Aean Super 8 MPIA Brochure A4 1

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About MPIA

The Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA), established in

2006, is a non-profit organisation recognised by the Ministry of Energy,
Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC),
formerly known as KETTHA. The MPIA is dedicated to provide a credible
and representative platform for the Malaysian solar industry. As the leading
and trusted voice of the industry, MPIA had formed a strong community of
companies and organisations with an interest in solar PV. MPIA expresses
the industry’s interests and delivers the relevant concerns to government
and policy makers that shape the landscape of the solar industry in
Malaysia. MPIA’s strong voice comes from members that consist of the
solar supply chain. This is inclusive of manufacturers, service providers,
system integrators, consultants, and insurance provider, training providers
and academicians. Our goal is to ensure the strong, efficient, ethical and
professional growth of solar industry.

Overview of Conference

Super 8 Solar Conference : Monetising Solar PV

Super 8 in conjunction with MPIA will be jointly hosting a

conference to educate the public on the benefits of installing a
solar system on their premises. These events will connect 350
potential financiers, end users with installers and suppliers to
provide a “one stop shop” experience, with crucial financial
aspects being highlighted for their investment’s viability.

We will be targeting potential customers who stand to gain directly

from solar on their premises by monetising their installation.

This will be the most focused effort of its kind to date with the
government, solar industry and industrial consumers all coming
together for the common benefit and good for the environment
and Malaysia.

Delegate Fees: Payment Details:


Normal Price (RM) 600 BANK ACCOUNT NO : 86-0074572-9
International Price (USD) 300 SWIFT CODE : CTBBMYKL
* The above fees exclude 6% SST All bank charges to be borne by sender

Kindly email payment slip to [email protected] as proof of payment

Time Organisation Points to be addressed Topic Speaker

8.00 - 9.00 REGISTRATION

Malaysian Photovoltaic Welcoming Address -

- Welcome all participants MPIA President
9.00 - 9.10 Industry Association Introduction of MPIA
- Introduce MPIA and its role. Chin Soo Mau
(MPIA) & its role

Asian Photovoltaic APVIA Sec-Gen

Address by APVIA
9.10 - 9.15 Industry Association Prof. Sulaiman
Secretary General
(APVIA) Shaari

Ministry of Energy,
Minister of
Science, Technology,
9.15 - 9.35 - Opens the Solar Conference. Launching Address MESTECC
Environment & Climate
YB Yeo Bee Yin
Change (MESTECC)

Australia’s Journey President Smart

9.35 - 9.50 Smart Energy Council to Monetizing Solar Energy Council
Photovoltaics Steve Blume

Keynote Address I -
- Present and describe details of the Government of
National Agenda on COO
9.50 - 10.10 Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) Malaysia’s implementation strategy to achieve the
Renewable Energy: Razib Dawood
declared RE target.
2% to 20% by 2025

Sustainable Energy - Present and describe the detail of available Keynote Address
Acting CEO
10.10 - 10.30 Development Authority Solar Photovoltaic programs under SEDA and its II - Solar Photovoltaic
Dr.Chen Wei-Nee
(SEDA) implimentation up to now. Outlook in Malaysia

10.30 - 10.50 NETWORKING MORNING BREAK (Press Conference)

- Describe and share real experiences on the direct

impact of electricity cost fluactuations. Electricity Cost
Federation of Malaysian - Hypothesize how photovoltaics technology can be Fluctuations Impact President
10.50 - 11.10
Manufacturer (FMM) used to dampen the direct impact of the fluctuations. on Malaysian Dato’ Soh Thian Lai
- Share thoughts on how Malaysia can lead in this Manufacturers
aspect of using renewable energy for manufacturing.

Malaysian Photovoltaic MPIA Head of

- Sharing of the richness of Solar Irradiance and the PV Solar Irradiation: 365
11.10 - 11.30 Industry Association Secretariat
potential in Malaysia - 24 - 7
(MPIA) Lionel Yap

Malaysia’s Electricity
- Present the how TNB is readily to facilitate the CVO
Tariff & Solar
11.30 - 11.50 Tenaga Nasional Berhad building owners that wanted to install solar on their Dato’ Haji Nor
Photovoltaic Industry
roof top Azman Mufti

- Sharing of return of Solar investment based on

Malaysian Photovoltaic Northen, Central, Eastern, Southern and Sabah Solar PV Installation:
MPIA Secretary
11.50 - 12.10 Industry Association Region - Present the how TNB is readily to facilitate Return of Investment
Hatim Salleh
(MPIA) the building owners that wanted to install solar on Performance
their roof top

12.10 - 12.45 Panel Discussion with Q&A Session


2.00 - 2.10 Installation Success Story of MPIA Members (Video Preview)

2.10 - 2.30 Ministry of Finance - Present the new Malaysian Administration’s policy on Financial Outlook MOF
banking facility and instruments to facilitate higher - Policy on Banking Representative/
growth in the use of PV technology. Facility and Bank Negara
- Share common and unique problems facing the Instruments for Malaysia
Bankers in making the decisions and common Renewable Energy
mistakes made by business proposals.
- Suggest ways to mitigate the risks and wise steps to
be taken to secure the financing at first try.

2.30 - 2.50 Malaysian Investment - Present the ITA available and readily of MIDA to assist Malaysia’s Green Director (Green
Development Authority companies in their pursue of green technology Incentive: Tax Tech Div) - Wan
(MIDA) Exemption & Hashimah Wan
Incentive Availability Salleh
2.50 - 3.10 Financial Institution - What are the current financial scheme available in Maximising Your Kenanga
the market and how banks will be able to assist in Returns: Cash Me Investment Bank /
financing Solar project while You Can Bank Islam / OCBC
/ Ambank / Affin /
Maybank / CIMB

3.10 - 3.30 Insurance Institution - To stress on the coverage of insurance and the Your Solar Insurance : CHUBB Insurance /
minimum risk of owning a solar system Sustainable & Secure Allianz

3.30 - 4.00 Panel Discussion with Q&A Session


MPIA Office Address
SW-03-08, Cova Square, Jalan Teknologi, Kota Damansara, PJU 5,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

[email protected]

+603 - 6151 7227

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