IMG - 0099 College Admission Test 82

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English Module III

6. Modern study of the nerves has dealt with the effect of overwork and the results of
being overfatigued.
a) Modern study often results with overwork and overfatigued dealing " the 0I 0 q
nervesupooreffect. a bcd
b) Study of overwork and fatigue often results in nerves.
c) The effects of overwork and the result of being overfatigued have often
been the focus of modern study of the nerves.
d) Nerves, study, overwork are the effects of modern life and its dealings.

7. There is also a grace of kind speaking, as well as a grace of kind listening.

a) The grace of kind ii.tenirrg is greater than the grace of kind speaking. 0 Q 0 q
b) What is the listening and speaking grace about and what kind is it?
c) The grace of kind speaking may be considered as well as the grace of kind
listening. , . "i
d) Grace speaks and listens kindly to atl. ' 1--
8. Intercollegiate sportsfests ought to aim at the real objective ofphysical culture for all.
a) Athletic culture is the real objective ofthe aim of intercollegiatephysicals.
a bcd
b) The real objective of physical culture for all should be the aim of
intercollegiate athletics.
c) Ought we to aim at all at the real objective of physical culture -
intercollegiate athletics ?
d) The aim of intercollegiate culture ought to be physical athletics.

9. Mr. Ramos has done an unusually commendable piece of work.

0O0 O
a) The piece of work by Mr. Ramos is as usual commendable.
a bcd
b) Commendations are due Mr. Ramos for doing a piece of work.
c) An unusually commendable-piece of work has been completed by Mr. Ramos.
d) The piece is commendable as trnusual by Mr. Ramos.

10. Bill Gates, when young, had all the wildness and irregularity of an indirected genius.
a) Wildness and irregularity when young; direct geniuses such as Bill Gates.
a bc d

b) Bill Gates, a wild irregular gBnius, when young directed his own plays.
c) The wildness and irregularity of an indirected genius marked Bill Gates
when he was young.
d) Wildness and genius marked Bill Gates' irregularity when young'
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