1.1 Tuning Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5
8.1.2 Diagnostic Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-23
8.6.1 Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-23
8.6.2 Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-24
8.6.3 Applicable Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25
8.6.4 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25
8.6.5 Troubleshooting Problems in Autotuning without a Host Reference. . . . . . 8-29
8.6.6 Automatically Adjusted Function Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-31
8.6.7 Related Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
8.13 Manual Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-79
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-79
8.13.2 Compatible Adjustment Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-89
9.1 Monitoring Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9.1.1 Items That You Can Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
9.1.2 Operating Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
Safety Functions
11.1 Introduction to the Safety Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
11.1.1 Safety Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
11.1.2 Precautions for Safety Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
DeviceNet Functions
12.1 Setting the Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12.1.1 Coordinate System Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12.1.2 Setting the Reference Units per Machine Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
DeviceNet Communications
13.1 DeviceNet Communications Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3
13.1.1 Setting the Node Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-3
13.1.2 Setting the Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-4
14.1 Inspections and Part Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14.1.1 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-2
14.1.2 Guidelines for Part Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-2
14.1.3 Replacing the Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-3
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor. . 14-57
Parameter Lists
15.1 List of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
15.1.1 Interpreting the Parameter Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
15.1.2 List of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
16.1 Corresponding SERVOPACK and SigmaWin+ Function Names . . 16-2
16.1.1 Corresponding SERVOPACK Utility Function Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
16.1.2 Corresponding SERVOPACK Monitor Display Function Names . . . . . . . . . 16-4
Revision History
Basic Information
This chapter provides basic information, including an intro-
duction to the DeviceNet Modules, the names of parts, and
combinations with Servomotors.
This manual describes the application of a Command Option Attachable-Type SERVOPACK used
in combination with a DeviceNet Module.
Basic Information
1.2 Introduction to the DeviceNet Module
1.2.1 DeviceNet Terminology
You can attach the DeviceNet Module to a Command Option Attachable-Type SERVOPACK to
use the SERVOPACK as a slave in DeviceNet communications.*
This will allow you to send positioning references and origin return commands from the host
device that functions as the DeviceNet master.
There are two models of DeviceNet Modules. Each has a different power supply method.
• DeviceNet Module driven by control power supply: Power is supplied to this DeviceNet Mod-
ule from the control power supply of the SERVOPACK.
• DeviceNet Module driven by external power supply: Power is supplied to this DeviceNet
Module from the communications power supply on the DeviceNet communications cable.
* DeviceNet communications are used worldwide as a global standard for FA field network communications. Devi-
ceNet communications allow you to easily communicate between a wide range of devices from different vendors.
1.3 Interpreting the Nameplate
1.3.1 SERVOPACK Nameplate
BTO information
Order number
Serial number
Basic Information
1.3.2 DeviceNet Module Nameplate 1
㹑㹃㹐㹔㹍㹎㸿㹁㹉 㹇㹎㸨㸨
Name 㹍㹎㹒㹇㹍㹌ࠉ㹋㹍㹂㹓㹊㹃
Option Module model 㹋㹍㹂㹃㹊 㹑㹅㹂㹔㸫㹍㹁㸿㸮㸲㸿
Serial number 㹍㸭㹌 㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨
㹑㸭㹌 㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨㸨
8VHZLWK6*'9 6*'6
1.4 Part Names
B2 B3
1.4 Part Names
Basic Information
1.5 Interpreting Panel Displays
1.5.1 Panel Displays
1.5 Interpreting Panel Displays
1.5.2 LED Indicators
Basic Information
1.6 Model Designations
1.6.1 Interpreting SERVOPACK Model Numbers
*1. You can use these models with either a single-phase or three-phase input.
*2. A model with a single-phase, 200-VAC power supply input is available as a hardware option (model: SGD7S-
*3. The same SERVOPACKs are used for both Rotary Servomotors and Linear Servomotors.
*4. Refer to the following manual for details.
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Σ-7S/Σ-7W SERVOPACK with Dynamic Brake Hardware Option Specifications Prod-
uct Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 73)
*5. The BTO specification indicates if the SERVOPACK is customized by using the MechatroCloud BTO service.
This service is available on the e-mechatronics website. You need a BTO number to order SERVOPACKs with
customized specifications.
Refer to the following catalog for details on the BTO specification.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series (Manual No.: KAEP S800001 23)
1.6 Model Designations
1.6.2 Interpreting DeviceNet Module Model Numbers
1st+2nd 3th+4th+5th 6th
Σ-V Series*1 digit
digits digits
Code Specification
A04 DeviceNet driven by control power supply
A05 DeviceNet driven by external power supply
Basic Information
*1. Σ-V-Series Modules are used with Σ-7-Series SERVOPACKs.
*2. The same DeviceNet Modules are used for both Rotary Servomotors and Linear Servomotors.
1.6 Model Designations
1.6.3 Interpreting Servomotor Model Numbers
Rotary Servomotors
SGM - 01 A F A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Series digit digit digit digit digit
Series Σ-7 Series Servomotors 1st+2nd digits Rated Output 5th digit Design Revision Order
Series Σ-7 Series Servomotors 1st+2nd digits Rated Torque 5th digit Design Revision Order
Code Specification
SGM7E Small capacity, coreless inner rotor 3rd digit Servomotor Outer 6th digit Flange Specification
Small capacity, inner rotor with core Diameter
Cable drawn to load side
Medium capacity, with core inner rotor 4th digit Serial Encoder
Cable drawn to non-load side
SGMCV Small capacity, with core inner rotor
7th digit Option Specification
Small capacity, coreless inner rotor
Medium capacity, with core inner rotor
High mechanical precision
1.6 Model Designations
1.6.3 Interpreting Servomotor Model Numbers
Linear Servomotors
SGL - 30 A 050 C P
1st 2nd
Series digit digit 3rd digit on
Code Specification
1st digit Servomotor Type
Moving Coil
Code Specification W2
G Coreless models M
Magnetic Way
F Models with F-type iron core M2
T Models with T-type iron core
3rd digit on
The specifications for the 3rd digit on depend on the Servomotor type.
Basic Information
1.7 Combinations of SERVOPACKs and Servomotors
1.7.1 Combinations of Rotary Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
1.7 Combinations of SERVOPACKs and Servomotors
1.7.2 Combinations of Direct Drive Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
Basic Information
SGM7E-14C 14 42
Coreless, Inner 2R8A or 2R8F
Rotor) SGM7E-08D 8 24
SGM7E-17D 17 51
SGM7E-25D 25 75
SGM7E-16E 16 48
SGM7E-35E 35 105
SGM7F-02A 2 6
2R8A or 2R1F 1
SGM7F-05A 5 15
SGM7F-07A 7 21
SGM7F-04B 4 12 2R8A or 2R8F
SGM7F SGM7F-10B 10 30
(Small Capacity,
SGM7F-14B 14 42 5R5A
With Core, Inner
Rotor) SGM7F-08C 8 24 2R8A or 2R8F
SGM7F-17C 17 51 5R5A
SGM7F-25C 25 75 7R6A
SGM7F-16D 16 48 5R5A
SGM7F-35D 35 105 7R6A* or 120A
SGM7F-45M 45 135 7R6A
SGM7F-80M 80 240
SGM7F 120A
(Medium Capacity, SGM7F-80N 80 240
With Core, Inner SGM7F-1AM 110 330 180A
SGM7F-1EN 150 450
SGM7F-2ZN 200 600
SGMCV-04B 4 12
2R8A or 2R8F
SGMCV-10B 10 30
SGMCV-14B 14 42 5R5A
(Small Capacity, SGMCV-08C 8 24 2R8A or 2R8F
With Core, Inner SGMCV-17C 17 51 5R5A
SGMCV-25C 25 75 7R6A
SGMCV-16D 16 48 5R5A
SGMCV-35D 35 105 7R6A* or 120A
Continued on next page.
1.7 Combinations of SERVOPACKs and Servomotors
1.7.2 Combinations of Direct Drive Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
1.7 Combinations of SERVOPACKs and Servomotors
1.7.3 Combinations of Linear Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
Basic Information
SGLGW-40A140C 57 230 1R6A or 2R1F
SGLG SGLGW-40A253C 114 460 2R8A or 2R8F
(Coreless), SGLGW-40A365C 171 690 3R8A
Used with High-
Force Magnetic SGLGW-60A140C 85 360 1R6A or 2R1F
Way SGLGW-60A253C 170 720 3R8A
SGLGW-60A365C 255 1080 7R6A
SGLFW-20A090A 25 86 1
SGLFW-20A120A 40 125 1R6A or 2R1F
SGLFW-35A120A 80 220
SGLFW-35A230A 160 440 3R8A
SGLFW-50A200B 280 600 5R5A
560 1200 120A
SGLFW-1ZA380B 1120 2400 200A
SGLFW2-30A070A 45 135
1R6A or 2R1F
SGLFW2-30A120A 90 270
SGLF 180 540 3R8A
(With F-type Iron SGLFW2-30A230A*
170 500 2R8A or 2R8F
SGLFW2-45A200A 280 840 5R5A
1680 180A
SGLFW2-45A380A* 560
1500 120A
560 1680
896 1680
SGLFW2-90A380A 1120 3360 200A
SGLFW2-90A560A 1680 5040 330A
SGLFW2-1DA380A 1680 5040 200A
SGLFW2-1DA560A 2520 7560 330A
Continued on next page.
1.7 Combinations of SERVOPACKs and Servomotors
1.7.3 Combinations of Linear Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
1.8 Functions
1.8 Functions
This section lists the functions provided by SERVOPACKs. Refer to the reference pages for
details on the functions.
• Functions Related to the Machine
Function Reference
Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit
page 5-13
and Control Circuit
Automatic Detection of Connected Motor page 5-15
Motor Direction Setting page 5-16
Linear Encoder Pitch Setting page 5-17
Writing Linear Servomotor Parameters page 5-18
Selecting the Phase Sequence for a Linear Ser-
page 5-22
Polarity Sensor Setting page 5-24
Polarity Detection page 5-25
Basic Information
Overtravel Function and Settings page 5-28
Holding Brake page 5-30
Motor Stopping Methods for Servo OFF and
page 5-34
Resetting the Absolute Encoder page 5-46
Setting the Origin of the Absolute Encoder page 5-49, page 12-5
Setting the Regenerative Resistor Capacity page 5-52
Operation for Momentary Power Interruptions page 6-5 1
SEMI F47 Function page 6-6
Setting the Motor Maximum Speed page 6-8
Software Limits and Settings page 6-16
Multiturn Limit Setting page 6-19
Adjustment of Motor Current Detection Signal
page 6-30
EXSTOP (External Stop Input) Signal page 6-34
Overheat Protection page 6-35
Speed Ripple Compensation page 8-60
Current Control Mode Selection page 8-73
Current Gain Level Setting page 8-73
Speed Detection Method Selection page 8-73
Fully-Closed Loop Control page 10-1
Safety Functions page 11-1
External Latches –
Function Reference
Electronic Gear Settings page 5-40
Servo Alarm (ALM) Signal page 6-3
Warning (/WARN) Signal page 6-3
/S-RDY (Servo Ready) Signal page 6-4
Encoder Divided Pulse Output page 6-9
Selecting Torque Limits page 6-17
Vibration Detection Level Initialization page 6-26
Alarm Reset page 14-43
Replacing the Battery page 14-2
Continued on next page.
1.8 Functions
• DeviceNet Functions
Function Reference
Origin Returns page 12-3
Positioning page 12-6
Positioning after Continuous Operation page 12-13
Special Functions page 12-16
Programmed Operation page 13-23
Selecting a
This chapter provides information required to select
SERVOPACKs, such as specifications, block diagrams,
dimensional drawings, and connection examples.
2.4 Examples of Standard Connections between SERVOPACKs and Peripheral Devices . .2-27
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.1 Ratings
2.1.1 Ratings
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.1 Ratings
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Model SGD7S- R70A R90A 1R6A 2R8A 5R5A 120A
Maximum Applicable Motor Capacity [kW] 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5
Continuous Output Current [Arms] 0.66 0.91 1.6 2.8 5.5 11.6
Instantaneous Maximum Output Current [Arms] 2.1 3.2 5.9 9.3 16.9 28
Power Supply 200 VAC to 240 VAC, -15% to +10%, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Main Circuit
Input Current [Arms]* 0.8 1.6 2.4 5.0 8.7 16
Power Supply 200 VAC to 240 VAC, -15% to +10%, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Input Current [Arms]* 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.25
Power Supply Capacity [kVA]* 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.9 4.0
Main Circuit Power Loss [W] 5.0 7.1 12.1 23.7 39.2 71.8
Control Circuit Power Loss [W] 12 12 12 12 14 16
Power Loss* Built-in Regenerative Resistor
− − − − 8 12
Power Loss [W]
Total Power Loss [W] 17.0 19.1 24.1 35.7 61.2 103.8
Built-In Resistance [Ω] − − − − 40 12
Regenera- Resistor Capacity [W] − − − − 40 60
tive Resistor
Minimum Allowable External
40 40 40 40 40 12
Resistance [Ω]
Overvoltage Category III
* This is the net value at the rated load.
270 VDC
Model SGD7S- R70A R90A 1R6A 2R8A 3R8A 5R5A 7R6A 120A
Maximum Applicable Motor Capacity [kW] 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5
Continuous Output Current [Arms] 0.66 0.91 1.6 2.8 3.8 5.5 7.6 11.6
Instantaneous Maximum Output Current
2.1 3.2 5.9 9.3 11.0 16.9 17.0 28.0
Power Supply 270 VDC to 324 VDC, -15% to +10%
Main Circuit *1
Input Current [Arms] 0.5 1.0 1.5 3.0 3.8 4.9 6.9 11
Power Supply 270 VDC to 324 VDC, -15% to +10%
Input Current [Arms]*1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2*2
Power Supply Capacity [kVA]*1 0.2 0.3 0.6 1 1.4 1.6 2.3 3.2
Continued on next page.
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.1 Ratings
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.2 DeviceNet Module Power Loss
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Maximum Operating SERVOPACK.
25 mA
Maximum Power Loss 625 mW
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.3 SERVOPACK Overload Protection Characteristics
Detection time (s)
Detection time (s)
Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher.
For a Yaskawa-specified combination of SERVOPACK and Servomotor, maintain the effective torque within
the continuous duty zone of the torque-motor speed characteristic of the Servomotor.
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.4 Specifications
2.1.4 Specifications
The specifications when the DeviceNet Module is combined with a Command Option Attach-
able-Type SERVOPACK are given in the following table.
Item Specification
Control Method IGBT-based PWM control, sine wave current drive
Serial Encoders:17 bits (absolute encoder), 20 bits or 24 bits (incre-
With Rotary
mental encoder/absolute encoder), or 22 bits (abso-
lute encoder)
Feedback • Absolute linear encoder (The signal resolution depends on the abso-
With Linear lute linear encoder.)
Servomotor • Incremental linear encoder (The signal resolution depends on the
incremental linear encoder or Serial Converter Unit.)
Surrounding Air 0°C to 55°C
Storage Temperature -20°C to 85°C
Surrounding Air
90% relative humidity max. (with no freezing or condensation)
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Storage Humidity 90% relative humidity max. (with no freezing or condensation)
Vibration Resistance 4.9 m/s2
Shock Resistance 19.6 m/s2
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.4 Specifications
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.4 Specifications
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Methods Position
Built-in Position data can be latched on phase C, the origin signal, or an exter-
Functions nal signal.
DeviceNet I/O communications and explicit messages
Topology Multidrop or T-branching*2
125 kbps, 250 kbps, or 500 kbps (Set on rotary switch (DR).) 2
Communi- Cables Special cables
cations (OMRON DCA1-5CN02F1 Cable with Connectors or the equivalent.)
64 nodes (including the master, Maximum number of slaves: 63)
of Nodes
Address 0 to 63 (Set on NA x10 and x1 rotary switches.)
Number of points: 2
Output voltage range: ±10 VDC (effective linearity range: ±8 V)
Resolution: 16 bits
Analog Monitor (CN5)
Accuracy: ±20 mV (Typ)
Maximum output current: ±10 mA
Settling time (±1%): 1.2 ms (Typ)
Activated when a servo alarm or overtravel (OT) occurs, or when the
Dynamic Brake (DB)
power supply to the main circuit or servo is OFF.
Built-in (An external resistor must be connected to the SGD7S-470A to
Regenerative Processing Refer to the following manuals for details.
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)
Stopping with a dynamic brake (DB), coasting to a stop, performing a
Overtravel (OT) Prevention hard stop, or smooth stop (decelerating to a stop) for a CCW-OT (CCW
Drive Prohibit Input) signal or CW-OT (CW Drive Prohibit Input) signal.
Protective Functions Overcurrent, overvoltage, low voltage, overload, regeneration error, etc.
Utility Functions Gain adjustment, alarm history, jogging, origin search, etc.
Continued on next page.
2.1 Ratings and Specifications
2.1.4 Specifications
*1. The coefficient of speed fluctuation for load fluctuation is defined as follows:
Coefficient of speed fluctuation = No-load motor speed - Total-load motor speed × 100%
Rated motor speed
*2. Externally connected terminating resistance is required.
*3. Always perform risk assessment for the system and confirm that the safety requirements are met.
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.1 SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, and -1R6A
L1 Varistor U
circuit L2 + V
power −
-1 Dynamic
brake circuit
Selecting a SERVOPACK
L1C Varistor CN5
Control + Control Analog Analog monitor
voltage output
power power
L2C − converter
supply supply
CN1 Encoder divided
Processor pulse output
(PWM control, position/
speed calculations, etc.) I/O I/O signals
Status display
2.2.2 SGD7S-2R8A
B1/ + B2 B3 Servomotor
L1 Varistor U
circuit L2 + V
power −
-1 Dynamic
brake circuit
Status display
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.3 SGD7S-3R8A, -5R5A, and -7R6A
B1/ + B2 B3 Fan
L1 Varistor U
Main + V
circuit −
supply L3
-1 Dynamic
brake circuit
Status display
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.4 SGD7S-120A
2.2.4 SGD7S-120A
• Standard Specifications: Three-Phase, 200-VAC Power Supply Input
B1/ + B2 B3 Fan
L1 Varistor U
Main + V
circuit −
supply L3
-1 overcurrent Dynamic
protection brake circuit
Voltage Relay Voltage Temperature Current
Gate drive sensor
Gate drive sensor
sensor drive sensor
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Status display
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.4 SGD7S-120A
B1/ + B2 B3 Fan
L1 Varistor
Main U
power L2 V
supply CHARGE M
-1 protection Dynamic
brake circuit
(PWM control, position/ I/O I/O signals
speed calculations, etc.)
Status display
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.5 SGD7S-180A and -200A
L1 Varistor U
Main +
L2 V
power CHARGE
supply L3
-1 Overheat/overcurrent Dynamic
protection brake circuit
Selecting a SERVOPACK
supply CN1
Encoder divided
pulse output
(PWM control, position/
speed calculations, etc.)
Status display
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.6 SGD7S-330A
2.2.6 SGD7S-330A
L1 Varistor U
+ V
circuit L2
power CHARGE M
supply L3
Overheat/overcurrent Dynamic
-1 protection brake circuit
Voltage Thyristor
sensor drive
Voltage Temperature Gate drive Current
sensor sensor sensor
supply CN1
Encoder divided
pulse output
(PWM control, position/
speed calculations, etc.)
Status display Module
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.7 SGD7S-470A and -550A
L1 Varistor U
+ V
circuit L2
power CHARGE M
supply L3
-1 protection Dynamic
brake circuit
Voltage Thyristor
sensor drive
Voltage Temperature Gate drive Current
sensor sensor sensor
Selecting a SERVOPACK
L1C Varistor CN5
Control Analog Analog monitor
Control + voltage
power output
power L2C supply
supply CN1
Encoder divided
pulse output
(PWM control, position/
speed calculations, etc.)
Status display Module
Feedback 2
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.8 SGD7S-590A and -780A
L1 Varistor U
+ V
circuit L2
power CHARGE M
supply L3
-1 protection brake circuit
Voltage Thyristor
sensor drive
Voltage Temperature Gate drive Current
sensor sensor sensor
Status display Module
2.2 Block Diagrams
2.2.9 SGD7S-R70F, -R90F, and -2R1F
brake circuit
Gate drive
Voltage Relay Voltage Gate Temperature overcurrent Current
sensor drive sensor drive sensor protection sensor
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Encoder divided
pulse output
(PWM control, position/ I/O I/O signals
speed calculations, etc.)
Status display Module
2.2.10 SGD7S-2R8F
B1/ + B2
Main L1 Varistor U
circuit +
power L2 − V
supply CHARGE M
− W
brake circuit
Gate drive
Voltage Relay Voltage Gate Temperature overcurrent Current
sensor drive sensor drive sensor protection sensor
supply CN1
Encoder divided
pulse output
(PWM control, position/ I/O I/O signals
speed calculations, etc.)
S_An DeviceNet
alog Status display Module
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.1 Front Cover Dimensions and Connector Specifications
• Connector Specifications
Connector Number
Model Manufacturer
No. of Pins
CN1 10226-59A3MB 26 3M Japan Ltd
CN2 3E106-0220KV 6 3M Japan Ltd
CN3 14 Honda Tsushin Kogyo Co., Ltd.
CN7 2172034-1 5 Tyco Electronics Japan G.K.
CN8 1981080-1 8 Tyco Electronics Japan G.K.
Note: The above connectors or their equivalents are used for the SERVOPACKs.
Base-mounted SERVOPACKs
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, and -1R6A
Two sets of terminals
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.2 SERVOPACK External Dimensions
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-2R8A; Single-phase, 100 VAC: SGD7S-R70F, -R90F, and -2R1F
Two sets of terminals
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-3R8A, -5R5A, and -7R6A; Single-phase, 100 VAC: SGD7S-2R8F
Selecting a SERVOPACK
160 ±0.5 (mounting pitch)
Two sets of terminals
(25) 18 (4) 2
6 58 ±0.5
Ground (mounting pitch)
terminals 70 (75) 180 70
2 × M4
Mounting Hole Diagram
Approx. mass:
SGD7S-3R8A, -5R5A, -7R6A: 1.6 kg
SGD7S-2R8F: 1.5 kg
Unit: mm
Two sets of terminals
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.2 SERVOPACK External Dimensions
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-180A and -200A; Single-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-120AE0A008
180 ±0.5 (mounting pitch)
250 ± 0.5 (mounting pitch)
84 ± 0.5
Ground 8×M5 142 ± 0.5
terminals 14 (mounting pitch)
170 (75) 210 170
Mounting Hole Diagram
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.2 SERVOPACK External Dimensions
375 ± 0.5 (mounting pitch)
4×M6 Exterior
200 ± 0.5
Ground 30 (mounting pitch)
2×M6 260
260 (75) 210
Mounting Hole Diagram
Rack-mounted SERVOPACKs
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Hardware Option Code: 001
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, and -1R6A
2 36
2 × M4
180 ± 0.5 (mounting pitch)
Two sets of terminals
166 min.
Ground 40 (25) 18 24.5
terminals 20
2 × M4 40
(75) 140
Mounting Hole Diagram
Approx. mass: 1.0 kg
Unit: mm
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-2R8A; Single-phase, 100 VAC: SGD7S-R70F, -R90F, and
2 36
2 × M4
Two sets of terminals
166 min.
Ground (25) 18 24.5
terminals 40 20
2 × M4 (75) 170
Mounting Hole Diagram
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.2 SERVOPACK External Dimensions
17.5 18.5 36 2 × M4
180 ± 0.5 (mounting pitch)
Two sets of terminals
166 min.
terminals (25) 18 24.5 36.5
2 × M4
(75) 180 70
Mounting Hole Diagram
Approx. mass:
SGD7S-3R8A, -5R5A, -7R6A: 1.7 kg
SGD7S-2R8F: 1.6 kg
Unit: mm
12.5 65 4 × M4
180±0.5 (mounting pitch)
Two sets of terminals
166 min.
10 70
(25) 18 24.5 50±0.5
20 (mounting pitch)
Ground (75) 180
terminals 90
2 × M4
Mounting Hole Diagram
20.5 65 4 × M4
200±0.5 (mounting pitch)
186 min.
(2) 50±0.5
18 70 28 (mounting pitch)
(3) 100
(75) 180 103
2 × M4 Mounting Hole Diagram
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.2 SERVOPACK External Dimensions
4 × M5
270±0.5 (mounting pitch)
256 min.
(2) 50±0.5
(2.5) 111 (2.5) 24.5 30.5 (mounting pitch)
116 (75) 210 (6) 116
2 × M4
Mounting Hole Diagram
Selecting a SERVOPACK
Duct-ventilated SERVOPACKs
Hardware Option Code: 001
• Three-phase, 200 VAC: SGD7S-470A and -550A
4 × M6
335 ±0.5 (mounting pitch)
320 min.
Through hole
4 × M5
8 × M5 139 (71)
Ground 170 (75) 210 8.5 145±0.5
terminals (mounting pitch)
2 × M5 4 162 min.
Mounting Hole Diagram
2.3 External Dimensions
2.3.3 DeviceNet Module External Dimensions and Connector Specifications
Through hole
4 × M6
8 × M6 260 (75) 136 (75) 4.5 235±0.5
Ground (mounting pitch)
terminals 8 244 min.
2 × M6
Mounting Hole Diagram
20 (43) 97
• Connector Specifications
Device Label Model Number of Pins Manufacturer
CN6 CM02-8DR5P-CF 5 DDK Ltd.
Note: The above connector or an equivalent is used.
2.4 Examples of Standard Connections between SERVOPACKs and Peripheral Devices
Noise Filter
Computer cable
Magnetic Contactor communications cable
Host controller
Selecting a SERVOPACK
I/O Signal Cable
circuit wires
Power CN7
Supply Cable When a Safety Function Is Not Used:
Leave the enclosed JZSP-CVH05-E
CN6 Safety Jumper Connector attached.
External CN1
External Regenerative
Resistor* 2
Resistor Cable
CN8 When a Safety Function Is Used:
Safety Function Device Cable 2
Main Circuit Cable Encoder Cable
(Wires required for a Servomotor with a Brake)
Servomotor Encoder Cable
Main Circuit Cable
Direct Drive
Rotary Servomotor Servomotor
*1. This example is for a SERVOPACK with a three-phase, 200-VAC power supply input. The pin layout of the main
circuit connector depends on the voltage.
*2. External Regenerative Resistors are not provided by Yaskawa.
*3. The power supply for the holding brake is not provided by Yaskawa. Select a power supply based on the hold-
ing brake specifications.
If you use a 24-V brake, install a separate power supply for the 24-VDC power supply from other power sup-
plies, such as the one for the I/O signals of the CN1 connector.
If the power supply is shared, the I/O signals may malfunction.
2.4 Examples of Standard Connections between SERVOPACKs and Peripheral Devices
• Linear Servomotors
Power supply
Three-phase, 200 VAC* 1
Analog Monitor Cable
RST Operator
Noise Filter
Computer cable
Magnetic Contactor communications cable
Host controller
I/O Signal Cable
main circuit wires
Supply Cable When a Safety Function Is Not Used:
CN6 Leave the enclosed JZSP-CVH05-E
Safety Jumper Connector attached.
External CN1
External Regenerative
Resistor Cable CN8 When a Safety Function Is Used:
Safety Function Device Cable
Resistor* 2 CN2
Linear Encoder
Linear Servomotor
*1. This example is for a SERVOPACK with a three-phase, 200-VAC power supply input. The pin layout of the main
circuit connector depends on the voltage.
*2. External Regenerative Resistors are not provided by Yaskawa.
This chapter provides information on installing SERVO-
PACKs and DeviceNet Modules in the required locations.
Other Precautions
Do not install the SERVOPACK in a location subject to high temperatures, high humidity, water
drops, cutting oil, excessive dust, excessive dirt, excessive iron powder, corrosive gasses, or
3.2 Mounting the DeviceNet Module to the SERVOPACK
3.3 Mounting Types and Orientation
• Rack-mounted SERVOPACK
• Duct-ventilated SERVOPACK
3.4 Mounting Hole Dimensions
R70A, R90A,
168 5 160 ±0.5 40 35 − 25 − M4 2
2R8A, R70F,
168 5 160 ±0.5 40 5 − 25 − M4 2
R90F, 2R1F
3R8A, 5R5A,
7R6A, 2R8F
168 5 160 ±0.5 70 6 58 ±0.5 64 − M4 3 3
SGD7S- 120A 168 5 160 ±0.5 90 5 80 ±0.5 12.5 − M4 3
180A, 200A,
188 5 180 ±0.5 100 95 − 12.5 75 ±0.5 M4 3
330A 258 6 250 ±0.5 110 5 100 ±0.5 13 84 ±0.5 M5 4
470A, 550A 315 6 302.5 ±0.5 170 14 142 ±0.5 14 142 ±0.5 M6 4
590A, 780A 390 7.5 375 ±0.5 260 30 200 ±0.5 30 200 ±0.5 M6 4
3.5 Mounting Interval
3.5.1 Installing One SERVOPACK in a Control Panel
40 mm min.
30 mm min.
30 mm min. 40 mm min.*
* For this dimension, ignore items protruding from the main body of the SERVOPACK.
Install cooling fans above the SERVOPACKs so that hot spots do not occur around the SERVO-
PACKs. Provide sufficient intervals and spaces as shown in the following figure to enable cooling
by the fans and natural convection.
Fan Fan
40 mm min.
30 mm min.
* For this dimension, ignore items protruding from the main body of the SERVOPACK.
The space required on the right side of a SERVOPACK (when looking at the SERVOPACK from
the front) depends on the SERVOPACK models. Refer to the following table.
Space on Cooling Fan Installation Conditions
Right Side 10 mm above SERVOPACK’s Top Surface
R70A, R90A, 1R6A, 2R8A,
3R8A, 5R5A, 7R6A, R70F, 1 mm min. Air speed: 0.5 m/s min.
SGD7S- R90F, 2R1F, 2R8F
120A, 180A, 200A, 330A,
10 mm min. Air speed: 0.5 m/s min.
470A, 550A, 590A, 780A
3.6 Monitoring the Installation Environment
Implement one or more of the following actions if the monitor value exceeds 100%.
• Lower the surrounding temperature.
• Decrease the load.
Information The value of the SERVOPACK Installation Environment Monitor parameter will increase by
about 10% for each 10°C increase in the ambient temperature.
Always observe the surrounding air temperature given in the SERVOPACK environment condi-
tions. Even if the monitor value is 100% or lower, you cannot use a SERVOPACK in a location
Important that exceeds the specified surrounding air temperature.
3.7 EMC Installation Conditions
U, V, W Brake
Absorber L1C, L2C
CN2 Encoder
B1, B2 Clamp
PE Resistor Unit
Host controller PE
(DeviceNet master)
Safety function
* 1T: 1 turn
3.7 EMC Installation Conditions
U, V, and W Brake
Power supply: Noise L1 and L2
Single-phase, 200 VAC filter
CN2 Encoder
Host controller
(DeviceNet master)
Clamp Clamp
I/O Safety
controller function device
* 1T: 1 turn
Symbol Cable Name Specification
I/O Signal Cable Shielded cable
Safety Function Device Cable Shielded cable
Servomotor Main Circuit Cable Shielded cable
Encoder Cable Shielded cable
Main Circuit Power Cable Shielded cable
DeviceNet Communications Cable Shielded cable
3.7 EMC Installation Conditions
U, V, and W Brake
Power supply: Noise L1 and L2
Single-phase, 100 VAC filter
CN2 Encoder
Host controller
(DeviceNet master)
Clamp Clamp
I/O Safety
controller function device
* 1T: 1 turn
Wiring and
This chapter provides information on wiring and connecting
SERVOPACKs and DeviceNet Modules to power supplies
and peripheral devices.
Do not change any wiring while power is being supplied.
There is a risk of electric shock or injury.
Wiring and inspections must be performed only by qualified engineers.
There is a risk of electric shock or product failure.
Check all wiring and power supplies carefully.
Incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application to the output circuits may cause short-cir-
cuit failures. If a short-circuit failure occurs as a result of any of these causes, the holding
brake will not work. This could damage the machine or cause an accident that may result in
death or injury.
Connect the AC and DC power supplies to the specified SERVOPACK terminals.
• Connect an AC power supply to the L1, L2, and L3 terminals and the L1C and L2C terminals
4.1 Wiring and Connecting SERVOPACKs
4.1.1 General Precautions
Wait for at least six minutes after turning OFF the power supply (with a SERVOPACK for a
100-VAC input, wait for at least nine minutes) and then make sure that the CHARGE indica-
tor is not lit before starting wiring or inspection work. Do not touch the power supply termi-
nals while the CHARGE lamp is lit after turning OFF the power supply because high voltage
may still remain in the SERVOPACK.
There is a risk of electric shock.
Observe the precautions and instructions for wiring and trial operation precisely as
described in this document.
Failures caused by incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application in the brake circuit may
cause the SERVOPACK to fail, damage the equipment, or cause an accident resulting in death
or injury.
Check the wiring to be sure it has been performed correctly.
Connectors and pin layouts are sometimes different for different models. Always confirm the
pin layouts in technical documents for your model before operation.
There is a risk of failure or malfunction.
Connect wires to power supply terminals and motor connection terminals securely with the
specified methods and tightening torque.
Insufficient tightening may cause wires and terminal blocks to generate heat due to faulty con-
tact, possibly resulting in fire.
Use shielded twisted-pair cables or screened unshielded multi-twisted-pair cables for I/O
Signal Cables and Encoder Cables.
The maximum wiring length is 3 m for I/O Signal Cables, and 50 m for Encoder Cables or
Servomotor Main Circuit Cables.
Observe the following precautions when wiring the SERVOPACK’s main circuit terminals.
• Turn ON the power supply to the SERVOPACK only after all wiring, including the main circuit ter-
minals, has been completed.
• If a connector is used for the main circuit terminals, remove the main circuit connector from the
SERVOPACK before you wire it.
• Insert only one wire per insertion hole in the main circuit terminals.
• When you insert a wire, make sure that the conductor wire (e.g., whiskers) does not come into
contact with adjacent wires.
Install molded-case circuit breakers and other safety measures to provide protection
against short circuits in external wiring.
There is a risk of fire or failure.
Whenever possible, use the Cables specified by Yaskawa.
If you use any other cables, confirm the rated current and application environment of your
model and use the wiring materials specified by Yaskawa or equivalent materials.
Securely tighten cable connector screws and lock mechanisms.
Insufficient tightening may result in cable connectors falling off during operation.
Do not bundle power lines (e.g., the Main Circuit Cable) and low-current lines (e.g., the I/O
Signal Cables or Encoder Cables) together or run them through the same duct. If you do not
place power lines and low-current lines in separate ducts, separate them by at least 30 cm.
If the cables are too close to each other, malfunctions may occur due to noise affecting the low-
current lines.
Install a battery at either the host controller or on the Encoder Cable.
If you install batteries both at the host controller and on the Encoder Cable at the same time,
you will create a loop circuit between the batteries, resulting in a risk of damage or burning.
When connecting a battery, connect the polarity correctly.
There is a risk of battery rupture or encoder failure.
4.1 Wiring and Connecting SERVOPACKs
4.1.1 General Precautions
• Use a molded-case circuit breaker or fuse to protect the main circuit. The SERVOPACK con-
nects directly to a commercial power supply; it is not isolated through a transformer or other
device. Always use a molded-case circuit breaker or fuse to protect the servo system from
Important accidents involving different power system voltages or other accidents.
• Install an earth leakage breaker. The SERVOPACK does not have a built-in ground fault protec-
tive circuit. To configure a safer system, install a ground fault detector against overloads and
short-circuiting, or install a ground fault detector combined with a molded-case circuit breaker.
• Do not turn the power supply ON and OFF more than necessary.
• Do not use the SERVOPACK for applications that require the power supply to turn ON and
OFF frequently. Such applications will cause elements in the SERVOPACK to deteriorate.
• After you have started actual operation, allow at least one hour between turning the power
supply ON and OFF (as a guideline).
To ensure safe, stable application of the servo system, observe the following precautions when
• Use the cables specified by Yaskawa. Design and arrange the system so that each cable is
as short as possible.
Refer to the following manual or catalog for information on the specified cables.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series (Catalog No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)
• The signal cable conductors are as thin as 0.2 mm2 or 0.3 mm2. Do not subject them to
excessive bending stress or tension.
4.1 Wiring and Connecting SERVOPACKs
4.1.2 Countermeasures against Noise
The SERVOPACK uses microprocessors. Therefore, it may be affected by switching noise from
peripheral devices.
To prevent the noise from the SERVOPACK or the peripheral devices from causing malfunc-
tions of any devices, take the following countermeasures against noise as required.
• Install the input reference device and Noise Filter as close to the SERVOPACK as possible.
• Always install a Surge Absorber for relays, solenoids, and Magnetic Contactor coils.
• Do not place the following cables in the same duct or bundle them together. Also, separate
the cables from each other by at least 30 cm.
•Main Circuit Cables and I/O Signal Cables
•Main Circuit Cables and Encoder Cables
• Do not share the power supply with an electric welder or electrical discharge machine. If the
SERVOPACK is placed near a high-frequency generator, install Noise Filters on the input side
on the Main Circuit Power Supply Cable and Control Power Supply Cable even if the same
power supply is not shared with the high-frequency generator. Refer to the following section
for information on connecting Noise Filters.
Noise Filters on page 4-7
• Implement suitable grounding measures. Refer to the following section for information on
grounding measures.
4.1.3 Grounding on page 4-9
4.1 Wiring and Connecting SERVOPACKs
4.1.2 Countermeasures against Noise
Noise Filters
You must attach Noise Filters in appropriate places to protect the SERVOPACK from the
adverse effects of noise. The following is an example of wiring for countermeasures against
Noise Filter Servomotor
L1 M
V (FG)
200 VAC L2 W
2.0 mm2
min. CN2 ENC
2.0 mm2
Operation relay sequence
*3 *2
Noise Filter
*1. For the ground wire, use a wire with a thickness of at least 2.0 mm2 (preferably, flat braided copper wire).
*2. Whenever possible, use twisted-pair wires to wire all connections marked with .
*3. Refer to the following section for precautions when using Noise Filters.
Noise Filter Wiring and Connection Precautions on page 4-8
4.1 Wiring and Connecting SERVOPACKs
4.1.2 Countermeasures against Noise
Noise Noise
Filter Filter
Noise Noise
Filter Filter
• Separate the Noise Filter ground wire from the output lines. Do not place the Noise Filter
ground wire, output lines, and other signal lines in the same duct or bundle them together.
Incorrect Correct
Noise Noise
Filter Filter
It is OK if the ground
wire is close to the
input lines.
• Connect the Noise Filter ground wire directly to the grounding plate. Do not connect the
Noise Filter ground wire to other ground wires.
Incorrect Correct
Noise Noise
Filter Filter
4.1 Wiring and Connecting SERVOPACKs
4.1.3 Grounding
• If a Noise Filter is located inside a control panel, first connect the Noise Filter ground wire and
the ground wires from other devices inside the control panel to the grounding plate for the
control panel, then ground the plate.
Control panel
Grounding plate
4.1.3 Grounding
4.2 Basic Wiring Diagrams
Overheat protection input
TH 5
Switch /HWBB1+ 4
24 V
Fuse /HWBB1- 3
8 EDM1+
*4 4.6 Connecting Safety Func-
Safety /HWBB2+ 6 tion Signals on page 4-41
/HWBB2- 5
Connector shell
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.1 Terminal Symbols and Terminal Names
Wire all connections correctly according to the following table and specified reference infor-
mation. There is a risk of SERVOPACK failure or fire if incorrect wiring is performed.
The SERVOPACKs have the following four types of main circuit power supply input specifica-
• Three-Phase, 200-VAC Power Supply Input
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.1 Terminal Symbols and Terminal Names
You can use a single-phase, 200-V power supply input with the following models.
• SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, -1R6A, -2R8A, -5R5A
If you use a single-phase, 200-VAC power supply input for the SERVOPACK’s main circuit
power supply, set parameter Pn00B to n.1 (Use a three-phase power supply input as a
single-phase power supply input). Refer to the following section for details.
5.2.2 Single-phase AC Power Supply Input/Three-phase AC Power Supply Input Setting on page 5-14
Information You do not need to change the setting of Pn00B to n.1 (Use a three-phase power sup-
ply input as a single-phase power supply input) for a SERVOPACK with a single-phase 200-
VAC power supply input (model number: SGD7S-120AE0A008).
If you use a DC power supply input to the SERVOPACK, make sure to set parameter Pn00E
to n.1 (DC power supply input supported) before inputting the power supply. Refer to
the following section for details.
5.2.1 AC Power Supply Input/DC Power Supply Input Setting on page 5-13
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.1 Terminal Symbols and Terminal Names
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.2 Wiring Procedure for Main Circuit Connector
1. Remove the main circuit connector and motor connector from the SERVOPACK.
Enlarged View
1. Press in on
the lock.
2. Press in on the
locks to remove
Main circuit
the connectors.
Servomotor connector
8 mm to 9 mm
3. Open the wire insertion hole on the terminal connector with the tool. There are the fol-
lowing two ways to open the insertion hole. Use either method.
Using a Spring Opener Using a Flat-blade Screwdriver
Open the insertion hole with the Spring Opener as Firmly insert a flat-blade screwdriver into the
shown in the figure. screwdriver insertion hole to open the wire inser-
tion hole.
Spring Opener
4. Insert the conductor into the wire insertion hole. Then, remove the Spring Opener or flat-
blade screwdriver.
5. Make all other connections in the same way.
6. When you have completed wiring, attach the connectors to the SERVOPACK.
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.3 Power ON Sequence
Main circuit power supply
/S_RDY (Servo Ready)
Information If the servo ON state cannot be achieved by turning ON the /S_ON signal, the /S_RDY signal
is not ON. Check the status of the /S_RDY signal. Refer to the following section for details.
• If you use a DC power supply input with any of the following SERVOPACKs, use the power
ON sequence shown below: SGD7S-330A, -470A, -550A, -590A, or -780A.
Power not
Motor power status supplied. Power
• Design the power ON sequence so that main circuit power supply is turned OFF when an
ALM (Servo Alarm) signal is output.
• Make sure that the power supply specifications of all parts are suitable for the input power
• Allow at least 1 s after the power supply is turned OFF before you turn it ON again.
Turn ON the control power supply before the main circuit power supply or turn ON the control
power supply and the main circuit power supply at the same time.
Turn OFF the main circuit power supply first, and then turn OFF the control power supply.
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
Even after you turn OFF the power supply, a high residual voltage may still remain in the
SERVOPACK. To prevent electric shock, do not touch the power supply terminals after you
turn OFF the power. When the voltage is discharged, the CHARGE indicator will turn OFF.
Make sure the CHARGE indicator is OFF before you start wiring or inspection work.
*1. You do not have to connect B2 and B3 for the following models: SGD7S-R70A, SGD7S-R90A,
SGD7S-1R6A, and SGD7S-2R8A. Do not connect them.
*2. A SGD7S-330A SERVOPACK does not have a - terminal.
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
• Wiring Example for Three-Phase, 200-VAC Power Supply Input: SGD7S-470A, -550A,
-590A, and -780A
(For servo alarm B2 CN1 +24 V
1Ry display) 3 ALM + 1Ry
1PL 2
Servo power Servo power 4 ALM − 1D 0V
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
1KM 1Ry 2KM
1QF: Molded-case circuit breaker 1Ry: Relay
1FLT: Noise Filter 1PL: Indicator lamp
1KM: Magnetic Contactor 1SA: Surge Absorber
(for control power supply) 2SA: Surge Absorber
2KM: Magnetic Contactor 3SA: Surge Absorber
(for main circuit power supply) 1D: Flywheel diode
* You do not have to connect B2 and B3 for the following models: SGD7S-R70A, SGD7S-R90A, SGD7S-
1R6A, and SGD7S-2R8A. Do not connect them.
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
• Wiring Example for DC Power Supply Input: SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, -1R6A, -2R8A, -3R8A,
-5R5A, -7R6A, -120A, -180A, or -200A
B1/ +
CN1 +24 V
(For servo alarm L1 3 ALM + 1Ry
1Ry display) L2
L3 4 ALM - 1D 0V
Servo power Servo power *
1KM 1Ry 2KM
* You do not have to connect B2 and B3 for the following models: SGD7S-R70A, SGD7S-R90A, SGD7S-
1R6A, and SGD7S-2R8A. Do not connect them.
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
• Wiring Example for DC Power Supply Input: SGD7S-330A, -470A, -550A, -590A, and
B1/ +
1TRy 2Ry
CN1 +24 V
(For servo alarm L1 3 ALM + 1Ry
1Ry display) L2
L3 4 ALM − 1D 0V
Servo power Servo power
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
• Wiring Example for Single-Phase, 100-VAC Power Supply Input: SGD7S-R70F, -R90F,
-2R1F, or -2R8F
(For servo alarm CN1 +24 V
1Ry display) 3 ALM + 1Ry
Servo power Servo power 4 ALM − 1D 0V
1KM 1Ry 2KM
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.4 Power Supply Wiring Diagrams
L3 Servomotor
Relay M
+24 V
3 ALM+ 1Ry
(For servo alarm
1Ry display) 4 ALM− 1D
Servo power Servo power 3FLT L2 SERVOPACK
ON OFF 1KM L3 Servomotor
Relay M
terminal Relay
1KM 1SA terminal
1KM 1Ry
3 ALM+
2SA 4 ALM−
L3 Servomotor
1QF: Molded-case circuit breaker 1Ry: Relay 3 ALM+
1FLT: Noise Filter 1PL: Indicator lamp
4 ALM−
2FLT: Noise Filter 1SA: Surge Absorber
3FLT: Noise Filter 2SA: Surge Absorber 0V
4FLT: Noise Filter 3SA: Surge Absorber
1KM: Magnetic Contactor 1D: Flywheel diode
(for control power supply)
2KM: Magnetic Contactor
(for main circuit power supply)
To comply with UL/cUL standards, you must install a branch circuit protective device at the
power supply input section to each SERVOPACK. Refer to the following manual for details.
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S/Σ-7W/Σ-7C SERVOPACK Safety Precautions (Manual No.:TOMP C710828 00)
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.5 Wiring Regenerative Resistors
Be sure to wire Regenerative Resistors correctly. Do not connect B1/⊕ and B2.
Doing so may result in fire or damage to the Regenerative Resistor or SERVOPACK.
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.5 Wiring Regenerative Resistors
2. Connect the External Regenerative Resistor between the B1/⊕ and B2 terminals.
Enlarged View
3. Set Pn600 (Regenerative Resistor Capacity) and Pn603 (Regenerative Resistor Resistance).
Refer to the following section for details on the settings.
5.17 Setting the Regenerative Resistor Capacity on page 5-52
2. Set Pn600 (Regenerative Resistor Capacity) and Pn603 (Regenerative Resistor Resis-
tance) as required.
• When using the Yaskawa-recommended Regenerative Resistor Unit, use the default settings for
Pn600 and Pn603.
• If you use any other external regenerative resistor, set Pn600 and Pn603 according to the specifica-
tions of the regenerative resistor.
Refer to the following section for details on the settings.
5.17 Setting the Regenerative Resistor Capacity on page 5-52
4.3 Wiring the Power Supply to the SERVOPACK
4.3.6 Wiring Reactors for Harmonic Suppression
Note: 1. Connection terminals 1 and 2 for a DC Reactor are connected when the SERVOPACK is shipped.
Remove the lead wire and connect a DC Reactor.
2. Reactors are optional products. (Purchase them separately.)
3. You cannot connect a DC Reactor to a SERVOPACK with a single-phase, 100-VAC power supply input.
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.1 Terminal Symbols and Terminal Names
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
Absolute encoder *2 U
*1 PS 5 W
/PS 6
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
BAT(+) 3
BAT(-) 4
+ - Connector
Battery shell
*1. The absolute encoder pin numbers for wiring the connector depend on the Servomotor that you use.
• Wiring Example When Installing a Battery on the Host Controller
Absolute encoder *2 U
*1 PS 5 W
/PS 6
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
CN1 *2
BAT(+) 3 14 BAT (+)
BAT(-) 4 15 BAT (-) - Battery
*1. The absolute encoder pin numbers for wiring the connector depend on the Servomotor that you use.
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
(Shell) Shield
*1. The encoder pin numbers for wiring the connector depend on the Servomotor that you use.
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
PG0V 2
Connector shell
Information Sales of the interface unit EIB3391Y with the LIC4100 and LIC2100 series have ended due to
the release of the LIC4190 and LIC2190 series.
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
shell Shield
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
Connector shell
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
shell Shield
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
14 REF 14
7 /REF 7
4 5V 4 1 PG5V 1
2 0V 2 5 PG0V 2
Connector Connector
shell shell Connector
Shield Connector shell
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
3 REF 3
11 /REF 11
4 5V 4 1 PG5V 1
12 0V 12 5 PG0V 2
Connector Connector
shell shell Connector
Shield Connector shell
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder
Connector shell
0V +5 V
External power supply Connector shell
PG5V 1
PG0V 2
Connector shell
4.4 Wiring Servomotors
4.4.4 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Holding Brake
• If you use a Rotary Servomotor, select a Surge Absorber according to the brake current and
brake power supply. Refer to the following manual for details.
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)
• After the Surge Absorber is connected, check the brake operation delay time in your applica-
tion. The Surge Absorber may affect the brake operation delay time.
Configure the relay circuit to activate the holding brake for an emergency stop.
• If you use a 24-V brake, install a separate power supply for the 24-VDC power supply from
other power supplies, such as the one for the I/O signals of the CN1 connector. If the power
supply is shared, the I/O signals may malfunction.
Power supply
L1 U
L2 V
L3 M
+24 V * BK
(/BK+) BK-RY Surge Absorber
(/BK-) 1D 0V
DC side
* Install the surge absorber near the brake terminals on the Servomotor.
4.5 I/O Signal Connections
4.5.1 I/O Signal Connector (CN1) Names and Functions
You cannot change the pin allocations for the I/O signals on CN1.
Input Signals
Signal Pin No. Name Function Reference
CCW Drive Prohibit Stops Servomotor drive (to prevent overtravel)
Input when the movable part of the machine exceeds page 5-28
CW-OT 9 CW Drive Prohibit Input the range of movement.
Connects the deceleration limit switch for origin
/HOME 11 Origin Signal Input page 12-3
Stops Servomotor drive immediately and turns page 6-34
EXSTOP 12 External Stop Input
OFF the servo in the SERVOPACK.
Inputs the sequence input signal power supply.
Sequence Input Signal
+24VIN 6 Allowable voltage range: 24 VDC ±20% The 24- −
Power Supply Input
VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
Battery for Absolute These are the pins to connect the absolute
BAT+ 14
Encoder (+) encoder backup battery.
Battery for Absolute Do not connect these pins if you use the
BAT- 15 Encoder Cable with a Battery Case.
Encoder (-)
Inputs the overheat protection signal from a Lin-
Overheat Protection
TH 5 ear Servomotor or from a sensor attached to page 6-35
the machine.
Note: If forward drive prohibition or reverse drive prohibition is used, the SERVOPACK is stopped by software con-
trols. If the application does not satisfy the safety requirements, add external safety circuits as required.
Output Signals
Signal Pin No. Name Function Reference
ALM+ 3
Servo Alarm Output Turns OFF (opens) when an error is detected. page 6-3
ALM- 4
/BK+ 1 Controls the brake. The brake is opened when
Brake Output page 5-31
/BK- 2 the signal turns ON (closes).
/WARN+ 23 It remains ON continuously while a warning is
Warning Output page 6-3
/WARN- 24 being detected.
4.5 I/O Signal Connections
4.5.2 I/O Signal Connector (CN1) Pin Arrangement
FG Connect shield to connector shell.
Frame ground
4.5 I/O Signal Connections
4.5.3 I/O Signal Wiring Examples
FG Connect shield to connector shell.
Frame ground
4.5 I/O Signal Connections
4.5.4 I/O Circuits
Photocoupler Photocoupler
Internal Internal
Switch signal Switch signal
level level
Photocoupler Photocoupler
Internal Internal
Switch signal Switch
level level
4.5 I/O Signal Connections
4.5.4 I/O Circuits
Note: The maximum allowable voltage and current range for photocoupler output circuits are as follows:
• Maximum allowable voltage: 30 VDC
• Current range: 5 mA to 50 mA DC
220 Ω to
470 Ω
4.6 Connecting Safety Function Signals
4.6.1 Pin Arrangement of Safety Function Signals (CN8)
For safety function signal connections, the input signal is the 0-V common and the output signal
is a source output. This is opposite to other signals described in this manual.
To avoid confusion, the ON and OFF status of signals for the safety function are defined as fol-
Important lows:
ON: The state in which the relay contacts are closed or the transistor is ON and current flows
into the signal line.
OFF: The state in which the relay contacts are open or the transistor is OFF and no current 4
flows into the signal line.
/HWBB2+ 6 4.7 kΩ
Use a switch that has
low-current contacts. 4.7 kΩ
/HWBB2- 5
4.6 Connecting Safety Function Signals
4.6.2 I/O Circuits
7 EDM1-
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.1 System Configuration Example for DeviceNet Communications
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.2 Connection Examples for DeviceNet Communications Cable
Node Node
: Trunk line
: Drop line
T T : T-branch adapter
Node Node
A node is either a slave that connects to a SERVOPACK, a similar device, or the mas-
Nodes ter that manages the slaves. No restrictions are placed on the locations of the master
or slaves. Any node can be the master or a slave.
Trunk line and drop The cable with terminating resistance on each end is the trunk line. Any cable that
lines branches from the trunk line is a drop line.
A node is connected with one of two methods: a T-branch connection or a multi-drop
connection. With a T-branch connection, a T-branch adapter is used to connect the
node. With a multi-drop connection, a node is connected directly to the trunk line or a
methods drop line.
Both T-branch and multi-drop connections can be used together in the same network.
Terminating You must connect both ends of the trunk line to terminating resistance to decrease
resistance signal reflection and ensure stable network communications.
You must provide power to the communications connector at each node from the
communications power supply with a communications cable for DeviceNet communi-
power supply cations.
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.3 Precautions for Connecting DeviceNet Communications Cables
Node Node
: Trunk line
: Drop line
T T : T-branch adapter
Node Node
DeviceNet communications cables are available as either thick cables or thin cables. The fol-
lowing table lists the characteristics of each type of cable.
Cable Type
Thick Cable Thin Cable
Signal decay Small Large
Communications distance Long Short
Flexibility Rigid (difficult to bend) Pliable (bends easily)
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.3 Precautions for Connecting DeviceNet Communications Cables
The maximum network length is determined by the type of cable, as shown in the following
Maximum Network Length (Unit: m)
Baud Rate (Kbps)
Thick Cable Thin Cable
500 100 100
250 250 100
125 500 100
Information You can use both thick cables and thin cables to connect different nodes in the same net-
work. The maximum network length will be shorter than when only thick cables are used.
The cable lengths must meet the following restrictions.
Length Limit
The total drop line length must be within the allowable range, and each drop line must be 6 m
or less.
The following table shows the total drop line length, which depends on the baud rate.
Baud Rate
Total Drop Line Length
500 39 m max.
250 78 m max.
125 156 m max.
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.3 Precautions for Connecting DeviceNet Communications Cables
Configuration Example
The following diagram shows the suggested configuration if the baud rate is 500 Kbps.
T (with terminating resistance) T T Terminating resistance
Node Node
a b c d
Node Node Node T
e : Trunk line
: Drop line
g h T : T-branch adapter
Node Node
Basic Precautions
Observe the following basic precautions. 4
• The communications power supply for the DeviceNet network must be 24 VDC.
• The communications power supply must have sufficient capacity to handle the device load.
• The communications power supply must be connected to the trunk line.
• If many nodes are provided with power from a single power supply, the power supply must be
placed as close as possible to the middle of the trunk line.
• The allowable current flow in a thick cable is 8 A. The allowable current flow in a thin cable is
3 A.
• The power supply capacity for a drop line depends on the length of the drop line.
• The maximum current capacity of the drop line will become lower as the drop line becomes
longer regardless of the thickness of the drop line. To calculate the current (I) that flows to the
drop line (i.e., the total current consumption on the drop line), use the following equation:
I = 4.57 / L
I: Allowable current in amperes, L: Drop length in meters
• If only the communications power supply is turned OFF while the network is operating, errors
may occur at the nodes that are communicating at that time.
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.4 Signal Names and Functions of the DeviceNet Communications Connector (CN6)
Power Supply
power supply
I/O Signals
Pin No. Name Function
SHIELD 1 Cable shield –
This pin is used to input the control power supply
Communications power sup-
24 V 2 for DeviceNet communications.
ply +24 V
Operating range: +11 V to +25 V
Communications power sup-
0V 3 –
ply 0 V
CAN H 4 CAN bus line dominant H –
CAN L 5 CAN bus line dominant L –
4.7 DeviceNet System Configuration
4.7.5 Network Connection Methods
24 V
Name Model
Micro-style Connector (FEMALE) OMRON DCA1-5CN02F1 Cable with Connectors or the equivalent.
V+ V+
V- V-
FG V+ V- FG V+ V-
Communications Communications
power supply power supply
Ground Ground
4.8 Connecting the Other Connectors
4.8.1 Serial Communications Connector (CN3)
Use the Yaskawa-specified cables. Operation will not be dependable due to low noise resistance
with any other cable.
Refer to the following section for information on the monitoring methods for an analog monitor.
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms on page 9-7
Basic Functions That
Require Setting
before Operation
This chapter describes the basic functions that must be set
before you start servo system operation. It also describes
the setting methods.
5.2 Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit and Control Circuit . . .5-13
5.2.1 AC Power Supply Input/DC Power Supply
Input Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5.2.2 Single-phase AC Power Supply Input/
Three-phase AC Power Supply Input Setting . . 5-14
5.12 Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms . . 5-34
5.12.1 Stopping Method for Servo OFF . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35
5.12.2 Servomotor Stopping Method for Alarms . . . . . .5-35
When you edit parameters with the SigmaWin+, setup parameters and tuning parameters are
When you edit parameters with a Digital Operator, only setup parameters are displayed by
Important default. To edit tuning parameters, set Pn00B to n.1 (Display all parameters).
Setup Parameters
You can use the Digital Operator, or SigmaWin+ to set the setup parameters individually.
Information We recommend that you use the Setup Wizard of the SigmaWin+ to easily set the required setup
parameters by setting the operating methods, machine specifications, and I/O signals according
to on-screen Wizard instructions. 5
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.2 Notation for Parameters
Tuning Parameters
Normally the user does not need to set the tuning parameters individually.
Use the various SigmaWin+ tuning functions to set the related tuning parameters to increase the
response even further for the conditions of your machine. Refer to the following sections for details.
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference on page 8-23
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference on page 8-34
8.8 Custom Tuning on page 8-42
You can also set the tuning parameters individually to make adjustments. Refer to the following section
for details.
8.13 Manual Tuning on page 8-79
number This is the minimum This is the This is when any
unit (setting increment) parameter setting change made to the This is the parameter
that you can set for parameter will classification.
This is the setting range before shipment.
for the parameter. the parameter. become effective.
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.3 Parameter Setting Methods
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.3 Parameter Setting Methods
The edited parameters are written to the SERVOPACK and the backgrounds of the cells change to
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.3 Parameter Setting Methods
Information The parameters that are written are the parameters for the currently selected parameter axis
(i.e., the one with the column title displayed in orange).
12. To enable changes to the settings, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and
ON again.
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.4 Write Prohibition Setting for Parameters
No preparations are required.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to change the Write Prohibition Setting.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating
Digital Operator Fn010 Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Others – Write Prohibited Setting Operating Procedure on page 5-8
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to prohibit or permit writing parameter settings.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
2. Select Write Prohibition Setting in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Write Prohibition Setting Dialog Box will be displayed.
3. Press the or for the rightmost digit and set one of the following.
0000: Writing is permitted (default setting).
0001: Writing is prohibited.
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.4 Write Prohibition Setting for Parameters
6. To enable the new setting, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON
If you prohibit writing parameter settings, you will no longer be able to execute some functions.
Refer to the following table.
SigmaWin+ Digital Operator
When Writ-
Button in ing Is Pro- Reference
SigmaWin+ Function
Menu Fn No. Utility Function Name hibited
Dialog Box
*1 Cannot be
Initialize Fn005 Initializing Parameters page 5-10
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.5 Initializing Parameter Settings
To enable the new settings, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again after
you complete the operation.
Always check the following before you initialize the parameter settings.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The servo must be OFF.
• Initializing the parameter settings must not be in progress for any other tool.
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.5 Initializing Parameter Settings
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to initialize the parameter settings.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn005 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Basic Functions – Edit Parame-
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 5-11
PnBA7 Parameter Initialization on page 12-17
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to initialize the parameter settings.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
Click the Cancel Button to cancel initialization. The Parameter Editing Dialog Box will return.
5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)
5.1.6 Managing Parameters (Pn)
7. Turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again after the parameter set-
tings have been initialized.
Parameters that are not saved immediately in nonvolatile memory are stored in RAM in the
SERVOPACK. To save all parameters in nonvolatile memory after completing parameter adjustments,
reset the Module. If the power supply is turned OFF before the Module is reset, any changes that
Important have been made to the parameters that are not saved automatically will be lost.
5.2 Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit and Control Circuit
5.2.1 AC Power Supply Input/DC Power Supply Input Setting
5.2 Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit and Control Circuit
A SERVOPACK with a 200-VAC power supply input can be operated on either an AC power
supply input or DC power supply input to the main and control circuits. If you select an AC
power supply input, you can operate the SERVOPACK on either a single-phase power supply
input or a three-phase power supply input. This section describes the settings related to the
power supplies.
You cannot input DC power to a SERVOPACK with a single-phase, 100-VAC power supply
Connect the AC or DC power supplies to the specified SERVOPACK terminals.
• Connect an AC power supply to the L1, L2, and L3 terminals and the L1C and L2C terminals on
• Connect a DC power supply to the B1/ and 2 terminals and the L1C and L2C terminals on
There is a risk of failure or fire.
Always specify a DC power supply input (Pn001 = n.1) before you input DC power for
the main circuit power supply.
If you input DC power without specifying a DC power supply input (i.e., without setting Pn001 to
n.1), the SERVOPACK’s internal elements may burn and may cause fire or damage to the
With a DC power supply input, time is required to discharge electricity after the main power
supply is turned OFF. A high residual voltage may remain in the SERVOPACK after the
power supply is turned OFF. Be careful not to get an electric shock.
Install fuses on the power supply line if you use DC power.
The Servomotor returns regenerative energy to the power supply. If you use a SERVOPACK
with a DC power supply input, regenerative energy is not processed. Process the regenera-
tive energy at the power supply.
If you use a DC power supply input with any of the following SERVOPACKs, externally con-
nect an inrush current limiting circuit and use the power ON and OFF sequences recom-
mended by Yaskawa: SGD7S-330A, -470A, -550A, -590A, or -780A.
There is a risk of equipment damage.
Refer to the following section for the power ON and OFF sequences.
4.3.3 Power ON Sequence on page 4-15
5.2 Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit and Control Circuit
5.2.2 Single-phase AC Power Supply Input/Three-phase AC Power Supply Input Setting
1. If you use a single-phase power supply input without specifying a single-phase AC power sup-
ply (Pn00B = n.1), an A.F10 alarm (Power Supply Line Open Phase) will occur.
2. Not all SERVOPACKs can be run on a single-phase AC power supply input. If you connect a
Important single-phase AC power supply input to a SERVOPACK that does not support single-phase
power, an A.F10 alarm (Power Supply Line Open Phase) will occur.
3. If you use a single-phase 200-VAC power supply input, the torque-motor speed characteristic
of the Servomotor will not be the same as for a three-phase AC power supply input. Decide
whether to use a single-phase or three-phase AC power supply input after checking the char-
acteristics given in the Servomotor manual or catalog.
Refer to the following section for information on wiring a single-phase AC power supply input to
• Wiring Example for Single-Phase, 200-VAC Power Supply Input on page 4-18
5.3 Automatic Detection of Connected Motor
5.4 Motor Direction Setting
• Rotary Servomotors
The default setting for forward rotation is counterclockwise (CCW) as viewed from the load end of the Servomotor.
However, for overtravel, the rotation direction is the direction as viewed from the encoder.
Forward/Reverse Applicable
Parameter Motor Direction and Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs
Reference Overtravel Signal (OT)
+ Torque reference Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs
Forward PAO
n.0 Time Drive Prohibit
CCW Input) signal
Use CCW as Motor speed PBO Phase-B lead
the forward +
Torque reference Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs CCW-OT
(default setting) Reverse Time PAO Phase-A lead (CCW Drive
reference Prohibit Input)
CW Motor speed PBO signal
+ Torque reference Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs
n.1 Forward PAO
Time Drive Prohibit
Use CW as the reference
CW Input) signal
Motor speed PBO Phase-B lead
forward direc-
tion. +
Torque reference Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs CCW-OT
(Reverse Rota- Reverse (CCW Drive
Time PAO Phase-A lead
tion Mode) reference Prohibit Input)
Motor speed PBO signal
Note: The trace waveforms of the SigmaWin+ are shown in the above table for the torque reference and motor speed diagrams. If you
measure them on a measuring instrument, e.g., with an analog monitor, the polarity will be reversed.
• Linear Servomotors
Before you set this parameter, make sure that Pn080 = n.X (Motor Phase Sequence Selection) is set correctly.
Forward/Reverse Motor Moving Direction and Encoder Divided Pulse Applicable
Reference Outputs Overtravel Signal (OT)
+ Force reference Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs
n.0 CW-OT (CW
Use the direc- Forward PAO
Moves in the Time Drive Prohibit
tion in which reference count-up
Motor speed
Input) signal
the linear direction. PBO Phase-B lead
encoder counts +
Force reference Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs CCW-OT
up as the for- Reverse (CCW Drive
Moves in the Time PAO Phase-A lead
ward direction. reference count-down Prohibit Input)
(default setting) direction. Motor speed PBO signal
Pn000 + Force reference
Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs
n.1 CW-OT (CW
Forward Time
Use the direc- Moves in the PAO Drive Prohibit
tion in which count-down Motor speed Input) signal
direction. PBO Phase-B lead
the linear
encoder counts +
Force reference
down as the Encoder Divided Pulse Outputs CCW-OT
Reverse Time (CCW Drive
forward direc- Moves in the PAO Phase-A lead
reference Prohibit Input)
tion. count-up Motor speed signal
direction. PBO
Note: The trace waveforms of the SigmaWin+ are shown in the above table for the force reference and motor speed diagrams. If you mea-
sure them on a measuring instrument, e.g., with an analog monitor, the polarity will be reversed.
5.5 Setting the Linear Encoder Pitch
You will not be able to control the Linear Servomotor if Pn282 is not set correctly. Check the
above table and always set the correct value before you operate the Linear Servomotor.
Linear Encoder
Type of Linear
Manufacturer Model Serial Converter Unit Model Pitch
LIDA48 20
Incremental LIF48 4
Renishaw PLC RGH22B 20
The first time you supply power to the SERVOPACK, the panel display on the front of the Ser- 5
vomotor will display an A.080 alarm (Linear Encoder Pitch Setting Error). The A.080 alarm is
displayed because the setting of Pn282 has not been changed. The A.080 alarm will be cleared
when you change the setting of Pn282 and then turn the power supply OFF and ON again.
5.6 Writing Linear Servomotor Parameters
Check the Servomotor and linear encoder information before you write the motor parame-
If you do not write the correct motor parameters, the Servomotor may run out of control or
burning may occur, possibly resulting in equipment damage or fire.
Motor parameter file
The motor parameters are written
to the linear encoder through the
Linear encoder
Serial number information is not included in the motor parameters. You cannot use the monitor
functions of the SERVOPACK to monitor the serial number.
Important If you attempt to monitor the serial number, ********** will be displayed.
• If the encoder parameters are not written to the linear encoder, an A.CA0 alarm (Encoder
Parameter Error) will occur. Consult the manufacturer of the linear encoder.
• If the motor parameters are not written to the linear encoder, an A.CA0 alarm (Encoder
Parameter Error) will not occur, but the following alarms will occur.
A.040 (Parameter Setting Error), A.041 (Encoder Output Pulse Setting Error),
A.050 (Combination Error), A.051 (Unsupported Device Alarm),
A.550 (Maximum Speed Setting Error), A.710 (Instantaneous Overload),
A.720 (Continuous Overload), and A.C90 (Encoder Communications Error)
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to write the parameters to the Linear Servo-
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Digital Operator You cannot write Linear Servomotor parameters from the Digital Operator.
Encoder Setting – Motor Parameter
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 5-19
Scale Write
5.6 Writing Linear Servomotor Parameters
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to write the motor parameters to the Linear Encoder.
1. Prepare the motor parameter file to write to the linear encoder.
2. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
3. Select Motor Parameter Scale Write in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Motor Parameter Scale Write Dialog Box will be displayed.
6. Select the motor parameter file that you prepared and click the Open Button.
5.6 Writing Linear Servomotor Parameters
7. Confirm that the motor parameter file information that is displayed is suitable for your
Servomotor, and then click the Next Button.
Displays an exterior
view of the Servomotor.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel writing the motor parameters to the linear encoder. The Main Win-
dow will return.
8. Click the Write Button.
5.6 Writing Linear Servomotor Parameters
Click the No Button to cancel writing the motor parameters to the linear encoder.
If you click the Yes Button, writing the motor parameter scale will start.
12. Turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again.
5.7 Selecting the Phase Sequence for a Linear Servomotor
If you do not confirm the above items before you attempt to operate the Servomotor, the Servo-
motor may not operate or it may run out of control. Always confirm these items before you oper-
Important ate the Servomotor.
Related Parameters
Parameter Meaning When Enabled Classification
Set a phase-A lead as a phase sequence of U, V, and W.
Pn080 (default setting) After restart Setup
n.1 Set a phase-B lead as a phase sequence of U, V, and W.
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to select the phase sequence for a Linear Servomotor.
1. Set Pn000 to n.0 (Set a phase-A lead as a phase sequence of U, V, and W).
This setting is to make following confirmation work easier to understand.
2. Select Monitor - Monitor - Motion Monitor from the menu bar of the Main Window of
the SigmaWin+.
A dialog box will be displayed so that you can check the feedback pulse counter.
To check the feedback pulse counter with the Digital Operator, use Un00D (Feedback Pulse Counter).
3. Manually move the Moving Coil from one end to the other of the stroke and confirm that
only the correct number of feedback pulses is returned.
If the correct number and only the correct number of pulses is returned, the signal is being received
correctly from the linear encoder.
In this example, assume that a linear encoder with a scale pitch of 20 μm and a resolu-
tion of 256 is used. If you manually move the Moving Coil 1 cm in the count-up direction
of the linear encoder, the number of feedback pulses would be as follows:
1 cm/(20 μm/256) = 128,000 pulses
Note: The actual monitor display will be offset by the error in the travel distance. There is no
problem as long as the above value is close to the calculated value.
5.7 Selecting the Phase Sequence for a Linear Servomotor
If the correct value is not displayed for the feedback pulse counter, the following condi-
tions may exist. Check the situation and correct any problems.
• The linear encoder pitch is not correct.
If the scale pitch that is set in Pn282 does not agree with the actual scale pitch, the
expected number of feedback pulses will not be returned. Check the specifications of
the linear encoder.
• The linear encoder is not adjusted properly.
If the linear encoder is not adjusted properly, the output signal level from the linear
encoder will drop and the correct number of pulses will not be counted. Check the
adjustment of the linear encoder. Contact the manufacturer of the linear encoder for
• There is a mistake in the wiring between the linear encoder and the Serial Converter
If the wiring is not correct, the correct number of pulses will not be counted. Correct
the wiring.
4. Manually move the Moving Coil in the direction of the cable and check the value of the
5. If the feedback pulse counter counts up, set a phase-A lead as a phase sequence of U,
V, and W (Pn080 = n.0).
If the feedback pulse counter counts down, set a phase-B lead as a phase sequence of
U, V, and W (Pn080 = n.1).
6. Turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again.
7. If necessary, return Pn000 = n.X (Direction Selection) to its original setting.
This concludes the procedure to set the phase sequence of the Linear Servomotor.
5.8 Polarity Sensor Setting
If you set Pn080 to n.0 (Use polarity sensor) and the Linear Servomotor that is con-
nected to the SERVOPACK does not have a polarity sensor, an A.C21 alarm (Polarity Sensor
Error) will occur when you turn the power supply OFF and ON again.
5.9 Polarity Detection
5.9.1 Restrictions
If you use a Linear Servomotor that does not have a polarity sensor, you will not be able to
turn ON the servo until polarity detection has been completed.
5.9.1 Restrictions
Assumed Conditions
The Servomotor will move when you execute polarity detection. The following conditions must
be met before you start.
• It must be OK to move the Moving Coil about 10 mm.
(If polarity detection fails, the Moving Coil may move approximately 5 cm. The amount of
movement depends on conditions.)
• The linear encoder pitch must be 100 μm or less. (We recommend a pitch of 40 μm or less
for an incremental encoder.)
• As much as possible, the motor must not be subjected to an imbalanced external force. (We
recommend 5% or less of the rated force.)
• The mass ratio must be 50x or less.
• The axis must be horizontal.
• There must be friction equivalent to a few percent of the rated force applied to the guides. (Air
sliders cannot be used.)
Always check the following before you execute polarity detection.
• Not using a polarity sensor must be specified (Pn080 = n.1).
• The servo must be OFF.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• There must be no alarms except for an A.C22 alarm (Phase Information Disagreement).
5.9 Polarity Detection
5.9.2 Using the Servo ON Command to Perform Polarity Detection
• The parameters must not be write prohibited. (This item applies only when using the Sig-
maWin+ or Digital Operator.)
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• There must be no overtravel.
• If the motor parameters have been written or the origin of the absolute linear encoder has
been set, the power supply to the SERVOPACK must be turned OFF and ON again after
completion of the writing or setting operation.
1. Power is supplied to the Servomotor during polarity detection. Be careful not to get an electric
shock. Also, the Moving Coil of the Linear Servomotor may greatly move during detection. Do
not approach the moving parts of the Servomotor.
Important 2. Polarity detection is affected by many factors.
For example, polarity detection may fail if the mass ratio or friction is too large or the cable ten-
sion is too strong.
5.9 Polarity Detection
5.9.3 Using a Tool Function to Perform Polarity Detection
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to perform polarity detection.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating
Digital Operator Fn080 Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Encoder Setting – Polarity Detection Operating Procedure on page 5-27
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to perform polarity detection.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel polarity detection. The Main Window will return.
5.10 Overtravel and Related Settings
5.10.1 Overtravel Signals
Using the overtravel function is not necessary for rotating applications such as rotary tables
and conveyors. No wiring for overtravel input signals is required.
This section describes the parameters settings related to overtravel.
To prevent accidents that may result from contact faults or disconnections, use normally
closed limit switches.
Do not change the default settings of the polarity of the overtravel signals (CCW-OT and
If you use a Servomotor for a vertical axis, the /BK (Brake) signal will remain ON (i.e., the
brake will be released) when overtravel occurs. This may result in the workpiece falling when
overtravel occurs. To prevent the workpiece from falling, set a hard stop (PnB1A = 0001h) or
set a smooth stop (PnB1A = 0002h).
A base block state is entered after stopping for overtravel. This may cause the Servomotor
to be pushed back by an external force on the load shaft. To prevent the Servomotor from
being pushed back, set a hard stop (PnB1A = 0001h) or set a smooth stop (PnB1A = 0002h).
Even during overtravel, you can input a reference to drive the motor in the opposite direction.
5.10 Overtravel and Related Settings
5.10.2 Setting to Enable/Disable Overtravel
5.11 Holding Brake
5.11.1 Brake Operating Sequence
• The brake built into a Servomotor with a Brake is a de-energization brake. It is used only to
hold the Servomotor and cannot be used for braking. Use the holding brake only to hold a Ser-
vomotor that is already stopped.
Important • The /BK signal will remain ON during overtravel. The brake will not be applied.
(servo OFF) 1 (servo ON) 0 (servo OFF)
Servo ON command (Enable)
Power not
supplied. Power supplied. Power not supplied.
Motor power status
/BK (Brake) signal
Brake contact section applied. Brake released. Brake applied.
(lining) *1 *1
Position/speed reference
Motor speed
5.11 Holding Brake
5.11.2 /BK (Brake) Signal
*1. Rotary Servomotors: The brake delay times for Servomotors with Holding Brakes are given in the following
table. The operation delay times in the following table are examples for when the power supply is switched on
the DC side. You must evaluate the actual brake delay times on the actual equipment before using the applica-
Connection Examples
Refer to the following section for information on brake wiring.
4.4.4 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Holding Brake on page 4-35
The following settings are for the output signal that controls the brake.
The /BK signal is turned OFF (to operate the brake) when the servo is turned OFF or when an
alarm is detected. You can adjust the timing of brake operation (i.e., the timing of turning OFF
the /BK signal) with the servo OFF delay time (Pn506).
Type Signal Connector Pin No. Signal Status Meaning
ON (closed) Releases the brake.
Output /BK CN1-1, CN1-2
OFF (open) Activates the brake.
Information The /BK signal will remain ON during overtravel. The brake will not be applied.
5.11 Holding Brake
5.11.3 Output Timing of /BK (Brake) Signal When the Servomotor Is Stopped
Power supply to the Servomotor will be stopped immediately when an alarm occurs, regardless
of the setting of this parameter. The machine moving part may move due to gravity or an external
Important force before the brake is applied.
5.11 Holding Brake
5.11.4 Output Timing of /BK (Brake) Signal When the Servomotor Is Operating
Motor speed
Motor stopped with dynamic
brake or by coasting
(Pn001 = n.X)
Motor power status Power Power not supplied.
• When the Time Set In Pn508 Elapses after the Power Supply to the Motor Is Stopped
The Servomotor will be limited to its maximum speed even if the brake reference output speed
level (Rotary Servomotor: Pn507, Linear Servomotor: Pn583) is higher than the maximum speed.
5.12 Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms
• The dynamic brake is used for emergency stops. The dynamic brake circuit will operate fre-
quently if the power supply is turned ON and OFF or the servo is turned ON and OFF while a
reference input is applied to start and stop the Servomotor. This may result in deterioration of
Important the internal elements in the SERVOPACK. Use speed input references or position references to
start and stop the Servomotor.
• If you turn OFF the main circuit power supply or control power supply during operation before
you turn OFF the servo, the Servomotor stopping method depends on the SERVOPACK model
as shown in the following table.
Servomotor Stopping Method
SGD7S-R70A, -1R6A, -2R8A,
Condition -3R8A, -5R5A, -7R6A, -120A, SGD7S-330A, -470A, -550A,
-180A, -200A, -R70F, -R90F, -590A, or -780A
-2R1F, or -2R8F
Main circuit power supply
turned OFF before turning Stopping with dynamic brake
OFF the servo
Control power supply
turned OFF before turning Stopping with dynamic brake Coasting to a stop
OFF the servo
• If the Servomotor must be stopped by coasting rather than with the dynamic brake when the
main circuit power supply or the control power supply is turned OFF before the servo is turned
OFF, use a SERVOPACK with the Dynamic Brake Hardware Option.
• To minimize the coasting distance of the Servomotor to come to a stop when an alarm occurs,
zero-speed stopping is the default method for alarms to which it is applicable. However,
depending on the application, stopping with the dynamic brake may be more suitable than
zero-speed stopping.
For example, when coupling two shafts (twin-drive operation), machine damage may occur if a
zero-speed stopping alarm occurs for one of the coupled shafts and the other shaft stops with
a dynamic brake. In such cases, change the stopping method to the dynamic brake.
5.12 Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms
5.12.1 Stopping Method for Servo OFF
5.12 Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms
5.12.2 Servomotor Stopping Method for Alarms
5.12 Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms
5.12.2 Servomotor Stopping Method for Alarms
Operating speed
Actual deceleration time = × Deceleration time (Pn30A)
Maximum speed
deceleration time
5.13 Motor Overload Detection Level
5.13.1 Detection Timing for Overload Warnings (A.910)
5.13 Motor Overload Detection Level
5.13.2 Detection Timing for Overload Alarms (A.720)
Detection curve
for overload
alarms when
Pn52C = 50%
50% 100% 200% Torque reference (%)
Note: The gray areas in the above graph show where A.710 and A.720 alarms occur.
Refer to the relevant manual given below for a diagram that shows the relationships between
the Servomotor heat dissipation conditions (heat sink size, surrounding air temperature, and
derating). You can protect the Servomotor from overloads more effectively by setting this derat-
ing value in Pn52C.
Σ-7-Series Rotary Servomotor Product Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 36)
Σ-7-Series Linear Servomotor Product Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 37)
Σ-7-Series Direct Drive Servomotor Product Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 38)
5.14 Electronic Gear Settings
The difference between using and not using the electronic gear is shown below.
• Rotary Servomotors
In this example, the following machine configuration is used to move the workpiece 10 mm.
Ball screw lead: 6 mm
16,777,216 (24 bits)
When the Electronic Gear Is Not Used When the Electronic Gear Is Used
To move a workpiece 10 mm: If you use reference units to
Calculate the number of revolutions. move the workpiece when one
The Servomotor will move 6 mm for each revo- reference unit is set to 1 μm,
lution, so 10/6 revolutions are required to move the travel distance is 1 μm per
10 mm. pulse.
Calculate the required number of reference To move the workpiece 10 mm
pulses. (10,000 μm), 10,000 ÷ 1 =
One revolution is 16,777,216 pulses, therefore 10,000 pulses, so 10,000
10/6 × 16,777,216 = 27,962,026.66 pulses. pulses would be input.
Input 27,962,027 pulses as the reference.
Calculating the number of reference pulses for each Calculating the number of ref-
reference is troublesome. erence pulses for each refer-
ence is not necessary.
• Linear Servomotors
In this example, the following machine configuration is used to move the load 10 mm. We’ll
assume that the resolution of the Serial Converter Unit is 256 and that the linear encoder pitch
is 20 μm.
Linear encoder
When the Electronic Gear Is Not Used When the Electronic Gear Is Used
To move the load 10 mm: To use reference units to move the load 10 mm:
10 × 1000 ÷ 20 × 256 = 128,000 If we set the reference unit to 1 μm, the travel
pulses, so 128,000 pulses are input distance is 1 μm per pulse. To move the load 10
as the reference. mm (10,000 μm), 10,000/1 = 10,000 pulses, so
10,000 pulses would be input as the reference.
Calculating the number of reference Calculating the number of reference pulses
pulses for each reference is trouble- for each reference is not necessary.
5.14 Electronic Gear Settings
5.14.1 Electronic Gear Ratio Settings
The setting range of the electronic gear depends on the setting of Pn040 = n.X (Encoder
Resolution Compatibility Selection).
• Pn040 = n.0 (Use the encoder resolution of the Servomotor.)
Important Set the electronic gear ratio within the following range.
0.001 ≤ Electronic gear ratio (B/A) ≤ 64,000
If the electronic gear ratio is outside of this range, an A.040 alarm (Parameter Setting Error) will
• Pn040 = n.1 (Use a resolution of 20 bits when connected to an SGM7J, SGM7A,
SGM7P, SGM7G, SGM7E, or SGM7F Servomotor.)
Set the electronic gear ratio within the following range.
0.001 ≤ Electronic gear ratio (B/A) ≤ 4,000
If the electronic gear ratio is outside of this range, an A.040 alarm (Parameter Setting Error) will
5.14 Electronic Gear Settings
5.14.1 Electronic Gear Ratio Settings
Encoder Resolution
You can check the encoder resolution in the Servomotor model number.
Linear Servomotors
You can calculate the settings for the electronic gear ratio with the following equation:
When Not Using a Serial Converter Unit
Use the following formula if the linear encoder and SERVOPACK are connected directly or if a
linear encoder that does not require a Serial Converter Unit is used.
Pn20E = Travel distance per reference unit (reference units) × Linear encoder resolution
Electronic gear ratio
A Pn210 Linear encoder pitch (the value from the following table)
5.14 Electronic Gear Settings
5.14.1 Electronic Gear Ratio Settings
5.14 Electronic Gear Settings
5.14.1 Electronic Gear Ratio Settings
Information Resolution
You can calculate the resolution that is used inside the SERVOPACK (i.e., the travel distance per
feedback pulse) with the following formula.
Linear encoder pitch
Resolution (travel distance per feedback pulse) =
Resolution of Serial Converter Unit or linear encoder
The SERVOPACK uses feedback pulses as the unit to control a Servomotor.
5.14 Electronic Gear Settings
5.14.2 Electronic Gear Ratio Setting Examples
• Linear Servomotors
A setting example for a Serial Converter Unit resolution of 256 is given below.
Machine Configuration
Reference unit:
0.02 mm (20 m)
Step Description Forward direction
Pn20E: 256
4 Setting Parameters
Pn210: 20
5.15 Resetting the Absolute Encoder
5.15.1 Precautions on Resetting
The multiturn data will be reset to a value between -2 and +2 rotations when the absolute
encoder is reset. The reference position of the machine system will change. Adjust the refer-
ence position in the host controller to the position that results from resetting the absolute
If the machine is started without adjusting the position in the host controller, unexpected
operation may cause personal injury or damage to the machine.
1. The multiturn data will always be zero in the following cases. It is never necessary to reset
the absolute encoder in these cases. An alarm related to the absolute encoder (A.810 or
A.820) will not occur.
• When you use a single-turn absolute encoder
• When the encoder is set to be used as a single-turn absolute encoder (Pn002 =
2. If a batteryless absolute encoder is used, an A.810 alarm (Encoder Backup Alarm) will
occur the first time the power is turned ON. After you reset the absolute encoder, the
A.810 alarm will no longer occur.
5.15.2 Preparations
Always check the following before you reset an absolute encoder.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The servo must be OFF.
5.15 Resetting the Absolute Encoder
5.15.3 Applicable Tools
2. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel resetting the absolute encoder. The Main Window will return.
The current alarm code and name will be displayed in the Alarm name Box.
5.15 Resetting the Absolute Encoder
5.15.4 Operating Procedure
Click the Cancel Button to cancel resetting the absolute encoder. The previous dialog box will return.
Click the OK Button. The Main Window will return. Turn OFF the servo and repeat the procedure from
step 1.
8. To enable the change to the settings, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF
and ON again.
5.16 Setting the Origin of the Absolute Encoder
5.16.1 Absolute Encoder Origin Offset
1. After you set the origin, the /S-RDY (Servo Ready) signal will become inactive because the
system position data was changed. Always turn the SERVOPACK power supply OFF and ON
Important 2. After you set the origin, the Servomotor phase data in the SERVOPACK will be discarded. If 5
you are using a Linear Servomotor without a Polarity Sensor, execute polarity detection again
to save the Servomotor phase data in the SERVOPACK.
Always check the following before you set the origin of an absolute encoder.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The servo must be OFF.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to set the origin of the absolute linear
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating
Digital Operator Fn020 Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Encoder Setting – Zero Point Position
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 5-50
5.16 Setting the Origin of the Absolute Encoder
5.16.2 Setting the Origin of the Absolute Linear Encoder
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to set the origin of an absolute linear encoder.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel setting the origin of the absolute linear encoder. The previous dia-
log box will return.
5.16 Setting the Origin of the Absolute Encoder
5.16.2 Setting the Origin of the Absolute Linear Encoder
This concludes the procedure to set the origin of the absolute linear encoder.
5.17 Setting the Regenerative Resistor Capacity
If you connect an External Regenerative Resistor, set Pn600 and Pn603 to suitable values.
If a suitable value is not set, A.320 alarms (Regenerative Overload) will not be detected cor-
rectly, and the External Regenerative Resistor may be damaged or personal injury or fire may
When you select an External Regenerative Resistor, make sure that it has a suitable capac-
There is a risk of personal injury or fire.
1. When an External Regenerative Resistor is used at the normal rated load ratio, the resistor
temperature increases to between 200°C and 300°C. Always apply derating. Consult the
manufacturer for the resistor’s load characteristics.
Important 2. For safety, use an External Regenerative Resistor with a thermoswitch.
This chapter describes the application functions that you
can set before you start servo system operation. It also
describes the setting methods.
Application Functions
6.1.2 Output Signals
Configure an external circuit so that this alarm output turns OFF the main circuit power supply to 6
the SERVOPACK whenever an error occurs.
6.1 I/O Signal Descriptions
6.1.2 Output Signals
6.2 Operation for Momentary Power Interruptions
Setting of Setting of
Pn509 Pn509
Pn509 Pn509
Power not
Power supply
Motor power continued.
Power supplied. Motor power Power supplied.
status status
Power shut OFF.
Momentary power interruption Momentary power interruption
Application Functions
1. If the momentary power interruption time exceeds the setting of Pn509, the Servo Ready
bit will change to 0 and the servo will be turned OFF.
2. If uninterruptible power supplies are used for the control power supply and main circuit
power supply, the SERVOPACK can withstand a power interruption that lasts longer than
50,000 ms.
3. The holding time of the SERVOPACK control power supply is approximately 100 ms. If
control operations become impossible during a momentary power interruption of the con-
trol power supply, the setting of Pn509 will be ignored and the same operation will be per-
formed as for when the power supply is turned OFF normally.
The holding time of the main circuit power supply depends on the output from the SERVOPACK.
If the load on the Servomotor is large and an A.410 alarm (Undervoltage) occurs, the setting of
Important Pn509 will be ignored.
6.3 SEMI F47 Function
Execution Sequence
This function can be executed either with the host controller or with the SERVOPACK. Use
Pn008 = n.X (Function Selection for Undervoltage) to specify whether the function is exe-
cuted by the host controller or by the SERVOPACK.
The default setting (Pn008 = n.0) disables detection of an A.971 warning (Undervoltage).
Parameter Description When Enabled Classification
(default set- Do not detect undervoltage.
Detect undervoltage warning and limit torque
Pn008 n.1 After restart Setup
at host controller.
Detect undervoltage warning and limit torque
n.2 with Pn424 and Pn425 (i.e., only in SERVO-
6.3 SEMI F47 Function
Setting of Pn424
Related Parameters
The following parameters are related to the SEMI F47 function.
Torque Limit at Main Circuit Voltage Drop
Pn424 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 100 1%* 50 Immediately Setup
Release Time for Torque Limit at Main Circuit Voltage Drop
Pn425 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 1,000 1 ms 100 Immediately Setup
Momentary Power Interruption Hold Time
Pn509 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
20 to 50,000 1 ms 20 Immediately Setup
Application Functions
* Set a percentage of the motor rated torque.
Note: If you will use the SEMI F47 function, set the time to 1,000 ms.
• This function handles momentary power interruptions for the voltage and time ranges stipu-
lated in SEMI F47. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is required as a backup for momen-
tary power interruptions that exceed these voltage and time ranges.
Important • Set the host controller or SERVOPACK torque limit so that a torque reference that exceeds the
specified acceleration torque will not be output when the power supply for the main circuit is
• For a vertical axis, do not limit the torque to a value that is lower than the holding torque. 6
• This function limits torque within the range of the SERVOPACK’s capability for power interrup-
tions. It is not intended for use under all load and operating conditions. Set the parameters
while monitoring operation on the actual machine.
• You can set the momentary power interruption hold time to increase the amount of time from
when the power supply is turned OFF until power supply to the motor is stopped. To stop the
power supply to the motor immediately, execute the Servo OFF (Enable = 0) command.
6.4 Setting the Motor Maximum Speed
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.1 Encoder Divided Pulse Output Signals
Application Functions
electric angle of 90°.
PCO CN1-21
Encoder Divided Pulse Output, These pins output one pulse
Phase C* every Servomotor rotation.
/PCO CN1-22
* Refer to the following section for information on the origin within one encoder rotation.
Relation between Renishaw PLC Incremental Linear Encoders and Encoder Output Pulse Signal from the SER-
VOPACK When Using a RGS20 Scale and RGH22B Sensor Head on page 6-10
• Rotary Servomotor
SERVOPACK Host controller
Serial PAO
data Conversion of Dividing
serial data to circuit PBO
pulses (Pn212)
• Linear Servomotors
SERVOPACK Host controller
Serial data PAO
Serial Conversion of Dividing
ENC serial data to circuit PBO
Converter Unit pulses (Pn281)
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.1 Encoder Divided Pulse Output Signals
Phase A Phase A
Phase B Phase B
Phase C Phase C
t t
Note: The pulse width of the origin within one encoder rotation depends on the setting of number of encoder output
pulses (Pn212) or the encoder output resolution (Pn281). It is the same as the width of phase A.
Even for reverse operation (Pn000 = n.1), the output phase form is the same as shown above.
If you use the SERVOPACK’s phase-C pulse output for an origin return, rotate the Servomotor
two or more rotations before you start an origin return. If the Servomotor cannot be rotated two
or more times, perform an origin return operation at a motor speed of 600 min-1 or lower. If the
Important motor speed is higher than 600 min-1, the phase-C pulse may not be output correctly.
When Passing the First Origin Signal (Ref) in the Forward Direction and Returning
after Turning ON the Power Supply
Machine position (forward)
No origin signal (Ref) is output by the incremental linear
encoder. However, a phase-C pulse will be output from the
Origin detection SERVOPACK when the motor moves in the reverse
position direction, because this is the same position from which a
Origin detection phase-C pulse was output when the motor moved in the
position forward direction.
Power ON
The second pulse is half as
Origin signal (Ref) wide as the phase-A pulse.
Phase C
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.1 Encoder Divided Pulse Output Signals
When Passing the First Origin Signal (Ref) in the Reverse Direction and Returning
after Turning ON the Power Supply
Machine position (forward)
No origin signal (Ref) is output by the incremental linear
encoder. However, a phase-C pulse will be output from
Origin detection the SERVOPACK when the motor moves in the forward
position direction, because this is the same position from which a
Origin detection phase-C pulse was output when the motor moved in the
position reverse direction.
Power ON
The second pulse is half as
Origin signal (Ref) wide as the phase-A pulse.
Phase C
Application Functions
tions), the width of the phase-C pulse output may be narrower than the width of the phase-A
Important pulse.
• There is a difference of 1/8th of the scale pitch in the phase-C detection position for the
encoder’s phase-C pulse output position or origin return command between when Pn081 =
n.X is set to 0 (Output phase-C pulses only in the forward direction) and when it is set to
1 (Output phase-C pulses in both the forward and reverse directions).
Movement in the forward direction
Pn081 = n.1
Observe the following precaution if you set Pn081 to n.0 (Output phase-C pulses only in
the forward direction).
When a linear incremental encoder from Magnescale Co., Ltd. is used, the count direction of
the encoder determines how the phase-C pulse (CN1-21 and CN1-22) is output.
Note: The count direction (up or down) of the linear encoder determines whether a phase-C pulse is output. The
output of the pulse does not depend on the setting of the movement direction (Pn000 = n.1).
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.1 Encoder Divided Pulse Output Signals
When First Passing the Origin Signal in the Forward Direction and Returning after
Turning ON the Power Supply
The encoder’s phase-C pulse (CN1-21 and CN1-22) is output when the origin detection posi-
tion is passed for the first time in the forward direction after the power supply is turned ON.
After that, the phase-C pulse is output whenever the origin detection position is passed in the
forward or reverse direction.
Encoder count-up
Power ON
Phase-C pulse
When First Passing the Origin Signal in the Reverse Direction and Returning after
Turning ON the Power Supply
The encoder's phase-C pulse (CN1-19 and CN1-20) is not output when the origin detection
position is passed for the first time in the reverse direction after the power supply is turned ON.
However, after the origin detection position is passed in the forward direction and the encoder’s
phase-C pulse is output, it will then also be output when the origin detection point is passed in
the reverse direction.
Encoder count-up
When Using a Linear Encoder with Multiple Origins and First Passing the Origin Posi-
tion in the Forward Direction and Returning after Turning ON the Power Supply
The encoder’s phase-C pulse is output when the origin detection position is passed for the first
time in the forward direction after the power supply is turned ON. After that, the phase-C pulse
is output whenever the origin detection position is passed in the forward or reverse direction.
Encoder count-up The SERVOPACK records the position where
direction the phase-C pulse was output for movement
in the forward direction, and the phase-C
pulse is also output for reverse movement.
Origin 1 detection
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.1 Encoder Divided Pulse Output Signals
When Using a Linear Encoder with Multiple Origins and First Passing the Origin Posi-
tion in the Reverse Direction after Turning ON the Power Supply
The encoder’s phase-C pulse is not output when the origin detection position is passed for the
first time in the reverse direction after the power supply is turned ON.
However, after the origin detection position is passed in the forward direction and the encoder’s
phase-C pulse it output, it will then also be output when the origin detection point is passed in
the reverse direction.
Encoder count-up The phase-C pulse is not
direction output.
Origin 1 detection
Origin 2 detection
Phase-C pulse
output Origin 1 Origin 2 Origin 3 Origin 3
Application Functions
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.2 Setting for the Encoder Divided Pulse Output
The number of pulses from the encoder per rotation are processed inside the SERVOPACK,
divided by the setting of Pn212, and then output.
Set the number of encoder divided output pulses according to the system specifications of the
machine or host controller.
The setting of the number of encoder output pulses is limited by the resolution of the encoder.
Encoder Resolution Upper Limit of Servo-
Setting of the Number
Setting 20 bits 22 bits 24 bits motor Speed for Set
of Encoder Output
Increment (1,048,576 (4,194,304 (16,777,216 Number of Encoder
Pulses [P/Rev]
pulses) pulses) pulses) Output Pulses [min-1]
16 to 16,384 1 6,000
16,386 to 32,768 2 3,000
32,772 to 65,536 4 1,500
65,544 to 131,072 8 750
131,088 to 262,144 16 375
262,176 to 524,288 32 – 187
524,352 to 1,048,576 64 – 93
1,048,704 to 2,097,152 128 – – * 46
2,097,408 to 4,194,304 256 – – * 23
* Available only for incremental encoder
Note: 1. The setting range of the number of encoder output pulses (Pn212) depends on the resolution of the Servo-
motor encoder. An A.041 alarm (Encoder Output Pulse Setting Error) will occur if the above setting condi-
tions are not met.
Correct setting example: Pn212 can be set to 25,000 [P/Rev].
Incorrect setting example: Pn212 cannot be set to 25,001 (P/Rev) because the setting increment in the
above table is not used.
2. The upper limit of the pulse frequency is approximately 1.6 Mpps. The Servomotor speed will be limited if
the setting of the number of encoder output pulses is too high.
An A.511 alarm (Encoder Output Pulse Overspeed) will occur if the upper limit of the motor speed is
Output example: An output example is given below for the PAO (Encoder Pulse Output Phase
A) signal and the PBO (Encoder Pulse Output Phase B) signal when Pn212 is set to 16 (16
pulses output per revolution).
Setting: 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
PAO signal
PBO signal
1 revolution
6.5 Encoder Divided Pulse Output
6.5.2 Setting for the Encoder Divided Pulse Output
Application Functions
require a Serial Converter Unit is used)
When the linear encoder pitch is 4 μm, the maximum motor speed is limited to 1 m/s
because of the maximum response frequency of the Serial Converter Unit.
If the setting is out of range or does not satisfy the setting conditions, an A.041 alarm
(Encoder Output Pulse Setting Error) will be output. If the motor speed exceeds the upper
limit for the set encoder output resolution, an A.511 alarm (Encoder Output Pulse Overspeed)
will be output.
The upper limit of the encoder output resolution is restricted by the dividing specifications of
the Serial Converter Unit.
Setting Example
Correct setting for a linear encoder pitch of 20 μm and a maximum motor speed of 5 m/s
(Pn385 = 50): Pn281 = 28 (edges/pitch)
Incorrect setting: Pn281 = 29 (edges/pitch) (An A.041 alarm would be output.)
Phase A
Phase B
6.6 Software Limits
6.6.1 Setting to Enable/Disable Software Limits
6.7 Internal Torque Limits
• Rotary Servomotors
Forward Torque Limit
Pn402 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 800 1%* 800 Immediately Setup
Reverse Torque Limit
Pn403 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 800 1%* 800 Immediately Setup
* Set a percentage of the rated motor torque.
Note: If the setting of Pn402 or Pn403 is too low, the torque may be insufficient for acceleration or deceleration of
the Servomotor.
t t
Application Functions
• Linear Servomotors
Forward Force Limit
Pn483 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 800 1%* 30 Immediately Setup
Reverse Force Limit
Pn484 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 800 1%* 30 Immediately Setup
* Set a percentage of the rated motor force.
Note: If the setting of Pn483 or Pn484 is too low, the force may be insufficient for acceleration or deceleration of the
t t
6.8 Absolute Encoders
Install a battery at either the host controller or on the Encoder Cable.
If you install batteries both at the host controller and on the Encoder Cable at the same time, you
will create a loop circuit between the batteries, resulting in a risk of damage or burning.
6.8 Absolute Encoders
6.8.1 Connecting an Absolute Encoder
Because the turntable moves in only one direction, the upper limit to the number of rotations
that can be counted by an absolute encoder will eventually be exceeded.
Application Functions
The multiturn limit is used in cases like this to prevent fractions from being produced by the
integer ratio of the number of Servomotor rotations and the number of turntable rotations.
For a machine with a ratio of n:m between the number of Servomotor rotations and the number
of turntable rotations, as shown above, the value of m minus 1 will be the setting for the multi-
turn limit setting (Pn205).
Multiturn limit (Pn205) = m – 1
If m = 100 and n = 3 (i.e., the turntable rotates three times for each 100 Servomotor rotations),
the relationship between the number of Servomotor rotations and the number of turntable rota-
tions would be as shown below. 6
Set Pn205 to 99.
Pn205 = 100 – 1 = 99
Number of table rotations
9 100
Number of table rotations
Multiturn data
Setting of Pn205 = 99
4 Multiturn data
100 200 300 0
Number of Servomotor rotations
Multiturn Limit
Pn205 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 65,535 1 Rev 65,535 After restart Setup
Note: This parameter is enabled when you use an absolute encoder.
6.8 Absolute Encoders
6.8.3 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0)
The data will change as shown below when this parameter is set to anything other than the
default setting.
• If the Servomotor operates in the reverse direction when the multiturn data is 0, the multiturn
data will change to the value set in Pn205.
• If the motor operates in the forward direction when the multiturn data is at the value set in
Pn205, the multiturn data will change to 0.
Set Pn205 to one less than the desired multiturn data.
If you change the multiturn limit in Pn205, an A.CC0 alarm (Multiturn Limit Disagreement) will be
displayed because the setting disagrees with the value in the encoder. Refer to the following
section for the procedure to change the multiturn limit settings in the encoder.
6.8.3 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0) on page 6-20
The multiturn data will always be 0 in the following cases. It is not necessary to reset the
absolute encoder in these cases.
• When you use a single-turn absolute encoder
• When the encoder is set to be used as a single-turn absolute encoder (Pn002 = n.2)
Absolute encoder-related alarms (A.810 and A.820) will not occur.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to set the multiturn limit.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn013 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Encoder Setting − Multiturn Limit
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 6-21
6.8 Absolute Encoders
6.8.3 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0)
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to adjust the multiturn limit setting.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
Application Functions
5. Click the Writing into the Servopack Button.
6. Click the OK Button.
6.8 Absolute Encoders
6.8.3 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0)
6.9 Absolute Linear Encoders
6.9.1 Connecting an Absolute Linear Encoder
Application Functions
If you use an absolute linear encoder, the encoder divided pulse output signals (PAO, PBO, and PCO)
are output only once when the power supply turns ON. Normally, do not use these signals. Therefore,
it is not necessary to wire the PAO, PBO, and PCO (Encoder Divided Pulse Output) signals. If they
need to be wired, refer to the following section.
4.4.3 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Encoder on page 4-27
4.5.3 I/O Signal Wiring Examples on page 4-37
6.10 Software Reset
6.10.1 Preparations
6.10.1 Preparations
Always check the following before you perform a software reset.
• The servo must be OFF.
• The motor must be stopped.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel the software reset. The Main Window will return.
6.10 Software Reset
6.10.3 Operating Procedure
Application Functions
6.11 Initializing the Vibration Detection Level
6.11.1 Preparations
• Linear Servomotors
Vibration detection level (Pn384 [mm/s]) Vibration detection sensitivity (Pn311 [%])
Detection level =
Use this function only if A.520 or A.911 alarms are not output at the correct times when vibra-
tion is detected with the default vibration detection level (Pn312 or Pn384).
There will be discrepancies in the detection sensitivity for vibration alarms and warnings
depending on the condition of your machine. If there is a discrepancy, use the above formula to
adjust Pn311 (Vibration Detection Sensitivity).
Vibration Detection Sensitivity
Pn311 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
50 to 500 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
1. Vibration may not be detected because of unsuitable servo gains. Also, not all kinds of
vibrations can be detected.
2. Set a suitable moment of inertia ratio (Pn103). An unsuitable setting may result in falsely
detecting or not detecting vibration alarms or vibration warnings.
3. To use this function, you must input the actual references that will be used to operate your
4. Execute this function under the operating conditions for which you want to set the vibra-
tion detection level.
5. Execute this function while the Servomotor is operating at 10% of its maximum speed or
6.11.1 Preparations
Always check the following before you initialize the vibration detection level.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
6.11 Initializing the Vibration Detection Level
6.11.2 Applicable Tools
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
3. Select Pn311: Vibration Detection Sensitivity and Pn310: Vibration Detection Selec-
tions and then click the Detection Start Button.
A setting execution standby mode will be entered.
Application Functions
6.11 Initializing the Vibration Detection Level
6.11.3 Operating Procedure
The newly set vibration detection level will be displayed and the value will be saved in the SERVO-
6.11 Initializing the Vibration Detection Level
6.11.4 Related Parameters
Application Functions
6.12 Adjusting the Motor Current Detection Signal Offset
6.12.1 Automatic Adjustment
Execute the automatic offset adjustment if the torque ripple is too large when compared with
The offset does not use a parameter, so it will not change even if the parameter settings are
Always check the following before you automatically adjust the motor current detection signal
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The servo must be in ready status.
• The servo must be OFF.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to automatically adjust the offset.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn00E (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Others − Adjust the Motor
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 6-30
Current Detection Offsets
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to automatically adjust the motor current detection signal offset.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
2. Select Adjust the Motor Current Detection Signal Offsets in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Adjust the Motor Current Detection Signal Offsets Dialog Box will be displayed.
6.12 Adjusting the Motor Current Detection Signal Offset
6.12.1 Automatic Adjustment
4. Click the Automatic Adjustment Tab in the Adjust the Motor Current Detection Signal
Offsets Dialog Box.
Application Functions
This concludes the procedure to automatically adjust the motor current detection signal offset.
6.12 Adjusting the Motor Current Detection Signal Offset
6.12.2 Manual Adjustment
If the offset is incorrectly adjusted with this function, the Servomotor characteristics may be
adversely affected.
Observe the following precautions when you manually adjust the offset.
Important • Operate the Servomotor at a speed of approximately 100 min-1.
• Adjust the offset while monitoring the torque reference with the analog monitor until the ripple is
• Adjust the offsets for the phase-U current and phase-V current of the Servomotor so that they
are balanced. Alternately adjust both offsets several times.
The offset does not use a parameter, so it will not change even if the parameter settings are
Always check the following before you manually adjust the motor current detection signal off-
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to manually adjust the offset.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn00F (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Others − Adjust the Motor Current
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 6-32
Detection Offsets
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to manually adjust the motor current detection signal offset.
2. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
3. Select Adjust the Motor Current Detection Signal Offsets in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Adjust the Motor Current Detection Signal Offsets Dialog Box will be displayed.
6.12 Adjusting the Motor Current Detection Signal Offset
6.12.2 Manual Adjustment
5. Click the Manual Adjustment Tab in the Adjust the Motor Current Detection Signal Off-
sets Dialog Box.
6. Set the Channel Box in the Motor Current Detection Offset Area to U-phase.
7. Use the +1 and -1 Buttons to adjust the offset for phase U.
Change the offset by about 10 in the direction that reduces the torque ripple.
Adjustment range: -512 to +511
8. Set the Channel Box in the Motor Current Detection Offset Area to V-phase.
9. Use the +1 and -1 Buttons to adjust the offset for phase V.
Application Functions
Change the offset by about 10 in the direction that reduces the torque ripple.
10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 until the torque ripple cannot be decreased any further regardless of
whether you increase or decrease the offsets.
11. Reduce the amount by which you change the offsets each time and repeat steps 6 to 9.
This concludes the procedure to manually adjust the motor current detection signal offset.
6.13 External Stop Function
6.13.1 EXSTOP (External Stop Input) Signal
To prevent accidents that may result from contact faults or disconnections, use a normally
closed switch for the External Stop Input switch.
6.14 Overheat Protection
6.14.1 Connecting the Overheat Protection Input (TH) Signal
Application Functions
voltage input) from the sensor mounted to the machine to the CN1-5 on the SERVOPACK.
6.14 Overheat Protection
6.14.2 Overheat Protection Selection
• If the overheat protection input signal line is disconnected or short-circuited, an A.862 alarm
will occur.
• If you set Pn61A to n.1 (Use overheat protection in the Yaskawa Linear Servomotor), the
Important parameters in the Servomotor are enabled and the following parameters are disabled.
• Overheat Alarm Level (Pn61B)
• Overheat Warning Level (Pn61C)
• Overheat Alarm Filter Time (Pn61D)
• When Pn61A is set to n.2, an A.862 alarm will occur if the overheat protection input signal
line is disconnected or short-circuited.
• When Pn61A is set to n.3, an A862 alarm will not occur if the overheat protection input signal
Important line is disconnected or short-circuited. To ensure safety, we recommend that you connect the
external circuits so that you can use a negative voltage input for the overheat protection input (an
analog voltage input).
Trial Operation and
Actual Operation
This chapter provides information on the flow and proce-
dures for trial operation and convenient functions to use
during trial operation.
7.5 Trial Operation with the Servomotor Connected to the Machine . . .7-10
7.5.1 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7.5.2 Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7.5.3 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
To power
To power
To host controller 7.4 Trial Operation with DeviceNet Commu-
2 CN1 nications on page 7-9
7.1 Flow of Trial Operation
7.1.2 Flow of Trial Operation for Linear Servomotors
To power
To host controller
7.5 Trial Operation with the Servomotor Con-
3 CN1
nected to the Machine on page 7-10
Secure the motor flange to the
machine, and connect the
motor shaft to the load shaft
with a coupling or other means.
No. of Parameter to
Step Description Remarks Reference
Set this parameter only if
Linear Encoder
5-1 Pn282 you are using a Serial Con- page 5-17
verter Unit.
Writing Parameters Set this parameter only if
5-2 – to the Linear Servo- you are not using a Serial page 5-18
motor Converter Unit.
Motor Phase
5-3 Pn080 = n.X Sequence Selec- – page 5-22
Polarity Sensor
5-4 Pn080 = n.X – page 5-24
This step is necessary only
5-5 – Polarity Detection for a Linear Servomotor with page 5-25
a Polarity Sensor.
5-6 Pn483, Pn484 Force Control – page 6-17
7.1 Flow of Trial Operation
7.1.2 Flow of Trial Operation for Linear Servomotors
• Trial Operation
Step Meaning Reference
Trial Operation for the Servomotor without a
To power
To power
To host controller
To power
To host controller
7.5 Trial Operation with the Servomotor Connected to the
Machine on page 7-10
7.2 Inspections and Confirmations before Trial Operation
7.3 Trial Operation for the Servomotor without a Load
7.3.1 Preparations
During jogging, the overtravel function is disabled. Consider the range of motion of your
machine when you jog the Servomotor.
The tuning-less function is enabled as the default setting. When the tuning-less function is
enabled, gain will increase and vibration may occur if the Servomotor is operated with no load. If
Important vibration occurs, disable the tuning-less function (Pn170 = n.0).
7.3.1 Preparations
Always check the following before you execute jogging.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no alarms.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The servo must be OFF.
• The jogging speed must be set considering the operating range of the machine.
The jogging speed is set with the following parameters.
• Rotary Servomotors
Jogging Speed
Pn304 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 -1 500 Immediately Setup
1 min
Soft Start Acceleration Time
Pn305 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 0 Immediately Setup
Soft Start Deceleration Time
Pn306 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 0 Immediately Setup
• Direct Drive Servomotors
Jogging Speed
Pn304 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 0.1 min-1 500 Immediately Setup
Soft Start Acceleration Time
Pn305 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 0 Immediately Setup
Soft Start Deceleration Time
Pn306 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 0 Immediately Setup
7.3 Trial Operation for the Servomotor without a Load
7.3.2 Applicable Tools
• Linear Servomotors
Jogging Speed
Pn383 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 50 Immediately Setup
Soft Start Acceleration Time
Pn305 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 0 Immediately Setup
Soft Start Deceleration Time
Pn306 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 0 Immediately Setup
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
7.3 Trial Operation for the Servomotor without a Load
7.3.3 Operating Procedure
4. Check the jogging speed and then click the Servo ON Button.
Information To change the speed, click the Edit Button and enter the new speed.
6. After you finish jogging, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again.
7.4 Trial Operation with DeviceNet Communications
4. Set the following items, which are necessary for trial operation.
Setting Parameters to Set Reference
Motor Direction Pn000 5.4 Motor Direction Setting on page 5-16
Feed Speed PnB26
PnB29 12.3 Positioning on page 12-6
Acceleration Rate PnB2A
Deceleration Rate PnB2B
7.5 Trial Operation with the Servomotor Connected to the Machine
7.5.1 Precautions
7.5.1 Precautions
Operating mistakes that occur after the Servomotor is connected to the machine may not
only damage the machine, but they may also cause accidents resulting in personal injury.
If you disabled the overtravel function for trial operation of the Servomotor without a load, enable
the overtravel function (CCW-OT and CW-OT signal) before you preform trial operation with the
Important Servomotor connected to the machine in order to provide protection.
If you will use a holding brake, observe the following precautions during trial operation.
• Before you check the operation of the brake, implement measures to prevent the machine
from falling due to gravity and to prevent vibration from being caused by an external force.
• First check the Servomotor operation and brake operation with the Servomotor uncoupled
from the machine. If no problems are found, connect the Servomotor to the machine and per-
form trial operation again.
Control the operation of the brake with the /BK (Brake) signal output from the SERVOPACK.
Refer to the following sections for information on wiring and the related parameter settings.
4.4.4 Wiring the SERVOPACK to the Holding Brake on page 4-35
5.11 Holding Brake on page 5-30
Failures caused by incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application in the brake circuit may cause
the SERVOPACK to fail, damage the SERVOPACK, damage the equipment, or cause an accident
resulting in death or injury.
Important Observe the precautions and instructions for wiring and trial operation precisely as described in
this manual.
7.5.2 Preparations
Always confirm the following before you perform the trial operation procedure for both the
machine and Servomotor.
• Make sure that the procedure described in 7.4 Trial Operation with DeviceNet Communica-
tions on page 7-9 has been completed.
• Make sure that the SERVOPACK is connected correctly to both the host controller and the
peripheral devices.
• Safety Function Wiring
• If you are not using the safety function, leave the Safety Jumper Connector (provided as
an accessory with the SERVOPACK) connected to CN8.
• If you are using the safety function, remove the Safety Jumper Connector from CN8
and connect the safety function device.
• Overtravel wiring
• Brake wiring
• Emergency stop circuit wiring
• Host controller wiring
7.5 Trial Operation with the Servomotor Connected to the Machine
7.5.3 Operating Procedure
2. Make the settings for the protective functions, such as the safety function, overtravel,
and the brake.
4.6 Connecting Safety Function Signals on page 4-41
5.10 Overtravel and Related Settings on page 5-28
5.11 Holding Brake on page 5-30
7. Perform trial operation according to 7.4 Trial Operation with DeviceNet Communications
on page 7-9 and confirm that the same results are obtained as when trial operation was
performed on the Servomotor without a load. 7
8. If necessary, adjust the servo gain to improve the Servomotor response characteristics.
The Servomotor and machine may not be broken in completely for the trial operation. Therefore, let
the system run for a sufficient amount of time to ensure that it is properly broken in.
9. For future maintenance, save the parameter settings with one of the following methods.
• Use the SigmaWin+ to save the parameters as a file.
• Use the Parameter Copy Mode of the Digital Operator.
• Record the settings manually.
This concludes the procedure for trial operation with both the machine and Servomotor.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.1 Program Jogging
Always check the following before you execute program jogging.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no alarms.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The servo must be OFF.
• The range of machine motion and the safe movement speed of your machine must be con-
sidered when you set the travel distance and movement speed.
• There must be no overtravel.
Additional Information
• You can use the functions that are applicable to position control. However, parameters
related to Command Option Modules in PnB00 and higher are disabled.
• The overtravel function is enabled.
For overtravel, the rotation direction is the direction as viewed from the load end of the Servo-
• The software limits are disabled.
Movement Speed
(Waiting time Rotary Servomotor: Travel Travel Travel
→ Forward Pn533 distance distance distance
travel dis- Linear Servomotor:
(Pn531) (Pn531) (Pn531)
n.0 Pn585
tance) × Speed 0
Number of
Waiting time Acceleration/ Waiting time Waiting time
(Pn535) deceleration (Pn535) (Pn535)
time (Pn534)
Continued on next page.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.1 Program Jogging
Speed 0
(Waiting time Movement Speed
Rotary Servomotor: Travel Travel Travel
→ Reverse Pn533 distance distance distance
by travel dis- Linear Servomotor: (Pn531) (Pn531) (Pn531)
tance) × Pn585
Number of
Waiting time Acceleration/ Waiting time Waiting time
(Pn535) deceleration (Pn535) (Pn535)
time (Pn534)
(Waiting time
→ Forward Number of movements (Pn536) Number of movements (Pn536)
by travel dis-
tance) × Acceleration/
Number of deceleration Movement Speed
Waiting time time (Pn534) Waiting time Rotary Servomotor:
movements distance (Pn535) Pn533
(Pn535) Linear Servomotor:
n.2 → (Waiting (Pn531) Pn585
time → Speed 0
Reverse by Travel Travel Movement Speed
distance distance Rotary Servomotor:
travel dis- Acceleration Pn533
Waiting time /deceleration Waiting time (Pn531) (Pn531) Linear Servomotor:
tance) × (Pn535) time (Pn534) (Pn535) Pn585
Number of
(Waiting time
→ Forward 7
by travel dis- Movement Speed
tance → distance Rotary Servomotor: Pn533
Waiting time (Pn531) Linear Servomotor: Pn585
→ Reverse
Speed 0
by travel dis-
tance) × Travel Movement Speed
Number of distance Rotary Servomotor: Pn533
Waiting time Waiting time (Pn531) Linear Servomotor: Pn585
movements (Pn535) Acceleration/ (Pn535)
time (Pn534)
Number of movements (Pn536)
(Waiting time
→ Reverse Acceleration/
by travel dis- deceleration
time (Pn534) Movement Speed
tance → Waiting time Waiting time Travel
(Pn535) (Pn535) distance Rotary Servomotor: Pn533
Waiting time
n.5 (Pn531) Linear Servomotor: Pn585
→ Forward
by travel dis- Speed 0
tance) × Travel Movement Speed
Number of distance Rotary Servomotor: Pn533
movements (Pn531) Linear Servomotor: Pn585
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.1 Program Jogging
If Pn530 is set to n.0, n.1, n.4, or n.5, you can set Pn536 (Program
Jogging Number of Movements) to 0 to perform infinite time operation.
You cannot use infinite time operation if Pn530 is set to n.2 or n.3.
If you perform infinite time operation from the Digital Operator, press the JOG/SVON Key to
turn OFF the servo to end infinite time operation.
Related Parameters
Use the following parameters to set the program jogging operation pattern. Do not change the
settings while the program jogging operation is being executed.
• Rotary Servomotors
Program Jogging-Related Selections
Pn530 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0000 to 0005 − 0000 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Travel Distance
Pn531 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 1,073,741,824 1 reference unit 32,768 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Movement Speed
Pn533 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 10,000 -1 500 Immediately Setup
1 min
Program Jogging Acceleration/Deceleration Time
Pn534 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
2 to 10,000 1 ms 100 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Waiting Time
Pn535 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 100 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Number of Movements
Pn536 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 1,000 1 1 Immediately Setup
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.1 Program Jogging
• Linear Servomotors
Program Jogging-Related Selections
Pn530 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0000 to 0005 − 0000 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Travel Distance
Pn531 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 1,073,741,824 1 reference unit 32,768 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Movement Speed
Pn585 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 10,000 1 mm/s 50 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Acceleration/Deceleration Time
Pn534 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
2 to 10,000 1 ms 100 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Waiting Time
Pn535 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 ms 100 Immediately Setup
Program Jogging Number of Movements
Pn536 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 1,000 1 1 Immediately Setup
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to perform program jogging.
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure for a program jog operation.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.1 Program Jogging
4. Set the operating conditions, click the Apply Button, and then click the Run Button.
A graph of the operation pattern will be displayed.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.1 Program Jogging
5. Click the Servo ON Button and then the Execute Button. The program jogging operation
will be executed.
Be aware of the following points if you cancel the program jogging operation while the Ser-
vomotor is operating.
• If you cancel operation with the Servo OFF Button, the Servomotor will stop according to setting
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.2 Origin Search
Make sure that the load is not coupled when you execute an origin search.
The CCW Drive Prohibit (CCW-OT) signal and CW Drive Prohibit (CW-OT) signal are disabled
during an origin search.
Use an origin search when it is necessary to align the origin within one rotation with the
machine origin. The following speeds are used for origin searches.
• Rotary Servomotors: 60 min-1
• Direct Drive Servomotors: 6 min-1
• Linear Servomotors: 15 mm/s
Servomotor Machine
Always check the following before you execute an origin search.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no alarms.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The servo must be OFF.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to perform an origin search.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating
Digital Operator Fn003 Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+* Encoder Setting – Search Origin Operating Procedure on page 7-19
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.2 Origin Search
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to perform an origin search.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.3 Test without a Motor
Response Response
An asterisk is displayed on the status display of the Digital Operator while a test without a
motor is being executed.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.3 Test without a Motor
If you use fully-closed loop control, the external encoder information is also used.
External Encoder Connection Information That Is
Source of Information
Status Used
External encoder infor- Information in the external encoder that is con-
mation nected
• Resolution • Resolution: 256
Not connected • Encoder type • Encoder type: Incremental encoder
• Linear Servomotors
Motor Connection
Information That Is Used Source of Information
Motor information Information in the motor that is connected
Linear encoder informa-
Connected tion
• Resolution Information in the linear encoder that is connected
• Encoder pitch
• Encoder type
Setting of Pn000 = n.X (Rotary/Linear Startup
Motor information
Selection When Encoder Is Not Connected)
Linear encoder informa-
Not connected • Resolution: 256
• Encoder pitch: Setting of Pn282 (Linear Encoder Pitch)
• Resolution
• Encoder type: Setting of Pn00C = n.X (Encoder
• Encoder pitch
Type Selection for Tests without a Motor)
• Encoder type
• Related Parameters
Use 20 bits as encoder resolution for tests
without a motor.
Use 22 bits as encoder resolution for tests
without a motor.
Pn00C After restart Setup
Use 24 bits as encoder resolution for tests
without a motor.
n.0 Use an incremental encoder for tests without
(default setting) a motor.
Use an absolute encoder for tests without a
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.3 Test without a Motor
The following functions cannot be used during the test without a motor.
• Regeneration and dynamic brake operation
• Brake output signal
• Items marked with “×” in the following utility function table
SigmaWin+ Digital Operator Executable?
Button in Reference
SigmaWin+ Function Motor Not Motor
Menu Fn No. Utility Function Name
Name Connected Connected
Dialog Box
Initialize *1 Fn005 Initializing Parameters page 5-10
Software Reset Fn030 Software Reset page 6-24
Display Servomotor
Basic Display Software Ver-
Functions sion
Product Information Display SERVOPACK page 9-2
and Servomotor IDs
Display Servomotor ID
Fn01F from Feedback Option
Reset Absolute Reset Absolute
Fn008 × page 5-46
Encoder Encoder
Multiturn Limit Setting
Multi-turn Limit Setup Fn013 after Multiturn Limit × page 6-20
Encoder Disagreement Alarm
Search Origin*2 Fn003 Origin Search page 7-18
Zero Point Position Set Absolute Linear
Fn020 × page 5-49
Setting Encoder Origin
Polarity Detection Fn080 Polarity Detection × × page 5-27
Fn000 Display Alarm History page 14-44
Fn006 Clear Alarm History page 14-45
Display Alarm
Trouble- Reset Option Module
shooting Fn014 page 14-46
Configuration Error
Reset Motor Type Reset Motor Type
Fn021 page 14-48
Alarm Alarm
Jog Fn002 Jog page 7-6
Operation Program JOG Opera-
Fn004 Jog Program page 7-12
Tuning -
Advanced Autotuning
Autotuning without Fn201 × × page 8-23
without Reference
Host Reference
Tuning -
Advanced Autotuning
Autotuning with Host Fn202 × × page 8-34
with Reference
Tuning -
Fn203 One-Parameter Tuning × × page 8-42
Custom Tuning
Tuning - Custom Tun-
Adjust Anti-resonance
ing - Adjust Anti-res- Fn204 × × page 8-42
onance Control
Tuning - Custom Tun-
ing - Vibration Sup- Fn205 Vibration Suppression × × page 8-56
Response Level Set- Tuning-less Level Set-
Fn200 × × page 8-11
ting ting
Diagnostic Easy FFT Fn206 Easy FFT × × page 8-95
Continued on next page.
7.6 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation
7.6.3 Test without a Motor
This chapter provides information on the flow of tuning,
details on tuning functions, and related operating proce-
Response acceptable? End
Estimate the moment of inertia.
Results acceptable? End
Perform custom tuning.
Continuous Vibration
Adjust anti-resonance control.
Residual Vibration When Positioning
Perform vibration suppression.
Results acceptable? End
Perform manual tuning or the additional adjustment function.
Results acceptable?
8.1 Overview and Flow of Tuning
8.1.1 Tuning Functions
This function reduces the ripple in the motor speed. page 8-60
Additional This function combines autotuning with custom tuning. You can use it
page 8-66
Adjustment Function to improve adjustment results.
Manual Tuning You can manually adjust the servo gains to adjust the response. page 8-79 8
8.2 Monitoring Methods
Rotary Servomotor Linear Servomotor
Torque reference %
Feedback speed min-1 mm/s
Position reference speed -1 mm/s
Position deviation Reference units
8.3 Precautions to Ensure Safe Tuning
8.3.1 Overtravel Settings
Observe the following precautions when you perform tuning.
• Do not touch the rotating parts of the motor when the servo is ON.
• Before starting the Servomotor, make sure that an emergency stop can be performed at any
• Make sure that trial operation has been successfully performed without any problems.
• Provide an appropriate stopping device on the machine to ensure safety.
The position deviation overflow alarm is a protective function that is enabled when the SERVO-
PACK is used in position control.
If the alarm level is set to a suitable value, the SERVOPACK will detect excessive position devi-
ation and will stop the Servomotor if the Servomotor operation does not agree with the refer- 8
The position deviation is the difference between the position reference value and the actual
You can calculate the position deviation from the position loop gain (Pn102) and the motor
speed with the following formula.
• Rotary Servomotors
Motor speed [min-1] Encoder resolution*1 Pn210
Position deviation [reference units] = × ×
60 Pn102 [0.1/s]/10*2, *3 Pn20E
• Linear Servomotors
Motor speed [mm/s] Resolution Pn210
Position deviation [reference units] =
Pn102 [0.1/s]/10*2, *3 Linear encoder pitch [m]/1,000 Pn20E
8.3 Precautions to Ensure Safe Tuning
8.3.3 Setting the Position Deviation Overflow Alarm Level
Position Deviation Overflow Alarm Level (Pn520) [setting unit: reference units]
• Rotary Servomotors
Maximum motor speed [min-1] Encoder resolution*1 Pn210
Pn520 > × × × (1.2 to 2)*4
60 Pn102 [0.1/s]/10*2, *3 Pn20E
• Linear Servomotors
Maximum motor speed [mm/s] Resolution Pn210
Pn520 > × × × (1.2 to 2)*4
Pn102 [0.1/s]/10*2, *3 Linear encoder pitch [μm]/1,000 Pn20E
If you set a value that satisfies the formula, an A.d00 alarm (Position Deviation Overflow) should
not occur during normal operation.
If the Servomotor operation does not agree with the reference, position deviation will occur, an
error will be detected, and the Servomotor will stop.
The following calculation example uses a Rotary Servomotor with a maximum motor speed of
Pn210 1
6,000 and an encoder resolution of 16,777,216 (24 bits). Pn102 is set to 400. =
Pn20E 1
6,000 16,777,216 1
Pn520 = 2
60 400/10 16
= 2,621,440 2
If the acceleration/deceleration rate required for the position reference exceeds the tracking capac-
ity of the Servomotor, the tracking delay will increase and the position deviation will no longer satisfy
the above formulas. If this occurs, lower the acceleration/deceleration rate so that the Servomotor
can follow the position reference or increase the position deviation overflow alarm level.
Related Parameters
Position Deviation Overflow Alarm Level
Pn520 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 1,073,741,823 1 reference unit 5,242,880 Immediately Setup
Position Deviation Overflow Warning Level
Pn51E Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 100 1% 100 Immediately Setup
Related Alarms
Alarm Number Alarm Name Alarm Meaning
Position Deviation This alarm occurs if the position deviation exceeds the setting of
Overflow Pn520 (Position Deviation Overflow Alarm Level).
Related Warnings
Warning Number Warning Name Warning Meaning
Position Deviation This warning occurs if the position deviation exceeds the specified
Overflow percentage (Pn520 × Pn51E/100).
8.3 Precautions to Ensure Safe Tuning
8.3.4 Vibration Detection Level Setting
Related Parameters
Position Deviation Overflow Alarm Level at Servo ON
Pn526 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 1,073,741,823 1 reference unit 5,242,880 Immediately Setup
Position Deviation Overflow Warning Level at Servo ON
Pn528 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 100 1% 100 Immediately Setup
• Rotary Servomotors
Speed Limit Level at Servo ON
Pn529 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 -1 10,000 Immediately Setup
1 min
• Linear Servomotors
Speed Limit Level at Servo ON
Pn584 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 10,000 Immediately Setup
Related Alarms
Alarm Number Alarm Name Alarm Meaning
Position Deviation This alarm occurs if the servo is turned ON after the position devia-
A.d01 Overflow Alarm at tion exceeded the setting of Pn526 (Excessive Position Deviation
Servo ON Alarm Level at Servo ON) while the servo was OFF.
If position deviation remains in the deviation counter, the setting of
Position Deviation
Pn529 or Pn584 (Speed Limit Level at Servo ON) will limit the speed
Overflow Alarm for
A.d02 when the servo is turned ON. This alarm occurs if a position refer-
Speed Limit at Servo
ence is input and the setting of Pn520 (Excessive Position Deviation
Alarm Level) is exceeded.
Refer to the following section for information on troubleshooting alarms.
14.2.3 Resetting Alarms on page 14-43
8.3 Precautions to Ensure Safe Tuning
8.3.5 Setting the Position Deviation Overflow Alarm Level at Servo ON
Related Warnings
Warning Number Warning Name Warning Meaning
Position Deviation
This warning occurs if the servo is turned ON while the position
A.901 Overflow Warning
deviation exceeds the specified percentage (Pn526 × Pn528/100).
at Servo ON
8.4 Tuning-less Function
8.4.1 Application Restrictions
The tuning-less function is disabled during torque control.
The Servomotor may momentarily emit a sound the first time the servo is turned ON after
the Servomotor is connected to the machine. This sound is caused by setting the automatic
notch filter. It does not indicate a problem. The sound will not be emitted from the next time
the servo is turned ON.
The Servomotor may vibrate if it exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia.
If that occurs, set the tuning-less load level to 2 (Pn170 = n.2) or reduce the Tuning-
less Rigidity Level (Pn170 = n.X).
To ensure safety, make sure that you can perform an emergency stop at any time when you
execute the tuning-less function.
Easy FFT Easy FFT and then it is enabled when Easy FFT has been
Friction Compensation × –
Gain Selection × – 8
The tuning-less function is disabled while you execute
Mechanical Analysis mechanical analysis and then it is enabled when mechan-
ical analysis has been completed.
* : Yes ×: No
8.4 Tuning-less Function
8.4.2 Operating Procedure
When you enable the tuning-less function, you can select the tuning-less type. Normally, set
Pn14F to n.2 (Use tuning-less type 3) (default setting). If compatibility with previous mod-
els is required, set Pn14F to n.0 (Use tuning-less type 1) or n.1 (Use tuning-less
type 2).
Parameter Meaning When Enabled Classification
n.0 Use tuning-less type 1.
Use tuning-less type 2. (The noise level is
Pn14F improved more than with tuning-less type 1.) After restart Tuning
Use tuning-less type 3.
(default setting)
Always check the following before you set the tuning-less levels.
• The tuning-less function must be enabled (Pn170 = n.1).
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
Use the following procedure to set the tuning-less levels.
In addition to the following procedure, you can also set the parameters directly. Refer to
Related Parameters, below, for the parameters to set.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
8.4 Tuning-less Function
8.4.3 Troubleshooting Alarms
3. Click the or Button to adjust the tuning-less level setting. Increase the tuning-less
level setting to increase the response. Decrease the tuning-less level setting to suppress
The default response level setting is 4.
Tuning-less Level Description Remarks
7 Response level: High
You cannot select these levels if tuning-less type 1 or 2
(Pn14F = n.0 or n.1) is used.
4 (default setting)
2 −
0 Response level: Low
Related Parameters
Tuning-less Rigidity Level
If you use tuning-less type 1 or 2 (Pn14F = n.0 or n.1), set the tuning-less level to
between 0 and 4 (Pn170 = n.0 to n.4). Do not set the tuning-less level to between
5 and 7 (Pn170 = n.5 to n.7).
Parameter Description When Enabled Classification
n.0 Tuning-less rigidity level 0 (low rigidity)
n.1 Tuning-less rigidity level 1
n.2 Tuning-less rigidity level 2
n.3 Tuning-less rigidity level 3
Pn170 n.4 Immediately Setup
Tuning-less rigidity level 4
(default setting)
n.5 Tuning-less rigidity level 5
n.6 Tuning-less rigidity level 6
n.7 Tuning-less rigidity level 7 (high rigidity)
Tuning-less Load Level
Parameter Description When Enabled Classification
n.0 Tuning-less load level 0
Pn170 Tuning-less load level 1 Immediately Setup
(default setting)
n.2 Tuning-less load level 2
8.4 Tuning-less Function
8.4.4 Parameters Disabled by Tuning-less Function
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.1 Outline
8.5.1 Outline
The moment of inertia during operation is automatically calculated by the SERVOPACK for
round-trip (forward and reverse) operation. A reference from the host controller is not used.
The moment of inertia ratio (i.e., the ratio of the load moment of inertia to the motor moment of
inertia) is a basic parameter for adjusting gains. It must be set as accurately as possible.
Although the load moment of inertia can be calculated from the weight and structure of the
mechanisms, doing so is very troublesome and calculating it accurately can be very difficult
with the complex mechanical structures that are used these days. With an estimate of the
moment of inertia, you can obtain an accurate load moment of inertia simply by running the
Servomotor in the actual system in a forward and reverse direction a few times.
The Servomotor is operated with the following specifications.
• Maximum speed: ±1,000 min-1 (can be changed)
• Acceleration rate: ±20,000 min-1/s (can be changed)
• Travel distance: ±2.5 rotations max. (can be changed)
Travel d
a position that ensures a suitable range of motion.
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.2 Restrictions
8.5.2 Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to estimating the moment of inertia.
Always check the following before you execute moment of inertia estimation.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no overtravel.
• The servo must be OFF.
• The gain switching selection must be set to disable automatic gain switching (Pn139 =
• The first gains must be selected.
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• There must be no alarms or warnings.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The tuning-less function must be disabled (Pn170 = n.0).
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.4 Operating Procedure
Estimating the moment of inertia requires operating the Servomotor and therefore presents
hazards. Observe the following precautions.
• Confirm safety around moving parts.
This function involves automatic operation with vibration. Make sure that you can perform an
emergency stop (to turn OFF the power supply) at any time. There will be movement in both
directions within the set range of movement. Check the range of movement and the directions
and implement protective controls for safety, such as the overtravel functions.
Be aware of the following points if you cancel the moment of inertia estimation while the
Servomotor is operating.
• If you cancel operation with the Servo OFF Button, the Servomotor will stop according to setting
of the Servo OFF stopping method (Pn001 = n.X).
• If you cancel operation with the Cancel Button, the Servomotor will decelerate to a stop and
then enter a zero-clamped state.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.4 Operating Procedure
Speed Loop Setting Area
Make the speed loop settings in this area.
If the speed loop response is too bad, it will not be possible to measure the moment of
inertia ratio accurately.
The values for the speed loop response that are required for moment of inertia estimation
are set for the default settings. It is normally not necessary to change these settings.
If the default speed loop gain is too high for the machine (i.e., if vibration occurs), lower
the setting. It is not necessary to increase the setting any farther.
Identification Start Level Group
This is the setting of the moment of inertia calculation starting level.
If the load is large or the machine has low rigidity, the torque limit may be applied, caus-
ing moment of inertia estimation to fail.
If that occurs, estimation may be possible if you double the setting of the start level.
Edit Buttons
Click the button to display a dialog box to change the settings related to the speed loop
or estimation start level.
Help Button
Click this button to display guidelines for setting the reference conditions. Make the fol-
lowing settings as required.
• Operate the Servomotor to measure the load moment of inertia of the machine in com-
parison with the rotor moment of inertia.
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.4 Operating Procedure
• Set the operation mode, reference pattern (maximum acceleration rate, maximum
speed, and maximum travel distance), and speed loop-related parameters.
• Correct measurement of the moment of inertia ratio may not be possible depending on
the settings. Set suitable settings using the measurement results as reference.
Reference Selection Area
Either select the reference pattern for estimation processing from the box, or set the val-
ues in the Detailed Setting Group. Generally speaking, the larger the maximum acceler-
ation rate is, the more accurate the moment of inertia estimation will be.
Set the maximum acceleration range within the possible range of movement considering
the gear ratio, e.g., the pulley diameters or ball screw pitch.
Confirm Button
Click this button to display the Reference Confirmation Dialog Box.
The travel distance is the distance for one operation in the forward or reverse direction.
During multiple operations, the operation starting position may move in one direction or the
other. Confirm the possible operating range for each measurement or operation.
Depending on the parameter settings and the moment of inertia of the machine, overshoot-
ing may occur and may cause the maximum speed setting to be exceeded temporarily.
Allow sufficient leeway in the settings.
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.4 Operating Procedure
Start Button
The reference conditions will be transferred to the SERVOPACK. A progress bar will show
the progress of the transfer.
Cancel Button
The Cancel Button is enabled only while data is being transferred to the SERVOPACK.
You cannot use it after the transfer has been completed.
Back Button
This button returns you to the Condition Setting Dialog Box. It is disabled while data is
being transferred.
Next Button
This button is enabled only when the data has been transferred correctly. You cannot use
it if an error occurs or if you cancel the transfer before it is completed.
Click the Next Button to display the Operation/Measurement Dialog Box.
Cancel Button
This button cancels processing and returns you to the Tuning Dialog Box.
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.4 Operating Procedure
The Servomotor shaft will rotate in the reverse direction and the measurement will start. After the
measurement and data transfer have been completed, the Forward Button will be displayed in color.
13. When the measurements have been completed, click the Servo On Button to turn OFF
the servo.
14. Click the Next Button.
The Write Results Dialog Box will be displayed.
If you click the Next Button before you turn OFF the servo, the following Dialog Box will
be displayed. Click the OK Button to turn OFF the servo.
8.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia
8.5.4 Operating Procedure
16. Confirm that the Identified Moment of Inertia Ratio Box and the Pn103: Moment of
Inertia Ratio Box show the same value and then click the Finish Button.
17. Click the OK Button.
If the setting of the moment of inertia ratio (Pn103) was changed, the new value will be saved and the
Tuning Dialog Box will be displayed again.
This concludes the procedure to estimate the moment of inertia ratio.
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.1 Outline
• Autotuning without a host reference performs adjustments based on the setting of the speed
loop gain (Pn100). Therefore, precise adjustments cannot be made if there is vibration when
adjustments are started. Make adjustments after lowering the speed loop gain (Pn100) until
Important vibration is eliminated.
• You cannot execute autotuning without a host reference if the tuning-less function is enabled
(Pn170 = n.1 (default setting)). Disable the tuning-less function (Pn170 = n.0)
before you execute autotuning without a host reference.
• If you change the machine load conditions or drive system after you execute autotuning with-
out a host reference and then you execute autotuning without a host reference with moment of
inertia estimation specified, use the following parameter settings. If you execute autotuning
without a host reference for any other conditions, the machine may vibrate and may be dam-
Pn140 = n.0 (Do not use model following control.)
Pn160 = n.0 (Do not use anti-resonance control.)
Pn408 = n.000 (Disable friction compensation, first stage notch filter, and second stage
notch filter.)
Note: If you are using the Digital Operator and the above parameters are not displayed, change
the parameter display setting to display all parameters (Pn00B = n.1) and then turn
the power supply OFF and ON again.
8.6.1 Outline
For autotuning without a host reference, operation is automatically performed by the SERVO-
PACK for round-trip (forward and reverse) operation to adjust for machine characteristics
during operation. A reference from the host controller is not used.
The following items are adjusted automatically.
• Moment of inertia ratio
• Gains (e.g., speed loop gain and position loop gain)
• Filters (torque reference filter and notch filters)
• Friction compensation
• Anti-resonance control
• Vibration suppression (only for mode 2 or 3)
Refer to the following section for details on the parameters that are adjusted.
8.6.7 Related Parameters on page 8-33
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.2 Restrictions
Autotuning without a host reference requires operating the Servomotor and therefore pres-
ents hazards. Observe the following precaution.
• Confirm safety around moving parts.
This function involves automatic operation with vibration. Make sure that you can perform an
emergency stop (to turn OFF the power supply) at any time. There will be movement in both
directions within the set range of movement. Check the range of movement and the directions
and implement protective controls for safety, such as the overtravel functions.
8.6.2 Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to autotuning without a host reference.
If you cannot use autotuning without a host reference because of these restrictions, use auto-
tuning with a host reference or custom tuning. Refer to the following sections for details.
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference on page 8-34
8.8 Custom Tuning on page 8-42
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.3 Applicable Tools
Always check the following before you execute autotuning without a host reference.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• There must be no overtravel.
• The servo must be OFF.
• The gain switching selection must be set to disable automatic gain switching (Pn139 =
• The first gains must be selected.
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• There must be no alarms or warnings.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The tuning-less function must be disabled (Pn170 = n.0), or the tuning-less function
must be enabled (Pn170 = n.1) (default setting) and moment of inertia estimation must
be specified.
• If you execute autotuning without a host reference during speed control, set the mode to 1.
• If you start autotuning without a host reference while the SERVOPACK is in speed control
for mode 2 or 3, the SERVOPACK will change to position control automatically to perform
autotuning without a host reference. The SERVOPACK will return to speed control after
autotuning has been completed.
Use the following procedure to perform autotuning without a host reference.
If you specify not estimating the moment of inertia, set the moment of inertia ratio (Pn103)
correctly. If the setting greatly differs from the actual moment of inertia ratio, normal control
of the machine may not be possible, and vibration may result.
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.4 Operating Procedure
2. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
3. Select Tuning in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Tuning Dialog Box will be displayed.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel tuning.
5. Select the No Reference Input Option in the Autotuning Area and then click the Auto-
tuning Button.
Information When the following dialog box is displayed, click the OK Button and then confirm that the
correct moment of inertia ratio is set in Pn103 (Moment of Inertia Ratio).
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.4 Operating Procedure
6. Set the conditions in the Switching the load moment of inertia (load mass) identifica-
tion Box, the Mode selection Box, the Mechanism selection Box, and the Distance
Box, and then click the Next Button.
• Switching the load moment of inertia (load mass)
identification Box
Specify whether to estimate the moment of inertia.
0: A moment of inertia is presumed. (default setting)
1: A moment of inertia is not presumed.
• Distance Box
Set the travel distance. • Mechanism selection Box
Movement range: -99,990,000 to Select the type according to the machine element to
+99,990,000 [reference units] drive.
Minimum setting increment for travel dis- If there is noise or if the gain does not increase, better
tance: 1,000 [reference units] results may be obtained by changing the rigidity type.
Negative values are for reverse operation Select the type according to the following guidelines.
and positive values are for forward opera-
tion from the current position. Mechanism
Default settings: Selection
Rotary Servomotors: Approx. 3 rotations Tuning is performed for a mecha-
Direct Drive Servomotors: Approx. 0.3 1: Belt mechanism nism with relatively low rigidity, e.g.,
rotations a belt.
Linear Servomotors: Approx 90 mm Tuning is performed for a mecha-
2: Ball screw mech- nism with relatively high rigidity, e.g.,
Set the distance to the following values or
anism or linear a ball screw or Linear Servomotor.
higher. To ensure tuning precision, we rec- motor Use this setting if there is no other
ommend that you use approximately the appropriate setting.
default distance setting.
Tuning is performed for a mecha-
Rotary Servomotors: 0.5 rotations
Direct Drive Servomotors: 0.05 rotations
3: Rigid model nism with high rigidity, e.g., a rigid 8
body system.
Linear Servomotors: 5 mm
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.4 Operating Procedure
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.5 Troubleshooting Problems in Autotuning without a Host Reference
9. Confirm safety around moving parts and click the Yes Button.
10. When tuning has been completed, click the Finish Button.
The results of tuning will be set in the parameters and you will return to the Tuning Dialog Box.
The following tables give the causes of and corrections for problems that may occur in autotun-
ing without a host reference.
Autotuning without a Host Reference Was Not Performed
Possible Cause Corrective Action
Main circuit power supply is OFF. Turn ON the main circuit power supply.
An alarm or warning occurred. Remove the cause of the alarm or warning.
Overtraveling occurred. Remove the cause of overtraveling.
The second gains were selected with the gain selection. Disable automatic gain switching.
The HWBB was activated. Release the HWBB.
Set the travel distance again in step 6 of the proce-
The setting of the travel distance is too small.
• Disable the tuning-less function (Pn170 =
The settings for the tuning-less function are not correct. • Enable the tuning-less function (Pn170 =
n.1) and specify moment of inertia estima-
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.5 Troubleshooting Problems in Autotuning without a Host Reference
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.6 Automatically Adjusted Function Settings
Parameter Function When Enabled Classification
Do not adjust anti-resonance control automat-
ically during execution of autotuning without a
host reference, autotuning with a host refer-
ence, and custom tuning.
Immediately Tuning
Adjust anti-resonance control automatically
n.1 during execution of autotuning without a host
(default setting) reference, autotuning with a host reference,
and custom tuning.
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.6 Automatically Adjusted Function Settings
Vibration Suppression
You can use vibration suppression to suppress transitional vibration at a low frequency from 1
Hz to 100 Hz, which is generated mainly when the machine vibrates during positioning.
Normally, set Pn140 to n.1 (Adjust automatically) (default setting).
Vibration will be detected during autotuning without a host reference and vibration suppression
control will be automatically set.
Set Pn140 = n.0 (Do not adjust automatically) only if you do not change the settings for
vibration suppression before you execute autotuning without a host reference.
Note: Autotuning without a host reference uses model following control. Therefore, it can be executed only if the
mode is set to 2 or 3.
Friction Compensation
Friction compensation compensates for changes in the following conditions.
• Changes in the viscous resistance of the lubricant, such as grease, on the sliding parts of the
• Changes in the friction resistance resulting from variations in the machine assembly
• Changes in the friction resistance due to aging
The conditions for applying friction compensation depend on the mode selection.
Mode Selection Settings Friction Compensation
Based on the setting of Pn408 = n.X
1: Standard
(Friction Compensation Function Selection)*
2: For position control
Adjusted with friction compensation.
3: For position control (emphasis on overshooting)
8.6 Autotuning without Host Reference
8.6.7 Related Parameters
Pn531 Program Jogging Travel Distance No
Pn533 Program Jogging Movement Speed for Rotary Servomotor No
Pn585 Program Jogging Movement Speed for Linear Servomotor No
Pn534 Program Jogging Acceleration/Deceleration Time No
Pn535 Program Jogging Waiting Time No
Pn536 Program Jogging Number of Movements No
Yes: The parameter is automatically set.
No: The parameter is not automatically set, but the setting is read during execution.
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.1 Outline
Autotuning with a host reference makes adjustments based on the set speed loop gain (Pn100).
Therefore, precise adjustments cannot be made if there is vibration when adjustments are
Important started. Make adjustments after lowering the speed loop gain (Pn100) until vibration is eliminated.
8.7.1 Outline
Autotuning with a host reference automatically makes optimum adjustments for operation refer-
ences from the host controller.
The following items are adjusted automatically.
• Gains (e.g., speed loop gain and position loop gain)
• Filters (torque reference filter and notch filters)
• Friction compensation
• Anti-resonance control
• Vibration suppression
Refer to the following section for details on the parameters that are adjusted.
8.7.7 Related Parameters on page 8-41
References Distanc
references Responses
Host controller
Travel Distance
SERVOPACK Servomotor
Because autotuning with a host reference adjusts the SERVOPACK during automatic opera-
tion, vibration or overshooting may occur. To ensure safety, make sure that you can perform
an emergency stop at any time.
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.2 Restrictions
8.7.2 Restrictions
Always check the following before you execute autotuning with a host reference.
• The servo must be in ready status.
• There must be no overtravel.
• The servo must be OFF.
• Position control must be selected if power is supplied to the motor (i.e., when the servo is
• The gain switching selection must be set to disable automatic gain switching (Pn139 =
• The first gains must be selected.
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• There must be no warnings.
• The tuning-less function must be disabled (Pn170 = n.0).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
8.7.3 Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to perform autotuning with a host reference.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn202 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Tuning - Tuning 8.7.4 Operating Procedure on page 8-36
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.4 Operating Procedure
2. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
3. Select Tuning in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Tuning Dialog Box will be displayed.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel tuning.
5. Select the Position reference input Option in the Autotuning Area and then click the
Autotuning Button.
Information When the following dialog box is displayed, click the OK Button and then confirm that the
correct moment of inertia ratio is set in Pn103 (Moment of Inertia Ratio).
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.4 Operating Procedure
6. Set the conditions in the Mode selection Box and the Mechanism selection Box, and
then click the Next Button.
If you select the Start tuning using the default settings Check Box in the Tuning parameters Area,
the tuning parameters will be returned to the default settings before tuning is started.
body system.
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.4 Operating Procedure
8. Input the correct moment of inertia ratio and click the Next Button.
9. First confirm safety around moving parts. Turn ON the servo, enter a reference from the
host controller, and then click the Start tuning Button.
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.4 Operating Procedure
11. When tuning has been completed, click the Finish Button.
The results of tuning will be set in the parameters and you will return to the Tuning Dialog Box.
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.5 Troubleshooting Problems in Autotuning with a Host Reference
Troubleshooting Errors
Error Possible Cause Corrective Action
• Increase the setting of the positioning completed width
Machine vibration
The gain adjustments (Pn522).
occurs or positioning
• Change the mode from 2 to 3.
were not successfully completion is not stable
• If machine vibration occurs, suppress the vibration with
completed. when the Servomotor
the anti-resonance control adjustment and the vibration
suppression function.
Positioning was not
completed within
The positioning com-
approximately 10 Increase the setting of the positioning completed width
pleted width is too nar-
seconds after posi- (Pn522).
tion adjustment was
8.7 Autotuning with a Host Reference
8.7.7 Related Parameters
No: The parameter is not automatically set, but the setting is read during execution.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.1 Outline
8.8.1 Outline
You can use custom tuning to manually adjust the servo during operation with a reference from
the host controller. You can use it to fine-tune adjustments that were made with autotuning.
The following items are adjusted automatically.
• Gains (e.g., speed loop gain and position loop gain)
• Filters (torque reference filter and notch filters)
• Friction compensation
• Anti-resonance control
Refer to the following section for details on the parameters that are adjusted.
8.8.7 Related Parameters on page 8-50
There are two adjustment methods that you can use for custom tuning.
Tuning Mode 0 (Setting Servo Gains Giving Priority to Stability) or 1 (Setting Servo
Gains Giving Priority to Good Response)
These modes allow you to set stable control conditions for multiple servo gains by manipu-
lating only one tuning level. Automatic setting of notch filters and anti-resonance control is
provided if vibration is detected. Manual anti-resonance control adjustment is also possible
during custom tuning.
Tuning Mode 2 (Setting Servo Gains Giving Priority to Position Control Applications)
or 3 (Setting Servo Gains Giving Priority to Preventing Overshooting in Position Con-
trol Applications)
Two tuning levels are manipulated to reduce positioning time even further and set multiple
servo gains.
Model following control is used to reduce the positioning time. If vibration is detected, notch
filters and anti-resonance control are automatically adjusted, and friction compensation is
automatically set. Manual anti-resonance control adjustment and vibration suppression are
also possible during custom tuning.
Vibration or overshooting may occur during custom tuning. To ensure safety, make sure that
you can perform an emergency stop at any time.
8.8.2 Preparations
Always check the following before you execute custom tuning.
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• The tuning-less function must be disabled (Pn170 = n.0).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.3 Applicable Tools
Before you execute custom tuning, check the information provided in the SigmaWin+ oper-
ating manual.
Observe the following precautions.
• Make sure that you can perform an emergency stop at any time.
When custom tuning is started, several parameters will be overwritten with the recommended
settings, which may greatly affect the response before and after execution. Make sure that you
can perform an emergency stop at any time.
• Set the moment of inertia correctly before you execute custom tuning.
If the setting greatly differs from the actual moment of inertia, vibration may occur.
• If you change the feedforward level, the new setting will not be used immediately. It will be used
after positioning is completed.
2. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
3. Select Tuning in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Tuning Dialog Box will be displayed.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel tuning.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.4 Operating Procedure
Information When the following dialog box is displayed, click the OK Button and then confirm that the
correct moment of inertia ratio is set in Pn103 (Moment of Inertia Ratio).
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.4 Operating Procedure
7. Set the Tuning mode Box and Mechanism selection Box, and then click the Next But-
Tuning mode Box
Information The tuning modes that you can select depend on the SERVOPACK setting.
8. If the moment of inertia ratio is not set correctly, correct the setting and then click the
Next Button.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.4 Operating Procedure
9. Turn ON the servo, enter a reference from the host controller, and then click the Start
tuning Button.
Tuning Mode 0 or 1 Tuning Mode 2 or 3
11. You can set the functions to suppress vibration (notch filters, automatic anti-resonance
control setting, anti-resonance control adjustment, and autotuning with a host refer-
ence) as required.
Refer to the following section for details.
Vibration Suppression Functions on page 8-48
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.4 Operating Procedure
12. When tuning has been completed, click the Completed Button.
The values that were changed will be saved in the SERVOPACK and you will return to the Tuning Dia-
log Box.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.4 Operating Procedure
Automatic Setting
To set vibration suppression automatically, use the parameters to enable notch filters and auto-
matic anti-resonance control setting.
The notch filter frequency (stage 1 or 2) or anti-resonance control frequency that is effective for
the vibration that was detected during tuning will be automatically set.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.5 Automatically Adjusted Function Settings
The graph shows overshooting that occurred when the feed-
forward level was increased even more after step 3. In this
state, overshooting occurs, but the positioning settling time
is shorter. Tuning is completed if the specifications are met. 8
The tuning results are saved in the SERVOPACK. If over-
shooting occurs before the specifications are met, repeat
steps 3 and 4.
If vibration occurs before the overshooting is eliminated, the
vibration is suppressed with the notch filters and anti-reso-
nance control.
5 − The tuning results are saved in the SERVOPACK.
8.8 Custom Tuning
8.8.7 Related Parameters
8.9 Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment
8.9.1 Outline
8.9.1 Outline
Anti-resonance control increases the effectiveness of vibration suppression after custom tun-
Anti-resonance control is effective for suppression of continuous vibration frequencies from 100
to 1,000 Hz that occur when the control gain is increased. Vibration can be eliminated by set-
ting vibration frequencies through automatic detection or by manually setting them to adjust
the damping gain. Input an operation reference and execute this anti-resonance control adjust-
ment when there is vibration.
Anti-resonance control is automatically set by autotuning without a host reference or autotun-
ing with a host reference. Use anti-resonance control adjustment only if fine-tuning is required
or readjustment is required as a result of a failure to detect vibration.
Perform custom tuning if required to increase the response after performing anti-resonance
control adjustment. If the control gain is increased, e.g., when custom tuning is performed,
vibration may occur again. If that occurs, perform anti-resonance control adjustment again to
fine-tune the parameters.
Related parameters will be set automatically when anti-resonance control adjustment is
executed. This may greatly affect the response before and after execution. Make sure that
you can perform an emergency stop at any time.
Before you execute anti-resonance control adjustment, set the correct moment of inertia
ratio (Pn103). If the setting greatly differs from the actual moment of inertia ratio, normal
control of the machine may not be possible, and vibration may occur.
• Anti-resonance control adjustment detects vibration frequencies between 100 Hz and 1,000
Hz. If the vibration frequency is not within this range, use custom tuning with tuning mode 2
selected to automatically set a notch filter or use vibration suppression.
Important • Vibration reduction can be made more effective by increasing the anti-resonance damping gain
(Pn163), but the vibration may become larger if the damping gain is too high. Increase the
damping gain by approximately 0% to 200% in 10% increments while checking the effect on
vibration. If vibration reduction is still insufficient at a gain of 200%, cancel the setting, and
lower the control gain by using a different method, such as custom tuning.
8.9.2 Preparations
Always check the following before you execute anti-resonance control adjustment.
• The tuning-less function must be disabled (Pn170 = n.0).
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
8.9 Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment
8.9.3 Applicable Tools
Before you execute anti-resonance control adjustment, check the information provided in
the SigmaWin+ operating manual.
Observe the following precautions.
• Make sure that you can perform an emergency stop at any time.
Parameters will be set automatically when anti-resonance control adjustment is executed. This
may greatly affect the response before and after execution. Make sure that you can perform an
emergency stop (to turn OFF the power supply) at any time.
• Set the moment of inertia correctly before you execute anti-resonance control adjustment.
If the setting greatly differs from the actual moment of inertia, effective vibration reduction may
not be possible.
• If you have already performed anti-resonance control adjustment and then you change the fre-
quency, the current anti-resonance control effect may be lost. Caution is particularly required
when automatically detecting the vibration frequency.
• If effective vibration reduction is not achieved even after you execute anti-resonance control
adjustment, cancel the function and lower the control gain by using a different method, such as
custom tuning.
• Perform custom tuning separately if required to increase the response after performing anti-reso-
nance control adjustment.
If the servo gain is increased, e.g., when custom tuning is performed, vibration may occur again.
If that occurs, perform anti-resonance control adjustment again to fine-tune the parameters.
8.9 Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment
8.9.4 Operating Procedure
1. Perform steps 1 to 8 of the procedure for custom tuning. Refer to the following section
for details.
8.8.4 Operating Procedure on page 8-43
3. If you do not know the vibration frequency, click the Auto Detect Button. If you know the
vibration frequency, click the Manual Set Button.
To Automatically Detect the Vibration To Manually Set the Vibration Frequency
The frequency will be set.
4. Click the Start adjustment Button.
5. Use the and Buttons in the Adjustment Area to change the settings.
Click the Reset Button during tuning to restore the setting to its original value. The tuning level will 8
return to the value from before when custom tuning was started.
8.9 Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment
8.9.5 Related Parameters
6. When the adjustment has been completed, click the Finish Button.
The values that were changed will be saved in the SERVOPACK and you will return to the Tuning Dia-
log Box.
8.9 Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment
8.9.6 Suppressing Different Vibration Frequencies with Anti-resonance Control
Anti-Resonance Frequency
Pn161 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 20,000 0.1 Hz 1000 Immediately Tuning
Anti-Resonance Gain Correction
Pn162 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 1,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
Anti-Resonance Damping Gain
Pn163 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 300 1% 0 Immediately Tuning
Anti-Resonance Filter Time Constant 1 Correction
Pn164 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
-1,000 to 1,000 0.01 ms 0 Immediately Tuning
Anti-Resonance Filter Time Constant 2 Correction
Pn165 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
-1,000 to 1,000 0.01 ms 0 Immediately Tuning
Anti-Resonance Damping Gain 2
Pn166 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 1,000 1% 0 Immediately Tuning
Use the gain adjustment and anti-resonance control.
1 Refer to the following section for details.
8.9.4 Operating Procedure on page 8-52
If there is vibration at a higher frequency than the vibration suppressed with anti-resonance 8
control in step 1, adjust Pn166 (Anti-Resonance Damping Gain 2).
Adjust Pn166 (Anti-Resonance Damping Gain 2) while checking to see if vibration reduction is
3 To adjust Pn166 (Anti-Resonance Damping Gain 2), increase the setting by 10% at a time start-
ing from the value that resulted in Pn163 (Anti-Resonance Damping Gain) from the adjustment
in step 1.
If the vibration disappears, the adjustment is completed.
4 However, if the vibration does not disappear even when you adjust Pn166 (Anti-Resonance
Damping Gain 2), reduce the tuning level or feedback level until vibration does not occur.
8.10 Vibration Suppression
8.10.1 Outline
8.10.1 Outline
You can use vibration suppression to suppress transient vibration at a low frequency from 1 Hz
to 100 Hz, which is generated mainly when the machine vibrates during positioning. This is
effective for vibration frequencies for which notch filters and anti-resonance control adjustment
are not effective.
Vibration suppression is automatically set by autotuning without a host reference or autotuning
with a host reference. Use vibration suppression only if fine-tuning is required or readjustment
is required as a result of a failure to detect vibration. To execute vibration suppression, input an
operation reference and execute the function when there is vibration.
Perform custom tuning if required to increase the response after performing vibration suppres-
Related parameters will be set automatically when vibration suppression is executed. This
may greatly affect the response before and after execution. Make sure that you can perform
an emergency stop at any time.
Before you execute vibration suppression, set the correct moment of inertia ratio (Pn103)
with autotuning without a host reference or another method. If the setting greatly differs
from the actual moment of inertia ratio, normal control of the machine may not be possible,
and vibration may occur.
8.10 Vibration Suppression
8.10.2 Preparations
8.10.2 Preparations
Always check the following before you execute vibration suppression.
• The tuning-less function must be disabled (Pn170 = n.0).
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
3. Click the Import Button or click and Button to manually adjust the set frequency.
When you click the Import Button, the residual vibration frequency in the Servomotor is read as the
set frequency. (The frequency can be read only when the residual vibration frequency is between 1.0
and 100.0.)
Frequency detection will not be performed if there is no vibration or if the vibration frequency
is outside the range of detectable frequencies. If a vibration frequency is not detected, pro-
Important vide a means of measuring the vibration frequency.
8.10 Vibration Suppression
8.10.4 Operating Procedure
If the vibration is not eliminated, use the and Buttons for the set frequency to fine-tune the
value and click the Set Button again.
Click the Reset Button during adjustment to restore the setting to its original value. The status from
before when adjustment was started will be restored.
5. When the vibration has been eliminated, click the Finish Button.
The updated value will be saved in the SERVOPACK.
Vibration suppression will be enabled in step 5. The Servomotor response, however, will change
when the Servomotor comes to a stop with no reference input.
8.10 Vibration Suppression
8.10.5 Related Parameters
8.11 Speed Ripple Compensation
8.11.1 Outline
8.11.1 Outline
Speed ripple compensation reduces the amount of ripple in the motor speed due to torque rip-
ple or cogging torque. You can enable speed ripple compensation to achieve smoother opera-
tion. To enable it, you must set up ripple compensation on the SigmaWin+.
Speed ripple compensation requires operating the Servomotor and therefore presents haz-
ards. Observe the following precautions.
Confirm safety around moving parts.
This function involves automatic operation. Make sure that you can perform an emergency stop
(to turn OFF the power supply) at any time.
The following restrictions apply to the setup for speed ripple compensation.
Always check the following before you set up speed ripple compensation.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• The servo must be OFF.
• There must be no alarms or warnings.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
8.11 Speed Ripple Compensation
8.11.2 Setting Up Speed Ripple Compensation
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to set up speed ripple compensation.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Digital Operator You cannot set up speed ripple compensation from the Digital Operator.
SigmaWin+ Diagnostic − Ripple Compensation Operating Procedure on page 8-61
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to set up speed ripple compensation.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
Information 1. Click the Cancel Button to cancel ripple compensation. The Main Window will return.
2. If write protection is set, the following dialog box will be displayed.
8.11 Speed Ripple Compensation
8.11.2 Setting Up Speed Ripple Compensation
5. Enter the jogging speed in the Input Value Box and click the OK Button.
8.11 Speed Ripple Compensation
8.11.2 Setting Up Speed Ripple Compensation
If the measurement time (i.e., the jogging time) for the speed ripple is too short, speed ripple
measurement will not be completed. The following dialog box will be displayed if speed rip-
ple measurement was not completed.
Important Click the OK Button and repeat the measurement.
8. After speed ripple measurement has been completed, click the Write Button.
The ripple compensation value will be written to the SERVOPACK.
9. After writing has been completed, click the OK Button.
8.11 Speed Ripple Compensation
8.11.3 Setting Parameters
11. If the verification results are OK, click the Completed Button.
Information To discard the setup results, click the Reset Button.
8.11 Speed Ripple Compensation
8.11.3 Setting Parameters
Speed reference/
feedback speed
Setting of Pn427
or Pn49F
Enable Speed)
compensation Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.1 Automatic Gain Switching
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.1 Automatic Gain Switching
Information /COIN (Positioning Completion Output) Signal and /NEAR (Near Output) Signal
A SERVOPACK with a DeviceNet Module does not have /COIN (Positioning Completion Out-
put) and /NEAR (Near Output) signals. Here, the following conditions are treated as the active
signal status.
• /COIN (Positioning Completion Output) signal: The conditions for both Pn522 (Positioning
Completed Width) and Pn207 (/COIN (Positioning Completion Output) Signal Output Tim-
ing) have been met.
• /NEAR (Near Output) signal: The current condition is equal to or less than the setting of
Pn524 (Near Signal Width).
Relationship between the Waiting Times and Switching Times for Gain 8
In this example, an ON /COIN (Positioning Completion Output) signal is set as the condition for
automatic gain switching. The position loop gain is changed from the value in Pn102 (Position
Loop Gain) to the value in Pn106 (Second Position Loop Gain). When the /COIN signal turns
ON, the switching operation begins after the waiting time (Pn135). The switching operation
changes the position loop gain linearly from the gain set in Pn102 to the gain set in Pn106 over
the switching time (Pn131).
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.1 Automatic Gain Switching
Waiting Switching
time: Pn135 time: Pn131
Position Loop Gain
Position Loop Gain
Information You can use gain switching for either PI control or I-P control (Pn10B = n.0 or 1).
Related Parameters
Speed Loop Gain
Pn100 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 20,000 0.1 Hz 400 Immediately Tuning
Speed Loop Integral Time Constant
Pn101 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
15 to 51,200 0.01 ms 2,000 Immediately Tuning
Position Loop Gain
Pn102 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 20,000 0.1/s 400 Immediately Tuning
First Stage First Torque Reference Filter Time Constant
Pn401 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 65,535 0.01 ms 100 Immediately Tuning
Friction Compensation Gain
Pn121 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 1,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
Second Speed Loop Gain
Pn104 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 20,000 0.1 Hz 400 Immediately Tuning
Second Speed Loop Integral Time Constant
Pn105 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
15 to 51,200 0.01 ms 2,000 Immediately Tuning
Second Position Loop Gain
Pn106 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 20,000 0.1/s 400 Immediately Tuning
First Stage Second Torque Reference Filter Time Constant
Pn412 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 65,535 0.01 ms 100 Immediately Tuning
Second Friction Compensation Gain
Pn122 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 1,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.2 Friction Compensation
Related Monitoring
• SigmaWin+
You can monitor gain switching with the status monitor or with tracing.
• Analog Monitors
Parameter Analog Monitor Monitor Name Output Value Description
Pn006 1V Gain settings 1 are enabled.
n.0B Active Gain Monitor
Pn007 2V Gain settings 2 are enabled.
Parameter Function When Enabled Classification
Disable friction compensation.
Pn408 (default setting) Immediately Setup
n.1 Enable friction compensation.
Friction Compensation Gain
Pn121 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 1,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
Second Friction Compensation Gain
Pn122 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
10 to 1,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
Friction Compensation Coefficient
Pn123 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 100 1% 0 Immediately Tuning
Friction Compensation Frequency Correction
Pn124 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
-10,000 to 10,000 0.1 Hz 0 Immediately Tuning
Friction Compensation Gain Correction
Pn125 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 1,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.2 Friction Compensation
Before you execute friction compensation, set the moment of inertia ratio (Pn103) as accu-
rately as possible. If the setting greatly differs from the actual moment of inertia, vibration
may occur.
Step Operation
Set the following parameters related to friction compensation to their default settings.
Friction compensation gain (Pn121): 100
Second friction compensation gain (Pn122): 100
1 Friction compensation coefficient (Pn123): 0
Friction compensation frequency correction (Pn124): 0
Friction compensation gain correction (Pn125): 100
Note: Always use the default settings for the friction compensation frequency correction (Pn124) and friction com-
pensation gain correction (Pn125).
Gradually increase the friction compensation coefficient (Pn123) to check the effect of friction com-
Note: Usually, set the friction compensation coefficient (Pn123) to 95% or less.
If the effect is insufficient, increase the friction compensation gain (Pn121) by 10% increments until vibration
Poor response
because of friction
Response improved by
Low friction friction compensation
Position deviation Position deviation
High friction
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.3 Gravity Compensation
A timing chart for when the moving part is raised then lowered is provided below.
Refer to the following section for details on brake operation timing.
5.11.1 Brake Operating Sequence on page 5-30
0 1 0
(servo OFF) (servo ON) (servo OFF)
Servo OFF command (Enable)
Power not
supplied. Power supplied. Power not supplied.
Motor power status
/BK (Brake) signal
Brake contact section applied. Brake released. Brake applied.
Position/speed reference
Motor speed
Torque reference
Required Parameter Settings
The following parameter settings are required to use gravity compensation.
Parameter Description When Enabled Classification
Disable gravity compensation.
Pn475 (default setting) After restart Setup
n.1 Enable gravity compensation.
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.3 Gravity Compensation
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.4 Current Control Mode Selection
If current control mode 2 is selected, the load ratio may increase while the Servomotor is being
range that maintains the SERVOPACK response characteristic.
Current Gain Level
Pn13D Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
100 to 2,000 1% 2,000 Immediately Tuning 8
If the current gain level is changed, the response characteristic of the speed loop will also
change. Servo tuning must therefore be performed again.
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.6 Speed Detection Method Selection
If the speed detection method is changed, the response characteristic of the speed loop will also
change. Servo tuning must therefore be performed again.
If you drive a machine that has backlash, there will be deviation between the travel distance in
the position reference that is managed by the host controller and the travel distance of the
actual machine. Use backlash compensation to add the backlash compensation value to the
position reference and use the result to drive the Servomotor. This will ensure that the travel
distance of the actual machine will be the same as the travel distance in the host controller.
Note: Backlash compensation can be used only with a Rotary Servomotor.
Reference travel distance
Machine shaft
Motor shaft
Forward reference direction
Motor shaft
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.8 Backlash Compensation
Related Parameters
Set the following parameters to use backlash compensation.
Backlash Compensation
Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0.1 reference
-500,000 to 500,000 0 Immediately Setup
• The backlash compensation value is restricted by the following formula. Backlash compensa-
tion is not performed if this condition is not met.
Pn210 Maximum motor speed [min-1]
Pn231 ≤ Encoder resolution* 0.00025
Pn20E 60
Example 1:
Pn20E = 4, Pn210 = 1, Maximum motor speed = 6,000 [min-1], and Encoder resolution =
16,777,216 (24 bits)
1/4 × 6,000/60 × 16,777,216 × 0.00025 = 104,857.6 [reference units]
The backlash compensation will be limited to 104,857.6 reference units.
Example 2: 8
Pn20E = 4, Pn210 = 1, Maximum motor speed = 6,000 [min-1], Number of External Encoder
Pitches (Pn20A) = 500, and Use of the JZDP-H00-000 (signal resolution: 1/256):
1/4 × 6,000/60 × (500 × 256) × 0.00025 = 800.0 [reference units]
The backlash compensation will be limited to 800.0 reference units.
• Do not exceed the upper limit of the backlash compensation value. You can check the upper
limit on the operation monitor of the SigmaWin+.
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.8 Backlash Compensation
Related Monitoring
You can monitor the following values on the operation monitor of the SigmaWin+.
Displayed Value Setting Unit
Current Backlash Compensation Value 0.1 reference units
Backlash Compensation Value Setting Limit 0.1 reference units
Compensation Operation
This section describes the operation that is performed for backlash compensation.
Note: The following figures are for when backlash compensation is applied to references in the forward direction
(Pn230 = n.0). The following monitor information is provided in the figures: TPOS (target position in the
reference coordinate system), POS (reference position in the reference coordinate system), and APOS (feed-
back position in the machine coordinate system). The monitor information includes the feedback position in
machine coordinate system (APOS) and other feedback information.
The backlash compensation value is subtracted from the feedback positions in the monitor information, so it
is not necessary for the host controller to consider the backlash compensation value.
The encoder divided pulse output will output the number of encoder pulses for which driv-
ing was actually performed, including the backlash compensation value. If you use the
encoder output pulses for position feedback at the host controller, you must consider the
backlash compensation value.
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.8 Backlash Compensation
Machine shaft
Pn231 Reference travel Reference travel
distance 1 distance 2
Motor shaft
Machine shaft
Motor shaft
Machine shaft
Reference travel Reference travel
distance 1 distance 2
Motor shaft
Machine shaft
Motor shaft
8.12 Additional Adjustment Functions
8.12.8 Backlash Compensation
Target position Target position reference
TPOS0 TPOS1 direction
Reference travel distance
Status with no backlash
compensation: POS = APOS
Machine shaft
Reference travel distance
Motor shaft
Machine shaft
Motor shaft
Related Monitoring
You can monitor the following values on the operation monitor of the SigmaWin+.
Displayed Value Unit Specification
Displays the input reference pulse speed before backlash
Input Reference Pulse Speed min-1 compensation.
Displays the position deviation for the position reference
Position Deviation Reference units
after backlash compensation.
Input Reference Pulse Displays the input reference pulse counter before back-
Reference units
Counter lash compensation.
Displays the number of pulses from the actually driven
Feedback Pulse Counter Encoder pulses
motor encoder.
Fully-Closed Feedback Pulse External encoder Displays the number of pulses of the actually driven exter-
Counter resolution nal encoder.
Displays the number of pulses from the actually driven
Feedback Pulse Counter Reference units
encoder in reference units.
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
Servo Gains
Position control loop
Speed control loop
Speed Speed
Speed pattern Movement Servomotor
reference + reference + Speed control + Current
Deviation Position Tf Power M
counter loop gain Kp section control converter
Kv and Ti section
Speed loop Current loop
Position loop
DeviceNet Module Kp: Position loop gain (Pn102)
Kv: Speed loop gain (Pn100)
Ti: Speed loop integral time constant (Pn101)
Tf: First stage first torque reference filter time constant (Pn401)
In order to manually tune the servo gains, you must understand the configuration and charac-
teristic of the SERVOPACK and adjust the servo gains individually. In most cases, if you greatly
change any one parameter, you must adjust the other parameters again. To check the
response characteristic, you must prepare a measuring instrument to monitor the output wave-
forms from the analog monitor.
The SERVOPACK has three feedback systems (the position loop, speed loop, and current
loop), and the response characteristic must be increased more with the inner loops. If this rela-
tionship is not maintained, the response characteristic will suffer and vibration will occur more
A sufficient response characteristic is ensured for the current loop. There is never a need for it
to be adjusted by the user.
You can use manual tuning to set the servo gains in the SERVOPACK to increase the response
characteristic of the SERVOPACK and to reduce the positioning time. 8
Use manual tuning in the following cases.
• When tuning with autotuning without a host reference or autotuning with a host reference
does not achieve the desired results
• When you want to increase the servo gains higher than the gains that resulted from autotun-
ing without a host reference or autotuning with a host reference
• When you want to determine the servo gains and moment of inertia ratio yourself
You start manual tuning either from the default parameter settings or from the gain settings that
resulted from autotuning without a host reference or autotuning with a host reference.
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
Applicable Tools
You can monitor the servo gains with the SigmaWin+ or with the analog monitor.
Vibration may occur while you are tuning the servo gains. We recommend that you enable
vibration alarms (Pn310 = n.2) to detect vibration. Refer to the following section for infor-
mation on vibration detection.
6.11 Initializing the Vibration Detection Level on page 6-26
Vibration alarms are not detected for all vibration. Also, an emergency stop method is neces-
sary to stop the machine safely when an alarm occurs. You must provide an emergency stop
device and activate it immediately whenever vibration occurs.
If you greatly change any one servo gain parameter, you must adjust the other parameters
again. Do not increase the setting of just one parameter. As a guideline, adjust the settings of
the servo gains by approximately 5% each. As a rule, change the servo parameters in the fol-
lowing order.
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
For machines for which a high position loop gain (Pn102) cannot be set, overflow alarms can
occur during high-speed operation. If that is the case, you can increase the setting of the fol-
lowing parameter to increase the level for alarm detection.
Use the following condition as a guideline for determining the setting.
The default setting of Pn103 (Moment of Inertia Ratio) is 100. Before you tune the servo, calcu-
late the moment of inertia ratio with the above formula and set Pn103 to the calculation result.
Moment of Inertia Ratio
Pn103 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled
0 to 20,000 1% 100 Immediately Tuning
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
* The second stage second torque reference filter is disabled when Pn40F is set to 5,000 (default setting) and it is
enabled when Pn40F is set to a value lower than 5,000.
Notch Filters
The notch filter can eliminate specific frequency elements generated by the vibration of sources
such as resonance of the shaft of a ball screw.
The notch filter puts a notch in the gain curve at the specific vibration frequency (called the
notch frequency). The frequency components near the notch frequency can be reduced or
removed with a notch filter.
Notch filters are set with three parameters for the notch filter frequency, notch filter Q value,
and notch filter depth. This section describes the notch filter Q value and notch filter depth.
• Notch filter Q Value
The setting of the notch filter Q value determines the width of the frequencies that are filtered
for the notch filter frequency. The width of the notch changes with the notch filter Q value. The
larger the notch filter Q value is, the steeper the notch is and the narrower the width of frequen-
cies that are filtered is.
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
The notch filter frequency characteristics for different notch filter Q values are shown below.
Q = 0.7
Q = 1.0
Frequency [Hz]
Attenuation [dB]
Q = 0.5
Note: The above notch filter frequency characteristics are based on calculated values and may be different from
actual characteristics.
• Notch Filter Depth
The setting of the notch filter depth determines the depth of the frequencies that are filtered for
the notch filter frequency. The depth of the notch changes with the notch filter depth. The
smaller the notch filter depth is, the deeper the notch is, increasing the effect of vibration sup-
pression. However, if the value is too small, vibration can actually increase.
The notch filter is disabled if the notch filter depth, d, is set to 1.0 (i.e., if Pn419 is set to 1,000).
The notch filter frequency characteristics for different notch filter depths are shown below.
Frequency [Hz] d = 1.0 (notch filter disabled)
Attenuation [dB]
d = 0.5 d = 0.7
-20 d = 0.3
d = 0.1
d = 0 (default setting)
Note: The above notch filter frequency characteristics are based on calculated values and may be different from
actual characteristics.
You can enable or disable the notch filter with Pn408 and Pn416.
Parameter Meaning When Enabled Classification
Disable first stage notch filter.
(default setting)
n.1 Enable first stage notch filter.
n.0 8
Disable second stage notch filter.
(default setting)
n.1 Enable second stage notch filter.
Disable third stage notch filter.
(default setting) Immediately Setup
n.1 Enable third stage notch filter.
Disable fourth stage notch filter.
Pn416 (default setting)
n.1 Enable fourth stage notch filter.
Disable fifth stage notch filter.
(default setting)
n.1 Enable fifth stage notch filter.
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
• Do not set notch filter frequencies (Pn409, Pn40C, Pn417, Pn41A, and Pn41D) that are close
to the speed loop’s response frequency. Set a frequency that is at least four times the speed
loop gain (Pn100). (However, Pn103 (Moment of Inertia Ratio) must be set correctly. If the set-
Important ting is not correct, vibration may occur and the machine may be damaged.
• Change the notch filter frequencies (Pn409, Pn40C, Pn417, Pn41A, and Pn41D) only while the
Servomotor is stopped. Vibration may occur if a notch filter frequency is changed during oper-
If you use the torque reference filter, second torque reference filter, and notch filters together,
the interference between the filters and the speed loop gain will be superimposed. Allow lee-
way in the adjustments.
The following adjusted value guidelines require that the setting of Pn103 (Moment of Inertia Ratio)
is correctly set for the actual machine.
When Pn10B = n.0 (PI Control)
Guidelines are given below for gain settings 1.
The same guidelines apply to gain settings 2 (Pn104, Pn105, Pn106, and Pn412).
• Speed Loop Gain (Pn100 [Hz]) and Position Loop Gain (Pn102 [/s])
Stable gain: Pn102 [/s] ≤ 2π × Pn100/4 [Hz]
Critical gain: Pn102 [/s] < 2π × Pn100 [Hz]
• Speed Loop Gain (Pn100 [Hz]) and Speed Loop Integral Time Constant (Pn101 [ms])
Stable gain: Pn101 [ms] ≥ 4,000/(2π × Pn100 [Hz])
Critical gain: Pn101 [ms] > 1,000/(2π × Pn100 [Hz])
• Speed Loop Gain (Pn100 [Hz]) and First Stage First Torque Reference Filter Time Constant
(Pn401 [ms])
Stable gain: Pn401 [ms] ≤ 1,000/(2π × Pn100 [Hz] × 4)
Critical gain: Pn401 [ms] < 1,000/(2π × Pn100 [Hz] × 1)
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
• Speed Loop Gain (Pn100 [Hz]) and Second Stage Second Torque Reference Filter Frequency
(Pn40F [Hz])
Critical gain: Pn40F [Hz] > 4 × Pn100 [Hz]
Note: Set the second stage second torque reference filter Q value (Pn410) to 0.70.
• Speed Loop Gain (Pn100 [Hz]) and First Stage Notch Filter Frequency (Pn409 [Hz]) (or Sec-
ond Stage Notch Filter Frequency (Pn40C [Hz]))
Critical gain: Pn409 [Hz] > 4 × Pn100 [Hz]
• Speed Loop Gain (Pn100 [Hz]) and Speed Feedback Filter Time Constant (Pn308 [ms])
Stable gain: Pn308 [ms] ≤ 1,000/(2π × Pn100 [Hz] × 4)
Critical gain: Pn308 [ms] < 1,000/(2π × Pn100 [Hz] × 1)
• When the tuning results for autotuning or custom tuning are not acceptable
• When you want to increase the response characteristic higher than that achieved by the tun-
ing results for autotuning or custom tuning
• When you want to determine the servo gains and model following control parameters yourself
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
Speed Movement
Speed pattern Model following
mKp, mVFF, mTFF
Time Speed Torque feedforward
Speed Servomotor
+ reference + +
Position Speed control Tf Current M
Deviation Power
counter loop gain section control converter
Kp Kv and Ti section
If overshooting occurs or if the response is different for forward and reverse operation, fine-tune
model following control with the following settings: model following control bias in the forward direc-
tion (Pn143), model following control bias in the reverse direction (Pn144), and model following con-
trol speed feedforward compensation (Pn147).
Related Parameters
Next we will describe the following parameters that are used for model following control.
• Pn140 (Model Following Control-Related Selections)
• Pn141 (Model Following Control Gain)
• Pn143 (Model Following Control Bias in the Forward Direction)
• Pn144 (Model Following Control Bias in the Reverse Direction)
• Pn147 (Model Following Control Speed Feedforward Compensation)
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.1 Tuning the Servo Gains
For machines for which a high model following control gain cannot be set, the size of the
position deviation in model following control will be determined by the setting of the model
following control gain. For a machine with low rigidity, in which a high model following control
gain cannot be set, position deviation overflow alarms may occur during high-speed opera-
tion. If that is the case, you can increase the setting of the following parameter to increase
the level for alarm detection.
Use the following conditional expression for reference in determining the setting.
Maximum feed speed [reference units/s]
Pn 520 ≥ 2.0
Pn 141/10 [1/s]
Model Following Control Bias in the Forward Direction and Model Following Control Bias in
the Reverse Direction
If the response is different for forward and reverse operation, use the following parameters for
If you decrease the settings, the response characteristic will be lowered but overshooting will
be less likely to occur.
Model Following Control Bias in the Forward Direction
Pn143 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 0.1% 1,000 Immediately Tuning
Model Following Control Bias in the Reverse Direction
Pn144 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 0.1% 1,000 Immediately Tuning
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.2 Compatible Adjustment Functions
The feedforward function applies feedforward compensation to position control to shorten the
positioning time.
Feedforward Filter
Differential Feedforward
Time Constant
Position loop gain (Kp)
Feedback pulses
Pn109 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 100 1% 0 Immediately Tuning
Feedforward Filter Time Constant
Pn10A Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 6,400 0.01 ms 0 Immediately Tuning
Note: If you set the feedforward value too high, the machine may vibrate. As a guideline, use a setting of 80% or
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.2 Compatible Adjustment Functions
Time Settling time
Settling time
Related Parameters
Select the switching condition for mode switching with Pn10B = n.X.
Parameter That Sets the
Mode Switching Level When
Parameter Classification
Selection Rotary Linear Enabled
Servomotor Servomotor
Use the internal
torque reference as Pn10C
(default setting) the condition.
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.2 Compatible Adjustment Functions
• Linear Servomotors
Mode Switching Level for Force Reference
Pn10C Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 800 1% 200 Immediately Tuning
Mode Switching Level for Speed Reference
Pn181 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 0 Immediately Tuning
Mode Switching Level for Acceleration
Pn182 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 30,000 2 0 Immediately Tuning
1 mm/s
Mode Switching Level for Position Deviation
Pn10F Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 10,000 1 reference unit 0 Immediately Tuning
Using the Internal Torque Reference as the Mode Switching Condition (Default Set-
When the Internal torque reference equals or exceeds the torque set for the mode switching
level for torque reference (Pn10C), the speed loop is changed to P control.
The default setting for the torque reference level is 200%.
Speed reference Motor speed
Internal torque reference
Torque reference 0
- Pn10C
PI P PI control P PI control
Speed reference Motor speed
Pn10D Time 8
PI P control PI control
• Linear Servomotors
When the speed reference equals or exceeds the speed set for the mode switching level for a
speed reference (Pn181), the speed loop is changed to P control.
Speed reference Motor speed
Pn181 Time
PI P control PI control
8.13 Manual Tuning
8.13.2 Compatible Adjustment Functions
Motor acceleration
Speed 0
- Pn10E
PI P PI control P PI control
• Linear Servomotors
When the speed reference equals or exceeds the acceleration rate set for the mode switching
level for acceleration (Pn182), the speed loop is changed to P control.
Speed reference
Speed Motor speed
Motor acceleration
Acceleration 0
- Pn182
PI P PI control P PI control
Position deviation
PI P control PI control
Position Integral
The position integral is the integral function of the position loop. It is used for the electronic
cams and electronic shafts when using the SERVOPACK with a Yaskawa MP3000-Series
Machine Controller.
Position Integral Time Constant
Pn11F Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 50,000 0.1 ms 0 Immediately Tuning
8.14 Diagnostic Tools
8.14.1 Mechanical Analysis
You can connect the SERVOPACK to a computer to measure the frequency characteristics of
the machine. This allows you to measure the frequency characteristics of the machine without
using a measuring instrument.
The Servomotor is used to cause machine vibration and then the speed frequency characteris-
tics for the motor torque are measured. The measured frequency characteristics can be used
to determine the machine resonance.
You determine the machine resonance for use in servo tuning and as reference for considering
changes to the machine. The performance of the servo cannot be completely utilized depend-
ing on the rigidity of the machine. You may need to consider making changes to the machine.
The information can also be used as reference for servo tuning to help you adjust parameters,
such as the servo rigidity and torque filter time constant.
You can also use the information to set parameters, such as the notch filters.
Mechanical analysis requires operating the Servomotor and therefore presents hazards.
Before you execute mechanical analysis, check the information provided in the SigmaWin+
operating manual.
8.14 Diagnostic Tools
8.14.1 Mechanical Analysis
Frequency Characteristics
The Servomotor is used to cause the machine to vibrate and the frequency characteristics from
the torque to the motor speed are measured to determine the machine characteristics. For a
normal machine, the resonance frequencies are clear when the frequency characteristics are
plotted on graphs with the gain and phase (Bode plots). The Bode plots show the size (gain) of
the response of the machine to which the torque is applied, and the phase delay (phase) in the
response for each frequency. Also, the machine resonance frequency can be determined from
the maximum frequency of the valleys (anti-resonance) and peaks (resonance) of the gain and
the phase delay.
For a Servomotor without a load or for a rigid mechanism, the gain and phase change gradually
in the Bode plots.
Estimated Estimated Estimated Resonance
Anti-Resonance Resonance Frequency
Frequency Frequency Second Candidate
START Button
Click the START Button to start analysis.
Measurement and Notch Filter Setting Tab Pages
Measurement Tab Page: Displays detailed information on the results of analysis.
Notch Filter Setting Tab Page: Displays the notch filter frequencies. You can set these values in the parameters.
8.14 Diagnostic Tools
8.14.2 Easy FFT
Never touch the Servomotor or machine during execution of Easy FFT. Doing so may result
in injury.
Use Easy FFT when the servo gain is low, such as in the initial stage of servo tuning. If you
execute Easy FFT after you increase the gain, the machine may vibrate depending on the
machine characteristics or gain balance.
waveform Trave
reference l Distan
Travel Distance
SERVOPACK Servomotor
Easy FFT is built into the SERVOPACK for compatibility with previous products. Normally use
autotuning without a host reference for tuning.
Preparations 8
Always check the following before you execute Easy FFT.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
• The main circuit power supply must be ON.
• The test without a motor function must be disabled (Pn00C = n.0).
• There must be no alarms.
• There must be no hard wire base block (HWBB).
• The servo must be OFF.
• There must be no overtravel.
• An external reference must not be input.
8.14 Diagnostic Tools
8.14.2 Easy FFT
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to perform EasyFFT.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Servo Drive Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn206 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Diagnostic - Easy FFT Operating Procedure on page 8-96
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure for Easy FFT.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
8.14 Diagnostic Tools
8.14.2 Easy FFT
5. Select the instruction (reference) amplitude and the rotation direction in the Measure-
ment condition Area, and then click the Start Button.
The Servomotor shaft will rotate and measurements will start.
When measurements have been completed, the measurement results will be displayed.
6. Check the results in the Measurement result Area and then click the Measurement
complete Button.
8.14 Diagnostic Tools
8.14.2 Easy FFT
7. Click the Result Writing Button if you want to set the measurement results in the param-
Related Parameters
The following parameters are automatically adjusted or used as reference when you execute
Easy FFT.
Do not change the settings of these parameters during execution of Easy FFT.
Parameter Name Automatic Changes
Pn408 Torque-Related Function Selections Yes
Pn409 First Stage Notch Filter Frequency Yes
Pn40A First Stage Notch Filter Q Value No
Pn40C Second Stage Notch Filter Frequency Yes
Pn40D Second Stage Notch Filter Q Value No
Pn456 Sweep Torque Reference Amplitude No
Yes: The parameter is automatically set.
No: The parameter is not automatically set, but the setting is read during execution.
This chapter provides information on monitoring SERVO-
PACK product information and SERVOPACK status.
With the Digital Operator, you can use Fn011, Fn012, and Fn01E to monitor this information.
Refer to the following manual for the differences in the monitor items compared with the Sig-
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
9.2 Monitoring SERVOPACK Status
9.2.1 System Monitor
• Backlash Compensation Value Setting Limit
• Input Reference Pulse Speed
• Absolute Encoder Multiturn Data
• Deviation Counter (Position Deviation)
• Absolute Encoder Position within One Rotation
• Cumulative Load
• Current Alarm State
• Regenerative Load
• DB Resistor Energy Consumption
• DB Resistor Consumption Power
• Status Pane 9
Monitor Items
• Polarity Sensor Signal Monitor • CLR (Position Deviation Clear Input Signal)
• Active Gain Monitor • Position Reference Direction
• Main Circuit • Surge Current Limiting Resistor Short Relay
• Encoder (PGRDY) • Regenerative Transistor
• Motor Power (Request) • Regenerative Error Detection
• Motor Power ON • AC Power ON
• Dynamic Brake (DB) • Overcurrent
• Rotation (Movement) Direction • Origin Not Passed
• Mode Switch • Moment of Inertia Identification
• Speed Reference (V-Ref) • Polarity Detection in Progress
• Torque Reference (T-Ref) • Completion of Polarity Detection
• Position Reference (PULS) • Ripple Compensation in Progress
9.2 Monitoring SERVOPACK Status
9.2.2 Monitoring Operation, Status, and I/O
• I/O Pane
Monitor Items
• ALM (Servo Alarm Output Signal)
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to display the Operation Pane, Status Pane, and I/O Pane for the
• Select Monitor in the SigmaWin+ Menu Dialog Box.
The Operation Pane, Status Pane, and I/O Pane will be displayed in the Monitor Window.
You can flexibly change the contents that are displayed in the Monitor Window. Refer to the
following manual for details.
Engineering Tool SigmaWin+ Operation Manual (Manual No.: SIET S800001 34)
9.2 Monitoring SERVOPACK Status
9.2.3 I/O Signals Status Monitor
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
9.2 Monitoring SERVOPACK Status
9.2.3 I/O Signals Status Monitor
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.1 Items That You Can Monitor
Position loop
reference Backlash + Deviation +
Electronic Speed Current
gear compen- counter Kp loop loop
M Load
sation - -
External encoder speed *
+ 1 *
CN2 External
Electronic Motor speed encoder
gear Speed
conversion ENC
1 *
+ 1 Motor - load
Position deviation Deviation Speed
Electronic position deviation conversion CN31
- gear counter
Positioning completion
Completion of position
reference distribution
Fully closed*
Position loop
reference + Deviation + Speed
Electronic Kp Current
counter loop M Load
gear - - loop
+ -
Motor speed ENC 9
Deviation Speed
counter conversion
Position deviation
Positioning completion
Completion of position
reference distribution
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.2 Using the SigmaWin+
Operating Procedure
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
Trace Objects
You can trace the following items.
• Data Tracing
Trace Objects
• Torque Reference • Motor - Load Position Deviation
• Feedback Speed • Speed Feedforward
• Reference Speed • Torque Feedforward
• Position Reference Speed • Effective (Active) Gain
• Position Error (Deviation) • Main Circuit DC Voltage
• Position Amplifier Error (Deviation)
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.2 Using the SigmaWin+
• I/O Tracing
Trace Objects
• ALM (Servo Alarm Output Signal)
• /COIN (Positioning Completion Output
• /V-CMP (Speed Coincidence Detection
Output Signal)
• /S-ON (Servo ON Input Signal) • /TGON (Rotation Detection Output Sig-
• /P-CON (Proportional Control Input Sig- nal)
nal) • /S-RDY (Servo Ready Output Signal)
• P-OT (Forward Drive Prohibit Input Signal) • /CLT (Torque Limit Detection Output Sig-
• N-OT (Reverse Drive Prohibit Input Signal) nal)
• /ALM-RST (Alarm Reset Input Signal) • /VLT (Speed Limit Detection Output Sig-
• /P-CL (Forward External Torque/Force nal)
Limit Input Signal) Output
• /BK (Brake Output Signal)
• /N-CL (Reverse External Torque/Force Signals • /WARN (Warning Output Signal)
Limit Input Signal) • /NEAR (Near Output Signal)
Input • /G-SEL (Gain Selection Input Signal) • ALO1 (Alarm Code Output Signal)
Signals • /P-DET (Polarity Detection Input Signal) • ALO2 (Alarm Code Output Signal)
• /DEC (Origin Return Deceleration Switch • ALO3 (Alarm Code Output Signal)
Input Signal) • PAO (Encoder Divided Pulse Output
• /EXT1 (External Latch Input 1 Signal) Phase A Signal)
• /EXT2 (External Latch Input 2 Signal) • PBO (Encoder Divided Pulse Output
• /EXT3 (External Latch Input 3 Signal) Phase B Signal)
• FSTP (Forced Stop Input Signal) • PCO (Encoder Divided Pulse Output
• /HWBB1 (Hard Wire Base Block Input 1 Phase C Signal)
• /HWBB2 (Hard Wire Base Block Input 2
Signal) • ACON (Main Circuit ON Signal)
• PDETCMP (Polarity Detection Com-
Internal pleted Signal)
Status • DEN (Position Reference Distribution
Completed Signal)
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.3 Using the Analog Monitors
Monitor Signal Output Unit Remarks
Motor Speed • Rotary Servomotor: 1 V/1,000 min-1 –
setting of • Linear Servomotor: 1 V/1,000 mm/s
Position Command • Rotary Servomotor:1 V/1,000 min-1 –
Speed • Linear Servomotor:1 V/1,000 mm/s
Pn006 Reserved parameter
n.06 – –
(Do not change.)
Pn007 Motor - Load Position
n.07 0.01 V/Reference unit –
Completion is indi-
Positioning completed: 5 V
n.08 Positioning Completion cated by the output
Positioning not completed: 0 V
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.3 Using the Analog Monitors
• Example for Setting the Item to Monitor to the Motor Speed (Pn006 = n.00)
When Pn552 = 100 (Setting Unit: ×0.01) When Pn552 = 1,000 (Setting Unit: ×0.01)
Approx. +10 V
+8 V
+6 V
+6 V
-6 V -6 V
-8 V
Approx. -10 V
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.3 Using the Analog Monitors
Adjustment Example
An example of adjusting the output of the motor speed monitor is provided below.
Offset Adjustment Gain Adjustment
Analog monitor output voltage Analog monitor output voltage
1 [V] Gain
Offset adjustment
Motor speed
Motor speed
1000 [min-1]
• The adjustment values do not use parameters, so they will not change even if the parame-
ter settings are initialized.
• Adjust the offset with the measuring instrument connected so that the analog monitor out-
put value goes to zero. The following setting example achieves a zero output.
• While power is not supplied to the Servomotor, set the monitor signal to the torque ref-
• In speed control, set the monitor signal to the position deviation.
Always check the following before you adjust the analog monitor output.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
Applicable Tools
You can use the following tools to adjust analog monitor outputs.
• Offset Adjustment
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn00C (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Others – Adjust the Analog
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 9-13
Monitor Output
9.3 Monitoring Machine Operation Status and Signal Waveforms
9.3.3 Using the Analog Monitors
• Gain Adjustment
Tool Fn No./Function Name Operating Procedure Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn00D (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Others – Adjust the Analog
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 9-13
Monitor Output
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to adjust the analog monitor output.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
2. Select Adjust the Analog Monitor Output in the Menu Dialog Box.
The Adjust the Analog Monitor Output Dialog Box will be displayed.
4. While watching the analog monitor, use the +1 and -1 Buttons to adjust the offset.
There are two channels: CH1 and CH2. If necessary, click the down arrow on the Channel Box and
select the channel.
9.4 Monitoring Product Life
9.4.1 Items That You Can Monitor
9.4 Monitoring Product Life
9.4.2 Operating Procedure
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
Information With the Digital Operator, you can use Un025 to Un02A to monitor this information.
You can use preventative maintenance warnings for preventative maintenance.
The SERVOPACK can notify the host controller when it is time to replace any of the main parts.
9.5 Alarm Tracing
9.5.1 Data for Which Alarm Tracing Is Performed
Fully-Closed Loop
This chapter provides detailed information on performing
fully-closed loop control with the SERVOPACK.
Fully-closed Module
Servomotor Main
Circuit Cable
Serial Converter
Unit Cable*
Serial Converter
Encoder Cable*
* The connected devices and cables depend on the type of external linear encoder that is used.
Note: Refer to the following section for details on connections that are not shown above, such as connections to
power supplies and peripheral devices.
2.4 Examples of Standard Connections between SERVOPACKs and Peripheral Devices on page 2-27
10.2 SERVOPACK Commissioning Procedure
10.2 SERVOPACK Commissioning Procedure
10.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-Closed Loop Control
10.3.1 Control Block Diagram for Fully-Closed Loop Control
Position reference gear Deviation Position Unit conversion + Speed Motor Machine
B counter control loop Pn20A − loop
Speed Pn22A
Pn210 feedback Speed conversion ENC
Alarm encoder
Position deviation Unit conversion detection
Electronic gear
Encoder divided Speed conversion *
pulse output Serial
10.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-Closed Loop Control
10.3.2 Setting the Motor Direction and the Machine Movement Direction
Related Parameters
Pn000 = n.X
Refer to the following section for details.
5.4 Motor Direction Setting on page 5-16
Pn002 = n.X
When you perform fully-closed loop control, set Pn002 to n.1 or n.3.
When Classifi-
Parameter Name Meaning
Enabled cation
(default set- Do not use an external encoder.
External encoder moves in forward
n.1 External
Pn002 direction for CCW motor rotation. After restart Setup
Encoder Usage
n.2 Reserved parameter (Do not change.)
External encoder moves in reverse direc-
tion for CCW motor rotation.
n.4 Reserved parameter (Do not change.)
10.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-Closed Loop Control
10.3.3 Setting the Number of External Encoder Scale Pitches
Related Parameters
Number of External Scale Pitches
Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 scale pitch/revo-
4 to 1,048,576 32,768 After restart Setup
10.3.4 Setting the PAO, PBO, and PCO (Encoder Divided Pulse
Output) Signals
Set the position resolution in Pn281 (Encoder Output Resolution).
Enter the number of phase A and phase B edges for the setting.
Phase B
“↑” indicates the edge positions. In this example, the set value is 20 and therefore the number
of edges is 20.
Note: The upper limit of the encoder signal output frequency (multiplied by 4) is 6.4 Mpps. Do not set a value that
would cause the output to exceed 6.4 Mpps.
If the output exceeds the upper limit, an A.511 alarm (Overspeed of Encoder Output Pulse Rate) will be out-
10.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-Closed Loop Control
10.3.5 Electronic Gear Setting
Example If the setting is 20 and the speed is 1,600 mm/s, the output frequency would be 1.6 Mpps
1600 mm/s
= 1,600,000 = 1.6 Mpps
0.001 mm
Because 1.6 Mpps is less than 6.4 Mpps, this setting can be used.
Related Parameters
Encoder Output Resolution
Pn281 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
1 to 4,096 1 edge/pitch 20 After restart Setup
Note: 1. The maximum setting for the encoder output resolution is 4,096.
If the resolution of the external encoder exceeds 4,096, pulse output will no longer be possible at the reso-
lution given in Feedback Resolution of Linear Encoder on page 5-43.
2. If the setting of Pn281 exceeds the resolution of the external encoder, the A.041 alarm (Encoder Output
Pulse Setting Error) will be output.
10.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-Closed Loop Control
10.3.7 Analog Monitor Signal Settings
Setting Example
Increase the value if the belt slips or is twisted excessively.
If this parameter is set to 0, the external encoder value will be read as it is.
If you use the default setting of 20, the second rotation will start with the deviation for the first
Servomotor rotation multiplied by 0.8.
Deviation between Servomotor and external encoder
Large Pn52A = 0
Pn52A = 20
Pn52A = 100
Related Parameters
Multiplier per Fully-closed Rotation
Pn52A Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification
0 to 100 1% 20 Immediately Setup
Safety Functions
This chapter provides detailed information on the safety
functions of the SERVOPACK.
Refer to the following section for information on the safety function and safety parameters.
Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Standards on page xxvi
Products that display the TÜV mark on the nameplate have met the safety standards.
To confirm that the HWBB function satisfies the safety requirements of the system, you
must conduct a risk assessment of the system.
Incorrect use of the safety function may cause injury.
The Servomotor will move if there is an external force (e.g., gravity on a vertical axis) even
when the HWBB function is operating. Use a separate means, such as a mechanical brake,
that satisfies the safety requirements.
Incorrect use of the safety function may cause injury.
While the HWBB function is operating, the Servomotor may move within an electric angle of
180° or less as a result of a SERVOPACK failure. Use the HWBB function for an application
only after confirming that movement of the Servomotor will not result in a hazardous condi-
Incorrect use of the safety function may cause injury.
The dynamic brake and the brake signal are not safety-related elements. You must design
the system so that SERVOPACK failures will not cause a hazardous condition while the
HWBB function is operating.
Incorrect use of the safety function may cause injury.
Connect devices that satisfy the safety standards for the signals for safety functions.
Incorrect use of the safety function may cause injury.
The HWBB function does not shut OFF the power to the SERVOPACK or electrically isolate
it. Implement measures to shut OFF the power supply to the SERVOPACK before you per-
form maintenance on it.
There is a risk of electric shock.
11.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB)
11.2.1 Risk Assessment
For safety function signal connections, the input signal is the 0-V common and the output signal
is a source output.
This is opposite to other signals described in this manual.
Important To avoid confusion, the ON and OFF status of signals for the safety function are defined as fol-
ON: The state in which the relay contacts are closed or the transistor is ON and current flows
into the signal line.
OFF: The state in which the relay contacts are open or the transistor is OFF and no current
flows into the signal line.
The input signal uses the 0-V common. The following figure shows a connection example.
Power supply
Control circuit
24-V power supply
Drive signal
/HWBB1+ 4
/HWBB1- 3 Stopped.
/HWBB2+ 6
/HWBB2- 5 Stopped.
Power Module
Safety Functions
11.2.1 Risk Assessment
When using the HWBB, you must perform a risk assessment of the servo system in advance to
confirm that the safety level of the standards is satisfied. Refer to the following section for
details on the standards.
Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Standards on page xxvi 11
Note: To meet performance level e (PLe) in EN ISO 13849-1 and SIL3 in IEC 61508, the EDM1 signal must be mon-
itored by the host controller. If the EDM1 signal is not monitored by the host controller, the level will be safety
performance level c (PLc) and SIL1.
The following hazards exist even when the HWBB is operating. These hazards must be
included in the risk assessment.
• The Servomotor will move if an external force is applied to it (for example, gravity on a vertical
axis). Implement measures to hold the Servomotor, such as installing a separate mechanical
• If a failure occurs such as a Power Module failure, the Servomotor may move within an elec-
tric angle of 180°. Ensure safety even if the Servomotor moves.
The rotational angle or travel distance depends on the type of Servomotor as follows:
• Rotary Servomotor: 1/6 rotation max. (rotational angle calculated at the motor shaft)
11.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB)
11.2.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB) State
• Direct Drive Servomotor: 1/20 rotation max. (rotational angle calculated at the motor shaft)
• Linear Servomotor: 50 mm max.
• The HWBB does not shut OFF the power to the SERVOPACK or electrically isolate it. Imple-
ment measures to shut OFF the power supply to the SERVOPACK before you perform main-
tenance on it.
Servo ON command 1 0
(Enable) (servo ON) (servo OFF)
Enable State
1 0
BB state HWBB state
Status state
Servo ON command
(Enable) 1 (servo ON)
Enable State
1 0
Operating state HWBB state
11.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB)
11.2.3 Resetting the HWBB State
Servo ON command 0 0 1
(Enable) (servo OFF) (servo OFF) (servo ON)
Enable State
0 0 1
HWBB state BB state Operating state
If the /HWBB1 and /HWBB2 signals are OFF and the Servo ON command (Enable = 1) is
received, the HWBB state will be maintained even after the /HWBB1 and /HWBB2 signals are
turned ON. Send the SV_OFF command (Enable = 0) to place the SERVOPACK in the BB state
and then send the Servo ON command (Enable = 1).
/HWBB1 OFF (motor current ON
/HWBB2 shut-OFF request) (normal operation)
Servo ON command 1 0 1
(Enable) (servo ON) (servo OFF) (servo ON)
Enable State 0
0 1
HWBB state BB state
Status state
Note: If the SERVOPACK is placed in the BB state while the main circuit power supply is OFF, the HWBB state will
be maintained until the Servo OFF command (Enable = 0) is received.
The A.Eb1 alarm (Safety Function Signal Input Timing Error) is not a safety-related element. 11
Keep this in mind when you design the system.
11.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB)
11.2.5 HWBB Input Signal Specifications
ON (normal OFF (motor current
operation) shut-OFF request)
PACK Status Normal operating state HWBB state
Note: 1. The OFF status is not recognized if the OFF interval of the /HWBB1 or /HWBB2 signal is 0.5 ms or shorter.
2. You can check the status of the input signals by using monitor displays.
11.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB)
11.2.7 Servo Ready
Servo ON command 1 0
(Enable) (servo ON) (servo OFF)
Servo Ready 1 0 1
The brake signal is not a safety-related element. You must design the system so that a haz-
ardous condition does not occur even if the brake signal fails in the HWBB state. Also, if a
Servomotor with a Brake is used, keep in mind that the brake in the Servomotor is used only
to prevent the moving part from being moved by gravity or an external force and it cannot
be used to stop the Servomotor.
Safety Functions
11.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB)
11.2.9 Stopping Methods
The dynamic brake is not a safety-related element. You must design the system so that a
hazardous condition does not occur even if the Servomotor coasts to a stop in the HWBB
state. Normally, we recommend that you use a sequence that returns to the HWBB state
after stopping for a reference.
If the application frequently uses the HWBB, stopping with the dynamic brake may result in
the deterioration of elements in the SERVOPACK. To prevent internal elements from deterio-
rating, use a sequence in which the HWBB state is returned to after the Servomotor has
come to a stop.
11.3 EDM1 (External Device Monitor)
11.3.1 EDM1 Output Signal Specifications
The EDM1 signal is not a safety output. Use it only for monitoring for failures.
(normal operation) OFF (motor current shut-OFF request)
Safety Functions
11.4 Applications Examples for Safety Functions
11.4.1 Connection Example
Guard Limit switch
24-V power
supply Open G9SX-BC202 Safety
Unit manufactured by
OMRON Corporation
A1 T11 T12 T21 T22
Power Inputs
supply Reset/feedback
input Outputs
A2 T31 T32 T33 S24 S14
/HWBB1+ 4
/HWBB1- 3
/HWBB2+ 6
/HWBB2- 5
EDM1+ 8
EDM1- 7
When the guard is opened, both the /HWBB1 and the /HWBB2 signals turn OFF, and the
EDM1 signal turns ON. Because the feedback circuit is ON while the guard is closed, the
Safety Unit is reset, the /HWBB1 and the / HWBB2 signals turn ON, and the operation is
Note: The EDM1 signal is used as a source output. Connect the EDM1 so that the current flows from EMD1+ to
11.4 Applications Examples for Safety Functions
11.4.3 Procedure
11.4.3 Procedure
1 Request is received to open the guard.
The /HWBB1 and /HWBB2 signals turn OFF and the HWBB
operates. (Working inside the guard is enabled.)
Safety Functions
11.5 Validating Safety Functions
11.6 Connecting a Safety Function Device
2. Connect the safety function device to the connector for the safety function device
Note: If you do not connect a safety function device, leave the Safety Jumper Connector connected to the connec-
tor for the safety function device (CN8). If the SERVOPACK is used without the Safety Jumper Connector
connected to CN8, no current will be supplied to the Servomotor and no motor torque will be output. In this
case, Hbb will be displayed on the Digital Operator.
Safety Functions
DeviceNet Functions
This chapter provides details on settings required to use
the DeviceNet functions.
12.2 Origin Returns
12.2.1 Origin Return Type
12.2 Origin Returns
12.2.2 Parameter Settings
Origin Offset
If an absolute encoder is used, the offset from the origin of the encoder to the origin of the
machine must be recorded in the SERVOPACK.
Origin Offset
Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled
-2,147,483,647 to
1 reference unit 0 Immediately
12.2 Origin Returns
12.2.3 Setting the Origin
3. Reverse the sign of the current position and write it to the parameter.
For example, if the current position is 1,000, write -1,000 to PnB09.
DeviceNet Functions
12.3 Positioning
12.3.1 Acceleration/Deceleration Patterns
12.3 Positioning
12.3 Positioning
12.3.1 Acceleration/Deceleration Patterns
63.2% of PnB21
12.3 Positioning
12.3.1 Acceleration/Deceleration Patterns
The acceleration/deceleration time will be approx. 3.91 times the value of PnB40 in millisec-
If this acceleration/deceleration pattern is used, the acceleration/deceleration times will remain
constant even if the feed speed is changed. If the Exponential Acceleration/Deceleration Bias
Speed parameter is set to 0, the operation will be exactly the same as for Exponential Acceler-
ation/Deceleration (Constant Acceleration/Deceleration Times).
63.2% of PnB21
63.2% of PnB21
– PnB41
– PnB41
PnB40 PnB40
PnB42 PnB42
12.3 Positioning
12.3.1 Acceleration/Deceleration Patterns
PnB42 PnB42
PnB42 PnB42
DeviceNet Functions
12.3 Positioning
12.3.1 Acceleration/Deceleration Patterns
PnB42 PnB42 PnB42 PnB42
12.3 Positioning
12.3.2 Parameter Settings
Feed Speed
This parameter sets the feed speed to use for positioning. You can change the setting of this
parameter with a command message.
Feed Speed
PnB21 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled
1 to 115,343,500 1 reference unit/s 400,000 Immediately
Symmetric S-curve acceleration/deceleration (constant
0001h 0003h DeviceNet Functions
acceleration/deceleration rates)
245 No acceleration/deceleration 0000h 0000h
Deceleration Rate
Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled
15,625 to
2,047,968,750 1 reference unit/s2 4,000,000 Immediately
12.3 Positioning
12.3.2 Parameter Settings
PnB50 PnB50
Positioning will be considered to be completed in the above diagram when the following condi-
tion has been met. When this occurs, the On Target Position bit in the response message for I/
O communications will change to 1.
12.4 Positioning after Continuous Operation
12.4.1 Positioning Patterns after Continuous Operation
Direct Positioning
For direct positioning, the Servomotor rotates in the direction that was specified for continuous
operation until a switching command is received. After receiving the switching command, the
Servomotor starts positioning and moves to the end position. In this mode, the Servomotor
rotates only in the direction that was specified for continuous operation. Also, the approach
speed is not used and positioning is performed at the high speed.
End position
End position
Approach speed
End position
Continuous operation command Switching command
12.4 Positioning after Continuous Operation
12.4.2 Parameter Settings
Approach speed
End position
End position
Approach Speed
If PnB59 (Approach Mode) is set to 1 or 2, the approach speed must be set to perform posi-
tioning after continuous operation. The approach speed is the positioning speed that is used to
position to the end position after stopping continuous operation.
Positioning Approach Speed
PnB54 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled
1 to 115,343,500 1 reference unit/s 400,000 Immediately
12.4 Positioning after Continuous Operation
12.4.2 Parameter Settings
End Position
This parameter sets the target position for positioning when positioning after continuous oper-
ation. If bit 15 in PnBA5 (Action Definition Settings) is set to 1, the target position is set in the
command message and the Target Position parameter does not need to be set.
If the setting exceeds the value that is set for the Reference Units per Machine Revolution
parameter, correct operation will not be possible.
End Position
PnB55 Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled
0 to 2,147,483,647 1 reference unit 0 Immediately
Approach Mode
This parameter sets the positioning pattern to move to the end position when positioning after
continuous operation.
Parameter Meaning
0000h Direct positioning
PnB59 0001h Positioning in specified rotation direction
0002h Positioning by the near course
DeviceNet Functions
12.5 Special Functions
12.5.1 Action Definition Settings
12.5 Special Functions
12.5.2 Initialization Functions
Parameter Initialization
You can initialize the parameters via DeviceNet. This is set with bit 1 of PnBA7.
Parameter Meaning
Initialize the parameters.
b. 0
PnBA7 (Default setting)
b. 1 Do not initialize the parameters.
If PnBA7 is set to initialize the parameters as shown above and then the SERVOPACK module
is reset, the parameters will be initialized to the values that are stored in the SERVOPACK.
Refer to the following section for a detailed operating procedure for resetting the Module.
13.5.3 Executing a Module Reset on page 13-33
Parameter initialization and absolute encoder reset cannot be executed at the same time.
Parameter initialization is given priority.
DeviceNet Functions
This chapter provides details on DeviceNet communica-
Rotary switches
(NA x10 and x1)
The node address can be set to between 0 and 63. If you make a setting outside this range, a
setting error will occur.
Use the following table to set the node address on the switches on the DeviceNet Module.
Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary
Switch Node Switch Node Switch Node Switch Node Switch Node
Setting (NA) Address Setting (NA) Address Setting (NA) Address Setting (NA) Address Setting (NA) Address
×10 ×1 ×10 ×1 ×10 ×1 ×10 ×1 ×10 ×1
0 0 0 2 0 20 4 0 40 6 0 60 8 0 Setting error
0 1 1 2 1 21 4 1 41 6 1 61 8 1 Setting error
0 2 2 2 2 22 4 2 42 6 2 62 8 2 Setting error
0 3 3 2 3 23 4 3 43 6 3 63 8 3 Setting error
0 4 4 2 4 24 4 4 44 6 4 Setting error 8 4 Setting error
0 5 5 2 5 25 4 5 45 6 5 Setting error 8 5 Setting error
0 6 6 2 6 26 4 6 46 6 6 Setting error 8 6 Setting error
0 7 7 2 7 27 4 7 47 6 7 Setting error 8 7 Setting error
DeviceNet Communications
0 8 8 2 8 28 4 8 48 6 8 Setting error 8 8 Setting error
0 9 9 2 9 29 4 9 49 6 9 Setting error 8 9 Setting error
1 0 10 3 0 30 5 0 50 7 0 Setting error 9 0 Setting error
1 1 11 3 1 31 5 1 51 7 1 Setting error 9 1 Setting error
1 2 12 3 2 32 5 2 52 7 2 Setting error 9 2 Setting error
1 3 13 3 3 33 5 3 53 7 3 Setting error 9 3 Setting error
1 4 14 3 4 34 5 4 54 7 4 Setting error 9 4 Setting error
1 5 15 3 5 35 5 5 55 7 5 Setting error 9 5 Setting error
1 6 16 3 6 36 5 6 56 7 6 Setting error 9 6 Setting error
1 7 17 3 7 37 5 7 57 7 7 Setting error 9 7 Setting error
1 8 18 3 8 38 5 8 58 7 8 Setting error 9 8 Setting error 13
1 9 19 3 9 39 5 9 59 7 9 Setting error 9 9 Setting error
To enable the new setting, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again after
you change the setting.
13.1 DeviceNet Communications Settings
13.1.2 Setting the Baud Rate
Rotary Switch
Baud Rate Setting
Setting (DR)
0 125 kbps
1 250 kbps
2 500 kbps
3 to 9 Setting error
To enable the new setting, turn the power supply to the SERVOPACK OFF and ON again after
you change the setting.
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.1 I/O Communications
Command Format
The following table gives the data format of the command messages sent to the SERVOPACK
from the master device. Command messages consist of 8 bytes. Bytes 0 to 3 have the same
format for all commands. Byte 0 contains command bits. Bytes 4 to 7 store data that depends
on the command assembly code in byte 2.
Bytes Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Valid Hard Smooth Direction Absolute/ Start Start
0 Enable
Data Stop Stop (V mode) Incremental Block Trajectory
1 Block Number
2 Axis Instance Command Assembly Code
3 Axis Instance Response Assembly Code
4 Data Low Byte
5 Data Low Middle Byte
6 Data High Middle Byte
7 Data High Byte
Start Trajectory
Use the Start Trajectory bit to start a move operation. A move operation starts when this bit
changes from 0 to 1 for any of the following command assembly codes.
Command Data Operation
Assembly Code
0x01 Target position Positioning
0x11 Continuous motor speed Continuous operation
0x12 Origin return type Origin return
0x1E Alarm clear Alarm clear DeviceNet Communications
0x1F (Switch to positioning)* Switch to positioning
* The value of PnB55 is the end position.
The SERVOPACK detects when this bit is set to 1. The operation will continue even if it is
cleared to 0 during axis travel.
To stop the move operation before it is completed, set the Smooth Stop bit or the Hard Stop bit
to 1.
Start Block
Use the Start Block bit to start the execution of command blocks stored in the SERVOPACK.
You can change this bit from 0 to 1 to execute the commands in the command blocks that
have been registered in advance. If this bit is cleared from 1 to 0 during execution of the com-
mand blocks, execution of the command blocks will be stopped.
Refer to the following section for details on the command blocks.
13.4.2 Command Blocks on page 13-23
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.1 I/O Communications
Use the Absolute/Incremental bit to specify whether the target position data that is stored in
bytes 4 to 7 specifies an absolute position or an incremental position. This data is enabled
when the Start Trajectory bit changes from 0 to 1.
0: Absolute position
1: Incremental position
The Direction bit specifies the rotation direction for continuous operation. This bit is valid only
when the command assembly code is 0x11 (continuous motor speed).
0: Negative direction
1: Positive direction
Smooth Stop
Change this bit from 0 to 1 to stop travel at the current acceleration/deceleration type and
deceleration rate settings. The Valid Data bit does not affect this command bit.
Hard Stop
Change this bit from 0 to 1 to stop travel at the maximum deceleration rate. The Valid Data bit
does not affect this command bit.
Valid Data
The SERVOPACK refreshes the command assembly code, response assembly code, and com-
mand data that are received only while the Valid Data bit is set to 1. The Enable, Smooth Stop,
and Hard Stop bits in byte 0 are refreshed regardless of the status of the Valid Data bit.
0: Data is not valid
1: Data is valid
If the Valid Data bit is changed to 0 in a command message when there is a command error,
the Command Error bit in the response message will be cleared to 0.
The Enable bit controls turning the servo ON and OFF. This bit is level triggered. It must remain
set to 1 whenever the servo is to be ON. Also, if the External Stop command is cleared while
the Enable bit is set to 1, the servo will turn ON immediately.
0: Servo OFF
1: Servo ON
Block Number
Set the Block Number Field to the block number from which to start the command blocks.
Axis Instance
Set the Axis Instance Field to the axis number. Always set the Axis Instance Field to 1. A com-
mand error will occur for any other value.
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.1 I/O Communications
Command Data
Set the command data to the data that is defined for the command assembly code.
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.1 I/O Communications
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.1 I/O Communications
Response Format
This section describes the response messages from the SERVOPACK to the master device.
The following table gives the data format of the response messages that are sent from the
SERVOPACK to the master device. A response message consists of 8 bytes. Bytes 0 to 3 have
the same format for all commands that are sent from the master device. Byte 0 and byte 2
show the status of the SERVOPACK in bits. Bytes 4 to 7 store data that depends on the
response assembly code in byte 3.
Bytes Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
External On Block Trajectory
Enable Valid Home
0 Stop Alarm Target In In
State Data Flag
Input Position Execution Progress
1 Executing Block Number
Com- Trajectory Negative Positive CCW CW
Block Servo
2 mand Start Software Software Hardware Hardware
Fault Ready
Error Echo Limit Limit Limit Limit
3 Axis Instance Response Assembly Code
4 Data Low Byte
5 Data Low Middle Byte
6 Data High Middle Byte
7 Data High Byte
Trajectory In Progress
This bit is set to 1 during positioning, continuous operation, or origin returns. The Trajectory In
Progress bit is set to 1 when operation starts after the Valid Data and the Start Trajectory bits
are set to 1 in the data from the master device. The bit is cleared to 0 when the operation is
DeviceNet Communications
Block In Execution
This bit is set to 1 during the execution of block commands for the Start Block bit. It is cleared
to 0 when the block commands have been completed or when block error occurs (as shown by
the Block Fault bit).
On Target Position
This bit is set to 1 when the current position is within the positioning completed width. The
value of PnB50 (Positioning Completed Width) is used as the positioning completed width.
This bit is set to 1 if an alarm occurs in the SERVOPACK. Use the Alarm Clear command to
clear the alarm.
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.1 I/O Communications
Home Flag
This bit is used to monitor the origin signal input to the SERVOPACK. This bit is set to 1 when
the current position is any position other than the origin. This bit is cleared to 0 when the cur-
rent position is the origin.
Valid Data
This bit is set to 1 after the Valid Data bit is set to 1 in a command message from the master
device and the SERVOPACK has verified that the data in the command message from the mas-
ter device was received normally. If the Valid Data bit in the command message is set to 1, the
SERVOPACK will check the command data and if no problems are found, the Valid Data bit in
the response message will be set to 1. If there is an error in the command data, the Command
Error Flag will be set to 1 and the Valid Data bit will also be set to 1.
Enable State
This bit is set to 1 when the servo is ON. If the servo is OFF in the SERVOPACK, the SERVO-
PACK will ignore the Start Trajectory bit even if it is set to 1 in a command message. Make sure
that this bit is set to 1 before setting the Start Trajectory bit.
Servo Ready
This bit is set to 1 when the SERVOPACK is ready and the servo can be turned ON.
CW Hardware Limit
This bit monitors the CW Drive Prohibit Input signal (the clockwise limit signal, as viewed from
the load end of the motor) that is connected to the SERVOPACK. It is set to 1 when the CW
Drive Prohibit Input signal is active.
Block Fault
This bit changes to 1 if an error occurs during a block operation. If an error occurs, the block
operation will be stopped.
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.2 Explicit Message Communications
Command Error
This bit changes to 1 if an error is found in the command data in a command message. The
method to use to clear command errors depends on the setting of the 12th bit of the action
definition settings in PnBA5.
• PnBA5 bit 12 = 0:
Clear the Valid Data bit in the command messages to 0.
• PnBA5 bit 12 = 1:
The command error is cleared automatically when the command data in the command mes-
sage is corrected.
Refer to the following section for details on the response assembly code.
Command Format on page 13-5
Axis Instance
The axis instance is always set to 1 (the axis number).
Response Data
The response data is set to the data that is defined for the response assembly code.
Command Format
The following table gives the command format for explicit messages.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0/1 MAC ID
0 Service Code
Class ID
Instance ID
Attribute ID
DeviceNet Communications
Service Data
Specify the node address of the device to receive the message.
Service Code
Specify the code of the requested service (edit, read, etc.).
Class ID
Specify the class ID of the object from which to request the service.
Instance ID
Specify the instance ID of the object from which to request the service.
13.2 Communications Methods
13.2.2 Explicit Message Communications
Attribute ID
Specify the attribute ID of the object from which to request the service.
The following services of the Command Block objects (class ID = 0x27) do not have attribute
IDs: Get_Attribute_All (service code = 0x01) and Set_Attribute_All (service code = 0x02).
Service Data
Set the data that is required by the service, such as the data to write to the attribute of the
object from which the service is being requested. Set the lower byte first.
The service data depends on the service that is being requested.
Response Format
The following table gives the response format for explicit messages.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0/1 MAC ID
1 Service Code
Response Service Data
The node address of the device that sent the message is specified.
Service Code
The code of the requested service (edit, read, etc.) is specified.
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.1 Positioning
13.3.1 Positioning
Positioning can be performed to specified target positions. The procedure and an example
operation are given below.
Using Commands
The command method and procedure for positioning are given below.
1. If it is necessary to change the current parameters, set the target speed, acceleration
rate, deceleration rate, etc.
2. In the Absolute/Incremental bit in the command message, specify whether the target
position is an absolute or relative position.
3. Set the command assembly code to 0x01 and set the target position in the command
4. Set the Valid Data bit to 1 in the command message, and then set the Start Trajectory bit
to 1. You can set both the Valid Data bit and the Start Trajectory bit to 1 at the same
5. After positioning starts, the Trajectory In Progress bit in the response message is set to
1. It is then cleared to 0 after the reference pulses to the target position have all been
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.2 Continuous Operation
A1 D1
Motor speed
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
• If an alarm occurs, the servo is OFF, or another operation command, such as one for continu-
ous operation or an origin return, is being executed, the Positioning command will be ignored.
• Make sure that the Enable State bit in the response message is set to 1, and then set the Start
Important Trajectory bit. If you set the Enable bit and the Start Trajectory bit at the same time, the Start
Trajectory bit will be ignored.
Using Commands
The command method and procedure for continuous operation are given below.
1. If it is necessary to change the current parameters, set the acceleration rate, decelera-
tion rate, etc.
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.3 Origin Returns
• If an alarm occurs, the servo is OFF, or another operation command, such as positioning or an
origin return, is being executed, the continuous operation command will be ignored.
• Make sure that the Enable State bit in the response message is set to 1, and then set the Start
Important Trajectory bit. If you set the Enable bit and the Start Trajectory bit at the same time, the Start
Trajectory bit will be ignored.
A1 V1
Motor speed
A1 D1
Enable 0
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
Smooth Stop
The origin return operation returns the current position to the machine origin. Three types of
origin returns are supported.
• Type 0: Operation Based on Home Flag and Encoder Phase C Detection
• Type 1: Operation Based on Only the Home Flag
• Type 3: Operation Based on Only Encoder Phase C Detection
Type 0
Origin returns are based on the Home Flag and the detection of phase C of the encoder.
1. The axis travels at the origin approach speed in the specified origin return direction.
2. When the status of the Home Flag changes, the axis will change the direction. The axis
will then travel at the origin return creep speed until the status of the Home Flag
changes again.
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.3 Origin Returns
3. After the status of the Home Flag changes, the axis will continue to travel until the first
phase C is detected.
4. When phase C is detected, the axis will decelerate and travel to the position where
phase C was detected.
V1 D1
A1 A1 D1
Motor speed D1
Home Flag
Encoder’s phase C signal 1
Start Trajectory 1
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
Type 1
Origin returns are based only on the detection of the Home Flag.
1. The axis travels at the origin approach speed in the specified origin return direction.
2. When the status of the Home Flag changes, the axis will change the direction. It will
then return at the origin return creep speed to the position where the status of the Home
Flag changed.
3. When the position where the Home Flag changes to the original status is detected, the
axis direction will change and the axis will return to the position where the change in the
status of the Home Flag was detected.
V1 D1
Motor speed
A1 D1
Home Flag
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.3 Origin Returns
Type 3
Origin returns are based only on the detection of phase C of the encoder.
1. The axis travels at the origin approach speed in the specified origin return direction.
2. When the first phase C is detected, the axis will stop, reverse direction, and travel to the
position where phase C was detected.
A1 V1 D1
Motor speed
A1 D1
Encoder’s phase C signal 1
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
• If an alarm occurs, the servo is OFF, or another operation command, such as positioning or an
origin return, is being executed, the origin return command will be ignored.
• Make sure that the Enable State bit in the response message is set to 1, and then set the Start
Important Trajectory bit. If you set the Enable bit and the Start Trajectory bit at the same time, the Start
Trajectory bit will be ignored.
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.4 Switching to Positioning
Operation Example
An example of a command message to switch to positioning is given in the following table. In
this example, clockwise rotation with a motor speed of 8,000 reference units/s (= 0x00001F40)
is specified. The SERVOPACK assumes that the data, such as that for the motor speed, is valid
when the Valid Data bit in the command (0x01) message is set to 1. Therefore, set bytes 1 to 7
first, and then set byte 0.
Bytes Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 Absolute/
0 Valid Hard Smooth Direction Start Start
Enable Incremen-
Data Stop Stop (V mode) Block Trajectory
1 0x00 Block Number
2 0x1 Axis Instance 0x11 Command Assembly Code
3 0x1 Axis Instance 0x03 Response Assembly Code
4 0x40 Target Speed Low Byte
5 0x1F Target Speed Low Middle Byte
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.4 Switching to Positioning
DeviceNet Communications
Continuous motor speed
(V1) Deceleration rate (PnB2B)
Acceleration rate
Motor speed
Positioning approach speed
End position
1 (PnB55)
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
Command Data 0x11 0x1F
V1 0x00
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.5 Hard Stop Operation
2. After the motor stops, the target position is set to the current position, and the On Target
Position bit is set to 1.
3. The hard stop status can be cleared by clearing the Hard Stop bit to 0. Execution of the
Hard Stop command will continue even if the Hard Stop bit is cleared to 0 during com-
mand execution (i.e., during deceleration).
A1 V1
Hard stop
Motor speed
Hard Stop
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.6 Smooth Stop Operation
2. After the motor stops, the target position is set to the current position, and the On Target
Position bit is set to 1.
3. The smooth stop status can be cleared by clearing the Smooth Stop bit to 0. Execution
of the Smooth Stop command will continue even if the Smooth Stop bit is cleared to 0
during command execution (i.e., during deceleration).
A1 V1 D1
Motor speed
Smooth Stop 1
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
A1 V1 Hard stop
Motor speed
EXSTOP 1 DeviceNet Communications
Holding Brake 0
Enable State-R
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
0 13
13.3 Controlling Operation from the Host Controller
13.3.8 Hardware Limit Operation
A1 V1 Hard stop
Motor speed
CCW Hardware Active
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
Progress 0
A1 V1 Hard stop or
+ smooth stop
Motor speed -
Positive Software 1
Limit 0
Start Trajectory
Trajectory In 1
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.1 What Is Programmed Operation?
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.3 Block Command Details
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.3 Block Command Details
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.3 Block Command Details
Delay Command
The Delay command inserts a delay time before the execution of the next command block. Set
the delay time in increments of 4 ms. If you specify any value that is not a multiple of 4 ms, the
value will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4 ms. The following table gives the data
format for the Delay command.
Attribute Name Data Type Description of Attribute
1 Block Command Code USINT Code = 0x06
Number of next command block to exe-
2 Link Number USINT
Delay timer value
Setting range: 0x00000001 to
3 Delay DINT
Unit: ms
* If the link number is 0, the block is the final block in the sequence.
Trajectory Command
The Trajectory command starts positioning. After the SERVOPACK starts positioning, the next
command block is executed. The following table gives the data format for the Trajectory com-
Attribute Name Data Type Description of Attribute
1 Block Command Code USINT Code = 0x07
Number of next command block to exe-
2 Link Number USINT
3 Target Position DINT Target position (reference units)
4 Target Velocity DINT Target speed (reference unit/s)
5 Absolute/Incremental BOOL Absolute (0)/Incremental (1)
* If the link number is 0, the block is the final block in the sequence.
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.3 Block Command Details
DeviceNet Communications
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.4 Command Block Links
Instance 2
Attribute 2
(Link Number) 4
Instance 3
Attribute 2
(Link Number) 5
Instance 4
Attribute 2
(Link Number)
Instance 5
Attribute 2
(Link Number) 0 End
The command block number is equivalent to the instance ID of the command block object.
If the link number that is stored in attribute 2 is 0, this command block will be the final block in
the sequence of command blocks.
If command block 1 is executed from the host controller with the command blocks stored as
shown in the preceding example, the command blocks are executed in the following sequence.
Command block 2
Command block 4
Command block 3
Name Meaning Remarks
Use this service to set all of the attribute data in
Changes all the data of a command block at the same time. We recom-
0x02 Set_Attribute_All
the specified instance. mend that you normally use this service to write
command blocks.
Continued on next page.
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.5 Creating and Changing Command Blocks
The following table shows an example of when this command is stored in command block 1 by
using the Set_Attribute_All service.
• Command (Master Device to SERVOPACK)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0
0 0x02
0x27 (object number)
0x01 (instance ID)
If you change a command block under the following conditions, an error will occur.
• The current block is still being executed.
Important • An alarm has occurred in the SERVOPACK.
13.4 Programmed Operation
13.4.6 Starting Programmed Operation
Motor speed
When programmed operation starts, the SERVOPACK executes the block command that is
registered in attribute 1 of the command block that is specified with the command block num-
ber (which is the instance ID).
The command block with the block number that is set in the Link Number attribute (attribute 2)
will be executed next. The command blocks will then be executed in sequence until the link
number is 0x00.
While the command blocks are being executed, the Block In Execution bit will be set to 1. After
all the command blocks have been executed, the Block In Execution bit will be cleared to 0.
13.5 Reading and Changing Attributes
13.5.1 DeviceNet Data Management
Position Controller
object (0x25) Command Block objects (0x27)
Instance 2
13.5 Reading and Changing Attributes
13.5.2 Reading and Changing Attributes
Basic Format
The following table shows the basic format for explicit messages.
• Commands (Master Device to SERVOPACK)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0/1 MAC ID
0 Service Code
Class ID
Instance ID
Attribute ID
Service Data
13.5 Reading and Changing Attributes
13.5.3 Executing a Module Reset
DeviceNet Communications
This chapter provides information on the meaning of,
causes of, and corrections for alarms and warnings.
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor . .14-57
14.1 Inspections and Part Replacement
14.1.1 Inspections
14.1.1 Inspections
Perform the inspections given in the following table at least once every year for the SERVO-
PACK. Daily inspections are not required.
Check for dust, dirt, and oil on the Clean with compressed air or a
surfaces. cloth.
At least once a
year Check for loose terminal block
Tighten any loose screws or other
Loose Screws and connector screws and for
loose parts.
other loose parts.
The parameters of any SERVOPACKs that are sent to Yaskawa for part replacement are reset to
the factory settings before they are returned to you. Always keep a record of the parameter set-
tings. And, always confirm that the parameters are properly set before starting operation.
14.1 Inspections and Part Replacement
14.1.3 Replacing the Battery
• Pn008 = n.0
The ALM (Servo Alarm) signal is output for up to five seconds when the control power supply
is turned ON, and then the battery voltage is monitored for four seconds.
No alarm will be displayed even if the battery voltage drops below the specified value after
these four seconds.
• Pn008 = n.1
The ALM (Servo Alarm) signal is output for up to five seconds when the control power supply
is turned ON, and then the battery voltage is monitored continuously.
Control power supply
ALM Normal status
5 s max. 4s
14.1 Inspections and Part Replacement
14.1.3 Replacing the Battery
If you remove the Battery or disconnect the Encoder Cable while the control power supply to
the SERVOPACK is OFF, the absolute encoder data will be lost.
SERVOPACK connector
5. Turn OFF the power supply to the SERVOPACK to clear the A.830 alarm (Absolute
Encoder Battery Error).
6. Turn ON the power supply to the SERVOPACK.
7. Make sure that the alarm has been cleared and that the SERVOPACK operates normally.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.1 List of Alarms
This section provides a list of the alarms that may occur and the causes of and corrections for
those alarms.
List of Alarms
Alarm Reset
Alarm Name Alarm Meaning Stop-
Number Possi-
Parameter Checksum There is an error in the parameter data in the
A.020 Gr.1 No
There is an error in the parameter data format in
A.021 Parameter Format Error Gr.1 No
There is an error in the parameter data in the
A.022 System Checksum Error Gr.1 No
An internal program error occurred in the SER-
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.1 List of Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.1 List of Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.1 List of Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.1 List of Alarms
Motor-Load Position Devi- There was too much position deviation between
A.d10 the motor and load during fully-closed loop con- Gr.2 Yes
ation Overflow trol.
The position feedback data exceeded
A.d30 Position Data Overflow Gr.1 No
Command Option Module
Communications initialization failed between the
A.E00 IF Initialization Timeout Gr.2 Yes
SERVOPACK and the Command Option Module.
Command Option Module A synchronization error occurred between the
A.E02 Gr.1 Yes
IF Synchronization Error 1 SERVOPACK and the Command Option Module.
Command Option Module An error occurred in the communications data
A.E03 IF Communications Data between the SERVOPACK and the Command Gr.1 Yes
Error Option Module.
Command Option Module
A.E70 Detection of the Command Option Module failed. Gr.1 No
Detection Failure
Safety Option Module
A.E71 Detection of the Safety Option Module failed. Gr.1 No
Detection Failure
Feedback Option Module
A.E72 Detection of the Feedback Option Module failed. Gr.1 No
Detection Failure
Unsupported Command An unsupported Command Option Module was
A.E73 Gr.1 No
Option Module connected.
Unsupported Safety An unsupported Safety Option Module was con-
A.E74 Gr.1 No
Option Module nected.
Unsupported Feedback An unsupported Feedback Option Module was
A.E75 Gr.1 No
Option Module connected.
Command Option Module The Command Option Module was replaced with
A.E80 Gr.1 No
Detection Inconsistency a different model.
Communications initialization failed between the
A.EA0 Initialization Error Gr.1 No
SERVOPACK and the Command Option Module.
Alarm in Current Commu-
An error occurred in communications between
nications between the
A.EA2 the DeviceNet Module and SERVOPACK during Gr.2 Yes
DeviceNet Module and operation.
Alarm in Current Commu-
An error occurred in communications between
nications between the
A.EA3 the DeviceNet Module and SERVOPACK during Gr.1 Yes
DeviceNet Module and operation.
Safety Function Signal An error occurred in the input timing of the safety
Input Timing Error function signal.
Gr.1 No 14
A.EC8 Gate Drive Error 1 An error occurred in the gate drive circuit. Gr.1 No
A.EC9 Gate Drive Error 2 An error occurred in the gate drive circuit. Gr.1 No
Continued on next page.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.1 List of Alarms
* These alarms are not stored in the alarm history. They are only displayed on the panel display.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
Device Alarm An unsupported Serial
Converter Unit or
Check the product
encoder (e.g., an Change to a correct com-
combination specifica- –
external encoder) is bination of models.
connected to the
Continued on next page.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
External Incre- A failure occurred in Replace the external
– –
mental Encoder the external encoder. encoder.
Sensor Error
The external absolute
A failure occurred in
encoder may be faulty. 14
External Abso- Refer to the encoder
the external absolute – –
lute Encoder manufacturer’s instruc-
Position Error tion manual for correc-
Continued on next page.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
Speed). However,
increasing the setting of
Pn485 will increase the
Servomotor movement
range that is required for
polarity detection.
Wire the overtravel sig-
A.C51: nals. Execute polarity 14
The overtravel signal
Overtravel Check the overtravel detection at a position
was detected during page 4-37
Detected during position. where an overtravel sig-
polarity detection.
Polarity Detection nal would not be
Continued on next page.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
been changed.
Turn the power supply to
A failure occurred in ON again. If the alarm still
– –
the SERVOPACK. occurs, the SERVOPACK
may be faulty. Replace the
Continued on next page.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
Encoder resolution Pn20E
Pn533 [min-1]
6 105 Pn210
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms
• Linear Servomotor
If either of the following conditions is detected, an alarm will occur.
Pn585 [mm/s] Resolution of Serial Converter Unit Pn20E
Linear encoder pitch [m] 10 Pn210
• Linear Servomotor
If either of the following conditions is detected, an alarm will occur.
Rated motor speed [mm/s] 1/3 Resolution of Serial Converter Unit Pn20E
Linear encoder pitch [m] 10
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.3 Resetting Alarms
Be sure to eliminate the cause of an alarm before you reset the alarm.
If you reset the alarm and continue operation without eliminating the cause of the alarm, it may
Important result in damage to the equipment or fire.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
The alarm will be reset, and the alarm display will be cleared.
This concludes the procedure to reset alarms.
Refer to the following section for details on resetting alarms with I/O communications.
13.2.1 I/O Communications on page 13-5
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.4 Displaying the Alarm History
No preparations are required.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to display the alarm history.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn000 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Troubleshooting – Display Alarm Operating Procedure on page 14-44
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to display the alarm history.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
Information 1. If the same alarm occurs consecutively within one hour, it is not saved in the alarm history.
If it occurs after an hour or more, it is saved.
2. You can clear the alarm history by clicking the Clear Button. The alarm history is not
cleared when alarms are reset or when the SERVOPACK main circuit power is turned OFF.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.5 Clearing the Alarm History
Always check the following before you clear the alarm history.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to clear the alarm history.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn006 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Troubleshooting − Display Alarm Operating Procedure on page 14-45
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to reset the alarm history.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.6 Resetting Alarms Detected in Option Modules
Always check the following before you clear an alarm detected in an Option Module.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to reset Option Module configuration errors.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn014 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
SigmaWin+ Troubleshooting – Display Alarm Operating Procedure on page 14-46
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to reset alarms detected in Option Modules.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
The Reset Option Module Configuration Error Dialog Box will be displayed.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.6 Resetting Alarms Detected in Option Modules
4. Select the Clear Check Box for the Option Module for which to reset the alarm and then
click the Execute Button.
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.7 Resetting Motor Type Alarms
Always check the following before you reset a motor type alarm.
• The parameters must not be write prohibited.
Applicable Tools
The following table lists the tools that you can use to clear the motor type alarm.
Tool Fn No./Function Name Reference
Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual
Digital Operator Fn021 (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)
Troubleshooting − Reset Motor
SigmaWin+ Operating Procedure on page 14-48
Type Alarm
Operating Procedure
Use the following procedure to reset Motor Type alarm.
1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-
14.2 Alarm Displays
14.2.7 Resetting Motor Type Alarms
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.1 List of Warnings
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.2 Troubleshooting Warnings
The position devi-
ation when the
servo was turned
A.901: Optimize the setting of
ON exceeded the
Position Deviation Pn528 (Excessive Position
percentage set – –
Overflow Alarm at Error Warning Level at
Servo ON
with the following
Servo ON). 14
(Pn526 × Pn528/
Continued on next page.
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.2 Troubleshooting Warnings
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.2 Troubleshooting Warnings
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.2 Troubleshooting Warnings
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.2 Troubleshooting Warnings
One of the con-
A.9b0: Replace the part. Contact
sumable parts has
Preventative Mainte- reached the end – your Yaskawa representa- page 9-15
nance Warning tive for replacement.
of its service life.
Continued on next page.
14.3 Warning Displays
14.3.2 Troubleshooting Warnings
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
(provided as an acces-
sory) to CN8.
Turn OFF the power
supply to the servo
A failure occurred in the SER-
– system. –
Replace the SERVO-
PACK. 14
Continued on next page.
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
14.4 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor
Parameter Lists
This chapter provides information on the parameters.
No. Range Unit Setting ble Motors Enabled fication ence
0000h to
2 Basic Function Selections 0 10B1h − 0000h All After restart Setup −
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Basic Function Selec- 0000h to After
tions 0 10B1h – 0000h All
Setup –
Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Group 1 Alarms Reference
0 Stop the motor by applying the dynamic brake.
n. X Stop the motor by the applying dynamic brake and then release
1 page 5-34
the dynamic brake.
2 Coast the motor to a stop without the dynamic brake.
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Application Function 0000h to After
2 Selections 2 4213h – 0000h – restart Setup –
Encoder Usage Reference
Use the encoder according to encoder specifica-
n. X tions. All
1 Use the encoder as an incremental encoder. page 6-18
Pn002 Use the encoder as a single-turn absolute
2 Rotary
External Encoder Usage Reference
0 Do not use an external encoder.
The external encoder moves in the forward direc-
n.X tion for CCW motor rotation.
2 Reserved setting (Do not use.) Rotary page 10-6
The external encoder moves in the reverse direc-
tion for CCW motor rotation.
4 Reserved setting (Do not use.)
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Application Function 0000h to Immedi- page
2 Selections 6 105Fh – 0002h All ately Setup
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Application Function 0000h to Immedi- page
2 Selections 7 105Fh – 0000h All ately Setup
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Application Function 0000h to After
2 Selections 8 7121h – 4000h Rotary restart Setup –
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Application Function 0000h to After
2 Selections A 1044h – 0001h All restart Setup –
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Application Function 0000h to After page
2 Selections C 0131h – 0000h – restart Setup
Function Selection for Test without a Motor
0 Disable tests without a motor.
1 Enable tests without a motor.
Encoder Resolution for Tests without a Motor
0 Use 13 bits.
Pn00C n.X 1 Use 20 bits.
2 Use 22 bits.
3 Use 24 bits.
Encoder Type Selection for Tests without a Motor
0 Use an incremental encoder.
1 Use an absolute encoder.
Reserved parameter
Pn00E 2 (Do not change.) – – 0000h All – – –
Application Function 0000h to After
Selections F 2011h – 0000h All
Setup –
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Σ-V Compatible Func- 0000h to After
2 tion Switch 2111h – 0000h – restart Setup –
Encoder Resolution Compatibility Selection
n.X 0 Use the encoder resolution of the Servomotor.
Use a resolution of 20 bits when connected to an SGM7J, Rotary
SGM7A, SGM7P, SGM7G, SGM7E, or SGM7F Servomotor.
Immedi- page
Pn100 2 Speed Loop Gain 10 to 20,000 0.1 Hz 400 All Tuning
ately 8-79
Speed Loop Integral Immedi- page
Pn101 2 15 to 51,200 0.01 ms 2000 All Tuning
Time Constant ately 8-79
Immedi- page
Pn102 2 Position Loop Gain 10 to 20,000 0.1/s 400 All Tuning
ately 8-79
Immedi- page
Pn103 2 Moment of Inertia Ratio 0 to 20,000 1% 100 All Tuning
ately 8-79
Second Speed Loop Immedi- page
Pn104 2 10 to 20,000 0.1 Hz 400 All Tuning
Gain ately 8-66
Second Speed Loop Immedi- page
Pn105 2 15 to 51,200 0.01 ms 2000 All Tuning
Integral Time Constant ately 8-66
Continued on next page.
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Second Position Loop Immedi- page
Pn106 2 Gain 10 to 20,000 0.1/s 400 All ately Tuning
Immedi- page
Pn109 2 Feedforward 0 to 100 1% 0 All ately Tuning
Feedforward Filter Time Immedi- page
Pn10A 2 Constant 0 to 6,400 0.01 ms 0 All ately Tuning
Gain Application Selec- 0000h to −
2 tions 5334h – 0000h All – Setup
Mode Switching Selection Reference
Use the internal torque reference as the condition
(level setting: Pn10C).
Use the speed reference as the condition (level set-
ting: Pn10D).
Use the speed reference as the condition (level set-
n.X ting: Pn181).
Use the acceleration reference as the condition (level Immedi- page 8-90
setting: Pn10E).
Use the acceleration reference as the condition (level
Pn10B setting: Pn182).
Use the position deviation as the condition (level set-
ting: Pn10F).
4 Do not use mode switching.
Speed Loop Control Method Reference
n.X 0 PI control
1 I-P control After page 8-85
2, 3 Reserved settings (Do not use.)
Pn10E 2
Mode Switching Level
0 to 30,000 1 min-1/ 0 Rotary
for Acceleration s ately 8-90
1 refer- page
Pn10F 2 Mode Switching Level 0 to 10,000 ence 0 All Immedi- Tuning
for Position Deviation ately 8-90
Position Integral Time Immedi- page
Pn11F 2 Constant 0 to 50,000 0.1 ms 0 All ately Tuning
Friction Compensation Immedi- 8-66,
Pn121 2 10 to 1,000 1% 100 All Tuning
Gain ately page
Second Friction Com- Immedi- 8-66,
Pn122 2 10 to 1,000 1% 100 All Tuning
Parameter Lists
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Immedi- page
Pn132 2 Gain Switching Time 2 0 to 65,535 1 ms 0 All ately Tuning
Gain Switching Waiting Immedi- page
Pn135 2 Time 1 0 to 65,535 1 ms 0 All ately Tuning
Gain Switching Waiting Immedi- page
Pn136 2 Time 2 0 to 65,535 1 ms 0 All ately Tuning
Automatic Gain Switch- 0000h to Immedi- page
2 ing Selections 1 0052h – 0000h All ately Tuning
Immedi- page
Pn13D 2 Current Gain Level 100 to 2,000 1% 2000 All Tuning
ately 8-73
Model Following Con- 0000h to Immedi-
trol-Related Selections 1121h – 0100h All
Tuning –
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Model Following Con- page
Pn144 2 trol Bias in the Reverse 0 to 10,000 0.1% 1000 All Immedi- Tuning
ately 8-86
Vibration Suppression 1 Immedi- page
Pn145 2 Frequency A 10 to 2,500 0.1 Hz 500 All ately Tuning
Vibration Suppression 1 Immedi- page
Pn146 2 Frequency B 10 to 2,500 0.1 Hz 700 All ately Tuning
Model Following Con- page
Pn147 2 trol Speed Feedforward 0 to 10,000 0.1% 1000 All Immedi- Tuning
ately 8-86
Second Model Follow- Immedi-
Pn148 2 ing Control Gain 10 to 20,000 0.1/s 500 All ately Tuning –
Second Model Follow- Immedi-
Pn149 2 ing Control Gain Correc- 500 to 2,000 0.1% 1000 All
Tuning –
Vibration Suppression 2 Immedi- page
Pn14A 2 10 to 2,000 0.1 Hz 800 All Tuning
Frequency ately 8-59
Vibration Suppression 2 Immedi- page
Pn14B 2 10 to 1,000 1% 100 All Tuning
Correction ately 8-59
Control-Related Selec- 0000h to After
tions 0021h – 0021h All
Tuning –
Parameter Lists
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Anti-Resonance Filter page
Pn164 2 Time Constant 1 Cor- -1,000 to 0.01 ms 0 All Immedi- Tuning
1,000 ately 8-51
Anti-Resonance Filter page
Pn165 2 Time Constant 2 Cor- -1,000 to 0.01 ms 0 All Immedi- Tuning
1,000 ately 8-51
Anti-Resonance Damp- Immedi- page
Pn166 2 ing Gain 2 0 to 1,000 1% 0 All ately Tuning
Tuning-less Function- 0000h to page
2 Related Selections 2711h – 1401h All – Setup
Tuning-less Selection
0 Disable tuning-less function. After
1 Enable tuning-less function. restart
Tuning-less Load Level
0 to 2 Set the load level for the tuning-less function.
Pn207 /COIN (Positioning Completion Output) Signal Output Timing
Output when the absolute value of the position deviation is the
0 same or less than the setting of Pn522 (Positioning Completed
n.X Output when the absolute value of the position error is the same
1 or less than the setting of Pn522 (Positioning Completed Width) page 8-66
and the reference after the position reference filter is 0.
Output when the absolute value of the position error is the same
2 or less than the setting of Pn522 (Positioning Completed Width)
and the reference input is 0.
1 scale
Number of External 4 to pitch/ After page
Pn20A 4 32768 Rotary Setup
Encoder Scale Pitches 1,048,576 revolu- restart 10-7
Electronic Gear Ratio 1 to After page
Pn20E 4 1 64 All Setup
(Numerator) 1,073,741,824 restart 5-41
Electronic Gear Ratio 1 to After page
Pn210 4 1 1 All Setup
(Denominator) 1,073,741,824 restart 5-41
Continued on next page.
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Number of Encoder 16 to After page
Pn212 4 Output Pulses 1,073,741,824 1 P/Rev 2048 Rotary restart Setup
Reserved parameter
Pn217 2 (Do not change.) – – 0 All – – –
Fully-closed Control 0000h to After page
Selections 1003h – 0000h Rotary
Reserved parameter
Pn30C 2
(Do not change.) – – 0 All – – –
Continued on next page.
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Vibration Detection 0000h to Immedi- page
2 Selections 0002h – 0000h All ately Setup
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Torque-Related Func- 0000h to
2 tion Selections 1111h – 0000h All – Setup –
Notch Filter Selection 1 Reference
0 Disable first stage notch filter. Immedi- page 8-82
1 Enable first stage notch filter. ately
Friction Compensation Function Selection Reference
0 Disable friction compensation. Immedi-
page 8-69
1 Enable friction compensation. ately
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Third Stage Notch Filter Immedi- page
Pn418 2 Q Value 50 to 1,000 0.01 70 All ately Tuning
Third Stage Notch Filter Immedi- page
Pn419 2 Depth 0 to 1,000 0.001 0 All ately Tuning
Fourth Stage Notch Fil- Immedi- page
Pn41A 2 ter Frequency 50 to 5,000 1 Hz 5000 All ately Tuning
Fourth Stage Notch Fil- Immedi- page
Pn41B 2 ter Q Value 50 to 1,000 0.01 70 All ately Tuning
Fourth Stage Notch Fil- Immedi- page
Pn41C 2 ter Depth 0 to 1,000 0.001 0 All ately Tuning
Fifth Stage Notch Filter Immedi- page
Pn41D 2 Frequency 50 to 5,000 1 Hz 5000 All ately Tuning
Fifth Stage Notch Filter Immedi- page
Pn41E 2 Q Value 50 to 1,000 0.01 70 All ately Tuning
Fifth Stage Notch Filter Immedi- page
Pn41F 2 Depth 0 to 1,000 0.001 0 All ately Tuning
Speed Ripple Compen- 0000h to page
2 sation Selections 1111h – 0000h Rotary – Setup
Speed Ripple Compensation Function Selection
n. X
0 Disable speed ripple compensation. Immedi-
1 Enable speed ripple compensation. ately
Speed Ripple Compensation Enable Condition Selection
n. X
0 Speed reference After
1 Motor speed restart
Reserved parameter
Pn426 2
(Do not change.) – – 0 All – – –
Speed Ripple Compen- Rotary Ser- Immedi- page
Pn427 2
sation Enable Speed
0 to 10,000 1 min-1 0
vomotor ately
Sweep Torque Refer- Immedi- page
Pn456 2 1 to 800 1% 15 All Tuning
ence Amplitude ately 8-98
Continued on next page.
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Notch Filter Adjustment 0000h to Immedi- 8-14,
Selections 1 0101h – 0101h All
Pn48E 2
Polarity Detection
1 to 65,535 1 mm 10 Linear
Tuning – 15
Polarity Detection Load Immedi-
Pn490 2 Level 0 to 20,000 1% 100 Linear ately Tuning –
Continued on next page.
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Polarity Detection Con-
Pn495 2 firmation Force Refer- 0 to 200 1% 100 Linear
Tuning –
Polarity Detection Allow- Immedi-
Pn498 2 able Error Range 0 to 30 1 deg 10 Linear ately Tuning –
Speed Ripple Compen- Immedi- page
Pn49F 2 0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 0 Linear Tuning
sation Enable Speed ately 8-64
Immedi- page
Pn502 2 Rotation Detection Level 1 to 10,000 1 min-1 20 Rotary
Reserved parameter
Pn503 2
(Do not change.) – – 10 Rotary – – –
Brake Reference-Servo Immedi- page
Pn506 2 0 to 50 10 ms 0 All Setup
OFF Delay Time ately 5-30
Brake Reference Out- Immedi- page
Pn507 2
put Speed Level
0 to 10,000 1 min-1 100 Rotary
Servo OFF-Brake Com- Immedi- page
Pn508 2 10 to 100 10 ms 50 All Setup
mand Waiting Time ately 5-30
Momentary Power Inter- Immedi- page
Pn509 2 20 to 50,000 1 ms 20 All Setup
ruption Hold Time ately 6-5
Reserved parameter
Pn50A 2
(Do not change.) – – 1881h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn50B 2 (Do not change.) – – 8882h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn50E 2
(Do not change.) – – 0000h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn50F 2
(Do not change.) – – 0100h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn510 2 (Do not change.) – – 0000h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn511 2
(Do not change.) – – 6543h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn512 2
(Do not change.) – – 0000h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn514 2 (Do not change.) – – 0000h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn516 2
(Do not change.) – – 8888h All – – –
Reserved parameter
Pn517 2
(Do not change.) – – 0000h All – – –
Safety Module-Related
Pn518 – Parameters – – – All – – –
Motor-Load Position 0 to 1 refer- Immedi- page
Pn51B 4 Deviation Overflow ence 1000 Rotary Setup
Detection Level 1,073,741,824 unit ately 10-8
1 refer- page
1 to 107374 Immedi-
Pn524 4 Near Signal Width 1,073,741,824 ence 1824 All ately Setup
unit 8-66
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Immedi- page
Pn52B 2 Overload Warning Level 1 to 100 1% 20 All ately Setup
Base Current Derating page
Pn52C 2 at Motor Overload 10 to 100 1% 100 All After Setup
restart 5-39
Program Jogging- 0000h to Immedi- page
2 Related Selections 0005h – 0000h All ately Setup
1 refer- page
Pn531 4 Program Jogging Travel 1 to ence 32768 All Immedi- Setup
Distance 1,073,741,824 ately 7-12
1 min-1
Program Jogging Move- Direct Immedi- page
Pn533 2 1 to 10,000 500 Rotary Setup
ment Speed Drive: ately 7-12
Program Jogging Accel- page
Pn534 2 eration/Deceleration 2 to 10,000 1 ms 100 All ately Setup
Time 7-12
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
Overshoot Detection Immedi- 8-30,
Pn561 2 0 to 100 1% 100 All Setup
Level ately page
Immedi- page
Pn581 2 Zero Speed Level 1 to 10,000 1 mm/s 20 Linear Setup
ately 1-8
Reserved parameter
Pn582 2
(Do not change.) – – 10 Linear – – –
Brake Reference Out- Immedi- page
Pn583 2 put Speed Level 0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 10 Linear ately Setup
Speed Limit Level at Immedi- page
Pn584 2 Servo ON 0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 10000 Linear ately Setup
Program Jogging Move- Immedi- page
Pn585 2 ment Speed 1 to 10,000 1 mm/s 50 Linear ately Setup
Motor Running Cooling Immedi-
Pn586 2
0 to 100 Max. 0 Linear
Setup –
Reserved parameter
Pn587 2 (Do not change.) – – 0000h Linear – – –
Regenerative Resistor Depends on Immedi- page
Pn600 2 10 W 0 All Setup
Capacity*2 model.*3 ately 5-52
Dynamic Brake Resis-
Pn601 2 tor Allowable Energy 0 to 65,535 10 J 0 All After Setup *4
Regenerative Resis- Immedi- page
Pn603 2 0 to 65,535 10 mΩ 0 All Setup
tance ately 5-52
Dynamic Brake Resis- After *4
Pn604 2 tance 0 to 65,535 10 mΩ 0 All restart Setup
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
1 refer-
PnB03 4 Origin Approach Speed 1 to ence 20000 All Immedi- Setup
115,343,500 ately
unit/s page
1 refer- 12-4
PnB04 4 Origin Return Creep 1 to ence 10000 All Immedi- Setup
Speed 115,343,500 ately
1 refer- page
PnB05 4 Final Travel Distance for 0 to ence 0 All Immedi- Setup
Origin Return 2,147,483,647 ately 12-4
-2,147,483,647 1 refer- page
PnB09 4 Origin Offset to ence 0 All Immedi- Setup
ately 12-4
2,147,483,647 unit
Coordinate Type Selec- 0000h and Immedi- page
2 tion 0001h – 0000h All ately Setup
0000h Linear
0001h Rotary
1 refer- page
PnB13 4 Reference Units per 1 to ence 360000 All After Setup
Machine Revolution 1,500,000 restart 12-2
-2,147,483,647 1 refer-
PnB16 4 Forward Software Limit to ence 214748 All Immedi- Setup
3647 ately
2,147,483,647 unit page
1 refer- 6-16
PnB17 4 Reverse Software Limit -2147483647 to ence -214748 All Immedi- Setup
2147483647 3647 ately
Software Limit Action 0000h to Immedi- page
Selection 0005h – 0000h All
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
0000h to Immedi- page
2 Filter Selection 0003h – 0000h All ately Setup
0000h No filter
PnB29 0001h Filter for exponential acceleration/deceleration
0002h Filter for exponential acceleration/deceleration with bias
0003h Average movement time filter
1 refer-
15,625 to ence Immedi-
PnB2A 4 Acceleration Rate 4000000 All Setup
2,047,968,750 ately
unit/s2 page
1 refer- 12-11
15,625 to ence Immedi-
PnB2B 4 Deceleration Rate 2,047,968,750 4000000 All ately Setup
Time Constant for Expo-
PnB40 2 nential Acceleration/ 4 to 1,000 1 ms 4 All Immedi- Setup
Deceleration page
Exponential Accelera- 1 refer- 12-12
PnB41 4 tion/Deceleration Bias 0 to ence 0 All Immedi- Setup
115,343,500 ately
Speed unit/s
Average Movement page
PnB42 2 Time Filter Time Con- 4 to 4,000 1 ms 25 All Immedi- Setup
ately 12-12
1 refer-
PnB50 2 Positioning Completed 0 to 255 ence 5 All Immedi- Setup
Width ately page
Positioning Completion Immedi-
PnB51 2 Timeout Time 0 to 65,535 1 ms 0 All ately Setup
Input Signal Logic Set- 0000h to Immedi- page
ting 00A3h – 0000h All
15.1 List of Parameters
15.1.2 List of Parameters
No. Range Unit Setting Motors Enabled fication ence
0000h to Immedi- page
2 Input Signal Setting
00A3h – 00A3h All
Bits 0 to 10 Reserved.
Bit 11 Automatic Reset (0 = Do not execute, 1 = Execute)
Command Error Clearing Method (0 = Clear error when Valid Data in the command
Bit 12 message is 0, 1 = Automatically reset error when the data in the command mes-
PnBA5 sage is normal)
Main Circuit Power Supply Error Mask (0 = Detect main circuit power supply errors,
Bit 13
0 = Do not detect main circuit power supply errors)
Main Circuit/Control Power Alarm Clearing Method (0 = Use the alarm clear com-
Bit 14
mand, 1 = Automatically reset alarm when power is restored)
Positioning Command Method after Continuous Operation (0 = Use positioning
Bit 15
command, 1 = Use switching command)
*4. These parameters are for SERVOPACKs with the Dynamic Brake Hardware Option. Refer to the following man-
ual for details.
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S/Σ-7W SERVOPACK with Dynamic Brake Hardware Option Specifications Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 73)
*5. The SGLFW2 is the only Yaskawa Linear Servomotor that supports this function.
*6. Enabled only when Pn61A is set to n.2 or n.3.
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
Vibration Suppression 2
Pn14A 800 Immediately
Vibration Suppression 2
Pn14B 100 Immediately
Pn14F 0011h Control-Related Selections After restart
Anti-Resonance Control-
Pn160 0010h Immediately
Related Selections 15
Pn161 1000 Anti-Resonance Frequency Immediately
Continued on next page.
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
Fourth Stage Notch Filter Q
Pn41B 70 Immediately
Fourth Stage Notch Filter
Pn41C 0 Immediately
Fifth Stage Notch Filter Fre-
Pn41D 5000 Immediately
Fifth Stage Notch Filter Q
Pn41E 70 Immediately
Continued on next page.
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
Pn553 100
Analog Monitor 2 Magnifi-
Immediately 15
Continued on next page.
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
15.2 Parameter Recording Table
Parameter Lists
The appendix provides corresponding SERVOPACK and
SigmaWin+ function names.
16.1 Corresponding SERVOPACK and SigmaWin+ Function Names
16.1.1 Corresponding SERVOPACK Utility Function Names
16.1 Corresponding SERVOPACK and SigmaWin+ Function Names
16.1.2 Corresponding SERVOPACK Monitor Display Function Names
Button in
Menu Dia- Name [Unit] Un No. Name [Unit]
log Box
Motor Speed [min-1] Un000 Motor Speed [min-1]
Speed Reference [min ] Un001 Speed Reference [min-1]
Torque Reference [%]
Torque Reference [%] Un002
(percentage of rated torque)
• Rotary Servomotors:
• Rotary Servomotors:
Rotational Angle 1 [encoder pulses]
Rotational Angle 1 [encoder pulses]
(number of encoder pulses from origin within
(number of encoder pulses from origin within
one encoder rotation displayed in decimal)
one encoder rotation) Un003
• Linear Servomotors:
• Linear Servomotors:
Electrical Angle 1 [linear encoder pulses]
Electrical Angle 1 [linear encoder pulses]
(linear encoder pulses from the polarity origin
(linear encoder pulses from the polarity origin)
displayed in decimal)
• Rotary Servomotors:
• Rotary Servomotors:
Rotational Angle 2 [deg]
Rotational Angle 2 [deg]
(electrical angle from origin within one encoder
(electrical angle from polarity origin)
rotation) Un004
• Linear Servomotors:
• Linear Servomotors:
Electrical Angle 2 [deg]
Electrical Angle 2 [deg]
(electrical angle from polarity origin)
(electrical angle from polarity origin)
Input Reference Pulse Speed [min-1]
Input Reference Pulse Speed [min-1] Un007
(displayed only during position control)
Position Error Amount [reference units]
Position Deviation [reference units] Un008
(displayed only during position control)
Accumulated Load Ratio [%]
Accumulated Load Ratio [%] Un009 (percentage of rated torque: effective torque in
cycles of 10 seconds)
Monitor Regenerative Load Ratio [%]
(percentage of processable regenerative power:
Regenerative Load Ratio [%] Un00A
regenerative power consumption in cycles of 10
Power Consumed by DB Resistance [%]
Dynamic Brake Resistor Power Consumption
Un00B (percentage of processable power at DB activa-
tion: displayed in cycles of 10 seconds)
Input Reference Pulse Counter [reference units] Un00C Input Reference Pulse Counter [reference units]
Feedback Pulse Counter [encoder pulses] Un00D Feedback Pulse Counter [encoder pulses]
Fully-closed Loop Feedback Pulse Counter Fully-closed Loop Feedback Pulse Counter
[external encoder resolution] [external encoder resolution]
Upper Limit Setting of Motor Maximum Speed/ Upper Limit Setting of Motor Maximum Speed/
Upper Limit Setting of Encoder Output Resolu- Un010*1 Upper Limit Setting of Encoder Output Resolu-
tion tion
Total Operation Time [100 ms] Un012 Total Operation Time [100 ms]
Feedback Pulse Counter [reference units] Un013 Feedback Pulse Counter [reference units]
Overheat Protection Input [0.01 V] Un02F Overheat Protection Input [0.01 V]
Current Backlash Compensation Value [0.1 ref- Current Backlash Compensation Value [0.1 ref-
erence units] erence units]
Backlash Compensation Value Setting Limit [0.1 Backlash Compensation Value Setting Limit [0.1
reference units] reference units]
Power Consumption [W] Un032 Power Consumption [W]
Consumed Power [0.001 Wh] Un033 Consumed Power [0.001 Wh]
Cumulative Power Consumption [Wh] Un034 Cumulative Power Consumption [Wh]
Absolute Encoder Multiturn Data Un040 Absolute Encoder Multiturn Data
Continued on next page.
16.1 Corresponding SERVOPACK and SigmaWin+ Function Names
16.1.2 Corresponding SERVOPACK Monitor Display Function Names
16.2 DeviceNet Object Model
Parameter Objects
(Control and Command Block
SERVOPACK) Objects (255 max.)
Block Sequencer
Position Controller
Origin signal and other signals Supervisor Object Identity Object
Assembly Object
Connection Objects
DeviceNet network
16.2 DeviceNet Object Model
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.1 Identity Object
Class: 0x01
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Gives the identification number of the
1 Get Vendor ID UINT 44
2 Get Device Type UINT Gives the general type of the product. 0x10
Gives the identification number of the
3 Get Product Code USINT
product. 0x270, 0x271*1
Gives the revision of the item that the
4 Get Revision – 1.x
identity object represents.
Gives the overall status of the SER-
5 Get Status WORD –
Serial Num- Gives the serial number of the SER-
6 Get UDINT PACK has its own
Product SGDV-OCA04A,
7 Get STRING Gives a name to identify the product.
Name SGDV-OCA05A*2
*1. SGDV-OCA04A: 0x270
SGDV-OCA05A: 0x271
Service Code Service Description
0x05 Reset Executes a software reset of the SERVOPACK.
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the data of the specified attribute.
Class: 0x02
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.3 DeviceNet Object
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
1 Get MAC ID USINT Gives the node address. 0 to 63
2 Get Baud Rate USINT Gives the baud rate. 0 to 2
3 Get BOI BOOL Indicates a bus-OFF interrupt. 0x00
Bus-Off Gives the number of times the CAN went
4 Get USINT 0 to 255
Counter to the bus-OFF state
A structure that includes the following members.
0x00 to 0x03
Bit 0: Explicit
Allocation Gives the connection type of the master/
5 Get Byte message
Choice Byte slave connection.
Bit 1: Polled
Master’s Gives the node address of the master
USINT 0 to 63
MAC ID device.
MAC ID Indicates a change in the node address
0: No change
6 Get Switch BOOL (NA x10 and x1 rotary switches) after the
1: Change
Changed power supply is turned ON.
Baud Rate Indicates a change in the baud rate
0: No change
7 Get Switch BOOL (rotary switch DR) after the power supply
1: Change
Changed is turned ON.
MAC ID Gives the actual value of the node
8 Get USINT 0 to 63
Switch Value address (NA x10 and x1 rotary switches).
Baud Rate Gives the actual value of the baud rate
9 Get USINT 0 to 2
Switch Value (rotary switch DR).
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x4B Requests the use of the master/slave connection.
0x4C Releases the master/slave connection.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.4 Assembly Objects
Class: 0x04
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instances 1 and 2
Attributes for Instance 1: Input
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Gives the input data to the SERVO-
3 Get Data Array –
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
Class: 0x05
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instances 1 and 2
Attributes for Instance 1: Explicit Messages
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
1 Get State USINT Gives the state of the object. –
2 Get Instance_Type USINT Gives the message connection. 0x00
3 Get Byte Defines the behavior of the connection. 0x83
Produced_ Placed in the CAN ID field when the con-
4 Get UINT –
Connection_ID nection sends a message.
Consumed_ Gives the value of the CAN ID field that
5 Get UINT –
Connection_ID indicates the message to receive.
Defines the message group where mes-
6 Get USINT sage transmission and reception process- 0x21
ing for this connection occur.
Gives the maximum number of bytes sent
7 Get Connection_ UINT 0x00FF
through this connection.
Gives the maximum number of bytes
8 Get Connection_ UINT 0x00FF
received through this connection.
Continued on next page.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.5 Connection Objects
USINT 20_04_24_0
16 Get Connection_ receive the data that was received by this
Array 2_30_03
Path connection object.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.6 Position Controller Supervisor Object
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
Class: 0x24
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Number of Gives the number of attributes contained in
1 Get USINT –
Attributes this object.
Array of Gives the arrangement of the attribute
2 Get Attribute List –
USINT numbers that are contained in this object.
3 Get Axis Instance USINT Gives the axis number. Always 1.
5 Get General Fault BOOL Gives the status of the SERVOPACK. 1: Alarm
6 Get/Set Assembly USINT Specifies the command code. –
7 Get/Set Assembly USINT Specifies the response code. –
10 Get/Set Home Action USINT Specifies the origin return type. –
0: Normally
Home Active closed.
11 Set BOOL Specifies the polarity of origin signal input.
Level 1: Normally
1: Origin
12 Get/Set Home Arm BOOL Specifies a origin return command.
Home Input 0: Open
16 Get BOOL Gives the origin signal input status.
Level 1: Closed
Home Posi-
17 Get/Set DINT Specifies the origin position offset. –
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.7 Position Controller Object
Class: 0x25
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Number of Gives the number of attributes contained
1 Get USINT –
Attributes in this object.
Array of Gives the arrangement of the attribute
2 Get Attribute List –
USINT numbers that are contained in this object.
0: Positioning
3 Get/Set Mode USINT Specifies the operating mode. 1: Continuous
Target Posi- Specifies the target position. 0x80000001 to
6 Get/Set DINT
tion Unit: Reference units 0x7FFFFFFF
Target Veloc- Specifies the target rate. 1 to
7 Get/Set DINT
ity Unit: Reference units/s 115,343,500
Specifies the acceleration rate. 15,625 to
8 Get/Set Acceleration DINT
Unit: Reference units/s2 2,047,968,750
Specifies the deceleration rate. 15,625 to
9 Get/Set Deceleration DINT
Unit: Reference units/s2 2,047,968,750
Incremental Specifies either absolute or incremental 0: Absolute
10 Get/Set BOOL
Position positioning. 1: Incremental
1: Start opera-
11 Get/Set Start/Com- BOOL Starts operation.
0: Operation
1: Within posi-
On Target Indicates whether the current position is
12 Get BOOL tioning com-
Position within the positioning completed width.
pleted width.
Actual Posi- Gives the current position. 0x80000001 to
13 Get/Set DINT
tion Unit: Reference units 0x7FFFFFFF
Actual Gives the current speed. 0 to
14 Get DINT
Velocity Unit: Reference units/s 115,343,500
Commanded Gives the reference position. 0x80000001 to
15 Get DINT
Position Unit: Reference units 0x7FFFFFFF
Commanded Gives the command speed. 0 to
16 Get DINT
Velocity Unit: Reference units/s 115,343,500
0: Servo OFF
17 Get/Set Enable BOOL Specifies a Servo ON command.
1: Servo ON
Specifies the acceleration/deceleration
18 Get/Set Profile Type USINT –
Specifies the time constant for S-curve
19 Get/Set Profile Gain DINT 4 to 4,000
Specifies the command to decelerate to 1: Smooth Stop
20 Get/Set Smooth Stop BOOL
a stop. command
1: Hard Stop
21 Get/Set Hard Stop BOOL Specifies the Hard Stop command.
Specifies the speed for continuous oper-
1 to
22 Get/Set Jog Velocity DINT ation.
Unit: Reference units/s
Continued on next page. 16
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.7 Position Controller Object
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.8 Block Sequencer Object
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
Class: 0x26
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Specifies the block number of the start
1 Get/Set Block USINT 1 to 255
1: Starts execu-
Block Exe- Specifies the command to start program tion.
2 Get/Set BOOL
cute execution. 0: Execution
Gives the number of the command block
3 Get Current Block USINT 1 to 255
that is being executed.
4 Get Block Fault BOOL Gives the program execution status. 1: Alarm
0: Normal
1: Invalid block
Block Fault Gives the alarm code for program execu- data
Code tion. 2: Timeout
3: Execution
0 to 16
6 Set Counter DINT Specifies the sequence counter.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.9 Command Block Objects
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
Class: 0x27
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instances 1 to 255
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Block Com-
1 Get/Set USINT Specifies the block command. –
Specifies the number of the next com-
2 Get/Set Block Link # USINT mand block to execute. –
A value of 0 indicates the last block.
Depends on
3 Get/Set – Depends on the block command. –
Command #
Depends on
4 Get/Set – Depends on the block command. –
Command #
Depends on
5 Get/Set – Depends on the block command. –
Command #
Depends on
6 Get/Set – Depends on the block command. –
Command #
Depends on
7 Get/Set – Depends on the block command. –
Command #
Service Code Service Description
0x01 Get_Attribute_All Returns all the data of the specified instance.
0x02 Set_Attribute_All Changes all the data of the specified instance.
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.10 Control Parameter Object
Class: 0x64
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Specifies the final travel distance for origin
Final Travel 0 to
15 Get/Set DINT returns.
Distance 0x7FFFFFFF
Unit: Reference units
Coordinate 0: Linear
32 Get/Set BOOL Specifies the coordinate type.
Type 1: Rotary
Specifies the number of reference units
Value per 1 to
33 Get/Set DINT per machine revolution.
Machine 1,500,000
Unit: Reference units
Time Con-
stant Specifies the time constant for exponen-
70 Get/Set for Exponen- UINT tial acceleration/deceleration. 4 to 1,000
tial Unit: ms
Specifies the bias speed for exponential
0 to
71 Get/Set Bias Velocity DINT acceleration/deceleration.
Unit: Reference units/s
Specifies the positioning completion time-
91 Get/Set UINT out time. 0 to 65,535
Unit: ms
Specifies the switching mode when
99 Get/Set Switch Mode UINT 0 to 2
changing to position control.
Input Signal
173 Get/Set Logic UINT Specifies the polarity of the input signals. –
Input Signal
174 Get/Set UINT Enables the input signals. –
Initializing Initializes the absolute encoder and
253 Get/Set UINT –
Function parameters.
255 Get/Set UINT Defines the action. –
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute.
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.11 SERVOPACK Parameter Object
Class: 0x66
Attributes: Not supported.
Services: Not supported.
Instance 1
No. Access Name Data Type Description Value
Basic Function 0x0000 to
10 Get/Set UINT Sets the Basic Function Selections 0.
Select Switch 0 0x00B3
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
11 Get/Set Function Select UINT
1. 0x1122
Switch 1
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
12 Get/Set Function Select UINT
2. 0x4113
Switch 2
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
13 Get/Set Function Select UINT
6. 0x005F
Switch 6
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
14 Get/Set Function Select UINT
7. 0x005F
Switch 7
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
15 Get/Set Function Select UINT
8. 0x7121
Switch 8
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
16 Get/Set Function Select UINT
9. 0x0111
Switch 9
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
17 Get/Set Function Select UINT
B. 0x1111
Switch B
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
18 Get/Set Function Select UINT
C. 0x0111
Switch C
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
19 Get/Set Function Select UINT
D. 0x1001
Switch D
Sets the Application Function Selections 0x0000 to
21 Get/Set Function Select UINT
80. 0x1111
Switch 80
Speed Loop Sets the speed loop gain.
23 Get/Set UINT 10 to 20,000
Gain Unit: 0.1 Hz
Speed Loop Sets the speed loop integral time con-
24 Get/Set Integral Time UINT stant. 15 to 51,200
Constant Unit: 0.01 ms
Position Loop Sets the position loop gain.
25 Get/Set UINT 10 to 20,000
Gain Unit: 0.1/s
Moment of Iner- Sets the moment of inertia ratio.
26 Get/Set UINT 15 to 51,200
tia Ratio Unit: %
2nd Speed Sets the second speed loop gain.
27 Get/Set UINT 10 to 20,000
Loop Gain Unit: 0.1 Hz
2nd Speed Sets the second speed loop integral time
28 Get/Set Loop Integral UINT constant. 15 to 51,200
Time Constant Unit: 0.1 Hz
Continued on next page.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.11 SERVOPACK Parameter Object
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.11 SERVOPACK Parameter Object
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.11 SERVOPACK Parameter Object
Limit Unit: %
Reverse Torque Sets the reverse torque limit.
99 Get/Set UINT 0 to 800
Limit Unit: %
Torque Related
Sets the torque-related function selec- 0x0000 to
104 Get/Set Function UINT
tions. 0x1111
Continued on next page.
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.11 SERVOPACK Parameter Object
16.3 DeviceNet Attributes
16.3.11 SERVOPACK Parameter Object
Service Code Service Description
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the value of the specified attribute. 16
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Changes the value of the specified attribute.
16.4 Relationship between Parameters and Attributes
16.4 Relationship between Parameters and Attributes
16.4 Relationship between Parameters and Attributes
16.4 Relationship between Parameters and Attributes
16.4 Relationship between Parameters and Attributes
16.5 Relation between Alarm Codes and Alarm Numbers
0x12 – Regeneration Error A.320 Regenerative Overload
A.920 Regenerative Overload Warning
Continued on next page.
16.5 Relation between Alarm Codes and Alarm Numbers
automatic detection of connected motor- - - - - - - - - - - 5-15 command error clear method - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-16
Feed Speed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-11 jogging - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-6
feedback pulse counter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-23
feedforward - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-89 L
feedforward compensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-89 limiting torque - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-17
Linear Encoder
FG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-36
wiring example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-27
filter selection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-6
linear encoder
final travel distance for origin return - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-4
feedback resolution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-43
forward direction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-6
scale pitch setting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-17
forward rotation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-16
Linear Servomotor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xi
friction compensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-32, 8-69
line-driver output circuits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-40
fully-closed system - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-2
list of alarms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14-5
list of parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15-2
list of warnings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14-50
gain switching- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-66
Goto Origin command - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-27
gravity compensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-71
MAC ID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-11, 13-12
grounding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-9
Main Circuit Cable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xi
group 1 alarms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-35
main circuit power supply error mask - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-16
group 2 alarms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-35 main circuit/control power supply alarm clearing
method - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-16
H manual tuning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-79
Hard Stop - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-6 , 13-20
mechanical analysis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-93
Hard Stop operation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-20
Message Router object - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16-8
hard wire base block (HWBB) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-3
mode switching (changing between proportional
HWBB input signal specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-6 and PI control) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-90
hard wire base block (HWBB) state - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-4 module status (MS) indicator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-9
detecting errors in HWBB signal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-5 Momentary Power Interruption Hold Time - - - - - - - - - - 6-5
resetting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-5
monitor factors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-11
hardware limit operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-22
Motion Monitor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-3
holding brake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-30 motor current detection signal
Home Flag - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-10 automatic adjustment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-30
HWBB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-3, 11-4 manual adjustment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-32
detecting errors in HWBB signal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-5 offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-30
HWBB input signal specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-6 motor direction setting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-16
HWBB state motor maximum speed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-8
resetting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-5
motor overload detection level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-38
multiturn limit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-19
parameter settings recording table - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15-26 Response Assembly Code - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-7, 13-11
parameters Response Data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-11
classification- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-3 response format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-9, 13-12
initializing parameter settings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-10 Response Service Data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-12
notation (numeric settings) - - - - - - - - - - - - - xii, 5-4 reverse direction- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-6
notation (selecting functions) - - - - - - - - - - - - xii, 5-4 risk assessment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-3
setting methods - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-5 Rotary Servomotor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xi
write prohibition setting- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-8
PBO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-9, 10-7 S
PCO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-9, 10-7 Safety Function Signals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-41
photocoupler input circuits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-39 safety functions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-2
photocoupler output circuits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-40 application examples - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-10
PI control - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-86 monitoring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-5
polarity detection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-25 precautions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-2
verification test - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-12
polarity sensor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-24
safety input circuits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-41
Position Controller object - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -16-13
UDINT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-4
UINT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-4
USINT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-4
Valid Data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13-6 , 13-10
vibration suppression - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-56
Wait Equals command- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13-24
WORD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-4
writing parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-18
zero clamping - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-34
zero-speed stopping - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-34
Revision History
The revision dates and numbers of the revised manuals are given on the bottom of the back cover.
MANUAL NO. SIEP S800001 70F <5>-0
WEB revision number
Revision number
Published in Japan September 2018
Date of publication
Date of Rev.
Rev. Section Revised Contents
Publication No.
August 2020 <7> 2 Preface, Partly revised.
5.14.1, 6.5.2,
February 2020 1 4.4.3, 5.14.1, Addition: Information on Linear Encoder from Canon Precision Inc.
Back cover Revision: Address
October 2019 0 All chapters Pertly revised
March 2019 <6> 0 5.1.4, 7.6.3 Revision: Information in table of restrictions
9.2.2, 9.2.3, Partly revised.
14.2.3 Addition: Reset procedure with the SigmaWin+
Back cover Revision: Address
September 2018 <5> 0 All chapters Partly revised.
2.1.1 Revision: Built-in Regenerative resistor power loss for SGD7S-120A, -180A, -200A
4.3.1 Revision: Control power supply terminals
4.4.3, 5.14.1 Addition: Absolute linear encoder from Fagor Automation S. Coop.
5.1.4, 7.6.2, Addition: Information on applicable tools regarding Linear Servomotor
8.11.3 Revision: Enable timing for Pn423 = n.X
16.5 Deletion: A.F50
Back cover Revision: Address
December 2017 <4> 0 Preface Partly revised.
Preface, Addition: Information on Rotary Servomotors (SGM7M)
1.6.3, 1.7.1,
1.3.1 Revision: Information on nameplate
1.7.3 Addition: Information on SGLFW2-90A200AL, SGLFW2-90A560A,
and SGLFW2-1DA560A
14.2 Deletion: A.F50
Back cover Revision: Address
March 2017 <3> 0 Preface, 14.4 Partly revised.
4.4.3, 5.14.1 Addition: Information on SQ47 and SQ57 Linear Encoders from Magnescale Co., Ltd.
5.14.1 Addition: Information on LIC2100-Series and LC415 Linear Encoders from Heidenhain
5.14.1, Addition: Information on RESOLUTE Linear Encoders from Renishaw PLC.
14.2.2, Revision: Reference information
Revision History-1
Date of Rev.
Rev. Section Revised Contents
Publication No.
December 2016 <2> 0 All chapters Addition: Information on SGM7E and SGM7F Direct Drive Servomotors
Revision: Information on SigmaWin+ procedures
Deletion: Information on SGLC Linear Servomotors
Preface Partly revised.
1.6.3, 4.4.2, Addition: Information on Rotary Servomotors with 24-bit batteryless absolute encod-
4.4.3, 5.14.1, ers.
5.15, 6.8
2.1.1 Addition: Information on input current of control power supply
2.1.3, 4.2, Revision: “Linear Servomotor overheat protection signal input” changed to “overheat
4.5 protection input.”
3.7 Addition: EMC installations for single-phase 200-VAC and single-phase 100-VAC mod-
6.14, 8.12.3 Newly added.
9.2.2 Revision: Monitor items in the Status Monitor Window
Chapter 14 Addition: A.862 and A.93B
Chapter 15 Addition: Pn022, Pn475, Pn476, Pn61A, Pn61B, Pn61C, and Pn61D
Deletion: Pn52D
16.1.2 Addition: Un02F
Back cover Revision: Address
December 2015 <1> 0 Front cover Revision: Format
All chapters Completely revised.
Back cover Revision: Address and format
December 2014 − − − First edition
Revision History-2
-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Command Option Attachable Type
with DeviceNet Module
Product Manual
In the event that the end user of this product is to be the military and said product is to
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documentation according to any and all rules, regulations and laws that may apply.
Specifications are subject to change without notice for ongoing product modifications
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